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S20.E05: Week 5


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I wonder if when these women say they Ben won't keep anyone around that he doesn't see a future with if they really believe that? He has to keep people around so the show is long enough! Or when they get mad when the Bachelor isn't honest with them about their feelings...they can't always be honest or there would be no show....no competition. Who knows. Maybe it's all scripted. Lauren H is just not pretty....I know it's not about looks only but him saying she was beautiful I was confused by.

  • Love 6

I hate the "wake the girl up" thing that they have been doing.  It's ridiculous and not entertaining in the least. I know they have to do it early because it's usually a way out of town.  


What was that thing on top of Becca's head?  She looked ridiculous. And did she pack any clothes other than cutoffs? The Spanish lessons were cute though. And some of the food looked amazing.  This is probably my favorite group date in years.  And Emily waving around the huge carving knife was cute! 


I absolutely loved the clothes from the fashion show, but Ben's shirt was too short.  Obviously, their sample sizes are for guys a LOT shorter than Ben. I went to the designer's website and that shirt Ben wore lists for $299 and the trench coat Lauren wore was $930. GORGEOUS! I would kill for that coat.  And it looked like they had a fun time at the show. They both did great. 


've got nothing left to say about either Olivia or Jubilee. They're not worth it.

  • Love 6

And another two hours of my life ticks away. They need to drop the Olivia focus. She's just irritating, and I fail to see how irritating many of your viewers is a good tactic for a show to take.


The Lauren B. makeout was kind of hot. That almost made up for the awful twin tears and phone call moment. Between the twins and Olivia, I don't know who would win the award for least genuine/believable contestant of the season.

  • Love 5

Enjoyed seeing Mexico City!  


The "girls" had no reason to be annoyed at Olivia for grabbing Ben for the cooking challenge.  You're here for the guy, and the first thing you do when told to divide up into teams is grab another girl?  Olivia and Jubilee were smart to go for Ben.  I wish more women had!  


What was on top of becca's head during the cooking date?!  And whose weave was that he picked up when he woke them up?!


I saw sincerity between he and Lauren B.  That kissing looked very real, and he really didn't seem to want to end their time together! 


Some feelings being had with Amanda, too, I think.  I don't think TBTB can pass up the opportunity to have the hometown visit with him meeting the kids, so she's assured for the final 4.  I like her, but don't think she looks "fresh".  The heavy makeup, black and bleached hair, pink lipstick- I think it detracts from her beauty.  I'd love to give her a good face and hair washing.


Speaking of which, the women look so different au naturale when they're not made up for dates!  Becca looked barely recognizable without her eyes done, and I really liked Emily's lighter makeup when she read the date card.  I notice several of them have terrible skin with makeup spackled on top.  Not that many of us don't have skin issues, too, but having such heavy makeup can't be healthy for the skin!  


Ugh, now TB is shilling for McDonalds?  


Buh-bye, Jubilee- I was tired of her attitude and complicated-ness.  

Edited by awaken
  • Love 6

Emily is not the brightest bulb and I don't even know who that brunette was that talked to Ben last.

The one who looked like someone smooshed up Kate Hudson, Renee Zelweger, and Michelle Kwan? Is her name Betty or something?

Lauren H has great legs. I am sorry to say her face, even with pro makeup, is like a non pretty Sarah Jessica Parker. And SJP can look like a shoe. But great legs.

Olivia has a manly profile. Lauren B looks great without makeup. It's good to see that Twin fits into all her mothers spangly, sequined dresses from 1985.

Jo jo reminds me of Khloe Kardashian mixed with a pug.

I'm having trouble telling some of them apart. I blame it on the stupid extensions, center parted, with the "beachy" waves. Is Leah teen mom? Or is teen mom the Tenly looking one?

Glad Ben called Jubilee on her sullen shit.

Twin calling other twin and sniffling snot all red faced was not cute. I wish she had been sent home with Jubilee.

Becca has the brassiest horse looking hair. I'm not a hairdresser, but I would love to get at some of these women with some toner, hair extension removal thingum, and some old fashioned Aussie Five minute miracle.

