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S15.E15: Wildcard Night: Judges Pick

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A bit cryptic, I know.


I think there are five, who if they aren't put through to the Top 10.....I would fall off my couch.


I think there are also three, who if they aren't singing for their survival....I would fall off my couch.


And then there are six in the middle that will shake out 3 safe, and 3 singing.....AI's strategy on how to compose this final Top 10 will show itself when some of these decisions are revealed.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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So the show was actually taped yesterday afternoon and according to spoilers the judges only admitted 4 to the top 10 while the remaining 10 will perform for WCs so we actually get to vote through 6 instead of 2. So much better!

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Great piece of info, BogoGog24.

That makes me feel much better going into tonight's show purely on a mathematical basis. The four pets/chosen ones were always making the top 10 some way shape or form.

But I'd much rather have two of my favorites (Avalon, and Sonika) have a 60% chance of getting voted through over a 33% chance, which is what it would've been had the 6 for 2 spots occurred..

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I doubt they listen to any online chatter.  I imagine 99.9% of viewers don't know their plan in advance.  I didn't even know it, or care.  


They probably changed it for drama ("Oh, it's so hard this year, we need MORE of your help!") or because they honestly didn't care who besides 4 went through.  Or both.

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So the show was actually taped yesterday afternoon and according to spoilers the judges only admitted 4 to the top 10 while the remaining 10 will perform for WCs so we actually get to vote through 6 instead of 2. So much better!

I'm not sure if it's better or worse. These judges have awful taste, but so does the audience going by the past few years....

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Staying unspoiled, would be fun to speculate on who the judges put through right away ...


I'm assuming Olivia Roxamillion since they seem hellbent on forcing her down our throats whether we like it or not ...

Tristan because they may realize they miscalculated on how to address her backstory and she doesn't have the audience love she might have had, and they'd like to give her another chance to earn it (personally, I really like her) ...

Trent, because of their inexplicable love for watching a guy sing who looks like he's secretly pushing out a turtlehead ...

And someone from the trio of Lee/MacKenzie/Dalton, because I feel reasonably confident that whichever two are NOT chosen by the judges from that triad will be voted in by the fans, so they can play it safe by pushing through the others they want there ...


Actually, using that latter theory, if they opt against the two guys/two girls votethrough, they MIGHT put through La'Porsha and just one guy, because of the four guys I listed I am SURE all four will land in the Top 10 anyway but La'Porsha is the best singer there but not might make it through if left to the devices of voting Amurica.


(Mods: If this should have gone in spoilers, even though it's speculation, please feel free to move it!!!)

Edited by PamelaMaeSnap
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My cable guide on tv doesn't have AI listed tonight!  Is it coming on or not?  Thank you in advance :)


Edited:  Nevermind-- I just checked my guide and the show is now listed!  Weird. I checked it yesterday and it wasn't there.  This season has been the strangest.

Edited by stcroix
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No one hugged Rox upon her announcement. Interesting.

So was Tristan merely a fake-out The Chosen One so they could then shove Rox down our throats?

I definitely think they hedged their bets effectively with those four selections.

I don't know what hedged their bets means. Im a doofus. But it sounds sneaky so Im on board with it :-)

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Well, Harry finally called out Thomas on his hiccup at the end of just about every verse. I don't care for the kid much (mainly because that noise is like nails on a chalkboard to me once I noticed it), but come on Harry, that is info the kid could have used, I dunno...back in auditions? Kind of shitty to wait until he is singing for his life to point out he has that annoying habit.

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La'Porsha and Trent could've easily been replaced by Tristan and MacKenzie. But while I think both L & T would've been voted through....there was a miniscule chance one or both might not have been.

On the other hand, I see zero scenarios where Tristan and Mackenzie aren't voted in by America.

This way the show gets all 4 in the Top 10. That was my cryptic reference to hedging their bets.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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La'Porsha and Trent could've easily been replaced by Tristan and MacKenzie. But while I think both L & T would've been voted through....there was a miniscule chance one or both might not have been.

On the other hand, I see zero scenarios where Tristan and Mackenzie aren't voted in by America.

