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S06.E07: Pretty Mess

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If I was so discomfited over a coworker asking me questions in a crowded restaurant about a subject on which I had already shared the most salacious details that my face contorted into all manners of weird and unattractive expressions, I know the first thing that I'd to would be to perpetuate the conflict/belabor my disgruntlement to ensure that the issue made it to air. The point about Lisa discussing the issue in front of cameras is just as applicable to Eileen; if she didn't want to talk about it or increase the odds that the discourse would make it onto national television, the easiest way of ensuring those ends would have been to politely and undramatically respond to Lisa. Eileen is demonstrably canny enough to realize that; by reviving the matter in not one but two subsequent scenes, she did way more than Lisa to guarantee the dispute and her supposedly sacrosanct personal business made it onto national tv even before she filmed her talking heads.

  • Love 13

LisaR pisses me off because if Madonna, Lady Gaga or Brittany Spears were ever on this show she'd crawl across hot coals to be their BFF, but Erika Jayne is shocking. STFU Rinna, shit stirring wench. 


I like Bethany on RHONY but damn I hated her here. Start a branding firm Bethany and/or just stfu. 


Love me some LVP but she's a stealth bitch if I ever saw one. She uses language very purposefully so for her to have asked "When did the affair start" vs "When did you know you loved him"  she was trying to be shadey. I don't buy that those were innocent questions.


I dig Erika Jayne. If I get back to my fighting weight I might strut around the house in one of her cat suits. I just don't get what the big deal is. She's no more provocative than any other pop artist all this pearl clutching over her just seems hypocritical to me. 

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
  • Love 17

David has always struck me as someone that is locked inside their own mind, hearing music, creating music, very artistic but is very awkward/backward socially. IMO, he does not have "people skills" or any kind of "social graces", that his music genius controls most of his brain.

His attempts at levity came off badly, but Yolanda seems dead set on continuing the whole silicone Lyme thing, even after the surgery, so he must have been suppressing an incredible amount of frustration at that point. She mentioned that not all the silicone was removed, so in the back of Yolanda's mind, the silicone is still unresolved, and in David's mind, if Yolanda can't remove "leaked silicone" off her crazy pinup board, the whole thing was a waste of time. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 13

Putting Erika Jayne's name in with people like Britney Spears, Madonna, and Lady Gaga is kind of astounding me.  Honestly, I doubt there are many on the planet that haven't heard of them. 


Erika Jayne?  She had a tiny little niche market, and I doubt many here (or anywhere) had even heard of her before RHBH.  A few, sure.  The fame of Britney, Gaga, or Madonna?  Not even close, like the contents of a shot glass compared to a giant resort swimming pool, or hell, the ocean.  Who is Erika Jayne in this world?  /YoYo.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 5

I like Eileen, but this whole, "Poor me. Lisa was being mean bringing up my affair." Business is ridiculous. If she is so bothered, maybe she shouldn't have had an affair with a married man. I'm guessing Vince's former wife was a "tad bit" bothered by the affair too, as were their sons. This is not saying Vince wdoesnt hold culpability. Eileen get off your holier than thou pedestal. You mcreated the situation, own it.

  • Love 15

I totally respect Erica and what she is doing. She isn't hustling to make money, and pushing her act. She is doing it in her own way and living her dream. Plus, I don't think Bethanny could ever manage to marry a rich man, because she doesn't act appropriately and is embarrassing. Erica seems extremely poised when she is with her husband, is completely respectful and focused on him. I remember how embarrassed I was for Jason when he introduced Bethenny to his friends, she loudly giving her opinions about them. Erica, imo, is extremely classy (not Erica Jayne) and has her shit together and can keep and retain an extremely wealthy man without having to peddle a bunch of crappy products with a cute logo. I respect Bethanny for her business acumen, but her product(s) are not good and the world would be totally fine without them. Just saying that I don't think she is really any "better" than Erica. 


