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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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Haven't watched the show for a while, and , lucky me, was home and decided to turn it one today and I get cohost Jerry ( a little better than I remember him being, but obviously they must not be able to get anyone better) and Trump ( Blech - pompous blowhard). I laughed out loud when he commented that when he saw a photo of the released military guy's father he said "WHOA! What have we here?". Has he not looked in the mirror at his own cotton candy hair? Making fun of the dad's long beard ( which I am guessing was what he meant?) was just stupid. And good for Whoppie for mentioning that the guy may have mental issues when trump called him a traitor. Trump didn't really have a good response to that.

Maybe next time I decide to tune in I'll be rewarded with better guests! Fingers crossed....

Edited by CathInAZ
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When Trump said that about the soldiers father I just laughed because it was the same line that's been uttered by so many other people who act oblivious to the fact that he looked/looks just like the guys from Duck Dynasty without the duck calls. I was also proud of Whoopie for mentioning how the solider could have mental issues. The military has been desperate for people for so long that they seem to look over more things that would have disqualified people long ago. They also treat vets with mental issues extremely poorly for the most part as I've seen from vets who've posted on various boards, blogs, Facebook groups and etc. that have to do with mental health over the years. People who are discovered to have any kind of mental issue are discharged and left to their own devices trying to navigate either the poorly run military mental health system or the ones for us civilians which isn't run much better.

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 So I too would like to know where Cain is getting his info, and will be interested in hearing his correction.


BWAH! Ha! Ha!


Oh wait, you were serious? Like that self-absorbed maroon would correct himself? I saw this dude on Real Time With Bill Maher earlier this season or last, and even when Bill corrected his smug ass, he dug in his heels and stuck to his "facts" that he "knew."

One of the many reasons I stopped actually watching the View (I can't seem to break away from these forums though)  was because of Geddie's insistence of always having far right wingnuts on as guests to spew the same rhetoric (or outright lies if you prefer) that Fox News delivers every day.  I knew once Joy was gone there wouldn't be anyone there to offset the ridiculous things that would be said.  As much as Whoopi might want to act like she is a free thinker and blah blah blah on the View she more or less goes along with what she is told.  Sherri is useless in a political discussion and Jenny, who I don't think is necessarily a stereotypical dumb blonde, just doesn't have the ability to debate someone who is pushing a conservative agenda.


I always have to laugh when the Republicans start whining about the "liberal" main stream media.  With very few exceptions most networks go out of their way to avoid offending "conservative" viewers.  How many times have viewers of the View been subjected to Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter and so many other conservative mouthpieces?  I can't remember the last time Michael Moore or Bill Maher was on.

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"The Mensa Twins"!!!     Love it, Fannysue.


Ok, I'm catching up after a fews days gone.  Sherri's red wig?  No, not red----too Ronald McDonald. It might have been cute in brunette.


Bill Ransic?  Sorry, I had no idea who he was. Never watched the Apprentice, cuz of the Donald.


Liked to hear Whoppie considering that Bergdahl had mental health issues to shut Jenny and Donald up. 


However, it would probably blow their minds to consider that after 5 years as a POW, why couldn't Bergdahl have BOTH mental and physical health issues?   Yeah, Donald, what about Veterans medical care?



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What an outstanding tribute to fathers for Father's Day / sarcasm.


IMO Terry's point was there some things only a father can give you [as a kid]. Whoopi took exception although she would listen and even say she agreed with some of his points  at times. Jenny went ballistic and was furious he said a father can inspire confidence....she feels she gives Evan all the confidence he needs. Seems to me she is forgetting about other "father figures" in his life - her father, teachers, and the 2 men he is living with this year before moving to NY when school is out. And Donny and perhaps even Evan's bio dad (idk).


Sherri more agreed with Terry as she said over and over...and over. Then pointed that out a couple of more times.


I don't always agree with Whoopi, especially today - but I do appreciate she listens and will acquiesce points.

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I felt sorry for Jenny today while Terry and Sherri were basically shouting that she needs to go out and get married before she screws up her son for life. Thankfully Whoopi tried to transform that opinion into something less ignorant and insane by saying children should ideally have positive male figures in their life (even if they're just in film/TV/etc.). I've liked him in TV and films I've seen, so I was surprised he just really irritates when he guest hosts. Even though Whoopi does abuse her position as moderator, I'm glad she keeps Sherri from speaking for the whole panel on every issue.


I have to admit Jenny is more polite and dedicated to keeping her job than I probably would be if I had to sit beside Sherri every day.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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Dove Men + Care.....................we had to see it on the screen, and hear it repeated over and over. Do they sell those spots like a commercial?? They were about to show a clip when the show was interrupted here, I'm curious. What was the clip?

Yeah I think they pay for the segment.... an in show commercial...... but we are supposed to believe that they are a guest...... they continue to think their viewers are stupid..... did anyone notice that there was no guest selfie to "prove the show is live"??

