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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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If they did their "research" on this woman's story, they might have had a more intelligent discussion. Well, one can hope.

This link gives current information and some background on the case.

This is another case of law enforcement and people over-reacting again.



Click on updates, Mom and daughter have been reunited.

Ha!  You know, I didn't see the show and only heard about this case from people talking about it but my first thought was, I wonder if the mother and daughter are black.  I clicked your link and bingo!  I just have to wonder especially in a southern state, if the same would have been done had the family been white.  Maybe it would have, but if I had bet $10 on this I would have won me some money.  Perhaps my own cynicism coming through. (And FWIW I am white).

Edited by GoldDustWoman
  • Love 3

I tried to find out the age that children could be left alone in a car when Young and Restless had the "Billy left Delia alone in the car" storyline! I couldn't find out much, either for Wisconsin (where Genoa City is located!) or for New York, where I live. I work in a preschool so I'm a New York State Mandated Reporter and if I see a child left alone in a car in our parking lot, I'm supposed to report it. Instead, I usually tell one of the social workers on our site and they have a talk with the parent. They'd only call the police if there was a repeated pattern. 


If she had left the girl home alone, it might have been illegal but chances are no one would see her to report it. (I wonder if the home is unsafe - they said her laptop was stolen - and that's why Mom didn't leave her there.) Of course, a child left home alone might be in just as much jeopardy than a child in a crowded playground. Accidents happen.


I became a latch-key kid at the age of 12, but millions of children younger than that are left home alone by necessity. As for this case, the cops could have used their discretion. DiId they have to go to such extremes? 

I have a masters in social work, and mandated reporter means one is mandated to make an official report to CPS. Action (if any) will be taken by the Department of Social Services. I mean no offense to the original poster, but if any sort of abuse is observed, the report must be made, not only in cases of repeated patterns.

Edited by DangerousMinds

I was cracking up over the discussion the other day with Leann Rimes.  She talked about "The Media"  attacking her and her relationship,  because they were both married to other people when they met, and how "The Media"  has been so unkind.  Then Sherri adds in that Leann and whats-his-name have been mentioned on "Hot topics"  several times.  (I must have missed it, I had no idea about her personal life, nor do i care).   Anyway, it was the juxtaposition of "the media won't leave us alone"  and Sherri jumping on that with "we talk about you all the time" just had me laughing.  This show always thinks they are talkign about "The Media", with no shred of self-awareness that they ARE the media that people complain about.


I also think that "people won't stop talking about us" is not the reason Leann and her husband  are having their own reality show.  It's more like "we're afraid people MIGHT stop talking about us"  as the reason. 


also -  So, she was married, hooked up with a married man, and she gets on the show and sings

  "I don't care what's right or wrong,I don't try to understand.
Let the devil take tomorrow.Lord, tonight I need a friend."

OK, then.   I guess she explained it.

  • Love 8
Ah, Former Nun...you demonstrate great restraint! I don't know what your dogs name is but, if it was Rover for example, weren't you just itching to post about "Rovermybriard" a la "Leximycanecorso"?



CathinAZ...you hit the butt with the newspaper!   Because MY dog has such a fabulous pedigree and personality (as do I) , I talk about GroovyMy70PoundGroovyBriardNamedGroovyWho'sGroovy.   And if stranger breaks in MY house, she'll have him/her laughing in no time.  No protection here.  

  • Love 4

hey, I used to talk about Sammymy90poundgoldenretriever who, if anyone broke into the house, would bring the burglar a tennis ball and trick him into a game of fetch, after, of course, sniffing him thoroughly to make sure he didn't have half a sandwich in his pocket. 


Sherri is an idiot to think that a dog will kill someone who's breaking in, but not a visitor.    

  • Love 7


Morgalisa, African American hair that is natural or dreaded is different. I'm natural & when I wash & twist my hair it take at least 24 hrs to dry. I have friends whose hair does take up to 48 hours to dry. Natural/dreaded hair doesn't require daily washing. Daily washing would likely cause damage & major hair loss. I only wash my hair once a month with a sulfate/paraben free shampoo. I do co-wash (conditioner only) every 2 weeks. Most will shampoo their hair every 1-2 months but some of my natural friends co-wash only & haven't used shampoo in 2-3 years.


