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Season One Talk: FFwSB

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I thought the atheist activist was being a total asshole. He clearly only wanted to vent his anger, not actually accomplish anything else, and it undermines the actual cause he supposedly was promoting, because it reinforces the idea that atheists are uncivilized and lack ethics. You simply do not go around being that rude and obnoxious and get to call yourself a constructive actor.


I think it's fair to criticize his behavior, even if others have done worse.

  • Love 5

It's not unusual or even surprising that the minority voice is held to a much higher standard than others. I'm an atheist in the bible belt and its ridiculous the things I have to put up with.  I get labeled aggressive or hostile for simply walking away when my coworkers decide to do some prayer session, and I work for a government entity where fucking prayer shouldn't be part of the daily grind.  The dude standing in front of his booth engaging people who stop by at CPAC is only a hair more 'aggressive' than I am when I walk away from work prayers, and that's only because he's making noise whereas I'm nearly silent about it.  There's not really any way for the minority position to win here because the standards are always impossibly high. 

  • Love 11

Yes, he got all up in everyone's faces...by politely handing out cards and then standing at his own clearly labeled booth until people came to speak with him.  I mean, seriously, did several people watch an entirely different episode???  Maybe some are mixing up Silverman with the narrator who did get up in people's faces, with a camera.  Or maybe people are confusing what Silverman was doing at his own clearly labeled booth with his private radio and tv interviews he was given, formats which are quite different than meeting with the public.  Again, the minority voice is always held to a higher unfair standard.


In case anyone is misremembering the segment:


Telling people "I'm sorry you believe in a lie and a con" is condescending and dickish, not a way to convey any kind of seriousness about policy. His attacking them for their beliefs and basically calling them stupid is not how to make a case for the need for secular government any more than religious people shouting about sinners going to hell is a way to make a case for why they should be elected to a position of power.


If he discussed how secular government protects religious people (which is what the original intent was) from persecution for their beliefs, or how excluding atheists creates an alienated voter bloc and violates fundamental principles of democracy, I would have supported his efforts. If he had pointed out the inconsistency between asking to install a religious mandate through a constitutional process that explicitly forbids it (don't wrap yourself in the constitution if you don't mean it), or if he had tried to show how much harm had come from abuses of religious power, I'd be all for it. But we saw none of that. From what they showed us (which I admit could have been selectively edited, but that's true for everything we see on the show and we can only comment on what is aired), he was not attempting dialogue and he was not making proposals, and he was only expressing outrage in the least lucid or effective way.

Edited by possibilities
  • Love 4

Wow, I sound like a broken record so I'll just point this out once more.  Yet more evidence of the minority voice being held to a higher standard.  Discussing the con and lie of religion in a very obvious tv/radio interview is only 'dickish' if one thinks the truth shouldn't be discussed and/or if one thinks that the minority voice should just shut up and take the abuse tossed their way because we must always pander to the vocal and loud majority.  Hmm, seems we've all heard this rhetoric before.  "You can be queer and here, just don't flaunt it in our faces by holding hands with your partner in public or holding parades" or "you can be free and black, just don't try to sit at our counter" or "you can be a woman in politics, just don't do anything that reminds us you lack a penis" and so on and so forth.  "You can be an atheist, just don't talk about it, and if you do, use code and talk about the constitution instead."

Edited by Lion
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But I agree with the guy. And I even said he wasn't even remotely "militant". It seems like his goal was to just state what's wrong with religion and religious people, of which there are numerous things to list. I just don't see the point of that tactic because people are just going to dig in and resist regardless if they are wrong. Which the religious people on the show are. Stating his pov is fine, but then what? I don't see that he's advancing his cause as much as he could have. He has legal rights and he should be afforded them regardless of what anyone says, and that's fine, but I'd rather see super religious people agreeing to get religion out of government first and then worry about what they believe after that. I just didn't get his big picture. 


