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S01.E04: Fight Face

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I'm so happy Robert got put in the hole. Is he for real? He seems delusional. Even the officer commented on how he just doesn't understand the concept of him being there

I think Tami is asking for trouble or its producer induced about her getting so annoyed and confronting Boston.

Zac is smart, cool and hot. I hope he doesn't lose his head in there.

  • Love 11

Well everyone Robert survived another day. Only managed to get his ass thrown in solitary. Dude is Piper Chapmaning his way through the show. I think Robert wanted to be the asshole on a reality tv program. He should have opted for Survivor or The Batchelor.

It actually looks like Tami is the one who us going to get shanked if she is not careful. Girls be crazy. I thought it was interesting how she made one of the other participants and hasn't been able to get a read on the other.

The DEA guy is Zac right? I think he is the only one who has been fully accepted. I hope it doesn't backfire on him.

Edited by Chaos Theory
  • Love 7

Robert is 100% batshit crazy, and I mean he-needs-to-be-in-a-psych-hospital crazy. They never should have used him as a volunteer IMO. He's way too unstable and clueless to be put in that environment.

And.......he's a teacher!  I haven't seen any qualities in him that are remotely teacher-like; he's all snark and no empathy.  Also, the fact that he travels around the world to work with children (I'm not sure with what agency) just creeps me out. He gives off a very odd vibe. I'm not surprised the inmates picked up on it.

  • Love 13

There is something very wrong with Robert, even beyond his super annoying, "Ah yes, this is all going exactly according to plan!" attitude every time he makes a mistake.  It's honestly hard to believe how many different times and ways he managed to screw up in such a short period.  He thinks this is going to give him some kind of cool street cred with his students?  Sorry, bro, nobody is watching this thinking you're anything more than a giant knob.  You could so easily tell the officer who removed him from the cell block has a lot of contempt for him.  I think Robert was expecting high fives all around and lots of compliments on his quick thinking with the towel-on-the-camera idea, and it was so great to watch his confusion when he realized he was really going into isolation.  So nice of him to give permission for them to punish him for breaking a rule.  "I think we can make this work."  HAHA!  Who's "we", Robert? There's no "we" in solitary. 


I'm not sure exactly what the true basis was for Tami's outburst at Boston.  She said it was because Boston was loud, irritating and thought she was running things, but she also reacted in a way that seemed like a little jealousy (over not being approached to be part of that clique), or resentment (possibly because that group reminded her of girls in school who were maybe not so nice to her).  Could be a combination of all three.  Unless we weren't shown something that provoked the exchange, I didn't see Boston do anything that really merited Tami bucking up at her the way she did, at the time she chose to do it.  I liked Tami the most up until now, and suddenly she seems so immature and unintelligent - the complete opposite of how she came across in the preceding episodes.


The kid who already tried to tap out didn't even get the code words right.  It was supposed to be "good coffee", not "hot coffee".  I don't get what he was so afraid of - he could have used the fact to his advantage that the other inmates knew the system and were trying to help him understand how things were supposed to work, and that he was being screwed over.  That means they accepted him, which is frightening and potentially cover-blowing how, exactly?   I hope he never goes to jail for real, he would be as ill-equipped to handle being in there without help as I would.


It's almost funny to me that Tami and Yaz are so leery of each other.

  • Love 13

Why did they put 3/4 of the males in C pod and Robert alone in D pod? You'd think they'd want a guy in each pod to see how things are working out. Robert acts like he's happy to be in solitary, I guess he doesn't know that he's going to start losing his mind.


I feel bad for Isaiah.  It has to be rough being locked up without soap or a towel.  You think the sheriff would make sure he got his prisoner id.  Tami has great cop skills. I wonder if she makes it to pod boss before she leaves.

  • Love 3

From http://starcasm.net/archives/344410


"In the description for Second Chances, Williams says, “I wrote this book to show other young adults just how hard being a teenage mother truly is and how deeply it affects your life, both physically and emotionally. As well as showing them the hard parts of young parenting, I also wanted to show them that no matter how hard life gets, don’t lose hope and don’t give up.”

