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S06.E17: Lymes In The Sand

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Just because it's slowly driving me insane to see the women's dresses constantly referred to as "mumus"...they are not.  They are caftans.  Yes, they are somewhat similar but they are not the same.  A muumuu is a shapeless monstrosity that's usually in some hideous Hawaiian print.  A caftan is a lovely, flowing, typically long dress that moves with your body.  If you watched the women when they were walking into the suite, you could see how their caftans moved with them, especially Katheryn's when she changed into hers and showed it off to the ladies.  Muumuus do not move like that.  The fabrics are often very different as well.  Muumuus tend to be made out of a stiff cotton and/or polyester blend.  Caftans are typically made out of a more silky material.


For visual reference, I give you the following:









The second photo looks more like a sheath dresses with a semi-caftan diaphanous cover over it.


There are many styles, and I agree slinky material is often used, but not always.  The fabric may be slinky, but rarely is a dress worn underneath.  They are more like Kyle's, Lisa's, and Kathryn's.  By the way, WHAT was Kyle thinking with the colors in hers?  Yuck.

  • Love 2

Just because it's slowly driving me insane to see the women's dresses constantly referred to as "mumus"...they are not.  They are caftans.  Yes, they are somewhat similar but they are not the same.  A muumuu is a shapeless monstrosity that's usually in some hideous Hawaiian print.  A caftan is a lovely, flowing, typically long dress that moves with your body.  If you watched the women when they were walking into the suite, you could see how their caftans moved with them, especially Katheryn's when she changed into hers and showed it off to the ladies.  Muumuus do not move like that.  The fabrics are often very different as well.  Muumuus tend to be made out of a stiff cotton and/or polyester blend.  Caftans are typically made out of a more silky material.


For visual reference, I give you the following:










Thank you...I totally agree with you!!  :-)


And, how I wish I could afford one of those gorgeous Marchesa caftans!!!  

  • Love 2

Thank god for you guys. I have 100000 things on my plate tioday and I made time for this- however would I explain THAT to anyone except you guys? luv ya'll lol


Yolanda is skipping work to hang w/Brandi and Kim. The paycheck must be bigger- err the payoff. The attention. 


Obviously the luncheon with Brandi, Kim and Yolanda was dull as dirt.  It is almost as if, some producer but a bug in Rinna's ear they needed some outrage over Yolanda slinking back with the enemy.  No one else cared-including Erika.  Rinna has done her job, and everyone else is left scratching their collective heads as to why Rinna is making such a BFD over Yolanda missing a dinner.



Just because it's slowly driving me insane to see the women's dresses constantly referred to as "mumus"...they are not.  They are caftans.  Yes, they are somewhat similar but they are not the same.  A muumuu is a shapeless monstrosity that's usually in some hideous Hawaiian print.  A caftan is a lovely, flowing, typically long dress that moves with your body.  If you watched the women when they were walking into the suite, you could see how their caftans moved with them, especially Katheryn's when she changed into hers and showed it off to the ladies.  Muumuus do not move like that.  The fabrics are often very different as well.  Muumuus tend to be made out of a stiff cotton and/or polyester blend.  Caftans are typically made out of a more silky material.


For visual reference, I give you the following:









Blame Ken for the mumu, moomoo label. :)  The ladies looked lovely and appropriate.  Maybe Eileen and Rinna will get a clue.

  • Love 5

Because she lies and deliberately  misrepresents and misquotes what they actually said, and then goes on rants about the things they didn't actually say, and then when they start telling her that isn't what they said, she doesn't want to talk about it.

Like when she told Brandi that Lisar was "telling people that I have Munchausen". That has never been the accusation, but it sounds far more dire than what actually happened.

  • Love 17

i just want to vent:  i used to enjoy all the hw's shows but NO!  

i'm tired of yoyo and her crew, ms rinna @ davidson

i'm tired of illness and related drama


 it's no longer fun to watch anymore


i'm frustrated because there is no one to complain to.  bravo no longer accepts comments to their self serving blogs which is very irritating.  i want to scream but no one will hear me!


maybe i should just stop watching because i'm constantly frustrated that andy/bravo don't want to hear

Edited by jaybird2
  • Love 8

Lisa's caftan look was on point.  She looked fabulous and needs to teach Kyle a thing or two about wearing caftans.



Kyle is the one who gave Lisa the caftan, so what is there for her to learn from Lisa about them?  I'm confused.  I think Kyle looked just as lovely in hers.  She gifted all of the women with them so I would think she knows a thing or two about caftans.

