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Reel to Real: Backstage, Twitter, & All Media Dram-ugh

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aarrgghhh--I watched Gh off and on for years and years---I was there for the Scorpio years when robin was like 4 and then later for the duke and anna stuff and "think of Laura" whatever---but then JFP took over and Bob Guza wanted it to be Sopranos light and Sonny and Jason drove me away---do not want to go back especially if MS is there and is as bad as my friends who still watch tell me---but now Billy Miller--love that boy and yeah I will admit that he can phone it in or overact or whatever you want to call it but still he is head and shoulders beyond the material---not that that is an excuse but still...just today I heard whatsit say a line that was "not much" and I said "wow if Billy MIller had delivered that it would have meant something"--not the new guys fault but he is miscast and boring---I just hate that Y&R continues to circle the drain (after I convinced many watchers to give it another try) and the best actors go elsewhere and now actors that were good elsewhere---Cady McClain and most of the AMC imports suck here--it is not their fault--I know first hand what they are capable of ---Jason Farron Phelps ---not so much although I watched him too from day one on GH when he had the reindeer sweaters--lol--still he has been a dolt for as long as I can remember---ugh---still I may have to give Billy Miller a look on mom's GH recordings and that is what JFPs will never understand---treating Billy MIller like gum on her shoe was a stupid mistake---never mind Adam or any of the others she has dumped or will dump on---she does not get it---sigh

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Oh for the love of all that's holy. Make it STOP!!!!!


Kelly Sullivan (ex-Connie, GH) has been hired for a new role on Y&R. She will play Sage, who is described as “intelligent, competent, discreet, and reserved. However, that reserve masks a well of passion and fire beneath the surface. She’ll do anything for those she loves.” Enthuses Sullivan, “I’m incredibly honored and flattered to even be considered to be part of the YOUNG AND RESTLESS family. I’m also thrilled to be working with [Executive Producer] Jill Farren Phelps again like we did on GH."

For now, the role is recurring, and Sullivan starts taping on September 24. Her first air date is set for October 28. For the full interview with Sullivan, check out the issue of Digest on sale 9/22.

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Kristoff St. John appeared on the local news today to promote the reunion with Malcolm but really turned out to be just a promotion for how great Y&R is especially the ratings which according to him are the biggest ever.  Listen for his comments when asked about the younger talent and fumbles trying to pick two to promote.  Best is at the end when he's asked out how well the cast gets along and he makes this comment, "There are people there that don't like each other and we box at lunchtime"--Truth not fiction!  


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Oh I don't know, it sounded to me like he was joking. What really struck me was his comment about how hard it is to find GOOD young actors. We've been singing that song for years, but it was interesting to hear him say it.

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"There are people there that don't like each other and we box at lunchtime"--Truth not fiction! 




This has been written about since the early '80s. I'm not going into the specific personalities, as most everyone who reads these soap boards knows the usual suspects involved. Y&R has been reported to the most toxic BTS place in the daytime industry - for years. It's not surprising, really.  This particular soap has been able to attract very talented actors (some of whom moved into the genre after successful movie, primetime and stage careers as they aged), and the soap has maintained it's #1 status for longer than any soap in the history of the business. It's its own pond so to speak, and in it are some big fish in the relatively small pond that daytime  drama represents within the Hollywood television industry. 

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Posted by texcub1957 - Today. 12:03 am




I have nothing to say about the veracity of the article but do have a few points about that site the article is on:


  • it's a click-bait site. The writers apparently are paid a reasonable amount--per article--for such sites but it's still basically the journalistic version of piece work (IMO).


  • the site is based in Australia. Nothing against Australia it seems odd to me that they are posting this news before the usual major U.S sites did--International Date Line notwithstanding.

    Interestingly, RadarOnline--the National Enquirer's sister website--has posted this article almost word-for-word without attribution to the Inquisitr site. Makes me wonder which site may have ripped off the other, or whether they're owned by the same company.


  • the author of the article also has history on another click-bait site (from which MM news has shown up here and on TWOP in the past) that does pay per number of clicks. Articles about MM have apparently proven to be guaranteed attention-grabbers, especially with the notoriety angle.


tl;dr: The details provided in the article may or may not be completely factual or objective and readers should probably exercise some caution.