Stating facts to people who don't agree with you doesn't get you anywhere, and trying to "convince" someone is more a form of coercion than it is an actual argument. 


I mean, seriously, did several people watch an entirely different episode???


One can watch something with a critical eye and question what they've seen from different povs. Mine is that I didn't get a good handle on the larger context of what this guy was doing because my motivation would be different. This is the same issue as what's in the piece. Running up to people and telling them they believe in a lie and that they're wrong and stupid to believe that isn't going to do anyone any good. 

Edited by ganesh
  • Love 2

Sam continues to knock it out of the park!


I loved, FREAKIN' LOVED the mini Gloria Stenheim!!!! I know this show doesn't do interviews, but now I want one of the field pieces to have Gloria interviewed!


As for the piece on rape kits. I...just...my mind is having the most difficult time trying to understand how that fatass sheriff, who is supposed to be a cop, and that other woman, whose name is escaping me, have the opinions that they do about not just the issue of rape, but about rape victims. I mean, this isn't 30, 40 years ago...where is all this regression coming from?  While watching, I was having visions of all those politicians and their speeches about "legitmate rape" from a few years ago.


Seeing Mini-Gloria Stenheim tap dancing did cheer me up a bit, though.

  • Love 2

Did not care for this episode as much as the preceding ones. I think a problem for this show--going forward--is that it seems to be stoked by its own outrage, and not every week is going to bring events equally deserving of "turn it up to 11" outrage. Or maybe outrage alone isn't enough--humor needs the element of surprise, and it's hard to find surprise in attacking easy targets. In any case, show, what are you going to do to turn the outrage beyond 11 when events in the coming weeks justify it, when 11 is as high as the knob will go and you've already gone there?


Here's hoping for a return to form this Monday.

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OMG Ted Cruz in the sorting hat. "Ahhhh! Slytherin!" This show is so educational, too. I knew what Superdelegates were but I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't realize the Republican party didn't have them. I didn't know much about their history either. And the field piece on the NRA mascot was solid gold.


I must confess it's gotten to the point where I love this show even more than John Oliver's. For several weeks now he's focused his main stories on things I simply don't care that much about whereas Sam always highlights current events and her field pieces are wonderful. I still like John Oliver but I'm enjoying Sam's show much more lately.

  • Love 7

John Oliver's Show continues to delight me, but as a to-the-left-of-Ted Kennedy Liberal and card-carrying Feminist, "Full Frontal" really delivers.  The material is so well-written (and delivered!), packing more intelligent  ( and FAIR!) satire into 22 minutes since Jon Stewart at his best.  What a great group of writers!

---Incidentally, Terri Gross interviewed Sam on "Fresh Air" last Thursday ( April 7th)   The podcast is available at the NPR/Fresh Air web site.   I promise you'll enjoy

  • Love 7

I'm going to YouTube to find the clip of Samantha Bee explaining the role of superdelegates in the Democratic Party and posting it to every brain-dead dumbass (including our aunt...) in my Facebook TL shrieking about "THE WILL OF THE PEOPLE!!11!!!!111!" and Bernie Sanders.


Samantha Bee is a national treasure. Last night's show was one for the ages. And the fact she has proof on video of at least one gun sale to her staff without background check or ID should be played in front of Congress ASAP. Then again, I'm sure they wouldn't think this was necessary to act on at all.

  • Love 5

I think Samantha Bee has very quickly surpassed John Oliver for me.  It's sad to think we lived so long in a world where Samantha Bee wasn't stifled from reaching her potential.  I'm not even sure this is her full potential.  


A few weeks ago, I said that I didn't think she could sustain the sharpness of her routine for more than one night a week.  I think she can.  I wish she would.  Late night comedy covering current events has been suffering a considerable deficit since Colbert and Stewart left Comedy Central.  And frankly, they were going stale anyway.  