This way the show gets all 4 in the Top 10. That was my cryptic reference to hedging their bets.


Thanks. And I agree.


Also, Stringfellow on "Story of My Life" I thought he sang the lyrics, "come and eat my beans." I don't think those are the words :-). Agreed that HArry should have mentioned the hiccup earlier.

So only one judge gets to comment on each?

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Okay so one on hand- Dalton and Trent were given automatic spots so no worrying about whether or not they'll make the top ten. On the other hand, don't get to hear them sing tonight. Boo. I have to admit I was surprised they didn't automatically put through Gianna or Tristan.


Manny... Not impressed. He leaves me cold. May be handsome but whatever.

Gianna: Hmm. They made her look a little older.  It's not horrible. She's decent, and it was kind of good, but Gianna just doesn't move me. No investment.


Thomas Stringfellow- T String? No. One Direction? Nope. You are not gonna get me to take an interest or take you seriously if you're gonna sing One Direction or Beiber. And damn that hiccup is annoying. Thank you Harry.

Tristan- Singing Rascal Flatts. Like Gianna, she isn't horrible. It wasn't bad. It was kinda good. But again, NO INVESTMENT. I mean if she succeeds good on her. I think I'm supposed to feel bad because I'm a country fan, but whatever.

Avalon- Oh they made her hair pretty. Chris Brown song? Oh Avalon. No. You're losing my support here. I don't care if it's a good song, it's a song done by Chris Brown.

Jenn Blosil: When she tries to go up high, it hurts my ears. My cats didn't like her when she sang. One growled. GROWLED.

Lee Jean-  Every time I see Lee, I swear I think he's 10. Not bad job. Just nothing stands out, or stops me from paying attention to other stuff.

Sonika- Celine Dion. Pagaent singing. No connection, no spark, no oomph. It was good if I wasn't looking past the cover but I kind of like life in my singers. 

The judges are not hearing/seeing what I am, but that's okay. I'm sure there's a vast difference in hearing someone sing in person versus on the tv. And like Whitney Houston, you shouldn't try to sing Celine either unless you got the stage presence and vocals she does. SO DON'T SING HER. 

Jeneve- Didn't hear the name of the song... but as I listen.. Is she singing Ring Of Fire again? She didn't seem so ridiculous in her outfit, and the performance wasn't bad. That's all I got to say,


Mackenzie- So, pimp spot.  And hmm, not sure about him. He hasn't really done anything to get me to take notice really.

So basically, they didn't pick Gianna and Tristan.. who I thought they would for the 4 spots. Are they hoping th America votes them in? Because.. in a mean way I hope they don't get voted through. Yeah I'm mean. lol.



In the end the night was all kinds of meh and okay, and I didn't get to hear Dalton and Trent sing.

Edited by AshleyLyn
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The long national Jeneve nightmare many folks have been experiencing is over with one more rotation of the planet.  Poor thang.  She did not have a chance with that garbage arrangement, let alone the way overdone song choice.


Sonika's tonality is truly awesome.  With the proper handling, she has the chance for the biggest breakthrough amongst the wannabes.  


The near-polar opposite is Thomas and his quirky screeching.  It's about freaking time HCJ called him out as he did.  


Nice to see Sprinkles dressing well, appropriate to the gig.


Of course they put Olivia through unanimously.  It's a bit of a shock  they didn't do the same for Gianna,.  Please, Ameriker, take this opportunity to launch her.


Full marks to MacKenzie for his song and that performance.  Talent is talent.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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I haven't watched until last week because I wanted to see David Cook, so some of these people are new to me.  


I thought Jenn Blosil was terrible and I hope she doesn't make it through, because I can not even with that squeaking.  So she'll probably win. 


That cover of Ring of Fire was terrible.  I don't object to weird versions of this song (I liked Adam Lambert's and Marty Casey did a rock version Rock Star: INXS), but that was weird AND bad. 


I'm not moved to vote for anyone, so I guess I don't get to complain about who gets through and who doesn't. 

