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GH In The News: The PC Press Club

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Oh, the schadenfreude! I have been waiting for Nancy Lee Grahn to finally be called out for the passive-aggressive bougie-liberal self-pitying drama-school mediocrity that she is, for years.  Maybe someone will actually hit Alexis in the face with a shovel in an ABCD-dictated on-screen murder as I've longed to do for many a year.


Actually, I think a recast would sting her worse than killing off the character.  Kassie dePaiva it is!

  • Love 12

She's made The Hollywood Reporter.


Black Twitter's reaction images to her in her trending tag are hilarious.


Another thing worth mentioning, albeit only a side issue - I personally feel Frank is slipping. If this was two or three years ago and the show wasn't in such bad shape, I don't think he would come off as desperate to bury the issue with Bryan Craig under happy talk. He did that shit at OLTL too when it was in real bad condition, before Ron became HW. If you asked him, nothing was ever wrong and there were no problems. if this was a couple years ago when GH was doing better, I think he would've done what he usually does - swiftly silenced Bryan and left it at that, instead of trying to work it. My utterly uninformed take is that he's getting desperate and it shows.


Yeah, there's no way to bury this. It's everywhere now, and with the show in the shape it is now, it's hard to ignore. Brydog said some dumb shit, but he didn't take aim at Viola Davis or Shonda Rhimes.

Oooh, what kind of stuff?


Oh, they just had some very bad years in the mid-2000s and everyone knew it. As it turned out later, even he knew it. But when the soap press interviewed him about the problems, he would give very defiant year-end interviews responding to every single question with "the show is in great shape; no, we had no problems, the show is doing great; no there is nothing I'd change because the show is doing great." It went on and on like this, it was Orwellian.


And yeah, there are so many reasons Nancy's remarks, while some may be well-intentioned, are unconscionable. As others have said, there is no way a black woman or any woman of color would be guaranteed 20 years of contract employment on GH even as her role was continually waxing and waning. Whatever her critique of story or her salary cuts, she lives a very comfortable life with real security.

Edited by jsbt
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And as has been mentioned before, is there ANY daytime soap with a worse reputation regarding keeping minority actors than GH?


Granted, Paul Rauch wound up adding black characters at the tail end of both of his tenures at OLTL and GL (and I KNOW he received criticism for the lack thereof before that), but it got better for both soaps after he was fired.

Edited by UYI
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And as has been mentioned before, is there ANY daytime soap with a worse reputation regarding keeping minority actors than GH?

Granted, Paul Rauch wound up adding black characters at the tail end of both of his tenures at OLTL and GL (and I KNOW he received criticism for the lack thereof before that), but it got better for both soaps after he was fired.

It appears over the last year or so, all soaps have tried to step up their game with Days and GH lacking behind greatly. However, at least Days had Lexi until Renee left...GH has managed to switch out black females every single year since the Gia character left. Jordan just made it a year in March and how much of a story has she had? And I see no mention of the new writers plans for her. Edited by venusnv80
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Her total lack of understanding about what she wrote, the insensitivity, and the ignorance of historical context regarding the Viola Davis win is astounding.  I looked at the tweets and it never stopped being about her, even in apology. 


Thank you for succinctly summarizing my views on NLG's debacle but was too dumbfounded to put into words.


And having too much to drink last night, not meaning any harm, etc., just isn't going to cut it in the cold light of day.


Word. Just...word!

  • Love 5

at the risk of getting rotten tomatoes thrown at me, is it so wrong to want actors hired for their talents and not for their color? Or if a black actor is hired, that they be written as more than a 'black character'? There are some amazingly talented actors (male and female) who are in need of work. Instead of hiring models, how about casting genuine talent and giving them a chance to show what they can do? Why must casting calls go out for a 'black actress' or a 'Latino actress?' How about you bring in actresses to audition for a part and then hire the most qualified, regardless of race? This is 2015, not 1965.

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Because white is overwhelmingly the default. 


