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S10.E08: Mr. Mom

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The title alone makes me hate it.   Bill and Jen have called him "Mr. Mom" in the past and it makes me stabby. Considering that they do actually have a pretty equal division of household responsibilities, it's strange that they espouse this antiquated idea that caring for the children is mom's job, and when dad does it, he is being Mr. Mom, rather than "Dad". Next we'll hear them say that Bill is babysitting.

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It is kind of odd considering Bill is the stay at home parent and shoulders the bulk of childcare duties. Jen going away for a few days isn't going to throw the household into chaos.

Totally agree! If anything they should call Jen Mrs. Dad!
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I really love Will's adventurous nature when it comes to trying new activities. He jumps in with both feet and doesn't worry about making mistakes. I also thought it was cute the way he packed Zoe's bag for her to take to the urban garden.

Jen being able to do Jeopardy was a really cool opportunity. I have to wonder though, if that San Diego conference was staged and she really didn't go away. I've taken car services to the airport dozens of times and can't recall having the same driver for both trips. Not to mention they outfitted the car with cameras to film Jen looking at pictures on her phone. IDK, it just seemed fake to me.

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Hopefully, when it's time, they have Will in Saturday Chinese School.  It's the norm where I live that children, especially those that have been adopted,  attend school to learn culture and language. There are a number of group of parents that support each other in keeping a  tie to the country where their child was born.

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I hope when they take them to these various classes they keep the classes going. We had an episode in the first 1/2 about Will doing martial arts (I think) and Zoey doing ballet. I hope they are still doing that, or if they aren't it is because the kids weren't interested. Now we have an episode with Lion Dancing and it looks like next week is Bollywood Dancing. I know a lot of places will let you try out one class and see how it goes, so I hope the kids get to keep going to the classes they enjoy and aren't just getting to do it for the show and never again. 

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Hopefully, when it's time, they have Will in Saturday Chinese School.  It's the norm where I live that children, especially those that have been adopted,  attend school to learn culture and language. There are a number of group of parents that support each other in keeping a  tie to the country where their child was born.

Interesting. I've never heard of that before. Sounds like a great opportunity for people with children who have Chinese origins.

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Jen being able to do Jeopardy was a really cool opportunity. I have to wonder though, if that San Diego conference was staged and she really didn't go away. I've taken car services to the airport dozens of times and can't recall having the same driver for both trips. Not to mention they outfitted the car with cameras to film Jen looking at pictures on her phone. IDK, it just seemed fake to me.


Dr. Jennifer Arnold Delivers Keynote Address at Contemporary Forums Conference in San Diego   10/16/2015  :  http://americancareercollege.edu/pulse/health-e-news/dr._jennifer_arnold_delivers_keynote_address_at_fetus_and_newborn_contemporary_forums_conference_in_san_diego.html


I enjoyed seeing the visit to the garden - Will & Zoey were so cute picking and eating their carrots.  It is nice to see children enjoying their vegetables.  That "serious pizza" looked like a hot mess; it was just OK, neither delicious nor disgusting.  :-)


I laughed at the attempted tattoo fake out - especially when Bill almost showed Jen his tramp stamp! 

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This was a fun episode. I laughed several times. The pizza cracked me up. Jen's hair? Ugh.


For once I actually liked her new hair lol  I thought the color looked great on her.   I always liked her with her blonde bob.  I thought the shorter hair made her look way older.  But I have to say I'm liking the darker look on her. I think it fits her well.


I hope when they take them to these various classes they keep the classes going. We had an episode in the first 1/2 about Will doing martial arts (I think) and Zoey doing ballet. I hope they are still doing that, or if they aren't it is because the kids weren't interested.

I think they are still doing ballet - I think Jen has posted pictures on her instagram once in awhile 



Another fun episode.  If that pizza got cooked all the way through then I am VERY impressed. 

I am terrible at making homemade pizza, I do not have the skills.  It never tastes as good as a restaurant or even a frozen pizza for that matter lol


I wouldn't be surprised if the scenes of Jen coming home from San Diego were reshot so they could get those scenes.  What I found interesting is that when she left she sat on the regular seat and when coming home it appeared as if she was sitting in a booster seat in the middle seat. 

I felt bad for her having to leave the kids for a week.  I have a friend that travels probably once every two months but she's always gone about a week and she said her son gets sooooooo mad at her for leaving (he's 2, almost 3). 

