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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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"Today, the role of Alexis Davis will be played by Michael Easton"


Alexis (in Michael Easton's voice): Take me up against this wall, Julian!


And seriously, an ABC Daytime star is shitting on an ABC Primetime star and...nothing?  Say it with me, ABC - Pub.  Li.  Cist.

Uncle Frank will re-purpose the Denise wig, the Caleb eye-liner, and Olivia's maternity clothes.

  • Love 6

So, what’s next for these two?

Viola Davis will continue winning awards and being unapologetically black and awesome. And Nancy Lee Grahn will be at Sam’s Club looking for discount tissue paper.




Hilary B. Smith for the Alexis recast.  I know GH is on the same lot as Grey's,  but what about Viola's show?


Okay now THAT is a casting move I could support, except I think she's much taller than WdV, so that might be a bit awkward.

Edited by Sake614
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My Deaf culture called it, "Crab Theory"


Crab Theory is when people attack other people for their view, opinion, feelings etc. 


You don't know what it is like to play Crab Theory unless you are in the club! 


I don't want ex-soap actors or actresses because you miss him or her... Although I do miss sexy as hell Eden Riegel... That's for other topic.


My personal mantra: You'll Never Walk Alone


If you don't know... Google it. 


Manchester United are not for YNWA... Crab Theory is for them! 



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One thing that puzzles me about Nancy Lee Grahn's tweets, is that I'm pretty sure if I went back in her Twitter timeline, I'd find evidence that she's been at least a vociferous keyboard warrior for #BlackLivesMatter. She's pretty liberal. I would have been expecting her to be a loud cheerleader for Davis, had I not seen the thing play out on Twitter. I think that's why I think alcohol could have been fueling the tweets.


I know she's always on this whole big thing about the SAG/AFTRA (Screen Actors Guild = Movie and TV actors union; AFTRA = radio and television [read soaps] actors union) merger. I guess the AFTRA actors pay the same dues as the SAG actors, but have to pay more for their benefits and it pisses Nancy (as a member of AFTRA) off to no end (and I can see this). I wonder if, besides being blinded by her own white privilege, she wasn't also feeling some pettiness against SAG actors, which blinded her to her own failure to think a thing through.

One this is for sure, I couldn't watch Alexis, today. All I saw is Nancy, which is too bad, because she seemed to do technically good work, especially at the end with Michael. I just couldn't feel it.



The Root digs in.

That was solid yet snarky coverage. Thank you.

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Oh, the schadenfreude! I have been waiting for Nancy Lee Grahn to finally be called out for the passive-aggressive bougie-liberal self-pitying drama-school mediocrity that she is, for years.  Maybe someone will actually hit Alexis in the face with a shovel in an ABCD-dictated on-screen murder as I've longed to do for many a year.


Actually, I think a recast would sting her worse than killing off the character.  Kassie dePaiva it is!


NLG is one of the reasons I stopped going on Twitter. I used to follow her but I hate hate hate when actors think their opinion is more valid than 'regular folk' just because they're on TV. Sure, I stopped following her but her insanity was enough to sour me on Twitter permanently.

She really should have put her wine glass down before she started tweeting.

It sucks too, because I really like NLG as Alexis but I'd rather see her recast than killed off, I'd take Kassie dePaiva too, I don't care if she might look too young.


One more thing about the Emmys, thanks NLG, I was bummed enough that Tatiana Maslany didn't win Best Actress* in a Drama for Orphan Black, now you have to stick your stupid hypocritical foot in your mouth and ruin not only Viola Davis's win (NLG trending on Twitter instead of Viola Davis), but now no one can complain that Tatiana was robbed without sounding like YOU.  To use your own words to a follower last night NLG, fuck you.


*Should have been Best Actresses since Tatiana plays at least 8 different roles in one show and often has scenes with herself when she's in a scene with her other seestra-clones, damn, doing scenes with a tennis ball as a scene partner and acting her ass off has got to be hard and should be rewarded.

  • Love 7

I have a simple solution for that! Goodbye, WdV, hello JdP.


Oh man, now you have me drooling. What I wouldn't give to see JdP on my screen again...::swoon::

Well, Nancy has been silent all day. In fact, other than WdV retweeting some comments about the Julexis/Morgan scenes today, and Frank talking about the 'amazing' directing of today's show, I haven't seen any GH cast tweets at all. Not a bad thing, but I have to wonder if the network imposed a timeout on the whole cast.

