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2016 Tryouts and Training Camp Spoilers and Spoiled Speculations


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Was she a mom on MTT?

I thought she already had a daughter, and yes, I know the difference between Sasha and Alexandra. But I thought Alexandra had a daughter as well. Maybe not. Haven't watched S9 in a while, as my fav seasons are 3-7 so I might have confused the kids with one of her own. :)

Agree to disagree. :) I still think they remembered that Kelsey was the one who messed up on the 50 yard thing and chose their wording strategically. Just my opinion.

I kind of agree. I think they were testing Kelsey to see whether she was prepared. So I think they chose "General Manager" rather than "Owner" on purpose.


I do think Kelli and Judy given some girls a much harder time than others, much more difficult questions. Kelsey has had overall judge approval from what I've seen in the past for dancing and looks. So somehow Kelli et al seem more determined to give her a hard time. They let Jordan in (S7) when she didn't know any of the Cowboys running backs and she was going into sports journalism.  They were okay bringing Meagan (S6) into TC and she flubbed the "Commander in Chief" question. So why not Kelsey? She only flubbed 50 yards on a football field in S9 - not the President.

Edited by Kaedee
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I thought she already had a daughter, and yes, I know the difference between Sasha and Alexandra. But I thought Alexandra had a daughter as well. Maybe not. Haven't watched S9 in a while, as my fav seasons are 3-7 so I might have confused the kids with one of her own. :)

I kind of agree. I think they were testing Kelsey to see whether she was prepared. So I think they chose "General Manager" rather than "Owner" on purpose.

I do think Kelli and Judy given some girls a much harder time than others, much more difficult questions. Kelsey has had overall judge approval from what I've seen in the past for dancing and looks. So somehow Kelli et al seem more determined to give her a hard time. They let Jordan in (S7) when she didn't know any of the Cowboys running backs and she was going into sports journalism. They were okay bringing Meagan (S6) into TC and she flubbed the "Commander in Chief" question. So why not Kelsey? She only flubbed 50 yards on a football field in S9 - not the President.

Funny you mentioned Jordan and Meghan because those are the two that come to mind the most for me when I think of interview flubs that ended up making the team. I definitely think they should give Kelsey a chance.

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I wonder if Karen from last season will be trying again. In a way I hope she doesn't, because if she does and makes TC again, they'll probably be harping on her height and how the boots "swallow" her. That majorly irks me...I mean, they can SEE someone's height in prelims!

Sometimes I think they just take people for dramasake. It's dumb.

I hope she doesn't ... I know it's a dream but you can't change your body and your height.  I don't get why they were ok with short beautiful girls like MacKenzie (who really is beyond cute and beautiful - not fair!) but not with Karen.  Karen didn't seem "stocky" like Vivian so why not her?  And couldn't they trim the boots a little so it didn't hit her in a bad place?  Sigh.  I guess maybe her dancing wasn't strong enough to overlook this "fault".  MacKenzie was an amazing performer...I miss that girl - wonder what she's up to.


I wonder if Karen from last season will be trying again. In a way I hope she doesn't, because if she does and makes TC again, they'll probably be harping on her height and how the boots "swallow" her. That majorly irks me...I mean, they can SEE someone's height in prelims!

I think part of Karen's problem was how LONG her hair was.  They even said it kind of cut her in half...why didn't they cut it during make overs? If she wants to be considered at all this year I think she really needs a good hair cut.  I mean, they thought Vivian was too short the first year then she came back like 5 pounds lighter and they were like OMG, she looks great! So who knows.  


I know Mackenzie is living in CA now with her husband and I think she has a blog.  She really was adorable. 

I hope she doesn't ... I know it's a dream but you can't change your body and your height. I don't get why they were ok with short beautiful girls like MacKenzie (who really is beyond cute and beautiful - not fair!) but not with Karen. Karen didn't seem "stocky" like Vivian so why not her? And couldn't they trim the boots a little so it didn't hit her in a bad place? Sigh. I guess maybe her dancing wasn't strong enough to overlook this "fault". MacKenzie was an amazing performer...I miss that girl - wonder what she's up to.

People have brought up the issue of the boot in the past and the general consensus is they can't alter the height of the boot because it would stand out that one girls boots are a different height, especially when they are in kickline. The neat line of boot tops would be tragically ruined! ;)

Well, the Dallas Cowboys Star Magazine Twitter page has an updated picture now of the retiring vets, this time including Loren. :(  I really think she was totally planning to come back until just a couple of weeks ago.  I am hoping it's for a nice reason like she's pregnant or got a promotion at work and not something super stressful in her life.  