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I'm still calling shenanigans on last night's episode. Jen has blonde hair in that San Diego video and on last night's episode she had dyed it brown. Jen spoke in October and it was still in the 80s and 90s in Houston yet last night everyone was bundled up in coats and vests to go outside. Maybe there was a second conference, who knows, but the whole episode felt badly staged.

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They've shown things out of chronological order before, I wonder why though?


I like Jen's darker hair. I enjoyed last night's episode for the most part.  Loved watching Will try "lion dancing" and I have a feeling that Jen and Bill will make sure that both kids are educated in the culture of their birth countries.


It was totally adorable that Will packed lunch bags for himself and Zoey.  He definitely takes on the role of big brother.  Zoey wanted no part of the "whipped" cream in the face game.  Will would've played that all day long (me too! I love whipped cream.).


Bill, if you really want a tattoo, get one.  The fake out was stupid IMO.

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I've taken car services to the airport dozens of times and can't recall having the same driver for both trips. Not to mention they outfitted the car with cameras to film Jen looking at pictures on her phone. IDK, it just seemed fake to me.

If you request the same driver, you get the same driver if available. I use the same one every time.

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Interesting. I've never heard of that before. Sounds like a great opportunity for people with children who have Chinese origins.


It's common where I'm from, too.  Most of my kids' friends went to Chinese school on Saturdays. 


Still catching up so I haven't seen this ep yet, but I love next week's Bollywood preview clip that I'm seeing all the time.  Zoey looks really into it! 

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They've shown things out of chronological order before, I wonder why though?


Makes a more interesting storyline/episode if you don't have to worry about piecing stuff together in chronological order.  Or maybe some activities they do just fit better into an episode together.

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It's common where I'm from, too.  Most of my kids' friends went to Chinese school on Saturdays. 


Still catching up so I haven't seen this ep yet, but I love next week's Bollywood preview clip that I'm seeing all the time.  Zoey looks really into it! 


Yes, quite common.  My friends adopted 2 kids from China and took them to a Mandarin course every week.   

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I liked Jen's hair darker and longer on the top, her blonde was too blonde and washed her out.  I guess she is now trying to look like Zoey!!  


Oh Bill is so cute isn't he pretending he got a real tattoo, like that was the first time any husband had tried to do it to fool their wife...Jen just didn't fall off a turnip truck, she is a doctor!  Very cute though.  


The kids are adorable and love how they are speaking now in sentences and playing with each other.  


Agree with the Mr. Mom comments, even Kasich can't get away with taking a woman out of the kitchen!  And acting like he was a fool and lost in the kitchen and dressing the kids. oy vey...


I thought it seemed odd for Bill to act like he was driving her to the airport standing with his coat on and holding her bag while she said goodbye to the kids then they go out the door and she suddenly is getting into a limo...and he goes back inside?  I think he took her to the airport and the limo ride was done once coming home with her looking at her camera and they filmed her getting in to edit into the show.  There would have been no reason to put cameras into that car twice then.  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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And Bill was not really alone, they do have a nanny so it is not like he was helpless.

Exactly what I was thinking. C'mon now, Bill. We know you have help. I did have to laugh at how exhausted he looked at the end of the day, though. That's probably when he told the nanny (off camera) to take over! 

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If it's cold, I'm wearing a coat or jacket no matter how long I will be outside. It could be that the service said a specific time and Jen and Bill went outside and the car wasn't there right at that minute. Maybe Jen had some last minute things to talk to him about before she left - out of the kids hearing. Who knows? Not everything is a TLC conspiracy.

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I would much prefer seeing moments like the kids looking at the globe and pointing out where they came from than all the infomercial crap. I feel like TLC and Jen and Bill (as consulting producers ) have a list of every product, business, organization or service that asks to be featured. Oh and Bill HAPPENED to be driving around and spotted a tattoo parlor to drop in on ??????  ALL ABOARD. I did like the garden for homeless people until i saw them wash the carrots in the rain water. How many other people washed veggies in there making it really muddy. Ugh. What happened to Jen's parents?? I was pleasantly surprised that they did not make an appearance! Maybe they moved already since this is all out of chronological order. :)

Edited by Snow8585
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Scripted or not, this show should be required viewing after watching an episode of the shit storm that is Teen Mom. People (and when I say people I am referring to myself) need to decompress after that nightmare of Farrah, Tyler, demon-child Sohpia, etc.

