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Movie Star Crushes

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Also Daniel Day-Lewis in The Last of the Mohicans is God's gift to womenfolk.

Oh my goodness.  He was THE HOTNESS in that movie.  I couldn't get enough of him and that young Indian fellow, running up the hills, with their "flaps" or whatever you call them, flapping against their thighs.  I so wished I could look underneath those flaps.


I also forgot about Henry Cavill, one of the main reasons I watched The Tudors.

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Henry Cavill is definitely a movie crush for me.  It's a pity that he can't seem to find himself a good movie -- Man of Steel was okay, but I feel like it's going to be ruined by Batman vs. Superman.


This one cannot be said enough: Chris Evans.  CHRIS EVANS.  Oh my freaking God, he is perfect.  Every time was a closeup of his face in Captain America 2, I wanted to reach up through the screen and touch his jawline.  And those tight T-shirts almost made up for the fact that we didn't get to see him without a shirt.  But he'd better get a topless scene in Captain America 3 or Avengers 2.

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I fell for Chris Evans in Push. He was less buff and more up my alley ;]


I forgot to mention Joseph Gordon-Levitt. Damn! He's like the colleague at work you think is kind of hot and nerdy, but you won't admit you're attracted to him that much because - hello! there are guys way hotter around and he IS kind of a geek...


Bodywise, I adore the type that Bruce Lee had - lean and muscular, not buff. Hello, Jared Leto. 

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@BizBuzz, I sure did!


I also love this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8tJoIaXZ0rw from 500 days of summer and, naturally, this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RC5b9hVSSmc


The fact that he dances the way he does makes me want to learn how to dance for real. (But I didn't enjoy the way he buffed-up for Don Jon movie. Nope. The boyish charm went through the window...)

Edited by Ariah
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Daniel Day-Lewis. One look at him as Nathaniel in The Last of the Mohicans and I was lost. Then there's he fact that he becomes each character he plays and somehow manages to sound and look different.


Daniel Day-Lewis in Last of the Mohicans is everything! I think he's very handsome in general, but he is absolute perfection as Hawkeye. 


David Bowie -Labyrinth. The ballroom and staircase scene also 'I Move The Stars For No One"


Jareth was my first movie star crush! That look on his face right before he walks up to Sarah in the ballroom, you know the one I'm talking about.... wow. Still fangirling over David Bowie.


This is the proof:




OMG, I had yet to see the 1530 pic! Very possible that he's been alive even longer, and there are no portraits available to prove it.


I must echo the love for Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Tom Hiddleston, Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans. I'd like to add Chris Hemsworth to the list as well. Marvel has done very well when it comes to hot superheroes.


My classic movie star crush is Gregory Peck in Roman Holiday. I also girlcrush on Audrey Hepburn. If the multiverse theory is correct, I hope there's a universe out there where they both got together in real life and had gorgeous kids.

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I was really into Someone Like You era Hugh Jackman  and ever since then there has been a gradual hotness decay.


        If his recent appearance on The Graham Norton Show and how he looked in X-Men: Days Of Future Past  are any indication, then decay has never looked so good.



Edited by DollEyes
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@Jeebus Cripes : you and I have very similar taste from Peck/Hepburn to Bowie and Fassy too! I am an Audrey Hepburn fan and she is my hallmark for all that is elegant and charming in a star. Roman Holiday is one of my favourite films. Gregory Peck in that and To Kill a Mockingbird. Yowza.


I have a few classic movie star crushes: Jimmy Stewart, Cary Grant, Robert Donat, and a couple others I probably can't pull out of my head right now. I'm a Fred Astaire girl myself, but I know why others love Gene. I just prefer to dance with Fred.


I really liked Casino Royale as a movie and probably in large part because I've found Daniel Craig somewhat attractive, but also, Eva Green is beautiful. They had a lot of chemistry, I have such a girlcrush on her from that movie that I watched her in that horrible Camelot series.

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More crushes of mine:


James McAvoy: I'm a complete weakling for beautiful eyes and accents, so when an actor possesses both, I'm a goner. McAvoy not only has stunning baby blues and that badass Scottish brogue, but he's also a damn fine actor with a sexy voice and wonderful personality: a mix of boyishly shy  and mischievous that gives him a great, yin-yang quality. 


