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I count eight 20somethings and under -- which is less than David vs Goliath at nine (although that was a 20 person season, right?), including one under 30 returnee. Clocking in under Ghost Island's record of 11. This cast seems less diverse than David vs Goliath, but maybe it's because of the returnees.

David Wright's pet peeves ... he's so clever. I missed him, a little.

Joe is just ... why? When Malcolm exists?

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I like Aubry. Now, she’s all bitter about Koh Rong and won’t say it by name. A while back she was on RHAP and seemed okay with it. Now she’s all super seriously bitter. She was also pretty adamant that she was done playing and I was surprised she came back. Rob said he was totally blindsided shocked that she came back. He got the impression that she was done, done, done. I guess playing with newbies changed her mind and maybe she thinks she has a better chance to win?! Of course, that’s if she, David, Kelley & Joe we’re informed of the format beforehand. I am curious to see how they'll place this go around. The newbies look rather bland so I’m hoping the four returnees do well. 

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 3
  On 2/3/2019 at 6:15 AM, ByaNose said:

The newbies look rather bland so I’m hoping the four returnees do well. 


I hope they all do badly. I love Kelly and David and I loved Aubry before (maybe not so much now), but I hate when they do seasons with a few returnees mixed with mostly newbies and I don't want them to get what they want by having the returnees do well.

  • Love 2

My feelings on Kelley are like a roller coaster.  I hated her, then liked her, then hated her, then liked...honestly I'm not digging her from the couple of pre-show interviews I've seen.  I always thought she felt a tad too highly of herself and her game play.  

The newbies are putting me to sleep.  No surprise, because when I think of FvsF (1 & 2), RI, and SP, they definitely stacked the deck against the newbies.  I can barely remember the cast of RI and SP, and Caramoan was a shit show.  Micronesia had some promise with the favorites-great characters, and if they could have worked together and gotten along they might have been able to turn the tide.  Still, it was clear that they were a bunch of wide eyed newbies who didn't know what they were doing.  

Last season was so great in every way, that I don't understand why the heck they went this route for this season.  And IOE is clearly there to help the favorites get back into the game (because god forbid the favorites are voted out early and have to stay out).

  • Love 1
  On 2/3/2019 at 6:44 PM, LadyChatts said:

My feelings on Kelley are like a roller coaster.  I hated her, then liked her, then hated her, then liked...honestly I'm not digging her from the couple of pre-show interviews I've seen.  I always thought she felt a tad too highly of herself and her game play.  

The newbies are putting me to sleep.  No surprise, because when I think of FvsF (1 & 2), RI, and SP, they definitely stacked the deck against the newbies.  I can barely remember the cast of RI and SP, and Caramoan was a shit show.  Micronesia had some promise with the favorites-great characters, and if they could have worked together and gotten along they might have been able to turn the tide.  Still, it was clear that they were a bunch of wide eyed newbies who didn't know what they were doing.  

Last season was so great in every way, that I don't understand why the heck they went this route for this season.  And IOE is clearly there to help the favorites get back into the game (because god forbid the favorites are voted out early and have to stay out).


I do agree with a great previous season with Survivor: David vs. Goliath I’m surprised they went this route. Of course, the seasons are filmed back to back and even TPTB probably didn’t know how great the cast was and how great the season ended up being. Overall, I’m not a fan of newbies/returnees seasons but I just have to watch it play out. They haven’t started with Seasons 38 & 39 (at least, I don’t think so) and, they can hopefully rebound from this season if they need to. 

  • Love 1
  On 2/3/2019 at 8:52 PM, ByaNose said:

I do agree with a great previous season with Survivor: David vs. Goliath I’m surprised they went this route. Of course, the seasons are filmed back to back and even TPTB probably didn’t know how great the cast was and how great the season ended up being. Overall, I’m not a fan of newbies/returnees seasons but I just have to watch it play out. They haven’t started with Seasons 38 & 39 (at least, I don’t think so) and, they can hopefully rebound from this season if they need to. 