Edited by Mu Shu
  • Love 4

Had to roll my eyes at the Twitter response to Ben sending Jubilee home. Firstly, yeah it might be normal in the real world for Jubilee to act distant because he's dating 10 other girls, but that is the entire premise of the show she willingly signed up for, so I don't feel any sympathy for her regarding that, because it's not a surprise that he's feeling a connection with other girls. And also, the "You said that to the last four girls," attitude - he said it to the last four girls, because those were the phrases they were learning in Spanish. He wasn't actually saying he was falling in love with everyone, JFC. It just felt like unnecessary attitude and commentary and I can see why he sent her home. Also, this is veering into a bit of dangerous territory, but a lot of comments I've seen on social media were basically saying that they were mad that Ben sent the minority contestant home. Uh, her being sent home had nothing to do with her race and everything to do with her attitude, and furthermore, Ben shouldn't keep her around just because she's a WOC. 


The 'To Be Continued' shit again? I thought we were done with that after the trainwreck that was Kaitlyn's season. Ugh. 

  • Love 20

That is one stupid group of people.  That includes Ben.  The single mom leads the pack in stupidity.  She is vacant.   How many times did she say the word "like" in her speech to Ben talking about her sucky marriage? 


JoJo talking to Ben after he told Jubilee to hit the road was nauseating.  Oh Ben, you are so courageous!  It must be so hard!  Don't you feel bad, the rest of us will kiss your feet, not like that ungrateful Jubilee!


Whether Jubilee went too far with her "pulling back", there was no way Ben was bringing a black girl back to whatever mid-west farm town he is from.  So I guess it worked out for him to have an excuse to get rid of her. 


Ben's eyes are too close together and it makes him look even slower than he actually is.

  • Love 15


Ben's eyes are too close together....


THAT'S what it is! Not gonna lie, he brings the pretty a little bit for me (he looked smokin' hot walking that runway, complete with adorable wink to Lauren H.). But then in other scenes I was trying to figure out what was *off* about him! I think he is coming across as a nice guy, sincere, earnest even, in his attempt to FEEL SOMETHING. I really like Lauren H., but she is too good for this show. As is Jubilee. I hope she is not so lacking in confidence in her "normal" life and it was just this artificial situation. 


Also, how has Emily gotten to the ripe old age of 23 without having done a tequila shot? EVER? Not even ONE? She does come across as about 16, so maybe that's why. I did love Lauren B. in that scene. I wish they'd show the outtakes all the time instead of the scripted/edited scenes.

  • Love 1

So Jubilee and Olivia both glom onto Ben to be their partner at the cooking competition, and Ben thinks three on a team is fine. Then the chef points out that there are ten people in the competition, including Ben, so the teams have to be two people each, or one woman would be left out. Seems to me that if Ben was really such a sensitive and gentlemanly guy, when he found himself in the middle of a Jubilee-Olivia clutch-off, he would have stepped away from them both, and offered to partner the woman who had been left out.

  • Love 18

Jo jo reminds me of Khloe Kardashian mixed with a pug.


I totally think she looks like a Kardashian! I think I said it on one of the previous weeks!  I can't unsee it.


Watching Emily cry to Ben with "She's so MEAN! I can't stand fake people!" and wailing on the phone to her sister about it was just embarrassing.  I don't know why they think going to TB with all their petty spats will lead to a positive outcome for them, unless they're put up to this by production.  It's such a tired plotline, I agree, Vienna 2.0- "if you like HER, I obviously can't be right for you so I should go home right now!"

Edited by awaken
  • Love 2

Lauren H. seems like a great person, but the pulling faces and opening her mouth hugely in surprise is just too much and annoying to watch.  I would be embarrassed for my son's K teacher if she were on the Bachelor!  


And the fact that every other word of her mouth is "Like"?  What is she teaching those poor children?


Some of us (me) thought Jubilee was the hottest one there, and the most interesting, and we saw some real depth to the date between Ben and Jubilee.  And then he was just like Bye!  Ouch.  All the interest in the show has been vaccuumed out.  How many times do I need to see Olivia's pupils dilate and uvula?


To me, it's not a strike against Jubilee that she's complicated and has intrigue and baggage.  She's a complex person and was very guarded.  That's the most "offensive" thing about her which I am not offended by.  She held my interest which is more than what the others brought for me.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 9

If last week was The Bridge Episode this week was The Taffy Episode – a small cluster of nothing pulled and stretched to infinity.  Making matters worse, it was that nasty Olivia licorice flavor.


