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The Duggars: In the Media and TLC


As a reminder, the site's Politics Policy remains in effect.  Yes, Jim Bob is apparently running for office again. That does not make it an acceptable topic of conversation in here - unless for some mysterious reason, TLC brings the show back and it is discussed on there. Even then, it would be limited to how it was discussed on the show.

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14 hours ago, BradandJanet said:

Looks like Anna is not just the broodmare but the primary wage earner too. Sucks to be Anna.

I'm sure Josh is lawsuit-proof at this point. No assets. But I hope I'm wrong...

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Don't you have to show some kind of financial loss in these cases? Like he got fired, or wasn't hired?

He did have a year to make a case if he is kind of shady and had people who would be part of the case.

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According to People:

"In the filing, McCarthy claims that Duggar's wrongful, "extreme and outrageous" use of his image on Ashley Madison, Twitter and OkCupid profile has resulted in loss of work as well as harassment (nicknames including "DJ Duggar" and "Duggar's boy toy") that inflicted upon him "prolonged pain and suffering, anxiety, depression, embarrassment, humiliation, loss of self-esteem and extreme and severe mental anguish and emotional distress including but not limited to frequent panic attacks, disruption of sleep and insomnia, mood changes, fits of anger, a loss of interest in pursuing both professional and personal endeavors, and a complete loss of self-confidence." 

He further claims that Duggar "acted willfully, maliciously and impressively ... with full and deliberate disregard for the consequences [to McCarthy]" and that McCarthy "reasonably fears that he will continue to be shunned, avoided, embarrassed and subjected to ridicule.""

It sounds like he's reaching a bit. His ambitions and employment history seems the same as the people on Vanderpump Rules, and I would consider those people as already being at rock bottom. 

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1 hour ago, JoanArc said:

I love how the show genre shifted from 'look at all the cute little kids!' to  'lets watch 20 somethings with no future enter into bad marriages!'.

Couldn't agree more.  Seeing yet another kid led like a lamb to slaughter, set up to fail with no real life skills is really distressing to me.  The mouth breathing dolts the two girls have married....wash, rinse repeat...Though Anna is a far better person than Smuggar deserves, she's unable to function on her own as well.  

Sadly, it doesn't look much better for our tiny Jinger, who is wasting away to nothing before our eyes.

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1 hour ago, kaleidoscope said:

More hype on possible courtships to keep ratings up:

"Could John David, Joseph and Josiah be pursuing courtships? These siblings aren't kids anymore, and each new relationship, parenting challenge and exciting endeavor are a reminder of how much they've grown," the post went on to say:


"Could John David, Joseph and Josiah be pursuing courtships? These siblings supposedly aren't kids anymore, and each new relationship, parenting challenge and exciting incredibly dull, arranged-by-the-producers endeavor are a reminder of how much they've haven't grown," the post went on to say:

Fixed it for 'em.

Edited by Churchhoney
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3 hours ago, kaleidoscope said:

More hype on possible courtships to keep ratings up:

"Could John David, Joseph and Josiah be pursuing courtships? These siblings aren't kids anymore, and each new relationship, parenting challenge and exciting endeavor are a reminder of how much they've grown," the post went on to say:



3 hours ago, JoanArc said:

I love how the show genre shifted from 'look at all the cute little kids!' to  'lets watch 20 somethings with no future enter into bad marriages!'.

Yep. I posted over in Lonely J's thread, my semi-serious theory that JB will drag out all the courtships so that there is one per season of the show. It's Jinger's turn this season for courtship/engagement/wedding. With teasers about possible new courtships, but no actual action. And, possibly pregnancy news from Jill or Jessa and yak yak about adoption by Jessa. But no births or anything.

Then, the next kid who gets to court and marry? Will consume the next season of the show with courtship/engagement/wedding. Perhaps cut in with a pregnant Duggar giving birth. Let's hope in a hospital and at any rate with competent medical attention! 

I'm mostly serious in thinking that TLC and the Duggars will continue on forever and ever amen. A million leghumpers and hatewatchers tuned in to the excruciatingly dull (except for the bloody childbirth scenes) recent season of Counting On. That may be the unshakeable core and if TLC can just win back a few big advertisers, they're good to go for a long long time. But JB won't want to run out of material, so I can totally see him parceling out the permissions to court so it works out to one new courtship/engagement/wedding per season. No need to waste resources by featuring TWO courtships at once*.

I wish I were kidding. I really really do.

*Edited to add: On second thought, if the ratings start to tank and the fans complain, I'm sure JB would ramp up the courtship action. It's all about the TLC money, IMO, and whatever keeps it coming in.