  • Love 3

NLG is one of the reasons I stopped going on Twitter. I used to follow her but I hate hate hate when actors think their opinion is more valid than 'regular folk' just because they're on TV. Sure, I stopped following her but her insanity was enough to sour me on Twitter permanently.

She really should have put her wine glass down before she started tweeting.

It sucks too, because I really like NLG as Alexis but I'd rather see her recast than killed off, I'd take Kassie dePaiva too, I don't care if she might look too young.


One more thing about the Emmys, thanks NLG, I was bummed enough that Tatiana Maslany didn't win Best Actress* in a Drama for Orphan Black, now you have to stick your stupid hypocritical foot in your mouth and ruin not only Viola Davis's win (NLG trending on Twitter instead of Viola Davis), but now no one can complain that Tatiana was robbed without sounding like YOU.  To use your own words to a follower last night NLG, fuck you.


*Should have been Best Actresses since Tatiana plays at least 8 different roles in one show and often has scenes with herself when she's in a scene with her other seestra-clones, damn, doing scenes with a tennis ball as a scene partner and acting her ass off has got to be hard and should be rewarded.

I agree, it is kind of odd that VD's great speech is overshadowed by "white tears" from NLG.  And I agree re TM, and you're right, it makes it difficult to say she was robbed which she was!


In all honesty, I also watch both HTGAWM and Empire, and I think Taraji should have won, not Viola!  And Taraji was very classy and supportive of Viola's win.  

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Leaving aside any and all racial component and comments for a moment, I think Nancy's comments are extremely insulting because of the rigorous and meticulous work Viola puts into her work.

And all jokes aside, I don't see Nancy surviving this. If she even tapes today, I wouldn't be surprised if she never taped again and if Alexis' scenes were cut entirely or edited until they can get a recast on the air. Shonda will, rightfully so, get for this.

That said, you all guys know ABC is loving the publicity that Viola and by extension 'Murder' is getting three days before its season premier.

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I'd be surprised if Shonda even cares. I mean, I'm sure she's not thrilled with NLG's comments, but really, why should she bother wading into this mess? She's a VERY successful woman and currently has three of the network's top-rated shows on the air. I doubt she even knew who NLG was before this, and she likely hasn't given it a second's thought.

  • Love 10

I know this is a dumb question to ask, but was NLG praising or dissing Shonda Rhimes when she said that Shonda should have written Viola Davis's speech? I know the tweet was casting criticism on Viola but I didn't really understand what she was trying to say about Shonda (other than pointing out that she writes?)


NLG, on the surface, looks "classy" in terms of her carriage and speaking voice that I'm kind of shocked that she might be  a bit of a nutcase, and well, rather dim. Taylor Swift was smart enough to quickly back off when she realized her error, but NLG doesn't have any common sense, which I wouldn't have expected.

Edited by bantering
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These are awful. At this rate Nancy is going to have to become Dobson again and move to Canada.

These tweets (sorry, they're not showing up in the quote I think) are straight out of The How to Guide to Rich, White Feminism. How dare "these people" not respect me? I would have marched for them. I don't see color. Jesus. I'm not sure it's possible to be more condescending than this shit.

And NGL's the victim, right? Because a "wealthy" actress won an Emmy!?! The FIRST black woman winning for a lead. (Which has never happened in daytime, by the way.) Representation matters. Girls that I teach were beyond thrilled that Viola Davis won. NGL will never understand what it's like to be a black woman in Hollywood or anywhere else; and she needs to genuinely apologize (not the half-assed 'I'm sorry if anyone took offense') and then shut up.

  • Love 12

I *think* she was praising Shonda. I guess she thought that if Shonda wrote the speech, it wouldn't have included anything about opportunities for black women, but would instead have focused on thanking the Academy and Shonda for the opportunity to star in this show.


I think. But since I'm not Nancy, I really have no idea what she meant lol!

William DeVry and I chatted about Patriots and Dolphins NFL football today on Twitter. He liked to talk about different things so I don't mind discussing other topics. 