  • Love 2

GunTV just makes me sick: https://tapatalk.com/topic/tag/15680-30526

Please take a look at who's hosting the show! *cough*


... and don't get me started about the NRA: https://eddieeagle.nra.org




On a lighter note: Sam could have acquired an armed vehicle or taken a Hummer and 'redecorated' it to look like a HumVee, then driving it around town.

Glad to have her back. No Donald Trump to be seen, thank you, Sam! :-)

Edited by TV-junkie
  • Love 1

Being obnoxious and bullying is not the way to win over people to your side. Bernie Sanders' supporters need to get it into their thick heads that their guy is not a Democrat, and therefore the party faithful are not inclined to give him the nomination. Samantha is spot on when she says Republicans wish they could have superdelegates.

  • Love 5

I had a vague idea what Superdelegates were but I didn't know the details. I definitely appreciated the history lesson as to how they came to be and the damage the Democratic party did in figuring out how to balance the desires of the people with the 'needs' of the party.  Lol'd over how the Republicans wish they had done the same.  They should have figured out the likely problem they'd have after the primary 4 years ago when they had a clown-car of extremists then and really only barely got their establishment candidate the nomination.


And it is never old showing just how powerful the NRA is, how they completely control everything to do with guns, which allow virtually anyone to get a gun, even those that a background check would prevent.

  • Love 1

Wonderful to have Samantha back! I'm constantly wondering why she wasn't this funny when she was on The Daily Show?


Anywayz, I cannot express how wonderful it was, or how much pleasure I got from watching Sam give that nimrod Megan the BURN in response to Nimrod's comment on Face Book about how women shouldn't have babies if they can't "financially support them!" in the diaper piece. I mean, when Sam tied it to all those states that make it so difficult, if not impossible for poor women and girls to go to places like Planned Parenthood, or health clinics, which could help them or let them have abortions if that's what they choose as the best option for them.


It was just awesome.

  • Love 4

I'm in awe of Sam Bee. She is SO awesome, I can't believe I didn't see this on The Daily Show for all those years. I mean, I liked her and always thought she was funny, but to me there was no hint that she had a show like this in her. And the writers are incredible too. Funny, edgy af, sharp and totally uncompromising, even more than Jon Stewart was, imo.


She's really blowing everyone else out of the water here, and I also prefer her to John Oliver (who I love). I wish she was on four night a week. Maybe you could argue the episodes would be more hit and miss, but I sort of doubt it. The Colbert Report was consistently outstanding all those years, and The Daily Show only started getting stale well into its run, maybe a few years ago.

  • Love 4

I'm in awe of Sam Bee. She is SO awesome, I can't believe I didn't see this on The Daily Show for all those years. I mean, I liked her and always thought she was funny, but to me there was no hint that she had a show like this in her. And the writers are incredible too. Funny, edgy af, sharp and totally uncompromising,



I know, right? I mean, she was funny in her political pieces--when she would interview the morons at the political conventions and on women's issues, but there were times, I wouldn't find her funny at all. But here? She's just...awesome. I know I keep using that word, but that's how I see her here.


And now I want to find that song for her show and download it on my phone as a ringtone!


I still want her to interview Gloria Steinem in one of her field pieces to get her take on the nonsense and injustice that's going around.  Just because.

  • Love 1

I know, right? I mean, she was funny in her political pieces--when she would interview the morons at the political conventions and on women's issues, but there were times, I wouldn't find her funny at all. But here? She's just...awesome. I know I keep using that word, but that's how I see her here.

Me too. I thought it would be hit and miss. But I now love her. The hubs not so much, but he does like the show, and we both like Jason's new show (The Detour) which Sam and Jason created and both write (at least the pilot episode).

I'm in awe of Sam Bee. She is SO awesome, I can't believe I didn't see this on The Daily Show for all those years. I mean, I liked her and always thought she was funny, but to me there was no hint that she had a show like this in her. And the writers are incredible too. Funny, edgy af, sharp and totally uncompromising, even more than Jon Stewart was, imo.


