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All Episodes Talk: Admit it. You Can't Stand The View.


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So great to have a place to vent about the View, they give us lots of ammunition :0

Sherri had a new low yesterday, wobbling around the stage like she needed to go to the bathroom while double dipping the food from the same dish the judges were served from by Clinton. He looked to be upset with Sherri's antics.

Sadly she feels she is acting sexy with her "moves" and many of us viewers feel she should cut back on the water intake before the show. What she calls sexy dancing looks like she badly needs to pee

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Seeing Sherri with Clinton Kelly really highlighted the differences between The View and The Chew.  On the Chew, the hosts might tease each other in a friendly way, but when one of them is cooking, the others let them have the spotlight. They don't all talk at the same time, cutting each other off, competing to get the most airtime.  They also WAIT until a dish is cooked, seasoned, and garnished before tasting it.

Sherri just took over, dancing, chattering  like a 4 year old saying "Look at ME".  Clinton is on a show with some strong personalities, but there's never been that level of rudeness. 

I speculated on TWOP that she might have found Whoopi's weed.  But I also wondered if maybe Sherri discvered a new "diet pill", they tend to make people pretty damn hyper. 

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Sherri certainly acts like she is on drugs. Her "fans" comment on her "energy" and of course one does have more energy after loosing weight but her hyperactivity is beyond....

She feels she is being sexy will those agonizing moves, but she looks, when sitting like she needs hemorrhoid cream & like she needs to pee when she is gyrating around the room.

She had the audacity to criticize Miley Cyrus, called her a "ho" but totally doesn't see that her own actions are much more "ho" like.

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Far as I've always heard, weed will have the total opposite effect from making someone hyper, so the diet pills are indeed more likely!


Or she could simply have undiagnosed ADHD


Well, I was referring to the one segment where she was "cooking"  with Clinton Kelly. It was different than the way Sherri usually acts, she took it to a different level.   She seemed high to me because she was dancing to music that only she heard, AND she was grabbing the ingredients out of the pan and eating them.   At one point she reached in to the pan and grabbed a hunk of RAW ONION, popped it into her mouth, and gave a moan of ecstacy like it was something he had cooked. 

Clinton was a guest on the show, and she completely upstaged and  interrupted him, to the point that folowing the recipe and cooking instructions was impossible.  Everything he said was punctuated by sherri saying "Oh yeah!"  "Woo hoo!"  "That't the stuff", etc, all while swaying and snapping her fingers like a gospel singer.  It was one of the weirdest segments I have ever seen her do. 

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BW needs to be more careful with the cosmetic surgery.  There are times when her eyes look weird, but the angles  shown on The View, alone with the lighting, are kind to her.  I saw her intro to a recent 20/20, and she has that "surprised"  look the entire time she's talking.  Basically, when you can see white both above and below the iris of her eyes -  it's the look you have if you purposely TRY to open your eyes as wide as you can.   Only for the rest of us, our eyes aren't stuck like that. 

On The View, it contributes to her kind of insane/demented look.  It's a shame, because  BW would be a fine looking woman for her age, if she could allow herself to age gracefully.   A little tuck or lift is fine, but she has overdone the eyes.

Completely and 100%....I actually turned it off before my 15 minutes because Babs voice was grinding my last nerve and it was only 10:10am!  I only had it on because I knew I would not be interested and I had to leave at 10:15am.


Babs has interviewed that she will replace Whoopi when needed, so she is not gone and, sadly, she is the biggest drag on the show.


I truly can't believe that ABC will let her continue to have a controlling interest in how this show goes - for heaven's sake, they must watch what they produce every now and then right? 


Her continuing involvement - and that of the abhorrent Geddi - will never get daytime ratings to anything ABC will consider acceptable.


Admittedly, they have to solve the early am show first as that is a huge revenue generator, but I would think that this show could anchor the mid morning if it were produced properly and had bright, funny and non doctrinaire women on the panel - not fluff bunnies mind you - but smart women who were willing to listen and talk -  NOT OVERTALK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Somehow I'm guessing Joy's departure had more to do with this being Barbara's last year than anything else. Barbara probably wanted to be the last of the "original cast" to leave so to speak. The sad part is that, as ridiculous as that sounds, I could almost believe it. I'm just glad Joy got at least a month or two without Elisabeth there (in my imagination, this was Joy's last request. lol). I still hold on to the hope that they might bring Joy back.


