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S03.E20: Farmgirl Flowers

Tara Ariano

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Marcus just has no luck breaking into the florist business.  He's lucky farm girl didn't take his offer - she wouldn't have welcomed his ideas or resources, just his money.  She can't get help from the banks or investors, she knows that well funded competition is on her tail, yet she refuses a great offer.  Oh well.


As far as Simple Greek goes - I don't think big Mike is ever going to change.  Just sits back in his recliner and waits for royalty checks.  Marcus should have really pushed harder to buy him out, because as the franchise grows the price tag goes up.

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Marcus just has no luck breaking into the florist business.  He's lucky farm girl didn't take his offer - she wouldn't have welcomed his ideas or resources, just his money.  She can't get help from the banks or investors, she knows that well funded competition is on her tail, yet she refuses a great offer.  Oh well.

Yep! If I had a failing business, I'd gladly take the chance to work with Marcus. IDK what the hell Christina was thinking rejecting that offer.


2 more episodes this season. :(

Edited by Takerholicx5
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Farmgirl's accent...grating.


And I get the "men won't give me money" thing. I completely do. But she seemed really tone deaf to presentation.


Throw in a little flattery. "A lot of the venture capitalists here have said I'd be more successful if I brought my husband along, but I researched you and found your approach to be more gender neutral. I'm really impressed with your track record." I don't think she's much younger than me (mid 40s) and by the time you're in this point of your life, you've gotta have some finesse. 

And insulting him every chance she got. Every. Chance. That's not the way it works. That's never the way it works. 

I'm seeing the really rough around the edges farmgirl, not the sophisticated "I'm gonna disrupt this industry with cleverness" farmgirl.

  • Love 7

Okay, so let me say that I HATE that Marcus is put into these uncomfortable positions of working with douche bags over and over.  That said, I hate Mike from The Simple Greek.  I didn't like him on the first episode and I like him less now.  Marcus was way TOO NICE to him when they had their talk.  Nothing seems to have changed and the fact that Mike and his wife aren't even paying Marcus what he is owed when he changed their entire business astounds me (what the hell was his excuse...it made no sense). And that they still don't visit the franchisees as promised.  It makes me wonder why the hell Marcus didn't buy him out right then and there.  I also think the wife is a wet blanket.  It will be interesting to see what happens in the next 12 months.

Edited by caligirl50
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Flowergirl fascinates me, because it's she's totally infected by that area.  I love how Marcus called her out on that, because in her head she's competing with these companies that make nothing (in terms of revenue and product, sometimes) but get these massive valuations and I don't think she gets it.  She feels very San Francisco to me in that way, all wrapped up in the reality she's constructed in her mind regardless of what's actually around.


I really wish Marcus would adapt his motto to add the 4th P, place, because he focuses quite a lot on that.  Although maybe that's because moving and rearranging is good for TV- we can see it.


I love that this show will devote so much time to a failed deal.

  • Love 5

I always thought the Simple Greek couple were lazy no-talents. Mom is actually creepier than the stepdad.

Marcus never needed them. He could have gotten his Greek Chipotle concept rolling without them. Oh, well, it made for a first episode where Marcus got to trot out his Greek-American upbringing.

Edited by Josiah Bounderby

I hate these glass ceiling episodes. Women have come too far for this. Christina should have brought her husband to meet a VC if it would have advanced her cause. She is too stuck on proving that she can make it as a female business owner. Many, many business women do this everyday without a chip on their shoulder.


Marcus is worth 25%. She should have jumped at the chance.

  • Love 7

I hate these glass ceiling episodes. Women have come too far for this. Christina should have brought her husband to meet a VC if it would have advanced her cause. She is too stuck on proving that she can make it as a female business owner. Many, many business women do this everyday without a chip on their shoulder.


Marcus is worth 25%. She should have jumped at the chance.


I hate people like this.  Yes, women have a rough road raising money, but Christina strikes me as someone with a victim complex.  She is the type of person who will blame her failures on misogyny instead of looking at what she could have improved.  As a woman, this offends me.


I bet you the person told her to bring her husband, because they saw how stubborn and tone deaf Christina is when making a presentation.  She does not know how to sell her idea and needs to understand her strengths and weaknesses.


I do agree that she is hung up on the San Fran/ San Jose/Silicon Valley culture.  She looks upon her company as being a "start up". Christina had no understanding of the bigger picture.

