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S15.E15: Wildcard Night: Judges Pick

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Were the judges on crack with those auto-throughs? LaPorsha? REALLY? Trent? I was okay with Olivia I guess, and while the annoying kid who sang Billy Idol is a bit ridiculous too, I can kind of see why they chose him.

The rest:

Manny - what a way to take ALL the soul out of Stevie Wonder.

Little K. Starr - another one who showed how to take all real emotion out of a song. It wasn't even sung badly. It was just as fakely done as a $3 bill.

Thomas - lord he's got some shitty singing habits. Get this kid some actual training. Off the show though--ditch him.

Tristan - she's good at times, but another one with some truly awful singing habits to overcome. When she actually sings straight it can be nice though.

Avalon - didn't look like shit. guess she got the message that you don't HAVE to look like shit just because you don't want to wear girlie clothes. What she was wearing was still torn and baggy, but clearly higher quality clothes (and even baggy, still better fitting than her stupid Cosby Sweaters). And yes, a bit of light makeup and hair product too. I do think she got cheated out of those 4 auto-byes by far inferior people. That said that "How ya' all doin'" interval came off as a little weird and pandering. And she was a bit sharp tonight. By HER standards, which does seem to be higher than some of these others.

Ugh, Borshithead. He so gives me the skeeves.

Jenn - Why is this trainwreck still here?

Lee - I've liked a few things the kid has done, but that was SO dreary. Good bye kid!

Sonika The Hedgehog - Was she always basically singing and acting like a Disney Princess and I never noticed before? Can't say it was bad, but can't say I liked it either.

Quickdraw McGraw - That was such shit. Awful.

The Bourg Collective - Eh. He's actually quite good, but that kind of down the middle WGWG Dave Matthews-like BS is gonna get old.

Who needs to go most: Little K. Starr (for being so fake), Quickdraw McGraw (for being so Country Pretentious, to coin a phrase), Lee (for just being sad and dreary), and Jenn (because the judges and clapbots championing that shit won't mean America will). Oh, and creepy Scott Borchetta--he needs to go too!

Who actually will likely go (although of course we haven't seen the next set of performances yet): Manny (not totally undeservingly), Jenn, Lee, maybe Tristan (I don't think she'll connect with either the blue OR red state viewers, even though she's actually pretty good).

Edited by Kromm
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Sonika and Mackenzie had the most pleasant sounding and masterful performances of the night. I split my votes between them, but I am fully anticipating for her to get cut :(


Those are the two I'd actually listen to a whole album of and they don't rely on any vocal affectations. Great stuff.


And can I say that it's ridiculous how long they made us wait to vote this final season? WTF.

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I have no problems with the four they put through, though I wouldn’t have been upset had Mackenzie or Avalon been added to that group.


Of the people that did sing, I thought the girls really brought it tonight, with the exception of Jeneve.  For me there was a pretty clear cut separation between the top 5 and the rest.  I would rate the performances as follows:



Avalon: - She has the swag and the voice to match

Mackenzie – He seems almost like a pro in that he knows what works for him.  Plus I do like that song.

Sonika – She may have the best voice in the competition, even if she still needs to loosen up on stage.



Gianna – Her best yet. Good vocals and at least an attempt at a more mature performance

Tristan – A little tentative at times, but there’s still something I like about her voice.  She needs to stick to these kinds of songs and not try to go uptempo



Jenn – Still too quirky, but it kind of worked for me on this song

Lee – Nothing really horribly wrong, but it just sat there. This is not a good thing when you’re singing Let it Rain



Manny – pure karaoke



Jeneve – her voice was all over the place and I did not like the arrangement.

Thomas – I hate those affectations of course, but beyond that, his voice just isn't as good as most of the rest.


I personally would put through the top 6 listed above, but I suspect that either Lee and/or Thomas may get through over Jenn and/or Gianna.