  • Love 19


Her hold on the rest is only as strong as they make it? There is a wonderful Fuck You that teens have perfected that would apply to dealing with yoyo - shrug your shoulders and walk away. But, You do want her to get a hint. The key is to be polite, apologize, then tell them you don't want to/cannot deal with their twattery. Apologize again and disengage.


No need to be dramatic, loud or sharp - when you do it with a smile and to their face, there is no mistaking the message. You should only have to do it once and then promptly forget about it.


This is totally childish, but speaking of teenagers perfecting a fuck you, I would kill to see one of the other ladies listen to Yolanda talk about her journey and then say, "Cool story bro" and walk away. 

  • Love 11

One of the MOST devastating things in the episode was david pointing out the shit in the fridge was fake.


There are about 8 different 'Rules to a Relationship' - One that is in the Top Five is "Thou shalt not reveal any secrets".


Like, "The fridge that my wife designed and takes so much pride in, is filled with fake fruit to make it look pretty"


 Dude...That was brutal. All this time people were fawning over what was the most perfect fridge in America. It had it's own facebook or whatever the fuck that was and you killed the whole representation of perfection that your wife wanted to portray.


I loved it.

I would hate having to stand on a chair or stepladder to reach the top shelf of my refrigerator just to arrange a basket of oranges for display. I looked at several photos of that monstrosity and I saw about 8 pounds of green things that I wouldn't recognize, about 4 pounds of grapes, lemons, artichokes, peppers of all colors, and lots of onions.  Basically, diarrhea within easy reach. My frig will never have it's own Twitter account or Facebook page but it does have real food, like meat and potatoes, jelly and beer and .....ya know, good stuff.



The second photo looks more like a sheath dresses with a semi-caftan diaphanous cover over it.


There are many styles, and I agree slinky material is often used, but not always.  The fabric may be slinky, but rarely is a dress worn underneath.  They are more like Kyle's, Lisa's, and Kathryn's.  By the way, WHAT was Kyle thinking with the colors in hers?  Yuck.

I wish I lived in a place where I could wear them always, all day and every day of the year for my entire life. Then I wouldn't have to suck in my gut or wear spanks. 

  • Love 6

I think she has an enviably thick head of hair that is probably a bit more time consuming to maintain since she wears it short and can't just pull it back into a ponytail. A wig would be an easy out when time is crunched.



LisaR did wear her hair pulled back and in a bun when they attended LisaV and Kyle's Moulin Rouge themed anniversary party.

  • Love 2

Like when she told Brandi that Lisar was "telling people that I have Munchausen". That has never been the accusation, but it sounds far more dire than what actually happened.

Well, judging by her inability to pronounce Munchausen (munchie hoosen), I'd stick with the shorter illnesses, like Lyme? Easier to pronounce and spell. Imagine trying to spell and pronounce, "hypochondriac" too?

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 4

I think I figured it out. Maybe. Probably not really. But my my thinking is LisaV DID have very thick hair and that choppy textured hair style. Because she insists on being a caricature of her former youthful self, she wears a wig to look like she did before. Idk, my mom's hair thinned a lot when she got older. She has to have some graying also, and maybe a wig takes care of having to always be coloring and conditioning, etc. Her real hair probably looks like LisaV's. 

Slicked her own hair close to her head and wore a hairpiece for the bun.


Even with a hairpiece, if you don't have enough hair to put in a mini ponytail, the hairs on the side will separate and start to stick out.  I have no doubt that if Yolanda can get that thin mess on her head (before she cut it) into somewhat of a ponytail, Lisa Rinna can pull hers into one also.  You have to have something to attach the hairpiece to.

  • Love 4

The concept behind Erika's look book is not a bad idea, but to need an entourage of three to go on a 5-6 day trip with friends is nuts. It shows how insecure Erika is with herself. Her gay glam squad seem to operate more like cheerleaders/ therapists for her.

When these women travel they remind me of how high school girls try to "slut it up" before going out- who can look the sexiest, sluttiest, hottest...Poor Katherine is so out of her element!

