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S08.E12: Beauties And The Beat

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Thank you for giving me the education. I thought it aired on radio in addition to television.

I caught that show a couple of times and the show has turned me into a Porsha fan.

Yes, she is not the sharpest one out there but she has an easy-breezy personality and does not take herself seriously.

And viewing from the show, she does not have a mean bone in her body.

  • Love 4

I got around to watching this late, but here are my thoughts:


I thought Kim's beatless (never heard that term, ya learn something new every day!) brunch was a nice idea. I never once got the impression she was judging how much makeup the other ladies wear, or telling them they need to tone it down. SHE wears makeup and made sure to stipulate several times that she was included in the "we". I think she was just wanting to take a break from all of that and focus on natural beauty, inner beauty, etc. I didn't see the harm in it. And she didn't pressure anyone to take off their makeup when they arrived in full face, just nicely suggested it and moved on. It was nice that some girls participated, and I wonder if those that took such umbrage to the idea are secretly insecure that they DO wear too much makeup. Otherwise, I just can't really see why Kenya, especially, read so much into the gathering. 


I also think production is kind of "pushing" Cynthia to have co-directors for her commercial. I just cannot understand why she would still want to go that route after Kenya not only blew off their meeting, but didn't even bother to call and gives a head's up. No, Cynthia had to call HER and then it was all, "Oh, yea, I'm not coming. Sorry". Very rude and unprofessional. I wouldn't give her a second chance after that. Kim showed up, on time, and presented an idea that Cynthia seemed to like. So why even entertain anything else? It just seems set-up for conflict, to me. 


I love seeing Phaedra with her boys. It may be all an act, but she really seems like a good mom. She is very involved and patient with them. I like that she wanted to help Aiden make his dad a card. I don't ever see her being one to keep Apollo out of his boys' lives. I think she will help them be in contact with him as much as possible, and let them make their own choices when their older - which is really the best way to go about it. They'll figure him out. 


I am not always a huge Todd fan, but he was cracking me up with his baby skills. Not funny? Kandi's extreme revulsion at the idea of extended breastfeeding. I'm a HUGE breastfeeding supporter myself, but I am not the type to judge other mothers for their parenting choices. If it's not your thing, or you can't do it - that's your life, and your family. I respect your choice. She could have just said, "Oh, that's not for me" and left it at that. But she was making such exaggerated faces, and TO the woman who currently breastfeeds her 18 mo child. Americans (I am American) tend to be so prudish about breastfeeding, it baffles me. 


Portia thinking someone was just going to reach up into "the cloud" and find her pictures? Never change, Portia. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 4

Is the Urban Dictionary behind the times?  It defines "beatless" as "One who is undefeated, virtually "beat free", and/or will never be beaten."  Another definition is music without a beat. 

I picked up my education on a beat face from RuPaul's drag race.  For years they would say that your face was "beat to the gods," and other amazingly cool things.  I've never heard a single one of them say "beatless" so I'm thinking someone not that cool made that term up as a play on your face being "beat."

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She could have just said, "Oh, that's not for me" and left it at that. But she was making such exaggerated faces, and TO the woman who currently breastfeeds her 18 mo child. Americans (I am American) tend to be so prudish about breastfeeding, it baffles me. 




To be fair, Kandi makes exaggerated faces about pretty much everything.  Makes it hard to watch her, sometimes.

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I guess I'm old school, but I try to imagine what the look on my face would be if I saw someone breastfeeding their 5 year old child.  It might not be too far off from Kandi's.  Maybe I'm just in a conservative area, but I can't even imagine how that exchange happens with the bigger child.  The logistics alone.  I mean, if you're breastfeeding a baby, you're holding the baby close to you and you have the cloth and everything.  With a 5 year old do they just ask you and you sit in a chair as they stand?  Are you popping out a boob in public or do you wait until you get home?  Do you just pump and save so you don't have to actually breastfeed while you're out?  How do you handle teeth?  My nephew is like 15 months and when he bites, he breaks skin.  Or do you just pump all the milk and by that time the actual feeding from the breast is done?

