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All Episodes Discussion: The Daily Double

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Jeopardy viewers can't get enough Arthur Chu!  Guy's awfully good...


These Tournament of Champions games are noticeably faster than the regular games - or something.  You can tell the competition is up a notch.  It's fun to watch.

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Tomorrow is the day that I have been waiting for. Go Julia!!

It seemed like there were a ton of TS today. No one knew George Reeve? I know they were all relatively young but I thought he was pretty famous, especially considering how he died.

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Superman through them all for loop today, didn't it? I guess they aren't into superheroes or useless trivia. #2 guy was getting on my nerves with feverish attempt at ringing in. While the "young lady" as Alex always calls them was calm when she rang in and you never saw her hands. Arthur was so calm & nice. Which was a disappointment. LOL!!!

Edited by ByaNose
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When I saw Andrew was on tonight I cringed and the more he stabbed the ringer like his life depended on it, I couldn't relax. Thankfully Arthur obliterated him. 

Still not a fan of Arthur's board jumping but I've warmed to him. I've read a couple of his blogs that I found both insightful and funny.

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Wow, there were a lot of TS tonight.  Many of which eluded me, too, but Maureen Reagan??


I am not a Superman fan, but George Reeves I knew.  In fact, I think I got all but two of those (and those two were actors I could have sat here all night and not come up with).


Andrew really struggled on the buzzer against Arthur.  Or maybe just did so quite visibly.  I watched the interviews for once and they left me with no one to root for -- Arthur who didn't bother me like he did so many but who doesn't have a particularly root-worthy personality, Andrew whose poor wife spends most of her time in the kitchen, and Rani whose lifelong dream was to see the floor of the NYSE.


FJ came to me quickly.

Edited by Bastet
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Yeah, I didn't take too long to get it. At first I thought the year -- 2013 -- was significant, but then I realized it wasn't.


The two TSs I got were the Booker Prize and Maureen Reagan. I couldn't quite remember George Reeves full name. I could only think of 'George' and picture him. I drew a blank on Brandon Routh and Henry Cavill.

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At first I thought the year -- 2013 -- was significant, but then I realized it wasn't.


I thought that and the reference to the online edition were red herrings, possibly leading one down the road to a newfangled term, but since run fit the clue, I figured my first guess was correct.

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No one knew George Reeve?

George ReeveS.  Christopher ReevE - no S.  I wondered if anyone would get that mixed up. 


I drew a blank on Brandon Routh and Henry Cavill.

I drew a blank on Brandon Routh (I knew which one they meant but damned if I could come up with his name!)  As for Henry Cavill, for some reason I always want to call him by Jim Caviezel's last name.


I know that the 3-letter verb "set" has one of the longest entries in the dictionary, but realized that "run" made more sense especially when you consider the "politics" part of the clue.

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Ahh I always get those two Supermen mixed up.

One of the reasons I was not an Arthur fan is because I found him to be so incredibly dour and time has not changed that. I mean, not everyone has to be all puppies and rainbows up there, but it doesn't hurt to look like you're enjoying yourself.

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I always mute the visiting part after the first break. But Alex said the contestants had made some changes. Was that addressed during the visit? Also what was the FJ clue?

Arthur lost some weight. I think he said 30 pounds. I do think he looked better, and he didn't irritate me this time around.

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Rani knocked some things off her bucket list, and Andrew bought a house.


The FJ category was The Oxford English Dictionary. The clue was "As of 2013 this 3-letter verb common in sports, theater, and politics has the largest entry in the online OED."

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I drew a blank on Brandon Routh (I knew which one they meant but damned if I could come up with his name!)  As for Henry Cavill, for some reason I always want to call him by Jim Caviezel's last name.

Hee! I was an extra for Man of Steel, so I knew Henry Cavill, because he was very nice, and on a purely shallow note, nice to look at as well. 

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I thought Arthur wasn't so bad this time around, but I still want Julia to wipe the floor with all of them. Ben, Monday's semi finalist, has a personality but this time he just got on my nerves which he didn't on his initial appearances. He just seemed so purposeful in his personality. Andrew looked like he'd lost weight as well but Alex didn't mention that.

Edited by HelenBaby
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Me, I just got stuck on team names (or mascots) and tried to come up with the non-human and non-animal ones (like Chargers, Browns, or Jets) but never thought of the Saints' Fleur de Lis.


I was randomly going through logos but never got as far as New Orleans.  I agree with those who think the clue seemed to be asking for the name of the team, not the logo, and "Fleur de Lis" shouldn't have been accepted as a correct answer.

Edited by proserpina65
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Charlie's answer was simply wrong, either way. That's why he's gone, and that's why he won't be returning.


His answer was wrong, but he would've won the game based on money totals if "Fleur de Lis" had been ruled incorrect based on the phrasing of the question; the clue asked for the team, not the logo.    We should see Charlie again as ruling another contestant's answer correct was, imo, a mistake.  Doesn't mean we will.

Edited by proserpina65
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The Cheney clue was "I started as a Times Op-Ed columnist in 2009 with a provocative argument that the 2008 race would have been a clearer choice if this man from Wyoming had been the GOP nominee for President." I think mentioning Wyoming was enough of a clue without the photo.


It wouldn't have been for me, but I freely admit to sucking at political categories.  And I didn't get the FJ.  Did a full "V8" forehead slap and said "Alaska, of course!" when the correct responses were revealed.

No one knew George Reeve? I know they were all relatively young but I thought he was pretty famous, especially considering how he died.


I did what I always do when he comes up: answered George Reeve instead of Reeves.  George Reeves, Christopher Reeve.  I never can remember which one gets the 's'.