Edited by viajero
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I thought Avalon was rather charming tonight (at least the intro worked as the AI psychologists no doubt expect it to, with my thoughts resonating "Dang, yeah, it's a waste to have her waiting tables for a living"), and I liked the hair.  Would still like to see a shapelier shirt (the outer one was OK), but I could deal with this styling if this is as good as it gets.


Tristan was off pitch and I think Gianna too, though the former worse than the latter.  The less said about Jenn the better, and I felt kind of sorry towards Stringbean as he clearly was working to lose the breaks and tics.

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Manny - Dancing around the stage would be nice if he didn't seem to have no range.

Gianna - A lot of her performances seem to make her out to be more mature than she really is. It's kind of unbelievable, though I didn't think she was bad. I still don't care one way or another about her, however.

Thomas - He's pigeonholing himself into a preteen act by doing 1D and other such songs every time, and the yip noises are more memorable than what precedes them. Harry couldn't have possibly just noticed them now, so the judges have probably realized he's a weak link among the guys and there's no need to lap up his mediocre performances anymore.

Tristan - Still doesn't feel like she's a country artist. I want to like her, but there's many more interesting singers to watch out for. She might go through, but if not, ehh. Tonight wasn't anything special.

Avalon - She looks great with the wardrobe improvement. I don't necessarily agree with the idea that she's current, more so that she moves around the stage a lot, addresses the crowd like a concert, and sings more current songs. All three of those things are good, but I don't imagine her translating to mainstream pop culture and doing her own pop songs with much success. It didn't seem like her song tonight had much singing, and I rewatched it to make sure I remembered her. I guess I just wasn't impressed.

Jenn - She always sounds like somebody trying to talk while crying, it's insultingly annoying to ever hear her screeching get praised. Wearing arts and crafts supplies on her eyebrows bore no relation to the serious song she was doing, either. Get her off the show.

Lee - He reminds me of the mildly talented singers who get plucked from places like Vine and YouTube, and their main fanbase is middle schoolers. I want to like him, but it's so rare I get anything out of his performances. I think Lee got screwed over by having to do something he's already sung, which is 90% Ed Sheeran. Very familiar and boring. Watch him advance and pick another Sheeran song, though.

Sonika - I don't care about near flawless vocal abilities when there's nothing else of substance being brought forth. She's so robotic. Not likeable or unlikeable, just a machine that sings well for 90 seconds before needing an oil change. I find that just as grating as the contestants that everyone here describes as annoying; at least you remember who they are.

Jeneve - She peaked early, and it's been downhill from there. I hate how she always sings low in a pleading and desperate way ("it burns, it burns, it burns") before going high and making tortured faces. Definitely too polarizing to get very far, and she probably won't make it through tomorrow.

Mackenzie - Best of the night, easily. That original song could be on the radio tomorrow. However, from everything he's done so far, I think he has a very limited range, although I hope to be proven wrong. He also seems kind of monotone and I always think he lacks volume. Not his fault that repeating songs was the theme, but I get the impression that he's been riding off the one song for a while. Same with Dalton, honestly. I like them both, but can't think of a whole lot they've done so far that's been exceptional aside from bits and pieces. It's like just the notion of them performing will bump the reception of whatever they do by a few points, though I may be alone in thinking so.

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I laughed my ass off when Harry said Thomas needs to knock that yelp out of his voice and made a Cranberries reference. How many people in the audience know who the Cranberries were?

Serious question: is Avalon...a stud? That would explain her style and song choices.

Gianna needs more experience singing songs like I Put A Spell On You. The strained sassiness of her rendition makes her look and sound her age. She's got a good voice, but she needs to do more age appropriate and venue appropriate songs.

Jeneve and her cowgirl outfit. I'll just say this: if America votes her in, I'm getting jokes off. I don't care about age. She needs to knock it off with the pioneer woman thing.

Edited by 27bored
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Jeneve and her cowgirl nit outfit. I'll just say this: if America votes her in, I'm getting jokes off. I don't care about age. She needs to knock it off With the pioneer woman thing.

Did you notice her Dad got into the act with that bullshit too this week? I could swear we've seen him before and he dressed semi-normally.