I get that, but what I'm saying is, it shouldn't be. I mean, just send out a casting call for an 'actress, mid-twenties, beautiful, sexy,' etc. and let EVERYONE get a chance to read for it, regardless of color. Leave race out of the equation.

Edited by Sake614
  • Love 4

at the risk of getting rotten tomatoes thrown at me, is it so wrong to want actors hired for their talents and not for their color? Or if a black actor is hired, that they be written as more than a 'black character'? There are some amazingly talented actors (male and female) who are in need of work. Instead of hiring models, how about casting genuine talent and giving them a chance to show what they can do? Why must casting calls go out for a 'black actress' or a 'Latino actress?' How about you bring in actresses to audition for a part and then hire the most qualified, regardless of race?


Because otherwise, parts tend to default to white actors unless specified.

  • Love 10

I remember Ron Carlivati saying something along the lines of not knowing how to write for black characters back at OLTL and, man, did that ever rub me the wrong way. I do believe that there is a 'black experience' just as there is any other race or demographic and if one wants to dig into that particular situation they had best do their homework and be prepared for the backlash to come. And by 'experience' I tend to think of the sheer amount of racial crap that still exists in our every day lives despite how much people insist that we live in a post-racial society.


HOWEVER on a SOAP OPERA I find the idea of a writer shying away from writing for black people or Asian people or Latino people because he or she 'doesn't know how' to be utterly fucking ridiculous. Soap operas are fantastic -- they are comic books and insane romance novels with sci fi, crime drama and slapstick thrown in there. People die and are resurrected through a damned assembly line. No one can drive a car. Traumatic brain injuries are cured by slapping a maxi-pad to the head (and never shaving the hair.) Is it somehow less believable if a black person finds the underground city that was built by the long-dead patriarch of the town that he created as some sort of social experiment? Is that where the suspension of disbelief comes in?


There are two things that would need to be kept in mind: 


Number One: Do not fuck with a black woman's hair. Every woman of color I have ever met no matter WHERE (and I've lived all across the country and back) makes it clear that their hair is Not. To. Be. Touched. So catfights involving hair pulling or water thrown on the hair -- shit will get real and it will get ugly and fast.


Number Two: Ghost stories. My sister watches a bunch of those ghost shows on TV (sidenote: they're hilarious) and I'm always like 'you never see any black people hunting for ghosts.' Hell, you don't see many people of color, period. It's always a bunch of white guys. A lot of times, you'll see them asking locals about a nearby house or whatever and they'll all be like 'Hell yes, it's haunted.' When asked if they've ever gone in they're all 'Hell no! Why would you want to do something stupid like that?' On the one hand, I've often thought it would be refreshing to see people of color taking that sort of thing on and then I rethink that because it really does seem that only white people are stupid enough to go fucking about with the restless dead.


As for the rest of it... there's no reason that you can't take any story going on any soap and not put a person of color in. Soaps are ridiculous. They aren't fucking documentaries about the trials and tribulations of real life. Throw some diverse characters in there and let them all have their fun!

  • Love 10

I get that, but what I'm saying is, it shouldn't be. I mean, just send out a casting call for an 'actress, mid-twenties, beautiful, sexy,' etc. and let EVERYONE get a chance to read for it, regardless of color. Leave race out of the equation.


Well yes, of course, but even when everyone gets a chance to read for it, the parts still tend to default to white actors.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

How to write for diverse characters: Have a diverse writing staff. It makes for richer stories no matter what, since the range of experiences is wider.


But what does this have to do with what NLG was posting?


NLG was saying Davis had a leg up over other actors because she is an A-list actor. NLG was madly backpedaling  at this point, and her foot was getting deeper and deeper into her mouth with each tweet.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 13

I remember Ron Carlivati saying something along the lines of not knowing how to write for black characters back at OLTL and, man, did that ever rub me the wrong way.


Oh man, he did? 


I do remember that on OLTL, the original casting call for Nick Chavez - the guy Kyle started dating before getting back together with Fish - was for a Caucasian actor, but that they had seen Nicholas Rodriguez for something else, liked him, and ended up casting him.