  • Love 9

I got tired of Chistina's constant "because I'm a woman" excuse for everything.  It's the reason no bank will lend her money, no VC firm will invest in her, and her competitors don't take her seriously.  I mean, what else COULD it be, right?  


Of course, she's valuing her flower business--her FLOWER business- at $20 million, despite having no profits, no salary, and no money in the bank.  She's also presenting (incorrectly, as it turns out) a 25% margin business to potential investors/lenders, while her competitors are (correctly) presenting 46% margins.  And then, when Marcus shows up, ready to invest, she openly wishes he were a female investor instead!  


The sad thing is that Marcus was able to quickly identify the company's problems and told us how easy it'd be to fix them and take the company national.  What a wasted opportunity!  Even that great flower entreprenuer Eliza Doolittle had Professor Henry Higgins to give her a helping hand.

  • Love 4

I like the concept of Farmgirl Flowers, and especially liked the idea of the burlap wrapped bouquets. Christina's attitude and expectations were a bit nuts, though. Gender discrimination is a real problem, and I'm not suggesting that Christina hasn't encountered that. But to see her blame all her problems on gender bias, even after other problems are pointed out to her, is frustrating. One good thing, though: I went to their website and ended up placing an order, not with Farmgirl, but with one of their listed partners, Kika's Treats. Can't wait to get that coconut shortbread in dark chocolate and Brazilian cheese bread! Yum!

  • Love 6

Much like the Shark Tank cast, Marcus isn't getting out of bed for 5% of anything. She should have known that. And it was so obvious that she only wanted Marcus' money and not anything that he would bring to the table. Which was incredibly short sighted. Marcus could have improved the process tremendously, starting with the website and moving on to new distribution centers. This would have impacted both sales and margins and would result in actual profits. Yet for her arrogance, none of that will happen. Funny thing, I be she does get some investments after this episode, but she wont have the company she could have had. 


Simple Greek will eventually be the huge success Marcus envisions. Either Mike gets his act together or Marcus gets rid of him...but either way this is going to go nationwide and make Marcus a TON of money. 

  • Love 1

It used to be that there was San Francisco and there was Silicon Valley.

Different places, different counties, different sorts of traffic, way different architecture, different relationships to the bay and the sea, different cultures.

Now has San Francisco simply "become" Silicon Valley? Is that the parlance now? Or is that just reality show shorthand?

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I wonder what Marcus did about Simple Greek not paying him what he was owed?  I doubt it was just a question of why they didn't pay him and he let it drop.  He's a pretty savvy businessman, so I imagine threats of lawsuits were involved.  It's a shame when people take his help and his money but don't value what he has given them.


There's no way the flower girl was going to let a MAN own part of her company or be taking direction from him.  While there may be some gender bias, her main problem was her attitude and her presentation.  She'll never see that though.

  • Love 3

I completely agree that there is gender discrimination, especially in VC, which is completely subjective and personal persuasion. That's how that world works.


Even saying "she didn't do everything right" feeds into that - because a lot of dudes don't "do everything right" but they still manage to get the money and the mentoring. And to see that as a woman in business is frustrating. 


So yes, as a woman, you have to be better than that. You have to be nearly perfect. And Farmgirl really isn't.


I felt like if she could just swallow her pride a little, bring her husband along (for balance and to check her enthusiasm and off putting behavior), then she could have a better chance at becoming one of those female VCs who can invest in other women. For heaven's sake, they're not asking her to perform sexual favors or dress up in a demeaning costume, they're asking her to show up with a partner.


She doesn't seem to be a bad employer (unlike others we've seen), but she is so tone deaf when it comes to saying what investors want or need to hear.


I was really disappointed. Last week the angry female scammers. This week the woman who can't accept mentoring from a man.

  • Love 1


Gee Marcus.... you mean we're supposed to share royalties with you?  We're supposed to put in some work?  You're always trying to make me the bad guy Marcus.



Someone posted that the company is just going to get bigger and bigger and why not get rid of the guy now instead of having to write a bigger check later? They are correct.  As I remember it, it was his wife who came up with the idea (I don't remember who came up with the name - it might have been Mike) but he jumped on board to get franchises going. That was his effort.  He gets a few and then does nothing except show up to get that money.  He didn't work in the restaurant (the boys said so) and all he seemed to do was be an imperious asshole to the franchise owners/his wife and the boys.

It's a year later.  He's been saved by Marcus yet he's not paying him and still not doing anything for the franchisees like he promised. I am not understanding Marcus' logic.