Will she go back to blonde? That is the REAL question LOL 



I thought Karen was really unattractive.  Did you notice how asymmetrical her jawline was?  One side was huge compared to the other, and her chin was off-center.  I know this sounds petty, but look at her again.  It's really distracting from her face.

Edited by Smplsimon

She's cute just not MacKenzie adorable/beautiful/cute.  How that tiny girl managed to check off all the boxes in the spectrum of attractiveness is beyond me. 

She did look super young and not "glamorous".  I hope she found something else that made he happy and builds her confidence


Eh, I thought she was a cute girl. Not DCC glam though. She looked SO young to me. I wonder if they were kind of hoping to have her fill the spot of Jessica Allison.  

And couldn't they trim the boots a little so it didn't hit her in a bad place? 

A couple years ago I had this thought too. But in order to have an even across boot line (they are white against tanned legs), all the boots need to be the same height. You can't have one girl's boots an inch or two shorter than all the rest. That would stick out, and that's not the DCC way! :)

RE the Jerry Jones as GM/Owner - I think the Cowboys are the only team to have one person as both. Something that's unique to the team is a fact any candidate should know. And I think he's pretty gross, but Jerry Jones is a big deal in Dallas and it's not too much to ask for girls to know his position with the team. Especially when his daughter is president of the cheerleaders!

I'll never understand these gals that try out without having watched every season and having memorized Thunderstruck. Wouldn't you want every advantage? Am I overthinking this?


I'll never understand these gals that try out without having watched every season and having memorized Thunderstruck. Wouldn't you want every advantage? Am I overthinking this?

If DCC truly was your "dream" then there is no way you haven't watched MTT 5000+ times. Or be on every forum going around about DCC, and their FB page, and all the rest.


It's curious that no one shrugs off those gaffes by saying 'oh well, I was in the area, just thought I'd come down and try out just for fun, I wouldn't have a clue about football but I'm willing to learn...'

It's curious that no one shrugs off those gaffes by saying 'oh well, I was in the area, just thought I'd come down and try out just for fun, I wouldn't have a clue about football but I'm willing to learn...'

One girl in panel interview did something like that - she couldn't answer the question and said, "I'm not from here, but I'm willing to learn." Kelli's response was, "When are you going to start?" 

Well, I think it comes down to the difference between a dream and a goal. A dream is just a fantasy and involves little work. A goal has a plan and concrete steps to get there. A lot of girls dream about it. Very few actually do something to make it happen. Even fewer go all in, with the studying, dance classes, gym time, yoga/barre/pilates, cozying up to the veterans, professional hair and makeup, tanning, nails, and one of those extra sparkly audition outfits.


In earlier seasons, we saw a lot of women show up for this audition who were clearly not prepared for the experience. They don't show as much of that on camera anymore, but I am convinced that there are still plenty of those at auditions every year. Given the hundreds that audition  (what was it last year? 300ish?), I reckon less than a third of them have done any serious advance prep. And of those who have done anything to prepare, less than half have done everything to prepare. But out of all those hundreds of women, the majority of them will say it is a dream. Especially if someone puts a camera in their face and asks what they're doing there.


And of course, there are plenty of girls who are just straight up delusional, lacking in foresight, or just not very bright.

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RE the Jerry Jones as GM/Owner - I think the Cowboys are the only team to have one person as both. Something that's unique to the team is a fact any candidate should know. And I think he's pretty gross, but Jerry Jones is a big deal in Dallas and it's not too much to ask for girls to know his position with the team. Especially when his daughter is president of the cheerleaders!

I'll never understand these gals that try out without having watched every season and having memorized Thunderstruck. Wouldn't you want every advantage? Am I overthinking this?


They aren't.


..but yes, these girls need to know EVERYTHING about the team they're auditioning for.

As a fan of this team, I obviously know the basic questions. If you're a football fan in general, you should know most of these answers in reference to football questions. I think a lot of the girls freeze at their interviews because they're in front of many people and that kind of gives them an idea of who can speak to an audience and who can't.

It says Kyndall?  I don't remember her ... anyone recall a scene she was in and why is she exactly the same looking as Chantel?  Seriously - am I getting old or are they all starting to look alike?