Edited by Jeeves
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4 hours ago, kaleidoscope said:

More hype on possible courtships to keep ratings up:

"Could John David, Joseph and Josiah be pursuing courtships? These siblings aren't kids anymore, and each new relationship, parenting challenge and exciting endeavor are a reminder of how much they've grown," the post went on to say:


Wow, this article just piled onto a stupid TLC teaser that probably has zero merit. I hate how the media falls for this stuff. But I guess, like the blind squirrel, they'll eventually find their nut. 

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I'm surprised that these religious organizations are still being suckered in by the Duggars.  I would think they would have wised up to see that all these courtships/marriages/pregnancies/instagrams are a ploy to do damage control to their brand and to extend the life of a reality TV show and thereby lining their pockets as opposed to being for altruistic reasons.  But as long as there are daughters and there are unemployed suitors out there, the show will live on.

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While I fully believe Josh should pay some kind of price for essentially stealing this guy's picture and using it as his own, this guy sounds like a total drama queen. "Frequent panic attacks, disruption of sleep and insomnia,..."? Good grief, dude, take it down a notch.

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Yes. Would've been smarter to be less dramatic about the whole thing. I mean, I can see how having a known child molester using your image all over social media and then the whole thing blowing up in a huge media shit storm could have a negative impact on one's social and professional life, but claiming what is basically PTSD and total destruction of one's life because of it is a bit over the top.

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You'd think he would have to show some type of damage prior to the theft of his photo becoming public. Once it became public anyone that knows him would, or at least could, be aware that it was stolen and used by Josh Duggar.

I don't blame the guy for being upset, and maybe even wondering who saw his picture on a dating site, but that is one of the dangers of the World Wide Web. Maybe he sees deep pockets, maybe it is a moral thing, or maybe he is really struggling, but filing a lawsuit made it more public now.

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The language used in the complaint is pretty standard, especially for alleged mental stress claims. You can't say "I was irritated and occasionally made fun of" because it won't scare the other side to pony up settlement money. 

The guy probably isn't even looking for millions of dollars. If he can squeeze out $10k-$20k from the Duggars, he'd probably be pretty happy. That'd be an excellent settlement for him. He wouldn't get any more than that at trial without showing that he really did get turned down for multiple jobs because of Josh's use of his picture.

That said, I kind of doubt he'd even get that much. I'm guessing any true financial damage is going to be hard to prove. Additionally, his beef is with Josh, not JB. Any award he got would be directly against Josh. Who knows if Josh even has assets to go after? He might be judgement proof.

On the other hand, JB may pony up the settlement money just to get this to go away. Going to trial and bringing all of this up again has to be the last the JB would want.

Edited by Bitter Betty
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They'll take a class a week at the local church (or sitting for the "wise counsel" of KJB and J-Chelle) and film the show the rest of the time. Who wants to bet me that "oh, gosh, did Jilly Muffin have Zika while she was in Danger America? She's pregnant now! What shall we doooooooo?" will be a very special episode? Double or nothing says this will rate more attention than Jinger's wedding as well.

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On 7/19/2016 at 6:09 PM, toodles said:

Crazy days and nights has a blind that a lot of people think is about our boy Josh.  It's dated 7/18.  It's a blind about a serial cheater/former a list reality star/part time child molester that's hooking up again.  I would post the link, but my kindle won't let me.  Interesting.

Blind item reveal today names Josh duggar.

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July 18, 2016

This former A list reality star/serial cheater/part-time child molester is hooking up with someone a family member introduced him to who can be discreet. His wife puts up with it but I really don’t know why. She should walk.

Josh Duggar

This was the blind item, btw.

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37 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Like we're surprised.

Well, to be fair, the A-List part threw me. lol

And I'm also surprised he's considered important enough to justify continued attention.

Does the source of that blind item usually report the specifics of their fndings?

Poor Anna. 

Edited by NewDigs
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43 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

This was the blind item, btw.

"July 18, 2016

"This former A list reality star/serial cheater/part-time child molester is hooking up with someone a family member introduced him to who can be discreet. His wife puts up with it but I really don’t know why. She should walk.

"Josh Duggar"

As usual with the blind items, this doesn't ring very true to me. In the first place, I'm not sure I'd characterize what he managed to do before as "hooking up." Seems as if, at best, he found a hookup-for-pay that he engaged in pretty disastrously a time or two and then couldn't even 'hook up" on that paying basis any longer.

In the second place, while I guess I can see some idiot like whatshername "hooking up" (for PAY) with Joshley back when he was both gainfully employed in politics and a tv star, I have a hard time seeing who'd do that now. He's nobody. He's a pariah. He has no bucks and no future. IAnd I have a hard time believing that JB would pay for his dalliance.) He doesn't seem to be deemed tv-able by the network, at this point anyway.  He's become quite the porker. And he's probably depressed as hell and even worse company than before. So who's the idiot who would volunteer to do him -- discreetly -- repeatedly? What the hell would be in it for this woman? 