  • Love 1

I agree. All those stupid magazines "Celebrities without makeup", and then they mock whomever (Cameron Diaz usually). For "ex-models" or "ex-beauty queens" or RH's -yes they're "supposed" to look a certain way. All women are "supposed" to look a certain way in this society. (Rolls eyes.) We live in a strange culture, and a lot of celebrities do look different without their glam squad. Googling celebrities without makeup will probably bring up a bunch of examples and rude comments.  Kenya's skin already gets criticized, so I get it if she didn't feel like offering herself up for the roast. The brunch would in some way shape or form inevitably lead to judging and shame, and I'm not down for that look be it Bravo's idea or Kim's. (Not calling out people here- just explaining why I wouldn't go.)


Gotta journalism at its worst. There have been a slew of celebs, models (both professional and IG), regular folks making a point of posting make-up less selfies. The motivation is of course to show that they are still pretty without it, however, you still had people going in and trying to evaluate the photo making claims they weren't truly makeup less. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Also, wasn't there a "I woke up like this" selfie trend recently? I don't know if this is still going on but it would have celebs and regular old people on IG or twitter posting selfies  on themselves waking up but still kinda cute? 



I guess I'm old school, but I try to imagine what the look on my face would be if I saw someone breastfeeding their 5 year old child.  It might not be too far off from Kandi's.  Maybe I'm just in a conservative area, but I can't even imagine how that exchange happens with the bigger child.  The logistics alone.  I mean, if you're breastfeeding a baby, you're holding the baby close to you and you have the cloth and everything.  With a 5 year old do they just ask you and you sit in a chair as they stand?  Are you popping out a boob in public or do you wait until you get home?  Do you just pump and save so you don't have to actually breastfeed while you're out?  How do you handle teeth?  My nephew is like 15 months and when he bites, he breaks skin.  Or do you just pump all the milk and by that time the actual feeding from the breast is done?


Any Game of Thrones watchers? I think back to the scene of Lysa breastfeeding her big ass son. I won't post the pic here because I think it might violate some rules but that shit was like woah and that was special effects so I can't imagine see that IRL!!

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I think if a child is old enough to hold on, bite, and chew a hamburger, then they no longer need to be breastfed!  One of my cousins was breastfed until he was 4 and half.  And the only reason they were able to get him to stop (because he would literally eat real food dinner, have a bath, and then suck on a bedtime teat) was because my aunt decided to cover her nipples in bandaids and pretend to have a "booboo".  Because of her booboo, he accepted the sippy cup and just got used to it.  


Kim's voicemail invitation was fine up until near the end when she said something along the lines of "none of you need to put on so much," or whatever the hell she said.  Other than that, I thought it was a nice idea even though I don't know many people that would show up makeup less on camera....for national TV.  It would have been cool if maybe she had a couple of makeup artists there to offer "makeunders", showing them how to use their same makeup to achieve more natural looks.  As many of you have said, Kenya was looking to pick a fight, as usual.  

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To be fair, Kandi makes exaggerated faces about pretty much everything.  Makes it hard to watch her, sometimes.


This is true. I hope she doesn't play poker!




I guess I'm old school, but I try to imagine what the look on my face would be if I saw someone breastfeeding their 5 year old child.


Except the woman didn't say she was breastfeeding a 5-year-old. Kandi asked what's normal and I can't remember exactly what was said, but in other countries it IS common to breastfeed through the toddler years. The WHO recommends up til 2 years. But the woman said she was still nursing her 18 month old. I nursed my daughter that long. I don't think that requires a shocked/disgusted face. 




How do you handle teeth?


My babies get teeth very early. My youngest had 4 teeth by 3 months. So that's never been a reason for me to stop. Not to be gross, because the two are definitely NOT the same, but when women give men oral sex, they know how to keep the teeth back. My babies were always usually pretty good about being able to suckle without involving the teeth. If there ever is a bite, you take them off and give them a "no" and they eventually get the point. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 2

Gotta journalism at its worst. There have been a slew of celebs, models (both professional and IG), regular folks making a point of posting make-up less selfies. The motivation is of course to show that they are still pretty without it, however, you still had people going in and trying to evaluate the photo making claims they weren't truly makeup less. Damned if you do, damned if you don't. Also, wasn't there a "I woke up like this" selfie trend recently? I don't know if this is still going on but it would have celebs and regular old people on IG or twitter posting selfies  on themselves waking up but still kinda cute? 