Robert is crazy. I think even if he had been actually arrested he'd be doing things to pester the others and getting his story wrong with embellishments and stupid lies. The guard working with the show is clearly bewildered by him.

Zac would've made an excellent undercover DEA agent...save for appearing on a nationally broadcast television show. Maybe he can break down doors.

Tami is very domineering. She seems like the (stereo?)typical cop archetype of a mid-level intelligence viewing herself as the arbiter of goodness in these worthless scums' lives. That "give respect, get respect" mantra is code for do it my way or there will be problems. Until Yaz mentioned the issue, I hadn't noticed that we never see Tami with black women in the pod.

I don't like Tami. Yaz seems cool.

  • Love 9

I'm surprised to see that Isaiah will most likely be going home. Although, It would be pretty nasty to not have soap and/or a toothbrush for a week.


It's curious to me that before the participants went in, the Sheriff didn't have a role-play set up with possible questions the inmates could or would ask? I'd be making sure I had an answer for every possible question, but that's just me. 


What was the fight really about between Tami and Boston? Does anyone know? I mean, I found Boston annoying just from my couch, let alone living with her for 60 days. I would probably go off on her too. Legit- people are carrying this B!tc# around like she's Cleopatra. BRICK SQUAD meeting!!! I'm worried for Tami.


Didn't hear much from Barbara this episode. I have a feeling her whole stay might be uneventful - but I could be wrong.


Zac is playing the whole inmate thing very well -  He will probably end up getting the best inside intel for Sheriff Noel! 


I'm extra worried for dress shoes dude.... 


And Robert, Solitary is probably the best thing for him. He's seriously the most socially awkward person I've seen on TV in a good while. 

Edited by Buggles
  • Love 10

Honestly I took a bit of offense at Maryuns remark that Tami didn't like black people because she was wary of her. I would have been a bit wary of her myself. Something about the way she was acting. I think it's there personalities and not the color of their skins. Maryuns is a social worker Tami is an Ex Cop who already had issues with Boston. I think the issues are in fact simple as respect which mean something in a prison environment and they mean something to Tami and Tami has the personality that if you chip away at her long enough she will react and the whole time Maryum was sitting there telling Biston to"be a nurse" or some crap like that.

  • Love 1

Tami seemed to be bothered that she didn't immediately become Queen of the Yard.   Her beef with Boston looked more like "why are you guys following her and not me?".   the way she bossed up on Boston should have gotten her an ass whipping.  Luckily for her I think Boston is just playing at being tough.  But you just don't run up on people like that. 

Who was going to back her up if some shit really popped off?  Barbra?  She looks scared of her own shadow, plus I wouldn't trust somebody that cant spell their own name.  Was Yaz going to put her popcorn down and jump in?  Nope.  Yaz already thinks Tami hates black people, so no help there.  My advice for Tami would be to stop trying to be the big dick on the yard and calm down.

Edited by Brooklynista
  • Love 12

Why did they put 3/4 of the males in C pod and Robert alone in D pod? You'd think they'd want a guy in each pod to see how things are working out. Robert acts like he's happy to be in solitary, I guess he doesn't know that he's going to start losing his mind.


I came here to comment about this as well. I'm really suspicious that they put three guys together and Robert alone. That added to Robert's attitude that has always seemed like a big act and the experience on another tv show (per the other episode thread) make me really suspicious. Although I'm not sure what my suspicions are? That Robert is a bad actor? That he's a plant? All of them are plants. I'm just not sure what's going on, but why would you isolate one and group the others? 

  • Love 5

Yaz eating popcorn during the fight was just hilarious to me. I can't count how many times I have read someone say "let me get my popcorn" when two people are arguing/fighting online, and here we saw someone ACTUALLY doing it!


One thing is REALLY bothering me though...


