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All Episodes Discussion: The Daily Double

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I would hate to be on Jeopardy, do well in in both rounds and lose in Final Jeopardy because I didn't watch a particular TV show.  That would really stink.

I'm a Johnny (or Janie)-come-lately to Breaking Bad, but even before I started watching I knew the basic premise of the show and that the protagonist was named Walter White. It was all over the arts news on Slate Magazine, for example. It's one of those things that just seemed to be "in the air," so that it was hard not to hear about it. 


I agree that today's FJ was easy and was surprised that only one person got it right. I haven't read Don Quixote either, but I've seen Man of La Mancha.


If Emily is a repeat champion, what do you want to bet that Alex mentions her low first day winning score every day she's on?

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I'll admit I wasn't giving my full attention to the show, but… I did not hear all three syllables of "Narcissus." I thought she said "Narciss." I was convinced they were going to come back from commercial and take the money away from her (sorry, can't recall which woman gave the answer). 


Just me? OK, time to get my hearing checked.

Low money totals going into Final Jeopardy today.


And I thought FJ was easy.  I've never read that book, but it was easy to guess.  Yet only one contestant got it.


Not the best day for Jeopardy players.


Holy Triple Stumpers Batman !!!  There were so many of them.  


Mind you there were a couple of pretty esoteric questions, and that "Common in the Bible and Koran" category was a complete write-off for me.


Going to miss Terri and her shimmy back and forth.

I heard her say "Narcissus," but that could be what I was anticipating to hear when she started saying it.

I thought Don Quixote was super easy, that was the first thing I blurted out when Alex said madness and knight. I also can't remember what the DD was that was bet for $2000, but I thought it was way too easy for a DD.

I wasn't watching the screen but I'll chalk Sleeping Beauty up to a brain fart because how could you not get Snow White when the clue has mirror in it?

The new champ has off-putting mannerisms to me. Maybe I just hate joy, but I feel like she was going for quirky and hit just south of there.

I'll admit I wasn't giving my full attention to the show, but… I did not hear all three syllables of "Narcissus." I thought she said "Narciss." I was convinced they were going to come back from commercial and take the money away from her (sorry, can't recall which woman gave the answer). 


Just me? OK, time to get my hearing checked.

I thought the same thing (it was Terri).  But she gave a couple of answers where she sort of mumbled the end of whatever she was saying.  I liked her the first day, but thought she looked incredibly bored today. 


I like the gal who won, but (I think) she didn't put one of her answers in the form of a question.  The song was "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and she first just said, what is stronger, then realized they wanted more.  Then she said whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, instead of "what is whatever doesn't kill you ........"  Maybe I'm wrong about that. 

I like the gal who won, but (I think) she didn't put one of her answers in the form of a question.  The song was "whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger" and she first just said, what is stronger, then realized they wanted more.  Then she said whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger, instead of "what is whatever doesn't kill you ........"  Maybe I'm wrong about that.


I missed tonight's episode (I'm 0-3 this week), but if she had already phrased her answer in the form of a question ("What is stronger?") and then was just adding more, I'd imagine that's why they accepted it.

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She pronounced it NAR-cis-us, which tends to make the last syllable blend in with the second.  I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm used to NAR-cis-ist for the psych condition, but nar-CIS-us for the guy/flower.


After the show was over, I was puttering around the house singing, "Hail, Knight of the Woeful Countenance" -- I, too, never read the book, but have seen the musical & own the Original Bway Cast recording.  LOL.

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I'm a Johnny (or Janie)-come-lately to Breaking Bad, but even before I started watching I knew the basic premise of the show and that the protagonist was named Walter White. It was all over the arts news on Slate Magazine, for example


I knew the basic premise, but had no idea it took place in New Mexico, so nothing in the clue said "Breaking Bad" to me.  I answered the Marlboro Man, even though I was sure that wasn't correct.

I also thought Don Quixote was easy as hell, and I was really surprised that only one contestant got the right answer.


I'd like to say that this means I pay way more attention to books than I do to television, but . . .

Edited by proserpina65


I'm OK with the new champ solely due to her knowing Rock Lobster.

I can't say I'm familiar with Rock Lobster but I am familiar with Love Shack so when the fellow on the end responded with that I knew right away he was wrong.


Terri's response of "pagan' just seemed so incorrect that it didn't warrant the "be more specific" to get to Druids.  There are tons of pagans who aren't also Druids.


I did get FJ right away but it was pretty much just something I've absorbed from being around for so long.


I didn't notice it before, but last night's episode I really did  notice Terri's annoying twisting and little sighs and mutters so now I'm glad she's gone.

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They all said Napoleon in FJ!  I remember when that poll hit the news a couple years ago so I knew it was GW.


I never heard about that poll before, but how did George Washington beat out Hitler or even Kaiser Wilhelm in that poll for greatest military threat ?   That makes no sense.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I do not like Rena's hair but I do like Rena so I was happy for her to pull out a win.

And I seriously honestly mean no offense to anyone, but Emily's accent just grated on my ears. Part of it is that she sounds like my monster-in-law but I've just never been partial to a southern accent. The gentleman in the middle however, I could listen to all day.

That picture of Jeff Gordon killed me. Connie Britton too. It's just so damn lazy.

I knew I was hundreds of years off but the first name that popped in my head was Ghengis Khan. I couldn't reconcile in my head why the Brits would feel threatened, but he was a bad dude and I was sure it was going to be someone awful. I would not have come up with GW if you had told me it was a President who lived before 1800. It makes no sense to me.