Any Game of Thrones watchers? I think back to the scene of Lysa breastfeeding her big ass son. I won't post the pic here because I think it might violate some rules but that shit was like woah and that was special effects so I can't imagine see that IRL!!

That scene automatically flashed in my mind when she first said it, and so I had to ask about the logistics, because I can't imagine the way homegirl was feeding her grown son wouldn't get a lot of funny looks.  I mean, it would have been a struggle for me, even knowing I could go through the moon-door if I gave her any side eye.


As for make-up less selfies, thats a ridiculous craze.  Because, honestly, who is going to open themselves up to such a high level of criticism?  So now there are filters and what not.  I don't think in any ways those teach me about "real women" because I realize that all of these women wear makeup. I haven't been tricked into believing that they all naturally have giant lashes, eyeliner, eye shadow, bronzer, foundation, concealer and blush.  They aren't teaching me anything special.  If you spent an hour in a makeup chair and robbed a mink for lashes you could look like that too (well, not exactly like that, but still).  


I DO give credit to people like Britney Spears and Cindy Crawford for doing modelling shots that are un-retouched to show us what a real woman looks like.  Because the magazine covers WILL try to sell you on the idea that that is really the way the star looks in a bikini, when its been photoshopped to within an inch of its life.

Edited by RCharter
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Hi All,  I'm new to the Real Housewives of Atlanta and started watching because I was a big fan of Kim Fields from back in the day FOL/Living Single.


Unfortunately I feel like she jumped into something for whatever reasons they may be (financial Need/publicity) and didn't take the time to study up and now is trying to keep her head above water and is failing miserably... she needs to take a page out of Regina's book or her old friend Jo from FOL and play the game.


I personally feel the majority of her actions come from a good place,but she's used to being nice and she doesn't know how to handle conflict well at all, I say this because I used to be very much like this in my work field and there were a couple of ladies that were downright vicious,  actually they would eat Keyna for lunch, and that's saying a lot.


On topic of the event: Kim had a nice idea, a nice idea that might've been welcomed if it had been an "off camera" event, but on camera, she made it glaringly obvious that she has no clue who and what makes these ladies tick.


Keyna was a straight out bitch, I call insecurity being part of it, and the other being that she just does not like Kim at all,  I've gotten that vibe from day one.


As for Cynthia and Kim's meeting and Keyna's no show... My personal opinion is Keyna had no intention of going to the meeting because she doesn't want to be around Kim, at least that's the way the phone call sounded to me.


I was waiting for Kim to flat out say she didn't want to work with Keyna on the project, but then of course when Cynthia point blank asked her, Kim Wavered.


And as much as I can't stand Keyna, I have to agree that Kim's hair is horrible, what did she say, "two poodles fighting", lol.  


Love reading everyone's comments and opinions.


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^^agree that Kim jumped into this for financial reasons and was hoping to play the character that "stays above the fray" and is some sort of influencer because of her position as a big time actress.  But I've heard a story or two about Kim being kind of stuck up even before she was cast on RH.


 But either way, that "voice mail" invitation to the party read straight up catty and condescending to me.   I think Kim has probably felt out of place a lot of the time because she doesn't look, or dress like any of the other women.  Most of her wardrobe looks like it was sold in the Brass Plum circa 1992.  And I think its easy to feel inferior around a bunch of pretty girls with expensive clothes, Birkin bags, beat faces and 2 sets of eyelashes.  I'm not sure how much of it she is doing for drama/storyline, but I think if I was in her position I would have picked out Cynthia, Kenya, or Marlo and asked them to help me with my look.  Even if you don't have money, you're on a TV show.  Go talk to Derreck J or Miss Lawrence and see if they will hook you up with some hair.  Heck, talk to Porsha about hooking you up with some hair!  She has a company that sells it!  See if you can find some boutique that will give you a few free pieces so they can be featured on camera.  Make yourself look better, don't try to make everyone else look worse.