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I was happy with the "fast pass" choices but I would've put Avalon in over either one of those two boys. I was genuinely surprised that the judges even put through any of the men considering how much they claim the girls are where it's at. I thought they'd let all the men duke it out for the remaining Top 10 spots.

From Best to Worst:


MacKenzie – He's the threat to win. Hands down, best performance of these wacky semi-finals by far.


Avalon – I love this girl. She's so effortless and natural. She needs to accept that Idol is going to require her to step a little out of her comfort zone (big notes win votes). If she's left out of the Top 10 I'm not going to be pleased.


Jeneve – Between her and Jenn in terms of weirdo quirk this year, I'm team Jeneve. She's fun to watch, she makes things interesting, she's so clearly 15 and not 15 desperately trying to be a pop star. I dig that.


Sonika – She might be one of the better pure vocalists this year outside of La'Porsha and Olivia, but TPTB/Borchetta need to give her a mic stand or something. She needs to pull a Carrie Underwood and focus on voice and voice alone.


Jenn – Good but the intonation is still not there. I cannot believe she didn't get called out on that or the squeaking. If it's intentional on her part, then it's even worse. But I'd rather have her in the finals than most of the leftovers.


Tristan – That arrangement was weird. I actually like her voice but she always gets shouty and desperate.


Lee – This performance exemplifies his problem: great tone but not mature enough to lift the performance and connection to where it needs to be to make a serious impression.


Manny – Good, better than the Coldplay song, but not terribly impressive.


Gianna – Impressive voice, no connection to the lyrics whatsoever. Plus, not the brightest idea to reprise something you just sang on the show a week ago. And really J-Lo? She would've been your #5 to go straight through to the Top 10?


Thomas – Yelping. I can't. Finally Harry gives a useful critique.

Honestly, as long as MacKenize, Avalon, and Jeneve make it through tomorrow, I don't really care about the rest of the spots. Though my cynicism is telling me that I'm only getting MacKenize.


Should go home – Thomas, Gianna, Manny, and Lee
My predictions to go home – Jenn, Avalon, Jeneve, Gianna

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Is it mean to say that I would eliminate Jenn Blosil tonight just on the basic of her glitter-attacked eyebrows?

I thought Jenn's song tonight was so fucking indulgent. It just pained me to hear what she did to a great song performed by a quirky person. Being quirky for the sake of being quirky doesn't work. I also did not like Avalon's hair. It is like they are trying to change her into a more "girly girl". It was too big, and needed to be more edgy as opposed to "pretty". It didn't work for me with her styling, but her voice is really great. I liked Mackenzie tonight. 

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Those I hope get launched into outer space:  Thomas...my TV is in danger of a projectile being thrown at it if I have to hear any more squeaking from him; Jeneve...sorry, she seems sweet, but I just can't; Gianna...Olivia is already in, and Tristan is likely in, so that's plenty of 15 y.o. pageant bots; Manny...have despised him since auditions (along w/ that other douchebag who thought hitting on JLo would be an interesting shtick...hint:  it isn't)


Really, I'm mehh on the whole damn crew, but I still stand by my thinking that Dalton will likely at least be entertaining over the long-haul.  I still don't understand the Mackenzie appeal.  He's just not my cuppa, obviously.

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Express passes. Pfft. TAR wants its gimmick back show.


Manny, The chosen 14th place finisher. While his actual personality is annoying, he actually has one of the more engaging stage personalities left. That'll come to an end tomorrow night.


Thomas, nice bus job HCJ. His Creep performance had 40% more squeaking and yet that performance got slurped by you and the other judges. Clearly they feel w/ Dalton, MacKenzie (and maybe Lee) that Thomas is expendable.


Avalon, I'm worried her musical tastes may not play well across America. Should get through, but I'm at least a little worried.


Sonika, Face goosies JLo? One of the best voices of the season. Stage presence makes her look more terrified/nervous than she actually is IMO. Really got screwed by being forced to sing one of her 3 solo songs in the audition process (IIRC, nobody did either their Idol duet song or their Hollywood group round song). Was crying out to do an uptempo fun song to prove she's more than Pia Ballad Toscano 2.0.