Update: either I glossed over it on initial reading or the site has since been updated, but the Inquisitr article linked above references RadarOnline's article. That probably explains the similar wording between the two postings. But that also means the story apparently originated from the National Enquirer group, which has its own long-established notoriety.

Edited by radishcake
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•the site is based in Australia. Nothing against Australia it seems odd to me that they are posting this news before the usual major U.S sites did--International Date Line notwithstanding.



Interesting that this story broke in Australia which is where Michael Muhney is at the moment for several weeks.  He's been at Comic Con in Brisbane where he was on a Veronica Mars panel.  He's now in Sydney.


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I would bet anything Muhney leaked it. He definitely has that victim mentality. He just can't let it go. Sex offenders often blame their victims and say it's all lies. Not saying Muhney is or isn't. Just saying he has that in common with them.

Edited by Runningwild
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Posted by texcub1957 - Today. 12:03 am





“It really looked like it was going to happen, until the cast found out. Led by veteran Doug Davidson, the cast felt betrayed by the move. Everyone had moved on from the difficult time, so for this to be happening was shocking. The cast said if Muhney was re-hired, they would essentially boycott and not film.”


Apparently only one actress was in support of Michael coming back to the show. Sharon Case, who portrays Sharon Newman, really wanted to see her former co-star come back to the Y&R canvas.

    “Sharon was truly looking forward to working with Michael again. She didn’t like the storyline of her character, and thought Muhney would spice up her scenes once again. She is very isolated from the rest of the cast because she firmly stands in Michael’s corner.”

Sharon Case was pictured with Michael Muhney when the two of them and their families were in Hawaii at the same time a few months ago. The two appeared to be on good terms and remain friends in spite of the scandal.

There is a bit of weirdness here because of the way I merged these thread. There are a few replies that come BEFORE the actual post they are replying to.

Do NOT start a topic with a link to an article. All articles, twitter, facebook, media in general go in this topic.

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Here's a blurb from Branco's SU, and I essentially I heard the same thing on DC last week or the week before (right after JH was cast) whether he was actually in discussion with the show to come back:


"..., talent agent Michael Bruno confirmed on Martha Madison and Lilly Melgar’s web talker, SOAP BOX, that the controversial star wasn’t making stuff up and his tweet was indeed true (Why would Muhney piss off a big network and studio publicly by lying about something that never happened; his high-profile manager and agents would never allow that).


FYI: Other candidates for the role, according to Bruno, were: SEX AND THE CITY’s Jason Lewis, SMALLVILLE’s Tom Welling, and one of my fave actors, QUEER AS FOLK’s Gale Harold."

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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I wouldn't put it past Jill Farren Phelps to bring him back despite the reasons he was let go, but it was obvious the cast wouldn't have allowed that to happen. It just frustrates me that they would even go through the trouble to try and get him back, yet a proven Y&R star like Victoria Rowell (who has done nothing wrong) is blacklisted. Rowell has proven the ratings she brings, I remember when she had big story in 2006 the show was averaging over 6 million that fall with the Dru/Neil/Carmen story and when she left it plummeted which led to LML being fired. 


If anything I would focus on getting someone like that back, not Michael Muhney who simply wouldn't be worth it with all the baggage it would bring. Michael Bruno also said in the same interview where he mentioned the Muhney news, that Y&R knows the only return that could get them a big ratings return would be Victoria Rowell, but her comments about equality have put the ice on her returning. Nelson Branco mentioned in a past column that Maria Arena Bell tried to get her back at one point and Nelson was assisting with this. He said he tried to go to Victoria and tell her to keep quiet because there was an actual chance the plan could work, but she took it the wrong way and it all blew up.

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Y&R star like Victoria Rowell (who has done nothing wrong)

Depends on how one defines "wrong". She's loudly and frequently gone on public record calling various people in CBS & Y&R management--as well as several of her former castmates--flaming racists. Now that may or may not be true but the way she's gone about it has made her look like an embittered lunatic. I'd see them bringing MM back before her. At least he had the sense to pretty much keep his mouth shut about whoever was responsible for firing him.