-Amanda is being portrayed as someone on the continuum between the Blessed Virgin Mary and Hester Prynne.  But having a child at any age remains a volitional act.  Having a second one in the midst of probable or known marital or relationship strife is also volitional.  And probably not a smart move.  Portraying any 25 year old male as someone who wants to take on two young children strains credulity no matter how smitten with the mother he may be.


-Mexico City and vicinity are known for some of the worst air quality on Planet Earth due to weather, geography and a Third World nation that isn’t concerned with environmental niceties.  Jumping into a hot air balloon for an early-morning dose of smog seems something less than romantic.


-Short haircut Ben has taken his share of abuse, but grown-out-hair Ben looks like Peter Brady.  Get thee to a barber shop.


-Is it a collective case of arrested development that has grown women jumping excitedly onto hotel beds?  Most hotel beds are horrible and uncomfortable.  Why not raid the minibar?


-Oh dear.  Jubilee’s talons have gone AWOL.  Someone alert the military police.


-Speaking a love language?  Is that the dialect that uses ‘like’ every other word as adjective, verb and noun?


-Caila and her teeny bopper nonstop silly grin are back.  Except it finally disappeared during her long waits with the others.


-The girls get grumpy about the date selections.  When will they catch on that the producers have a vote on the pairings?


-Rule #1 for tourists in Mexico:  don’t accept rides that go more than 10 ft above the ground or more than 10 ft below water.


-Amanda wears her vertiginous high heeled boots on a picnic.  As you do.  It’s a lovely napkin top she’s almost wearing.


-Impressive historical ruins?  To hell with that.  Let’s have a picnic and canoodle.


-The less said about Olivia the better.  Her excessive camera time is trolling the audience and an excuse to go with a secondary storyline in planted media stories if the Bachelor’s final pairing turns out to be boring or futile.


-The staged waving scenes between the Bachelor and the girls are about as authentic as a Mentos commercial.


-Leah wore her authentic Mexican kimono.


-The one ingredient sadly missing from the group date:  fun.


-Amazing how The Interrupt Rule is not invoked, enforced or even shown when Olivia is monopolizing Ben’s time.


-Lauren B is fearless of any camera angle in that snug white outfit.  Bags of confidence.  Ben sought her out again.


-Steamy sexual chemistry still there with JoJo.  Watch Ben’s eyes.  His unblinking stare quotient will tell you who’s he interested in.  Amazingly, I didn’t hate JoJo’s mesh/lace shower curtain number.  It seemed to suit her.  She doesn't seem tied to current boring and off-putting fashion.  More interesting than the leftover prom dresses at least.


-Jubilee got her well-earned comeuppance and ticket home.  I guess pouting for long stretches wasn’t such an attractive look, eh?  Well done to Ben for finding at least a portion of the gonads to send her packing.  Can’t deny she didn’t get a fair crack of the whip but grumped her way out of the show.


-Hilarious to hear Lauren H use the term ‘Friend Zone’ because that’s where she is having her mail forwarded for the time being.  Zero chemistry between them, overhyped winks on a fashion catwalk notwithstanding.


-Emily took one for the team in dishing the dirt on Olivia.  It probably means Ben will view her as a provocateur and send her home shortly.


-To my utter amazement The Bachelor was actually swayed by the succession of girls bitching about one of their own ie Olivia.  Shame that she already had a rose for clinging to Ben like a barnacle but perhaps a ‘most dramatic Bachelor’ moment may occur with the rose being revoked.


-I’m rooting for the calm, collected Jennifer.  Fear she has still not made a connection and got mixed up in the Hate Olivia parade.  The internet is awash in unimaginative ‘Jennifer who?’ rhetoric but as we all know the editing on this show is neither proportional nor fair.


  • Love 9

I love Mexico City and was so happy they went there. I'm sure a lot of people watching were surprised to see what it's like. And the Four Seasons looked gorgeous. IThe fashion show and balloon ride were both things that looked like fun.


'm liking the dates this season--nothing humiliating like mud wrestling or dangerous like jumping in swimsuits into genuine ice water. Hope it stays that way!

  • Love 2

Also, how has Emily gotten to the ripe old age of 23 without having done a tequila shot? EVER? Not even ONE? She does come across as about 16, so maybe that's why. I did love Lauren B. in that scene. I wish they'd show the outtakes all the time instead of the scripted/edited scenes.