Who is the girl in the picture with Chantel? I recognize her from last season, but I cannot remember her name.    https://www.instagram.com/p/BDHopWDtNmr/?taken-by=chanteljones

Who is the girl in the picture with Chantel? I recognize her from last season, but I cannot remember her name.    https://www.instagram.com/p/BDHopWDtNmr/?taken-by=chanteljones


Yup, Kyndall Fuller! 


She is the one who messed up so bad one night she asked K&J if she could do the dances again with Jacie. She had the full time job she wasn't willing to quit, practiced in her bare feet in the bathroom lol 


I like her - I think she is mature and sweet and a good dancer. Just not sure if she is DCC caliber. We shall see! Chantel has joked before on IG that everyone thinks she, Kyndall and Stephanie are sisters lol 

Edited by LaurenBrook
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Stephanie looked a like a warped version of Loren in my opinion ... she definitely wasn't as cute or adorable as Kyndall or Chantel (what's up with that stripper name - sorrynotsorry)


Yup, Kyndall Fuller! 


She is the one who messed up so bad one night she asked K&J if she could do the dances again with Jacie. She had the full time job she wasn't willing to quit, practiced in her bare feet in the bathroom lol 


I like her - I think she is mature and sweet and a good dancer. Just not sure if she is DCC caliber. We shall see! Chantel has joked before on IG that everyone thinks she, Kyndall and Stephanie are sisters lol 

 The 10 vets that are retiring according to Cowboys Star magazine.  It's official now.



I'm so sad about Jaci, and Mary.  I LOVE them.  Mary is such a good dancer and I really wanted to see Jaci at the top of that Pyramid.

Kyndall is definitely the prettiest, most natural looking one (in my opinion) but she and Chantal are almost twins!


I don't know, I think all three are beautiful and in this pic I definitely feel like there is a resemblance: 



Jacie was really sweet when I wrote a message.  I think Mary is just excited to get married and Jacie has some big plans coming up (yet to be announced).  I too am very bummed by their unexpected retirement


I'm so sad about Jaci, and Mary.  I LOVE them.  Mary is such a good dancer and I really wanted to see Jaci at the top of that Pyramid.

OK I don't know about you girls but does anyone else feel less and less invested in these girls?  I feel no attachment, recognition or care for the newer veterans and rookie class.  I can't even tell you how Amy T is different from Amy L is different from Stephanie is from Loren. 


They just don't spend enough time on each girl and their lives for me to be engaged and "care" whether they try out or not.  They just become another set of pretty blonde / redhead / brunette girls to become DCC.  I would like more of a story so I care whether they stay as vets or not.

I agree. The last class I was really into was the rookie year of Melissa/Loren/Mary/Erica/Lacy.  They were just so talented.  I don't care as much for the newer girls.  

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Another pretty blonde - sigh.

I don't know why but I have an adverse reaction to Shelbi.  I really think she's setting herself up for disappointment but be interesting to see if K&J take a chance on her and let her in TC.  Her dancing is just too much - and the hair flipping over the top. 


Her account has been made private - probably a good thing


She's very beautiful. I thought so last year too. I don't remember how her dancing was.

Kelsey is reauditioning -- hope she studies everything about the team, the squad and football in general backwards and forwards!

Can she please also ditch the 'slutty firefighter' outfit and boots she wore the last two years????

Would love to see her on the team

Edited by RhiRhi

She's cute. She's fit. First pic I see on her Insta is her making a drunk face with her tongue hanging out and holding up a big booze bottle with lots of straws in it. WILL THESE GIRLS NEVER LEARN TO NOT POST THAT STUFF.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
She is trying out for the squad.   https://www.instagra..._itsmarahsworld


She's got a good look.  I'm curious to see her dancing- looks like she's mostly a cheerleader, but we've seen girls with no dance experience make the team before



She's cute. Abs for days. Looks like she was in a pretty bad car accident a while back. Not to sound crass, but the producers of this show love a good backstory.  If she can dance well enough to get noticed, I can see her being featured on the show


Me too, and I hope Kelli et al give her a fair chance - not try hard to trip her up.


I think they have given her a chance in the interviews. Both of the questions she botched were softballs.

I liked Kelsey and would root for her to make it but I do not think she received any hard or tricky questions. Maybe if she hadn't had the really bad 50 yard line answer the year before, she might have been forgiven for the GM trip up but I think the pattern of bad responses doomed her. I wonder if they would even give her a third chance at interviewing. It's too bad because she didn't seem dumb in her talking heads like some other ditzy girls have.

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