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All Episodes Talk: Walk With Me

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I'm almost through my close to annual re-watch.  Like most I am not a fan of seasons 5 to 7.  That said, I forgot how great Santos' speech was to the convention - as a lifelong Democrat myself, it chokes me up every time.  


And I'll say it - I never minded Hawkeye as potential presidential material.  :)

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Like most I am not a fan of seasons 5 to 7.  That said, I forgot how great Santos' speech was to the convention - as a lifelong Democrat myself, it chokes me up every time.  


And I'll say it - I never minded Hawkeye as potential presidential material.  :)


You know?  I am not a fan of Seasons 5-7 either, but I say that loosely.  If I watch the series with the intent that they are two different shows, then I am actually ok with 5-7, there are some really good moments.  There are some story lines I didn't like (the whole leak thing), but that was true with 1-4 as well. 


I am sort of confused on your comment @eyebleach - are you close to doing a rewatch, or are you almost done?

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I just rewatched The Supremes. That must be one of the most prescient television episodes ever written. The background talk literally predicted the future. They were worried about corporations gaining rights, DOMA needing to be struck down, the narrowing of Roe v. Wade, the dismantling of affirmative action. All the things they thought a conservative court would do, has happened. That is one brilliant episode and this is one brilliant series. Curse my soul for signing up for NetFlix again. House of Cards to the back burner, I like my politicians with at least some semblance of decency.

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I just rewatched The Supremes. That must be one of the most prescient television episodes ever written. The background talk literally predicted the future. They were worried about corporations gaining rights, DOMA needing to be struck down, the narrowing of Roe v. Wade, the dismantling of affirmative action. All the things they thought a conservative court would do, has happened. That is one brilliant episode and this is one brilliant series. Curse my soul for signing up for NetFlix again. House of Cards to the back burner, I like my politicians with at least some semblance of decency.

I was struck when watching the episode where Bartlett was putting his first judge on the bench, Mendoza, when Sam was a ranting about the first choice because of the Unsigned Brief I think it was called. He was ranting about the next 20 years, how it was about personal privacy, about the internet. The last year or so we've been really looking at how much privacy we are going to lose due to freedom of the internet. I was stuck by how much of what was written into the series seemed to almost be a prediction of what is going on now. 

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After reading posters's opinions here and on TWOP, I've come to the conclusion that I am a weird TWW fan. While I loved the first 4 seasons and gave up the show midseason 5, when I re-watch I almost always start with Impact Winter and go through season 7. I love the campaign storylines and think that is where Wells and Co. shown. I tend to fast-forward through the non-campaign storylines as CJ became insufferable after her appointment to CoS and I hate all of the non-campaign storylines especially the Toby one.  My only annoyance with the campaign storyline is Leo as VP. There is no way they'd pick him to be VP. He brought no real positives to the ticket and had a host of negatives and then they had to kill off Leo's character on election night. I understand why they had to do it, but it could have been held off to later in the series and let Josh have 1 actual win without being tarnished by bad news. But, that is Wells and why I gave up on ER early on. He revels in depressing storylines.

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I watched the new incarnation of Cosmos. Marlee Matlin gets a voice credit as deaf astronomer Annie Cannon. The music of Blind Willie Johnson's Dark Was The Night gets played for a few seconds.  And there's some discussion about life on Mars.  

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I get into binge watching moods with TWW.  Most of the time, I stay with Seasons 1-4 and then start them again.


This last round, I forced myself to continue on, and in so doing, I finally figured out why I find it so hard to watch Seasons 5-7 ... even though I treat them as two different shows ... it's not really that.  It is Season 5 hands down.  That season sucked.  The whole Zoey kidnap thing.  The Bingo Bob thing.  The documentary thing.  The dissatisfaction of Donna with her job thing. 


The only episode worth anything the whole season was The Supremes. 


Once I got past this season, and once the campaign started, I really started liking it again ... I am on my last three episodes of Season 7 and sad to think it's almost over again.  ::giggle::

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I have a question about Season 7, Episode 1 (the one with the flash forward to the dedication of the Bartlet Library).  I didn't see it in real time, but I read that Leo had been in that foreshadowing episode because John Spencer (RIP) was still alive.  I read that Leo was edited out after the original airing because he had passed away and, therefore, couldn't have been there a few years in the future.  I've watched on Netflix and on the DVD, and I can't place where he would have been.  They freeze framed a leg (presumably the President's since Josh had said the President had arrived). I assumed that the President was Santos since Josh was there, but I wondered if it was Leo because they stopped it there.  Does anyone remember seeing it originally? 

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John Spencer died much later in the season.  Martin Sheen filmed the lovely "Johnny we hardly knew ye" opening on the next show airing after he died.  While it was odd that Leo wasn't at the library opening, his current title - Leo or Mr. VP - and staffing would have given the ending away, so it made sense that he wasn't.  