Mom looked like she was trying really hard to ignore the fact that hubby was sitting next to her looking like a (rodeo) clown.

Gianna needs more experience singing songs like I Pur A Spell On You. The strained sassiness of her rendition makes look and sound her age. She's got a good voice, but she needs to do more age appropriate and venue appropriate songs.

What she needs to do is ignore every single piece of advice her mother apparently ever gave her. I mean the way she sings is so insincere--there's not an ounce of real feeling or emotion in it, only fake trills that badly emulate such. The more I hear her the more frustrated I am that she's being praised. The voice is okay. The personality along with the voice (and I mean the ON STAGE personality) is phony as all hell. It makes her qualified to sing in a theme park or something, not in a singing contest.

And that kind of happened again with Sonika. Her voice is even better than Little K. Starr's voice. But she has that same Disney Theme Park Singer thing going on.

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Did you notice her Dad got into the act with that bullshit too this week? I could swear we've seen him before and he dressed semi-normally.

Mom looked like she was trying really hard to ignore the fact that hubby was sitting next to her looking like a (rodeo) clown.


There was at least one day during Hollywood week where the whole family was dressed like rodeo clowns.  Part of it is the giant, oversized cowboy hats she and her dad (at the very least) insist on wearing.

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This is the first time I've gotten a sense of Mackenzie's lyrics, although I'm not sure I totally got them. But from the last line it sounds like he's giving a girl roses so she'll take her clothes off for him. I hope I'm missing something that makes it better.

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Harry for the win for the Cranberries reference!  Take a listen to Zombie and you'll never look at T-String the same again.  And speaking of looks, he and Avalon both wore casual, loose-fitting duds and overly styled hair and yet the only comments about it are in reference to one of them.


Did Jeneve always use her middle name?  I can't recall.


Gee, Scott, when you exhort viewers to vote for the country genre, you didn't mean Tristan by any chance, didja?


It's pathetic that the producers made everyone repeat songs they've already done this early.  That means we'll probably hear some of the performers sing the same song three or more times over the course of the season.  I suspect it's another way to cut costs.


I correctly guessed three out of the four safe contestants.  I keep forgetting that Trent exists.  I would expect Lee, Gianna and Manny to say good-bye tonight.  Lee really has something but he looks so callow and LaPorsha looks so mature that they'd have to always have them on opposite sides of the stage so no one would mistake them for mother and son.


And speaking of mothers, I appreciated that all the people in the family section appeared to cheer on all the other contestants as heartily as their own kids

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It's pathetic that the producers made everyone repeat songs they've already done this early.  That means we'll probably hear some of the performers sing the same song three or more times over the course of the season.  I suspect it's another way to cut costs.

I agree.  We've only heard what, like 5 songs from them?  I read some recap sites and that's what they said-- they're scrimping on song rights.  


But who needs songs when we have Jennifer's $17M/season face to gaze upon.

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Please let Jeneve go home. She seems like a good kid but she is out of her league and honestly, I don't even think she'd be happy being the Idol. Let her go home and fade into a normal life.


Also Tristan. She's suffered b/c she's been pushed down our throats since the beginning, and viewers hate that. And she's just not that good. She has good MOMENTS, but not great performances. And I think she believes she is amazing. Please go home.


I would like to know how long it took Blosil to de-bedazzle her eyebrows.

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And speaking of looks, he and Avalon both wore casual, loose-fitting duds and overly styled hair and yet the only comments about it are in reference to one of them.


Part of that may be because there's so much else to criticize/comment on with Thomas' performance.  Avalon's performance was so good that, other than saying how good it was, there's not much else to talk about besides her styling.  And we've talked about male performers' styling, especially Dalton's.

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Is it mean to say that I would eliminate Jenn Blosil tonight just on the basic of her glitter-attacked eyebrows?


Glitter eyebrows: Rainbows, maybe; beautiful, not. (Look, I am not the one who put that song together with that makeup!)