Why the hell did the producers not go over their cover stories like their life depended on it...which it might. How the hell have we had so many of them screw their cover story up or have massive holes in it? Surely the producers had to know prisoners will peck at a new guy/girl looking for holes to see if they are a child molester or narc?


Makes me wonder if the producers wanted this to happen for drama.


They should have had their stories down to what they had for breakfast the morning they got arrested. The new guy that was bullied in high school didn't seem to have much story past "I stole from my office for years". Should the producers not have told him what he was going to be CHARGED with since they KNOW the inmates are going to ask?


If I found out my child was being taught by Robert, I would switch teachers/schools. There IS something wrong with him. Sociopath has been brought up before and it is a harsh word, but again, there is just something wrong with that dude.

  • Love 16

I'm not usually one to go all fangirl over a reality TV show, but WOW, is this one compelling.  Dubiously executed?  Somewhat.  Most likely at least 30% scripted?  Oh yeah.  But it's a great study in human interactions, especially among the real prisoners. 


First, Robert.  Robert is like someone straight out of central casting.  I've actually grown cynical enough to halfway believe that Robert might be a producer’s plant to stir up drama.  Nothing will convince me that he really spent 30 entire days in solitary, although he really should have for pulling that ridiculous shit with the camera.  His face when it dawned on him that the rules would, indeed, apply to him, too, was absolutely priceless.  Robert is arrogance personified and more than a little bit creepy.  He may be a teacher, but he wouldn’t get within a country mile of my child, regardless of how much he/she might benefit from his rich life experience. *shudder*


My high school classmates were only a couple of tater tots and shankings removed from the way these inmates operate, so I went to school with literally hundreds of girls just like Tami.  They talked a big game about how tough they were, but when it came down to it, they were nothing but big, yapping mouths, spewing that tough guy bullshit for all the world to hear (and quietly laugh at) until things inevitably degenerated into hair-pulling and bitch slaps outside in the parking lot.  For someone who used to be in law enforcement, she sure is coming across like a less-than-intelligent dope.  I don’t have an issue with her getting her shower shoes back by any means necessary (even if she did send a flunkie over to do it for her), but continuing to jockey for position with a bunch of overgrown, misbehaving girls in jail?  I mean, we're arguing with a kid nicknamed "Boston?"  Give me a fucking break.  Come on, Tami, you’re better than that . . . or are you?


Barbra.  I want to give her a hug and get her the hell out of there, in that order.  I totally understand what she said last week about the other inmates’ laziness.  I don’t think she meant it as an insult.  She just didn’t know what to do with herself after being yanked out of her busy life raising her kids.  I’ve been-there-done-that and it’s no place for laziness, that’s for sure.  Before this week’s show, I would have said that the best thing for Barbra to do would be to hide behind Tami and keep a low profile, but I’m not so sure now that Tami is the smartest hiding place.

Maryum-Yaz.  That shot of her from the recap eating the popcorn is hilarious.  My high school days were spent precisely like that, hiding behind my proverbial popcorn bag, just taking in the action while contributing no drama whatsoever.  It’s much safer that way.  The way she continually mentions that she’s Mohammed Ali’s daughter is getting a bit irritating, but whatever makes her feel like a big deal, I guess.


Isaiah.  Meh.  He knew jail wasn't going to be a walk in the park and now he wants to tap out?  I understand that it would suck to not be able to brush your teeth and wash up for several days, but really.


Zac is playing the game to the hilt.  He looks the part, can walk the walk, and has enough game to be able to talk the talk, but I do worry that he’ll overstep his bounds in his quest to find out how drugs are entering the prison system.  As dumb as criminals can be, these guys know the prison system inside and out and if something doesn’t smell quite right, they will know it immediately.


Dress Shoes Kid Whose Name I Don't Remember.  No impression yet, other than the fact that he wore exactly the wrong footwear to prison given the fact that he had advance warning.  Also, he couldn't carve out 30 minutes to practice his cover story in front of a mirror the night before reporting to the jail?  Bless his heart, as my late grandma would say.  Dress Shoes will not have an easy ride.