Shonda Rhimes was very lucky enough to get everything and I am waiting for her to drop at least a bread crumb to other minority folks... you can read my previous post earlier. It's extra special recipe bread crumb after all! 

at the risk of getting rotten tomatoes thrown at me, is it so wrong to want actors hired for their talents and not for their color? Or if a black actor is hired, that they be written as more than a 'black character'? There are some amazingly talented actors (male and female) who are in need of work. Instead of hiring models, how about casting genuine talent and giving them a chance to show what they can do? Why must casting calls go out for a 'black actress' or a 'Latino actress?' How about you bring in actresses to audition for a part and then hire the most qualified, regardless of race? This is 2015, not 1965.

Because, sadly, even though it's 2015, opportunities aren't even close. White is the default. How many shows (discounting shows produced by black producers) have characters who are black, Latino, Muslim, Asian where their presence isn't in the form of a caricature? How many  "normal" characters aren't white? Why are shows set in New York and L.A. filled with all-white casts? Representation matters. You don't notice it if you are already being represented; but, believe me, people notice when they're not.



ETA: 2015 where people had a collective stroke about the notion of Idris Elba playing James Bond. Racism is alive and well, unfortunately.

Edited by kristabell
  • Love 17

 Racism is alive and well, unfortunately.



Racism will always be around, as will sexism, homophobia, etc.. As long as there's one person who hates, or two people who disagree, these things will always exist. But -- and maybe it's my naivete showing because I wasn't raised to see color, but people -- I believe we've come a VERY long way. If we hadn't, Viola Davis wouldn't even be in a position to win an Emmy. Nor would Taraji or any of the other actors/actresess. And we wouldn't have shows like Transparent, or Modern Family.  Or Empire...

Racism will always be around, as will sexism, homophobia, etc.. As long as there's one person who hates, or two people who disagree, these things will always exist. But -- and maybe it's my naivete showing because I wasn't raised to see color, but people -- I believe we've come a VERY long way. If we hadn't, Viola Davis wouldn't even be in a position to win an Emmy. Nor would Taraji or any of the other actors/actresess. And we wouldn't have shows like Transparent, or Modern Family.  Or Empire...


Just because some progress has been made, that doesn't mean that things couldn't stand to improve even more. This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I'm going to do my best to refrain from ranting. 


I checked Google just now. NLG's comments have made their way to Variety. As I said to a friend, although I imagine that Nancy might have always wanted to be well-known, I don't think this is the way she hoped to achieve notoriety. 

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Just because some progress has been made, that doesn't mean that things couldn't stand to improve even more.



Oh absolutely things can and should improve. Across the board. But I do think we should at least acknowledge the progress that's been made. And keep trying to make it better.


Re Variety, it looks like everyone is just picking up the original story and running with it. Still, not good.

Edited by Sake614

Oh absolutely things can and should improve. Across the board. But I do think we should at least acknowledge the progress that's been made. And keep trying to make it better.


Re Variety, it looks like everyone is just picking up the original story and running with it. Still, not good.

I'll say.


When I saw that what she said had hit Variety, I thought,"This is IT. The end." I'm an outsider, but to me, Variety's a major industry paper. I don't know what will become of NLG's career, but as Tom Hanks(?) once said, socially speaking, showbiz in LA is like high school but with more money. If I was sympathetic towards Nancy, I'd say that I wouldn't want to be in her shoes right now. 

Edited by C76
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I knew I liked you for a reason. ;)

LOL, well thank you! Back atcha!


And keeping it to today's show. So an entire episode of Morgan threatening the nitwit twins and they wait until the show ends for the gun to go off? That is the definition of filler. Stupid show. Way to teach the viewers that even Friday cliff hangers don't get resolved come Monday. Did I mention this is a stupid show?

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I went to the Variety article and, for me,  this comment from a reader says it all.  NLG is lashing out at VD for not speaking for all women, and just speaking for black women.  But the point is, she won in the category of Female Lead Actress.  So why the hell would she say this was a victory for women, or how hard it is to get women's roles.  Just not logical.  We have seen older actresses win the Oscar and make that point, not enough roles for older actresses (valid point).  But for NLG to say that VD's acceptance speech belittles all women?  WTF.


Steve J says:
September 21, 2015 at 5:07 pm
Discrimination towards women in Hollywood isn’t a relevant topic when discussing an award given for Best Actress. The award is specifically given to a woman. A woman wins it every year. What was unique last night is that a black woman received the award for the first time. Ms. Davis had every right to be proud and point out that a black woman can only win when black women are given roles in which to display their talent. I’m a white man and I can see that. Apparently the white actress Ms. Grahn is too immersed in the very real issue of the treatment of all women in Hollywood to see beyond that to what happened last night.



