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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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Gawker has his OKCupid profile.


In this posting, he claims to be single. Obviously, that's not his picture, but what if some girl went to meet him, expecting the guy in the picture, and is confused why the poster child for monogamy and godliness showed up instead.


Not that it wasn't known already, but this clown is a massive f-ing idiot.

Edited by Guest

Wow. Just..... What is wrong with him? For that matter what is wrong with any man who uses a site like this. You are married. Married to a beautiful young woman. What more do you need? Sick!


According to him he needs "Someone Who Can Teach Me"


My mind went to dark freaky places involving fetish Josh getting spanked at the SOTDRT  while licking the girls jeans and declaring he must be punished because gosh darn it he gets turned on by a girl in pants and he needs his 7 minutes in the prayer closet with his new $250 girl next door who keeps screaming how gently she is going to smother him with her natural breasts that smell like roses due to her good personal hygiene.




I think I need a drink

  • Love 13

As much as I loathe him...I remain skeptical. It's just too many degrees of utter stupidity to use his real name and credit card when he had everything to lose by this.


Seriously though, he's uneducated from Arkansas (I mean, I'm totally from Arkansas too but he's not even "street smart") and while I know he's somewhat "worldly", I don't doubt that he believed in the "safety" of the website. YMMV

  • Love 13

Seriously though, he's uneducated from Arkansas (I mean, I'm totally from Arkansas too but he's not even "street smart") and while I know he's somewhat "worldly", I don't doubt that he believed in the "safety" of the website. YMMV

He most likely thought he was safe because he controlled the family finances and probably used a work laptop that Anna didn't touch.

  • Love 17

Well, the other reason I'm skeptical is I don't know how any adultery website stays in business when their "product" includes a Josh Duggar.

Seriously...someone is going to risk their marriage to have sex with him?

Can't see it.


It's not about looks so much as it is about the thrill of being with someone who is not your spouse and doesn't know your flaws. And trying things your spouse won't.


....I used to find Josh cute around the 14 Kids and Counting era. I hang my head in shame.

  • Love 6

I won't say it's not legit, but I am skeptical. He comes out saying that he's looking to have an affair, that doesn't sound like something Josh would say in those words...but the shit's gonna hit the fan if it's proven the email addresses and credit card are linked to Josh. I said back in May that I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Josh had more skeevy baggage revealed.

I can't believe this story hit the same day Jill and Jessa's People cover came out. It's too much. I wonder who's more pissed , Anna or Jessa?


I bet Jessa is seething. First Jill beats her to an engagement and gets the cover, even though Jessa courted first. Then she gets pregnant and blows Jessa's engagement off the headlines. Then Jill gets the birth special. Then the show gets canceled. NOW, they're staging a comeback, and not only does Jessa have to share the cover with Jill but it's now shot to shit with this newest scandal by Josh.

  • Love 14


Obviously, that's not his picture, but what if some girl went to meet him, expecting the guy in the picture, and is confused why the poster child for monogamy and godliness showed up instead.

Looking at the guys face....I see how it COULD look like a healthier, exercising Josh. His ideal. All he would have to say is his darn wife keeps overfeeding him, and he has important political dinners, so he gained 30 lbs. He's dumb enough to believe the woman on the other end wouldn't care. Most catfishers are.

  • Love 4

I bet Jessa is seething. First Jill beats her to an engagement and gets the cover, even though Jessa courted first. Then she gets pregnant and blows Jessa's engagement off the headlines. Then Jill gets the birth special. Then the show gets canceled. NOW, they're staging a comeback, and not only does Jessa have to share the cover with Jill but it's now shot to shit with this newest scandal by Josh.

Jessa has to be seething right now.  The day she gets back on the cover of PEOPLE (shared cover though) after months of careful PR-approved movements her honry brother screws things up for her again.  This will be the straw that broke Jessa's camel back.  She's going to burn down that family like Carrie at prom.

  • Love 23

Just for clarification: There's no specific evidence that he actually cheated, right?


