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S08.E12: Beauties And The Beat

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How the hell did Kenya know Kim had two boob jobs? lol  After being displeased with that message invite, she must have researched that shit and went to the brunch to blast her with that info.


Todd did not seem like he was really into having a kid much less doing a lot of hands on parenting before Kandi's pregnancy.  Hopefully he will change, but his behavior seems consistent to what he has previously expressed.


People clowned Sheree for showing up looking all sweaty and greasy earlier this season.  I suspect she has oily skin, which, while super problematic in humid weather, does have its advantages.

Edited by SpringTulips
  • Love 8

agreed.  I think she seriously expected everyone to earnestly start working on their "poem" and some such nonsense. I would have done exactly what almost all of the women did.  Show up with make up on and all the lashes.  


LOL! "all" the lashes.  Porsha treated hers like bamboo earrings - at least two pair.    When Kim said to her friend Victoria, I'm sure they don't walk around at home full face and hair and lashes - cut to scenes of various ladies at home in full face and hair and lashes (and hand mirrors) -  lmao!!  ah Bravo editing team, you're one of us.  I loved that Kandi came bare faced, she's cute as a button without it.  No I have to know what her dark circle goop is.  Sheree too, though I didn't think she was completely without makeup but she's pretty much flawless.  Image or no, I don't know who they're fooling - real eyelashes (and fake ones if they're good) aren't supposed to look like batwings.    It's not even that they wear too much make up, it's probably the same 4 products most women mess with, but damb, it is spatula level every day. 

I felt that Kenya was as usual being extra.  Hit dogs indeed, it's not really that serious.  How bout I don't care how they feel about make up can we please find out more information about those plates.  I spied glazed salmon, chicken and waffles? something and grits?  more about that please.

I tuned in a hair late so I'm not sure if I missed part of the conversation.  So my understanding is that Todd is going to watch the baby after hanging with the fellas all night and then be on the 3rd shift?  From 2 to 6?   Lol.  Bless his heart.

I like Kenya's friend he's got a good sense of humor.    Not calling to say you can't make it after the time you're expected - really, bitch?

Cynthia will need a back up director.  Ya'll already know the minute they land in Kingston, Kim is turning her ass right around to go home.

If we're having conversations about what the baby is gonna eat and one of the people in conversation is the baby?  we're moving to the next phase.

  • Love 12

The other ladies just rolled with it and attended the event with grace. Some opted to wear their regular makeup and some opted to wear more natural makeup. Even if they weren't feeling the theme, they just enjoyed the brunch for what it was and left when it was over. Kenya did a little too much in her response and then seemed visibly peeved when Kim opted not to engage her.


Kandi put up a post on her IG saying that she understood the purpose of Kim's brunch, but that it was hard for them to be on camera without makeup since people can be so critical.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 10


I don't think anyone needs makeup, and I don't think choosing to wear makeup means you need it.


Yeah, no.


Some of those chicks NEED makeup and when I say some of them, I mean KENYA.  She knows her face looks like a side street after it's been plowed from a winter storm so she was not trying to be on TV looking like that. Sheree, Cynthia & Kandi didn't need makeup and Porsha probably doesn't either.


Kenya needs to invest in a good skincare regimen so she doesn't NEED makeup.  And Kim Fields could use a touch up herself.

  • Love 13

People clowned Sheree for showing up looking all sweaty and greasy earlier this season. I suspect she has oily skin, which, while super problematic in humid weather, does have its advantages.

I'm genuinely interested in knowing what the advantages are of having oily skin. I have oily skin and it's never been a good thing for me.

  • Love 2

You know, Kim could have just thrown a "PJs" brunch...encouraged the ladies to come in pajamas or other casual attire, stressed that they didn't need to have a full face of makeup, etc. But she made it preachy right from the start!

But then the irony of Kenya (she of the "come to my party dressed as THIS specific character from a movie" stunt) being the one to bitch the most had me back on Kim's side, dammit.