I don't think Kim had any good or kind intention, I think she was acting out because she routinely feels like the grenade of the group.  


I feel like Kenya has filmed in much dicier situations (the pajama party) and has sometimes walked into a hornets nest where there isn't a solitary person in the room who likes her.  I've admired that about her because she treats it like a job.  So, I don't know what to make of it.  I agree that it wasn't "house emergency," but I also think that Kenya knows how to pick up a phone and make up a more believable excuse ahead of time.


Cynthia filming a commercial in Jamaica because Peter has "business interests" there is such a set up that I don't trust anything surrounding the circumstances of that trip....

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Kim has a stylist?!?! Does she style Kim's kitchen pantry, because I know no one can be paying to look like that?!?!!

I'w watched twice. Where did you see the pantry? Thanks!!

I caught that show a couple of times and the show has turned me into a Porsha fan.

Yes, she is not the sharpest one out there but she has an easy-breezy personality and does not take herself seriously.

And viewing from the show, she does not have a mean bone in her body.

I noticed Porsha was the only HW who brought Kim a little gift.

  • Love 2

On topic of the event: Kim had a nice idea, a nice idea that might've been welcomed if it had been an "off camera" event, but on camera, she made it glaringly obvious that she has no clue who and what makes these ladies tick.

I'm slowly getting the impression that Kim watched a few episodes and decided that since she is a TV veteran compared to these ladies, she didn't need to do any homework or figure out a plan for her storyline. She pretty much confirmed that when she shut and locked the door and said something like "When you have XX years of TV experience, get back to me." (paraphrasing there)

She's way out of her element, in my opinion, and is sinking fast.

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I like Kim and hope she sticks around. Her brand of messiness is refreshing to me. She's different from the others ladies but I don't see that as a bad thing. She clearly knows how to shake things up. It's two days later and Kenya is still whining and posting no makeup pics on social media lol.

I also noticed that Porsha brought Kim a gift. She's a sweetheart. She needs to work on her impulse control, but I agree that she isn't mean like a couple of the others.

  • Love 7
Even if you don't have money, you're on a TV show.  Go talk to Derreck J or Miss Lawrence and see if they will hook you up with some hair.  Heck, talk to Porsha about hooking you up with some hair!  She has a company that sells it!  See if you can find some boutique that will give you a few free pieces so they can be featured on camera.  Make yourself look better, don't try to make everyone else look worse.


Didn't you see Kim's amazing stylist?  That woman knows how to make you look a little crazy and a little homeless.  Seriously, after seeing her, Kim's hair kind of makes sense to me now.

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I love kim on the show and think she's great.


I always have thought Kenya was a big fake and fronter. I think Kim, is right to say and think what she did about working with Kenya.

Kenya IS a bitch. Who WOULD want to work with her?


Kim is right to say she'd never say she WON'T work with someone that the client wants on the project. That's what a professional SHOULD say. It's the client's project. And HAS Kenya directed hundred of hours of TV? I think that "Life Twirls On" pilot project she did was a joke….a BAD one.


And why IS Cynthia is pushing to have them both on the project? Is that a producer driven plot suggestion? Kenya's resume has nothing on it that would make meant to hire her to work on anything I'd do….IF I wanted it to be taken seriously.

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I would like Kenya to address the ass that she clearly got done and her botched lipo belly.



Amen!  I've seen men with smoother bellies then Kenya.  For somebody that claims that she works out constantly, Kenya really isn't that toned.  Now Sheree, you can tell she works out.  There's not an ounce of fat on that chick's body.  Her muscles have muscles.


You know how much the tabloids would love getting a pic of any of these women looking a mess in public?