If they keep the same filming schedule, S39 should film in March-May, S40 May/June-July.  Of course, there’s a ton of speculation that S40 will be some full returning player season.  Former castaways are already on SM telling anyone who will listen to @ Jeff Probst and say they want them back.

If they want to bring returning players back I wish they’d just do another fan voted season.  But they’ve done BBB twice, Worlds Apart, DvG, and HHH could al be considered similar themes, MvsGX doesn’t seem like the type of theme to repeat.  They could do another BvsW season.  From what I remember reading, this whole theme was an idea they had for S30, without the returning players.  I guess they could have just used it without returning players, but it seems like an attempt to keep them in.  I also don’t know how I feel about them not telling the castaways ahead of time.  When they tried to change the rock draw rule in S34, it seemed to scared anyone to force a tie vote.  And clearly this could impact how people vote, but it seems like a pretty big twist.  This just screams Outcast Tribe disaster and Probst complaining about the new Lill costing whoever his new Savage is.  

Edited by LadyChatts
  On 2/3/2019 at 10:21 PM, peachmangosteen said:

Wait, they weren't told the twist beforehand? LMAO!


Well, listening to the RHAP interviews which were done before the game started they didn’t fully know. I think Kelly or Aubry (can’t recall whom) flew out with one of the guys (or saw them at the airport) and knew at least they weren’t the only ones. Now, they might have thought they were the only two coaches (like Stephanie & Bobby Jon from Guatemala) but still knew they’re were newbies involved. I guess that’s somewhat of an advantage. 

  On 2/3/2019 at 10:21 PM, peachmangosteen said:

Wait, they weren't told the twist beforehand? LMAO!


From what I heard Probst say in that Youtube video I posted, they didn’t know about the IOE until they were voted off-at which point they were given the option to either be voted off or go to IOE to return.  None of the players still in the game will know until the voted off players return to compete to come back into the game.

Edited by LadyChatts

I quit watching Big Brother about ten years ago because of all the returning players and the shenanigans the show pulls to keep them in the game.  This is a game for a million dollars and people try for years to get a chance.  It just sucks that certain people get more than one chance and that these newbies will have the game manipulated against them.

  • Love 6
  On 2/4/2019 at 12:33 AM, LadyChatts said:

From what I heard Probst say in that Youtube video I posted, they didn’t know about the IOE until they were voted off-at which point they were given the option to either be voted off or go to IOE to return.  None of the players still in the game will know until the voted off players return to compete to come back into the game.


I am loling so hard. This season just keeps getting worse and worse and it hasn't even started yet!

  • Love 4
  On 2/4/2019 at 1:44 PM, peachmangosteen said:

I am loling so hard. This season just keeps getting worse and worse and it hasn't even started yet!


It's basically the Outcast twist but not. I don't care for either one. The whole premise of this game was and should always be is when you are voted out......you are voted out. No if ands or buts about it. That said, I'm curious to see the reaction of the people still left in the game when they first find out about it. I'm guessing some aren't going to be too happy. LOL!!!

  • Love 5

I wonder if Jeff is going to allude to something happening in the game.  This is where my Survivor nerdom would kick in, but if I were a newbie this season, and there wasn't a RI or some other twist to get the returning players back into the game, I'd think something was up.  Because aside from the two FvsF seasons and Philippines, there hasn't been a season where it was a small mix of vets and the rest returning players where they didn't have RI.  Even BvsW had redemption island, though I think that was for dramatic effect, too.  And I don't think they cared about the returning players enough in Philippines if they got voted out early.  But with Joe, Aubry, Kelley, and David, 4 well known popular players, and they just get voted off?  Yeah, I'd think something was up.   