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But many of the things Victoria Rowell has said have been proven to be true. Kristoff has spoken in her defense (which got him suspended from the show) and Michelle Stafford admitted to spitting in her face in a scene, without letting her know that she planned to do that. There was an actual HR complaint from that. Television is completely racist and people are generally punished for speaking out, which is what I feel has happened to her. Look at how Maria Arena Bell was allowed to run around talking about how she was going to get "the black story" up and pumping. We're in the 00s and you're talking about "the black story?" And then she proceeded to insult us with casting Darius McCrary as Malcolm, which just showed you then didn't give a shit and then relegate "the blacks" to only appearing once a week typically for "Winters Wednesday."


Then look at the treatment of minorities on other soaps, primetime and film. Nothing Victoria Rowell is saying is outrageous, it's just that black people are often meant to know their place and not say anything. I'm glad she's speaking out for the sake of others, because we know it isn't doing HER any favors. I strongly believe her speaking out is why they have the screentime they do now. She is also the only reason Susan Dansby got hired as a writer, thanks to her work with the National Urban League. CBS even had to release a statement on that. 

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Nothing Victoria Rowell is saying is outrageous, it's just that black people are often meant to know their place and not say anything.

I think (and probably many in the industry think) that the way she went about it was wrong and it pissed off high-level people, people who could and would keep her from being rehired. Year after year she'd issue these unconfirmed announcements that she was returning to Y&R and then when it didn't happen she'd go on another one of her tirades. IMO she just made herself look like a lunatic. Black women in her age category have a hard enough time getting and keeping acting jobs without tripping themselves up the way she continually has done.


Enough time has passed that if another soap or major TV show wanted to pick her up they would because she's a good actress who still probably has a reasonably strong following However, her behavior likely makes people wonder if she'd go nuts on them too if they dared to fire her for whatever reason (which may not have to do with racism at all).

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Maybe this should be listed under Unpopular Opinions, but I have to get this off my chest.


1)  I cannot for the life of me figure out why Abby, Summer, Leslie, and Lily are still characters on this show.  They are totally unnecessary.


2)  Why is Victoria still so desirable to both Billy and Stitch.  She is a self-absorbed little princess.


3)  Victor is a busybody to the nth power.  He really needs to be thwarted or even stopped. 


4)  Jack Abbott is a wuss who is wearing himself thin trying to be understanding of everyone and everything.  Grow a couple, Jack.  You really need to take a real stand.


5)  Adam has been gone so long I really don't want him back. 


6)  I like Billy with Chelsea.  They help each other and they LAUGH. 


7)  Lily is a total dud.  What a loser.  Her brother isn't much better. 

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I think (and probably many in the industry think) that the way she went about it was wrong and it pissed off high-level people, people who could and would keep her from being rehired. Year after year she'd issue these unconfirmed announcements that she was returning to Y&R and then when it didn't happen she'd go on another one of her tirades. IMO she just made herself look like a lunatic. Black women in her age category have a hard enough time getting and keeping acting jobs without tripping themselves up the way she continually has done.


Enough time has passed that if another soap or major TV show wanted to pick her up they would because she's a good actress who still probably has a reasonably strong following However, her behavior likely makes people wonder if she'd go nuts on them too if they dared to fire her for whatever reason (which may not have to do with racism at all).


What is the right way to go about it? Bryton and Kristoff made very tame remarks and were both suspended for speaking out. The fact that in this day and age they would be suspended and not the HW/EP going around talking about her outdated, segregated "black" story speaks volumes. And I don't recall her ever announcing that she was returning to the show, just her desire to do so under the right conditions. She didn't even pursue acting for a couple years after Y&R because she was focusing on her books, but since she has started acting again she's worked a lot. She has a recurring role on Law & Order: SVU, she's done several indie films and she has a tv movie coming out next month with Harry Lennox from The Blacklist and former-Lily Davetta Sherwood. She's still able to get jobs, just not in soaps which have blacklisted her.


Marnie Siatta, the former Y&R Casting Director (who should've never been fired) is now at DAYS and tried to cast her on that show. They turned her down by saying she was too big an actress for such a small role. That suggested to me that she would still be considered, but there would have to be a role that would fit her. Unfortunately DAYS, GH and B&B don't really have black actresses so there would be nothing to cast her for. Her best bet is sticking with primetime.

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What is the right way to go about it?

