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S02.E02: Date Nights & Bright Lights

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So adorbs, Jill?

No. Just stop.

I do like the frames Joy picked out, though.

Oh no, Joy did that stupid 'I'm so cute aren't I' laugh Jessa does.

(Side note: that commercial for Two In A Million broke my heart).

Spurgeon is quite possibly the dumbest effing name I've ever heard.

I heart Jana. She just seems like she has such a good soul. And what a handy little thing she is too!

Edited by woodscommaelle
  • Love 6

Jessa seems to think that when she was younger and opposing everything Jana suggested, she was being "strong headed".  Where I come from, that is called being a "bitch".  And, on the days when they are going to be filming in her home, she really should make an effort to tidy up and at least make the bed.  She appears to be extremely lazy, so, all their talk about adoption is just that - talk. 


I wonder why we didn't see more of the trip to Central America. 

  • Love 18

Seriously what the fuck is up with these girls having such nasty ass houses? Did anyone else notice how Jessa's bed didn't get made until after Jana arrived? Jessa has definitely perfected Michelle's "I can't possibly lift a finger because I have a baby now" act.

This episode was a combo of Christian Mingle ad for Jana and F.U. Interwebz, Jana does soooo much more than wipe snotty noses and cook TTC all day. Can we also make a drinking game out of "Central America"?

Speaking of which, which is the biggest risk the Duggars faced down there: getting lost on the way to Pizza Hut or tripping while riding the shopping mall escalator? Since Jill seems averse to putting clothes on Izzy, I hope she's slathering that poor child in SPF and bug repellant.

  • Love 19
  On 3/23/2016 at 2:05 AM, Adeejay said:

Jessa seems to think that when she was younger and opposing everything Jana suggested, she was being "strong headed".  Where I come from, that is called being a "bitch".  And, on the days when they are going to be filming in her home, she really should make an effort to tidy up and at least make the bed.  She appears to be extremely lazy, so, all their talk about adoption is just that - talk. 


I wonder why we didn't see more of the trip to Central America. 


I was thinking the same thing. Jill seems to be getting frozen out of this show. The whole family was in CA for two weeks and there was just a short snippet about Jill and Derick and CA.


I don't know why they think it's so adorable to show us that Jessa can't cook, and doesn't clean (although her house does look cleaner than Jill's). Ben takes care of dirty diapers, and Jana comes over to handle "projects" that need to be done around the house. What does Jessa do? Is her sole job to feed Spurgeon?


The whole TH with Jana "opening up" about courting was painful. She looked like she was in physical pain, and clearly wasn't comfortable answering questions. I can't imagine what she is actually feeling or what she actually wants but it's 100% clear that she is not "excited to see what the Lord has in store!"

  • Love 16
  On 3/23/2016 at 2:05 AM, Adeejay said:

Jessa seems to think that when she was younger and opposing everything Jana suggested, she was being "strong headed".  Where I come from, that is called being a "bitch".  And, on the days when they are going to be filming in her home, she really should make an effort to tidy up and at least make the bed.  She appears to be extremely lazy, so, all their talk about adoption is just that - talk. 


I wonder why we didn't see more of the trip to Central America. 


Yeah, what happened to "keeping sweet"?

  • Love 1
  On 3/23/2016 at 2:30 AM, dugie said:

I cant stand Jessa. She is so smug and expects everyone to do everything for her while she sits there and barks out orders. I qaurantee she wouldn't lift a finger to help her sisters or anybody else for that matter.

If it was the producer's intention to make Jessa even more unlikable than ever, then bravo, mission accomplished.

  • Love 18


If it was the producer's intention to make Jessa even more unlikable than ever, then bravo, mission accomplished.

I think Jessa has learned at the knee of the master. She's the chosen one to take the crown from J'chelle. She is her mother- lazy and smug about it. And bossy but doesn't care who minds it. But she does it with that smile. I swear when she smiles you can almost hear her say "ill cut a bitch if you cross me".

  • Love 13
  On 3/23/2016 at 2:30 AM, dugie said:

I cant stand Jessa. She is so smug and expects everyone to do everything for her while she sits there and barks out orders. I qaurantee she wouldn't lift a finger to help her sisters or anybody else for that matter.

She used to pack for the family. After that? Nada. (that's "nothing" to  you, Derick)


She knows this show is about her and is lording her position as Princess. Shocked (leghumpers who think she's so modest), not shocked (anyone with a brain). 

  • Love 12
  On 3/23/2016 at 2:35 AM, BitterApple said:

If it was the producer's intention to make Jessa even more unlikable than ever, then bravo, mission accomplished.