  • Love 2

Ugh, I hate this "increasingly wacky themes and twists," but I do think it's a side effect of staying in Fiji. They can no longer repeat themed seasons from Fiji, or even pre-Fiji themed seasons unless they're going to devise some wacky new Fijian location (like they made the Philippines work for four seasons with Cagayan, Caramoan and the OG BvW). You can repeat themed seasons if you change something -- like BBB is both Cagayan and Kaoh Rong (different locations) and BvW 2 is San Juan Del Sur (different locations). But staying in Fiji means you can't repeat past themes (unless it's something iconic like Heroes vs Villains, maybe), because the location doesn't change. Hence, the increasingly wacky themes and twists.

Even something like mvgx, which should be the easiest thing ever to repeat since it was literally just an arbitrary age divide, I can't see them repeating as long as they stay in Fiji.

  • Love 2


Here's Jeff talking more about what Extinction Island is-basically Outcast Tribe meets Exile Island.


Ugh, I hate this "increasingly wacky themes and twists," but I do think it's a side effect of staying in Fiji. They can no longer repeat themed seasons from Fiji, or even pre-Fiji themed seasons unless they're going to devise some wacky new Fijian location (like they made the Philippines work for four seasons with Cagayan, Caramoan and the OG BvW). You can repeat themed seasons if you change something -- like BBB is both Cagayan and Kaoh Rong (different locations) and BvW 2 is San Juan Del Sur (different locations). But staying in Fiji means you can't repeat past themes (unless it's something iconic like Heroes vs Villains, maybe), because the location doesn't change. Hence, the increasingly wacky themes and twists.


Funny thing is, the official title of S34 was Survivor: Game Changers-Mamanuca Islands.  Maybe if they hadn't added that last part on there we could have gotten through one season themeless.  But yeah, this is why I am not a fan of them permanently staying in Fiji, because it means endless stupid themes and twists and returning players of some variety being brought in.  And these themes aren't even that original.  I do realize that they probably wouldn't necessarily drop themes entirelyX even if they went elsewhere, but at least there's a chance they would do it or could if they wanted to.  

So is this the first cast Lynn didn’t have a part of?  Or does that start S39?

Edited by LadyChatts

I feel like most of the focus for this upcoming season has been on the returning players but here's a video asking some the cast if they'd rather be a legend and not win-or win and have no one remember them/get no respect for winning.  No surprise that almost everyone said they'd rather be a legend and be invited back (in some cases multiple times, and then they'll win).  Dan "Wardog" already considers himself a legend and wants to win; Aurora says she doesn't think you can win and get no respect. 

No surprise the returning players said they'd rather win and get no respect.

Edited by LadyChatts

Dalton asked Jeff his winner pick and he said........................................Kelley Wenthworth. He's been wrong in the past but he did pick Wendell. I could see her winning, too, That said, I always think it's dumb that newbies let returnees even get past 3 days. They had their chance. Buh-bye! And, this is coming from someone who likes Aubry, David and Kelley.

  • Love 2
  On 2/18/2019 at 7:08 PM, ByaNose said:

Dalton asked Jeff his winner pick and he said........................................Kelley Wenthworth. He's been wrong in the past but he did pick Wendell. I could see her winning, too, That said, I always think it's dumb that newbies let returnees even get past 3 days. They had their chance. Buh-bye! And, this is coming from someone who likes Aubry, David and Kelley.


Probst loves Wentworth, so I'm not surprised by that.  

And I tend to agree about the newbies letting the returning players get far in the game.  Of course, TPTB have to throw in stupid twists to help the returning players stick around even if they are voted off, but still.  I laugh about the first FvsF because of the favorites hating each other crossed with some of the favorites being star struck by the vets.  FvsF 2.0 was kind of similar, and let's not forget Redemption Island.  

  • Love 2
  On 2/18/2019 at 8:31 PM, LadyChatts said:

Probst loves Wentworth, so I'm not surprised by that.  

And I tend to agree about the newbies letting the returning players get far in the game.  Of course, TPTB have to throw in stupid twists to help the returning players stick around even if they are voted off, but still.  I laugh about the first FvsF because of the favorites hating each other crossed with some of the favorites being star struck by the vets.  FvsF 2.0 was kind of similar, and let's not forget Redemption Island.  