Maybe she should ask Shonda Rhimes. Shonda has sent CBS running scared on Thursday nights and now they're desperately putting up NFL football against her Thursday night lineup.  ;-)


Seriously, there are ways to solve problems and there are ways not to solve problems. Apparently in the soap world, the way not to do it is to use ranting interviews, tweets, and Facebook postings to call the people you presumably want to return to work for and with, racists.


Most certainly there are and have been problems with the way Black actors have been treated at Y&R. I'd argue that it's perhaps a CBS-wide problem since you can count the high-profile roles being filled by Black actors on their shows on one hand.


Whatever, I think while VR may have been right about what's been going on at Y&R (don't get me started on what was done to Debbi Morgan and how she and Darnell Williams were both treated like red-headed stepchildren. They are soap opera royalty and it was a travesty, IMO. But, who knows if was because they're Black?), at this point I think the reason she's being shunned is because her behavior made her look like a loose cannon full of nuclear waste. I don't know many workplaces that would welcome or tolerate that in the long run if they don't have to. Hollywood is a buyer's market--especially for aging Black actresses in the declining soap world--and I think VR effectively shot herself in both feet.


(Also, I'm not sure I'd call her role on Law & Order SVU "recurring"--yet. She's appeared only twice in one of many cookie-cutter judge roles.)

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don't get me started on what was done to Debbi Morgan and how she and Darnell Williams were both treated like red-headed stepchildren. They are soap opera royalty and it was a travesty,

This whole thing has had me furious for so long.  I love these characters, and there was so much potential for good story-lines here.  I particularly loved the Harmony character, and always thought she was a perfect match for Neil - the only one I've ever seen, actually, since Dru.   Her being Devon's mother fitted perfectly into the family story - besides, she is a fantastic actress and was cute and funny, with lots of background history.  The Sarge character worked so well with Jack, and fitted into the hospital scene perfectly.  It has been forever, and I am still SO angry about this.  Watching really good people go away and really nonsense characters brought in just because they happen to be FOJ makes me want to quit watching.  I still tape and FF through at least half the cast of this show because the writing sucks so bad.  I honestly think almost any of us could do a better job.

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What they did to Debbi Morgan and Darnell Williams was pretty bad, but the way they treated Tonya Lee Williams and Veronica Redd was much worse. I'd actually say that out of all of the black actors, despite some of the issues she had, Victoria was treated the best. When Bill Bell was around he treated her like his muse and always allowed her to re-write the dialogue in her scenes and she was successful in many of the things she fought for, at least while she was there. That includes designing the Winters house set in colors that won't wash out the actors in camera and importantly getting a black hairstylist there. You could tell once she left that they fired that woman because they constantly would have Tonya Lee Williams, Debbi Morgan, Eva Marcille and Julie Pace Mitchell in these awful wigs and weaves and then when they'd do public appearances with their hair styled by themselves they looked fine. It was just obvious they were place holders and never had a chance. Besides her nephew they never even allowed Eva to appear in a scene with anyone her age.


The reason I feel Tonya and Veronica were treated worse is because Victoria ended on top. Had she not quit she would've stayed on the frontburner because they knew how popular she was. But Tonya was on that show for 15 years, almost always on the frontburner in huge storylines and they just let the character fizzle out and dumped her like she was nobody to Y&R. Then when MAB brought her back they always treated her like an extra. When she came back she was begging for a story and they couldn't even give her or Nate a small 2-week MAB sweeps stunt story. I do appreciate what Brad Bell tried to do with her on B&B, but again it amounted to nothing and now she is forgotten. They had Shemar back and didn't even mention the other half of his super couple. And then Veronica Redd was the matriarch to the Barber-Winters clan AND the Abbott's and they sent her on a never ending cruise. It's just so insulting. The fact that she wasn't at John's funeral after raising his kids and loving him so deeply has never made sense.


I also think it's nuts they turned down Victoria Rowell when she got Nichelle Nichols from Star Trek to play her mother Lillie Belle. That would've been tv gold.