Thanks for the information about natural hair, but I am very familiar with it, since I have it.  But the info may be be useful to others.  I did say that I know that there are people who don't shower every day.  This was not a comment about those people.  My comment was about the totality of the overall lack of personal hygiene (I gave several examples) that I think Whoopi seems to have and seems to talk about frequently, the same way she talks about her sexual habits.  TMI.

  • Love 1

hey, I used to talk about Sammymy90poundgoldenretriever who, if anyone broke into the house, would bring the burglar a tennis ball and trick him into a game of fetch, after, of course, sniffing him thoroughly to make sure he didn't have half a sandwich in his pocket. 


Sherri is an idiot to think that a dog will kill someone who's breaking in, but not a visitor.    

My sister had Cocoathe50poundPitLabMix when her home was broken into. If you saw him, he looked quite scary (he kinda looked and moved like a panther). The thieves made out with two TVs, game systems and jewelry. Not sure what Cocoa was doing during that time, but we speculate he was probably helping.

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God, you posters are AWESOME!  So funny, smart, and entertaining.  Thanks so much for making me smile and laugh.  I agree with most of you and wish I could have said it as well. I have a dog, SesiThePartGermanShepherd, who hears the mailtruck, but not the garage opening. 


Dangerousminds, as a teacher I am mandated to report any sights (or what kids may tell me) of child abuse so the school can check it out, not arrest, check it out first.  That said, my mom learned to drive late in life--45  I was ten about.  I have 2 sisters and 1 brother. We would go with her on errands and sometimes ask to stay in the car cuz it was boring in the store.  This was mid-sixties, remember.  Once, when we were parked by the drugstore, there was a bar a few doors down.  An older white guy came up to the car and tried to open the doors, which we had locked quickly (windows were already up).  We three girls cowered on the other side of the car when he tried the doors. Then we honked the horn alot.  He went away. My mom came out eventually--probably 5-10 minutes later, and we told her. She drove home.  End of story.  Obviously, I still remember it distinctly. My mom had already warned us about pedophiles and even not going into houses when we were trick or treating or selling school wrapping paper.  We  were lucky or blessed. 






Not sure what Cocoa was doing during that time, but we speculate he was probably helping.

 Gosh, Stacee, LOL, I almost choked on my coffee!



hey, I used to talk about Sammymy90poundgoldenretriever who, if anyone broke into the house, would bring the burglar a tennis ball and trick him into a game of fetch

Yep, backformore, my sister also had Goldens, besides bringing the burglars a ball to play, she said they'd also lick said burglars to death.


I had no interest in Leeann Rimes tabloid life, but wanted to hear the butchered song after reading here.  Yeah, that was awful and a poor choice of song.  I deleted after the audience seemed to be confused on clapping.  Music fast, Leeann singing slow.  As Whoopi would say - what the hell?

Edited by CattyTiger
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Gotta chime in...mine is Nessa50lbboxerblacklab and Gracie50lbchowGolden and if someone broke in they would be all "Hey, hi,  how ya doin'?  Can I get you a cup of coffee or something.  Got treats?  Wanna throw Frisbee?"    Heee...my girls.


Sherri is really dumb as a box of rocks, tries too hard to be 'perky/sexy'.  Will be so glad when she's gone.


Missed (well ff'd Leann and I'm a singer so I can't wrap my head around that arrangement of "Help Me Make It Though the Night'.  Going to YT to check it out.


The whole convo of the little girl returned to bio dad was very confusing.  I tried to read the newspaper article and it confused me even more.  ITA there's more to this story...of course they 'don't have to do our homework'.  For Pete's sake y'all are supposed to before you spout utter BS.

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I believe the only reason LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian are going on reality TV is because she can't make money with music anymore. This may be because of the struggle women are facing in country music right now or because of how the media has talked about this story so much that her name just connotes adultery at this point, or a combo. I grew up listening to her and I still like her music even if she doesn't always perform well, which is why I think it's a real shame that the only thing her name brings up now is this story. I don't think Eddie Cibrian was as scarred by the story as she was, but that may just be because he never had much of a career to begin with; I honestly wouldn't know who he was otherwise. I wonder why the same thing hasn't happened to Jason Aldean, for instance, who's been cheating on his wife for a while now. Of course, the difference may be that his wife isn't a Real Housewives star.