Re FJ, I knew it was too early for Napoleon but I went too far back to Philip of Spain (don't ask me which number, the one of the Spanish Armada); George Washington never entered my mind.


I really like Rena too but I just want to brush that hair out of her eyes.  Also liked the man in the middle, would have been happy enough if he had won.

Something about Rena reminds me of Lady Gaga. Maybe the hair causing me confusion about her age - I could not tell if she was 25 or 55 or 70.

I also didn't get GW. For shame, GWlisa! My husband read me the clue while I was tending to the baby and I didn't hear the word enemy. I thought it was a great British leader and was so confused when everyone was guessing Napoleon.

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Rena was impressive; I'm curious to see how long she sticks around.


I reasoned my way into FJ by adding 40 to the birth year.  I was skeptical so many modern Brits would still list him as their nation's all-time greatest enemy, but the timeframe made me stick with it as my answer.


Grandma Moses was a surprising TS, and I think the classical music category was better suited to the first round in terms of difficulty level.  But the writers on the periodic table category was made of win, and I join Alex in being pleasantly surprised by how well they did with it.  I came up with all the initials, but with half of them was too slow to convert that to the element.

I never heard about that poll before, but how did George Washington beat out Hitler or even Kaiser Wilhelm in that poll for greatest military threat ?   That makes no sense.


Because George Washington beat the British. None of those others, including Napoleon, ultimately did that.


I guessed Napoleon, too, but my husband guessed Washington, so he was quite rightly pleased with himself that it was correct.

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I looked at the birth year and added 40 to it, which led me to Washington, as well. It makes sense, as Gilmel pointed out, since GW was the one military leader who understood that, being in the position of being in an occupied land, all he had to do was wait the English out and avoid complete defeat, especialky after he acquired allies like France.

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That was a tricksy Final Jeopardy!  I fell into the Napoleon trap at first but quickly realized that being born in 1732 would've put him in his 80s at Waterloo so changed to Washington before the music ended.

I never heard about that poll before, but how did George Washington beat out Hitler or even Kaiser Wilhelm in that poll for greatest military threat ?   That makes no sense.


Washington won, thereby causing the British Empire to lose an entire continent.  The others (Napoleon, Hitler, Kaiser Wilhelm) all lost eventually.



Washington won, thereby causing the British Empire to lose an entire continent.  The others (Napoleon, Hitler, Kaiser Wilhelm) all lost eventually.

They lost only part of the continent.  I don't know why Hitler wasn't the "winner" of the poll since he was right on their doorstep.  And he came pretty darned close - if he had invaded England instead of Russia he probably would have beaten the Brits.

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@Trey -- totally agree.  The English still had Canada, and Washington's forces killed a few thousand English troops, but Hitler was responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths (both military and civilian) and was on the verge of conquering the British Isles. Or the nearly 3/4 of a million deaths (both military and civilian) in the first World War fighting the Germans under the Kaiser.  I just don't see how George Washington was even close to the top of that poll -- I guess the British really can hold a grudge when they lose sometimes.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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I agree that poll seems wacky.  If they were looking for greatest imperial enemy or something like that, I could see GW as an automatic response.  But "military enemy" makes me think of people who posed a mortal threat to the country itself.  I know Washington won and everything, but he basically rope-a-doped the British until they wore themselves out and went home.  Hitler bombed the hell out of the country.  Napoleon was a military genius, who nearly invaded.


I did dismiss Napoleon for the FJ question because if he was born in the 1730s he would've been 80-something at Waterloo, which just couldn't be, but I still didn't come close to thinking of Washington.


Got my first category run of the season with all the "del-" words.


Rena seems cool and she played a good game, but yeah, she totally got lucky on that C. L. Lewis thing.

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"Military enemy" makes me think someone who was in or leading the military, which Hitler wasn't. The poll also exists in our real time line of Hitler and Kaiser Wilhelm actually being defeated, not what they might have done. I think the fear of them is lesser because of that. 


Granted, I, too, think the poll result is odd, but mainly for the reason that I didn't think the British learned or cared that much about George Washington or held him in such high regard as to win a poll like this.


I thought I was going to hate the periodic table authors category because the description sounded confusing, but like a lot of people here, I ended up liking it quite a bit. Of course, my husband and I were tag-teaming it. I was throwing out the initials, and he was giving the elements. That made it fun for us.

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Here's an article about the poll; it gives at least some of the rules (which ruled out Hitler) and explains pretty well why George Washington was the winner.




Wow, that poll is ridiculous.  Around 70 people did the final voting, but in the online voting George Washington came in 4th with 2% of the votes, yet won with 45% of the final voting.  If I had read this in the papers, I would have ignored it anyway as complete and utter bullshit. 


Plus, 70 people does not a proper statistical sampling set make -- even pollsters usually try to get at least 1000 people. And the people in the audience payed to be there, so it was closed to the public.  After nearly 4 hours of presentations, I have a suspicion that George Washington presented first and everyone slept through most of the remaining presentations.

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I like Shane, too. His "please's" didn't bother me at all. He was quick and efficient. Elizabeth was just a bit too slow for my comfort.


I'm glad Shane won, but I'm also sorry to see Rena go.


Besides the TS on the Artful Dodger, there was also the one for the Calypso. Is this one of those "before your time" things?

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