And then Kim handed out the stupid bedazzled compacts and mini-notebooks and tried to get the ladies to write a poem and I was all, "This is one of the dumbest RH made-for-tv social events I have ever seen." Basically I was conflicted.

  • Love 7

Its the principle.  And if it wasn't such a big deal, it shouldn't have been the cornerstone of her event.  People should do what they want without "life guidance" or "life lessons" from Kim Fields.  No one has undertaken to tell Kim that she can't show up to events unless she wears a decent wig and a less hideous outfit.


I don't think anyone needs makeup, and I don't think choosing to wear makeup means you need it.  It simply means that you're a grown woman who chooses to wear makeup when you go out.  I don't spend my time worried about other people wearing make up or hair, if people want to wear their natural beauty, good for them, if they don't thats fine too.  Choosing to wear a weave or to have your face beat isn't going to tell me who you are, or whether you love yourself or not or whatever.  To think it is some indicator of personality seems more superficial than wearing makeup/wigs/weaves in the first place.


Wait, Kenya threw a party where she asked everybody to dress up like movie characters or something.  Porsha didn't do what she was asked and Kenya wanted her thrown out.  Kim wanted to throw a no make up party; Kenya showed up in full paint, therefore,  Kim should have thrown Kenya out.  If Kenya didn't want to participate, then don't come.  

  • Love 12

Goodness, it's only make up, it's not like Kim asked Kenya to come to her party naked or something.  Of course she can go out the way she wants, I just wonder why some women feel that they NEED make up; I mean I wear it but I don't NEED it, I don't feel incomplete without it.


You're also not a celebrity that gets photographed every time she leaves the house and you don't make a living off of your looks.  You know how much the tabloids would love getting a pic of any of these women looking a mess in public? It'd be plastered all over those rags.   Kim was being obnoxious in her request and I'd be resentful too if she tried to get me out for filming an event without any make-up on.   I don't care if she's doing it, too.  That's her prerogative, just like wearing make-up is Kenya's.

  • Love 9

Wait, Kenya threw a party where she asked everybody to dress up like movie characters or something. Porsha didn't do what she was asked and Kenya wanted her thrown out. Kim wanted to throw a no make up party; Kenya showed up in full paint, therefore, Kim should have thrown Kenya out. If Kenya didn't want to participate, then don't come.

Despite the eyerollingly predictable refrains of "jus jealous cuz she's pretty," this is one of the main reasons people have issues with Kenya. She's petty and immature. She was willing to throw out one of her guests because they didn't follow her exact orders and then she turns around and not only refuses to comply with an even simpler party request, but she spends most of the brunch complaining to the hostess. She wouldn't know class or grace if they dragged her to the floor by her hair.

  • Love 22

You're also not a celebrity that gets photographed every time she leaves the house and you don't make a living off of your looks.  You know how much the tabloids would love getting a pic of any of these women looking a mess in public? It'd be plastered all over those rags.   Kim was being obnoxious in her request and I'd be resentful too if she tried to get me out for filming an event without any make-up on.   I don't care if she's doing it, too.  That's her prerogative, just like wearing make-up is Kenya's.


Yes but no one held a gun to Kenya's head and said, "you have to be a celebrity!"  She volunteered for the job; and I'm sure that this "brunch" was set up by Bravo, so it's probably not Kim's fault, also, it's a VERY first world problem, goodness, it's not like Kim asked her to walk outside of her house naked..   BTW, I've seen pictures of Halle Berry without make up and she looks like...Halle Berry without make up.

  • Love 6

Yes but no one held a gun to Kenya's head and said, "you have to be a celebrity!"  She volunteered for the job; and I'm sure that this "brunch" was set up by Bravo, so it's probably not Kim's fault, also, it's a VERY first world problem, goodness, it's not like Kim asked her to walk outside of her house naked..   BTW, I've seen pictures of Halle Berry without make up and she looks like...Halle Berry without make up.


Crux.  If you're so unrecognizable without makeup as for it to alter your career opportunities, cosmetics aren't the problem.