And, yes, I do partly blame the above on people like Sherri who consider adultery to be the 100% fault of women in every scenario--either it's the fault of a wife who didn't take care of her business (nagged, gained weight, didn't give enough sex, made too much money) or a horrible mistress who seduced an innocent married man who of course couldn't turn her down because he's just a man. She probably thinks LeAnn Rimes is a horrible person, but ooooh! how hot is that Eddie Cibrian!! Ugh.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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because of how the media has talked about this story so much that her name just connotes adultery at this point

TheGreenKnight, I have a CD of hers, but this point above is the way it is for me now.  Gosh, it seemed like that was all the news she generated for a while.  Maybe it's that it seems to me they were proud of it or something.

There was a house fire in my area today - A neighbor commented on a TV news station site (must've thought she was on Facebook) with too much info (Her first name, her address, her homes proximity to the fire and that she was currently using a cat sitter!)

I couldn't figure out how to flag her post for removal- I called the police dept in her town to make them aware of all the info she had disclosed!

I finally found the flags on the message board (had to scroll over messages for them to appear) and (thankfully) her post was deleted.

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There are many instances when people really don't think about what info they are giving out. When scheduling a delivery for furniture, appliances and such, people will tell store/company employees they will be away certain dates so that won't be any good for delivery. Same with cable, service people. The paper in my area used to list Emergency Room patients and admissions, that was unbelievable! Obituaries with the address of the deceased are a big one too. The day of the funeral really sucky people take advantage. And of course there's good old "social media"!!!

Edited by ginger90
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Mo 7/21: Kate Hudson, Laverne Cox, guest co-host Jason Biggs

Tu 7/22: Patricia Arquette, Ellar Coltrane, Piper Kerman, Larry Smith, guest co-host Jason Biggs

We 7/23: Eric Stonestreet, Colbie Caillat, guest co-host Stephanie Ruhle

Th 7/24: Amy Brenneman, Bone Hampton, guest co-host Alicia Menendez

Fr 7/25: Kristin Chenoweth, the cast of MTV's "Virgin Territory", guest co-host James Monroe Iglehart


Can I hope that for once they go after Biggs about his idiotic tweets about the Malaysian flight that went down? I really failed to see humour in them.

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OK, I ave to chime in about Whoopi not shampooing her hair.  There is a new movement away from using shampoo, with its parabans and sulfates which strip your hair and make it frizzy and brittle, and are possible carcinogens.   Instead, you rinse your hair with water and use a conditioner, then rinse it out.  Wenn is a company that makes a (very expensive)  conditioner to use like this.  But I'm thrifty, I found a cleansing conditioner made by Pantene  that does a great job.   I use it every 2 - 3 days,  with no shampoo.  You don't get that squeaky-clean feeling, but your hair is clean.   My hair has never been in better condition.  It feels heavier, does not frizz, never has that straw-like look to it any more, even though I color it every 6 weeks.   (I'm white, have dark blonde hair with a lot of gray)


Every two months or so, I use shampoo.  So, ( to get back on topic)   if Whoopi says she only shampoos her hair every two months, she might be using a system like this.   It is perfect for coarse, curly hair.  there are a bunch of blogs by women who have tried it, many use natural stuff like baking soda or apple cider vinegar to clean their hair.    If anyone wants to no more, just google "no poo" (yeah, weird, it means no SHAMpoo, they should call it that, but whatever). 

Edited by backformore
  • Love 6

If anyone wants to no more, just google "no poo" (yeah, weird, it means no SHAMpoo, they shold call it that, but whatever).


LOL Sounds like something you'd put in to search for a constipation remedy!


I remember my grandmother, and some aunts going to the "beauty parlor" to get their hair done. I seem to recall them going once a week, maybe it was every other? Any way, they didn't wash their hair between visits and it never looked dirty. One of my aunts swore by using a satin pillow case, no bed head.

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That was me, Ginger90.  When I was 19 my friend was in beauty school.  I got my hair "done" every Saturday and then a "recomb" for a dollar every Wednesday.  Eventually I followed her to her "real" job at the "beauty salon" and got my hair done every week...no washing between and it always looked fabulous (in my mind, anyway).  Now I'm just a wash-and-wear kinda gal.  I usually leave my house with damp hair in the summer and let it do what it wants to.