I have seen many a magazine at the grocery store counter of celebrities without makeup.  Poor Goldie Hawn should never EVER leave the house with no makeup on again. lol


Generally, I like Kim, although her stock with me has gone down considerably throughout this season, but girl needs to really look in a mirror on occasion. She's so cute, it doesn't take much. Wonder who's responsible for her lack of clothes sense. Maybe she's been exposed to NeNe on the sly.



It's funny because Kim seems to be the total opposite of her character Regine on Living Single.  Regine was the epitome of style and her hair and makeup were always on point.  She wore some of the best clothes on the show.  She must be a really good actress to play so convincingly a role that's the total opposite of her real life self.


It was nice that some girls participated, and I wonder if those that took such umbrage to the idea are secretly insecure that they DO wear too much makeup. Otherwise, I just can't really see why Kenya, especially, read so much into the gathering.



I agree with Mckinnonsgirl that Kenya just does not like Kim.  I think it stems from Kim not wanting to work with her on Life Twirls On and the verbal beatdown Kim gave her after Kenya had Tammy's unruly nephew thrown out of the pool party which according to Kim put them all in danger.  She argued pretty adamantly that that whole thing was Kenya's fault even though mostly everyone else agreed with Kenya for throwing him out.  Ever since then, Kenya has been at war with Kim.

Edited by swankie
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I think Kenya is gorgeous, and if I look half that good at 44 I'll be a happy camper.  If I looked that good now, I would be a happy camper.  


I don't think lipo and a tummy tuck are a magic fix.  Even if she had them, she puts in the sweat equity to look the way she does.  And if her stomach looks flabby I might think that is more a function of natural aging than lipo.


Agree about Goldie Hawn though, I give her credit for not running to the nearest plastic surgeon or mask store because the tabloids love catching her without makeup.  Poor woman is always made to look like Gollum.


Kenya may not have the TV chops that Kim Fields has, but I believe Kenya has experience as a producer.  However, this is clearly a producer ploy for there to be a girls trip to Jamaica and a big fight.  I don't believe for a solitary nanosecond that Cynthia is really dying for Kim and Kenya to work on her project, and if she is, its only so that she gets free airtime for her accessories empire.  If this wasn't a part of some producer driven shenanigans, Cynthia would have simply said "Kim, you are an experienced director, can you direct it?  Kenya, you are experienced at producing, can you produce it?"  You can't always split the baby, but this seems like a pretty easy one to cut in half.  But trying to insist that both of them "co-direct" when they clearly dislike each other is a big 'ol stretch and reeks of producer intervention to me.

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After watching again Kim F is even worse......"Call me when you have 300 hours of directing" That may be true but man does it come off as snotty and holier then thou. She does not belong!She does remind me of Aviva-RHOBH (shudder) who also started out ok, seemed like she might be fun, then turned into the holy bitch from hell. That's the vibe I get from Kim. "It's ok if I'm late. I have children!" Like there are no nannies or sitters in America! I half expected her to ask where her banner was for making it there! Then having a no make up party and being SO RUDE to the women who just weren't comfortable being without it "Would you like to clean your face?" No. But I'd like to punch yours you cow.A hostess NEVER makes her guests uncomfortable. KIM? HUGE FAIL....

  • Love 9

I'm officially over Kim fields. You're not Oprah honey. Ill run to the grocery makeup less but dammed if I'd be filmed without makeup.

Filmed? Are they on a TV show? :-D

I had no problem with Kim's idea. Maybe watching it again will give me clarity.



I just thought of something. Wasn't it just a few episodes back where we had a scene of Todd and Kandi and Todd was saying that he spoke to Apollo and he said that Phaedra never calls and he hasn't spoken to his children in forever?!?! Did I imagine that? Cut to last week and we have a scene with Aiden on the phone with his dad and judging by content of the conversation it seemed that wasn't their 1st phone call and they had indeed been in contact in the past.  That just struck me as odd. Todd and Kandi really just need to stay out of the Phae/Apollo situation period, but next week looks good and I am here for it. 

Yeah, I felt the same disconnect but I thought it was Phaedra bad-mouthing Apollo for never calling. 

I caught that show a couple of times and the show has turned me into a Porsha fan.

