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All Episodes Discussion: The Daily Double

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Like one of the contestants, I had Istanbul on my mind. I know Ankara is the capital of Turkey, but I went with a city that spans two continents. It's my fault for not reading the clue correctly. So I was trying to think of another city that ended in "UL." 


The phonetic category was easy for me as an Army vet, but I could see how it could be confusing to some. My partner was lost until I explained the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, etc., thing to her.


I like the new champ. He seems pretty sharp. I did have to turn up the volume to hear some of his answers, though. I'd take that over a loud, aggressive contestant any day.

To say the Phonetic Alphabet category was in my wheelhouse would be a huge understatement! When under stress, I often run through it to calm myself down, so I know it pretty well. As a massive PA nerd, I can't express how excited I got upon seeing that category! I could run it with one lobe tied behind my back! When is it going to make a reappearance?? I know, never. It was fun while it lasted!

I think the NATO category had to do with the first letter of the answer sounding like the sound of the letter - makes sense if you work with very young children learning their alphabet sounds!

Zz = Zulu  Ta = T = tango F = fha = foxtrot

But I didn't figure that out until almost the end of the category!


I think you're overcomplicating it.



If you watched Dollhouse, all the "dolls" were named after the letters of the alphabet: Echo, Sierra, Whiskey, Victor.


Wow. I watched Dollhouse, but I never realized that. Thanks (and I feel dumb).



I too thought that Dayton clue was really weird. Alex should've emphasized Wright because as a native Daytonian I had no clue what the right track meant.


Yeah, I thought the key word was 'track,' so I was thinking railroad track.

I knew Turkey and Australia but I could have been asked the question under threat of torture and would not have been able to get the cities.


Haha, same here. I got the countries immediately, but unfortunately I barely know 10 world capitals, even after watching all that Carmen Sandiego as a child. I thought Australia's capital was Brisbane, and from there I had no hope.


Thanks for all the explanation on the NATO alphabet category. Until I read that here I seriously could not put together what they were talking about.


Hulk Shakespeare category was stupid way to use good questions.

Like one of the contestants, I had Istanbul on my mind. I know Ankara is the capital of Turkey, but I went with a city that spans two continents. It's my fault for not reading the clue correctly. So I was trying to think of another city that ended in "UL." 



Ulan Bator, Mongolia!  Though that would have been wrong.  :)

I know the Alpha, Bravo, Charlie alphabet (thanks to the voice recognition GPS in my car, which requires it) but I had no idea it was called NATO.  I've always just thought of it as the military alphabet.


I knew Ankara, but couldn't think of another capitol ending in -RA, so I came up with the very lame "Krakow" and "Moscow."


Lots of contestants from the Chicago area recently.  I like to root for the home team.

I was sitting here during FJ going "Supernatural? Buffy? Lost? Oh fer cod's sack...Walking Dead, DUH." I argue with myself a lot while watching Jeopardy!

The champ didn't have a lot of confidence in his knowledge of current TV I see. I like the boldness of the girl in the middle's wager.

Is one of the Three Rivers really the Adirondack?

The weirdest coincidence happened tonight. Right before the final, I was talking with my mother about how there's nothing really on TV now because it's summer and she said, sure it was, just because I don't watch The Walking Dead (one of my fav shows). And then "current television" category popped up and I jokingly said THE WALKING DEAD before even seeing the clue, but then once it popped up I started laughing because I remember reading that interview before. No brainer for me, but like I said, big fan. 


I think the NATO category had to do with the first letter of the answer sounding like the sound of the letter - makes sense if you work with very young children learning their alphabet sounds!

Zz = Zulu  Ta = T = tango F = fha = foxtrot

It's so that people on opposite ends of the radio/walkie-talkie, etc. can actually understand what the person at the other end is spelling.  On a staticky, war-time radio, it might be a big difference in strategy if you use plan b or plan d...which tend to sound alike.  I swear, it's why I don't watch Wheel of Fortune - I can't understand the contestants.  "S, Pat."  "No, Vanna, I said F like in Foxtrot."

Which brings me to an episode of NCIS amusingly called Whiskey Tango Foxtrot.  I even heard George Stephanopoulos say those three words, expressing incredulity.  hahahahahaha.


The Walking Dead films near here and sometimes actually comes into my town & blocks traffic, which is usually ungodly to begin with.  I hate it for that reason alone.

Yeah, I felt bad for the guy for the bad wager. I guessed True Blood also since I don't watch The Walking Dead and it didn't come to mind. 


Hi Prevailing Wind, you must be in the ATL area. I sort of wished I did watch WD since a lot of it is filmed here and it's fun to try and guess where they are. The first season had scenes filmed in font of an office building downtown on Marietta St where I worked for 10 years. Just missed too much and never found the time to catch up.  



I was shocked that the champ didn't wager enough. Even if television isn't his best category, he should probably assume that it is for many people, so he should have wagered accordingly.