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I have a friend with dreads and she doesn't wash it a lot as her hair is very dry.  Her dreads look the same no matter unlike my anglo do which I wash every 7-10 days.  I have thick wavy hair (thanks Dad!) and the longer I let it go the better it looks.  No myth to brushing your hair well every day (I do about 50 not 100 strokes) as that stimulates your scalp oils...viola...natural conditioner.


I was watching a show from last week I dvr'd and hubby sat down and watched for a bit, turned to me and asked "Does Sherri ever stop moving around?  It's like she has ADHD"  And he can't take the cross talk.


What did Jason Biggs say about the plane crash?


Loved all the dog posts!


I caught the LeAnn Rimes song and y'all were right.  That was  a hot mess.

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I do agree that Sherri may  have ADHD, Ohio Songbird.  Impulsivity, moving around constantly, lack of connection in conversations, not planning ahead.........,My ex has it (diagnosed), and it's tough to live with, hence we have lived separately for 7 years.  Nice guy, but I can't live with the mess or the above on a daily basis.

I gotta say, I am loving this awake Whoopi. She seems to be animated and willing to speak her mind more - as opposed to how she'd seem bored and half asleep from what I'm used to seeing of her.

Loved how she called out the fact that from day one, Republicans one and only mission was to defeat Obama.I wish she'd mention inauguration night 2009, when they gathered together to discuss their plan of opposing ANYTHING he did. Media seems to fail to mention that when they're rending their garments and wringing their hands, wondering why Obama won't work with them.

I also loved how she shot down Essie's claim of Obama vacationing while there is conflict with the Malysian airline going down. I don't get why Essie claims it's great when he's not in Washington, yet when he's out of Washington they complain. Or how she was so concern troll over this being bad for Democrats and how they don't want him to fundraise for them. Good on Whoopi for countering that.


Then here go Jenni reading two Twitter comments and proclaiming people agree with both of them.

Fair and balanced, y'all.

Pregnacy is beautiful but I did not care for that the cut and color of that dress Essie had on. Not flattering, IMO.


I enjoyed Jason a lot. I did not take offense to his tweet but do understand how people would have. He seemed genuinely apologetic and understanding of why people felt it was out of line. I respected that about him.

  • Love 3

I only watched a teeny bit today, but caught the moment when Jason mentioned to Kate Hudson that she has been with her fiancé for 3 yrs.  She immediately corrected him as it has been 4 or 4 1/2 yrs.


Jason turned to the camera, waved the blue cards and said "Who writes these"  OR perhaps it was "Who researches these".


Either way, gave me the first laugh of the day.


Finally, someone calls them out on their lack of prep.....and a guest co host at that!  Good job!

Edited by kaygeeret
  • Love 11


I was watching a show from last week I dvr'd and hubby sat down and watched for a bit, turned to me and asked "Does Sherri ever stop moving around?  It's like she has ADHD"  And he can't take the cross talk.

I don't think Sherri's constant "dance moves" are a sign of ADHD. It's part of her loose-and-free new persona. "Look at me, I'm so sexy when I dance, I can't help it." It's like her speech, which has suddenly become much more slangy. If Barbara could see her now! She's thumbing her nose at the idea that she's a serious, staid older woman. (And at 48, she's much closer to middle age than teenage.)


I couldn't imagine not washing my hair at least every two days. It feels greasy when I don't, and while it might look shiny and beautiful, it just doesn't feel clean. Obviously - to quote a phrase I haven't seen for a few months - YMMV. 

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I agree about having to wash my hair everyday cuz it feels icky otherwise. Sometimes, I can go two days, but that's it.  However, I have been doing this since I was 14 and I am white.  Black hair is very different.


Actually, I'm sticking to my opinion that Sherri may be ADHD.  It explains ALOT of stuff from her background, because of the impulsivity v. thoughtful actions.  Or we can go with general ignorance--NOT being either book-smart or street-smart, and including common sense-smart.  I'm down with that too. It's so obvious everyday.

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Or she is simply a self-absorbed asshole whose presence on the show and subsequent paycheck have provided ample positive re-enforcement for a growing entitlement.  It happens all the time.  She got slapped down briefly in the media for her earth is flat bit and the show simply drew its wagons around her.  She came out of it okay and I think mistook the show's stubborn refusal to admit any wrong or error for faith in her and her abilities.  She saw Hasselbeck get away with an insane amount of outright lies in delivering her talking points.  She is clever enough to see all the incredible factual mistakes everyone on the show uttered either in sheer ignorance or hand fed stupidity via the blue cards.  And never had to really face the music on any of them,  And they got paid.  And still she got paid.  And she got attention, and subsequent pay elsewhere in guest spots.