Although I'd tasted alcohol before, I didn't have a tequila shot until I was older than Emily. People's experience with booze varies. 


I still have to watch tonight's drama with Olivia unfold--I PVRd the show, and turned it off during the fashion show preview. I also missed a significant portion of Jubilee and Ben's discussion, but I'm glad that she left. (I don't mean that in a malicious way.) If someone is serious about exclusivity in her relationships and is familiar with this show's format, I don't know why she would apply to be a part of it.

Edited by C76
  • Love 1

Can't really comment on what is on Twitter. I don't know that people are upset that Ben sent Jubilee home because she is a "WOC" as someone put it, but people are probably upset that they are tired of the pretense that there is a chance for a "WOC."  With that being said, those that come on the show know somewhat what they are signing up for.  I would imagine that even the strongest of us think we can handle being away from real friends and family and living in this artificial world and being normal.  


The stress of "competing" for a man on top of the environmental conditions has got to be great, but unfortunately real or imagined, the producers decided for drama purposes to show an edit of Jubilee being treated unfairly by the other women....and Olivia too, however the portrayal of Olivia makes it seem more deserving.  Because of the manipulative edit, some of the audience sees a girl that is different, who went on there with her hopes up, only to be treated poorly by the other women when she seems sincere. They are reacting to her story and to that.  I am quite sure ( and some of the scenes not shown) that she was not as sulky, mopey and hard to get along with as she was shown, but I also believe that Olivia is not as crazy as she is being made out to be, and some of the others not as catty or sweet as they are being made to be. 


Just like the producers wanted to further the myth that black women are "abrupt, difficult to get along with, unstable, etc." posters want to foster the myth that the only reason people could like Jubilee or want her to stay is because she is a WOC, or that minority people feel entitled to things or like someone owes them something.   I say kudos to her for realizing this was not for her, kudos to Ben for ending the farce.  I cry foul, however, on casting, the producers (and probably Ben) for even pretending that she ever had a chance.  If she had come on and been grinning from ear to ear ( and being GRATEFUL) for every glance, she still would not have made it far.  Let's face it,anyone who wants to be the Bachelor also wants every girl there to be fawning over him , hanging on his every word and being happy to please him....with no criticism of him at all!  


If she was sincere about wanting to find someone, this is the best thing that could have happened to Jubilee, and she got two more trips out of it. I feel the same about the mathematician, lawyer, and the others that went home to real careers and some self esteem.   To be shown gossiping, tattling, etc. is not a good look for anyone.  Do they portray the men this way on the Bachelorette? 


I mean, what has she lost?  Most of these people don't survive in a relationship for the very reasons I stated above....love, romance and attraction created under artificial circumstances rarely last when tested in the "real" world. 

  • Love 15

Why Jubilee won't be the next Bachelorette...


This goes beyond the fact that's not top 4, which there have never been a Bachelorette that was not top 4...


Jubilee from the start came off like a strong contender. Perhaps never a winner contender, but with all things being said I feel comfortable enough in my cynicism to say that most girls comes on this show to be the next bachelorette and not the winner of the season. Jubilee is a veteran, has a unique sense of humor, and besides being West Indian (Hatian) she seemed to set herself apart from many of the girls who were more... interchangeable. When Ben says that Jubilee is "intriguing" I take that to mean he had never seriously dated someone like her and getting to know her better was something he was opened to doing. Well within his rights, and does not make him disingenuous. 


Jubilee will not be the next bachelorette because like it or not, she doesn't play the game. Even though a lot of people either "love or hate" Jubilee, we don't know much about her beyond the headlines. We don't really know what she's like when she's seriously involved in a suitor because Ben realized that once the "intrigue" was gone between he and Jubilee, other girls were just more important to foster relationships. All prior bachelorettes were either really sweet, or quarky, maybe even witty but they endeared themselves in some kind of way to the public where they can carry the franchise based on what we know of how they are like in a relationship. All we know about Jubilee is that she needs a lot of reassurance. Even though the tables would be turned if she were a bachelorette, I just don't think ABC is willing to hedge their bets and have another Juan Pablo incident (totally different kind of person obviously, but still generally disliked). 