Chris Hemsworth: Again, gorgeous eyes and accent! Plus, that commanding voice married with that enviable bone structure. Anyone else would make Thor boring or goofy, but he makes him someone worth rooting for (not easy, when you're sharing the screen with Tom Hiddleston's Loki).


Classic film crushes:


Word on Burt Lancaster. Oh, to be Deborah Kerr in From Here to Eternity for one minute...


Paul Newman: So yummy, so charismatic, such a natural talent. 


Errol Flynn: Yes, he had a torrid, maybe even unforgivable private life… I don't want to know! He was Robin Hood!


Sidney Poitier: I'd pay good money to listen to this man read the menu at Taco Bell.


Fred Astaire: I know, he was far from conventionally handsome, but you know what? When you can dance like that, who cares!



All attractive men, but the following actors really get my foolish heart pumping in the following roles: Charlton Heston in Ben-Hur, Peter O'Toole in How to Steal a Million, Kenneth Branaugh and Denzel Washington in Much Ado About Nothing (the Joss Whedon version can jump in a lake), Jeremy Northam in Emma, Dennis Quaid in The Big Easy, Clark Gable in Mutiny on the Bounty, Laurence Olivier in Pride and Prejudice.

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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Here are some of my usual suspects: Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gregory Peck, Paul Newman, Cary Grant, Idris Elba

Here are my newer movie-star crushes: Michael Fassbender, Tom Hiddleston, David Tennant, James McAvoy, Alexander Skarsgard, Thomas Gibson

Here are my surprising movie-star crushes: Sean Bean, Sean Connery, Sean Penn, Gary Oldman, Liam Neeson

And here are my rock-star crushes: John Bonham, Chris Cornell, David Bowie, Rob Zombie, Tommy Lee


I have a feeling that I will be adding to this list.

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Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, Anthony Mackie and Frank Grillo.


All had me feelin a certain type of way in CA: The Winter Soldier.


Jeremy Renner: Piercing blue eyes, plus I always liked rugged looking guys.

Very masculine,with SWAG for days.


Can't wait to see him (as Aaron Cross) beat the breaks off of fools in the next Bourne film.



Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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Paul Newman: So yummy, so charismatic, such a natural talent. 


If my mother (91 years old) could understand the dynamic of forums, and she could find her way to this thread, she would say this about Paul Newman:


He can park his shoes under my bed anytime.


I have heard that at least 100 times in my 51 years of being alive on this earth.


Ok Mom, I get  it, you like Paul Newman. 



  • Love 5

I used to crush so much on the young Clint Eastwood. They don't make leading men like that anymore.


But, sadly, I also adored the late Paul Walker. It's still difficult for me to watch any of his movies, especially when they involve a vehicle. It's still too much, too soon.


My very good friend would add Sean Patrick Flanery to the list of crushes, though she strictly limits his appeal to The Boondock Saints 1 and refuses to acknowledge his gradual deterioration into obesity. I do believe 2014 brought a loss of extra weight and Mr Flanery is starting to look better.

@Jeebus Cripes : you and I have very similar taste from Peck/Hepburn to Bowie and Fassy too! I am an Audrey Hepburn fan and she is my hallmark for all that is elegant and charming in a star. Roman Holiday is one of my favourite films. Gregory Peck in that and To Kill a Mockingbird. Yowza.


I really liked Casino Royale as a movie and probably in large part because I've found Daniel Craig somewhat attractive, but also, Eva Green is beautiful. They had a lot of chemistry, I have such a girlcrush on her from that movie that I watched her in that horrible Camelot series.


Similar taste indeed, another crush we have in common is Eva Green. She's so striking and kind of exotic looking compared to Hollywood standards. Speaking of women: my Jennifer Connelly crush is still going strong, even though I find her on the thin side as of late. Also, Lupita Nyong'o is stunning! I have yet to even see her in a film, but every time she hits the red carpet, I'm in awe of how regal and beautiful she is.