I really don't think there is gonna be a lot of Jill to this at all. This was packaged as Jill and Jessas strictly for the go- ahead. They knew the largest numbers came from the wedding and birth episodes and they also knew they were the Duggars who had the most sympathy from viewership. What i truly think is abhorrent is the"sly" way they are bringing the holy sperm whale and his bucket-wife back into the show..a few more minutes per episode. Oh and the FU internets moments. They have done their homework..they know. Before you know it, Smuggs will be back too. Why? Cus they think if they do it bit by bit..no one will notice and everyone will forget the disgusting negligence shown by the parents of this clusterfuck and the depravity of their loins, Smuggs, himself.

And yeah...on a lighter note. .Jessa's a lazy slovenly bitch.

Thoughtful of her to take her sicko offspring over to a house with a newborn and four other littles in it. Oh well, Sierra got paid.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 15
  On 3/23/2016 at 2:46 AM, Sew Sumi said:

She used to pack for the family. After that? Nada. (that's "nothing" to  you, Derick)


She knows this show is about her and is lording her position as Princess. Shocked (leghumpers who think she's so modest), not shocked (anyone with a brain). 


It's also pretty obvious that she's the breadwinner in the family -- she knows it and she makes sure Ben knows it. He hardly even seems up to his usual grunts and stuttering.


If he still has any illusions that he will be a minister (tv or otherwise) or a "Christian rapper" someone really needs to sit him down for a talk. It's possible that he's not as dumb as he appears on tv, but he certainly has no public speaking ability, no charisma, and no marketable personality.

  • Love 11

I think TLC really believed that Jill and Derick were going to be "exciting" at their "overseas mission" and they would get good footage. Ha! The film crew probably got nothing. Producers are scratching their heads and filling the episodes with other stuff like turkeys and lighting projects.

We knew months ago that this was a a fake mission or missioncation. That's why they have NO footage of anything. Derick and Jill are doing nothing. Zero. Nada. The whole "mission" and all its fake danger is a huge joke. There will never be any good footage ever. Jill hanging out clothes is the highlight of her day. Derick getting wet feet and buying boots was a huge deal.

Or, MAYBE (I say that in a snarky tone) Derick has really lost it and they can't film Derick much because he is too _____ (fill in the blank with either sick, depressed, addicted or nuts)

  • Love 16

I was truely disgusted when Jessa ADMITTED she hasn't swept or vacuumed under the bed or under any furniture in a whole year. Those huge hairy dustballs from under her bed were downright scary. I sat through the pre episode and while Hannie crouches in the living room corner sneaking WHIP cream, I noticed big ol pile of breast pump paraphilia piled up on the floor. There must be congealed gravey splats and mashed potato flecks splattered all over those wedding photos on the kitchen counter!

If I know someone is coming over, I always make my bed! I usually do it anyway, even though the bedrooms are upstairs. Jessa knew she was being filmed for the world, and she leaves her bed a heaping jumbled pile of mess. Maybe to let us all know that she just had sex?

Unless she believes in, and practices, birth control, there is no way she will be adopting. Why do they insist on talking about it constantly? Adopting is for infirtile couples; why should Jessa and Ben get a baby when so many couples try to conceive for years, then spend years on waiting lists for adoption.

Poor Jana, being asked all those questions! She kept sighing, almost hyperventilating! Why cannot she admit she would love to go away to college, or work and have her own apartment?

I HATED seeing JB/Michelle! JB looked smug and Michelle looked frumpy as ever.

So Justin changes the oil for all the cars and trucks? It looks like they have invested in a whole complete mechanic garage. He's just so little. Is there any adult supervision?

Jessa's hair for the big taco date was piled high with the fundie hump!

  • Love 8

When JD talked about how outgoing Jana was as a child, it made me sad. Jana is a beautiful girl but she just seems so worn out to me. She all but admitted it's hard to see her peers married with kids while she's still waiting for Prince Charming.

I really believe it's Boob and Michelle discouraging her from courting rather than no suitable guys being interested. Michelle isn't about to lose another nanny to marriage and Hannie is still too young to become a full fledged J'Slave.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 20
  On 3/23/2016 at 6:16 AM, BitterApple said:

When JD talked about how outgoing Jana was as a child, it made me sad. Jana is a beautiful girl but she just seems so worn out to me. She all but admitted it's hard to see her peers married with kids while she's still waiting for Prince Charming.


The problem, as Jana pointed out, is that you are either a "little kid" or "married".  She has no  other options.  She can't be a real adult in their world until she gets married.  As another poster pointed out, I think she would prefer to go off to college.  She seems bored.

Edited by luvbadtv
  • Love 11

Is it legal for unlicensed and untrained people to do their own electrical work? I hope there was an electrician behind the camera man, and that this was all to promote "superwoman" Jana.

I felt awful when it was revealed Jana essentially has no goals for the future.

Jessa's big fake grin describing how she likes to be in control and how she incidentally snuffed out Jana's spirit was weird.