I might add, that I've watched several of her videos and I find them on par with a lot of music videos, they are raunchy but if that is what the song is about then it fits the song. In any case, I don't think they are that weird. If I was meeting Erica as a FRIEND however, my perspective might be different because, that's intimidating. I actually like some of her songs a lot, they are fun-- Painkiller and Rollercoaster come to mind. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 15

Is it me or does this season feel a lot like manufactured drama. I feel like the ladies are grasping at straws to come up with some conflicts to make the show interesting. I happen to find it entertaining when they are having fun, but I bet they have pressure from TPTB to bring the drama.

On another note, I usually like Bethanny, but STFU girl. You are not the worlds branding expert.

  • Love 10

I totally respect Erica and what she is doing. She isn't hustling to make money, and pushing her act. She is doing it in her own way and living her dream. Plus, I don't think Bethanny could ever manage to marry a rich man, because she doesn't act appropriately and is embarrassing. 


Perhaps Erica isn't hustling to make money because she hustled to marry it. And Bethenny doesn't need to worry about marrying a rich man because she's made herself a rich woman.  Of those two, my admiration goes to the girl who made it on her own.

  • Love 17

This season may be a holding pattern, but after last night's show, and that blind item, IF Eileen returns next season, we may get some payoff in some actual reality with our reality show.


I mean, Yo's marriage is done for, but no one cares about Yo anymore because we are on illnesses overload, and frankly she seems a little nuts now.


Sooner or later though, truths tend to come out on shows like this, and if you have secrets you want kept, they really aren't the place for you.  I feel like some of Eileen's are bubbling to the surface now.  I predict they will bubble over next season, or, she will not re-sign with the show.

  • Love 4

I think Erica was spot on about Lisa. She's top dog and she knows it, and she's keeping everyone else in their place. Each show has one. They may be bitches but they're the top bitch and they aren't letting go. Look at how Vicki has fallen on OC. She isn't as strong or smart or tough as Lisa. Nene is coming back to ATL, at least part time, as she misses her roost....JMO, don't know she's back permanently but I'd bet on it. Lisa is not my type but she's who she is. And she ain't nice but it is what it is.


Bethenny shows that she's socially incompetent. I just thought she was a mouthy bitch but she's really a complete social moron. She can't get through any social situation unless she knows you for years or she's being muzzled. She needs training in how to be a person in public. Jeez, Lady, get yourself to some interpersonal communication classes or something. Maybe a really good shrink who can teach you how to act in a polite fashion. She's unwatchable, IMO, no matter the show. She's too awkward to be an effective top bitch like Lisa. I used to dislike her but now I just feel sorry for her. Maybe the Countess is right- money can't buy class. I think the Countess is top bitch on NY, but, again, my opinion.


Still love Eileen and Lisa. Kyle is fine but since she's not a member of a team, she's kind of sidelined. Don't mind it at all. Yolanda just gets pity from me now. Liking Ericka more all the time. New girl? Well, we'll see......

  • Love 9

Just curious, any NYC'ers familiar with Bella?  I've never heard of this one.  I had the same reaction as Bethenny when Kyle told her Lisa was on the cover of it -- what's that?  Well, actually I said, "What in the fuckety fuck is that?"  I was thinking -- oh no, yet another magazine I never heard of, which some Housewives broad gets her mug on the cover of?  These local pubs can make pretty much any circulation claims they want to.  If they're not audited by a credible source (such as BPA), these claims are usually questionable at best.


Was just looking at Bella's distribution (on their site) & my building is in the area where they distribute, but management banned the free pubs.  Drats -- no actually, YAY!  The free pubs mostly suck (except for Hamptons Magazine) & make a mess.  Well, Bella's site says it has distrib in the newsstands in Grand Central.  Might check for it there tomorrow & report back.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 5




So far I am liking Erika, much to my surprise for some reason. There is something that is nagging at the base of my skull, however, and it's how much her overall attitude reminds me of early Brandi. The gal who said whatever she wanted, seemed to not fit in and and thus was judged by the more conformist HW's for some of her behavior. When she talked about not minding being compared to a prostitute because prostitutes are awesome, I heard Brandi in my head saying she wasn't a slut, but she wished she was. It seems like so much is about being shocking, like when Brandi would casually throw out how much fun a threesome would be, and then pivot to what a great mom she was (not that one excludes the other, just that she seemed to enjoy being two different things). Brandi also had the awesome comeback quip and was able to think really fast on her feet and put a person in their judgmental place in a hurry. It just feels so done to me - like we've seen it before. I wonder if Erika is just Brandi with a rich husband? The same things that seem to make Erika someone to root for are the things that had the audience gaga over Brandi.