I like Jubilee, maybe I'm wrong. Who knows maybe she'll do Bachelor in Paradise but I just doubt she'll be a bachelorette. 

  • Love 2

And another two hours of my life ticks away. They need to drop the Olivia focus. She's just irritating, and I fail to see how irritating many of your viewers is a good tactic for a show to take.



I'm actually starting to be on Olivia's side, because it's so obvious that she's getting the bitch edit. . I hope that she lives a long and happy life when she's done with this season, because the producers aren't even making a good show of matching her actual lips with the voiceovers.  I think that because she became an on-air person so young she's become used to producers helping her to look good on camera, which hasn't worked out well for her this season.  It never ceases to surprise me why young women who want a career go on this show. 


She's only what- 23/24?  She's a baby, and getting the ass end of a D-list producers' cut who wants to create drama in a season that seems mostly filled with 'nice' people. 

  • Love 2

Hmmm, I don't know, Gomer Pyle was in for quite some time and I don't recall him rising in the ranks, swiftly an he was sweet as pie! I know plenty of people in the military and for some reason, they seem to like and promote bad attitudes...in fact it seems to be admired.

Its highly unusual to remain at private rank for so long. I'm assuming you're joking about Gomer Pyle.

  • Love 1

There is almost nothing I hate more than not giving us the Rose Ceremony at the end of a given episode. Especially since I know for sure they're just going to cut some cannon fodder. I just hope we get two rose ceremonies this time. I'm bored to tears by the "will Olivia get de-rosed?" plotline. She won't. Amber didn't even get de-rosed, and he literally saw her engaging in undesirable behavior while having much less interest in her to begin with.


Very interesting that Show and post-Show seem to be framed a Team Jubilee fashion (despite ample reasons to judge Jubilee's behavior, all of which have been touched upon here. Even when you are a favorite, as she was before she melted down, the principal can't pay attention to you all the time.). Jubilee has been edited in a very sympathetic sort of way. She always appears to be the victim and acting to defend herself, which may or may not reflect her experience in the house. This episode Ben had a rare "bad night" editing-wise. Jubilee, for better or for worse, behaves like how most normal people (who would never sign up to participate in TB) imagine that they would behave on the show, so it was kind of rough to see him coldly cut her off, for what was edited to seem like not cowtowing to him enough (especially given the ridiculous dialogue Jojo spouted directly after). Then, Ben gave Olivia a group date rose, and then that openly chemistry-less date, bought and paid for by Mexico City, with Lauren H occurred.  The framing really encourages viewers to say to themselves "hey, why didn't Ben have more patience with Jubilee as opposed to keeping a producer plant and various no-hopers like Lauren H and Leah around?"Jubilee's been pretty positively received by Bachelor Nation due to her edit (which was directly at the otherwise popular Bachelor's expense), so maybe, maybe they're thinking about making her Bachelorette after all. Her main problem seemed to be that she wasn't the center of attention on The Bachelor, so maybe she could handle being Bachelorette. She wouldn't be my choice, but the editing choices in this episode and the discussion on Bachelor Live make me think it's actually a possibility.


Jennifer is getting a Samantha edit, sadly. I've been waiting and waiting for her to maybe be a dark horse, but I wouldn't even be surprised if she was cut with Leah at the start of next episode.


Lauren B actually seems like she might be a cool person in the little snippets we see of her. Show seems to want to hide her personality so much, to make her seen and not heard, so to speak. She's obviously getting the F1 edit, so it would be interesting to see why Ben likes her, because it seems as though he likes talking to her as well as being super-attracted to her. What do they talk about when she's not just saying how much she likes him?

  • Love 5
The only thing I found "mysterious" and "intriguing" about the pouty Jubilee is how she did 4.5 years in the military and never rose above PFC. She should have been Specialist 1 after two years if she was an average soldier. Methinks her shitty attitude had a lot to do with it.


There are a lot of assumptions about a person's history that has never been explored on this show being made to find something negative to say about this person.  None of us obviously know what happened with Jubilee's service.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 17

I honestly don't know why this quote was attributed to me.  I did not say that. 


If someone has to comment on Gomer Pyle, I can see why they did not like Jubilee.  Clearly she and I have a similar sense of humor and a lot of people just don't get it!  