Correct. Reportedly Gawker traced the credit card info on the account to the mold house in Arkansas. Short of the women he slept with coming forward (which would be counter productive on a site like that one), there's no smoking gun of actual infidelity.

Edited by EarlGreyTea
  • Love 3
My mind went to dark freaky places involving fetish Josh getting spanked at the SOTDRT  while licking the girls jeans and declaring he must be punished because gosh darn it he gets turned on by a girl in pants and he needs his 7 minutes in the prayer closet with his new $250 girl next door who keeps screaming how gently she is going to smother him with her natural breasts that smell like roses due to her good personal hygiene.



19 Kinks and Counting?

  • Love 11

Now that's just frightening.


I don't endorse hackers releasing the private information of ordinary people but damn, this is GOLD. And somebody had to really go digging for this. From ABC News:

The database of private information was posted to the dark Web, a corner of the Internet difficult to reach without some Web savvy. The bottom line: While personal information has been breached, it would take skill for someone to find a specific person to confirm his or her interest in cheating.



Scratch the surface of a family values conservative christian, get a hypocrite.

  • Love 3

Just, I realize that this is such a minor aspect of all this, but seriously, you can buy refillable credit cards at the drugstore. Who uses their own credit card to join a cheating website? Especially since he was injecting himself into the presidential primaries at his job. It's like he wanted to get caught.

And nobody with lofty political goals has ever made THAT kind of mistake before. Not even more worldly hopefuls.

  • Love 2

And nobody with lofty political goals has ever made THAT kind of mistake before. Not even more worldly hopefuls.

No, of course, they totally have. It just confuses me that this man knew that he had a really, really bad secret, and the mythology of his family (which, for the record, I don't buy into) is that his bad secret caused his family to lose favor with the Lord, and it doesn't seem as if he learned that it's a good idea not to get caught.

Edited by Julia

Wasn't expecting that one.  I'm surprised, but not surprised.  I'm guessing this will be one of the featured stories on all of the morning shows tomorrow morning.


Between this and the molestation scandal, I'm wondering who will play Josh, Anna, JB, and Michelle when they eventually make the ripped from the headlines version of the story on L&O SVU.

  • Love 7

This is like the smug cherry on top of the hypocritical cake ! And, oh, how many layers !!! Can't wait to find out what Josh has done to complete the hat trick...


Part of me is "Poor Anna...", but part is reserving sympathy for someone who's consciously forgiven and living with an admitted child molester. 


I hope this means the "special" on the 30th is now cancelled - I never thought it was a good idea anyway - at first I thought it was a joke !  Seriously, to have a show "counseling" victims of sexual assault or abuse by the very family that ignored, condoned, covered up, forgave, swept under the rug, again, a child molester.


Makes as much sense to me as a company named after Amelia Earhart making luggage. I thought that, too, was a joke until I looked it up, and, sure enough, there is a company making luggage named after a woman most famous for...getting lost and never coming back.


In both cases, the irony is staggering. 


My guess is that the media will continue to play with this as the facts trickle out, and Josh will remain in the fort he's built out of couch cushions. 


He's just made it too easy - this is like shooting fish in a barrel here.

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 13

You guys... you know how sometimes someone says something and EVERYBODY just rolls over laughing (and you laugh too...) but you really have no clue what's so funny???  I've been reading off and on all night (while working) and I need some clarification because I'm not sure I got the joke.  So Josh signed up on this cheating site - I got that much - and apparently used his own address in Arkansas for the details.  Because he thought it was safe, right?  And used his own credit card information out of his own pocket, apparently.  No one knows why he would use his own address, or why he would use a card in his own pocket instead of a throw away one, correct?  (Well, I mean, other than he's just stupid or thought he was invisible). 


Here's what I don't think I understand.  The hackers weren't trying to hog tie Josh (again), right?  They were aiming at destroying the SITE because they disagreed with some of their practices (like not deleting information after people paid to have it deleted).  Did Josh pay that money too, to have his information deleted?  Do we know?  [if he did, then there's his "out" - he was curious and he signed up out of curiosity, but then had a change of heart and paid the money to have his information deleted].  If he DID pay to have it deleted, did he sign up AGAIN once he got to DC? 