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I'm watching a congressional hearing on the supposed shortcomings of the secret service viz the recent intruder at the White House. I can't help but think about the end of the first season and the subsequent foofaraw regarding the lack of a canopy over the ropeline. In particular, there's some talk about how an alarm system was disabled because some people had complained about the noise. This show continues to be relevant.   

Edited by PeterPirate
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I was thinking about that too - they referenced White House security a few times during the course of the series.  There was the canopy at the rope line with the shooting, but someone also jumped the fence prior to that with the same kind of threat against Charlie right? (If I recall correctly.)  Plus, there was the whole "oh no, we've been 'crashed' again", which set up the Isaac and Ishmael chat with the President's Classroom kids in the mess.

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I'm watching the penultimate episode, Institutional Memory, and giggling over the whole Frank Hollis bit.  Lately, I've been just re-watching the last half of Season 7, as if somehow, Netflix will magically present me with a season 8.

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Great retrospective on the West Wing from Empire Online. I feel like I enjoyed the post-Sorkin part of the series more than some of the cast; I thought seasons 6 & 7 were pretty good.


Rob Lowe doesn't hold back:


I stumbled upon it once and I saw what looked like a nineteen-year-old John Spencer wading around in a rice paddy in 'Nam. I never watched it again.


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Great retrospective on the West Wing from Empire Online. I feel like I enjoyed the post-Sorkin part of the series more than some of the cast; I thought seasons 6 & 7 were pretty good.


Rob Lowe doesn't hold back:


What a fantastic article!  It's terrific to see so much of the original cast and crew get able to sit down with each other after all that happened.  I hope this portends other future endeavors together.  


Here's another snippet from Rob Lowe:


We can argue if The West Wing is the best series ever: I think it is. There's Breaking Bad, there's The Sopranos – particularly today, on cable, there are shows that give The West Wing a run for its money. There are none on network television. None. That's a conversation that you can't even have.



Edited by PeterPirate
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On Election Day, I always quote Will Bailey, as he is correcting the sign...."No matter who you vote for, just be sure to vote". I would give the exact quote, but TWOP  won't let me get past the first page of each recap so I can't get the precise wording!

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On Election Day, I always quote Will Bailey, as he is correcting the sign...."No matter who you vote for, just be sure to vote". I would give the exact quote, but TWOP  won't let me get past the first page of each recap so I can't get the precise wording!


I used that quote as my Facebook status today.  "No matter who you vote for, make sure you vote."

And to confirm quotes, I usually check http://westwingtranscripts.com/

Edited by Moose135
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At the time of the 2000 election (Bush, Gore, Florida, Supreme Court) I was on a mailing list discussing TWW.  The consensus was that if this had been an episode of TWW, critics would have panned it for being unrealistic.

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I watched the first four episodes of Season 1 today to feel better after the elections.  Quote of the day:  "I'm so sick of Congress I could vomit."  And the new Congress hasn't even been seated yet.

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I rewatched the last few episodes leading up to "Two Cathedrals" yesterday to make myself feel better about Tuesday.  A few thoughts:


  • I love that when leaving for the press conference, upon seeing that the President wasn't wearing a coat, Charlie took his off as well. That always touches me.
  • Despite the fact that Toby (and the rest of senior staff) would have taken a bullet for Leo, upon hearing that the night of the shooting, Leo was basically in charge in the Sit Room - declared that there had been a Coup in the US.  I just love the true allegiance to the process vs. the people.   
  • I adore the telling off of the Dr. Laura-a-like.  Had to watch that Tuesday night.  


Ugh, I really want to live in Bartlet's America (and be married to Josh - but that's another problem)

Edited by eyebleach
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In that episode, I also love the end, where the guys are watching the President on the monitor and Leo says, "Watch this" while turning to watch it "live".  Love that.


Something about the way John Spencer turned his head always struck me as off.  It almost felt like the videos of the dramatic chipmunk! :)

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I’ve been staring at this for minutes and it’s driving me nuts – what does ICYMI stand for?  I thought I had it with “in case you might enjoy,” but quickly realized that doesn’t work.

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So I'm watching the first season again and I'm convinced that if the Mandy character was replaced by her coworker (played by Merrin Dungey) it might've worked out. Merrin is a better actor and it would've also given the show another POC in the main cast. Moira never really jelled with the rest of the cast and it showed. That said this show is one of the few that I will watch over and over again.

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Moira being cast always felt like a studio decision.  I have no idea if that was really the case but it truly felt that way.  She isn't the type of actor who can successfully pull off Sorkin dialogue and then Mandy was written to be so unpleasant* that it felt like the show was stuck with her, managed to convince NBC to dump her after season 1, and thus she was off to found Mandyville.  For all I know Mandy was the first character that Sorkin thought up when creating the show and was crushed to lose her after the first season but it always felt the opposite.