I really wish they'd get rid of Sherri, too. If they must have a funny black lady, they should get someone like Loni Love. She's hilarious without being loud, incoherent, repetitive, or ignorant like Sherri. I don't feel either way towards Jenny. She's fodder and adds nothing to the table, but at least she's not annoying or crazy like Sherri/Elisabeth.

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It's getting so horrible that I turn away from the tv screen, rather than look at Sherri's shit-eating grin and Bab's bugged-out eyes, as well as bother their hand/claw/arm gestures.  What a mess.


For God's sake, Sherri, please stop talking over others!!! 


Lord, please, let Barbara accept retirement as it was meant to be=go away.


Wow, this show really brought out the religion in me.  LOL.

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Sherri's hair and makeup today!!!!!!!!  Ten times more eye makeup than she needed, all gold and glittery, like a lot of singers wear in concert, to be sure the fans 50 rows back can see them.  WAAAAAAAAAAAY overdone for a morning TV show.


I was cracking up over the Monica lewinsky talk.  Yeah, she needs a JOB - a TV news job, or a commentator, or maybe a reality tv show, or something else ON TV.   Because the only jobs worth getting are the ones in front of TV cameras.  They really don't have a clue how the rest of the world lives.



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Well, I was referring to the one segment where she was "cooking"  with Clinton Kelly. It was different than the way Sherri usually acts, she took it to a different level.   She seemed high to me because she was dancing to music that only she heard, AND she was grabbing the ingredients out of the pan and eating them.   At one point she reached in to the pan and grabbed a hunk of RAW ONION, popped it into her mouth, and gave a moan of ecstacy like it was something he had cooked. 

Clinton was a guest on the show, and she completely upstaged and  interrupted him, to the point that folowing the recipe and cooking instructions was impossible.  Everything he said was punctuated by sherri saying "Oh yeah!"  "Woo hoo!"  "That't the stuff", etc, all while swaying and snapping her fingers like a gospel singer.  It was one of the weirdest segments I have ever seen her do. 

Because of the comments here I watched this segment on youtube. I'm a great fan of Clinton Kelly. I rarely watch The View anymore and Sherri is a part of my reason, so disclaimer. But I agree her behavior was so inappropriate I do wonder whether she had over done her meds. Maybe she's been doing a little self-medicating because of her marital troubles. At any rate, she was rude. And Kelly was not amused but continued to soldier through. Her behavior was piggish, and I almost never use that word because I dislike the implications. But I can't think of a better one. 

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Well, it looks like Babs will begin her final week as a co-host of The View by crowing about her interview with Donald Sterling's wife, Shelly:




But, remember last  week when she interviewed the mistress, V. Whatever-Her-Name-Is, that there were reports that BW was actually trying to secure an interview with Donald Sterling and she was competing with Anderson Cooper for it? Too bad, so sad, Anderson won out on that big "get":



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To quote Sherri -

IT's SO INTERESTING - that any other celeb having marital problems (or any other kind of problem) is a hot topic to discuss and speculate about. But when there are stories about the hosts themselves, they choose to pretend it's not happening.

To me, it explains some of Sherri's over-the top giddiness, shrill laughing, and hysterical behavior recently. She's been having some difficulties, and was trying (too hard) to "put on a happy face" and pretend everything was OK. Instead, she had us all wondering if she was having a nervous breakdown.

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I think the weight loss has played a big part in many aspects of Sherri's life.  She has never been a quiet one, but now she's louder, dances out on to the stage (even as a guest on other shows) just over the top. I would imagine she has changed in some way at home too.


I'm not surprised nothing was said today. She did make a little comment after Jane said something about being interviewed by Barbara through all of her husbands. Sherri said something like, how do you get to the last one? Then silence and Sherri just  looked in to the audience.

Okay, I missed the first 5 minutes today. Was there any mention at all about Sherri's split? I'm assuming not since I'm sure Babs doesn't appreciate anybody else stealing a second of her last week spotlight.

I watched to see how they handled the Sherri thing. I do think they mostly didn't want to waste a Barbara-worshipping moment. 

And for the rest of the week: 




Tu 6/3: Dakota Fanning, Jonathan Scott, Chris Powell, guest co-host Bevy Smith
We 6/4: Arsenio Hall, Katherine Schwarzenegger, guest co-host Jesse Palmer
Th 6/5: Robert De Niro, Perri Peltz, Tyne Daly, guest co-host Roseanne Barr
Fr 6/6: Miranda Lambert, Maria Menounos, Jesse Williamson, guest co-host Star Jones


Interesting Arsenio is going to be on considering he no longer has a talk show of his own to plug.  But how is De Niro going to make it through these "ladies" interviewing him? 