So... WHO went through that process to discover than Josh was indeed a paying member of the site?


And one of the headlines (and several posters) has indicated that it's going to be a really bad day for millions of Americans tomorrow.  How would the average computer impaired human (like me, for example) know that their spouse was on this site?  Or for how long?  Or when?  (I'm not worried about MY spouse - he's WAY too lazy for that kind of adventure).  I'm just asking.  How did someone find out Josh was on there and when and for how long, and how would anybody else know about their spouse?  I mean, truthfully, the random John Brown who did this will never be found out because his wife (like me) couldn't begin to figure out how to look.  Am I reading that right?


And what, exactly, does this site accomplish?  Are the people who run it finding potential hookups, or does someone like Josh look at a list and pick his own potential hookup?  I'm really curious.  I never even HEARD of such a thing - and the articles say there are as many as 38,000,000 members.  Seriously???  That's the craziest thing I ever heard of!  (It's really almost as funny as farmersonly.com - which I TOTALLY thought was a joke for the longest time!)  WHO would hook up with somebody on a cheater site?  Is that crazy or is it just me?   I guess you'd really have to identify your location - otherwise, you might chase a rabbit who is clear across the country.  There you go, friends - my list of questions.  Help me out.


SomeP, I was so hoping you'd come back for this occasion.  I miss you when you don't post :(

  • Love 7

You guys... you know how sometimes someone says something and EVERYBODY just rolls over laughing (and you laugh too...) but you really have no clue what's so funny??? I've been reading off and on all night (while working) and I need some clarification because I'm not sure I got the joke. So Josh signed up on this cheating site - I got that much - and apparently used his own address in Arkansas for the details. Because he thought it was safe, right? And used his own credit card information out of his own pocket, apparently. No one knows why he would use his own address, or why he would use a card in his own pocket instead of a throw away one, correct? (Well, I mean, other than he's just stupid or thought he was invisible).

Here's what I don't think I understand. The hackers weren't trying to hog tie Josh (again), right? They were aiming at destroying the SITE because they disagreed with some of their practices (like not deleting information after people paid to have it deleted). Did Josh pay that money too, to have his information deleted? Do we know? [if he did, then there's his "out" - he was curious and he signed up out of curiosity, but then had a change of heart and paid the money to have his information deleted]. If he DID pay to have it deleted, did he sign up AGAIN once he got to DC?

So... WHO went through that process to discover than Josh was indeed a paying member of the site?

And one of the headlines (and several posters) has indicated that it's going to be a really bad day for millions of Americans tomorrow. How would the average computer impaired human (like me, for example) know that their spouse was on this site? Or for how long? Or when? (I'm not worried about MY spouse - he's WAY too lazy for that kind of adventure). I'm just asking. How did someone find out Josh was on there and when and for how long, and how would anybody else know about their spouse? I mean, truthfully, the random John Brown who did this will never be found out because his wife (like me) couldn't begin to figure out how to look. Am I reading that right?

And what, exactly, does this site accomplish? Are the people who run it finding potential hookups, or does someone like Josh look at a list and pick his own potential hookup? I'm really curious. I never even HEARD of such a thing - and the articles say there are as many as 38,000,000 members. Seriously??? That's the craziest thing I ever heard of! (It's really almost as funny as farmersonly.com - which I TOTALLY thought was a joke for the longest time!) WHO would hook up with somebody on a cheater site? Is that crazy or is it just me? I guess you'd really have to identify your location - otherwise, you might chase a rabbit who is clear across the country. There you go, friends - my list of questions. Help me out.