Edited by TeeVee329


How to write for diverse characters: Have a diverse writing staff. It makes for richer stories no matter what, since the range of experiences is wider.

Exactly, this is something that Matt Damon didn't get as seen on this season's HBO's Project Greenlight. One of the staff members I think her name is Effe, but I caught part of a scene where they were talking about diversity. Well, Matt Damon claimed that diversity only matters when it comes to casting the roles and not with  who's behind the camera etc.. All this Effe woman could do in response was to sigh and put her head down. As well meaning as he is, he just didn't get it. This is why the struggle continues. Ben WHOfleck had no response, I think his mouth hung slightly open.

  • Love 4

I get that, but what I'm saying is, it shouldn't be. I mean, just send out a casting call for an 'actress, mid-twenties, beautiful, sexy,' etc. and let EVERYONE get a chance to read for it, regardless of color. Leave race out of the equation.


I wonder if agents consider sending out scripts like that to people of color in their agencies. Without realizing it, the agents probably automatically send those scripts out to white actors even if the originator of the description had his or her heart in the right place. 

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Yeah I guess you're right, but it still sucks. I remember actors like Billy Dee Williams talking about getting their roles even though the part was written for a white person. Even back then it struck me as odd that writers/casting directors wouldn't just put out a casting call and hire the best person. I personally don't want to see stores ABOUT black people, anymore than I want to see stores ABOUT white people. I want to see well-written, well-acted stores about PEOPLE.

And I want a pony and to fuck Viggo Mortensen. ;)

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So, how long before Alexis is killed in the mob crossfire or Alexis becomes the latest wig on a stick?


This sucks for me, who was a fan, but NLG brought every last drop of vitriol on herself here. This is where grace, respect for her fellow actor, and basic dignity would have gone a long way last night and today.


On another note, sadly, the industry - like real life - is not color blind, but as mentioned above, I have seen Denzel Washington as The Equalizer, a movie based on the '80s series with a white male Brit in the lead and I recall Will Smith in some western which was also, I think, once played by a Caucasian actor. It's a start, yes. But it's also sad that in 2015 that "color blind" is not the default for casting.

  • Love 7

So, how long before Alexis is killed in the mob crossfire or Alexis becomes the latest wig on a stick?


This sucks for me, who was a fan, but NLG brought every last drop of vitriol on herself here. This is where grace, respect for her fellow actor, and basic dignity would have gone a long way last night and today.


On another note, sadly, the industry - like real life - is not color blind, but as mentioned above, I have seen Denzel Washington as The Equalizer, a movie based on the '80s series with a white male Brit in the lead and I recall Will Smith in some western which was also, I think, once played by a Caucasian actor. It's a start, yes. But it's also sad that in 2015 that "color blind" is not the default for casting.


Will Smith was in the (by all accounts, bad) movie version of Wild, Wild West in 1999--the character on the show was played by Robert Conrad.

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I'll just say that her saying Franco and Nina are her favorite couple on the show was .... interesting, to say the least.


They're the only couple that currently works (for me) as any kind of love story, on the show. Sure, they're bizarre and they don't belong on GH, but their story since the awfulness ended (stealing a baby from her mother's womb and kidnapping her) has been sweet, if demented. As Buffy once said, "Weird love is better than no love." Or was that Willow?

Dante and Lulu floundered in babyland for a long while, before this cheating contrivance. Dillon and Valerie? There's no there there. Ditto Dante and Valerie. Sonny and Carly? Been there, done that. Sabrina and Michael were good while she was helping him protect himself against his mentally challenged half-sibling and ex-sister-in-law/almost-cousin/ex-girlfriend, but now she's been turned into a Sonny apologist. TC is now visibly pregnant and will leave at least long enough to have the baby and recover. What's to root for, there?