She's really blowing everyone else out of the water here, and I also prefer her to John Oliver (who I love). I wish she was on four night a week. Maybe you could argue the episodes would be more hit and miss, but I sort of doubt it. The Colbert Report was consistently outstanding all those years, and The Daily Show only started getting stale well into its run, maybe a few years ago.

I think the key is she found her rage. 


I think she's also been looking at what's been worked with Stewart, Oliver, Colbert in Cartoony Mode, etc.and is working with that model. As a correspondent her role was to set jokes up for the host. Here she's not playing that "character", she's the one who can do the main comic assault herself.


Although I think she's synthesizing a lot of what the others have done, that's just in terms of delivery. I do think the subject matter of her show and Oliver's is very different, so on that basis I don't feel like I have to "pick" between them and declare a favorite. Oliver uncovers the little known things we SHOULD be furious about and don't know we should be and works that angle.  Samantha is actually doing a more traditional Daily Show-like approach, mainly about politics and other headline news, albeit one on a weekly schedule.

  • Love 2

The Bernie ep was the first episode I have seen of this show, and I liked it much more than the current Daily Show (or even JS's last couple of years). Still, I was confused at one point about the law (in Tennessee, I think) where people who bring a sexual harassment charge must foot the bill or pay a penalty if the charge isn't proven? Did I hear that right? SBee immediately attacked it, however, false harassment or sexual attack charges ruin the lives of those accused even if they are never found guilty. So i was wondering if there was room for more thoughtful discussion there. I say that knowing nothing about this law aside from what I thought I heard on this show, so may it is worse than it sounded. 

John Kasich is the taint! What a perfect metaphor. 


Yeah, I liked the piece on the Bernie supporters. I myself support Sanders and would love for him to win the nomination. However, some of his fans really have their heads in the sand. And even Bernie himself, when pressed on how he expects to accomplish this "revolution" of his with a Republican-controlled congress, gives a pie-in-the-sky answer about winning the election with such a strong mandate that congress will just have to do whatever he wants. As if! Obama won twice, isn't that a mandate from the US to support his policies? Did that happen with congress? No. It's not going to happen with Sanders either. 


What really scares me about a lot of the Sanders supporters is the vitriol they express against Clinton, even going so far to say she's no better than the Republicans. I makes me think they are ill-informed about what Presidents can actually do or will do. Voting for Clinton is not the same as voting for Trump or Cruz. She isn't going to appoint another Antonin Scalia to the Supreme Court, try to defund Planned parenthood or sign a bunch of discriminatory bills against women and gays into law, and that's really the most important thing liberals have to worry about in the coming election. Saying they won't vote for her if Sanders doesn't get the nomination is like cutting off their noses to spite their faces. 

  • Love 15

A law suit that fails does not in its failure disprove the actual charge that prompts it.  A woman can be harassed but still fail to prove her case in a court of law.  To then compound the crime by then making her pay for it would be hideous.  Many crimes are committed that lack the required evidence to prosecute them.  It does not make them less of a crime.


I liked the piece on the Bernie supporters as well.  Because too much of what I hear sounds like Drumpf's "winning" speechifying idiocy.  More cogent but still stuff I simply find unrealistic as a point to push him past Hillary.  Not that I am thrilled about her either.  Its gotten to the point that I want to move to Canada no matter who wins just so I can get away from what I see as just as big, if not bigger, mess come January 2017.  If a Republican wins I want to see if there is still room on that one way trip to Mars. 


Unfortunately Katie Couric is always going to be that drop of vinegar in a glass of fresh milk.  No matter how small it is going to taint it.  I always feel I somehow am missing what apparently charms so many.  That grin of hers I think is supposed to be that All-American slightly cheeky fun girl next door with a bit of a spark to her.  But all I get is a Disney animated reptile villain trying to convince me I'm not the next bite.