I think you mean Zombie Island, don’t you? LOL!!!! I agree about Probst’s   Wenthworth love. I wouldn’t be mad if she won but those newbies are soooo dumb if they let her or any vet make the merge but I’m sure at least 2 will. Who that is I’m not really sure?! I can hardly wait till Wednesday. Even, a bad season of Survivor is fine with me. Not really but I just love me some Survivor. I’ve been watching since Season 1 Episode 1.

  • Love 2

I finally got around to listening to Rob Cs Survivor Premiere recap with Arisa Cox and it was amazing! Usually I only listen to the first 15 minutes of his podcasts, basically as long as it takes me to clean my kitchen, but I kept this one going and just sat in a chair and listened. I wish he recapped every episode of Survivor and BB with Arisa. I enjoy her so much. 

  On 3/8/2019 at 11:45 AM, Lantern7 said:

Recap of the latest episode from Reality Blurred. Sufficed to say, I think Andy has accepted this season isn’t going to be a good one.


That was pretty good.  My favorite bit:

“The players signed up for this game, not the chickens, so why should they be penalized,” Wendy asked. That’d be a good question if the tribe was considering chopping a player’s head off and using it for food, but I didn’t understand the comparison.

  • LOL 5


Interview with Aubry about the first nine days in the game.  Nothing too earth shattering: she agrees that Manu is a train wreck but liked the fact that they were willing to work with returning players; says she asked Tai for every detail he could think of in finding an idol (she also says Ron was out there looking at the same time she ended up finding her idol, but he got nervous about being away from camp too long and went back).  No surprise that it it probably would have been her or Aurora to go from Kama if they lost before the swap.

The cast discusses what new twists they would like to see on Survivor


I total agree with Victoria.

"Is it bad for me to say that I want them to not do twists? I mean, I don’t want to sound awful. I love the game and I love what it’s become. I don’t want it to go back to seasons 1 and 2, or anything like that. I like the hidden immunity idols, but I just liked it when they were a lot fewer and farther between — when they were harder to find, when they were more of a big deal, and when the game was more about survival rather than all of the twists and the gimmicks. I mean, don’t yell at me, but I just felt like Ghost Island was so cheesy. I cringed a few times, so I don’t really want things like that. I want classic, not super classic, but seasons 15 through 30 Survivor.

I just feel like the game is so good on its own, that it doesn’t even need all these crazy things that it’s adding. The core of Survivor is the fact that it’s like a microcosm of the real world and it amps up everybody’s different faculties, and I feel like that’s what makes it so cool to watch. Not necessarily like idols, and then idol nullifiers, and all those things."

  • Love 8

Malcolm has a few tweets about this season, and said if viewers didn’t have to keep up with 800 twists they might be able to show all of the cast and not have us at the merge not knowing who people are.

Last season was great because while there were advantages and idols, there was a lot of old school game play mixed in as well.  I think there should be one idol at each camp, once it’s played it’s not reburied, and maybe one advantage.  But I think the idols would be fine.

  • Love 5
  On 4/4/2019 at 1:25 AM, LadyChatts said:

Malcolm has a few tweets about this season, and said if viewers didn’t have to keep up with 800 twists they might be able to show all of the cast and not have us at the merge not knowing who people are.


To which Rick responded with "you're just upset we voted you out in the last episode."  I thought that was a good one.

  • LOL 6
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In Survivor related news, the premiere of TAR 31 is being bumped up to April 17th (vs the previous May 22nd date).  This season features teams from TAR, Survivor, and Big Brother.  Rupert/Laura, Eliza/Corinne, and Bret/Chris are the 3 teams racing for Survivor.