Thank you, show. I needed you tonight. :)

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Scripted or not, this show should be required viewing after watching an episode of the shit storm that is Teen Mom. People (and when I say people I am referring to myself) need to decompress after that nightmare of Farrah, Tyler, demon-child Sohpia, etc.

Thank you, show. I needed you tonight. :)

Ugh, I know. I'd take Will and Zoey on their crankiest days over Sophia on her best. That kid is pure evil and I don't feel guilty for saying so.

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Loved this episode. Will and Zoey get just cuter and more expressive every week. Those chefs hats in the kitchen! Zoey's kept sliding down, sometimes she looked like a little Amish girl.

Bill got off some great lines. "Let's knock over a liquor store" after the tattoos. "I'm from the land of old people" when his joints were aching.

I actually really liked Jen's darker hair. I didn't think I would but I thought she looked younger and the color was more flattering for her skin tone.

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So much cuteness in this episode!  Zoey tapping Will and then shrugging her shoulders in a "what is he doing?" kind of way when they were making the pizza was adorable.  Will missing his mom while she was out of town, Zoey telling her dad she loves him.  


Bill was spot on when he said fathers view things differently.  My husband was a great, hands-on and very devoted dad to our boys, but he just didn't "see" if their clothes were wrinkled, or their hair wasn't combed or the house was a mess on the days he was in complete charge without me to point these things out to him.  



Bill got off some great lines.

I laughed out loud when he called Zoey "A frog, a big violent frog."  


Kudos to Bill and Jen for teaching the children about their countries of origin.  I loved hearing Zoey say she lived in India and Will saying he was from China.  I've known parents who didn't want their adopted children to know anything about their beginnings, as if they ignored it, the children would too.  I've also noticed Jen is not quite as OCD about the house being spotless, you could clearly see toys all over the den--not something she was apt to allow early on.  

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For once I actually liked her new hair lol I thought the color looked great on her. I always liked her with her blonde bob. I thought the shorter hair made her look way older. But I have to say I'm liking the darker look on her. I think it fits her well.

I think they are still doing ballet - I think Jen has posted pictures on her instagram once in awhile

Another fun episode. If that pizza got cooked all the way through then I am VERY impressed.

I am terrible at making homemade pizza, I do not have the skills. It never tastes as good as a restaurant or even a frozen pizza for that matter lol

I wouldn't be surprised if the scenes of Jen coming home from San Diego were reshot so they could get those scenes. What I found interesting is that when she left she sat on the regular seat and when coming home it appeared as if she was sitting in a booster seat in the middle seat.

I felt bad for her having to leave the kids for a week. I have a friend that travels probably once every two months but she's always gone about a week and she said her son gets sooooooo mad at her for leaving (he's 2, almost 3).

I think I recently saw a new pic of Will in his karate/martial arts gi on Jen's social media too, so it also looks like Will's still doing that. I still love how excited & proud Will was of himself when he broke the board during the lesson we saw in the ep where Zoey also took her first ballet lesson.

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I loved this episode as well. My question is, is it really that big of a deal when one parent goes out of town? I know it's mainly used because of filming for the show and they have to do interesting things. The pizza was cool but, the game following seemed a bit much, why not just show bedtime. Seeing the kids doing anything was pleasing to me and hearing Wills laugh is so contagious. They are truly happy kids. I loved Jens hair darker, it's actually closer to her natural color. I also saw scenes from her trip and she had lighter hair so as usual it's a lot of editing that isn't necessary to me. The scene when Jen was leaving was odd to me as well because Bill always seems to dress as if the cold doesn't affect him at all so to have on a coat just to go to the driveway seemed odd. I figured because the kids were inside he was just walking her outside to say bye so,obviously someone was inside with the kids we just never saw them. Another thought, Bill always always assists Jen into any vehicle and this time he stood back and let her get in alone. Even when drivers tried to assist her he steps in to avoid her having contact with them period. The show IMO, has always been very staged even down to what they say, it's scripted as well and they are extremely bad actors.

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I notice the kids were interacting with the crew with facial expressions and I have no doubt some of the verbal expressions we hear often come from the film crew.  Zoey shrugging her shoulders, Will "let's rock and roll."   I will bet it is like a party when the film crew is there!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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I thought as she was leaving I heard Jen tell Bill something like "if you need someone call Mom and Dad".