Maxie and Nathan lost every bit of story once they finally found each other on New Year's Eve. They haven't had a meaningful story since, and yes, I'm counting that ridiculous storyline where Ellie told Spinelli he wanted Maxie (and I like Spinelli). Sam and Patrick never had a love story. They were adventure buddies, then fuck buddies, then Patrick has her move in, and the next thing we know, he's proposing.

Luke and Tracy? Ugh. Lucy/Bobbie/Scotty? Nope. Anna/Duke, please --after they ruined him there was nothing worth having until he was dead. Then I just believed in their cursed love because of Finola. Jordan and Shawn was cheap. These two African-American characters are played by pretty actors. Let's put them together. Jason and Elizabeth are going to crash and burn. Nik and Greenlee are interesting, but it's not a love story. Now we've got Brad's stupid marriage to Rosalee, putting a contrived kink in his love story with Lucas.

TL;DR: I think Franco and Nina are the only legit (if whacko) love story we've seen in a year or so.


Wow. Put down the wine, back away from the keyboard, and STFU, Nancy.


I really feel in my gut that last night was an alcohol-fueled unforced error. She was feeling petty like you can when you're in your cups, opened her big mouth. Got (rightfully!) called on the carpet, dug in her heels until it hit her, then spent hours (inadequately) apologizing (and I'd wager drinking coffee), then got too tired but instead of going to bed, she started with the woe is me, stuff. I'm on the East Coast. I went to bed at midnight and she was already into it. I got up at 5:45 and couldn't believe she was still online. 


Angie was part of the fabric of GH, she went to school with Liza and Tad, she married Jesse, gave dated Cliff etc. Her children became a part of the fabric and so would her grandchildren.

GH simply brings on a new set of POC every decade.

I should add, I don't think they should have called her the c word.



Did you mean AMC in the first quote above? Regardless, I agree with you about GH and about the c-word.


I had a long drawn out post ready to go but I don't want to come off as a black bigot, so whatevs.  GH is coming off my DVR and I have half of a mind to demand that sponsors pull out.  Hey, if the nurses can do it to the View....



I'd hate to see the sponsors pull out of sponsoring the show because of what one actor tweeted. I don't even want Nancy fired, but I'd rather that than lose the whole show.

I doubt you would come off as a black bigot (if by that you mean that you're black and you're afraid you'll come off bigoted against white people) just because Nancy's privilege pissed you off (and got so much attention that should have gone strictly to the people of color who were big winners last night). It pissed me off, too, and I'm white!

Grahn made a major misstep. To me, of all the distasteful things she tweeted last night, the worst was her comment that Davis has never experienced discrimination in the industry. What now? How could you even pretend to know what someone else has experienced, Nancy? What a shitty, shitty thing -- to invalidate another woman's commentary on her own journey, on the night of her historic win.

Grahn seems to have tweeted she was blinded by white privilege, but didn't convince me that she gets what she did wrong, yet. What she did is akin to some of the people who countered "Black Lives Matter" with "All Lives Matter."  I mean, the real rejoinder to "All Lives Matter," is: "Of course all lives matter, but we have had a lot of deaths of unarmed, innocent black people, at the hands of and in the custody of law enforcement, so what we're saying when we say, 'Black Lives Matter,' is that black lives matter, too, i.e. black lives matter as much as white lives (and Asian lives, etc.).  The real answer to Grahn is, "Of course all actresses have it hard, but don't pretend it isn't even harder for actresses of color."

She fails to see that Viola Davis has been there, and then some, because Davis hasn't only endured the way performers are treated, or the way actresses are treated. She has triple experience as a female performer of color. Grahn made her point in a terrible way, at a terrible time, and her (Nancy's) point didn't need to be related to the separate, valid cultural criticism of how black actresses have fewer opportunities to get where Davis got last night. All we have to do is turn on the TV or go to the movies to see that's true and Viola was right to call it out in front of the academy.

Edited by General Days
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These two African-American characters are played by pretty actors. Let's put them together.