SomeP, I was so hoping you'd come back for this occasion. I miss you when you don't post :(

Who went through the process? Yesterday, developers took the hacked data and made searchable websites. Interns at Gawker were probably tasked to type in various celebrity names into the search site. Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 6

I think the site was supposed to facilitate introductions between people who wanted an extramarital relationship. Josh was apparently a member from Feb 2013 to May 2015, via two accounts, the second one was created in July 2014 and he paid $250 for a refundable "affair guarantee" on that one. I think we can assume someone who downloaded the 10 gb of data just did a search for famous people names. Easiest way to check if your husband or wife used the service would be to see if it's on a credit card bill.

  • Love 4

Now that's just frightening.


I don't endorse hackers releasing the private information of ordinary people but damn, this is GOLD. And somebody had to really go digging for this. From ABC News:



Scratch the surface of a family values conservative christian, get a hypocrite.

I agree Josh is a hypocrite, but I think the agency's security put it in the dark internet. I doubt Josh knew there was such a thing. He just trusted https://

  • Love 3

I just caught on Bloomberg TV that the Ashley Madison data dump includes correspondence between accounts -- which will be revealed as soon as someone writes the code to link accounts to messages. Perhaps today we'll see some of the messages Josh sent out or received? It might take a while though, especially as it took a while for the Sony hack emails to become easily searchable.

  • Love 3

HFC, I'll try to the extent of my knowledge.  The hackers released torrents (shared files, remember Napster? sort of like that) of all the data from Ashley Madison onto the dark web.  The dark web is a huge area of the internet not accessible by things like  Google, you need to use a special browser like Tor to access it.  It's easy enough to download Tor and teach yourself some basic navigation.  Of course right away, people grabbed (downloaded) those torrents and started to develop lookups into the databases on the regular internet.


The hackers weren't going after Josh, ostensibly you have it correct, they went after Ashley Madison because the site charged a fee to have one's profile deleted but Ashley Madison wasn't really wiping the information from their databases after the fees were paid.  I suspect it has more to do with it being a cheating website, but we have to take the hackers at their word?  Ha!


Gawker found Josh's info for both of his accounts and then took one of his usernames from Ashley Madison and searched OK Cupid (a dating website) to find his profile on that site as well.  I don't know if Gawker has a developer that went and grabbed the databases off the dark web or if they were using one of the tools that has been written to find him.  Most of the tools I see just looking around a bit require an email address and some of the tools have been served with takedown orders from the company that owns Ashley Madison.


Josh IS stupid, anyone that would cheat should know to be surreptitious about it, go to Walgreens and purchase one of those anonymous Visas to pay for such services and use a "burner" email from gmail or yahoo or whatever web email.  Apparently, there were a lot of foolish men out there because there are a large number of .gov email addresses in the database.


I hope that helped, sort of.


Finally my reaction?  Well of course.  I'm pretty sure I posted "Run, Anna, Run!" as soon as the original mess came out.  Now she has grounds, my advice still stands.

  • Love 11

Josh is probably at least 20 years younger than the average Ashley Madison customer. The .gov and academic email addresses can be explained through the fact the older a person is, the more likely it is they don't have their own non work email address. According to Gawker $250 gets a customer a thousand credits, it could be a pay credits to send a message to what the customer thinks is a 25 year old woman type thing, or even just pay credits to see their full profile and picture.

38,000,000 accounts is an astonishing number, but it's unusual for any online service to not require users verify their email address though. 90% of that number could be looky loos who sign up under the name Joe Smith at asdf@hjkl.com, and only use those accounts once, like a Duggar and a plate.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 8

There is another wrinkle, HFC, which is that under the circumstances (if they want to settle for just losing their sleazy-ass pay-for-play website empire and not actually be chased across the frozen tundra by lawyers in dog sleds) the Ashley Madison people cannot confirm or deny any of the information in those torrents.


So, hypothetically, Josh's information could have been salted into the data which was released by one of the people out there who are disgusted by him and/or his family, or possibly by someone who's trying to sideline some or all of the candidates he was cozying up to. I don't know how likely that is, but it is possible, and there may be no way of finding out. If the Duggar family tries to spin this, I suspect that'll be how.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 1

As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

If you have any questions, please PM the mods, @SCARLETT45 and myself.

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