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 8

I came here to mention Zac screwing up any chance that he ever had at undercover work but I see a few of you beat me to it. I don't understand how it never occurred to him that being on a t.v. show would actually hurt his potential career in the DEA not help it.

I also worry about his safety and the safety of his family once this show is over and some of these guys get out of jail. Snitching isn't usually taken lightly by criminals.

Like the rest of you I loved Myryum munching down on her popcorn watching the shenanigans unfold.

Anyway, I think Tami came off as an ass in this episode. I get that those girls were extremely annoying but I think Tami was more upset that she wasn't the top dog from Boston.

I noticed that Barbra's face looks a little fuller so I'm guessing she gained a few pounds with all that heavy jail food and laying around. I actually think she looks better with a little weight on her. She definitely looks happier since finding Tami.

  • Love 7

At first I didn't think the issue was Tami being upset she wasn't Queen Bee. I attributed it to her just getting fed up with constant noise (I am like that myself, I go nuts with lots of noise around me).


But thinking about it, I think you guys are right. I do think her not being top dog played a major role in how she reacted. I think she got a bit of an ego boost when the one girl took her shoes back for her.


While I think Tami could probably handle herself against Boston (police are trained after all), I doubt it would be JUST Boston she would be facing.


And this is a great example of why I would not handle jail very well. I just can not stand lots of noise and I certainly can't handle someone putting their hands on me like Boston did to Tami while they were in line (to me, that is a form of showing dominance). Yet, there is nothing you can do about it. Hell, the inmates will deliberately make noise just to annoy you if they find out it bothers you (saw that on an episode of Lockup I believe).


Starting to wonder if Tami might be the first one out. She is used to being in control of everyone she meets as an officer and now she is surrounded by people with little to no impulse control...not a great combination.

  • Love 3

Honestly I took a bit of offense at Maryuns remark that Tami didn't like black people because she was wary of her. I would have been a bit wary of her myself. Something about the way she was acting. I think it's there personalities and not the color of their skins. Maryuns is a social worker Tami is an Ex Cop who already had issues with Boston. I think the issues are in fact simple as respect which mean something in a prison environment and they mean something to Tami and Tami has the personality that if you chip away at her long enough she will react and the whole time Maryum was sitting there telling Biston to"be a nurse" or some crap like that.

Yeah, because supposedly Boston is a nurse IRL. Can you imagine? I'd have to be comatose to let her anywhere near me.

  • Love 5

I told my husband it is a real shame he is on this show, because I think he would have been awesome at undercover work, and this exposure basically blew any chance at that.


I don't think he's totally out of the DEA undercover game.  If he grows his hair out, gets some facial hair, uses contacts instead of glasses and maybe bulks up some more, he could go unrecognizable.  I mean, seriously, are thugs really sitting down on Thursday nights to watch reality TV?  Maybe, but I wouldn't give up on Zac one day going undercover successfully.  If he does, best of luck to him.



Barbra?  She looks scared of her own shadow, plus I wouldn't trust somebody that cant spell their own name.  


Barbra Streisand spells her name this way.  Not that that makes it right.....



Most likely at least 30% scripted?


Isaiah.  Meh.  He knew jail wasn't going to be a walk in the park and now he wants to tap out?  I understand that it would suck to not be able to brush your teeth and wash up for several days, but really.


If these are real inmates, and I believe they actually are, how could this show be scripted at all?  Maybe they suggest things for the plants to say, but they would have no idea how the inmates would respond so I can't imagine the show being scripted.  But I could be wrong.


Isaiah, a week without washing or brushing your teeth?  Try being a soldier on a recon mission in the jungles of Vietnam for a week.  I realize the Conflict in Vietnam isn't exactly relevant these days, but that's what I know.


All that said, I LOVE this show!  Can't get enough of it and wish it was longer than one hour.



ETA:  Another thought about the show being scripted ..... if the plants can't remember their own cover stories, how are they going to remember a script?  They don't have many opportunities alone with production to get their cues.