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There was at least one day during Hollywood week where the whole family was dressed like rodeo clowns.  Part of it is the giant, oversized cowboy hats she and her dad (at the very least) insist on wearing.


How much would it suck to wait forever for Idol tickets, stand on line for hours, and then get stuck behind Jeneve's dad in the audience?

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These kids are supposed to be the best 14 they came up with out of thousands of auditions. If they can't be expected to learn two different (and new) songs, one for last night and one for tonight if they get voted through.....then Show, you screwed up some of your choices. And if you're just cheap on the finale season, what's the point then?


I have to believe these kids were bummed if not totally devastated that they had to sing something that they'd already sung before. Especially when the decisions you make about what to sing in Hollywood week are already coming from extremely truncated song choice lists.


Jeneve is weird (pretty much exactly what you think of when "home schooled" is mentioned), but I'm not going to knock the outfit totally. I know tons of people that are heavily involved in the Western lifestyle (Rodeo, Cutting and Reigning horses, Ranching, etc). The problem is except for the night she did Angel at the harp and looked like a Dugger or FLDS wife to be.......her Western lifestyle wear screams "Hollywood" or "NYC". As in that's what people on either coast would put together if they heard Country Western. It doesn't really scream authentic and something she would wear if she truly was working at her family's compound off the grid on Saddle Mountain to me. YMMV of course.


If you could create a franken-contestant that had Sonika's vocal ability and Manny's comfort and energy on stage......you'd have a monster that might actually give Dalton or MacKenzie a run for their money.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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I could be proven wrong tonight, but I think Jenn made a huge mistake with those eyebrows.  The average Idol viewer does not like weird.  So if you're going to be weird at all, have the vocal ability to overcome it and do it late in the game when the audience already knows (and hopefully likes) you.  I personally think she's a terrible singer who only manages to squeak by because she chooses quirky songs that suit her quirky voice, but that's going to get old fast, assuming she's not voted off tonight (but I think she will be).

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So, can we guess who made it through based on everyones's comments who the F10 will be? 


Add Sonika, MacKenzie, Lee Jean for sure.  That's 7 qty. 


Not sure who would round ouf F10.  or is it F12.  I've lost track!

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Is it mean to say that I would eliminate Jenn Blosil tonight just on the basic of her glitter-attacked eyebrows?

No :)      They looked ridiculous, so did her outfit.

  I also thought her performance was terrible.  

  I also was shocked at whatever judge (forgot which one) called Tristan's performance great. She was flat 80 % of the time. It was painful to listen to.

           I like Le Jean, but if I had to pick from last night the winner would be Avalon or Sonica.   I would probably end up with Avalon because there is more originality and flexibility musically and personality wise.

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Sonika is lovely and has a great voice imo and absolutely bores me to death. Has she ever sung a non ballad?


Is JBlo going for the Joey vote from last season? Blarg. The 40's dress... the quirky... I just cant stand the squeak The eyebrows were a terrible idea.  imo

Tristan was so flat; I was kind of shocked.

That Borchetta dude just gives me the total willies and creeps me the hell out. SKEEVE. Cant put my finger on why exactly.

Edited by ari333
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If you purely basing it on what the judges said, how they said it (and physically reacted to the performances) and how the singers were ordered...


The Show in descending order wants the Top 10 to be filled by MacKenzie, Tristan (despite her consistently underwhelming performances), Gianna, Sonika...medium size gap...Avalon, and then either Jenn or Lee (They like the quirk, but they also like the possibility of a growth arc with Lee). Leaving out Thomas, Jeneve, and Manny.


ari333, Everyone was handicapped by only being able to sing a previous song last night. Sonika was overdue to do something other than a ballad (and if she had any savvy or sophistication about playing AI like a game, she would have) except, she didn't have that option last night. It had to be one of the ballads she had already performed.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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I thought the judges' picks were okay, although I would have substituted Avalon for Olivia. I wish we could vote someone off instead of voting for our favorites because I really need to see Geneve gone. Her ridiculous costumes and that damn hat hurt my eyes, and I just don't think her voice is that great. Her lower range is absolutely atrocious and the rest of her singing is just mediocre. I feel that the judges put her through as a novelty act, and the fact that they put her through instead of Stephanie Negrete is a travesty in my opinion.