  • Useful 1
  On 4/5/2019 at 9:31 PM, peachmangosteen said:

So pumped it's getting bumped up! I didn't remember Eliza was on it. And teamed with Corinne. That could be fun annoying or rage-inducing annoying.  No thanks to Rupert/Lauren and I don't know who Bret/Chris are lol. Wait, is it the gay cop and the redhead from MvGX?


I give them 30 minutes before they start yelling at taxi drivers and fighting with other teams.  I couldn't remember Bret/Chris either but you're right lol  Aside from Rupert these are kind of surprising picks, out of all the Survivor contestants they could pick from.  And I could care less about seeing Rupert or his tie dye shirt ever again on any show.

  • Love 1

I still can't believe mvgx will have had six people back on TV, five of them on CBS. To me, it was the best pre-David vs Goliath newbie cast of the 30s, so it's well-deserved. Still impressive.

I think Chris and Bret fill the "older  guys" niche, except neither are that old -- I think both are early-mid 40s. So, they'll fill a "comparatively older guys" niche.

Having just rewatched Pearl Islands, Rupert was indeed a challenge beast, but Pearl Islands was also 16 years ago.

I'm so psyched for this, though -- like a ... rebooted remix of Battle of the Network "Stars."

  • Love 1

I'm wondering if Bret/Chris were alternates.  Caleb/Tai were a rumored team, and it was leaked by TMZ that they and two other teams made up of Big Brother players were going to be on.  But none of those people ended up making it on, and some thought it was because they leaked their participation.  

I never liked MvsGX that much.  It wasn't terrible, and definitely better than the seasons that came before and after it.  But I think Adam winning soured it overall for me.  And I found some of the end game players kind of dull. 

Edited by LadyChatts
  • Love 3
  On 4/6/2019 at 12:01 AM, LadyChatts said:

I'm wondering if Bret/Chris were alternates.  Caleb/Tai were a rumored team, and it was leaked by TMZ that they and two other teams made up of Big Brother players were going to be on.  But none of those people ended up making it on, and some thought it was because they leaked their participation.  

I never liked MvsGX that much.  It wasn't terrible, and definitely better than the seasons that came before and after it.  But I think Adam winning soured it overall for me.  And I found some of the end game players kind of dull. 


I didn't like Bret that much on Survivor, but he is a lot of fun on RHAP and I think he could be a blast on TAR.   

  • Love 1

Yeah, Bret & Chris became bff's in Ponderosa and after. On the show itself they worked together a little but I don't even think it was shown. Since then they've been all over social media and events together. They seem like a good pair for TAR and I'm looking forward to see how they do. If there is a beer challenge Bret will handle it. LOL!!! Bret is a cop & Chris is a lawyer. They are smart guys and I'm sure they'll do well. I'm not sure if it's Top 3 well but well enough. Maybe, Top 5 or so.

  • Love 3
  On 4/5/2019 at 9:03 PM, LadyChatts said:


In Survivor related news, the premiere of TAR 31 is being bumped up to April 17th (vs the previous May 22nd date).  This season features teams from TAR, Survivor, and Big Brother.  Rupert/Laura, Eliza/Corinne, and Bret/Chris are the 3 teams racing for Survivor.


Thanks for the info.  Glad TAR is getting a Survivor lead-in.  God I watched Million Dollar Mile and it was a million dollar snooze fest. 

I'm all for Rupert being on since he is the only Survivor I even know on the Race and I've always liked him so take that internet haters!

But the ONLY team I'd like to see win is Colin and Christie.  Colin was one of the best Racers ever.  And though we will be missing his nemesis (and my favs) in Charla & Mirna at least we get a true all star Racer on the show.

  • Love 4
  On 4/9/2019 at 7:54 AM, green said:

Thanks for the info.  Glad TAR is getting a Survivor lead-in.  God I watched Million Dollar Mile and it was a million dollar snooze fest. 

I'm all for Rupert being on since he is the only Survivor I even know on the Race and I've always liked him so take that internet haters!