*The show lost me with regard to Mandy in the second episode when she's standing there complaining about how losing Russell as the only client meant that she'd have to worry about her condo payments, credit card bills, and repairing the BMW she needlessly smashed up not two seconds after her partner just finished saying that losing Russell could hurt her ability to pay her rent and repay her college loans.  Following it up with revealing that Mandy had over half a million saved from her previous PR job really feels like the show was stuck with her (Mandy) and wanted to make it crystal clear that they weren't happy about it.  Now, in the hands of an actor more comfortable with Sorkin dialogue, that scene could have come across with more humor and charm but Moira's acting choices only made it seem like Mandy was completely conceited and unaware how her recent actions affected more than just her BMW.

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I try to stay away from this forum, because every time I come here I spend a hour or so watching WW clips. But I had to come today because the president visited a book store again for Christmas shopping. Did president Bartlet start a real life trend?

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I'm doing a rewatch and am watching the ones with Joey Lucas and I'm curious; what does an interpreter do when there he/she isn't interpreting?  Dumb question, I know, but was he also her assistant?  Or was he also a political pollster that just happened to be degreed/certified in ALS?  I don't think we ever found out much about him, but how does it work in the real world?

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I'm going to have a totally nitpicky moment here.  Two Cathedrals.  On the way to the press conference the motorcade passes by the National Cathedral except it doesn't make sense to pass the Cathedral on the way to the State Department where the press conference happened.  The National Cathedral is pretty out of the way in reference to the White House and the State Department.  


I need a freakin hobby.

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I'm going to have a totally nitpicky moment here.  Two Cathedrals.  On the way to the press conference the motorcade passes by the National Cathedral except it doesn't make sense to pass the Cathedral on the way to the State Department where the press conference happened.  The National Cathedral is pretty out of the way in reference to the White House and the State Department.


Sorkin was never one to let facts get in the way of telling a good story.

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In The American President, Sydney travels from the Hill to the White House via Dupont Circle.  It makes less sense because it doesn't even relate to anything else. It's just a laugh line about how this capable woman can negotiate a traffic circle. 

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I'm doing a rewatch and am watching the ones with Joey Lucas and I'm curious; what does an interpreter do when there he/she isn't interpreting?  Dumb question, I know, but was he also her assistant?  Or was he also a political pollster that just happened to be degreed/certified in ALS?  I don't think we ever found out much about him, but how does it work in the real world?


I guessed he was with her full-time since she needed an interpreter all working hours.  I can't imagine him working part time given the high level of political operative he worked for. Joey ought to be very very busy. Even more so after she was hired by the Bartlet Administration.


I started on another marathon and just watch season 1 up till to 20 Hours in America. No matter how many times I rematch season 1, Mandy's shrillness and belegerence always take me by surprise. The only other place I've  seen Moira Kelley was on One Tree Hill and I loved her character, so I know it is not the actress. 


On my rematch I am noticing little things I never did before. Like Sam having never met Mallory or seemingly know of her since he thought she was a 3rd grader. I mean Leo was the Secretary of Labor and come ITSOTG, we were given the impression the main cast knew each other very well. Another thing that annoyed me was Sam's total lack of knowledge of the West Wing. He couldn't tell which president the Roosevelt room was named after?! There was a gigantic painting of him in the room


Also noticing now why Sam's character didn't work. Sam was supposed to tougher than how Rob Lowe portrayed him. His earlier scenes with CJ were suppose to make him superior, specifically when she confronts him about sleeping then "consorting" with a prostitute, but he came across as an wimpy asshole pure and simple. He got the last word in that exchange but it was CJ who got me. 


In my latest rematch, at least up till midseason 1, CJ is a strong woman in spite of the writing for her. Like with those scenes with Sam, she was also the only female in a male dominated main character and was given little to no regard by them IMO. Using Sam again as an example, he deferred to Toby more than he did CJ. Ironically, it was Josh the one who was only a step down from Leo who had a healthy respect for CJ. 


I mean, after the secret plan to fight inflation, how could he not? :)

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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I'm going to have a totally nitpicky moment here.  Two Cathedrals.  On the way to the press conference the motorcade passes by the National Cathedral except it doesn't make sense to pass the Cathedral on the way to the State Department where the press conference happened.  The National Cathedral is pretty out of the way in reference to the White House and the State Department.  


I need a freakin hobby.


I think this is also the episode where they go from the White House to the National Cathedral by first heading southeast down Pennsylvania to the Capitol, where of course they would have to do a U-turn and come back up Pennsylvania to Massachusetts Avenue heading northwest.  We know they were getting in a motorcade in DC, it doesn't need an establishing shot.  


The drive by the NC the second time while the janitor was picking up the cigarette butt was just for drama.  But this is the kind of disregard for geography that rips me right out of the story.

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