  • Love 5

Katherine is not that bad.  After that bbq at Kyle's house when she said "don't act like you know me when you don't know me".  Ugh.  That was horrible.  I thought I would hate her forever after that but she's grown on me.  Except for that dinner party at Erika's.  She was pretty bad there!  But she's got a light personality and a sense of humor.  She's made light of a few heavy situations already and changing it up from would could have turned into a big argument to making the ladies laugh instead.  At her house when they were talking about addiction and everyone was all down she said jokingly....well I hope you all come back.....and everyone started laughing.  Then in Dubai when things could have taken a serious turn for the worst she piped up that she was going to turn her hearing aid off and once again instead of everyone continuing to bicker she made them all laugh and they moved on.  That's a good quality to have.  I still think she has some serious man hands going on though, lol! 


Oh, I just wanted to add that I like her a lot better than Erika.  Erika has the personality of a box of rocks.  Does she ever laugh!?  Katherine's marriage seems a lot happier also.  

Edited by Sai
  • Love 12


This was really good.  See how the other half lives in Dubai.  9 people to a room, slavery really.  Basically a cemented hole in the ground to be used as a toilet for 45 people. 


Incredibly informative and beyond disgraceful. I really felt like crying as I watched the video. I have no idea what to do about it, but thank you so much for sharing.

  • Love 7

The concept behind Erika's look book is not a bad idea, but to need an entourage of three to go on a 5-6 day trip with friends is nuts. It shows how insecure Erika is with herself. Her gay glam squad seem to operate more like cheerleaders/ therapists for her.

This is completely shallow but while Erika looks much younger without all the slap on, her eyebrows bug me when she does them herself. It's obvious that she's applying powder to them but the color is so off, it's all I can stare at.


Also shallow but wtf did Brandi do to her face? She looked like her usual, overly Botoxed self in the scenes with Yolanda but she just looked like an entirely different person in her THs. I think she looks ridiculous normally but she looked like a caricature of a desperate to retain her youth former model. My husband walked in during her TH and asked me who that was.

Just because it's slowly driving me insane to see the women's dresses constantly referred to as "mumus"...they are not.  They are caftans.  Yes, they are somewhat similar but they are not the same.  A muumuu is a shapeless monstrosity that's usually in some hideous Hawaiian print.  A caftan is a lovely, flowing, typically long dress that moves with your body.  If you watched the women when they were walking into the suite, you could see how their caftans moved with them, especially Katheryn's when she changed into hers and showed it off to the ladies.  Muumuus do not move like that.  The fabrics are often very different as well.  Muumuus tend to be made out of a stiff cotton and/or polyester blend.  Caftans are typically made out of a more silky material.


For visual reference, I give you the following:









Thank you! I kept yelling at the screen that they're not muumuus. I'm going to be in my third trimester during the summer so I've started stocking up on caftans to wear around the house. I'd be mortified if someone thought they were muumuus.

  • Love 4

I'm probably evil, but I thought the entire speech was probably written by Yo.


There is absolutely no way Gigi wrote that speech. I'm sure she's so busy modeling, taking picture for her Instagram to gain more followers, and fake dating Zayn Malik (having moved on from fake dating Joe Jonas), that a ghost writer spoke to her for 10 min and then wrote it for her.

Edited by Lisin
fixed quote
  • Love 5

There is absolutely no way Gigi wrote that speech. I'm sure she's so busy modeling, taking picture for her Instagram to gain more followers, and fake dating Zayn Malik (having moved on from fake dating Joe Jonas), that a ghost writer spoke to her for 10 min and then wrote it for her.

" Reed da speech but neer da end? Zen joos say dat I am yoor roll moh-del, den joos look at da taybel where My Lohve and I are at. Try to getzum emohshun in yor eyhes, Cry fur yur #proud mohmee, zen joo get outta my way so I can speek......"

  • Love 7

I wonder if Yo is in anyway affected by watching the final unraveling of her marriage on TV.  Last week we heard David say he didn't think their relationship could get back to the way it was.  Then he made that comment about making lemonade that night out of lemons.  Seems he still had the tiniest hope that Yo would actually have sex with him.  Bet she was too "Lyme tired".  Then this week, we saw him ask her to accompany him out and she said she had to supervise the packing.  You could hear the bitterness in his voice when he exited the room.  Guess Yo never spent her "good" days with him.  

  • Love 5

I'm waiting for Yo to start some really fine dinner conversation about her oozing implants or something equally gross....about her journey.... while everyone heaves. That gala would have been the time, get an entire huge room to start gagging.

LOL, they way I see it? Everyone stops and thinks, "Oh shit, do we really have to listen to this?" THAT thought gets interrupted by the sound of a chair scraping across the floor and someone saying, "Excuse me", getting up and walking away....then over the next few minutes, people start to bail out until she is the only one there.....