I too get something of a Disney Princess vibe from Sonika, but I really love her voice. J-Lo sounds a little silly when she talks about "face goosies," but I have to admit I understand where she's coming from. There is such a purity of tone to Sonika's voice and it really affects me. If she gets over her nerves and learns to relax a little, she could go far.

Mackenzie's original song is sweet, but I caught that reference to removing the girl's dress the first time around. It struck me funny that they cut to a shot of his mom the minute he finished that line. Must make a mother proud. LOL

I really hope to see Geneve and Jenn gone tonight. I wouldn't mind seeing Stringbean gone too, but I know that's not going to happen.

Edited by JMarie99
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Yes I don't see the huge problem with that lyric. He's 23 years old. And it wasn't overtly sexual at all. I thought it was sweet and romantic and gives the listener enough of a hint to know what's happening without directly spelling it out.

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MacKenzie irritates me with that song. The lyrics are kind of silly and the melody is such a rip off of a Damien Rice song. That's why Keith was puzzled by it the first time he heard it.


I love Sonika, just love her. I do hope she gets a chance to get more comfortable with performing. Haven't voted since Adam, but might have to if she stays on.


I'm actually pretty partial to all the youngsters. And I sympathize with Jenn, though I don't care for her singing. Pretty sure she thought the eyebrows were a great idea, and couldn't be talked out of it. Remember JHud and the dress a friend made for her? 

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I've heard the Damien Rice comparison before but Mac's song reminds me a lot of "Dear John" by Taylor Swift. Chances are he probably did rip it off of an already existing song or 2. Oh well, still a nice tune.

Edited by BogoGog24
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I haven't voted since Adam (or before Adam). I just like to bitch about whatever happens. :-)


I think they saved (or rather , put thru)  LaPorsha bc she likely wouldn't have made it in the vote. Maybe the same with Rox. Just imo.  


I did wonder if they were shoving Tristan down our throats as a distraction so Rox could sneak in and become TCO. Im all grassy knoll so forgive me. NOw off to the knoll. Please join me?


But if we're going to wager, Dalton FTW.


I didn't know that Rox had the flu bc I don't read all the insider stuff elsewhere. I only know what I see on the show or read here. So...

Edited by ari333
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I think they saved (or rather , put thru)  LaPorsha bc she likely wouldn't have made it in the vote. Maybe the same with Rox. Just imo.  


-- ME: Agree and agree. 


I did wonder if they were shoving Tristan down our throats as a distraction so Rox could sneak in and become TCO. Im all grassy knoll so forgive me. NOw off to the knoll. Please join me?


-- I think Tristan was TCO before Olivia. Not sure she necessarily isn't, though ... maybe they're just trying to make it seem like she's not ... the fact that she's the only "country singer" left standing is what makes me doubt she's out of their plans.


But if we're going to wager, Dalton FTW.


-- Absolutely. 


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Wow - Mackenzie is 23? Sorry - I thought he was younger. He comes off sort of sweet and innocent to me so the line about the dress kind of threw me. Someone upthread had mentioned the line and I was merely commenting on that. I wasn't offended by it, and yes I realize that dresses come off, but I just didn't care for the line. Mileage varies and all that.

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Wow - Mackenzie is 23? Sorry - I thought he was younger. He comes off sort of sweet and innocent to me so the line about the dress kind of threw me. Someone upthread had mentioned the line and I was merely commenting on that. I wasn't offended by it, and yes I realize that dresses come off, but I just didn't care for the line. Mileage varies and all that.