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I totally forgot about Tonya Lee Williams when I was ranting.  She was one of the classiest people I have ever watched on the show, and I do miss her.  It was nice to see Malcolm, but I miss little Nate (who can't be little anymore) and Mamie was as central to the show as John Abbott was.  She raised all John's children - Dina certainly didn't.  I understand she is older, but they could at least mention her or have a picture of her around.  Another situation that irritated me was Sophia - they wrote her as if she didn't matter at all to Neil and it was insulting.  I understand where you are coming from, and they are doing nothing with Leslie and her new husband.  I love so many of these characters and they are a part of this show that can't be forgotten.  The writing is crap for everyone, so not much can be done about that - Just Bitching!

Edited by movinon
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little Nate (who can't be little anymore)

He's not! Isn't he a doctor himself now? I still wonder why they didn't bring him back instead of creating a new character (Dr. Barton Shelby). I guess they could still bring him back; it might be nice to have somebody who could compete with Devon for the hand of Hilary.

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^Totally agree with this.  And he could have been just about the right age for Leslie if they insisted on going that route. In fact, the character was brought back with a new and really good looking guy about a year or so ago. I think everyone thought at the time that this character was going to be part of the ensemble going forward, but alas, it wasn't to be, for whatever lame reason or another they had at the time.  I don't even know why they bothered to create such a touchstone only to not utilize it going forward. And it was a pretty huge miss on the part of the current regime to bring TT in the role of Dr. Barton (and I personally love Tilford and this all but invisible character at this point), but it wouldn't have been rocket science to have the doc that Leslie fell for turn out to be lil' Nate. Leslie is supposed to be only a bit younger than Avery, after all, so it isn't as if Nate would be that much younger (if he were at all, since most doctors in residency are in their early 30s anyway).

Edited by Toomuchsoap
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I do agree that it's tough to be a minority actor on this show.  When was the last time this show had a contract Asian character?  Ji Min Kim, several years ago, who was inexplicably killed for no good reason.  Before that the only ones I can recall are Keemo and Luann, and that was ages ago.  When was the last time this show had Hispanic characters?  Is it the Gutierrez family?  The parents who were glorified extras looked like stereotypical older Hispanics.  But they cast one son (Diego) with a white guy (Greg something) and the other one (Raoool) with a half-Hispanic (?) guy who pretty much looked white.  And they called him "Rawl", which I'm not sure if that was some kind of subliminal message that "we want credit for a Hispanic character but we're going to take all the Hispanic out of him".  Ah, I just remembered about Rafe, the pudgy gay attorney.  He was a disaster too.


Over on B&B, which is set in L.A., a city that I think has a higher Asian and Hispanic proportion of population than in most cities, we don't have one Asian or Hispanic character.  I can't remember the last regular Asian character, I think it might have been Lindsay Price?  The last Hispanic characters were the Ramirez family, and again, Lorenzo Lame-ass and the girl who played Caitlin basically looked white.


Don't even get me started on extras.  Black extras tend to be in law enforcement, as judges or cops.  Asian extras are doctors or some other kind of medical personnel.  And Hispanic extras are maids, housekeepers or servants.So 


So long story short, I feel for Victoria Rowell.  She may be outspoken but I'm glad she spoke up, and it's too bad they won't bring her back, because she would inject about 1000% more life into the dull Winters family.

Edited by blackwing
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When was the last time this show had Hispanic characters? 

They recently had detective Alex but apparently the character is gone now.


Over on B&B, which is set in L.A., a city that I think has a higher Asian and Hispanic proportion of population than in most cities, we don't have one Asian or Hispanic character.

Yep, I think that is a very valid point about a show which takes place in LA. B&B also don't seems to be able to find any gay characters and you know that's just not believable if the Forresters are supposedly longtime leaders in the fashion industry.


Ji Min was so fucking hot.

OMG, yes. If ever there was a character who needed to have a miraculous twin brother show up...

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Well, a long time ago, there was Miguel, who did everything but pee for Victor and Nikki, but he seems to have disappeared, with no clue as to who is doing the real work now.  Mrs. Martinez is supposedly making wonderful meals at the Abbott home, but I have never seen her.  AND don't get me started on Alex - he was the best and funniest character at the GCPD, they don't even tell us where he is, and I miss him every day.

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He's not! Isn't he a doctor himself now? I still wonder why they didn't bring him back instead of creating a new character (Dr. Barton Shelby).

I thought for sure Nate would be the doctor that Leslie met online. They failed. That would have actually been a decent story tho so what the fuck am I thinking.