Edited by slasherboy
  • Love 7

If these are real inmates, and I believe they actually are, how could this show be scripted at all? Maybe they suggest things for the plants to say, but they would have no idea how the inmates would respond so I can't imagine the show being scripted. But I could be wrong.


When I said I thought some of it was scripted, I was referring to the fact that the producers had to have known that Robert is a nutjob and unlikely to follow the rules, Tami is volatile, and Dress Shoes Kid will be mercilessly bullied. As for the inmates' reactions, I think the guards (and, by extension, the producers) know *exactly* how they would react in just about any conceivable situation. Those jails are like petri dishes of human psychology; they've seen it all. YMMV, of course.

  • Love 3


It can't be possible that Boston is a nurse. My brain won't allow that thought.

Nurse, my ass!! Boston is a nursing assistant making minimum wage either doing home care or working in a nursing home. Somewhere with very little supervision so she can run roughshod over the other lowly paid workers (best case) or the patients (shudder).

It's interesting to me the ongoing dynamics of "what're you in for?" "what'd you do?". I was thinking of this in terms of Tami and what cover story she has for a job which makes her so assertive and controlled. I mean, unless she says she's a bouncer, I can't think of what cover story she has for her demeanor. And yet, no conversations have been shown of "what do you do for a living? where you work?" Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, it's just an interesting observation I made. I meet someone new, it's all "What do you do? What part of town do you live in? Do you have a partner/spouse/family? How'd you get caught embezzling, and how come you don't know it's really called theft?"

  • Love 3

It actually looks like Tami is the one who us going to get shanked if she is not careful. Girls be crazy. I thought it was interesting how she made one of the other participants and hasn't been able to get a read on the other.


Hmm... how can I say this delicately? I don't think Tami cared to get a read. Her stance was questionable, but okay, not necessarily indicative of anything. Untilllll .... she opened her mouth. And that high-pitched dog whistle came out.


She was inordinately interested in Barbra because for her, she didn't "fit." And was very descriptive in why she didn't "look" like she belonged there. She had no such thoughts about "Yaz."  Right off the bat, she didn't like "Yaz" because she (smirk) gave off an "entitled" air. ****tweeeeeet****


"In the description for Second Chances, Williams says, “I wrote this book to show other young adults just how hard being a teenage mother truly is and how deeply it affects your life, both physically and emotionally.


Barbra strongly feels that inmates have it easy behind bars and that taxpayers foot the bill providing them with three square meals a day and a place to sleep, while innocent homeless people struggle to survive with little help. And as a military wife, she sees how hard her husband works to earn his pay and benefits. If Barbra had it her way, the incarcerated population would be pulling their weight and have mandatory jobs inside to earn the benefits they’re receiving.


Back in July of 2015, Williams made headlines after launching a public campaign to get a refund for Ariana Grande concert tickets. FOX 13 reported that Barbra was so infuriated by the singer’s infamous “I hate Americans, I hate America” donut shop fiasco that she complained via social media until Grande’s people actually ordered Ticketmaster to refund her money.


Ohhh.... NOW I understand Barbra. She's this girl.




Tami seemed to be bothered that she didn't immediately become Queen of the Yard.  


Who was going to back her up if some shit really popped off?  Barbra?  She looks scared of her own shadow, plus I wouldn't trust somebody that cant spell their own name.  Was Yaz going to put her popcorn down and jump in?  Nope.  Yaz already thinks Tami hates black people, so no help there.  My advice for Tami would be to stop trying to be the big dick on the yard and calm down.


You see how when Tami went up to her and said "can I talk to you" after the Brick Squad meeting was called, Barbra was all, "my name is West" and became extremely interested in her TV show. She'd better settle her Ed Norton-looking ass down. She's not on the streets.


In other news, those cuts to "Yaz" eating that popcorn during the drama were EVERYTHING. I await the gif.