And, oh, btw, a black woman has never won in this category.  And it is 2015.


I continue to be very embarrassed for NLG.  I am not a fan, nor did I dislike her, until now.  I think she will potentially lose her job, but worse, she was so stupid, she cannot even defend her comments.  My bet is she goes to rehab in the next week and they attribute the whole thing to alcohol.

  • Love 11

can they realistically fire her for this? I mean, sure she was monumentally stupid, but if that's reason enough to get fired, half my company would be gone by now! Seriously though, she was not speaking as a representative of the show. This is her own personal twitter account. If the brass don't want her (or any other actor) tweeting potentially embarrassing material, they should ban personal accounts. Instead, they seem to encourage the practice. And this is hardly the first time NLG has posted controversial tweets.  It's just the first time her tweets went viral.


Can the lawyers amongst us weigh in?

Edited by Sake614

I mean, technically, they can fire a actor for any reason, I think and just disguise it under "oh, we're writing her out for story purposes". Of course than they run the risk of being sued I guess but unless they have a really good case I don't think that's much danger for the show. Remember when the actress who played Reese got fired and she sued them and tried to make it seem like they did it because she was pregnant?

Edited by ulkis
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I mean, technically, they can fire a actor for any reason, I think and just disguise it under "oh, we're writing her out for story purposes". Of course than they run the risk of being sued I guess but unless they have a really good case I don't think that's much danger for the show. Remember when the actress who played Jordan got fired and she sued them and tried to make it seem like they did it because she was pregnant?

THIS. And it was Kari Wuhrer (ex-Reese) who sued and lost.

The set-up on the show is already in place. Morgan may not succeed in shooting/killing Julian this time, but he could try again and kill Alexis. GH will say her exit is "storyline-dictated", but few will believe it.

  • Love 2


I went to the Variety article and, for me,  this comment from a reader says it all.  NLG is lashing out at VD for not speaking for all women, and just speaking for black women.  But the point is, she won in the category of Female Lead Actress.  So why the hell would she say this was a victory for women, or how hard it is to get women's roles.  Just not logical.  We have seen older actresses win the Oscar and make that point, not enough roles for older actresses (valid point).  But for NLG to say that VD's acceptance speech belittles all women?  WTF.

NLG also missed the point in VD's speech where she credited her fellow white female actresses for trying to pull her over that line. Yeah, I heard her, she said she sees all of the white women over that line and they are trying to pull her over...but that she could never seem to get over that line....


Because like any intelligent person from a minority group like myself, we know that change can't come from just the people in your ethnic group. You need to have everyone, people from all backgrounds of like-minded thinking to effect change.

Edited by represent
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All contracts get 13 weeks cycle I believe... correct me if I am wrong. Tony Geary get damn lifeline contract no matter what happens even if he dissed Viola Davis. 


Remember Meryl Streep news about Gender Equality in her letter to the Congress? Only fucking five of them replied to her.... 


I am straight white male who fucking love Soap Opera of all kinds even bad one like this show! I am not just joking about this... I used to be an intern for Senator Hagan. 

  • Love 2

NLG also missed the point in VD's speech where she credited her fellow white female actresses for trying to pull her over that line. Yeah, I heard her, she said she sees all of the white women over that line and they are trying to pull her over...but that she could never seem to get over that line....


Because like any intelligent person from a minority group like myself, we know that change can't come from just the people in your ethnic group. You need to have everyone, people from all backgrounds of like-minded thinking to effect change.

Thank you, NLG got soo incensed it appears at Viola just winning, that she didn't even understand the Harriet Tubman quote. It's sad. 

  • Love 2

I'd be on board with them leaving, but killing them only increases the mob angle. I want LESS of Sonny, not more. Although it could (in the hands of good writers) be a great story. christina already has no use for the mob, but knowing her brother killed her mother and her sister's father? And Molly? She may not have any use for Julian, but if Morgan kills Alexis, she will not go quietly into the good night. I don't even see Sam being understanding if both her parents are killed by Sonny's kid.

Of course we don't have the writers capable of penning such a story, so let them just sail off into the sunset together.

  • Love 1

can they realistically fire her for this? I mean, sure she was monumentally stupid, but if that's reason enough to get fired, half my company would be gone by now! Seriously though, she was not speaking as a representative of the show. This is her own personal twitter account. If the brass don't want her (or any other actor) tweeting potentially embarrassing material, they should ban personal accounts. Instead, they seem to encourage the practice. And this is hardly the first time NLG has posted controversial tweets.  It's just the first time her tweets went viral.