Speaking of taint, Kasich as the taint between the dick and asshole of the Republican primary was wonderful.  He is such a pompous condescending piece of shit.  To stand there and talk down to the Jewish supporters like that was simply amazing.  But then every time I have listened to any of his speeches he somehow manages to do that.  Tell people what they already know, often better than he does, in a way that tries to make them feel small simply for listening to his take on the matter.  I remember many of his speeches when he was in Congress that The Daily Show used to highlight as the assery of the day to a particular topic.  Even before Sam's take on him at the start of the season, he scares me almost as much as the other two simply because I find people with any type of power who assume they not just know more than everyone else, but no one else knows what they do terrifying in what they think they can do.  He spreads affable better than Dick Cheney ever did, but it is the same type of arrogance I think.

  • Love 2



On Monday, Tennessee Republican Rep. Susan Lynn announced that she will pull her anti-trans bathroom bill, at least until next year.  Lynn’s bill would have required all public schools, including universities, to force students to use the bathroom for the sex they were assigned at birth.  ...she seemed concerned by the attorney general’s (correct) assertion that the measure would cost the state $1.2 billion in federal education funding, since federal law prohibits public schools from engaging in gender identity discrimination


So the bathroom bill is dead, at least for now.   

-- in TN anyway/for now, but alive and offending in so many other States! And Kasich!! The fact that his condescending rhetoric is indiscriminate--offending men as well as women ("coeds" as he'd say), doesn't make him any less an extremist. I expect he'll be the Party's pick for Veep.


Another terrific episode! TY Sam et al

  • Love 1

So why are the Bernie Sanders supporters sitting for Samantha all old and oldish? They couldn't find any young millenials who make up most of Sanders' base? Were they afraid that group would turn obnoxious and humorless (which was possible) and try and create a mini Bernie rally in front of her and the crew?


Samantha raised some good points to the group, that obviously went way over their heads. If the Republicans can hijack the agenda of a sitting president they accuse, among other things, of being a socialist, which Obama is not, then you can be damned sure they'll go full throttle against someone who is an admitted one. And the notion that the American people will rise and raise their voices at the GOP for denying them the right for a President Sanders to implement his agenda is laughable because, among other things, Republicans have NEVER listened to what the American people have to say. Things don't change at the snap of a finger. It takes time.

  • Love 1

So why are the Bernie Sanders supporters sitting for Samantha all old and oldish? They couldn't find any young millenials who make up most of Sanders' base? Were they afraid that group would turn obnoxious and humorless (which was possible) and try and create a mini Bernie rally in front of her and the crew?

The girl with a Bernie tattoo was definitely a millennial. I thought maybe one of the points was to show that not all Bernie supporters are millennials, as they are often portrayed in the media. FWIW the biggest Bernie fans I know here in California are a man in his 50s and a man in his 70s.

  • Love 3

Wonderful to have Samantha back! I'm constantly wondering why she wasn't this funny when she was on The Daily Show?


Anywayz, I cannot express how wonderful it was, or how much pleasure I got from watching Sam give that nimrod Megan the BURN in response to Nimrod's comment on Face Book about how women shouldn't have babies if they can't "financially support them!" in the diaper piece. I mean, when Sam tied it to all those states that make it so difficult, if not impossible for poor women and girls to go to places like Planned Parenthood, or health clinics, which could help them or let them have abortions if that's what they choose as the best option for them.


It was just awesome.

Her humor was stunted by an almost all white male writing staff. That's the difference.

  • Love 5

This is almost lame, but I get a little choked up over how good Samantha Bee really is.  This episode was top notch.  I'm extremely progressive, I have radical politics, I'm super involved in social issues, I voted for Bernie in my state's primary and I tend to vote for the most liberal candidates on ballots, frequently green party politicians.  But even I'm sick of some Bernie supporters.  As Sam pointed out, the cognitive dissonance is astounding, and often matches that displayed by Trump supporters.  