The major difference between the two is Brandi did it with profanity and as a defense mechanism.  Brandi put out there she was a slut-not the other ladies.  Erika has a campy sideline.  Brandi never had a comeback that wasn't an attack-with Erika she is a little more subtle.  I thought the best comment of the night is that she would not treat a guest in her home (which is far more fabulous) the way Bethenny treated her. 


I like Eileen, but this whole, "Poor me. Lisa was being mean bringing up my affair." Business is ridiculous. If she is so bothered, maybe she shouldn't have had an affair with a married man. I'm guessing Vince's former wife was a "tad bit" bothered by the affair too, as were their sons. This is not saying Vince wdoesnt hold culpability. Eileen get off your holier than thou pedestal. You mcreated the situation, own it.

Eileen can't change the past.  She has owned it.  The more important question remains, why would Lisa, her friend, bring it up on camera?    Lisa if she were listening at the Reunion knew that Betsy was pestered with calls after Brandi bringing it up.  Sometimes one has to let their desire for answers go to protect the innocents.  Eileen has made her amends with Betsy and the boys-so why would anyone, much less a friend want to raise the issue again?  At this point it is on Lisa for dredging up old feelings.


LVP is a bright lady and my guess is she wasn't thinking and maybe not listening or observing the others discomfort with the situation.  There was no option to shut the conversation down-Kyle interceded once and Lisa only got more invasive.  The real issue is will Eileen and LVP be able to repair their seemingly pleasant relationship or will this be an opportunity for Yolanda to come in and stir things up.  Eileen seems awfully close to Yolanda these days.


My thing is if someone has an Achilles heel why address it on camera?  It is not about getting even or getting to know someone-these are rehashed issues.  It would be like asking Kyle-how many months pregnant were you with Farrah when you got married?  With Alexia?  Everyone knows Kyle was pregnant but you don't raise the issue repeatedly. 





  • Love 11

I've said this back when Lisa was grilling Kyle about not going to the wedding, but Lisa truly gives zero fucks now.

I think production wanted to remove Brandi but needed someone to pick up the slack of putting everyone on the spot and getting drama started. I think production offered that job to Lisa and held up the carrot that if she did this, they could get rid of Brandi. I think Lisa gladly took them up on their offer so she could get rid of Brandi, secure her place more firmly on the show, and get back at "bitches" who wronged her in some way. Lisa never truly lets go of a grudge.

Edited by Silo
  • Love 9

I honestly don't think any of these women are FRIENDS.  They are co-workers.  At best they are work-friends, and their job is controversy and doing or saying something that adds viewers to the show.  Their homes, the parties, hell, everything they do that we see is on film, with several production people holding a mic over their heads, or adjust lighting or saying "action!"


This isn't some cozy gathering of friends, or about how you are treated in their "homes" (on location sets at best.) 


I find it beyond disingenuous when they, any of them, talk as if any of this is real life.


The real life we get to see is in those unguarded, unscripted moments when they must react to the unexpected, and maybe, just maybe, we see a bit of "reality."  Vince and Eileen bickering about each other.  Kim stoned on her ass.  Lisa's genuine upset when the coordinated attack happened.  Kyle's face, and leaping to strangle Kim when Kim  screamed "you stole my house!"  All of them after Russell's suicide.  Kyle's wistful regret about never going to college when her daughter graduated.  Kim's chicken salad frenzy.  Camille's dinner with the psychic bulldog.  Camille accepting the "you are like Jesus" comment.  Little moments of something "real" are all we get, and Bravo continually tries to bring more.  Lipsa's daughters and Lipsa talking about fat people.  Adrienne's looks of pure hatred at Paul, all while pretending their marriage was solid.