I personally don't care about people's personal business...I don't care any more about why she is a private than I would want to know how many times one girl took the bar, or what someone's grade point average was in college...it really is irrelevant to the qualifications of this show, or how or why people support one contestant over another. 


Outside of the social, class, gender and racial representation  (or misrepresentation) I don't know why people get so worked up about this show. From what I have been able to gather, even the people who make it as a couple are so addicted to the artificial fandom they go on subsequent shows to try and milk it for all the attention (and prizes) they can.  How sad!

  • Love 4

My Ben-colored glasses have dimmed a bit.  I didn't think Jubilee was going to win, but that was brutal.  If he wants to get rid of her because she has an attitude or whatever, say that.  Say, "Whoops.  Thought you were layered, but you're just difficult."  But to say, "Oh, I'm only keeping people around who I see a future with."  Twin?  Boring Lauren H.?  Also, when he started getting riled up about how she wouldn't take his hand in front of everyone, that was the most emotion I'd seen out of him the entire time.  Their walk out was painful.  "If you'll just head this way..."  Yo, that was bad.

  • Love 12

This episode Ben had a rare "bad night" editing-wise. Jubilee, for better or for worse, behaves like how most normal people (who would never sign up to participate in TB) imagine that they would behave on the show, so it was kind of rough to see him coldly cut her off, for what was edited to seem like not cowtowing to him enough (especially given the ridiculous dialogue Jojo spouted directly after). Then, Ben gave Olivia a group date rose, and then that openly chemistry-less date, bought and paid for by Mexico City, with Lauren H occurred.  The framing really encourages viewers to say to themselves "hey, why didn't Ben have more patience with Jubilee as opposed to keeping a producer plant and various no-hopers like Lauren H and Leah around?"




Agreed. Ben came off quite cold toward Jubilee in this episode. And I suspected he didn't like his edit based on his previous blogs, it was almost like he was doing damage control by being overly complimentary toward her. Then - on the after show, it was like he had to justify why he let her go.


Jubilee is quite perceptive - she named all the girls that he seemed the most interested in. I think she knew she was biding her time.

  • Love 13

Just to say I hope that all of the women get what they want out of this show.  From what I can tell, many of the "rejects" have managed to parlay their few minutes in the spotlight into business opportunities.  


I think maybe they should think about casting older people. The women, and Ben, just seem so young and so not ready for the "real" world.  I think the most offensive thing that I found is that I read the twins lived at home in little girl rooms.  I have to wonder about a man that would send grown women who have decent careers home, but keep someone still living with her mother like a little girl.That is what really has had me questioning Ben and his maturity....as well as this situation with Olivia. If this is "real" and producers are not making him keep her, then he is really not a perceptive person and just seems to be easily led. 

  • Love 5

Agreed. Ben came off quite cold toward Jubilee in this episode. And I suspected he didn't like his edit based on his previous blogs, it was almost like he was doing damage control by being overly complimentary toward her. Then - on the after show, it was like he had to justify why he let her go.


Jubilee is quite perceptive - she named all the girls that he seemed the most interested in. I think she knew she was biding her time.

I actually did not watch tonight as I knew what was coming for both Jubilee and Olivia and I just can't stand to see women portrayed that way.  I can piece together what happened from comments.  Thank you that I was not the only one that saw what he was doing with his blogs.  I honestly don't think they imagined that Jubilee would be so popular with fans, so his blogs have been all about damage control ( as were the edits) to show, "see, he is a nice, guy, but she did it to herself!"  They have also been written in a manner to justify why he kept Olivia.  I agree it is difficult for me to believe he honestly thought she had a chance, because when she expresses insecurity he gets rid of her instead of reassuring her, but keeps people he has barely been shown saying hello to.   This, after he contradicts himself by telling her ( and Amber) that he LOVES the fact that she says what she feels......as long as it is not a criticism or questioning of him.  Honestly, I think the blog will be more self serving.My guess is he won't say a lot about Jubilee and focus on the Olivia drama. 

  • Love 5

Before this episode I had no idea who Lauren H was, but during her date with Ben I thought for sure she was a goner. There was zero chemistry between them and honestly, I think he just chickened out somewhere on that date and decided that he couldn't dump another woman outside the rose ceremony and it was easier just to give her a rose and kiss her and then ditch her later. She was obviously just picked for the fashion show date because of her height and legs. And what was her sad story? A year after breaking up with her boyfriend she decides one morning that it's about time she stopped feeling sad and decided to start being happy. That was so non heartbreaking to me. She should have considered herself well rid of the cheater!!