  • Love 3

The call Cynthia made to Kenya...  It felt like there was some sort of unspoken conversation going on.  I was wondering if Kim hadn't told Kenya the meeting was happening or if Kim had told her it was rescheduled but Kenya didn't want to put it on blast (which would be unusual, but it could happen).  Or if Cynthia and Kenya knew she wasn't going to be there and the call was just for show or something. 


Boy, Kim has annoyed someone in production though.  The shot of her closing the door and snarking about Kenya and producing hours of tv.  Normally 1st season HoWives don't get exposed so much on their snark levels.  (That gets saved for season 2 ;) )

  • Love 5

Yes but no one held a gun to Kenya's head and said, "you have to be a celebrity!"  She volunteered for the job; and I'm sure that this "brunch" was set up by Bravo, so it's probably not Kim's fault, also, it's a VERY first world problem, goodness, it's not like Kim asked her to walk outside of her house naked..   BTW, I've seen pictures of Halle Berry without make up and she looks like...Halle Berry without make up.


I'm not sure what her choosing to be a celebrity has to do with anything.  Yeah she chose to be a celebrity, which is why she wants to look on point all the time.  She wasn't complaining about having to wear make up, she was complaining about Kim's high and mighty ass trying to force her to show up for filming without it.  It was manipulative as well as condescending.  Now, I'm no Kenya fan and definitely see her hypocrisy given how she acted when Porsha came to her party out of "character" in a past season, I just happen to agree with her opinion of Kim's brunch "theme."   I can't stand Kim even more because she's making me side with Kenya!  ;)

  • Love 10

One thing good about Kim - her no nonsense, matter of fact way she deals with Kenya.  She stays calm, on point and doesn't fall prey to Kenya's manufactured drama - the way some of the other women do.


And what was up with Kenya flaking out on "bestie" Cynthia.  She never even bother to pick up the phone to let her know she wasn't showing up.

  • Love 8

Km didn't force Kenya or anyone else not to wear make up, she had a brunch with the theme of no make up ( silly theme imo, but whatever). Kenya was "upset" because she wanted to be. All the other women rolled with the idea and clearly wore what they wanted.

Kenya can't help but be difficult.

Aiden is so cute.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 6

Wait, Kenya threw a party where she asked everybody to dress up like movie characters or something.  Porsha didn't do what she was asked and Kenya wanted her thrown out.  Kim wanted to throw a no make up party; Kenya showed up in full paint, therefore,  Kim should have thrown Kenya out.  If Kenya didn't want to participate, then don't come.  

I didn't remember that fight being solely about the character outfit.  But, if it was, Kenya was wrong for that too.  One person doing something wrong doesn't equate to another person doing the same thing being right.  Kenya said she wasn't going to come but Kandi had already committed to drive.  I think it would have been downright hilarious if Kim had thrown everyone out of her party for wearing makeup.  It could have been her and Sheree sitting alone eating a brunch.  But of course Kim didn't because she would have pretty much eaten alone.  And she could only make her passive aggressive comments to one person, instead of all the ladies getting to "learn" from her and her "natural beauty."  Which really feels more like Kim realizes she looks awful all the time, and is hoping for a situation where everyone can come down to her level.  But thats on her, she should work a little harder if she wants to look better.

  • Love 8

One thing good about Kim - her no nonsense, matter of fact way she deals with Kenya.  She stays calm, on point and doesn't fall prey to Kenya's manufactured drama - the way some of the other women do.


And what was up with Kenya flaking out on "bestie" Cynthia.  She never even bother to pick up the phone to let her know she wasn't showing up.

I'm kinda shocked about that, because Kenya shows up to just about everything.  I don't think she wanted to go to that brunch but she showed up anyways.  I don't think she wanted to go to that pj party (she had just picked up Brandon from the airport) but she went anyways.  Kenya generally doesn't refuse to meet with, or film with anyone.  The only time I can remember where she was at an event for Cynthia, Apollo showed up and she wanted to leave immediately.