  • Love 1


I was really disappointed. Last week the angry female scammers. This week the woman who can't accept mentoring from a man.


I agree. But he seems to get it from both genders.  Skullduggery, the cleaning products ladies, the silkscreen t-shirt company, hell, even the Crumbs people couldn't make it work with him.  We have just seen two women back to back. 

It used to be that there was San Francisco and there was Silicon Valley.

Different places, different counties, different sorts of traffic, way different architecture, different relationships to the bay and the sea, different cultures.

Now has San Francisco simply "become" Silicon Valley? Is that the parlance now? Or is that just reality show shorthand?

I noticed that, too. And it bugged me.


I think they are still two distinct places. I lived in Silicon Valley from 1998-2012, and in that time period, SF was The City, and Silicon Valley was not. Different cultures, different businesses, different people, etc.

Edited by jennylauren123
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Marcus is worth 25%. She should have jumped at the chance.



Maybe she contacted both The Profit and Shark Tank and got mixed up on what kind of deal to make.


As for Mike...Marcus called it when he said he was a DICK.  He's also lazy.  He doesn't know how to lift a finger except to endorse a check.

I hope Marcus is suing them for the royalties that haven't been forwarded...and that Lazy Dick-Mike will have to pay all legal costs.


Edited because somehow I typed "sewing" instead of "suing"!  EGAD!

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 2

Regarding The Simple Greek, I just want to make an observation about "the Chicago store".  That store is in Highland Park, NOT Chicago.  Highland Park is a suburb about 30+ miles north of Chicago.   It's a lovely place, but people from Chicago are not running over to Highland Park for a quick lunch, no matter how fresh and tasty.  It always annoys me when people act like anything within a day's drive of Michigan Avenue is Chicago.

  • Love 3

When The Simple Greek aired, everyone on the forums wondered why Marcus needed them.  A year later he's finally starting to question it too. I wonder though if he has the same problem he did with Artistic Stitch where he doesn't want to admit to overestimating someone until it's really too late.


We did, however, get to see why Marcus wants partners. He wants someone to do the daily work for equity, not salary. That's something he probably can't get building from scratch. (And we've seen him willing to give salary too when they work that hard. But Marcus clearly wants to be a mostly passive owner and that requires someone who isn't.)

I wonder what Marcus did about Simple Greek not paying him what he was owed?  I doubt it was just a question of why they didn't pay him and he let it drop.  He's a pretty savvy businessman, so I imagine threats of lawsuits were involved.  

I really wish we'd seen the answer. It has to have been more than just "I didn't think you'd notice". If it was there's no way Marcus would have resolved it so easily. I'm sure I wouldn't have been on Mike and Kathleen's side with it, but it feels unfair to have been presented the scenario without their answer.

Okay, so let me say that I HATE that Marcus is put into these uncomfortable positions of working with douche bags over and over.  That said, I hate Mike from The Simple Greek.  I didn't like him on the first episode and I like him less now.  Marcus was way TOO NICE to him when they had their talk.  Nothing seems to have changed and the fact that Mike and his wife aren't even paying Marcus what he is owed when he changed their entire business astounds me (what the hell was his excuse...it made no sense). And that they still don't visit the franchisees as promised.  It makes me wonder why the hell Marcus didn't buy him out right then and there.  I also think the wife is a wet blanket.  It will be interesting to see what happens in the next 12 months.

Marcus should have an accountant or bookkeeper on his payroll that watches over these Profit deals and in this case, the money should come to him and he doles it out.  He is 55%.  Can't rely on the cheaters to pay you.

Okay, so let me say that I HATE that Marcus is put into these uncomfortable positions of working with douche bags over and over.  That said, I hate Mike from The Simple Greek.  I didn't like him on the first episode and I like him less now.  Marcus was way TOO NICE to him when they had their talk.  Nothing seems to have changed and the fact that Mike and his wife aren't even paying Marcus what he is owed when he changed their entire business astounds me (what the hell was his excuse...it made no sense). And that they still don't visit the franchisees as promised.  It makes me wonder why the hell Marcus didn't buy him out right then and there.  I also think the wife is a wet blanket.  It will be interesting to see what happens in the next 12 months.

Marcus should have an accountant or bookkeeper on his payroll that watches over these Profit deals and in this case, the money should come to him and he doles it out.  He is 55%.  Can't rely on the cheaters to pay you.

I know, referring to a Highland Park business as "the Chicago store" is ridiculous. "Suburb" is not a tough concept.