The Producer asked Anna if she'd be going to "Central America", and Anna's choked back tears response of "oh, I'm usually pregnant or nursing", before she remembered the state of her marriage, and had to totally stop talking before she cried. What was the producer going for with that?

  • Love 14
  On 3/23/2016 at 12:46 PM, Fuzzysox said:

I'm always torn in my thoughts for Bin. Every time we see him his eyes are inflammed and red so I wonder if he has been hardcore crying or it's raging allergies. Being a cynic I think he cries everyday because he has no way out but the truth is that he has allergies and needs meds stat!

Well, he must be building up a tolerance for dust. Or not.

  • Love 2

Poor Spurgey-only 6 weeks old & already has a cold. But why am I surprised with this family & their lack of hygiene? After seeing Jessa & her dustballs, I'm thinking Spurgey's sneezing was from that & not a cold. Then to take him over to Sierra's. As first time parents, they didn't seem too concerned about him not feeling well. I wonder if they even took him to the pediatrician to be checked out since he was so young at the time. Do they even have a pediatrician? We got to see most of the M's going for their first doctor visits. It hasn't even been mentioned on the show. Same for Izzy - is he getting the proper well baby visits & shots? If they are going to the doctors, they could do a parallel visit episode. Show both Spurgey & Izzy going to their doctor appointments & how they are alike & different. Are you listening TLC?

I would love love to show Jessa & Jill how the real world exists -working moms & dads that have to get themselves & kids ready in morning, drop them off at school & daycare & be at their desks ready to go at 8 am & do reverse at 5 oclock.

You would think TLC would have at least gotten some new filler footage while they were in CA. We are seeing the same clips over & over. My favorite is the one of them solemnly walking on that path which someone said is probably the path to the Wal-Mart.

Edited by Barb23
  • Love 9

I feel annoyed with TLC that they tried to make me watch Joy shop for eyeglasses all while face timing...REALLY? This is the show?


I second all other PP where Jessa is lazy as hell. Seriously. Every scene she is parked on the couch doing nothing aside from sometimes feeding Spurgeon. Lazy entitled bitch! 


I also felt sad when JD (?) said that Jana used to be really outgoing until MECHELLE AND BOOB beat (figuratively and probably literally seeing as they support the Pearls) the life out of her and turned her into a slave. God I seriously hate them for what they did to their kids. 18 year old JOy cant even pick out glasses alone, Jill seems completely lost in CA, Jessa thinks being a huge bitch is funny and loves to do nothing and is seriously lazy. ITS NOT ADORBS JESSA- ITS SAD AND GROSS!!!  Josh is chester the molester and Anna is holding on by a thread. 


Free Jana and Hannie. God I hope some good guy comes along and gets Jana out of her hellish life.

Edited by yogi2014L
  • Love 9

I didn't hate this. Despite her HBIC attitude, Jessa seems to appreciate and Jana. I liked JD's story about the calf.

I felt bad for Joy. It's obvious that she was really close with Jill. I wish they would have let the little girl shopping with her to say hello to Jill.

Sierra is annoying, but I'm glad that Jessa has a mom friend outside of her family somewhat close in age. At least Spurgeon will have a playmate or two outside of his cousins.

  • Love 6
  On 3/23/2016 at 12:46 PM, Fuzzysox said:

I'm always torn in my thoughts for Bin. Every time we see him his eyes are inflammed and red so I wonder if he has been hardcore crying or it's raging allergies. Being a cynic I think he cries everyday because he has no way out but the truth is that he has allergies and needs meds stat!

Or the dust removed from under his bed on a regular basis.

  • Love 2

Seriously, not one of them has vacuumed under the bed for a year? I'm not opposed to a bit of mess, not everyone feels the need for an immaculate house, but actual dirt is just gross. And I can't understand why Bin with his allergies doesn't pull out a hoover once in a while out of sheer self-preservation. Are the gender roles really so rigid that if the designated home maker fails to do her part, the husband can't pick up the slack? Or are they both equally lazy and dumb?

  • Love 7
  On 3/23/2016 at 1:37 PM, Whyyouneedaname said:

I actually had to google "can lights" have only ever referred to the lights they were installing as recessed lights. Apparently some people use the term can lights, that term just sounded so backwards to me for some reason.... I know, I'm petty lol. 

I know...I kept asking my husband, "what kind of lights did they say?" He didn't get it right either. He thought they were saying, "fan lights".

I really, really, really disliked Jessa on this episode. And that's saying a lot, because I never really gave her two thoughts before.

I don't think anyone (but Jessa) wanted to be undertaking this home remodelling project.  Certainly not Ben.  Where do  they get the money for all this stuff???