Jenn Blosil, Giving HCJ the sideye for calling that vocally flawless. Eh. She may make it through, but I would put her in the 4 reject pile in a heartbeat.


Gianna, She's growing on me fractionally. There is still as massive disconnect between her vocal ability and any ability to process the lyrics of what she is singing. 


Jeneve, Probably too polarizing to advance. Had Harry not jumped all over her Harp playing on Angel....I think that might have been the song that she should've sung. Or she should've trotted out her cello and her initial audition song. The upbeat nature of that song (Stump by The Band Perry IIRC) would've stood out tonight.


Mackenzie, Some cajones to do your original song as a show closer. I'll eat a shoe if he's not voted through.


Lee, He's just so ridiculously young...he can't shake the deer in headlights look for at least a portion of every performance. Basically being forced to sing Sheeran once more time wasn't a help to him either. I suppose I'd take him 6th out of the 10, but wouldn't be overly disappointed if his journey ends tomorrow night. There's always The Voice in 3 or 4 seasons.


Tristan, The sum is less than all the "parts" yet again.


By forcing everyone to sing one of 3 songs that they had previously performed, their was a vague sense of familiarness that pretty much guaranteed nobody was going have a "moment" and do something that would really force us as the audience to reevaluate how good these 10 singers are and could be moving forward. That was disappointing.


Dalton and Olivia (when it became clear that Tristan wasn't getting a pass) made perfect sense. My rationale for Trent and La'Porsha is that there was just enough doubt that they could struggle in the voting (where younger chosen ones like Tristan and MacKenzie wouldn't). So they just took no chances.


At the end of the day, I'll say it's the end of the line for Manny, Jeneve, Thomas (I don't feel great about that call though, and Jenn...

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Of the four put through by the judges, only Trent was a surprise but a good one.  I have no arguments with any of them.  La'Porsha's style of singing isn't my favorite, but I can't deny her talent.


It seems to me that everyone who sang tonight was better than the last two weeks.  (A downpour during a thunderstorm knocked out my satellite reception while Jenn was singing, so I can't judge her performance.)  Based solely on what I saw tonight, I'd say MacKenzie and Avalon should breeze on through, and Lee Jean was pretty good as well.  The other eight were varying degrees of 'meh' but if I had to choose, I'd pick Thomas (although, as Harry finally pointed out, he has got to stop the yipping at the end of every line) since I kind of like his style.  Gianna was better than Sonika tonight, but she bugs so I guess I'd take Sonika; she needs to do something other than belt diva songs though.  I didn't see Jenn's performance, but I liked her style before last week, so I'd put her in the top 10.  And Manny is somewhat entertaining, so I suppose he can stay for one more week.


But really, only my top 7 are singers from whom I'd like to see more:






Lee Jean



Oops, just realized I forgot to mention Tristan and Jeneve.  Tristan was not good, and her song was in too low a key for her voice.  Jeneve, well, the less said about that performance, the better.  I also realized that I miscounted, and would drop either Sonika or Manny from the Top 10.  The one that stays is probably out next week anyway.

Edited by proserpina65
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 (A downpour during a thunderstorm knocked out my satellite reception while Jenn was singing, so I can't judge her performance.)  

You need to thank the diety of your choosing for doing this.  It was clearly a sign.  She was awful. 

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No one and I do mean no one ... can sing Ring of Fire like Adam Lambert. That is all

And thank heavens for that, because I hated his version.  But at least with him, I got the sense that he understood the song, even if he chose to do unholy things to it.  Jeneve, on the other hand, seems clueless when it comes to what the song is about or maybe she's just too young and naive to be able to express the meaning in any tangible manner.

You need to thank the diety of your choosing for doing this.  It was clearly a sign.  She was awful. 

Okay, "thanks, Directv gods, for your benevolence".  :-)

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I don't understand how HCJ can call Jenn's yipping, squeaking, highly affected performance flawless when his criticism of Thomas's yips shows he hears, and is put off by, that sort of nonsense.