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I am not looking forward to Arthur, although he didn't bother me as much during the other tournament he was in (was it decades?) as he did during his original run.

This is his first tournament. His episodes were spread out around some of the Battle of the Decades episodes.



George Reeves, Christopher Reeve.  I never can remember which one gets the 's'.

Maybe this trick will help. Both men have only one S in the full (first + last) name. There's no S in George, therefore it's Reeves. There is an S in Christopher, therefore it's Reeve.

Edited by dcalley
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I thought it was Reeves for George, but saw it written here as Reeve and thought I had it wrong.  I'm firm on Christopher Reeve's name, so I'll just have to remember they don't have the same last name so the other Superman has an S.


I thought I'd flop in the Beyoncé category, but I got all of them.  I had no idea I knew her child's name, but I guess I picked that up somewhere along the way because it popped right into my head.  I didn't know she'd played Etta James, but James was easy to get from the clue.


Sapporo was mildly surprising as a TS, if only for the beer.

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That JFK Jr question was way too easy for a DD in the TOC.  Iran was not that difficult either, and I'm surprised Andrew missed it.

I don't know, I got them both wrong, and I consider myself to be pretty intelligent.  The date for the JFK question just meant nothing to me, and geography is a hit or miss category, not as bad as politics but nowhere near as good as literature.

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I knew JFK Jr. almost immediately; I didn't remember the specific quote, but between the sentiment and the year, it was easy for me given the category.  I wouldn't bat an eye at someone missing it, but I, too, felt it was over valued -- a DD in the DJ round of the ToC (holy acronyms, Batman).

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Damn. I was hoping Julia would win the whole thing. I can't remember if there's a wild card but I doubt if her total is high enough.


AARRRGGGHHHHH!  I've got to learn to NOT read this forum before the show airs here at 7:30 p.m.!

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Dammit why did I check?  I came to post here about Ben - does anyone else remember that during his run, one of the questions was "What is the Civil War?" but Ben answered, "What is the War Between the States?" - and you could see Trebek stare at him for a beat or two?  Anyone else remember that?

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Damn. I was hoping Julia would win the whole thing. I can't remember if there's a wild card but I doubt if her total is high enough.

There are wild cards, but her total doesn't seem high enough to me. However, she's currently 2nd in the wildcard standings (there are four slots) with only two games left. But with $16,000-ish, she really should have bet $0.

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That was an enjoyable, well-paced game that I really wish Julia had won (or finished with more money).  Especially because I thought FJ was pretty easy (with all acknowledged bias as a lawyer).


I enjoyed the country music category because it focused on older songs, but I just knew Loretta's classic song was going to be a TS.


The triple stumpers that surprised me were conjunctiva, HELOC (home equity) and Ten Little Indians (although, given the original even more pejorative rhyme, I'm a bit surprised they used that at all).  Plumeria and AMC somewhat.


I thought the British English clues a bit too easy, and felt the same about the Before & After clues.  But I sucked embarrassingly hard at the '30s category.


There was a Land of the Lost movie?

Edited by Bastet
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Waaah. I'm disappointed. Rats.


It took me a while to come up with habeas corpus. I surprised myself, and then I was surprised that Julia didn't get it. :(


I remember going thru the giant microscope at the Disneyland ride. I haven't thought of that in years, but when Alex read the clue, I instantly recalled it.


I also got AMC (that made the Gremlin), plumeria, Shadowlands (great movie), and Look Back In Anger.

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Why does this happen to the good people of the world? LOL!! I had my wine & cheese ready for my date with Julia. She broke my heart. Gosh, darn it! Of course, there is that glimmer of hope that she's a non winner finalist but I doubt it. There is now a slight tarnish on her 20 wins. So, are there any more tournaments in her future? Battle of the Decades Part II? Top 3 Woman Winners Tournement? Anything?

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Hey, in the Before and After category, would you have accepted emergency kit kat from me?

Alex probably would have accepted Fleur de Lis.

There was a Land of the Lost movie?

Yes and it was hilarious but I love almost anything with Will Farrell and Danny McBride.
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It took me a while to come up with habeas corpus. I surprised myself, and then I was surprised that Julia didn't get it. :(

Exact same situation for me. I guess she just drew a blank... Hate that she won't be around longer to play against Arthur.


Poor AMC - how quickly they forget! When I was a kid, I begged my parents to get a Gremlin.

Edited by YoureSoUrban
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They wager first, right? There's no other reason for her to make such huge bet, right? Especially, when you know there are wild cards. Maybe, she'll squeeze by in. Fingers crossed.

It's see the FJ category, make a wager, get the clue.

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I'm kinda surprised plumeria was a TS, but then again I lived in Hawaii for three years when I was in grade school.  Plumeria leis are ubiquitous there.  The flower is so common and it's very easy to sew them into a lei, plus they smell so good.  This is the third TS in recent memory of a high valued clue that would be extremely easy for someone from Hawaii, but more challenging for someone unfamiliar with Hawaii.

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I thought habeus corpus was easy and assumed they'd all get it correct. I also don't understand the FJ wager by Julia. Her total should have been plenty for the wild card; why risk it just to win the game?

Dammit why did I check?  I came to post here about Ben - does anyone else remember that during his run, one of the questions was "What is the Civil War?" but Ben answered, "What is the War Between the States?" - and you could see Trebek stare at him for a beat or two?  Anyone else remember that?

I mentioned that in an earlier post. I totally remember it.

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How often are tournaments of champions held? Will they bring back Julia for a future tournament?

I think it depends on the number of multi day winners in a given season. If they only had three 4 day or more winners in a season they would probably skip having one and hold them over to the next tournament. According to Wikipedia there were five years and six seasons where there wasn't one.

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