Bravo has the more self aware of them throw out lines to try to provoke those moments.  Some are better at this than others.  Lisa has lost a step with it.  Kyle's always been much too obvious. 


It's a job, a well paid job, but anyone coming on this show and expecting to keep secrets buried is a fool.  Between the cameras, the coworkers, and the blogs?  They will come out.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 11

I think the issue with Eileen isn't that she doesn't want to be open about her life, but there are certain things in everyone's life that they don't necessarily want to keep dragging out in the open. I think she believed that by being open about it in the first season at the dinner with Brandi, Yolanda, and LisaR was enough to get it over with so to speak. I don't think she realized that it's going to be talked about over and over again whenever things get slow and drama is needed. 


Obviously I don't know what she thinks, but my opinion is that I think she's very aware how much that hurt people back then and how much it affects those same people and her son now having it talked about in the tabloids all over again. I like her but I don't think she's really a strong enough personality to deal with all that goes with being on this show. Not the way the Lisa's and Kyle are. I think they know exactly what's expected of them to stay on the show and they are willing to do it. 

  • Love 13


Britney Spears, Madonna, and Lady Gaga

The point was all these ladies appeared nearly naked or actually naked in videos. Their level of celebrity compared to Erika Jayne is irrelevant.  It's frustrating that people are pretending not to know performers have personas, Erika Jayne is no different.


Eileen talked all about this situation at the reunion as well as coming to an understanding with Betsey so why would this all be dredged up unless production is out of ideas. 


I laughed at LVP repeating over and over that you can ask her anything as Erika pointedly remained silent. I think Erika's wanting to get to know Lisa is no longer an option. Coming straight out the gate as a judgmental bitch wasn't the way to go.


Why does everyone keep bringing up that Erika flies private? None these women fly commercial so what's the point?

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
  • Love 7

I keep thinking that we're about due for an all-stars season. I figure that they can either go on vacation or compete for the charities of their choice. It would have one housewife from each franchise, but a random franchise would have two. The franchise with two could only have enemies, for example Nene and Kenya from Atlanta. Or Dina and Amber,if she survives the cancer, from NJ.

I'm going to have to call shenanigans on Joe Reid's genius idea to have a housewives all stars. I think it's an idea we all arrive at of you watch more than one of the franchises.

Lisa has gotten far too obvious and messy with her shit stirring. I actually agree that her filming for Vanderpump Rules has messed with her subtlety. When Stassi's, Kristen, and Scheana worked at SUR, Lisa was guaranteed that at least two of them would start shit and she, Lisa, could look down on them with smug judgment. But Stassi and Kristen no longer work at SUR and now Lisa needs to much more hands on to start drama. I think it has started to bleed into her RHoBH filming. Vanderpump Rules filmed from May to August and it looks like RHoBH was filming at the same time.

  • Love 5

I've said this back when Lisa was grilling Kyle about not going to the wedding, but Lisa truly gives zero fucks now.


Absolutely.  She never truly did, she's just not taking the time to veil her M.O. anymore.   Her passive agressiveness is now just plain old aggressiveness.  Maybe she realizes she's not fooling anyone anymore and just wants to get the show on the road.  Lisa is all about Lisa - always has been, always will be.  Nothing is off limits to her and she should definitely be feared.

  • Love 7

The point was all these ladies appeared nearly naked or actually naked in videos. Their level of celebrity compared to Erika Jayne is irrelevant.  It's frustrating that people are pretending not to know performers have personas, Erika Jayne is no different.


Eileen talked all about this situation at the reunion as well as coming to an understanding with Betsey so why would this all be dredged up unless production is out of ideas. 


I laughed at LVP repeating over and over that you can ask her anything as Erika pointedly remained silent. I think Erika's wanting to get to know Lisa is no longer an option. Coming straight out the gate as a judgmental bitch wasn't the way to go.


Why does everyone keep bringing up that Erika flies private? None these women fly commercial so what's the point?


I agree, especially about Eileen.  I get so tired of the scarlet letter crap that goes around and around and around.  I also am fresh out of fucks to give about the dynamic where someone who previously thought 'let me Instagram my eating-disordered ass in Brynn's PJs!!!' gets her Judge Judy on about a catsuit.  Nay, Joker.  Badly done.