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One of the many reasons I stopped actually watching the View (I can't seem to break away from these forums though)  was because of Geddie's insistence of always having far right wingnuts on as guests to spew the same rhetoric (or outright lies if you prefer) that Fox News delivers every day.  I knew once Joy was gone there wouldn't be anyone there to offset the ridiculous things that would be said.  As much as Whoopi might want to act like she is a free thinker and blah blah blah on the View she more or less goes along with what she is told.  Sherri is useless in a political discussion and Jenny, who I don't think is necessarily a stereotypical dumb blonde, just doesn't have the ability to debate someone who is pushing a conservative agenda.


I always have to laugh when the Republicans start whining about the "liberal" main stream media.  With very few exceptions most networks go out of their way to avoid offending "conservative" viewers.  How many times have viewers of the View been subjected to Bill O'Reilly and Ann Coulter and so many other conservative mouthpieces?  I can't remember the last time Michael Moore or Bill Maher was on.

Elisabitch was so disrespectful to Bill a Maher the last time he was on that I don't blame if he never returns. That was the last episode of this show I actually watched.

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And for the rest of the week:

Mo 6/16: Eric McCormack, MKTO, guest co-host Carolina Bermudez

Tu 6/17: Angie Harmon, Jenny Mollen, guest co-hosts Will Cain & Candace Cameron Bure

We 6/18: Kevin Hart, Regina Hall, Meagan Good, Jerry Ferrara, Mary. J Blige, guest co-hosts Will Cain & Candace Cameron Bure

Th 6/19: Dr. Mehmet Oz, Sam Smith, guest co-hosts Bill Rancic & Ross Mathews

Fr 6/20: Eric Dane, guest co-hosts Bill Rancic & Ross Mathews

So two guest co hosts huh? This should be a doozy.

Edit: when do they tape the Friday shows, on Thursday? A friend got tickets for Thursday but she hopes they get to stay for the Friday taping due to Eric Dane.

Edited by mtlchick

I haven't been watching The View regularly.  But I turned it on for a few minutes the other day to hear Sherri read off a card to a guest, telling her, "YOU have two children, ages .............  and then point to the photos of the kids behind her."  

THAT is what make me nuts.   It's  so unnatural.  Imagine talking to a neighbor or old friend and TELLING them the ages of their kids, then SHOWING them photos of their own kids!



The show would be so much more enjoyable if they could learn basic interviewing skills.  Like ASKING open-ended questions.  Tell us about your family.   What's the new show about?  etc.  Then follow up on what they say.  Oh, yeah, but then there might be a quesiton on the blue card that doesn't get asked!   There are so many people on TV who know how to conduct an interview.  Why do these women have jobs they are so unqualified for?  

Edited by backformore
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And, looks like a complete week to miss due to the co hosts.

Lord I am sick of the radical right wing agenda - wonder who all is off - if it is Whoopi then there will be no one to counter the misinterpretations, statements taken out of context and flat out lies. And then we get Rancic and Matthews - boring.

It's summer, I sure don't need higher blood pressure due to this dreck.

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Edit: when do they tape the Friday shows, on Thursday? A friend got tickets for Thursday but she hopes they get to stay for the Friday taping due to Eric Dane.

With Friday cohosts the same as Thursday... your friend may be in luck!

The  question would be... Do audience members sit through both shows?

Edited by springtime



With Friday cohosts the same as Thursday... your friend may be in luck!

The  question would be... Do audience members sit through both shows?

I don't know if it is always the case, but last week I saw the same woman with scrubs on the Thursday and the Friday show.  I only noticed her because of the scrubs.  


What is the deal with Whoopi pushing that they are "live" all the time. So are the other talk shows.  She first promoted taking selfies as a way to show that they are live.  But that doesn't prove anything, they even do that on the Friday show.  That doesn't prove anything.  On Thursday's show, Whoopi said viewers should tweet if they had questions for Edie Falco (Friday's guest).  How would that work?

If Candace Cameron Bure is "auditioning" informally for a spot on the panel, I hope she would blow Sherri's mind with her authentic Christian marriage, and modest behavior, and happy family.  However, she doesn't seem assertive enough to take on Hollywood crazies, or want to talk to reality tv nitwits, or fake Botoxed morons.

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Tweeting to be part of hot topics, selfies to prove the show is live, and now................Must Have Monday. Oh boy!!


Dove Men + Care: I have nothing against the clip but boy did they make it obvious what their priorities are, or  what? Guests don't get a second chance when the show is interrupted, but a commercial does LOL

Edited by ginger90
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This show, imo, is now the worst incarnation of The View to date. Whoopi is delighted Babs is off her case now but she can't hold this show on her own. Bubble head Sherri is a caricature of herself and brings the collective IQ down 35 points with her schtick and Jenny is either a lightweight or being told to shut it. The revolving co-hosts adds nothing because I am already sick of these types of people on TV. Wow, I am a hardcore watcher but I think even I have had it. Even Sherri's wig warned me not to tune in again.

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It really irritated me today when they discussed Obama playing golf yesterday....on Fathers Day.


All modern POTUS take "time off" - whether home for chopping wood, or riding horses, golf, or to Camp David etc. Dems and GOP alike.


What they didn't mention is that the POTUS is NEVER out of touch with the incredible technology in the last decadeS.