This type of short-hand is insulting to the viewer. Part of the appeal of this show is that you get to "play" business owner and "play" potential investor while you watch. And what is more central to the fate of a retail business than location?

Chicago already has Greek-derived diners and plenty of nabe places to get Gyros/Souvlaki. So, yea, putting "The Simple Greek" in Highland Park or in a mall makes sense...nice, safe, healthier "ethnic" food for the Bourgeoisie. That's Highland Park!

Don't talk down to me, show, it cheapens my experience.

  • Love 3

Regarding The Simple Greek, I just want to make an observation about "the Chicago store".  That store is in Highland Park, NOT Chicago.  Highland Park is a suburb about 30+ miles north of Chicago.   It's a lovely place, but people from Chicago are not running over to Highland Park for a quick lunch, no matter how fresh and tasty.  It always annoys me when people act like anything within a day's drive of Michigan Avenue is Chicago.

Yet when Chicagoians have their crime issue pointed out they often state Highland Park is one of the safe areas of Chicago. Its part of the Chicago metropolitan area hence to everyone outside of Chicago it is Chicago. Its not a separate city to 99.9999% of the country. 

I noticed that, too. And it bugged me.


I think they are still two distinct places. I lived in Silicon Valley from 1998-2012, and in that time period, SF was The City, and Silicon Valley was not. Different cultures, different businesses, different people, etc.

Its because of the googlians moving into San Fran. Due to google employees rent and housing prices in San Fran have exploded. Now San Fran is one of the most expensive  cities to live in and there are protests against Google and Landlords are kicking out renters to list the places on Airbnb. 



  • Love 3

We did, however, get to see why Marcus wants partners. He wants someone to do the daily work for equity, not salary. That's something he probably can't get building from scratch. (And we've seen him willing to give salary too when they work that hard. But Marcus clearly wants to be a mostly passive owner and that requires someone who isn't.)


I would say it's less that he wants to be passive and more that he has a zillion businesses he's involved with, so he can't be in the weeds on the day-to-day with all of them all the time. 

  • Love 1

Yet when Chicagoians have their crime issue pointed out they often state Highland Park is one of the safe areas of Chicago. Its part of the Chicago metropolitan area hence to everyone outside of Chicago it is Chicago. Its not a separate city to 99.9999% of the country. 


I've actually never heard Highland Park (or any suburb outside of Chicago) singled out as an example of a safe area within the city of Chicago.  Regardless, it's misleading to tell people that there's a Simple Greek in Chicago when it is, in fact, 35 miles outside of Chicago.  I understand why Lemonis would not want to make that distinction, but he really should.  

I've actually never heard Highland Park (or any suburb outside of Chicago) singled out as an example of a safe area within the city of Chicago.  Regardless, it's misleading to tell people that there's a Simple Greek in Chicago when it is, in fact, 35 miles outside of Chicago.  I understand why Lemonis would not want to make that distinction, but he really should.  

I have. Also take a look here http://www.thesimplegreek.com/apps/store-locator. Unless you zoom in a bunch guess where the dot is. Chicago. 

  • Love 1

I completely agree that there is gender discrimination, especially in VC, which is completely subjective and personal persuasion. That's how that world works.


Even saying "she didn't do everything right" feeds into that - because a lot of dudes don't "do everything right" but they still manage to get the money and the mentoring. And to see that as a woman in business is frustrating. 


So yes, as a woman, you have to be better than that. You have to be nearly perfect. And Farmgirl really isn't.

I was frankly rather put off by Marcus's response to her. His 'OMG she has some hangups!' bits put my shoulders right up around my ears. Putting aside Christina's imperfections as Profit-partner material (and I totally stipulate that there are many, that ree-DIC valuation being only one), his reaction suggesting that what she reports as her lived experience is all in her mind is something women hear all the damn time: oh, it's all in your head. Oh, ha-ha, you must be a man-hater. And : 'Oh, I'd be the same person if I were a woman'? No, you certainly would not, you dripping tool.  And because Marcus has done so well by women partners so far in the series, I found this particular engagement to be really out of tune.  


Meanwhile, after half an hour of 'get over it honey, it's just business', we get a half-hour of sentimental 'be supportive /proud of your son!' tear-jerking. 

  • Love 5

I have. Also take a look here http://www.thesimplegreek.com/apps/store-locator. Unless you zoom in a bunch guess where the dot is. Chicago. 