  • Love 10

Both Mr. Moving and I worked in a prison.  (It's where we met and fell in love.)  It is unbelievable how immature most of the inmates were.  The reason for this is most had a long history of substance abuse that began when they were VERY young.  As young as nine years old.  The inmates acted like obnoxious teens because they stopped maturing emotionally when they began using.  They are stuck in adolescents emotionally speaking and behave accordingly.  


I had started out my career working in a group home for teen girls and the "adults" were even more immature than the teens.  The chaos, pettiness and arguing was unbelievable.  I was so  thankful to go to a quiet home at night.  


Tami grew up in group homes.  I think all this teenage girl/prison behavior is like a flashback for her.  I think her standing up to Boston is her way of not being victimized again.

  • Love 10


Hmm... how can I say this delicately? I don't think Tami cared to get a read. Her stance was questionable, but okay, not necessarily indicative of anything. Untilllll .... she opened her mouth. And that high-pitched dog whistle came out.


She was inordinately interested in Barbra because for her, she didn't "fit." And was very descriptive in why she didn't "look" like she belonged there. She had no such thoughts about "Yaz."  Right off the bat, she didn't like "Yaz" because she (smirk) gave off an "entitled" air. ****tweeeeeet****

My guess was that "Yaz" didn't shuffle in or look downtrodden enough for Tami's liking.


Tami's a joke. She probably got real juiced up from being a cop because she could hide her insecurity behind the badge. In lockup, however, she's not in the clique, so the self-doubt she attempts to hide behind the tough facade are becoming apparent for all to see. Even Barbra backed off when she saw Tami's bitch-ass outburst. She'll mess around and get a beatdown faster than Robert's dumb ass if she isn't careful.


If it happens, I'll be checking for MarYaz to pass the popcorn.

  • Love 10

While I don't think what we actually SEE anyone saying is scripted, I HAVE been questioning whether some of the captioned conversations--placed over the almost-too-blurry-to-even-tell-if-there-are-inmates-there-nevermind-ones-having-the-conversation-claimed cell footage--are accurate representations, or even representative at all, of ones that occurred; it may be 'cause I've been watching this on my old/non-HD TV, and maybe others are seeing something that looks more distinguishable than I, but, for all I know, they're showing me a fetal ultrasound from 1975 while placing completely fabricated dialogue on the screen.

At the least, they clearly not only cast for their "types"--as most "reality-in-a-created-situation" programs do--but they are not real open to letting the cast members out of said types, given the Goofus and Gallant Go to Jail over-contrasts with which they frame the episodes...

"In the first two days, Robert failed to present his cover story correctly and some inmates gave his 'friend' a bloody face."

[next screen] "In his first two days, Zac shared his cover story perfectly and some inmates gave him a cookie."

Like, let's save the <I>Highlights Magazine</I> for the peds dentist office and allow for a LITTLE bit of nuance?

Re: the 2:2 v 1:3 in the men's dorms: I'm wondering if the need to move Mr. Robert into seg (i.e., out of basic human interaction) actually occurred BEFORE the last guy (or two?) was admitted (and/or Tami figured out Babs of The Full White Magical Underwear Ensemble before it, and they saw the potential for narrative was actually potentially as great if they figured it out as if they just had different impressions), and they decided that having more than one cast member together served the narrative better than putting another guy "alone" in D (or maybe even just worried to try it again after the mess Mr. Robert left behind?). Uh, sorry, point: I suspect one of the last two guys WOULD have gone to D, if (as much as I hate to give him even that much credit...) Mr. Robert hadn't decided to make this Reality Show Star Do Over his opportunity to finally gain the infamy that the world so clearly owes him.

  • Love 1

I may need to watch that scene again. When Maryun said "Be the nurse" I tough she was saying something more like

Be the windshield, not the fly.

It can't be possible that Boston is a nurse. My brain won't allow that thought.


Nurse, my ass!! Boston is a nursing assistant making minimum wage either doing home care or working in a nursing home. Somewhere with very little supervision so she can run roughshod over the other lowly paid workers (best case) or the patients (shudder).