And "house emergencies" doesn't really sound like a thing in her situation unless there was a sinkhole of some sort.  Maybe it was to set the stage for the Jamaica drama, maybe she wants to set the stage for her own friendship breakup with Cynthia, maybe she didn't have as good an idea, maybe she wanted to spend some more time with Matt.  I do not like Kim, but her idea for the commercial was a good one.


Kim is no hero, she just knew she lost the battle and the war when everyone showed up with makeup and wasn't falling for her "wise Kim" act.  No one wanted to take off their lashes, wash their face or write a poem.  Kim pretending like her voice mail invitation wasn't condescending and patronizing was funny.   She wasn't trying to showcase "natural beauty,"  I think she is just bitter that at every other event she faces a situation where she looks really out of place and everyone else looks glamorous.  

Edited by RCharter
  • Love 10



Kim is no hero, she just knew she lost the battle and the war when everyone showed up with makeup and wasn't falling for her "wise Kim" act.  No one wanted to take off their lashes, wash their face or write a poem.  Kim pretending like her voice mail invitation wasn't condescending and patronizing was funny.   She wasn't trying to showcase "natural beauty,"  I think she is just bitter that at every other event she faces a situation where she looks really out of place and everyone else looks glamorous.  


THIS!  She was being a terrible hostess.  A good hostess seeks to make her guests feel comfortable.  Kim was doing the exact opposite: she was attempting to put her guests in a position to make HERSELF more comfortable.  She doesn't like getting glammed up all the time so she leaves them a voicemail invitation blabbering on about inner beauty, life lessons, condescending preachy crap basically telling them to show up for the brunch looking how SHE'S more comfortable looking.   She had to know these women aren't the types to show up for a filmed event having just rolled out of bed.  Come on, now.  Way to be messy, Tootie.

  • Love 12

If I were Kim, I wouldn't want to co-direct with Kenya either.


And Kenya calling Kim pompous and arrogant* was just too much.


Todd is coming across very negatively in these baby discussions. 



*To be clear, I thought Kim's no-makeup party idea was pretentious. But Kenya didn't have to be belligerent about it. Porsha managed to make the point that some women might not feel comfortable without makeup without coming across like an ass.


I really agree with you. Personally, I look like the walking dead without lipstick. I never appear in public without it, nor without other makeup. It takes a LOT, but not multiple layers, just the whole spectrum, to make me feel presentable. So I would be uncomfortable with the "beatless" look also. I just wouldn't have gone, especially to be filmed without it. Or I would have asked in advance to be excused from being "beatless.".


Kenya took her objections to a whole new level. I think Kim's explanation of why she was doing it should have settled any "You're trying to make me feel  bad about how much makeup I wear" questions. They *all* use a lot of makeup. So what? Stay home if you don't like the idea. Don't just go so you can vent your spleen.


Anyone with half a brain can see pairing those two for the eyewear promotion is gonna be a bomb. Either Cynthia is more clueless than I ever imagined, or Bravo really wants to present this explosion. Really not interested in more bad bloodshed.


PS I personally *hate* those 50's looking glasses. To me, the glasses up to the mid to late 60's were basically styleless, except for the cat's eye look. They looked ugly to me then, and they still look ugly to me now. Functional. No more, no less. Women of the day, like my mom, hated wearing them. They welcomed contact lenses as a godsend.

  • Love 5

I'm kinda shocked about that, because Kenya shows up to just about everything.  I don't think she wanted to go to that brunch but she showed up anyways.  I don't think she wanted to go to that pj party (she had just picked up Brandon from the airport) but she went anyways.  Kenya generally doesn't refuse to meet with, or film with anyone.  The only time I can remember where she was at an event for Cynthia, Apollo showed up and she wanted to leave immediately.


And "house emergencies" doesn't really sound like a thing in her situation unless there was a sinkhole of some sort.  Maybe it was to set the stage for the Jamaica drama, maybe she wants to set the stage for her own friendship breakup with Cynthia, maybe she didn't have as good an idea, maybe she wanted to spend some more time with Matt.  I do not like Kim, but her idea for the commercial was a good one.

Or she knew that when it came to being a legit director/producer, Kim is way more qualified, would bring her A-game (which she did) - and easily put Kenya's ego in check.