But the ONLY team I'd like to see win is Colin and Christie.  Colin was one of the best Racers ever.  And though we will be missing his nemesis (and my favs) in Charla & Mirna at least we get a true all star Racer on the show.


I like Colin & Christie, too. Although, I was amazed that they went that far back for a pair to represent TAR. I guess Rupert is that version from Survivor. Personally, I could have done without Rupert & his wife.

  • Love 2
  On 2/3/2019 at 6:44 PM, LadyChatts said:

My feelings on Kelley are like a roller coaster.  I hated her, then liked her, then hated her, then liked...honestly I'm not digging her from the couple of pre-show interviews I've seen.  I always thought she felt a tad too highly of herself and her game play.  

The newbies are putting me to sleep.  No surprise, because when I think of FvsF (1 & 2), RI, and SP, they definitely stacked the deck against the newbies.  I can barely remember the cast of RI and SP, and Caramoan was a shit show.  Micronesia had some promise with the favorites-great characters, and if they could have worked together and gotten along they might have been able to turn the tide.  Still, it was clear that they were a bunch of wide eyed newbies who didn't know what they were doing.  

Last season was so great in every way, that I don't understand why the heck they went this route for this season.  And IOE is clearly there to help the favorites get back into the game (because god forbid the favorites are voted out early and have to stay out).


If last seasons cast played with EOE it might have still been a great season.  They just can't control all the variables.  They tried something new, which I don't think is working that well, but the season might not have been that great under normal rules, with this cast.  Who knows?

I do think EOE was put in place partially to give the returnees a fighting chance.  The presumption is always that returnees will get targeted first, though that hasn't happened with Wentworth and David yet.

I don't have a problem with mixed newbies vs. returnees seasons.  I think the experience of the returnees more or less offsets the fact that they have targets on their backs.  An even numbers Fans vs. Favorites type season might work better, or maybe starting with 3 tribes of 6, with one of those tribes being returning players.   

  On 4/9/2019 at 11:52 AM, ByaNose said:

I like Colin & Christie, too. Although, I was amazed that they went that far back for a pair to represent TAR. I guess Rupert is that version from Survivor. Personally, I could have done without Rupert & his wife.


I'm not a big Rupert fan, but I think he will help makes things interesting.   

  On 4/9/2019 at 7:54 AM, green said:

Thanks for the info.  Glad TAR is getting a Survivor lead-in.  God I watched Million Dollar Mile and it was a million dollar snooze fest. 

I'm all for Rupert being on since he is the only Survivor I even know on the Race and I've always liked him so take that internet haters!

But the ONLY team I'd like to see win is Colin and Christie.  Colin was one of the best Racers ever.  And though we will be missing his nemesis (and my favs) in Charla & Mirna at least we get a true all star Racer on the show.


I am thrilled to see Colin/Christie back.  I wish they had brought back other old school teams, because I can't say I'm looking forward to the other TAR teams there, besides Becca/Floyd who I'm happy to see got another chance.

When The Price is Right filmed those specials featuring Survivor, BB, and TAR contestants a couple of years ago, I remember hearing that of the Survivor contestants, Woo, Joe, Rupert and Cirie were the most well received by the audience.  So while I'm bored of Rupert, I get why he's still a fixture.  I can't remember half of the cast of some of the most recent seasons, but I remember Rupert from his first stint alone.  

  On 4/9/2019 at 12:44 PM, Bryce Lynch said:

If last seasons cast played with EOE it might have still been a great season.  They just can't control all the variables.  They tried something new, which I don't think is working that well, but the season might not have been that great under normal rules, with this cast.  Who knows? 


At the start of the season, Chrissy posted an interesting tweet and said that they might use EOE in a future season, but were using this season as kind of a test.  Some speculated they might use it for S40, which is rumored to be an all star season of some sort.  I think a lot of it comes down to cast.  Last season's cast was great.  This season's cast, not so much.  Although I can blame part of that on lack of editing for the first half of the season for most of them.

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