Yes, if you look at the red marker from a nationwide view, it does appear to be near the word "Chicago".  If you zoom in once or twice, the red marker becomes farther and farther away from the word "Chicago" and begins to appear in its proper context.  It's just geography.  Chicago and Highland Park are two very different cities, 35 miles away from each other.  I'm not making that up.

But most people have no idea what Highland Park is. Its a suburb of Chicago in the Chicago metro area. Usually people when they state something is in an area that is a metro just identify the city the metro area is named after rather then some what used to be a town on its own a hundred years ago. I live in a city that has a metro area of several hundred thousand people. The people in the various communities that comprise it put down the city the metro area is comprised of not the individual towns that it is comprised of. Most people just state they are neighborhoods of the city and don't even realize the neighborhoods have mayors of their own and just identify the big city mayor as their mayor. 

  • Love 1

I was on Twitter this morning and The Profit site has been posting reaction moments with the Simple Greek "dick".  In the comments section The Profit (Marcus) responds to a few people. One person wrote, the guy was a dick a year ago, he's a dick now.  A leopard doesn't change its spots (I am so paraphrasing).  Marcus wrote that he is probably going to transfer the 45% to the son.  He said the kid (Highland Park store) is a star and deserves to be rewarded.  So he had a plan B which we just weren't shown.

Marcus is a very smart man.

Edited by caligirl50
  • Love 2

I was on Twitter this morning and The Profit site has been posting reaction moments with the Simple Greek "dick".  In the comments section The Profit (Marcus) responds to a few people. One person wrote, the guy was a dick a year ago, he's a dick now.  A leopard doesn't change its spots (I am so paraphrasing).  Marcus wrote that he is probably going to transfer the 45% to the son.  He said the kid (Highland Park store) is a star and deserves to be rewarded.  So he had a plan B which we just weren't shown.

Marcus is a very smart man.

If he can do that, I hope he does.  The stepfather doesn't really deserve anything at this point.  When he walked into the Chicagoland store (over an hour late) and started criticizing everything.. I was hoping Marcus would remind him that he had 4 months in which he could have shown up and participated.  Instead Marcus points out that leaders don't criticize, they inspire.  True but this guy isn't supposed to be just a cheerleader, he's supposed to be of practical help as well.

  • Love 1

I wasn't impressed with the Farm girl Flowers arrangements. The burlap and ribbons are cute but the bouquet has so much filler that makes it look cheap. And not sure how the prices are better than larger stores. I looked online and they were advertising a bouquet for $109 not including shipping.

Their concept is cool though and I love the branding but it's not for me.

  • Love 2
If he can do that, I hope he does.  The stepfather doesn't really deserve anything at this point.  When he walked into the Chicagoland store (over an hour late) and started criticizing everything.. I was hoping Marcus would remind him that he had 4 months in which he could have shown up and participated.  Instead Marcus points out that leaders don't criticize, they inspire.  True but this guy isn't supposed to be just a cheerleader, he's supposed to be of practical help as well.



I also hated the mother.  She is the type of woman to turn her back on her children to please the man she is with ( I have seen this happen to adult children many times).


They are lucky that Marcus intervened, because the mother was happily letting that asshole run the business into the ground and destroy the family's legacy.  I think she got off rather lightly.


I also noticed when the original franchisees (pre Marcus) were complaining, they were talking about the mother as well.  She also sold them a bill of goods and would only come in to collect a check.  She cried some artfully placed tears in being called out, but I think she is a low life, just like her current husband.

Edited by qtpye
  • Love 5

I also hated the mother.  She is the type of woman to turn her back on her children to please the man she is with ( I have seen this happen to adult children many times).


They are lucky that Marcus intervened, because the mother was happily letting that asshole run the business into the ground and destroy the family's legacy.  I think she got off rather lightly.


I also noticed when the original franchisees (pre Marcus) were complaining, they were talking about the mother as well.  She also sold them a bill of goods and would only come in to collect a check.  She cried some artfully she tears in being called out, but I think she is a low life, just like her current husband.

The mother did have some smug looks on her face when Marcus was talking to them.  She's well aware that they aren't holding their own end and are just coasting.

  • Love 2

I dislike Kathleen MORE than the dick. She's the boys' MOTHER, ffs, and can't give them any support??


I also didn't understand why it was kind of glossed over that they have basically been "stealing" from Marcus by not paying him his share of the franchise fees. I guess they got that all worked out, but if I had been Marcus, I would have insisted that I was buying them out and get them the hell out of there. Why he hangs on to some of these people just amazes me. He's a much nicer person than I am, that's for sure.