I don't watch The Walking Dead, but I thought it was super easy to figure out. I got a big laugh out of Joe writing "What is The Bachelor."


For the life of me I couldn't remember Father Damien's name. I knew the answer was this guy -- and I always picture Jason Miller. … OK, I just checked, and this shows how weird my memory is. I thought Jason Miller played Father Damien in a TV movie back in the 70's. Apparently I'm wrong, but of course his character in The Exorcist is Father Damien. (I guess the TV movie I was thinking of was Father Damien: The Leper Priest, from 1980 starring Ken Howard.)

I guessed True Blood (I don't watch TB or TWD).  I felt bad for the guy, but recently everyone has missed FJ and I can see where he thought he had a better chance if he didn't go below what the 2nd place contestant had.  She was already in 2nd place so she had less to lose by betting big.  I recall that when Julia did that same thing (bet very little) it worked to her advantage because the 2nd place person (who did get FJ) didn't bet enough. 

Good for you, I could never stand Joe Montana and the 49ers. The Joe Montana clues made me think about him for the first time in years and reminded me of why I could never stand him. Aren't most of their fans today, much like in the past, bandwaggoners who hide under rocks and only come out when the team is doing well?


Considering that the 49ers sell out every game, and have since 1981, then, no.

  • Love 2
I got Iran but didn't really recognize the name, Sullivan. Part of me thought that whoever it was might have retired in 1979 but have been "famous" for actions taken prior to 1979.


I don't even think the name of the ambassador was really particularly relevant (unless you knew who he was and then it would have been easy-peasy), as the clue indicated that he was 'the last ambassador" to this particular country in 1979, and you have to think "which country has had no formal diplomatic relations with the US since 1979" ?.  Cuba -- since 1961, North Korea -- at least since 1950s (Korean war and later since it has never been formally resolved), Iran -- since 1979 (what with the revolution and hostage taking and such). Bingo !!


East Germany wasn't a bad guess, but that ended in 1990 after the Germanies merged.

Only got to see the very end of the Double Jeopardy round and FJ due to the Hockey game.  That sucks for Katie- she can't even watch her own episode.  I know she can request a free DVD from the show, but I'll be very upset if the show is preempted next Tuesday after I invited all my friends to a bar to watch the show.  I too am shocked no one knew FJ.  


Hi Prevailing Wind, you must be in the ATL area

Hi, suedehead.  Decatur.  There's also storm drain replacement going on, they've torn down the police station and rebuilding it and there's a major mixed-use complex going in not too far from the post office.  To say traffic is a nightmare is not an understatement - and THEN Walking Dead show up and close off what few streets we have left open.  GGRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Andrea I was rooting so hard for you. Katie was pulling away in the first round and I got nervous. You are definitely not a sourpuss.

I love how Alex was all "duh" about Jerry Brown. I don't know where the boy and Katie are from but I know I heard that Andrea is from South Carolina. The governor of California is not going to be at the front of their minds, Alex.

Knowing what people have said about the cartoon "Hong Kong Phooey," I was quite surprised to see that wordplay as categories.

It was almost like the champion didn't want to win. Nothing makes me angrier than a contestant who controls their own fate in FJ and blows it. Good job, Andrea, you played to win and it worked! Hope you win a few more games!


One other thing that makes me angry lately is the incredibly easy Final Jeopardy clues. Conspiracy? Seriously?


Congrats, Andrea!  I'll have to record tomorrow night's game since I won't be able to watch the battle of the PTVers (tm rubaco) "live"!


Oops, crossposted with Tigershark -- I'll still record tomorrow night, though.  Unfortunately, I might miss your game altogether, Tigershark, but I'll try to watch!

Edited by Browncoat

I love getting an inside view! After years of taking the test, I don't think it will happen for me. :)


I was just studying conspiracy for the bar so it immediately came to mind, although I was a little thrown by it being defined as a "secret" plan. Not really an accurate legal definition.


I don't understand the contestants who essentially bet against themselves in final jeopardy. It must be awful to lose that way. Better to play to win and lose.

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I'm a linguist, so I was super excited when I saw the FJ category, but cautiously so because 1) my father the boxing historian is in the NY Boxing Hall of Fame and I didn't get the boxing clue :O; 2) I teach poetry and said Byron when I meant Shelley.  Super embarrassing, so I'm glad I could redeem myself with FJ.  


Katie, the defending champ, is an awesome person, by the way.  


Thanks, y'all.  :)  My social media notifications have blown up, and I'm exhausted from the party we just had.  Watch tomorrow!

  • Love 8

Great game, theajw - I loved how excited you were when you realized you had won! I was also impressed by how you killed the Capitals category, where I only got 2 right.



Did you have to bite your lip to not laugh when Andrew thought Nostradamus was a book of the Bible?  I'm still snickering.

Snicker plus eyeroll here. Almost as bad as the contestant who thought Nostradamus had been Pope.

Edited by YoureSoUrban

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