Edited by escape
  • Love 4

I've heard about moms breast-feeding their chilren at that age---even at 5. I hear it's fairly common. That being said, no way to that; it's time to break out the sippy cups and straws.

LaLeche league often taught to breastfeed quite a while longer than the traditional American ideas. I knew someone who did it until her child was 4 or 5. Breast milk actually is the most complete food and changes with the needs of the child at various ages. Not sure I really am on board with that long lasting a period, but they do have their reasons.

  • Love 1

I almost choked on my sandwich when Kim was going on about what a fabulous stylist her friend was, and how her hair was so wonderful. Then she walked in and I now know why Kim wears clown wigs.

Why on earth did they show a photo of the Big Peach water tower in Gaffney, SC during the opening scenes of this episode? It has nothing to do with Atlanta, Gaffney is not next door.

Phaedra hoping Apollo gets a transfer to a more child-friendly facility. Sorry, Phae, he's bunking with Joe in N.J.

Kandi looks funny driving that big ol' truck, funny in a good way. :)

  • Love 6

Kenya looked very pretty. She had less makeup on then Phaedra and Porsha. I hate Kim for making me agree with her. Kenya was on point with her comments....but she always has to be extra. Like her comment 'are we doing the dismissive thing.' Yes Kim was being dismissive, and her comments were condescending and judgy. But Kenya being Kenya has to be extra and say it trying to start a fight*

***please note I get that's her job on this boring ass show. And I know I'm talking outta both sides of my neck cause without the conflict I would not watch. I don't want violence, but I'm not looking for hours of them shopping and working with their boring families and everyone holding hands and braiding each other's hair. No ma'am.

  • Love 8

I really agree with you. Personally, I look like the walking dead without lipstick. I never appear in public without it, nor without other makeup. It takes a LOT, but not multiple layers, just the whole spectrum, to make me feel presentable. So I would be uncomfortable with the "beatless" look also. I just wouldn't have gone, especially to be filmed without it. Or I would have asked in advance to be excused from being "beatless.".


Kenya took her objections to a whole new level. I think Kim's explanation of why she was doing it should have settled any "You're trying to make me feel  bad about how much makeup I wear" questions. They *all* use a lot of makeup. So what? Stay home if you don't like the idea. Don't just go so you can vent your spleen.


Anyone with half a brain can see pairing those two for the eyewear promotion is gonna be a bomb. Either Cynthia is more clueless than I ever imagined, or Bravo really wants to present this explosion. Really not interested in more bad bloodshed.


PS I personally *hate* those 50's looking glasses. To me, the glasses up to the mid to late 60's were basically styleless, except for the cat's eye look. They looked ugly to me then, and they still look ugly to me now. Functional. No more, no less. Women of the day, like my mom, hated wearing them. They welcomed contact lenses as a godsend.

I agree, there was no need for Kenya to go there. It's not like Kim berated any of the women for wearing makeup, she didn't kick any of them out, she didn't point to their faces and get upset/laugh/angry, she joked around, she fed them a wonderful Brunch and gave them small gifts and that was it. All Kenya had to was smile and enjoy herself, there was no need to get nasty like she did, none IMO.

  • Love 10

I'm not crazy about how Kandi interacts with Todd.  Seems like she's always laughing at him, or giving him the side-eye, like she doesn't take him seriously as a full partner in the marriage, or even respect him very much.  If he doesn't want elephants and unicorns on the nursery wall, well, it's his house too.  Also, it's silly to give him a schedule for taking care of the baby before the baby has even arrived.


Kim's stylist has good hair?  Okay.  I thought she looked like Krusty the Klown on The Simpsons, and her glasses were awful.


No mention of paying Kim or Kenya for their work on Cynthia's TV ad? 


I agree that Sheree looks great without much makeup -- woman has good bones.  Also agree that the "beatless" brunch was a jibe at the women for overdoing it.  Me, I think over-long eyelashes just hide pretty eyes.  If something's obviously phony -- boobs, hair, lashes -- the effect is the opposite.  It doesn't enhance, it detracts. 