  • Love 3

Did those women really slum it in premium economy for 14 hours?



Does anyone know for sure, was that premium economy from LAX to Atlanta ? Or from Atlanta to Dubai ?   OR was that first class ??

I'm really interested because we are flying on Delta from ATL to Dublin on Premium Economy in September.  (Which is a 7 hour flight)   I didn't think those seats looked too bad at all.  Well.  For "common folk" such as Mr. jnymph  & myself. 

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 1

This is interesting.... Yo could attend the NYC awards gala (which was from an organization co-founded by her husband and her ex), and therefore couldn't go to Dubai. Yet, when a nationally-known and prestigious organization wanted to honor her in San Francisco, she said she was too sick to attend. But.... she was actually in Holland on vacation at the time??


  • Love 7

This is interesting.... Yo could attend the NYC awards gala (which was from an organization co-founded by her husband and her ex), and therefore couldn't go to Dubai. Yet, when a nationally-known and prestigious organization wanted to honor her in San Francisco, she said she was too sick to attend. But.... she was actually in Holland on vacation at the time??


This is the kind of shit that pisses these women off. The pictures of her vacationing in Europe were posted on Instagram for the world to see, and of course these women all follow her. This happened shortly before they started filming. Then they have to listen to her go on and on about how she is too ill to leave her house. They know the truth, and Lisar is the one who is going to take all the heat because she is saying out loud what they have all been saying in private.

  • Love 18

This is the kind of shit that pisses these women off. The pictures of her vacationing in Europe were posted on Instagram for the world to see, and of course these women all follow her. This happened shortly before they started filming. Then they have to listen to her go on and on about how she is too ill to leave her house. They know the truth, and Lisar is the one who is going to take all the heat because she is saying out loud what they have all been saying in private.



Yes and Lisar's mention of M, tragically striped us from the drama that should have happened.  That being her lying and exaggerating.  That will never be addressed now.  Sigh. 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 8

Yes and her mention of M, tragically striped us from the drama that should have happened.  That being her lying and exaggerating.  That will never be addressed now.  Sigh.

I am afraid you are right. I would have much rathered they had taken the tack that Kyle floated several times at the beginning of the season: how depression can cause physical symptoms. Why they didn't go down that trail, I don't know, because I feel it is much, MUCH closer to the truth of "Yolanda's Journey" than anything else any of the other HOs or Yolanda have tried to foist on us.
  • Love 5

This is the kind of shit that pisses these women off. The pictures of her vacationing in Europe were posted on Instagram for the world to see, and of course these women all follow her. This happened shortly before they started filming. Then they have to listen to her go on and on about how she is too ill to leave her house. They know the truth, and Lisar is the one who is going to take all the heat because she is saying out loud what they have all been saying in private.


Exactly.  Rinna is trying to say two things:


- Yo is selectively using her illness/lying about her illness to get out of work and to gain sympathy, while they all know full well she is choosing to do other things instead AND those other things are sometimes insulting (going to lunch with drunk and drunker vs. supporting her good, close friend Erika in her first dinner party with Tom and the Ho's).


- Yo uses her illness and fog brain to get away with being an asshole because they can't call her out on anything or risk making themselves look like the assholes beating up on a sick person, or she just claims fog brain anyway and pretends she is confused.


Rinna cannot form complete, coherent sentences to explain any of this to the other women, so they get lost in translation. 

Edited by izabella
  • Love 19

This is interesting.... Yo could attend the NYC awards gala (which was from an organization co-founded by her husband and her ex), and therefore couldn't go to Dubai. Yet, when a nationally-known and prestigious organization wanted to honor her in San Francisco, she said she was too sick to attend. But.... she was actually in Holland on vacation at the time??


Wow!  This is bad. Really bad.  


And in that article......more of her feet selfies.  GAK!!  

  • Love 7

Exactly.  Rinna is trying to say two things:


- Yo is selectively using her illness/lying about her illness to get out of work and to gain sympathy, while they all know full well she is choosing to do other things instead AND those other things are sometimes insulting (going to lunch with drunk and drunker vs. supporting her good, close friend Erika in her first dinner party with Tom and the Ho's).


- Yo uses her illness and fog brain to get away with being an asshole because they can't call her out on anything or risk making themselves look like the assholes beating up on a sick person, or she just claims fog brain anyway and pretends she is confused.