Yes, she is not the sharpest one out there but she has an easy-breezy personality and does not take herself seriously.

And viewing from the show, she does not have a mean bone in her body.

I do have to say Porsha is dedicated to memorizing her scripted banter for the show, not stopping to memorize "Good morning! Welcome to Dish Nation..." while having her makeup touched-up in the prep room.

  • Love 1

After watching again Kim F is even worse......"Call me when you have 300 hours of directing" That may be true but man does it come off as snotty and holier then thou.


 And Kenya is a trifling ass bitch who deserves all the snot she gets.

her superior don't come for me, I'm the queen bee goes no where with me.

IF Kenya had given me half the attitude she's given some of these ladies and said what she's said in her talking heads, I'd have been in her shit and set her straight a long time ago.

Kim's come back to me as as innocuous as, "girl, please."  But I sense Kim doesn't want to "go there" because TRYING not to let Kenya push her to that level of response. 

Edited by selhars
  • Love 5

Someone set Kenya straight. Porsha. And I'm sure if she fucked with her again Porsha would kick her ass.

But Kenya has comeuppance if people think about it. No matter what, at the end of the day she has a humiliation and loneliness that the other HW don't really have and she will probably have for the rest of her life. I'm including Nene in this because even though she has a horrible mother who denied her, also she still has Greg and her children and that has given her so much.

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And all she has to show for it is a record. Porsha has exactly as many nice, and as many mean bones in her body as the rest - which is to say, if she likes you, or needs something from you, she's nice. If not, she's a right bitch, and one who at her too-grown age will commence to "setting you straight" with her hands instead of her words. Bravo, Porsha.


Thank you for giving me the education. I thought it aired on radio in addition to television.


You actually had it right. Several radio shows in different cities, including the one she's on - the Ricky Smiley Morning show - are recorded while on the air and then the clips are used to make the show "Dish Nation."



Looking like a Fifth Avenue Christmas display in their Burberry outfits, Kenya and Ayden sit down to make a birthday card for Apollo. Another adorable moment between the two, Phaedra's really turned it around, both in terms of how she comes across onscreen, and life in general after Apollo's sentencing. Frustratingly impenetrable, her scenes with the children haven't just made her accessible, they've humanized her in a completely unexpected way. Mostly, though, it's just fun seeing a mother on the franchise parenting in scenes that feel, well, real.


LOL, for real, though? Spoken like a man who would hand his VIN number over to Apollo ... "Well, as long as you PROMISE me you're a changed man, here you go!"

Edited by SnarkKitty
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But doesn't it still say something that people like to be around Porsha (and Nene, who is also considered mean) but people seem to merely tolerate Kenya until their real friends are around? Say what you want but Porsha is genuine (genuinely nice, genuinely bitchy, whatever. Same for the other ladies). Kenya is...fake? Crazy? Weird? Socially akward? Acting? Who the hell knows. I don't think she even knows. Whatever it is, she turns people off.

At the brunch, Porsha was able to express what everyone was feeling calmly and tactfully. Kenya bitched and moaned and complained and threw jabs about plastic surgery (really, square booty?) and is still whining on social media talking about she's the ancestor of nubian queens (sounds like something Porsha would say). Bitch is annoying.

Edited by ridethemaverick
  • Love 7

^^I think Kenya is mostly acting, I don't mind it because it keeps the show entertaining for me.  Phaedra, with the faux belle routine doesn't really entertain me.  And the times when she is being real I find her compelling, or she has a good and valid point.


And if Kenya is "fake" on the show, it stands to reason that she doesn't consider her cast mates her real friends.  I don't see why she should or would.  Her job is to be the troublemaker villain.  I would prefer someone like Kenya to someone like Nene, who is very serious about these things and is the sort to "refuse to film" with people she doesn't like and so on and so forth.


Nene is very real, but I haven't thought that was a good thing for a long while.  


Kenya brought up her beef, which was very valid to me, and given Kim's condescension, I was okay with it.  