It's interesting to me the ongoing dynamics of "what're you in for?" "what'd you do?". I was thinking of this in terms of Tami and what cover story she has for a job which makes her so assertive and controlled. I mean, unless she says she's a bouncer, I can't think of what cover story she has for her demeanor. And yet, no conversations have been shown of "what do you do for a living? where you work?" Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, it's just an interesting observation I made. I meet someone new, it's all "What do you do? What part of town do you live in? Do you have a partner/spouse/family? How'd you get caught embezzling, and how come you don't know it's really called theft?"

Teapot, that is the same thing I thought about Boston. I'm a registered nurse, and it irritates me when nurse assistants flout their credentials as if they are real nurses, when they can't even dispense any meds, don't have a degree, and pretty much just do hygiene, turns, and transport. Whoop de do. You are not a nurse, you are a nurse's assistant.

Boston, (if she is a real licensed nurse) would lose her license permanently for having a felony on her name. Maybe she has aspirations of being a nurse in the future, but if she is in for a felony or anything related to drugs, she needs to let go of that dream forever. Boston seemed like the life of the party, extra chummy with almost all the regular inmates, knew one of the newbies who was a repeat offender, and has a bunk at the top of the ward. She is super annoying and immature, but unless it was off camera, I don't see any reason for Tami to go off on her like that.

Tami seemed to be raging at her for being the Queen Bee. The other issues are minor, i.e. Touching, lack of respect, noise, but altogether she just can't handle it. It will be interesting to see how it plays out next week.

In one of the flash-forwards on episode one, they showed one of the white guys with a bloody nose. Does anyone know who that was? Zac, Robert, or NewBlackShoes?

  • Love 2

The facility my sister works in uses the prison-grade soap and deodorant and they are not lying about body odor being preferable to what those products do to you.

This episode definitely pinned Robert down as a sociopath in my mind. Up to now i was thinking just a cocky fame ho who figured the show wouldnt really let any harm come to him. But if that were the case I think reality would have dawned rapidly.

Sociopaths supposedly have no genuine human emotion but learn to mimic it from a young age in order to get along. Usually you hear about those who do it brilliantly, like those serial killers like Bundy. I think Robert's the more pedestrian kind. He doesn't read people well, and likely in the outside world people see him at best as phony and at worst as skeevy and avoid him as best they can. Meanwhile, he's strutting around like he's killing it.

  • Love 4


Barbra Roylance Williams is one of seven brave people who volunteered to enter the Clark County Jail in Jeffersonville, Indiana for A&E’s docu-series 60 Days In.


Robert, meet your match. BraBra has out-famewhored you; she even has credits. Wonder what Sheriff Noel thinks about that. Whattayaknow. She really IS that girl, spinning straw into Fox News.




Harpo, who dis woman??



In her free time, she works in animal care with both domesticated and wild animals; rescuing, training, and handling different species of wild life. She has worked in veterinary hospitals, and alongside organizations in rehabilitating and releasing wild life. She loves horses and can ride both English and Western, with a love and talent for barrel racing. She rode horses all through high school in rodeos and horse shows, and carried the American Flag during the National Anthem for a bull riding rodeo. She also practices archery, sword fencing, ballroom dancing, artistry and scuba diving.

  • Love 3

I think we're going to find out that all of these people have acting aspirations. Frankly my hackles were raised on that point when one of the participants was designated "Muhammed Ali's daughter" because really, if this is a genuine attempt to clean up problems in the jail... no, you don't pick Muhammed Ali's daughter. You also maybe *maybe* run background checks on your candidates because really, if the sheriff didn't know after carefully screening the candidates that Robert had been on some reality show... then he clearly wasn't carefully screening the candidates.


The next hackle raising thing for me is that DEA agent wanna be actually seems too bright to not understand that plastering his face on a tv show where he openly discusses his wish to be a DEA agent might not be such a great idea nor is it a great way to get tapped to BE a DEA agent.