I don't think I believe this particular tale any more than I believe that some Fayetteville couple is letting JB bang and impregnate their nubile daughter while looking forward to supporting the offspring of the union.

Joshley may be hitting some sad low-cost northwest Arkansas prostitute, but this family-acquaintance-who's-doing-him-voluntarily-for-free thing seems pretty damn unlikely to me.

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On 11.8.2016 at 3:43 AM, babyhouseman said:



The Dillards will remain in Arkansas into the fall where she and Derick will be taking "some Bible classes" and "continue to work in ministry from the US," according to the Dillard Family Blog. 

Whoopee doo. They have yet to master even a very basic amount of Spanish, haven't done a damn fucking thing to HELP. Some Bible classes, right.

I really am so over this fuckwads of a family.

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3 hours ago, MunichNark said:

Whoopee doo. They have yet to master even a very basic amount of Spanish, haven't done a damn fucking thing to HELP. Some Bible classes, right.

I really am so over this fuckwads of a family.

Hey, who needs Spanish when your only job is escorting ugly-American Bibleheads around the compound and leading their interpretive-dance recitals?

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On 8/20/2016 at 4:43 AM, Churchhoney said:

Hey, who needs Spanish when your only job is escorting ugly-American Bibleheads around the compound and leading their interpretive-dance recitals?

They might encounter a Spanish-speaking checker at the Wal-Mart in Danger America! Jilly Muffin can't be expected to find the ingredients for TTC by herself, you know...

RE: Joshley Madison. Please, please, PLEASE let him get caught red-handed and publicly.

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Is it just me or does the interest in these freaks really wane? Their FB page isn't really all that active, comment wise, and unless it's a "good" photo, likes are very......little.

Those wannabe sermons never draw any attention, thankfully

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Do these women own a rubber band or some other hair accessory to pull the long hair out of their faces (and out of the food)?

I know I always enjoy building a fire in the middle of the freaking forest while attired in a knee-length skirt and flip-flops!

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16 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

If you were stuck in a forest/desert island which Duggar would you bring with you?

Jana, build that signal fire?


Actually, I'd like to see her get a 'Blue Lagoon' ending with a hot guy.

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Just watched law and order svu. It was ripped from the headlines about the duggars. No way Jimchelle looks like the actors that played them. The actors look much better and acted better. No way would Jimchelle believe their daughters were raped and blame the abuser. 

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I assume this is posted around here somewhere, but I don't see it, so here goes. Sorry if it's a repeat.

Interesting -- "four more companies have issued statements saying they were surprised to learn their spots aired during the season two premiere of Counting On."


My favorite: HOTWIRE: “Hotwire’s ads appear on many cable networks including AMC, Bravo, HGTV, TNT, TBS, USA as well as TLC Network. While we are able to select which cable networks air our ads, we do not select the specific shows. After further consideration we have decided to remove this network from our plan.”

Nelson to Nancy: Ha Ha.

Edited by Churchhoney
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1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

I assume this is posted around here somewhere, but I don't see it, so here goes. Sorry if it's a repeat.

Interesting -- "four more companies have issued statements saying they were surprised to learn their spots aired during the season two premiere of Counting On."


My favorite: HOTWIRE: “Hotwire’s ads appear on many cable networks including AMC, Bravo, HGTV, TNT, TBS, USA as well as TLC Network. While we are able to select which cable networks air our ads, we do not select the specific shows. After further consideration we have decided to remove this network from our plan.”

Nelson to Nancy: Ha Ha.

What the WHAT?!?!?

"GERBER LIFE: “The Gerber Life ad was inadvertently shown during the premiere of Counting On. We have been assured that Gerber Life ads will no longer be shown during this program.”

Oh.  My.  If this is an accurate article, wow.  That's just a very bad choice of show to air that commercial on, especially considering the reason advertisers are pulling in the first place.  Smooth move, TLC 

On August 28, 2016 at 11:28 AM, louannems said:

Who would even be allowed in survival"school" in bare feet or flip-flops?

They should've been sent back to the stink bus to change at least their footwear and tie their hair back.  Utterly ridiculous. 

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On 8/27/2016 at 10:07 PM, Arwen Evenstar said:

I was thinking the exact same thing...why would I go into the woods in a skirt and flip flops???

You wouldn't.  It would be filthy AF and also gritty on the soles (ugh!).  Add a little perspiration and you've got some nice mud pies/soup percolating in your sandals.  

That article about the advertisers is delicious.

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