James McAvoy: I'm a complete weakling for beautiful eyes and accents, so when an actor possesses both, I'm a goner. McAvoy not only has stunning baby blues and that badass Scottish brogue, but he's also a damn fine actor with a sexy voice and wonderful personality: a mix of boyishly shy  and mischievous that gives him a great, yin-yang quality. 


All attractive men, but the following actors really get my foolish heart pumping in the following roles: Charlton Heston in Ben-Hur, Peter O'Toole in How to Steal a Million, Kenneth Branaugh and Denzel Washington in Much Ado About Nothing (the Joss Whedon version can jump in a lake), Jeremy Northam in Emma, Dennis Quaid in The Big Easy, Clark Gable in Mutiny on the Bounty, Laurence Olivier in Pride and Prejudice.


I am in absolute YouTube heaven since X-Men: Days of Future Past has come out because of the new McAvoy/Fassbender interviews. They are so charming and funny, and the chemistry is never boring. So much word to Jeremy Northam in Emma and Dennis Quaid in The Big Easy!


I used to crush so much on the young Clint Eastwood. They don't make leading men like that anymore.


Young Clint Eastwood was amazing! Hell, old Clint Eastwood is amazing. 

  • Love 1

My very good friend would add Sean Patrick Flanery to the list of crushes, though she strictly limits his appeal to The Boondock Saints 1 and refuses to acknowledge his gradual deterioration into obesity. I do believe 2014 brought a loss of extra weight and Mr Flanery is starting to look better.



       SPF  looks like bad plastic surgery also happened as well.


       Used to like Jeremy Northam, until the behind the scenes incident

       on the set of The Golden Bowl  with Kate Beckinsale was confirmed.


       By Michael Sheen, her BF at the time.

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba

       SPF  looks like bad plastic surgery also happened as well.


       Used to like Jeremy Northam, until the behind the scenes incident

       on the set of The Golden Bowl  with Kate Beckinsale was confirmed.


       By Michael Sheen, her BF at the time.


The Northam explains why his resume has been spotty after he was hyped up in the late 90s. I tend to think the British industry is less accommodating of jerks and he hasn't done that much theatre or film/tv there.


Compare him to Colin Firth who has done exceptionally well post-period piece heart throb. Firth looks particularly good these days too. I'm sure me and other P&P devotees are happy for his success.


The Northam explains why his resume has been spotty after he was hyped up in the late 90s. I tend to think the British industry is less accommodating of jerks and he hasn't done that much theatre or film/tv there.


Compare them to Colin Firth who has done exceptionally well post-period piece heart throb. Firth looks particularly good these days too. I'm sure me and other P&P devotees are happy for his success.


         Everytime I've seen Northam after that incident, I giggle to myself. 


         Mentally picturing Sheen cracking his jaw, for making Kate cry.

         Like you, I love me some Colin Firth and he's gotten sexier with age.

         Like a fine wine.   

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba

The Northam explains why his resume has been spotty after he was hyped up in the late 90s. I tend to think the British industry is less accommodating of jerks and he hasn't done that much theatre or film/tv there.


Compare him to Colin Firth who has done exceptionally well post-period piece heart throb. Firth looks particularly good these days too. I'm sure me and other P&P devotees are happy for his success.

Information, please on the Northam incident.  Where was I?  I have no idea what this is. 

  • Love 1

All attractive men, but the following actors really get my foolish heart pumping in the following roles: Charlton Heston in Ben-Hur, Peter O'Toole in How to Steal a Million, Kenneth Branaugh and Denzel Washington in Much Ado About Nothing (the Joss Whedon version can jump in a lake), Jeremy Northam in Emma, Dennis Quaid in The Big Easy, Clark Gable in Mutiny on the Bounty, Laurence Olivier in Pride and Prejudice.



I think that Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Ariba is simply the most beautiful man ever. 



If my mother (91 years old) could understand the dynamic of forums, and she could find her way to this thread, she would say this about Paul Newman:


He can park his shoes under my bed anytime.


I have heard that at least 100 times in my 51 years of being alive on this earth.