I was at lunch with my best friend the other day and we got into a heated discussion about this year's election cycle.  She could have been one of those people on the panel. It was so frustrating.  I'm trying to figure out a way to send a clip of this to bff without it putting her on the offensive.  


This episode coupled with the one about progressive democratic voters not going to the polls in 2010 and 2014 have the potential to elevate Bee to a platform of such great influence.  She's so wonderful. 

  • Love 6

Not lame, Lion. Sam is amazing here, and each time I watch a new ep I'm surprised and so happy about how great it is.


The clips of Kasich "goya-splaining the Torah" to Jews was just head-slapping. I wonder if he looks at these moments in hindsight and thinks he did good or made a mistake. It's like diarrhea of the mouth; seems he can't help himself.


Sam's Feel the Kuch tattoo cracked me up.


So many great little jabs. I never get tired of little-Trump-hands jokes. You've got to know those make him fume.


The clips of Cruz and family on CNN were just unbelievable. Loved Sam saying, "Give your daughters some credit. They seem perfectly capable of fending off unwanted contact from creepy men." Again, I can see that clip of his daughter fighting him off and always laugh.


I really want to know how and why Jeremy Durham got that sexual predator a lighter sentence. I hope someone is investigating that.

Edited by peeayebee
  • Love 4
The clips of Kasich "goya-splaining the Torah" to Jews was just head-slapping. I wonder if he looks at these moments in hindsight and thinks he did good or made a mistake. It's like diarrhea of the mouth; seems he can't help himself.



Was this not the most wonderful thing that has happened in weeks?   I was laughing so loud at this I know my neighbors heard me.  Lamp posts, Jesus blood....wtf. 


This episode coupled with the one about progressive democratic voters not going to the polls in 2010 and 2014 have the potential to elevate Bee to a platform of such great influence.  She's so wonderful.


It drives me CRAZY that Democrats let this happen by being lazy about voting. Sam is doing a great job of not only skewering the insanity of politics, but of pointing out very important information.  


The GOP this afternoon is having another Baby Parts for Sale hearing.  It's headed by that batshit nutbag Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in the Committee for Infant Lives (not making this up).  They even have a diagram of a baby's body with arrows pointing to different parts and prices, like you see of a cow or pig in a butcher shop.


This would be right up Sam's alley, you know that same alley where we'll all be getting abortions and then bagging up the fetuses and selling them on the black market. 

Edited by teddysmom
  • Love 2
And even Bernie himself, when pressed on how he expects to accomplish this "revolution" of his with a Republican-controlled congress, gives a pie-in-the-sky answer about winning the election with such a strong mandate that congress will just have to do whatever he wants. As if! Obama won twice, isn't that a mandate from the US to support his policies? Did that happen with congress? No. It's not going to happen with Sanders either.


I don't see how Bernie is going to enact universal health care on his first day. It's doubtful the make up of congress is going to change, and it's doubtful that the congressional leadership is suddenly going to be conciliatory. To be to Sanders, he has explained how he would break up the big banks, so that's not a good go-to criticism, but I think he still needs Congress to do that anyway.

The clips of Kasich "goya-splaining the Torah" to Jews was just head-slapping. I wonder if he looks at these moments in hindsight and thinks he did good or made a mistake. It's like diarrhea of the mouth; seems he can't help himself.


OMG I could not believe how clueless he was.  I mean, anyone who has received any Christian training (which I understand is a requirement for Republican candidates) should know enough about the Jewish faith to know what Passover is, and that, to the Jews, it doesn't have anything to do with Jesus. I guess he got flustered because to Christians, Jesus' blood became the 'substitute' for the Passover blood, since his crucifixion took place during Passover, which is why Christians don't celebrate Passover, but rather Easter.  But he should really know to lay off the J word around Jews. 


The rest of the episode was great, as all of Sam's has been.  I agree, its a bit like night and day from TDS, where I was always mixed about her pieces.  But she's been on fire since being on her own.

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