  • Love 2
  On 3/23/2016 at 2:27 PM, Vaysh said:

Seriously, not one of them has vacuumed under the bed for a year? I'm not opposed to a bit of mess, not everyone feels the need for an immaculate house, but actual dirt is just gross. And I can't understand why Bin with his allergies doesn't pull out a hoover once in a while out of sheer self-preservation. Are the gender roles really so rigid that if the designated home maker fails to do her part, the husband can't pick up the slack? Or are they both equally lazy and dumb?


I vote for that second option.

  • Love 2

Hmmm could be regional differences re: can lights? That's what I call them.


I just feel so sad for Jana. She's wasting her life away. I felt embarrassed for her with those inappropriate questions. Those producers are such clods. Leave alone unless you are actually going to help her escape!


Someone please hug Anna! Like an actual hug not a fake side hug. She's barely keeping it together.


And Ben is dumber than a box of hair I'm sorry. Hearing him talk is like a flashback to high school and the maturity and intelligence level featured by teenage boys and that's probably an insult to many teenage boys.

Edited by preciousperfect
  • Love 12

I don’t see Jessa being thankful for Jana. I see it as expected. Jana is there to make everyone else’s life easier. Jessa wants to throw a dinner at her house - Jenna is there to plan the menu and shop and get things organized. Jill wants to be a midiwife – Jana is there to assist with the births. Smuggar and Anna want to go on a road trip-Jana is there to help with the kids. They plan a trip to CA- Jana is left home to watch the “little ones”…. I can go on.

  • Love 17
  On 3/23/2016 at 3:15 PM, dugie said:

I don’t see Jessa being thankful for Jana. I see it as expected. Jana is there to make everyone else’s life easier. Jessa wants to throw a dinner at her house - Jenna is there to plan the menu and shop and get things organized. Jill wants to be a midiwife – Jana is there to assist with the births. Smuggar and Anna want to go on a road trip-Jana is there to help with the kids. They plan a trip to CA- Jana is left home to watch the “little ones”…. I can go on.

I agree. Jessa needs to know that actions speak louder than words. I wonder if Jessa still has the jewelry box.

  • Love 4

Still can't believe Sierra is only 2-3 years older than Jessa and not ten. Watched part of it with my brother and before he got bored and left he decided Jinger was the prettiest Duggar. I believe he said he thought she had her own style and doesn't look like everybody else. He also said the girls would be prettier minus about 2 feet of hair.

  • Love 6
  On 3/23/2016 at 3:15 PM, dugie said:

I don’t see Jessa being thankful for Jana. I see it as expected. Jana is there to make everyone else’s life easier.

I didn't either. Jessa was just following the script. For years the forums have been complaining about how Jana goes unnoticed and unappreciated and then voila! we have an episode where the family is worshipping at her feet. A while back Jessa posted on social media how she'd found a recipe for scones and wanted to make them so she called Jana to come over and do it for her. Jessa is a lazy, conniving user with no redeemable qualities. She's loving towards Spurgeon? Big effing deal, your supposed to love your kid. I wish Jana would grow a pair and tell her family to go to hell. I'd pay to watch that.

  • Love 24
  On 3/23/2016 at 5:44 AM, louannems said:

I was truely disgusted when Jessa ADMITTED she hasn't swept or vacuumed under the bed or under any furniture in a whole year. Those huge hairy dustballs from under her bed were downright scary. I sat through the pre episode and while Hannie crouches in the living room corner sneaking WHIP cream, I noticed big ol pile of breast pump paraphilia piled up on the floor. There must be congealed gravey splats and mashed potato flecks splattered all over those wedding photos on the kitchen counter!

If I know someone is coming over, I always make my bed! I usually do it anyway, even though the bedrooms are upstairs. Jessa knew she was being filmed for the world, and she leaves her bed a heaping jumbled pile of mess. Maybe to let us all know that she just had sex?

Unless she believes in, and practices, birth control, there is no way she will be adopting. Why do they insist on talking about it constantly? Adopting is for infirtile couples; why should Jessa and Ben get a baby when so many couples try to conceive for years, then spend years on waiting lists for adoption.


While I don't think Jessa and Bin will or should adopt, adopting is not just for infertile couples. There are so many kids who languish in the foster care system for life, and never find "forever families." 

  On 3/23/2016 at 2:08 PM, SoSueMe said:

Or the dust removed from under his bed on a regular basis.

Nothing stopping him from doing so. 

  • Love 4

Jessa and Ben haven't said if they are looking to adopt an infant or an older child.  I'd like to see them say that they are willing to take an older child since they are so blessed to be able to birth their own children.  I will be totally disgusted if they come up with some perfect infant given up by a leghumper.  I really don't see any of it happening since it is just a story line.  Why couldn't they have a story line about working with children in the foster care system or becoming foster parents?  That might impress me.

  • Love 6

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