Can the lawyers amongst us weigh in?


I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility. I don't know if GH would care enough to fire her, but it could be done, I think, if they wanted to pull her from the show. But as I said I don't know if they'd actually care enough to do so. 


People have pondered Shonda Rimes's reaction. I'm pondering Ellen Pompeo's, if it's true that GH and HTGAWM actually share cafeterias. Pompeo's daughter is bi-racial and she has discussed her disappointment at the lack of diversity at the Emmys in a previous year. I could see her giving NLG the side-eye in the cafeteria, or maybe even giving her a verbal smack-down.

Edited by bantering
  • Love 2

I mean, technically, they can fire a actor for any reason, I think and just disguise it under "oh, we're writing her out for story purposes". Of course than they run the risk of being sued I guess but unless they have a really good case I don't think that's much danger for the show. Remember when the actress who played Jordan got fired and she sued them and tried to make it seem like they did it because she was pregnant?

If you don't have an employment contract, you can be fired for any reason -- or no reason at all -- with a few exceptions.


In California, you can't be fired for your race, gender (including being pregnant), marital status, religion, sexual orientation, age (if you're over the age of 40), a disability (with certain exceptions), or for making very, very specific complaints (if you complained to a supervisor or HR or an appropriate government agency about an OSHA violation or illegal discrimination of yourself or a fellow co-worker).


Putting aside that she's a union employee, with certain rights, NLG could absolutely be fired for her twitter comments. Then again, she could be fired for the even worse offense of being a Bears fan.


This is where is gets tricky, and where there's litigation. Let's say NLG was fired for her twitter comments. Then she could sue, saying that it really wasn't her twitter comments that got her fired, but her age and/or gender, because BC said way worse stuff -- and even threatened to break someone's fingers -- and nothing happened to him.  ABC's response would be that the BC thing was totally different.  And, they would say, we totally have tons of women over the age of 50 on contract.  Nancy would be the one who has the burden of proving that ABC is lying about the twitter comment reason, and that the real reason she was let go was her age and/or gender.


That's how that would go. 


This is her own personal twitter account. If the brass don't want her (or any other actor) tweeting potentially embarrassing material, they should ban personal accounts. Instead, they seem to encourage the practice.


They don't have to ban twitter or facebook or other social media accounts. People are expected to behave responsibly.  If you work for a company of any significant size, and they have an anti-harassment policy or an anti-discrimination policy, then the odds are that they extend that policy to social media platforms. Even private ones.  If you are identifiable on social media and decide to attack a co-worker on facebook on account of their race or gender, then you could be disciplined.


More and more employees are finding themselves being disciplined for calling a co-worker a "bitch" or worse on social media.  Or making derogatory comments about their bosses.  Saying something on facebook is the equivalent of shouting it in the parking lot. Just because you're off the premises doesn't mean you can't be held accountable for your actions. And like Nancy is learning, the thing about social media is that what you said is there forever.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 4

Are you absolutely sure to let her go?


Michael Muhney set the incredible standard of being fired. The fans of his... Wow you can't explain their irrational anger toward anyone who objected to his sexual act toward the actress who shall be not named... More examples you got in mind? I would love to hear the stories about them! 


At other hand, WWE unilaterally cut the tie with Hulk Hogan for saying even more outrageous language about blacks. I got his autograph like last year... I have no idea how much it is worth now... probably went down in value. 


How can we measure the amount of words, action, language, etc? Sometimes people think Social Media era is a cursed one. 


I will teach you two words that no Deaf people would like to be called: Hearing Impaired why? Medical term designed to make us look like we need to hear... Deaf is wonderful word that don't say the I word... you know what I mean?


I am not ready to show you my poker hands yet... In time when I am ready then I will let you know what I think

  • Love 1

Ask Isaiah Washington. He was fired for calling a co-star a derogatory slur. He said it once on set, and was warned for it. He said it again at the Golden Globes and was fired for it.


I doubt NLG is going to get more than a talking to for this. Maybe a disciplinary write up. She may have damaged her relationship and goodwill with the higher ups, though. She crapped all over ABC's moment. 