Personally, if we are looking at Ms. Davidson, I'd rather talk about how I stared reverently at her later-50s self in her one-piece doing walking lunges around the pool in the Hamptons.  Love her.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
  • Love 14

I agree that these women truly aren't real friends. The genuineness is real tho, regarding their massive egos and their horror at anyone saying bad things about them. Some of them also have livelihoods at stake (like Brandi) or relationships (Kim's kids) that may be affected by what happens on the show. So their reactions/upsetness may be real; the friendships, not so much.

  • Love 7

Lisa has gotten far too obvious and messy with her shit stirring. I actually agree that her filming for Vanderpump Rules has messed with her subtlety. When Stassi's, Kristen, and Scheana worked at SUR, Lisa was guaranteed that at least two of them would start shit and she, Lisa, could look down on them with smug judgment. But Stassi and Kristen no longer work at SUR and now Lisa needs to much more hands on to start drama. I think it has started to bleed into her RHoBH filming. Vanderpump Rules filmed from May to August and it looks like RHoBH was filming at the same time.


I think that LisaV seems obvious because her pawns are onto her or booted from the show.  There is a reason Kyle called her a chess player.  And for a time, it was very clear that LisaV was pulling Brandi's strings.


I think that the producers are in a position to force Lisa to stir the shit. Either because of VdP Rules or as someone mentioned up thread that it was a negotiated agreement to get Brandi off the show.  But if you look at the cast now, there is no one left that Lisa can manipulate into doing that for her so she can pretend to be above it all.  So she just has uncomfortable conversations that are clearly about what the producers want to be brought up.  Eileen's affair.  Kyle's reaction to Kim's trouble.  Gossip on Nicky Hilton's wedding.

Edited by ParadoxLost

I haven't heard a thing I've read for the past three pages because my mind and heart are all wrapped up in the dress Eileen was wearing in the outdoor lunch video featuring Andy's visit.  If Eileen could be my dresser, I'd be the happiest woman on earth.  Actually, if she'd just buy two of everything and give one to me, I'd really be in Seventh Heaven!


LisaV, my original favorite, is -- I suspect -- a pawn of production.  She has been so open about leaving the show at the end of this season that I wonder whether production is going to make her into one of the most disliked HWs on the planet.  Maybe she finds this turn to be fun, but somehow, it just isn't Lisa.


LisaR is taking giant leaps into my "don't like" pool.  Her comments, her behavior, her attitude all smell like last week's vegetables.  There's something rotten about her, but then again, I didn't care for her in the beginning.


Long before LisaV's grilling was over, I thought that Eileen would interrupt her with a sweet smile and a dagger of a "mind your own business" comment, and I felt disappointed that she didn't.  Taken by surprise she may have been, but I thought that Eileen was quicker than that.  A little more aggression wouldn't have hurt her, IMO.


I'm generally not enamored by videos of the kind that Erika made, but it didn't shock or repel me.  What repelled me far more was Self Important Bethenny and her know-it-all lecture on the art of business.  B. would be nothing without a tongue and an attitude, and she knows nil about entertaining.  Dress code, indeed!  It also doesn't surprise me that she's one of Kyle's friends, given the nature of Kyle's best buddies (Faye, etc.).  I fully expect to see a Kyle-Bethenny spin-off some season in the future.  Disgusting!

Edited by Lura
  • Love 8

So far I am liking Erika, much to my surprise for some reason. There is something that is nagging at the base of my skull, however, and it's how much her overall attitude reminds me of early Brandi. The gal who said whatever she wanted, seemed to not fit in and and thus was judged by the more conformist HW's for some of her behavior. When she talked about not minding being compared to a prostitute because prostitutes are awesome, I heard Brandi in my head saying she wasn't a slut, but she wished she was. It seems like so much is about being shocking, like when Brandi would casually throw out how much fun a threesome would be, and then pivot to what a great mom she was (not that one excludes the other, just that she seemed to enjoy being two different things). Brandi also had the awesome comeback quip and was able to think really fast on her feet and put a person in their judgmental place in a hurry. It just feels so done to me - like we've seen it before. I wonder if Erika is just Brandi with a rich husband? The same things that seem to make Erika someone to root for are the things that had the audience gaga over Brandi.