Rinna cannot form complete, coherent sentences to explain any of this to the other women, so they get lost in translation. 


Her 'hallelujah moments' are the absolute best to watch?


Those are the times that she gets her dander up and goes Pit Viper on someone's ass. Yo has a very asshole-ish way of talking down to people and I am surprised that these 'strong' women let it happen?


LisaR gets too cute - and starts to laugh/congratulate herself on being smart - to try and get her point across?

  • Love 4

Does anyone know for sure, was that premium economy from LAX to Atlanta ? Or from Atlanta to Dubai ?   OR was that first class ??

I'm really interested because we are flying on Delta from ATL to Dublin on Premium Economy in September.  (Which is a 7 hour flight)   I didn't think those seats looked too bad at all.  Well.  For "common folk" such as Mr. jnymph  & myself. 


I'd rather make the drive, it's far more relaxing and I can stop when ever I want to?

  • Love 1

Exactly.  Rinna is trying to say two things:


- Yo is selectively using her illness/lying about her illness to get out of work and to gain sympathy, while they all know full well she is choosing to do other things instead AND those other things are sometimes insulting (going to lunch with drunk and drunker vs. supporting her good, close friend Erika in her first dinner party with Tom and the Ho's).


- Yo uses her illness and fog brain to get away with being an asshole because they can't call her out on anything or risk making themselves look like the assholes beating up on a sick person, or she just claims fog brain anyway and pretends she is confused.


Rinna cannot form complete, coherent sentences to explain any of this to the other women, so they get lost in translation. 


She also takes on an angry and defensive tone.  She would have had a chance for others to consider her doubts, had she remained calm, using a soft tone of voice and putting her doubts out there with a "this is what I see, what do you think" position.   This is not an articulate woman! 

  • Love 9
LisaR gets too cute - and starts to laugh/congratulate herself on being smart - to try and get her point across?


I think she does something a lot people do...she doesn't state the point FIRST, then go into the weeds on how she arrived at that conclusion.  Don't start in the weeds and build up to the conclusion.  These women can't follow a bouncing ball, much less logic, nor will they ever give you more than 15 seconds before they jump in with their comments.  Make your point about Yo before bringing in the examples.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 9

She also takes on an angry and defensive tone.  She would have had a chance for others to consider her doubts, had she remained calm, using a soft tone of voice and putting her doubts out there with a "this is what I see, what do you think" position.   This is not an articulate woman! 


One of the FASTEST ways to get someone to back down in an argument/discussion is to pull the Nuclear Option card out of the deck and play that one first? When a person, like yoyo, gets loud/defensive/angry the first thing a cognizant person does is to back down because you don't want to get someone angry/hurt/defensive? She acts like a obstinate child that gets caught in a lie then lashes out - again, not a good look for her.


IF there is anything that IRRITATES THE FUCK out of me about her? It's the insufferably stupid hash tags she attaches to her posts. They are so corny and phony - Especially the no needles, proud mommy, look at me - I'm a fucking douchebag posts?

  • Love 8

This is interesting.... Yo could attend the NYC awards gala (which was from an organization co-founded by her husband and her ex), and therefore couldn't go to Dubai. Yet, when a nationally-known and prestigious organization wanted to honor her in San Francisco, she said she was too sick to attend. But.... she was actually in Holland on vacation at the time??


That article is complete BS. All those "incriminating" photos are still on Yolanda's Instagram account, and their dates don't conflict with the Bay Area Lyme thing. The toe biting is dated May 5 2015, the shot of her breakfast in bed is dated May 9, eating fries with her mother is dated May 11, the photo of her on the train to Paris is May 11. She posted that she was #OnMyWay #ParisLosAngeles on the 12th of May, and on the 14th she posted a shot of herself and the marble pill table in David's condo.
  • Love 4

I think she does something a lot people do...she doesn't state the point FIRST, then go into the weeds on how she arrived at that conclusion.  Don't start in the weeds and build up to the conclusion.  These women can't follow a bouncing ball, much less logic, nor will they ever give you more than 15 seconds before they jump in with their comments.  Make your point about Yo before bringing in the examples.

Not just the HWs but the producers as well. She starts rambling off about something and before she gets the point, they edit it out so the point is lost entirely on the show. It is something she and Eileen both do IMO.