  • Love 11

Kenya looked very pretty. She had less makeup on then Phaedra and Porsha. I hate Kim for making me agree with her. Kenya was on point with her comments....but she always has to be extra. Like her comment 'are we doing the dismissive thing.' Yes Kim was being dismissive, and her comments were condescending and judgy. But Kenya being Kenya has to be extra and say it trying to start a fight*

***please note I get that's her job on this boring ass show. And I know I'm talking outta both sides of my neck cause without the conflict I would not watch. I don't want violence, but I'm not looking for hours of them shopping and working with their boring families and everyone holding hands and braiding each other's hair. No ma'am.

I think thats fair, because I think Kenya was cast to be the villain and has mostly embraced the role.  I always thought that if Kenya had a mustache she would be twirling it in most of the scenes.  I thought Kenya was on point with her comments too, to me, its clear thats what everyone was thinking but Kenya said it.  The only one who took Kim seriously was Sheree, and hopefully that fact alone has taken Kim down a few pegs.  To me, that voicemail was begging for someone to say something.  Perhaps everyone showing up without makeup was enough to put Kim on notice that she isn't all that special, but it didn't bother me that anyone threw shade her way about that voice mail, or about Kim's condescension.  

  • Love 12

Its the principle.  And if it wasn't such a big deal, it shouldn't have been the cornerstone of her event.  People should do what they want without "life guidance" or "life lessons" from Kim Fields.  No one has undertaken to tell Kim that she can't show up to events unless she wears a decent wig and a less hideous outfit.


I don't think anyone needs makeup, and I don't think choosing to wear makeup means you need it.  It simply means that you're a grown woman who chooses to wear makeup when you go out.  I don't spend my time worried about other people wearing make up or hair, if people want to wear their natural beauty, good for them, if they don't thats fine too.  Choosing to wear a weave or to have your face beat isn't going to tell me who you are, or whether you love yourself or not or whatever.  To think it is some indicator of personality seems more superficial than wearing makeup/wigs/weaves in the first place.


Agree especially with the bolded. Kim looked good twice for me on this episode - once when she had her planning lady with her - blouse was cute and as I recall, hair not too bad. Then the one TH when she had the straight, long wig looked very cute on her. But, otherwise, she usually looks as if she stuck her finger in a light socket, then grabbed random clothes from a trash bag.


Generally, I like Kim, although her stock with me has gone down considerably throughout this season, but girl needs to really look in a mirror on occasion. She's so cute, it doesn't take much. Wonder who's responsible for her lack of clothes sense. Maybe she's been exposed to NeNe on the sly.


ETA: Oh, yes, her "stylist." I forgot how ridiculous she looked. Kim's obviously taking her advice on wigs. I'm thankful she's not also adopted those horrific glasses.

Edited by renatae
  • Love 6

I'm not crazy about how Kandi interacts with Todd.  Seems like she's always laughing at him, or giving him the side-eye, like she doesn't take him seriously as a full partner in the marriage, or even respect him very much.  If he doesn't want elephants and unicorns on the nursery wall, well, it's his house too.  Also, it's silly to give him a schedule for taking care of the baby before the baby has even arrived.


Kim's stylist has good hair?  Okay.  I thought she looked like Krusty the Klown on The Simpsons, and her glasses were awful.


No mention of paying Kim or Kenya for their work on Cynthia's TV ad? 



I see Cynthia's "commercial" as a way for them all to take a Bravo sponsored trip to Jamacia, and for Cynthia to have more time to promote her eyewear line.  If she can make a fight happen surrounding the commercial than its all the better for her.


I personally don't like the big hair look, but I will say that Kim's "stylist" definitely had a sense of her own personal style.  Its not my own, but her hair looked relatively healthy, which I think is hard to do when hair is in its natural state.  And it looks like she put some color on it or some highlights maybe?  But how could someone be your friend AND your stylist and let you wear that harsh platinum blonde color that looks like its straight from a bottle of peroxide?  Or any of the outfits that Kim wears?  Even that mini skirt she wore to meet Cynthia, that was...sequined?  