Ok Mom, I get  it, you like Paul Newman. 





Ha!  My grandma used to say the same thing too.

  • Love 2

Information, please on the Northam incident.  Where was I?  I have no idea what this is. 



        While filming the period drama The Golden Bowl,

        Jeremy Notham  verbally attacked  Kate Beckinsale.


        Reducing her to tears. Her then  BF Michael Sheen, was on set that day


        with their infant daughter Lily Mo. 


        Upon learning what happened, Sheen confronted Jeremy.


        With a fist, to the face!    

Edited by MrsRafaelBarba
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He's probably more known for tv now, but Adam Baldwin is really doing it for me these days.  We started watching Chuck and it wasn't more than a few episodes and I was thinking "Oh my...." whenever he was on the screen.  Then, the family insisted that I watch Firefly and Serenity and "mmm....." .  I'll be in my bunk*, indeed! 


I saw My Bodyguard once back when it first came out and, of course, never thought that Adam would become an actor with longevity, so it's kind of cool to be watching him now and thinking of him in that movie.


*If you've never watched Firefly, but you've heard that expression, Adam Baldwin's character is the one who introduced it into our vernacular. 

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 Make room on the Idris Elba Love Train for me.  He was not only amazing in (among other things) The Wire, Luther, Prometheus, Rock N' Rolla and Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom,  he even made Daddy's Little Girls-a Tyler Perry movie-watchable. His fighting sea monsters in Pacific Rim was not only awesome, his line, "Today, we are cancelling the apocalypse!" made me swoon.


  As for his roles in the Thor movies, glowing yellow eyes never looked so good.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 4
Cary Elwes was the dreamiest as Wesley/DPR in The Princess Bride. I almost sigh every time he says "As you Wish," He was cute in Robin Hood: Men in Tights, but nothing after that iconic role. Too bad his career didn't quite take off.



Agreed. This is why I hate Liar, Liar… I can't think of any woman who would ever, ever, ever choose Jim Carrey over Cary Elwes.

Agreed. This is why I hate Liar, Liar… I can't think of any woman who would ever, ever, ever choose Jim Carrey over Cary Elwes.



I will sheepishly raise my hand for that - I actually thought Jim Carrey looked pretty damn good in that movie, and Cary Elwes was starting to decline.  


Now, if it were Princess Bride Cary Elwes, and Jim Carrey, then it would be no contest.  But in Liar, Liar, I'll totally take Jim Carrey.

Edited by Princess Sparkle
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I will sheepishly raise my hand for that - I actually thought Jim Carrey looked pretty damn good in that movie, and Cary Elwes was starting to decline.  


Now, if it were Princess Bride Cary Elwes, and Jim Carrey, then it would be no contest.  But in Liar, Liar, I'll totally take Jim Carrey.


I think Cary Elwes was a brunet in that film and it didn't suit him. I didn't care for Carrey's character either. If he had been Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Jim Carrey maybe.

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I think that Peter O'Toole in Lawrence of Ariba is simply the most beautiful man ever. 




Not gonna argue with his beauty, but I will see your Peter O'Toole and raise you a young Laurence Olivier.:




Colin O'Donaghue, yes. And my longtime crush is William Fichtner. Brilliant actor, and apparently a standup guy offscreen too. I love actors that just do their job, and go back to a somewhat normal life.


I have had the fiercest crush on William Fichtner for what feels like forever. The man is simply aging backwards. Colin O'Donaghue is gorgeous as well.


Laurence Olivier circa Wuthering Heights is dreamy. As with Fassbender in Jane Eyre, it doesn't hurt that they kind of cocked the story up to make him more dreamy.



I loved the fact that Fassbender was channeling Peter O'Toole in his role as David in Prometheus.  I remember watching the film and being tickled that David was watching Lawrence of Arabia and then channeled P O'Toole's speaking voice - I later learned that Fassbender is a fan of Peter O'Toole and patterned David after him (if I recall correctly, it was at Fassbender's suggestion that the O'Toole film clip and David trying to speak like him was added to the film).  I can definitely see a resemblance between the two.



Edited by OakGoblinFly
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