  • Love 1

I think the show should have said the store was in "the Chicago suburb of Highalnd Park" or "outside Chicago in Highaldn Park." No one has said spend a half hour explaining exactly where it is.


On other shows haven't they said things like "near XYZ?"  It's not that complicated. And 35 miles away is what I would call a far out suburb at that. It's not like it's just on the outside of the Chicago line (so you think OK its right there) -- or even 15 miles out..  it IS completely misleading -- and just plain factually incorrect and LYING -- to say a store or restaurant, or business in Highland Park is "in Chicago."


Like I said ,just say outside or near Chicago. Viewers are smart enough to understand-- and appreciate -- that. 


OK  Mike is a dick, He always was a Dick. And a lazy one at that. If franchise fees are a percentage then the better the stores do the more they pay, right? So I'd think Mike would want the outlets to do well….isn't HE the one who's quick to say HE started it and HE's associated with it? So then WORK to make sure it grows and is even more successful…DICK! He's a lazy arse.


Now let me get to mom. What is HER problem. How the hell does she not support her son? She hadn't been to visit the store? That's on HER, not Mike. Mom seems like a needy lost type. No clue. Weak. The type that always looks to a man to tell her what to do. WHY isn't SHE more involved in the business behind the franchise? HER kids are the ones busting their asses for it.


Someone refresh my memory……did she and her husband start this business. Did MIKE start this, or did he marry into it, when he married her. Perhaps the family had ONE place and she pushed for opening more?


I know we don't know ALL of HER story -- but I'm so sick of seeing women who are weak, and needy and just let assholes like Mike run their lives. But some people are strong or have certain aptitudes…and others don't. 


I was trying not to be as direct as others -- about the mom. But yeah, she's an ass wipe too. I hope Marcus can figure out how to dump them BOTH! I want to wipe the smug look of mom's face so badly. She's lucky I'm not Marcus. "Cause I'd have ripped her a new one also. Apparently a few of us would.

Edited by selhars
  • Love 1

When The Simple Greek aired, everyone on the forums wondered why Marcus needed them.  A year later he's finally starting to question it too. I wonder though if he has the same problem he did with Artistic Stitch where he doesn't want to admit to overestimating someone until it's really too late.

I'm starting to wonder that too. I remember seeing a tweet complaining about Marcus being too trusting and I think that may have something to do with it. 

  • Love 1


Now San Fran is one of the most expensive  cities to live in and there are protests against Google and Landlords are kicking out renters to list the places on Airbnb.

When was it last not one of the most expensive cities? 


Poor Christina. Too bad we didn't get to see Marcus drill down into why Christina needs others to know that she's not weak? 

When was it last not one of the most expensive cities? 


Poor Christina. Too bad we didn't get to see Marcus drill down into why Christina needs others to know that she's not weak? 

ITs gotten way more expensive since 2009. We are talking illegal to move into shack (since it considered unsafe for humans) going for two million expensive. 

  • Love 1

I was frankly rather put off by Marcus's response to her. His 'OMG she has some hangups!' bits put my shoulders right up around my ears. Putting aside Christina's imperfections as Profit-partner material (and I totally stipulate that there are many, that ree-DIC valuation being only one), his reaction suggesting that what she reports as her lived experience is all in her mind is something women hear all the damn time: oh, it's all in your head. Oh, ha-ha, you must be a man-hater. And : 'Oh, I'd be the same person if I were a woman'? No, you certainly would not, you dripping tool.  And because Marcus has done so well by women partners so far in the series, I found this particular engagement to be really out of tune.  


Meanwhile, after half an hour of 'get over it honey, it's just business', we get a half-hour of sentimental 'be supportive /proud of your son!' tear-jerking. 


When the lead-in started, with her saying that she couldn't get money because she was a woman, I was waiting for a big reveal of her being unrealistic. Then, Marcus said that she experienced it, and that it was a problem for women. He acknowledged the issue. He also pointed out her valuation issue and that she kept bringing up he was a man, and she kept bringing up she was a strong woman.


Even if the only mentions that we saw were the only ones that were taped, she was quite die-hard in her discomfort at needing a man to step in. I don't think she disliked Marcus, just didn't want to need him. In my opinion, if he were female she would have been okay and more inclined to give the 25%. I think she was unrealistic in her valuations of her baby, but hope everything works out well for her. I also think that Marcus would have given her the option to buy back shares as time went on. He did that for a business in the past, but I don't remember which one.

Edited by Christina
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