  • Love 8

The radio show that Porsha is on is taped for DishNation. So, even though she's on the radio, there is a camera filming the show for fans. I was going to post an example, but the video looked huge on my screen. You can check on YT to see what I mean.

Dish Nation is a major TV show, not a radio show. Clawdia was on the radio show.

Edited by Aging Goth
  • Love 3

I almost choked on my sandwich when Kim was going on about what a fabulous stylist her friend was, and how her hair was so wonderful. Then she walked in and I now know why Kim wears clown wigs.

Why on earth did they show a photo of the Big Peach water tower in Gaffney, SC during the opening scenes of this episode? It has nothing to do with Atlanta, Gaffney is not next door.

Phaedra hoping Apollo gets a transfer to a more child-friendly facility. Sorry, Phae, he's bunking with Joe in N.J.

Kandi looks funny driving that big ol' truck, funny in a good way. :)

Maybe you should have let her know. Edited by imjagain
  • Love 1

Maybe you should have let her know.

So, I enjoy trashy reality TV, and part of my line-up is Mob Wives.  One of the girls on there actually grew up visiting her father in prison from a very young age, and she was very straight about how scary and intimidating it was.  I have mostly dismissed Phaedra's concerns in this regard because I think kids are fairly resilient  and I think prisons try to plan for child visits.  But hearing it from someone who went through it really changed my mind.  I visited a federal facility and I didn't think it was that bad, but I didn't see it through the eyes of a child.  


I surely hope someone tells Phaedra where Apollo is going to be, and if its not a facility that really makes the effort, I hope she just keeps them away.  I'm surprised more facilities don't use Skype or video conferencing to do weekday visits.  I mean, its not as good as getting to be right there with your parent, but its probably better than just a phone call.


I still don't much care for Phaedra, but I now can see how real her concerns are after hearing from someone who actually had to go through that.  I can see where it would be very scary for a child Ayden's age.

  • Love 11

So, I enjoy trashy reality TV, and part of my line-up is Mob Wives.  One of the girls on there actually grew up visiting her father in prison from a very young age, and she was very straight about how scary and intimidating it was.  I have mostly dismissed Phaedra's concerns in this regard because I think kids are fairly resilient  and I think prisons try to plan for child visits.  But hearing it from someone who went through it really changed my mind.  I visited a federal facility and I didn't think it was that bad, but I didn't see it through the eyes of a child.  


I surely hope someone tells Phaedra where Apollo is going to be, and if its not a facility that really makes the effort, I hope she just keeps them away.  I'm surprised more facilities don't use Skype or video conferencing to do weekday visits.  I mean, its not as good as getting to be right there with your parent, but its probably better than just a phone call.


I still don't much care for Phaedra, but I now can see how real her concerns are after hearing from someone who actually had to go through that.  I can see where it would be very scary for a child Ayden's age.

I was surprised that the inmates had access to email.

Phaedra has the right idea, those kids are too young to be exposed to their father being in prison.

And once again, she showed that she is a hands on mother.

Bless her for being adventurous enough to let her five years old play with glitter.

  • Love 10

Teresa from NJ was also allowed to email her kids every day but the emails are monitored. So not that surprising they're allowed to use it. All of Teresa's kids visited her in prison as well, although it was a low security prison, and 3 of the 4 daughters are quite young. It doesn't seem any of them were traumatized by the experience but again, low security prison plus could just depend on the child how they'll react. I'd say Ayden is far too young right now though.

  • Love 1

I'm not crazy about how Kandi interacts with Todd.  Seems like she's always laughing at him, or giving him the side-eye, like she doesn't take him seriously as a full partner in the marriage, or even respect him very much.  If he doesn't want elephants and unicorns on the nursery wall, well, it's his house too.  Also, it's silly to give him a schedule for taking care of the baby before the baby has even arrived.