Edited by designing1
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I'm surprised by how many people here thought that Trent would be on the bubble to make it through. IMHO, he's been the judges' favorite singer since Day 1 and I have never gotten it because he not only leaves me cold but actively squicks me out. But that's such a YMMV thing that I accept I'm in the minority in his being one of my LEAST favorite of the Final 14. I figured he was a lock to be one of their choices. 


I DO think La'Porsha was put through over, say, MacKenzie because they felt of all of the folks they felt SHOULD be Top 10 she was the one they trusted the least to get voted in, and her absence from the Top 10 would have been pretty much a travesty. They would have looked REALLY bad without her in that final group. 


I thought MacK had cojones in the best possible way to sing his original song. He doesn't have the best pure pipes out there, so why not remind people what makes him unique.


Who I would LIKE to see go home: T-String (srsly?), Manny, Jennnnnnn and her eyebrows, Gianna.

Who I THINK will go home: T-String (srsly!), Manny, Avalon, Lee (so cute, so sweet, so talented but needed another year or two ... and to show that he knows songs by someone other than Ed Sheeran to go the distance).

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Trent is my fav guy so I was happy he was in. I did vote for the 4 girls with names not beginning in J. But honestly I think it's a lost cause. Dalton has this in the bag. Boo

I'd give the edge to MacKenzie, but I suspect he and Dalton will be the last two contestants standing.

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I don't understand how HCJ can call Jenn's yipping, squeaking, highly affected performance flawless when his criticism of Thomas's yips shows he hears, and is put off by, that sort of nonsense.

You got here eight minutes before I did and plucked the thought right out of my head.

Jenn's caterwaling offended me, it was so painful to listen to. If she gets through I demand AI pay me to listen to her because I don't want to do it for free.

Sonika is a singing robot. Pretty to hear, but there is just nothing there.

Avalon irritated me with demanding noise from the audience. Just shut up and sing.

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I don't understand how HCJ can call Jenn's yipping, squeaking, highly affected performance flawless when his criticism of Thomas's yips shows he hears, and is put off by, that sort of nonsense.


To be fair, didn't Harry call Jenn's performance "lyrically flawless" or something like that? He seemed to be commenting more on her connection to the lyrics than her actual vocal quality.

I actually found this one of her less annoying performances. I did initially find her kind of intriguing, for about a nanosecond, back in the audition rounds, but she's impressed me less with each performance since until this one, which, though it was by no means enjoyable, didn't actually make me want to stick ice-picks in my ears.

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I'd give the edge to MacKenzie, but I suspect he and Dalton will be the last two contestants standing.


That would be awesome!  I really wouldn't care who won for the first time ever.  :-)

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I was right about everyone the judges put through except for Tristan v. Trent. I can't believe they'd put fodder like Trent through and then give the last performance spot to MacKenzie. I guess they wanted one more chance to prove why this show's getting cancelled?


Kind of scared for Avalon tonight. Sonika's voice is gorgeous, but of course she'll never win. I was rooting for Jeneve, but if that wasn't the most I've ever cringed during a performance... I think she just gave her spot to Jenn.

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I was right about everyone the judges put through except for Tristan v. Trent. I can't believe they'd put fodder like Trent through and then give the last performance spot to MacKenzie. I guess they wanted one more chance to prove why this show's getting cancelled?

Trent is fodder?! YMMV but wow, he's one of the best guys for me. He has things to work on but his vocal ability is amazing.

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Even though Trent and Dalton were safe, I wish they could have sung.

Jenn makes my cats growl and Avalon is disappointing me with her song choices. The other ladies don't do a damn thing for me.

Everyone else is okay. But the two I like are still in.

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Jenn was brutal. I have no idea what the judges were hearing with her. Gianna was better than I expected. I really like Avalon. Yips can go anytime and take his suspenders with him. Calamity Jane can go too.

I voted for Avalon and Sonika. Sonika can't win without a big turnaround in performance ability but I think her voice deserves a spot in the top 10.

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Dalton is going to win this whole thing. How can he not with those eyes?


I didn't want to, but I had to vote for Sonika. That voice.