I think the driver put a stool down for Jen to climb onto when getting in the car. Maybe that's why Bill didn't help. Maybe not all of them carry a stool.

I like that they discuss India and China with them.

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All reality shows on TV are scripted, but I don't pay much attention to that because I watch this show for entertainment only. What isn't scripted are the kids' reactions to all the things Bill and Jen expose them to, and its delightful to watch their curiosity and exuberance for all the things they're introduced to. They have such expressive faces and are so entertaining that I'm mesmerized by both of them. I also find Bill and Jen to be really likeable people, whether or not I agree with everything they do. Its fun getting to watch them raise two cute little kids.   

Edited by parisprincess
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I loved this episode as well. My question is, is it really that big of a deal when one parent goes out of town? I know it's mainly used because of filming for the show and they have to do interesting things.


I'm not sure if you're asking this about in real life situations or if you're asking from a tv show standpoint but...


I mentioned a little ways up that I have a friend who travels about once every two month for work and she's usually gone a week.  she says it's awful because her son's routine gets all out of wack with only one parent being there and it takes him a few days to get back into the swing of things. And when she comes back he's either mad at her or has to be attached to her 24/7.   He's almost 3 so maybe Will and Zoey are a little more adjusted to it and understand it more.

One time my friend got stuck at the airport on her way back and couldn't get home until the next day and her son was freaking out because he was expecting her home that night and didn't understand why she wasn't coming home.

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This probably isn't politically correct to say, but Jen has the traditional male, working parent role in the Klein family. I'm sure she's active and plays with the kids when she gets home, but the majority of the kids' daily routine is handled by Bill and Kate. As much as they were trying to play up the "what will we do without Jen" angle, her not being there didn't affect things one way or the other.

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Funny, my take on it was not that Bill was Mr Mom or babysitting or overwhelmed in particular ( just the general exhaustion from kid raising)...my takeaway was "Mom is away the kids will play". Everyone knows that dads take advantage when the boss is gone! Hell my husband does everything "wrong" when I'm gone and we only have pets!

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I'm not sure if you're asking this about in real life situations or if you're asking from a tv show standpoint but...


I mentioned a little ways up that I have a friend who travels about once every two month for work and she's usually gone a week.  she says it's awful because her son's routine gets all out of wack with only one parent being there and it takes him a few days to get back into the swing of things. And when she comes back he's either mad at her or has to be attached to her 24/7.   He's almost 3 so maybe Will and Zoey are a little more adjusted to it and understand it more.

One time my friend got stuck at the airport on her way back and couldn't get home until the next day and her son was freaking out because he was expecting her home that night and didn't understand why she wasn't coming home.


Poor little guy. Hey, kids are just different. Many toddlers and pre-schoolers are very adaptable and adjust fairly easily to shake-ups in their routines. Others need the security of a prescribed schedule and don't cope too well with changes or interruptions. From the beginning, Will has looked to me like an "up-for-anything" kid. Unless he's tired or doesn't feel well, he pretty much loves whatever is placed in front of him. Zoey on the other hand looks like she probably prefers a standard routine more, or at least more than Will. She's definitely not the type of kid who tries to power through fatigue, for example. She wants her nap and knows when she needs one. But neither of them seems very schedule-bound to me overall.

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Just wondering. What's a "car service" and is it different in some way from a taxi or cab? Thanks! 


Kinda like a taxi/uber except you basically reserve it, tell them to pick you up at a certain time and it's a bit more 'fancy'.  Usually nice cars and the drivers look nice. 

Probably a bit more expensive than a taxi or uber.

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Just wondering. What's a "car service" and is it different in some way from a taxi or cab? Thanks!

Look up rides to airport in your town. It is more expensive than Uber or Lyft. Upscaled car or limo, food, water, beverages- most have booze as well. They take care of your luggage whereas Lyft and Uber are not required to. Nice if you have a disabilty. like I do.

I don't request limos lol. ;-o

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Yes, car services are generally more expensive but are extremely reliable.   The drivers often handle your luggage and are quite professional in appearance and service.  You can specify the time for pick up and request a certain driver if you want.  They are the people you see holding up signs in the baggage area to meet the reserving party.  


I wouldn't be surprised that the Arnold-Kleins use the same car service and driver, someone who is familiar with their needs and routines and is re willing to be filmed.

Edited by Kohola3
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