Poor Jubilee. I don't understand why Ben had to cut her, but maybe it was the combination of being a grump in the kitchen and then a grump at the after party. Still, I think it's harder to get cut in the middle of the date/night but many Bachelors seem to think that's the considerate way to do it??? I don't get it.


Other than that, Olivia, blah blah blah, Olivia blah, blah, blah. 


And unless JoJo is the winner she will have one death glare for Ben at the Women Tell All if he doesn't give her plenty of warning that he's dumping her, since he just promised her he would. And that NEVER HAPPENS cuz he can't do that.




  • Love 6

Agreed. Ben came off quite cold toward Jubilee in this episode. And I suspected he didn't like his edit based on his previous blogs, it was almost like he was doing damage control by being overly complimentary toward her. Then - on the after show, it was like he had to justify why he let her go.


Jubilee is quite perceptive - she named all the girls that he seemed the most interested in. I think she knew she was biding her time.

I caught this as well she mentioned Lauren B, Olivia and Becca so I am guessing there is a lot we are not seeing and Jubilee from his interactions with different girls probably picked up on it, she was definitely insecure but her reading of him was quite right.

  • Love 3

I don't know, some people are saying he was kind and handled it with class, others are saying he was cold, etc. I guess it is all about perception.  I don't know if I can make it through two hours to form my own opinion.  Listen, I am all about silly shows. I watch all of the comic shows on television as old as I am...but I'd rather believe in Supergirl and Arrow than the feelings and sincerity of the people on the Bachelor. 


I still don't know if these girls get paid.  I wonder if the fact that she is friends with a former Bachelor helped Jo Jo get on the show? I am also not surprised at reports that Ben seems to have two girls on the string at the end....he seems as if he is easily led and just leads people on by trying to be too much of "the nice guy." 


Now that I know about these spin offs, it reminds me of my sister watching the Real World and they would have all these competition spin offs and the same people would come on over and over again, even when they seemed to be 30 and had been on the Real World 10 years ago. 


I hope we don't see Jubilee and Olivia on Bachelor Pad or whatever the spin off is. 

I don't know, some people are saying he was kind and handled it with class, others are saying he was cold, etc. I guess it is all about perception.  I don't know if I can make it through two hours to form my own opinion.


Personally, I thought he was trying to get her to talk herself into leaving so he wouldn't have to say it.  When they first sat down to talk and she said something about being overshadowed, he was real quick to go, "So are you saying this is getting too hard for you?"  Then towards the end, he asks her if she still thinks that they could build something together (which, obvi; she was sitting there telling him she wasn't intentionally pulling back and asking him not to give up on her) in an attempt to put the onus on her.  She turned it around and said, "No, you tell me."

  • Love 1

I liked Jubilee but am glad she left. Ben seemed angry, like he was just tired of her moping during the cooking date, and hurt/offended when she wouldn't even hold his hand in front of the others (if she wasn't strong enough to do THAT in front of the other women, then I think he felt she really just wasn't into him).  She wasn't a bad person, but I sympathized with him over her insecurity and moodiness.  Maybe in the real world they could have worked through it, but on a show like this, there's just not enough time for that kind of stuff.  I thought the way he let her go was okay; she should feel a little gratified by his reaction when she is watching from home.


He had zero chemistry with Lauren H, but I envied their date. Loved the clothes! Also, Lauren H has a great figure--fit in very well with the "other" models, and looked quite good, I thought, with her serious "model face". And Ben gives good spontaneous pep talks, "You're the most beautiful woman here. And you have every reason to feel very very confident." (paraphrasing). That said, it was so obviously not going anywhere with the two of them beyond, as she mentioned, the Friend Zone.