Then Disney told Walters to retire and cash out or get cancelled.  And Sherri found herself facing powers that be who were less eager to keep the curtains closed on the mess that it is the show .  She spent years being told she wasn't wrong.  She never realized and still doesn't that not being told you are wrong never makes you actually right. 

  • Love 14

Did anyone pay attention to the Jenny story about her son at camp?? It sounded like they were horsing around with Evan and she wants to turn it into a bullying issue. It seems these mothers search for issues where they can act all tough and be a hero. The story seemed pretty disrespectful toward Evan. Putting his intelligence at issue like that.

  • Love 7

Rog, I could be wrong but I thought Jenny said one of the camp's counselor called to let her know what was really going on...?


My heart went out to Evan and Jenny, based on what she described on the show. I have a son that has developmental and social issues and I can tell you it's the whole friends thing and seeing him not treated well when he was younger was really tough. My son is a good natured, friendly individual who is not interested in conflict and just wants to have fun. I could totally empathize with how Jenny feels.

  • Love 7

Rog, I could be wrong but I thought Jenny said one of the camp's counselor called to let her know what was really going on...?


My heart went out to Evan and Jenny, based on what she described on the show. I have a son that has developmental and social issues and I can tell you it's the whole friends thing and seeing him not treated well when he was younger was really tough. My son is a good natured, friendly individual who is not interested in conflict and just wants to have fun. I could totally empathize with how Jenny feels.

How did you resolve it??

I was bullied when I was a kid.... I was small and my epilepsy kinda made me a target. Things were dealt with differently back then though. I got beat up a few times.... once when High school started things changed.... I was never involved in much but I wasn't bullied any more.

  • Love 2
Actually, I'm sticking to my opinion that Sherri may be ADHD.  It explains ALOT of stuff from her background, because of the impulsivity v. thoughtful actions.



This opinion is interesting, Tosia, especially if I remember correctly. Lisa Ling does a series of specials on America.  One of them was on ADD/ADHD.  Lisa learned about the various signs and symptoms and mentioned to one of the researchers that she thought she fit into these patterns.  She was tested and the researcher said that she fit all the criteria for having ADD.   When they reported it on The View (perhaps in Hot Topics), I think Sherri made a snotty remark about Lisa "discovering" this at age 40.  She wasn't very nice about it.

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Did anyone pay attention to the Jenny story about her son at camp?? It sounded like they were horsing around with Evan and she wants to turn it into a bullying issue. It seems these mothers search for issues where they can act all tough and be a hero. The story seemed pretty disrespectful toward Evan. Putting his intelligence at issue like that.


@RogerFromOhio, I didn't see today's show, but I just came across this article about Jenny's comments while reading an article about Sherri. The headline alone horrified me. I'm sorry if Jenny's son is having problems at summer camp, but she seriously needs to STFU and stop talking about her son on national TV.


I don't know any 12 year old boy who wouldn't be mortified by his mother discussing this on national television. He is not the public figure here, and he is entitled to some privacy. I honestly cannot stand "celebs" like Sherri and Jenny who talk too much about their kids. I respect the ones who leave their children out of the public sphere and work hard to protect their privacy.


'They're laughing at him but he laughs too': Jenny McCarthy says 12-year-old son with autism doesn't realize kids are bullying him


Jenny McCarthy has revealed that her 12-year-old son, Evan, is being bullied at summer camp - but because he has autism, which affects his ability to read social cues, he's unaware that he's the butt of the other kids' jokes.


'My son's main goal is to make as many friends as possible,' she said on The View Monday morning.


She added: 'They're laughing at him but he laughs too. I said, "You have to find the kids that like you and are nice to you. Who do you sit next to in the cafeteria?" And he said, "No one. I ask, and they say no."'


The situation has left Ms McCarthy, 41, wondering whether Evan is better off not knowing that he's being taunted.


'It's so wonderful that he's not aware that kids are making fun of him. But at what point do I need to teach him that? Evan told me, "They ask me to put bugs down my pants and I do it and they laugh." He thinks it's funny. Do I just let him be? At what point does it stop? In high school they'll be like, "Here drink this?" "Okay!"' she said.