IMO, Shawn didn't work with Carly or to a lesser degree, Alexis either. I agree he was probably thrown together with Jordan because they're both black, but she wasn't the first relationship he had in PC.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

TL;DR: I think Franco and Nina are the only legit (if whacko) love story we've seen in a year or so.


I really feel in my gut that last night was an alcohol-fueled unforced error. She was feeling petty like you can when you're in your cups, opened her big mouth. Got (rightfully!) called on the carpet, dug in her heels until it hit her, then spent hours (inadequately) apologizing (and I'd wager drinking coffee), then got too tired but instead of going to bed, she started with the woe is me, stuff. 


I'd hate to see the sponsors pull out of sponsoring the show because of what one actor tweeted. I don't even want Nancy fired, but I'd rather that than lose the whole show.


The real answer to Grahn is, "Of course all actresses have it hard, but don't pretend it isn't even harder for actresses of color."



The noise you hear is me starting the slow clap here in NYC after reading this post. I love this. I just wish it would fit on a t-shirt. I've quoted selections for special truth telling.


NLG's comments were explicable only if she was drunk. Even if Viola Davis had the most charmed life ever in the history of acting, how the hell would NLG know it? It makes no sense. I don't need NLG burned at the stake for this. But she does need a serious Twitter time out.


And, yes, I like Nina/Franco, too. That's what this show had reduced me to.

  • Love 7

Grahn made a major misstep. To me, of all the distasteful things she tweeted last night, the worst was her comment that Davis has never experienced discrimination in the industry. What now? How could you even pretend to know what someone else has experienced, Nancy? What a shitty, shitty thing -- to invalidate another woman's commentary on her own journey, on the night of her historic win.



That is what sticks out to me and quite frankly I hope she was bombed because if that is her thinking and expressing herself clearly????  Wow.

  • Love 3

I get that, but what I'm saying is, it shouldn't be. I mean, just send out a casting call for an 'actress, mid-twenties, beautiful, sexy,' etc. and let EVERYONE get a chance to read for it, regardless of color. Leave race out of the equation.

You could, but do you know what happens? They send white actors and actresses. Ask Shonda Rhimes about what happened with Grey's on the first go round. A show about doctors and they sent her all white actors because she didn't specify that they were supposed to be a certain race. The hell?

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 8

I recall seeing casting calls for the second season of Daredevil recently and in each one they specified 'all nationalities/ethinicities welcome' save for some very specific roles where they wanted a specific ethnicity or nationality. How this will play out on the screen is anyone's guess but there wasn't anything left to suggest 'white only' it was very specific that they wanted everyone in the age range/character type they were looking for regardless of the amount of melanin they had.


It was nice to see... especially since I've seen too many casting calls for soaps over the years specify Caucasian. 

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Ok, this thread is moving pretty fast. What I got out of this afternoon's posts was that Nancy Lee Grahn will be punished by having to watch Will Smith's version of Wild, Wild, West.  Did I get that right?


Here's my casting stories.


Morgan Freeman's character in Shawshank Redemption was originally written as a red-headed Irishman. Freeman got the role. They kept in the lines "Why do they call you red?" "Maybe it's because I'm Irish."


Meanwhile, Y&R's effort to add a bit more diversity by casting an Asian actor to play Dr. Chow went a awry when they cast Vincent Irizarry in the role.


I don't know what that says about diversity in casting and an openness to consider all races where possible. Freeman was an established actor coming off of a slew of highly acclaimed roles. Otherwise, I'm sure he never would have been considered for the role. 


Y&R cast an actor who had literally decades worth of daytime experience and had already proven himself quite adept at playing a somewhat rootable villain. He quite possibly was the best candidate for the job. But he had that opportunity and had developed that talent largely because, like Nancy, he was steadily cast since his 20s in contract roles for which only white actors were considered.

  • Love 5

Oh, the schadenfreude! I have been waiting for Nancy Lee Grahn to finally be called out for the passive-aggressive bougie-liberal self-pitying drama-school mediocrity that she is, for years.  Maybe someone will actually hit Alexis in the face with a shovel in an ABCD-dictated on-screen murder as I've longed to do for many a year.