Would you have really wanted to just watch that scene with the girls silently rolling their eyes and no one addressing the point that Kim's brunch and invitation were really patronizing?  That sounds boring to me.  If I wanted to watch people hold back punches and never say what they are thinking I could go to any number of work functions where people hold back because they don't want to rock the boat. 


Personally, I don't watch this show for people acting normal, or even the way I would act under the same circumstances.  

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And if her stomach looks flabby I might think that is more a function of natural aging than lipo.



I don't think Kenya's stomach looks flabby as it just seems to look lumpy.  It doesn't look like most people's abs who work out a lot, like Sheree's.  It might be because her fake ass just throws her whole body's shape and contour off kilter.


After watching again Kim F is even worse......"Call me when you have 300 hours of directing" That may be true but man does it come off as snotty and holier then thou. She does not belong!She does remind me of Aviva-RHOBH (shudder) who also started out ok, seemed like she might be fun, then turned into the holy bitch from hell. That's the vibe I get from Kim. "It's ok if I'm late. I have children!" Like there are no nannies or sitters in America! I half expected her to ask where her banner was for making it there! Then having a no make up party and being SO RUDE to the women who just weren't comfortable being without it "Would you like to clean your face?" No. But I'd like to punch yours you cow.A hostess NEVER makes her guests uncomfortable. KIM? HUGE FAIL....



LOL!  Love it!  Especially the part I bolded. 

I have found Kim a bit smug with the other women as well. Like the comments about their attire and dancing and being late for Phaedra's meetings. I think this plus the crying all the time and dullness makes is why she has no friends. The other women have more liveliness, and senses of humor, and aren't as rigid and uptight.

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I do have to say Porsha is dedicated to memorizing her scripted banter for the show, not stopping to memorize "Good morning! Welcome to Dish Nation..." while having her makeup touched-up in the prep room.

I have to agree. I don't think Porsha comes up with those lines and bits on her own. Besides not being intelligent, thus less likely she remembers on her own who and what and where, she's not that witty on RH. Like I could believe someone like NeNe or Kenya on a show like that roasting celebrities. I think NeNe was on Fashion Police coming up with her own shit and recycling the same old stuff like she trying to with Broadway's Cinderella and on RM tv shows ("bye wig" "I'm very rich" "blocked") they have their own senses of humor that is consistent everywhere and they are quicker.

Here's a huge sign Porsha is stupid. In the recent episode where she has a rift with her pregnant assistant / half sis Lauren they discuss the running of her lingerie company..... I had seen every episode of this season and I didn't even know she had one. She shot a big scene trying on lingerie at a competitor and saying how much she needs it for her new man! That is so so stupid. She could have been showing trying her own brands lingerie and saying being in love or dating is inspiring her line. That would have fit the storyline of dating that "trophy boy" (ugh lol) and promoting her business.

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I feel like folks should just stop with calling any of these women stupid.  Porsha did try on lingerie at that store but that is because the show is promoting 'THAT STORE'  She actively and constantly promotes her line just about everywhere and it is successful.  She has become the darling of Dish Nation because of her ability to be quick witted and can ad-lib in a heartbeat.  Really wish folk could just celebrate these women'e accomplishments and not always tear them down.  I will now step off my soapbox now.


Edited by Aging Goth
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Really wish folk could just celebrate these women'e accomplishments and not always tear them down.  I will now step off my soapbox now.


If my MM date was Kapn Krazie, I would forget it, too.



My problem with the Kenya is again a victim thing is the ring.  She either had to have brought it knowing the guy wasn't planning to marry her or she tried it on and took pictures hoping we would not figure out it was another red herring.  It also makes sense why she was telling everyone she was "taking it slow" because she knew then it wasn't happening.  It was the same crap then she announced at her first reunion that she was "in love" with an African prince that never actually materialized.  Just this time, she could show that ONE picture of her and this guy together.



Forever the queen of copycatting, Kenya is coming out with... (no surprise here)... a HAIR LINE!.  