Tami strikes me as someone who really isn't terribly aware of how she comes off. For all we talk of Zac fitting in and acting like an inmate, it's Tami who acts like the least suspicious among them because she's already trying to be a big wheel in the pod and making it clear she's not just gonna grin and bear it, she's gonna get up in the face of these silly girls and show them how they don't control the pod.


A last aside - Sheriff, honey? One way you might get some control back in the female pod is if instead of allowing the bratty females to have loud parties until 4am in one cell, that maybe you require everyone to be on beds and in their own cell at night. . That tells me the inmates are running the show.


eta - also as much as I delighted in Robert being thrown in the hole, I really strongly question the hows and whys of that when Robert isn't actually an inmate. As in, you openly state he's not participating well, he's not following the guidelines and he's endangering himself. Your choices aren't just "we'll treat him like any other inmate" because I think it's clear he's not being treated that way already - if he's endangering himself and breaking rules, he should be pulled from the show. Seriously, I don't believe that if Zac or Tami end up in fist fights over something, that the sheriff has ability to pull a "well, punching someone in my facility is a crime so even though you're an innocent civilian doing a reality show at my behest, you're deserving to be punished and off to the hole with you"... My suspicions are that at the very least, this is a poorly run reality show....

Edited by ZoloftBlob
  • Love 9

I don't get why they didn't coach the inmates more on their stories if they knew they were going to get grilled like that. Seems a bit short sighted of the staff, especially by experts in prison behavior.

As far as Tami, I don't really get her beef with Boston. Okay, yeah it's super annoying to be touched without invitation, etc., but did Tami even tell her to knock it off? It looks like she just got an irritated look on her face and didn't say anything.

She has to realize that these women are what, 18-22 with the mentality and maturity of 13-15 year olds. Yeah it would be super annoying to be locked up with them, but she has to understand that they aren't normal women their age...plus why isn't there a lights out/quiet hours? That seems crazy, but I've never been in prison...

  • Love 4

As far as this show being scripted, if seems almost impossible to script since the inmates are so real. But I can't get past that one scene where the guy with the glasses who befriended Robert gets hit while he is eating. He doesn't have his glasses on when he is "attacked" so it makes me think it was either reenacted, or staged completely with an actor "inmate". Or maybe a combination of the two.

  • Love 2

Nurse, my ass!! Boston is a nursing assistant making minimum wage either doing home care or working in a nursing home. Somewhere with very little supervision so she can run roughshod over the other lowly paid workers (best case) or the patients (shudder).

It's interesting to me the ongoing dynamics of "what're you in for?" "what'd you do?". I was thinking of this in terms of Tami and what cover story she has for a job which makes her so assertive and controlled. I mean, unless she says she's a bouncer, I can't think of what cover story she has for her demeanor. And yet, no conversations have been shown of "what do you do for a living? where you work?" Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, it's just an interesting observation I made. I meet someone new, it's all "What do you do? What part of town do you live in? Do you have a partner/spouse/family? How'd you get caught embezzling, and how come you don't know it's really called theft?"

The day I spent in jail all the women were talking to each other and we all shared what we were arrested for.

Re: dress shoes guy- this seems scripted because when you are changing into your jail clothes it includes jail shoes. I was given crocs and flip flops. So happy I had socks on when they took me

A last aside - Sheriff, honey? One way you might get some control back in the female pod is if instead of allowing the bratty females to have loud parties until 4am in one cell, that maybe you require everyone to be on beds and in their own cell at night. . That tells me the inmates are running the show

ITA- my 23 hours in jail had us on a strict routine. All of us in our cells at 11 pm. Locked in until morning. I was wondering why on the show they were up and around all night long

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Robert, meet your match. BraBra has out-famewhored you; she even has credits. Wonder what Sheriff Noel thinks about that. Whattayaknow. She really IS that girl, spinning straw into Fox News.




Harpo, who dis woman??



Damn, girl's got skills!! Color me shocked!

Yeah, that just reads like a list of background acting jobs... You have to be a special kind of sad to put your background acting jobs on imdb. 

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