Actually, I think a recast would sting her worse than killing off the character.  Kassie dePaiva it is!


I vote for RuPaul as the recast. Nancy won't be fired, but she should be punished in some way-preferably in a way that gets her off my screen. If not permanently, at least for a good, long while.

If Julian has hooked up with someone new by the next time we see her, serves NLG right.

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That is what sticks out to me and quite frankly I hope she was bombed because if that is her thinking and expressing herself clearly????  Wow.


I'm pretty sure she was tipsy. "I've been a fucking actress for 40 years"? but it doesn't matter, she drunk tweets fairly often, so she really can't even rely on that as a partial excuse, it's not like she doesn't know sometimes she puts her foot in her mouth when she drunk tweets.

Edited by ulkis
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You know what all Emmys winners got in common? They are Hearing winners. 


Yet all of them arguing about color of skin, gender, and etc in Hollywood BS... I still look at my own people and I don't see who represent me. 


Marlee Matlin was nominated four time for Emmys and she didn't win...


One hearing person told me the Oscar trophy was good enough for my people. 


Never say good enough... Always try to break the barrier! 


Viola Davis is very talented woman and she should be proud of her achievement. 


Let me know when Hollywood is going to create real roles for deaf actor or actresses (Hearing actor playing deaf role don't count) ... Switched at Birth is not good enough to be honest with y'all. 


If you are mad at me for saying my honest opinion then I understand completely and if you have any questions about this then feel free to ask me.  

  • Love 11

I was just coming on here to post about NLG. Damn, woman, quit while you're behind! Black, white, green or purple, Viola Davis is 1000 times the actor you are, and deserves to be recognized for her accomplishments.


I've never even watched HTGAWM. It looks like the kind of show I'd roll my eyes at. But VD has more class in her little pinky. That's all.

Every time I typed "Davis" earlier, I'd pause because while that's Viola's real last name, it's Alexis's fictional last name, and it made me very paranoid. The end.

Oh, except dubbed zout, I agree with you about Shawn for the most part, although I "liked" him best with Carly, because he was just watching her and Joss, then. Once he got involved with Sonny I did not want him with Alexis. And I certainly didn't want him with a DEA Agent who was risking her relationship with her son, to bring down criminals. It undercut Jordan's character, and way too early. 

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NLG was ungracious, wrong, and stupid.  And I thought that just from reading her tweets, I hadn't even seen the Emmys.  Then I watched VD's acceptance speech which was really very poignant and beautiful and not too OTT.  Like others here, I have to assume NLG was drunk, because otherwise she is just plain stupid.


FH was tweeting throughout the Emmys so her tweets were not in response to NLG, although the very last one may have been.  


NLG should be mortified because she cannot even explain to her friends and co-workers WTF she meant, because it is just so wrong.  How humiliated she must feel.  I also agree that ABC PR people wrote her apology tweet for her and made her post it.  Yikes.

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"She continued tweeting until a cousin or publicist or someone finally texted her, “Yo, WTF? You can’t get fired, man. I don’t want to lose your revenue stream and have to move back in with my grandma again.” And then she stopped, deleted a tweet and then tweeted about how she can’t be racist because she bought a bunch of Sojourner Truth stamps in 1961 or something."


"Viola Davis will continue winning awards and being unapologetically black and awesome. And Nancy Lee Grahn will be at Sam’s Club looking for discount tissue paper."



LOL, these are my favorite quotes from this article. You gotta laugh, you just have to.

Edited by represent
  • Love 6

I've liked NLG in the past.  Recently on FB she was going off about her daughter not getting into an Ivy league college.  That made me raise an eyebrow, because it seemed so entitled. Now this.  I have unfollowed her on Twitter and FB, and when she came onscreen today I cringed.  I really have no desire to see her ever again.


I wonder if it will affect her daughter's aspiring singing career.  I think she just started a Youtube channel.

Edited by DanaMB
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