Edited by Francie
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And all jokes aside, I don't see Nancy surviving this. If she even tapes today, I wouldn't be surprised if she never taped again and if Alexis' scenes were cut entirely or edited until they can get a recast on the air. Shonda will, rightfully so, get for this.


This is not that drastic of a situation where they would go to such lengths and freaking editing her out of already taped shows. IMO if they did that it would be ridiculously silly. Shonda Rimes is not owed NLG's head on a platter, especially since everyone goes around kissing her ass and acting like she's God's gift to writing - which she is not.


This is also ABC we're talking about. Lots of stars have done worse shit and survived. Isaiah Washington choked out a castmate and the only reason he got fired is he compounded that offense by publicly shouting out the word faggot. Even though the story gained some traction for whatever reason (I follow NLG and she's said other things about celebrities and it wasn't picked up at all) I don't think NLG is a big enough player that they care what she says. I'm sure it'll blow over in a few days.



When I saw that what she said had hit Variety, I thought,"This is IT. The end." I'm an outsider, but to me, Variety's a major industry paper. I don't know what will become of NLG's career, but as Tom Hanks(?) once said, socially speaking, showbiz in LA is like high school but with more money. If I was sympathetic towards Nancy, I'd say that I wouldn't want to be in her shoes right now


Hollywood also loves redemption stories and giving people second chances.



Representation matters. Girls that I teach were beyond thrilled that Viola Davis won. NGL will never understand what it's like to be a black woman in Hollywood or anywhere else;


Honestly, as a black woman, I don't really care about her win, especially since I don't think it was deserved. I especially hated it that people were calling for her to win before the show even aired. VD has definitely impressed me before, but her role as Annalise is such a weepy, all over the place mess. I know it's just a brief shot in the current previews but she has a line about "And now that makes you a monster!" and I cringe. 

  • Love 4

Are you absolutely sure to let her go?


Michael Muhney set the incredible standard of being fired. The fans of his... Wow you can't explain their irrational anger toward anyone who objected to his sexual act toward the actress who shall be not named... More examples you got in mind? I would love to hear the stories about them! 

MM was fired.  But there is nothing to prove that he was fired for any actions toward HHK.  In fact, no one made a complaint as far as we know (but she may have to their HR dept), and he has never had any accusations made against him other than in social media.  I don't know if he groped her or not, but at this point, it is he said, she said.


My only thought re NLG is that she has really embarrassed GH and ABC. It is impossible to defend her statements, and she looks ridiculous, especially against her ABC colleague.  They may not can her this week, but I am guessing Alexis is not long for this world.

  • Love 1

Ron's worst on Twitter was worse than this, IMO, and he wasn't canned at the time. I can't see NLG being fired. She showed extremely poor judgement, but she didn't use racist vulgarities or threaten bodily harm to anyone.

Ron wasn't all over People, Variety, EW, Hollywood Reporter etc... This is a much bigger situation, nobody cared about Ron's fan wars and eventually he was fired.


This is an ABC actress  going against another ABC actress.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 8

Yeah, as stupid as her tweets were, and insensitive, there was nothing (IMO) inherently racist or derogatory about them. She probably thought she was being funny, or paying VD a backhanded compliment. I suppose they could fire her, but I just don't see that happening. hell, Fon called a School principal to complain about some teenager on Twitter. And he didn't get fired. Bryan Craig threatened someone with physical violence and he's got a front burner story. I don't think we'll be seeing NLG on Twitter for s while. And the network will likely monitor her account closely going forward. Any other company, I agree she'd be in deep shit. But I'm not convinced AbC will drop her. In fact, this could actually help the show's ratings, at least in the short term. Casual viewers might tune in just to see who this Nancy Lee Grahn person is that stirred up so much controversy on social media.

But honestly, if drinking causes her to get nasty, then maybe she DOES have a problem and should enter rehab. Just supposition on my part, as I have absolutely no knowledge of her situation.

  • Love 2

This is an ABC actress  going against another ABC actress.

Yeah, she really brought down the ABC celebration. I believe the network won two Emmys?  Because my girl Regina King won for "American Crime" which made me even more happy than the VD win because I've been watching her career since she was a teenager on a show called "227". Yeah, NLG kinda put a damper on the whole this is great for the ABC team celebration. She really must have been hitting the bottle.

Edited by represent
  • Love 7

Who knows what will happen after this finally dies down on social media. It's still trending, currently as Viola Davis and the "White feminist backlash".