You know when you have to go to the trouble of acting like you need your dude for the benefit of his ego but you don't really have the energy?  No? just me?  lol, ok.  Harkens back to the days of yore (prenup).  I'm sure she loves and wants him but I don't see Todd as all that necessary.  I think Kandi's guilty of that thing a lot of independent women are accused of when they're accustomed to singledom.  Not really defaulting to make him and his opinions essential.  On a related note, unless she has added his name to the deed, technically, it's not his house too ;-) she bought it in cash, unmarried.    I'm giggling but it's not funny, that girl goes hard about what's hers.  


I was surprised that the inmates had access to email.

Phaedra has the right idea, those kids are too young to be exposed to their father being in prison.

And once again, she showed that she is a hands on mother.

Bless her for being adventurous enough to let her five years old play with glitter.


This.   Though I never see any staff she must have housekeeping help right?  A baby + sticky hands + tubes of glitter + a room that's all white.  I was like how is she not breaking into hives a little bit? lol.  

  • Love 10

I'm officially over Kim fields. You're not Oprah honey. Ill run to the grocery makeup less but dammed if I'd be filmed without makeup. Who the heck does she think she is anyway???? Write a poem about being natural? Get lost. I'd never go to her house if that's what she considers"fun". But I guess being superior is fun for her.

  • Love 9


I'm genuinely interested in knowing what the advantages are of having oily skin. I have oily skin and it's never been a good thing for me.


Fewer lines and wrinkles.  Less sun and environmental damage.


Self basting?


I just thought of something. Wasn't it just a few episodes back where we had a scene of Todd and Kandi and Todd was saying that he spoke to Apollo and he said that Phaedra never calls and he hasn't spoken to his children in forever?!?! Did I imagine that? Cut to last week and we have a scene with Aiden on the phone with his dad and judging by content of the conversation it seemed that wasn't their 1st phone call and they had indeed been in contact in the past.  That just struck me as odd. Todd and Kandi really just need to stay out of the Phae/Apollo situation period, but next week looks good and I am here for it. 


LOL! at Aiden. To heck with writing out a list for Santa. Just send him the whole dog gone Toys r us catalog. I tell you that boy is a genius! I wish I had thought of that at his age. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 7

You're also not a celebrity that gets photographed every time she leaves the house and you don't make a living off of your looks.  You know how much the tabloids would love getting a pic of any of these women looking a mess in public? It'd be plastered all over those rags.   Kim was being obnoxious in her request and I'd be resentful too if she tried to get me out for filming an event without any make-up on.   I don't care if she's doing it, too.  That's her prerogative, just like wearing make-up is Kenya's.


I agree. All those stupid magazines "Celebrities without makeup", and then they mock whomever (Cameron Diaz usually). For "ex-models" or "ex-beauty queens" or RH's -yes they're "supposed" to look a certain way. All women are "supposed" to look a certain way in this society. (Rolls eyes.) We live in a strange culture, and a lot of celebrities do look different without their glam squad. Googling celebrities without makeup will probably bring up a bunch of examples and rude comments.  Kenya's skin already gets criticized, so I get it if she didn't feel like offering herself up for the roast. The brunch would in some way shape or form inevitably lead to judging and shame, and I'm not down for that look be it Bravo's idea or Kim's. (Not calling out people here- just explaining why I wouldn't go.)

I would not have gone, because I don't agree with the concept of anyone telling me what to do with my body. A woman's relationship with her appearance and makeup is much different than a theme party and can't be compared. (But yes Kenya was being an idiot for that.) Some may not see the concept as a big deal, but these women already have been getting criticized for their appearance all over the place- I understand if they didn't want to serve themselves up for slaughter on social media. You know they've already read comment after comment about how ugly they are in some way somewhere on the internet.


That being said, I don't care if Kim has orgies at her house. If it wasn't my thing, then I simply wouldn't be there.


* If a good lipstick makes you feel better about leaving the house... then who does it hurt to put it on? If you want to beat your face to the gods then honey beat that face! If you want to go barefaced, go bare! I just think for something as personal as makeup women should do what they want to do. So many other times we're told we  have to act or be a certain way. We should at least be able to control our own bodies.

Edited by Granimal
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