I know. I feel you.. or "I fill ya"  as the kids say. I thought he was much MUCH younger and was skeeved when Lauren was goo-gooing all over him

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My thoughts on Mackenzie is he is 35% talent, 65% hipster glasses. Having a gimmick sure does work on this show (See Mitchell, Jeneve Rose)


I am sorta afraid for Lee Jean and Avalon tonite.  They both gave tentative performances. My guess for the ousters would be Jenn, Hiccupping Thomas, Manny and Lee Jean or Mini Brenda Starr

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I can't imagine they see a market for Olivia Rox.  To me, she is pure Disney Channel and even DC said no to that.  And probably Nickelodeon.  Her singing is fine, she's just offputting with the name and has no x factor, in my opinion.  

I sort of like Manny. I guess Im alone. ? Ok I have a thing for Latino men. so there's that.

I remember you were like Lazaro's lone fan, too, weren't you?  ; )  


I don't mind Manny but (and people will hate me for this) I think he will have trouble garnering votes because he looks kind of like he's in the Taliban or something.  Maybe it's the beard.  

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I'm o.k. with who the judges put through.  I think that LaPorsha was added because she might not get the votes but she should be in the Top 10.  I'm with those that see Dalton winning and I'm fine with that.


From yesterday, I like MacKenzie and Avalon.  Jenn's eyebrows need to go.  I like how Avalon's hair was styled but I didn't like her puffy jacket.


I'm in the minority because I like Gianna well enough.  She's not as good as Sonika but they are similar because they need to work on connecting with the music and performing.  I guess a lot of it is age.  Lee is another one that needs more experience.  I didn't like this performance as much as other ones.  It seemed like he had a tough time with the high notes.


I don't like Jeneve or Tristan.  I don't care if Manny goes either although I remember liking one of his performances.  

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Im "way" more shallow in my not liking Rox. I hate the way she scrunches up her nose during her humble brags  a la Taylor Swift. LOATHE 

I can't imagine they see a market for Olivia Rox.  To me, she is pure Disney Channel and even DC said no to that.  And probably Nickelodeon.  Her singing is fine, she's just offputting with the name and has no x factor, in my opinion.  

I remember you were like Lazaro's lone fan, too, weren't you?  ; )  


I don't mind Manny but (and people will hate me for this) I think he will have trouble garnering votes because he looks kind of like he's in the Taliban or something.  Maybe it's the beard.  


I think Lazaro had other fans here. I wont name them but they're here and know who they are/were.


Manny's dad is latino and his mom may be Arabic. Im not sure so don't quote me. However, looking / being Arabic is not a crime.

Edited by ari333
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I don't know why these young kids that are 15 are put through if their youth and inexperience is used against them?!  This is the time to see them absorb feedback and improve their performances every week.  Being faulted for being nervous shouldn't even be a comment by the judges especially to the untrained eye like mine, I always say oh wow who knew.  

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I actually like Manny himself (the flirting with JLo schtick notwithstanding) and like his energy and style. He honestly seems like he's having fun, and I don't get the feeling that every single move and note and facial expression has been oh-so-carefully choreographed (yup, looking at ROXAMILLION). I just don't think he's that good. But unlike some other previous contestants who weren't really that good (ahem-Lazaro-ahem) I don't think he's the kind of guy who's going to sneak into the Top 10 and then outlast his expiration date because tweens and grandmas are voting for him.


So while I don't think he's going to make it into the Top 10, I wouldn't be that upset if he did. I can definitely tolerate him more than some of the others in the mix for those last six spots (JENNNNNN, Gianna, Hiccups) ...


ETA: I didn't mean to imply that ARI333 who is awesome and shares my brain was a tween or a grandma because she liked Lazaro. I like tweens and grandmas! I am old enough to be one or the other. 

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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However, looking Arabic is not a crime.

Of course not but I don't know if America's ready to elect a bearded Arabic-looking idol.  Heck, they haven't even elected a Hispanic one yet, have they?  


I feel like a lot of Idol voters are rural people, Southerners and grannies.  Not the most progressive lot overall.  


I'm with you on the Swiftian nose crinkle hate.

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I would be fine with Jeneve wearing that garb on a ranch. She   is not on a ranch.


That is not ranch wear.  That is Halloween costume wear.