All I know, is the same way people can't look at Morgan without seeing BC is the way I won't be able to look at Alexis without seeing NLG. I will see her face and think "These people".

  • Love 6

What will be, will be, as far as NLG goes. But this is the network that turned basically a blind eye to juice pyramid schemes and got sued by an actress for being fired (even if the latter was ridiculous).


Could NLG be fired over this? Sure. Absolutely. But with the scandals that ABCD have continuously chugged along with, I also think there's a fair chance she can do a fade for a while on social media and be kept.


The future will no doubt show how this resolves itself.

  • Love 1

Yeah, as stupid as her tweets were, and insensitive, there was nothing (IMO) inherently racist or derogatory about them. She probably thought she was being funny, or paying VD a backhanded compliment. I suppose they could fire her, but I just don't see that happening. hell, Fon called a School principal to complain about some teenager on Twitter. And he didn't get fired. Bryan Craig threatened someone with physical violence and he's got a front burner story. I don't think we'll be seeing NLG on Twitter for s while. And the network will likely monitor her account closely going forward. Any other company, I agree she'd be in deep shit. But I'm not convinced AbC will drop her. In fact, this could actually help the show's ratings, at least in the short term. Casual viewers might tune in just to see who this Nancy Lee Grahn person is that stirred up so much controversy on social media.

But honestly, if drinking causes her to get nasty, then maybe she DOES have a problem and should enter rehab. Just supposition on my part, as I have absolutely no knowledge of her situation.

I have to disagree with this part, in no way was she paying VD a compliment, back-handed or any way. That is how this whole stupid thing on her part started. She completely dissed her acceptance speech, and then she doubled down about 50 times trying explain why, which made her look like an entitled, envious, ignorant, and quite frankly ungrateful actress (she is a well paid actress, and she is moaning about her plight?  wtf?)

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Yeah, she really brought down the ABC celebration. I believe the network won two Emmys? Because my girl Regina King won for "American Crime" which made me even more happy than the VD win because I've been watching her career since she was a teenager on a show called "227".Yeah, NLG kinda put a damper on the whole this is great for the ABC team celebration. She really must have been hitting the bottle.

THIS. I tested up when Regina won! Her shock! Her joy, the hugs between her and Taraji, the speech she made to her son.

I remember her as Brenda on 227, the various movie roles throughout the years and loved her on Southland and I've enjoyed the shows she directed. Hell, the only reason I even watched American whatever was because of her.

Yet with the NLG fiasco there has been very little about her today.

I do wonder if anything will be done because this is outside of the soap predd. ABC execs will see and her about this vs something enclosed in the soap world.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Whether NLG gets fired or not will probably depend on whether she can keep her fans or not. I don't know how her fans are reacting to her. But soap stars do a lot to try and keep their fans interested in them as actors and as personalities, and if you can't keep them watching you, I don't see how you'd be useful to the show no matter how talented you might potentially be. I assume soaps prefer that their actors be useful to them on some level (i.e Susan Lucci). 


I do think NLG's tweet was derogatory towards VD. I don't know if her intent was to be racist, but claiming that VD has never been discriminated against could show some implicit subconscious racism. She didn't use a slur, but pretending that people of color haven't had racist things happen to them strikes me as the kind of "polite racism" that some people might have. Or alternatively her comments could be perceived as a more toned down version of what Donald Trump might say  in less coded terms, though still rude, since most people, even secretly racist people,  tend to look more toned down next to Donald Trump.  As I said, maybe she didn't intend to actually be racist (sometimes intent and the actual act don't align, but one or the other might occur nonetheless), but she did show that she might have some racism in her she didn't know she had, which is why she had to apologize and yet seemed shocked that no one was willing to take her side. The thing she said about withdrawing her support for people of color if you weren't nice to her seemed to also imply that her tolerance of other races is conditional. 

Edited by bantering
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Yes, social media these days in jobs is being monitored by employers and checked at before you're even hired. ABC was firing people at 'Lost' over DUI's. How you represent yourself off set is just as important to your employer.

Yes, she absolutely could get fired for this. She would be far from the first person (especially in media) to lose their job over comments made online. I am sure, like pretty much every contract, hers has a personal conduct clause. Considering what she said, and the negative attention she brought to her employers (the employers who also own the show VD is ON, which is a hell of a lot more successful than GH), she could easily be fired.



ETA: 227!!!!!! I loved that show!

Edited by kristabell
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