I think this is the first episode in all the seasons I've watched where I would have enjoyed going on any of the dates in an episode. Plus, Ben remains handsome and attentive even though it seems, underneath all the nice manners, he's getting tired of the process. (And, seriously, who could blame him? I think he's ready to concentrate on a relationship with one or two women--Lauren B, Olivia, maybe JoJo, maybe Caila--and has to keep putting energy into spending time with women he knows it isn't going anywhere with.).                                            

  • Love 5

Breaking up with someone is always difficult and I don't think there is a truly gentle way of letting someone go.  It hurts no matter what.  I think Jubilee is a good person, but is way too emotionally unstable for a relationship.  She's been through a lot in her young life and I think she would be better off working through her issues before jumping into any relationship.  Once she works on herself, she needs to pay closer attention to her body language.  Not wanting to hold Ben's hand or standing as far apart from him as possible during the Spanish lesson indicates a lack of interest.  Her needing constant reassurance while being very sulky is not an attractive combination.  The happy and positive attitudes of the other girls only made Jubilee's sulkiness stand out more, unfortunately.  


Frankly, it doesn't matter why Ben chooses certain women and sends other women home.  He is either attracted to someone or he isn't.  He doesn't need to justify his reasons to anyone.  Hell, he may not even understand why he likes a particular woman more than another.  Attraction isn't always logical.  

  • Love 14

Amanda is really pretty (except for that unfortunate choice of hair colors) but if I had to hear that mousy voice every day it would drive me nuts. I would have liked to saw her go after Olivia though. Not sure if Olivia unintentionally put her foot in her mouth or that was a direct diss but something tells me it was the latter. She then tells Ben that everyone was getting along fine and nothing out of the ordinary had happened when Ben questioned her after Emily talked to him. She's a piece of work, that one.


I hated to see Jubilee go but it was becoming evident that this show wasn't for her. She had a normal real world reaction to a situation that was anything but normal. We see this every season. Women crying that they are starting to care and jealous of the time the other women get. Makes me wonder why they even sign on to do this show. I believe they think they can endure and handle it but the reality is much worse than they expected.


I don't get the JoJo appeal. She's attractive to a extent but nothing over the top. I don't like the way she treated Caila and Jubilee in the one episode where they were trying to talk to her about their concerns and she just sat there all stone faced and uncommunicative. She was right along with the other women bashing Jubilee after she had her date with Ben but then pretended to console her at the bedroom door when Jubilee was upset over all the cattiness. Tonight she couldn't wait to let Ben finish his explanation about sending Jubilee home, when he was obviously upset, before she barged in to tell him how much she knew he was upset and she was there for him. Opportunist much? Nah..I don't like her.


Shame the most genuine ones left (Jennifer, Emily) probably don't stand a chance at being the B'ette. 


Lauren B just keeps getting better each episode. Ben's got that one right at least. 

  • Love 5

Like, I watched like this episode, and like, it was kinda interesting, like, when I was watching Ben, like, talk to Amanda, like, they said like a whole lot, then he asked Lauren H. out, and she, like, said like a whole lot, too, and like Ben loves to say like, too, so it was like really hard to listen to!


Becca's bun was weird.


Lauren H. isn't pretty in the least. But she is tall, slender and blond, so there's that.


Olivia's mouth is too big.


Emily is a baby.


Jubilee is a PITA.


Lauren B. is the winner.

  • Love 7

There are some excellent posts about this episode.  I have a few things to add.   I don't understand the ga-ga about Ben, he has the same blank expression that many of the bachelors have had including Juan Pablo and Prince Farming.  Now, personally I liked Prince Farming about as much as any Bachelor but he "chose poorly" to quote Monte Python.


Anyway, this season is falling into the usual.  Ben wants to make out with the hot girls and is being politically correct with everyone else.  JoJo is super attractive IMHO and she looks a ton like the girl in Wedding Crashers "which happens to be her favorite movie!".  My 3 "clubhouse leaders" from the get go were JoJo, Lauren B and Caila and I'd say they are still.  They seemed like appropriate fits for Ben in my opinion.  I would have put Amanda there also since she is so lovely and seemingly nice but the 45 "like, like, like" and her story should be red flag city.  Even though Ben loves that word also - its an entire generation of dimwits (but I digress).


In conclusion I still do not understand everyone's unconditional approval for Ben - I'm a guy and I just don't see it - I hope I am wrong.  If he goes any of my top 3 I'd say he would be doing well and "have a chance" for a reasonable post Bachelor relationship.  Now that being said, Amanda is potentially really a good fit but her situation is a lot to digest for a 25 year old guy who would likely have to move to California because of the kid situation.

Edited by mrwonderful99
  • Love 3

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