Is Tristan supposed to be country? Anyway, she is super cute but I thought her pitch was off sometimes and it wasn't that great. But the judges thought she rocked it so maybe I have bad ears.


I thought Lee Jean was fantastic and voted for him.


OK, so Jenn and the eyebrows. Did anyone tell her maybe she shouldn't do that? I want to know more about the process, like how did she pick the glitter color and how are her eyebrows going to return to normal?

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No one hugged Olivia probably because she has the flu.


I'm overall happy with the 4 they put through, especially Dalton, Trent, and La'Porsha. I'm not the biggest Olivia fan but she is easily one of the best, if not the best, of the teen singers. All 4 are very deserving to go through automatically. I suspect Olivia was especially put through because she was in the hospital earlier that day due to complications with the flu and maybe they weren't sure if she'd be able to perform or even show up to the taping so had her in automatically just in case. I agree with those who are disappointed though because we couldn't see them perform. But at least we get to see Dalton and Trent perform tomorrow. ;)


Manny - Fodder. He can sing, that's for sure, but I feel nothing when I watch him. He is entertaining but that's it. And I hate the personality he portrays on the show because I've watched him on Periscope and he's nothing like that. He actually seems quite nice outside of the show. He got the death spot so clearly he's gone.


Gianna - Also fodder. I think they've gotten all they can out of the Brenda K Starr storyline. This was the worst song she could have picked to reprise. She sounds okay singing it but she clearly has no idea what the song is about and there is zero connection to the lyrics. She is mega talented for 15 but right now she is just not ready.


Thomas - The yips were still there tonight but I noticed they were significantly less than before. He did mention on Twitter that he noticed it and was going to work on it, it's probably a bad habit he's had for awhile that will take time to get rid of completely. I'm glad Harry FINALLY said something about it but where was that comment like... I don't know, way back in his audition? He also did this on his Creep performance yet they lapped it up. Why are they just telling him this now? In spite of his vocal affectations like the yipping and faux Brit accent (I hate the accent more than the yipping to be honest), I really like Thomas's voice and I think he has something. He's very cute and marketable, very current. I think his overall tone is gorgeous, he just needs to drop the stupid affectations. He sounded great on the verses of the song, it was just the chorus where he fell apart and reverted to the bad habits. I put in 50 votes for him tonight. Out of the teeny boys (aka Lee) I'd rather see Thomas. He has the potential to be interesting and a growth arc.


Tristan - This song just sucks for her. She should have reprised "Stronger" by Faith Hill instead, think that was really the only decent performance she's had all season, or maybe she should have reprised her much higher praised audition song. People are starting to see Tristan's vocal weaknesses now and I don't think she is necessarily a lock for the top 10 anymore. She is not as popular as people think she is. That being said, she is basically the only one representing country at this point, so maybe the country fanbase will come out for her. She's another one who has great potential but right now is just too green. She seems like a very nice girl though, I follow her on Twitter and she's liked a couple of my tweets.


Avalon - Personally I liked her styling tonight. She looks so pretty when her hair is done (it really looked like they just took a curling iron to it and maybe put in some hairspray, I honestly didn't think it was too much or too different from her natural look) and with just a bit of makeup on, she looked so gorgeous but still like herself. And yay for no ugly Cosby sweater! I think she has a great voice, very radio friendly, very current sounding, but I hated that song for her. The song kind of sucks but she sang it well. I voted for her as well. She is probably the only contestant maybe besides Thomas that I can see really fitting into today's current pop music market. Her voice is SO current sounding, it's fabulous.


Jenn - LOL What is with those eyebrows? Since when did she start doing that? I like Jenn but that came off a bit try hard to find something to make her quirky like Lady Gaga with the weird outfits and Sia with the wigs. Quirky for the sake of being quirky. Anyway, I do agree her voice squeaks too much but I think, unlike with Thomas, it is natural for her and not put on. Overall I thought she gave a good performance, much better than last week. When she is in tune she sounds amazing. She was one of the ones I voted for as well.