Some people seem to think they should be locked in the Oval Office with a cot. And yet they are available any minute 24/7/365 for 4-8 years.

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With Barbara gone, Whoopi is better, yes, but Sherri is much worse. That's the only thing I liked about Barbara is that she obviously hated Sherri, too.


If Whoopi is off this week, I'm definitely skipping. Rancic being back again two more times is bad enough. I have to admit there was a touch of comedy to Elisabeth because she was so unintentionally incoherent and screechy, but Rancic just makes my blood boil.

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And for the rest of the week:

Mo 6/16: Eric McCormack, MKTO, guest co-host Carolina Bermudez

Tu 6/17: Angie Harmon, Jenny Mollen, guest co-hosts Will Cain & Candace Cameron Bure

We 6/18: Kevin Hart, Regina Hall, Meagan Good, Jerry Ferrara, Mary. J Blige, guest co-hosts Will Cain & Candace Cameron Bure

Th 6/19: Dr. Mehmet Oz, Sam Smith, guest co-hosts Bill Rancic & Ross Mathews

Fr 6/20: Eric Dane, guest co-hosts Bill Rancic & Ross Mathews

So two guest co hosts huh? This should be a doozy.

Edit: when do they tape the Friday shows, on Thursday? A friend got tickets for Thursday but she hopes they get to stay for the Friday taping due to Eric Dane.

Im pretty sure they tape Friday's show on Wednesday..... Im not sure why but I know they used to

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Was Whoopi wearing culottes & knee high socks today?  There may have also been crocks or some sort of open-toed sandal involved but the show was over before I could get another gander at her ensemble.

Oh, that's what you call them.  I thought they were cut-off overalls!!  Although I tried, I couldn't really identify the shoes.  (We need Cosmo for THAT & I forgot to mention Bossa Nova!)  C'mon over girls!!!

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Oh, that's what you call them.  I thought they were cut-off overalls!!  Although I tried, I couldn't really identify the shoes.  (We need Cosmo for THAT & I forgot to mention Bossa Nova!)  C'mon over girls!!!

LOL!  Well, they could have been Bermuda Shorts or Clam Diggers, too, but I went with the term culottes because I have never used that word in a sentence before and didn't know if I would ever get the chance to again, so...   By the time I got a full gander of the shorts, it was too late to check out the shoes, lol.

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I noticed quite a few times that Candice wasn't too pleased at what was being talked about during different segments and looked like she wanted to say something then either decided not to or gave up even trying. During the interview with Angie Harmon I saw Candice with her mouth open like she was going to comment and then Sherri started talking. I only really heard her say anything at the start of the show during 'Hot Topics' when the picture of her family was shown.

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I might not be as big a fashionista as Cosmocrush but as someone who wears capris quite a bit I usually wear flats or flip flops with them.  But Whoopi has always marched to her tune when it comes to fashion.  And it's funny (I AM NOT QUOTING SHERRI, LOL) but Whoopi's IMO poor wardrobe choices don't bother but Sherri's bother me to no end. I think it's because while Whoopi probably doesn't give a shit how she looks Sherri thinks she looks good.

Edited by susieq147
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Too bad  Angie Harmon dudn't correct Stupid Sherri that she would not have to hide a pregnancy that's written in the script. Wonder why not? Prbably thinking WTF, like the other guests, and then got drowned out by the other misinformation these geniuses spout.


Wow, Sherri looked fat today! She was bustin' out of that dress. 

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Yeah, I was completely confused as to whether Angie Harmon was really pregnant and they were filming around it, or if her character was preggers. Shocker, it was her character! Sherri, you must be a rocket surgeon! And I don't necessarily dislike Angie H., but wow, what a BORING story about the ducks, and wow, it was endless. They were running out of time to cover her show, the real reason she was on the show. But the best part was that after all that wasted time, D.J. (Candace) asked her about her real-life pregnancies. I bet the producers were going NUTS, after finally getting her back on track to be derailed again! Yikes, that whole segment was so bad!


I also loved watching Candace's face for her reactions as Jason Bigg's weird wife was talking! Yeah, that's a normal wife and mother! Who wouldn't order up a hooker for a threesome for your 1st anniversary, because you are out of ideas!?!?! You would have to be a real prude not to get the logic of that. (sigh)

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If I were Angie I would have stringed out a story (with photos) as well....anything to avoid talking to these co-hosts (other than WG) and doing my job to promote the finale - oops, premier of my next season on her show.


I think hiding the "pregnancy" was a dead give away at the interviewing by Sherri. Que shuffling blue cards and listening to voices in her ear. Or worse, not.


Candace Cameron Bure is totally giving Sweaty Geddie (TM Cosmocrush) a massive hard-on.  Religious nut-jobbery aside, I think she is totally adorable but the similar hair & clothing styles are 50 shades of Elisabeth Hasslebeck.  20 dollar bet that she ends up being signed on as a new co-host!


Edited to add:  To her credit, just noticed that her hem line is much longer than anything EH ever wore so there is that.  EH never met a micro-micro-mini jacked all the way up "to there" that she didn't love.

Edited by Cementhead
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