I remember you were like Lazaro's lone fan, too, weren't you?  ; )


Nope, I'm a Lazaro fan, too.


I kept wondering if any of that sparkly stuff got into Jenn's eyes.

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Of course not but I don't know if America's ready to elect a bearded Arabic-looking idol.  Heck, they haven't even elected a Hispanic one yet, have they?  


I feel like a lot of Idol voters are rural people, Southerners and grannies.  Not the most progressive lot overall.  


I'm with you on the Swiftian nose crinkle hate.



Wow. nothing wrong with being southern... rural .. and/ or grannies...And, for me,  I wouldn't characterize any segment of people as, " not the most progressive."

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Wow. nothing wrong with being southern... rural .. and/ or grannies...And, for me,  I wouldn't characterize any segment of people as, " not the most progressive."


Clearly you missed the memo - the only people it's cool to still make fun of are fat people and southerners. As a fat southerner, it's a blast. ;-) 


Manny won't go through because he's pedestrian at best - but he did have that awesome shirt that one time. For that, my fat southern self salutes him.

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Wow. nothing wrong with being southern... rural .. and/ or grannies...And, for me,  I wouldn't characterize any segment of people as, " not the most progressive."

I don't know what BBM is (Google says Blackberry Messenger) but if you think my opinions are so pearl-clutchingly disturbing maybe you should hit "report this post" instead of "quote" and let the moderators decide.  Or put me on ignore.  


It's a fact that there are more conservative values prevalent in the south, rural areas and older communities.  It's not a blanket statement about ALL people in one of those segments.  

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Avalon is a shrinking violet. Like, she might be able to do cool songs that might even get played on the radio. But on this show, we like to see people sing, not get up there and take a chill pill.

Manny is one of the only dudes of color, but unfortunately he's only able to sing like Stefano.

Tristan is too matronly and earnest. She performs like Faith Hill. That's not good. It looks a little bit like she's a high school senior singing at the Homecoming game.

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I don't know what BBM is (Google says Blackberry Messenger) but if you think my opinions are so pearl-clutchingly disturbing maybe you should hit "report this post" instead of "quote" and let the moderators decide.  Or put me on ignore.  


It's a fact that there are more conservative values prevalent in the south, rural areas and older communities.  It's not a blanket statement about ALL people in one of those segments.  





Winston9-DT3  said:

Of course not but I don't know if America's ready to elect a bearded Arabic-looking idol.  Heck, they haven't even elected a Hispanic one yet, have they? 

I feel like a lot of Idol voters are rural people, Southerners and grannies.  Not the most progressive lot overall. 

I'm with you on the Swiftian nose crinkle hate.








BBM is "Bold By Me" since I used the bold for emphasis on part of the post.   Apologies if that was confusing.

I was simply stating my opinion.... which is different than yours . Different opinions are welcomed as I understand it. No worries. I just happen to disagree. For me  it is not a "fact" that southern, or rural or older people cannot  be progressive... in my opinion. 

Clearly you missed the memo - the only people it's cool to still make fun of are fat people and southerners. As a fat southerner, it's a blast. ;-) 


Manny won't go through because he's pedestrian at best - but he did have that awesome shirt that one time. For that, my fat southern self salutes him.



So true! I did miss the memo heh and .....awesome shirt :-)

Edited by ari333
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I would like to think if people aren't voting for Manny that it has nothing to do with how he looks (to be honest when I first saw him I thought he was Arabic too, but I wouldn't have cared if he was, he just looked like he was to me before he said he was Hispanic). There are more valid reasons to not vote for Manny, such as just an okay voice, eh stage presence, no star quality, or annoying onstage personality, which I think are the more likely reasons people aren't voting/won't vote for him. 


I was just thinking earlier today about how many people of color we have in this group, I think we only have Lee and La'Porsha for blacks, Sonika for Indian, Manny  and Gianna for Latino, and Tristan is biracial. The only ones I really like in terms of talent though are La'Porsha and Sonika. 

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