Yep, I think that is a very valid point about a show which takes place in LA. B&B also don't seems to be able to find any gay characters and you know that's just not believable if the Forresters are supposedly longtime leaders in the fashion industry.

So true., I don't know why they are afraid to do a proper gay story. It would be so easy to write a gay character in the fashion industry.

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Off topic of the moment, but has anybody read or heard anything today about what's going on with Sony Entertainment?  I saw a couple of tweets just a few minutes ago from a couple of soap opera industry bloggers/fans that referred to an apparent $2billion (I think) third quarter loss, and the worry is for both Sony-produced shows, Y&R and Days.  Wouldn't that kind of loss be more related to their movie productions?  I saw on HuffPo a couple of weeks ago that the box office for all movies was one of the worst in over ten years or more.  The worry expressed was for probable cost-cutting across the board, and how it would relate to the daytime dramas particularly.  Sony has been undergoing problems for nearly 7 years on now. Should viewers of these soaps be worried?

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Actually it's not too far off topic. The report is that for the first time since 1954 Sony will not be giving stockholders a dividend. They have sold the laptop division because it was tanking them and for the last few years the entire company has been pulled along by the Entertainment division. So I think that would be the last to go in a firesale. I think they're reducing their mobile division and it will probably get sold off too eventually. They just bet the wrong way on pretty much all their divisions so it's going to be a lean few years for them to get back together. 

So short answer, no don't worry too much. :D

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Pretty wild.  Wonder what sucky storyline was the straw that broke the camels' backs?  The Neverendingpaternity story?  The Mariah mess?  The Meggie redux? 

Wonder when the new madness is set to begin? I didn't see any timeline for the changeover.

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Personally, I think he's lying. Hadn't he just signed a new contact to extend his stay? All of the sudden he was frustrated with the role & the writing?! He makes it sound like it was his idea to leave. I don't buy his side of the story. Of course, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. There all three sides of the story...his.....Y&R.....and, the truth!

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I am glad that some found enjoyment as I did! Personally, I feel like social media has its benefits like outing actual criminals and such. I just know the other side of that "coin" is that it has convicted people in a public forum before they ever make to any sort of justice system, much less have the opportunity to even answer accusations. It's like the whole world knows, is talking and forming their opinions (very human-guilty myself at times) often before the person even has an inkling that anything has happened or been revealed.

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Steve Burton is a Nashville resident but I don't know why Josh Morrow is there. Maybe on vacation with his family? My parents sometimes go to Nashville for a vacation; it's cool.

$40 is "cheap" for those soap actor appearances at comedy clubs and hotel conference room they charge a bundle like $90 or more from what I see in ads.

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I thought I read somewhere that Steve lived here.  This thing with Josh, though -- Nashville's not the only date.  They're doing a legit bro-tour.  The day before they'll be in my home state of Ohio.  I feel like my time (and money) would be better spent "accidentally" running into them at some restaurant/bar/karaoke joint/honky tonk.

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I wanted to reply my comment that my parents vacation in Nashville sometimes wasn't insinuating it was a older person destination. They just travel a lot and are music and dining out and bar scene aficionados which the city is famous for. New Orleans (Christian LeB's home) is also famous for all 3. We've never run into Steve/Dylan or CLB/Michael at either. But that would be exciting!

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Nashville, Hermitage and the entire surrounding area is great.  It's a beautiful area and the dining and entertainment is some of the best.

I love Nashville and have relatives there.Also Memphis and Gatlinburg.TN is a beautiful state.

I thought I read somewhere that Steve lived here.  This thing with Josh, though -- Nashville's not the only date.  They're doing a legit bro-tour.  The day before they'll be in my home state of Ohio.  I feel like my time (and money) would be better spent "accidentally" running into them at some restaurant/bar/karaoke joint/honky tonk.

Yes SB lives in Nashville.I hope somebody on here will go see them and tell us all about it.I'll bet those two are a full blown riot when they get together! lol

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The actors who portray (or will portray) nuPhyllis, nuBilly, Joe Clark, and nuAdam, (Gina Tognoni, Burgess Jenkins, Scott Elrod, and Justin Hartley), will be appearing on The Talk today if anyone's interested. I've read elsewhere that MCE will be on also but she's not mentioned in the promo posted on The Talk's website so maybe not.

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