  • Love 4

That article is complete BS. All those "incriminating" photos are still on Yolanda's Instagram account, and their dates don't conflict with the Bay Area Lyme thing. The toe biting is dated May 5 2015, the shot of her breakfast in bed is dated May 9, eating fries with her mother is dated May 11, the photo of her on the train to Paris is May 11. She posted that she was #OnMyWay #ParisLosAngeles on the 12th of May, and on the 14th she posted a shot of herself and the marble pill table in David's condo.


You are right, the photos were taken/posted before the SF Lyme event. So, I wonder if she spent all her spoons in Amsterdam/France and could not go the Lyme event even though she knew it was a week after her "vacation". LOL

  • Love 8

That article is complete BS. All those "incriminating" photos are still on Yolanda's Instagram account, and their dates don't conflict with the Bay Area Lyme thing. The toe biting is dated May 5 2015, the shot of her breakfast in bed is dated May 9, eating fries with her mother is dated May 11, the photo of her on the train to Paris is May 11. She posted that she was #OnMyWay #ParisLosAngeles on the 12th of May, and on the 14th she posted a shot of herself and the marble pill table in David's condo.

Could she have deleted and reposted the photos, once she realized she'd fucked up?

  • Love 2

Thank you! I kept yelling at the screen that they're not muumuus. I'm going to be in my third trimester during the summer so I've started stocking up on caftans to wear around the house. I'd be mortified if someone thought they were muumuus.


Congratulations!!!  I'm in my third trimester right now and SO thankful it's not during the height of summer.  Summers here in Florida are brutal enough.  I'm sure you're going to rock your caftans!  :)

  • Love 3

That article is complete BS. All those "incriminating" photos are still on Yolanda's Instagram account, and their dates don't conflict with the Bay Area Lyme thing. The toe biting is dated May 5 2015, the shot of her breakfast in bed is dated May 9, eating fries with her mother is dated May 11, the photo of her on the train to Paris is May 11. She posted that she was #OnMyWay #ParisLosAngeles on the 12th of May, and on the 14th she posted a shot of herself and the marble pill table in David's condo.


It's interesting to me how the websites that feed off the Real Housewives shows have taken up the storyline that Yolanda isn't really ill and is deserving of mockery and public humiliation.  Thanks Lisa Rinna and Vanderpump and whoever else thought it would be a good idea to float Munchausen's out there for all to speculate on.

This is the kind of shit that pisses these women off. The pictures of her vacationing in Europe were posted on Instagram for the world to see, and of course these women all follow her. This happened shortly before they started filming. Then they have to listen to her go on and on about how she is too ill to leave her house. They know the truth, and Lisar is the one who is going to take all the heat because she is saying out loud what they have all been saying in private.

Maybe they should all just mind their own fucking business then.  She was visiting her family, spending time with her mother who is ill with cancer.  Or maybe her mother is faking her illness as well.

I have to give it up to Kyle this episode.  She was the only one of the "doubters" who bothered to make the trip to NYC to see what Yolanda's deal was really all about and she was profoundly moved by the experience.  I'm not sure whether it was a master chess move on her part given what's to come on the show, or she was actually trying to be a friend or she was getting some obligatory filming in but I respect her for going and participating.  I also liked the fact that she bought all the women caftans so not only did they all look great but they were covered and appeared to be respectful of the culture.  Bravo Kyle.

  • Love 6

It's interesting to me how the websites that feed off the Real Housewives shows have taken up the storyline that Yolanda isn't really ill and is deserving of mockery and public humiliation.  Thanks Lisa Rinna and Vanderpump and whoever else thought it would be a good idea to float Munchausen's out there for all to speculate on.

Maybe they should all just mind their own fucking business then.  She was visiting her family, spending time with her mother who is ill with cancer.  Or maybe her mother is faking her illness as well.

I have to give it up to Kyle this episode.  She was the only one of the "doubters" who bothered to make the trip to NYC to see what Yolanda's deal was really all about and she was profoundly moved by the experience.  I'm not sure whether it was a master chess move on her part given what's to come on the show, or she was actually trying to be a friend or she was getting some obligatory filming in but I respect her for going and participating.  I also liked the fact that she bought all the women caftans so not only did they all look great but they were covered and appeared to be respectful of the culture.  Bravo Kyle.

LisaV had to get her passport renewed in England (a producer went with her and it was filmed), Eileen had to work on her SO and LisaR was working on a Talk Show pilot, so no one bailed on Yolanda but had their own business to take care of.  And, once again, not 1 of the HWs have said that Yolanda is faking her illness or that she isn't sick, not 1.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 18

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