Her co-host Whoopi Goldberg suggested, 'Have Evan introduce you to his friends and when they're off having fun, have a conversation with the parents.'


Evan, whose father is Ms McCarthy's ex-husband John Asher, was diagnosed with autism at three years old. In January, Ms McCarthy was quick to slam a rumor that he didn't actually have the condition.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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I brought this up on Jenny's thread, I think, but I don't know that Evan is likely to read these news stories - and certainly it wouldn't be fodder for the bullies. I doubt 12-year-old boys are looking online for entertainment news or reading synopses of The View. 


It was a discussion at a roundtable of other moms, a great-grandmother, and a new dad. I don't see it as out-of-line in those circumstances.

Actually I find it is odd that Evan is away to overnight summer camp for weeks and weeks it seems.


Not that 12 year olds shouldn't do that - many would love that! But.....Jenny was worried about Evan going to camp that was for mainstream kids before he went.


I use to go to overnight summer camp when I was 9, 10, 11 and I loved it....but it was for a week each summer. Would have loved longer but my parents didn't spoil us even if affordable.


My point is....Evan just moved from Chicago so lots of changes in his life....leaving the men that cared for him, his grandparents, father (?), now summer camp for weeks, and the marriage in Sep. Plus a new school, therapists,  etc.....  Try the camp for a week or two and see how it goes.....not for weeks and weeks.

  • Love 3

I'm by no means a Jenny fan but for once (!) I felt for her a bit. Because I don't see it as full on bullying but it may lead to that. Since he's more laughing it off and not saying "you know, I'm getting bullied and I don't like it" she's not sure where to go. But I do agree with what @maggiemae said. he's going through a lot this year: moving (again), new stepfather, and dealing with new people that may or may not end up in the same school soon, all within what, 6 weeks? I never went to overnight camp (went to day camp and then the local pool all summer) but I know a lot of kids who did. The difference is they also knew a good chunk of their friends going as well so it was easier. I don't think Evan is as lucky right now. It's still a big transition for him.

Also, the "pose for a fake selfie with a celeb" needs to be gone some September.

  • Love 4

I brought this up on Jenny's thread, I think, but I don't know that Evan is likely to read these news stories - and certainly it wouldn't be fodder for the bullies. I doubt 12-year-old boys are looking online for entertainment news or reading synopses of The View. 


It was a discussion at a roundtable of other moms, a great-grandmother, and a new dad. I don't see it as out-of-line in those circumstances.


That's true that Evan and the other camp kids aren't likely to see that article or watch The View. However, that doesn't negate the fact that she is blatantly breaching his privacy. Whether her son learns about it or not is irrelevant. 


Also, yes, it was a discussion between the people you mentioned, but with one huge difference - it was on national television!


Where I come from, the ones who most diligently and fiercely protect a child's privacy are the parents. That certainly isn't the case for Jenny and Sherri.

Edited by LuckyBitch
  • Love 6

Where I come from, the ones who most diligently and fiercely protect a child's privacy are the parents. That certainly isn't the case for Jenny and Sherri.


It certainly isn't.

I could see pain in Jenny's eyes. And, unlike the way Sherri would have reacted, she was actually listening to the responses she was getting. I do agree the show wasn't the place for the discussion though.

  • Love 4

Ok, Former nun, I did not know that about Lisa Ling.  I have heard Jenny McC say on the Spew that she was diagnosed ADD/HD as an adult.  Lots more information these days. 


I also think Sherri may be an emotional type v. intellectual (Meyers/Briggs)  No duh, you say? It helps explain why she ignores advice--preferring to listen to her heart.  I know these unprofessional diagnoses may sound silly, but they help me understand people--esp. people different from myself--and helps me be less judgemental, even though I LOVE making fun of these idiots on this show.

Can you tell I am an intellectual type?  I am also a special ed teacher.  Lots of schooling in efforts to learn to help kids more effectively.

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While I think the issues that Jenny was discussing helps others who are experiencing similar problems, I think good points were made about not discussing Evan's private issues on national TV. Particularly since it's mainly HIM that has to deal with the consequences of his peers possibly finding out.

I cringed when I saw it reported about how Jenny talked with him about sex and her finding the foot rub pics on iPad. That seemed a bit too private for public consumption.

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