Lee - Sigh. Great voice on this kid but he has no clue who he is as an artist or performer yet. I guess he kind of had limited choice in what he could sing tonight but if I have to hear him sing Ed Sheeran one more time I'm going to stab my ears. PICK SOMETHING BESIDES ED FUCKING SHEERAN. At least he didn't do the shushing this time lol. I think Lee has a great voice for 16 but he just needs more maturity, seasoning, and experience. Try The Voice in a few years darling.


Sonika - I agree with those who say Sonika is a bit boring and pageant like. But she has a tremendous voice. She reminds me a lot of Ariana Grande. She just needs some major help with stage presence and confidence. But the voice is there. She has such a natural, pure pop voice. I voted for her.


Jeneve - This was way better than the first time she did this but it still wasn't amazing IMO. There are moments where her voice sounds really good (honestly I think part of her problem is being so young and the braces), but other times she goes off key and her head voice is weak. I don't think she knows how to arrange songs well in a way that makes any kind of sense or knows what she's singing about. She should have reprised Angel instead.


MacKenzie - Smart of him to reprise his original song. Damn, I wish I could buy that on iTunes. So good. He's one of the few who could probably fit really well in today's current music market, very Ed Sheeran-esque. And pretty ballsy of him to ditch the band and just accompany himself, on his own song. Kid's got balls! I threw him some votes too.


So the ones I voted for were Thomas, MacKenzie, Avalon, Jenn, and Sonika. I think they put Mac in the wildcards because they knew he'd be the highlight of the night and that he'd sail through the voting anyway. Trent and La'Porsha maybe wouldn't have so easily, although I do think both are quite popular. 


Who I want to make top 10: Thomas, Avalon, MacKenzie, Jenn, Sonika, Lee

Who will make top 10: Thomas, Avalon, MacKenzie, Sonika, and last 2 spots will be up for grabs between Jenn, Lee, and Tristan

Who's going home for sure: Gianna, Manny, Jeneve. None of them are fan faves. 


Other thoughts:


Dalton's reaction to getting through was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. And I'm sad his sparkly jacket had to go to waste tonight, he looked fabulous in it. Can't wait to see what he wears tomorrow night. 

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Yes, Tristan is from Nashville and is supposed to be country. Everyone song she's sung is a modern country song. Artists like Carrie, Rascal Flats, and Mickey Guyton. Is it a traditional country sound like Trisha Yearwood, or Reba? No. But is it in the ballpark of Lady A's Hillary Scott, or Guyton, or even like Sam Hunt on the male side? Yes.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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Yes, Tristan is from Nashville and is supposed to be country. Everyone song she's sung is a modern country song. Artists like Carrie, Rascal Flats, and Mickey Guyton. Is it a traditional country sound like Trisha Yearwood, or Reba? No. But is it in the ballpark of Lady A's Hillary Scott, or Guyton, or even like Sam Hunt on the male side? Yes.


Thanks. I asked partially because I remember Harry asking if she had heard one of her songs from last week and it was a well-known country song. So I wasn't sure. I'll have to toss her some votes next time, if she makes it through. the show needs someone country!

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Ugh, I really don't like fake-ass Olivia.


Manny skeeves me out, he seems creepy, don't ask me why. He's only 21?  he seems like 35.


Why do all of these wannabes lose their last names? 


T String? I hadn't noticed the hiccup till everybody here commented on it, but yeah, you can hear it. I don't know how he's going to be able to stop that, I'm sure that's a thing he's had all of his life.


Tristan may choose not to wear translucent clothing in front of those backing lights.  Just saying. She wasn't very good today, though I've liked her in the past.


Why were the other three who were put through at the beginning sitting apart from Olivia?


Avalon was really good.


Ugh, I hate Jenn.  Why wasn't she called out for hiccuping through the whole thing? And why was she wearing 40s clothes?


Wow, Lee Jean was great.  Best of the night.


Sonika was really good.


Jeneve didn't have her guitar.  I wonder why? She surprised me.  I don't like her shtick, but I enjoyed that, till she went high.


I don't really know what MacKenzie was singing, but I still like him.

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