Yes, folks, a hair line. Apparently she has been promoting it ever since the reunion when Porsha told her she was wearing GoNaked Hair.  She is being featured in a magazine called "Black Hair"  and here is a brief twitter quote from her



Bring on fake boyfriend #4!!!  Kenya is again hinting that she is in a heated realationship with a baseball player who is supposedly lavishing her with gifts of purses, shoes, etc.  WHO also do not want anyone to see them dating.





Yeah, we should all really work on just celebrating the accomplishments of these women and not always tearing them down.


We should really work on that.  Seriously.

Edited by RCharter
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I dont want to get flagged by someone and reported but i thought. This is a snark and opinion site and everyone. Ahem ^ and the other posters besides ^ and recappers and the founders have snarked on someone at some point. Am I the exception to the norm?

I'm a snark enthusiast and find no one above reproach including kids, old people and dogs, so...keep on keepin on? Besides, I only watch this franchise sporadically and don't read recaps, so I'm relying on poster snarking to keep up.
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Booo.  I like it better when people snark on the show and not each other.


I think Apollo is a con man who is conning Todd and Kandi right now. Aiden seemed like he was comfortable talking to his dad on the phone.  I wonder if Apollo and Joe Giudice will be friendly in prison or will Joe just hang with the italians or is there a designated reality star section?


I like Porsha for the most part. Even though Kandi said it, I think Porsha really is the one who is, "you don't start no trouble, there won't be no trouble." 



But Kenya has comeuppance if people think about it. No matter what, at the end of the day she has a humiliation and loneliness that the other HW don't really have and she will probably have for the rest of her life. I'm including Nene in this because even though she has a horrible mother who denied her, also she still has Greg and her children and that has given her so much.

At the end of the day, this.  Kenya needs to work on herself in therapy to get to a healthy place to have healthy relationships.  These other women have all managed to bond in some way - even if they have the occasional falling out. They have genuine feelings for each other. I was watching last season the other day, and Kandi and Phaedra were really close in Mexico.


Kenya just hasn't clicked with anyone. Only Cynthia marginally cares about her and her mother issues. And I think that only is because Cynthia is a nurturing person who always needs a strong friend.  We'll see if Cynthia dumps her now that Nene is back.  That would be horrible for Kenya.

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Don't have a problem with a good snark,  it is when it turns mean spirited that I get concerned.  I can't stand even the sight of Kenya but I will never call her a whore, or stupid, or slut or thug.  I don't believe none of these women deserve these labels.  I will call her mean and a bit crazy but I cannot answer to her intelligence or moral values.  That is just the great grandmother in me speaking.  Don't want to step on any toes, that's just who i am

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I do have to say Porsha is dedicated to memorizing her scripted banter for the show, not stopping to memorize "Good morning! Welcome to Dish Nation..." while having her makeup touched-up in the prep room.

I can't help liking her.

When she did the red carpet, she was fresh and excited to meet people...

Of course, she can also turn into a she-hulk in a nano second.

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Of course, she can also turn into a she-hulk in a nano second.



This is very true, but we've known this about Porsha ever since her first season on the show.  It was her and Kenya's first big conflict that lead to the infamous "Gone with the wind fabulous" line.  Porsha was ready to kick Kenya's ass that day after Kenya came for her about calling her Miss America.  The only people Porsha was a shrinking violet with was Kordell and Nene. 

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She's weird that way. She has this happy go lucky, daffy effervescence demeanor like Jessica Simpson or Minnie Mouse but changes so fast and ready to rip your hair out. I don't condone violence but see why she gets mad at times. I probably would have gotten more angry with Don Juan than she did (not made a slur as she reacted and walked away) but cussed his ass out if I'm honest.

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And if Kenya is "fake" on the show, it stands to reason that she doesn't consider her cast mates her real friends.  I don't see why she should or would.  Her job is to be the troublemaker villain.

Then why the fuck she always mad nobody likes her stank ass. 

If it's her job to be a villain then why isn't it Porsha or Phaedra's job to be her nemesis. Why does this bitch get excuse after excuse made for her? I would have shoved that bullhorn up her fake ass and any time she looked at me cross eyed I'd ask if Detroit wanted some more. Man fuck her for real. I've never disliked anyone I didn't know as much except George Bush.

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