Damn near went into cardiac arrest this morning when The View came on and I had my back to the TV...for a moment, I thought I was hearing Bitsy's screeching voice.  The feeling didn't pass when I turned around either, since she was basically Bitsy with brown hair! Man, that Abby Huntsman even had many of Bitsy's mannerisms and poses.  Yikes...too close for me!


Whoopi's outfit from the rear reminded me of those slip-on coverings that are used to dress up dining chairs.

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I was apalled by the fact that Whoopi explained Justin Bieber's use of the n-word because he was Canadian. What the heck? As a Caucasian Canadian, I was insulted. The majority of Canadians I know (I'm 7 years older than Justin Bieber) all know that that word is derogatory and it's probably one of the worst (if not THE worst) word there is. I'm from a small town and I only knew of one person who used that word (my friend's father said it). We all grew up watching American television, we do have some knowledge of American history.

The excuse that he's Canadian is insulting and insinuating that Canadians are ignorant to that word, shows how ignorant Whoopi is about Canada. (I was always a fan of Whoopi. I love the Sister Act movies and Corrina, Corrina). I understand that she responded that way because that is how someone explained it to her, but I really hope somebody points how to her how wrong she is.

I'm sure Justin Bieber was well aware of the fact how terrible that word was when he tried to make the joke (the view said he was 15 when it was said, but I've heard other things saying he was 17). I wouldn't even excuse that as being a "dumb kid" thing either. As a teenager, he should have been well aware of what words are appropriate and which ones are not.


She didn't so much excuse him for using the word, she used it as an excuse (it's not like she thinks Canadians should be allowed/given a free pass to use the word, she just thinks we use it because we're too stupid/ignorant to understand its meaning and impact). She also said that he was only 15 at the time, which partly excuses him to (I disagree with that as well).

Apparently, years ago, Whoopi was in a movie written by a Canadian, and as she was reading the script, she came across the N-word. She asked somebody (the director I think), who explained to her that Canadians didn't go through the same stuff that the Americans went through, so Canadians do not understand what that word means. To Sherri blurted out "what do they think it means? A grocery store (or some random word)??". So Whoopi basically repeated what this other had told her (which, as a Canadian, is one of the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard).

Edited by stillbored
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Damn near went into cardiac arrest this morning when The View came on and I had my back to the TV...for a moment, I thought I was hearing Bitsy's screeching voice.  The feeling didn't pass when I turned around either, since she was basically Bitsy with brown hair! Man, that Abby Huntsman even had many of Bitsy's mannerisms and poses.  Yikes...too close for me!

They're definitely looking to cast a new Elizabeth. I remember when Margaret Hoover was on, I thought she looked a lot like her except with different hair. She seemed nice until the second time she was on and they were interrogating Sara Evans about whether she would go back on Dancing With the Stars, and she went sour when Sara Evans repeated Bruno's criticism that Evans danced "like Barbara Bush." Turns out Hoover, Huntsman, and Chelsea McCain have connections with one another apparently.


I'm not looking forward to an Elizabeth without a Joy there to knock her down. Whoopi can barely even handle Sherri's nonsense. Why did they put Jenny McCarthy of all people in Joy's chair if they're just going to get a replica of Elizabeth...? I was just about to give this show another chance now that Barbara was on her way, praying Sherri would be replaced, too, soon. Ugh.

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Jenny actually got a chance to speak today! She even continued speaking when Sherri interrupted her while she was reading a quote. Today's show gave me a headache, I didn't finish watching yet. And oh boy, they are continuing with the selfies, yay, NOT!

... and before that, Sherri tried to interrupt her twice when she was attempting to make a point. She DID say "I'm not finished" & Sherri let her speak for about ten seconds before she interrupted her again. Poor Jenny, her point got decimated!!!
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Damn near went into cardiac arrest this morning when The View came on and I had my back to the TV...for a moment, I thought I was hearing Bitsy's screeching voice.  The feeling didn't pass when I turned around either, since she was basically Bitsy with brown hair! Man, that Abby Huntsman even had many of Bitsy's mannerisms and poses.  Yikes...too close for me!


Whoopi's outfit from the rear reminded me of those slip-on coverings that are used to dress up dining chairs.

I  thouht Abby Huntsman was a breath of fresh air for a Republican and she did great.  Her father is actually a liberal conservative and my feeling is that she is also if, indeed, she is actually a Republican.  She would be a  great choice.  She sounded intelligent and open-minded.

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