We are always :::right here::: on these things. I started to make the Brandi comparison too, in the she was the last one who was so cool and real and liked her first season, and see how that ended up. That wiggling into a catsuit, ass out was not some devil-may-care chick, that was a carefully crafted persona of a chick who just doesn't care. Because really, who needed all that? It was an act to seem too cool. Just like Lisa Rinna's crack wax, and everyone else who does that shit on TV.


I'm still waiting to see these brains Yolanda kept crowing about. Maybe she meant in relation to her own.


I totally respect Erica and what she is doing. She isn't hustling to make money, and pushing her act. She is doing it in her own way and living her dream. Plus, I don't think Bethanny could ever manage to marry a rich man, because she doesn't act appropriately and is embarrassing. Erica seems extremely poised when she is with her husband, is completely respectful and focused on him. I remember how embarrassed I was for Jason when he introduced Bethenny to his friends, she loudly giving her opinions about them. Erica, imo, is extremely classy (not Erica Jayne) and has her shit together and can keep and retain an extremely wealthy man without having to peddle a bunch of crappy products with a cute logo. I respect Bethanny for her business acumen, but her product(s) are not good and the world would be totally fine without them. Just saying that I don't think she is really any "better" than Erica. 


I might add, that I've watched several of her videos and I find them on par with a lot of music videos, they are raunchy but if that is what the song is about then it fits the song. In any case, I don't think they are that weird. If I was meeting Erica as a FRIEND however, my perspective might be different because, that's intimidating. I actually like some of her songs a lot, they are fun-- Painkiller and Rollercoaster come to mind. 


Hell, who COULDN'T keep an extremely wealthy man without peddling products?! Both Erika and Bethenny are hustling products, though. That act is on par with SkinnyGirl. There are people who like and want it, but the average person neither knows nor cares about either. It's not really a Nike vs Beyonce kinda situation. And I'm sorry, I don't consider wiggling into a onesie, ass and puss out on national TV "classy." I'm not clutching my pearls or anything, I'm just sayin'.


IMO, she's a lot more comfortable with the young dancers she surrounds herself with because they're enamored with her wealth and relative celebrity and thus don't judge her. I don't think she feels equal with the kinds of people in her husband's world because they have as much or more money and think her act and persona are trashy. My belief is not that she DGAF, and so doesn't bother to clap back. I think she cares a lot more than she would ever let on (and that Botox would let show), and can't come back. So far all her clever retorts are in her THs.  

  • Love 16
Lisa V isn't exactly going to boast about the 'little vixen' type she played in a couple of music videos from the 1980's. The band was called Naked Eyes, the song was 'What In The Name of Love' There's another by a group called ABC titled 'Poison Arrow'.


Haha! Well, she should! I still bust into that ABC song occasionally (usually to my BF's dismay and usually with my cats' names in place of "you did, you did") even though it was popular when I was in junior high (I'm Erika's age...though I am relieved to say she looks much older than I do. And that's no snark--I like Erika so far, but do not find that "looks so young" applies to her at all).

  • Love 3

The Skinny Girl success has gone completely to Bethenny's head. What the fuck does she know about music and music marketing? Or has she been remarkably quiet about a side gig managing Taylor Swift's career? Bethenny knows about diet food and self help memoirs. She doesn't know Jack shit about music, acting, fashion, make up, successful talk shows, or anything else that she's given unsolicited advice about during the past 2 years.

Hear, hear! This is the same moron who wanted to 'brand' death.  I can't stand a soulless, unimaginative imbecile who latches on to a new buzzword and barks and squawks it at every turn. You were looking to 'BRAAAAAND" anything that would make you a buck, Dum Dum, and you finally hit a bulls-eye. You are responsible for the equivalent of Mad Dog 20/20 for the alcorexics of the world. Congratulations? And I'm sure that anyone in The Hamptons or NYC probably sees you as the Ron Popeil of crappy, tacky cocktail pouches. So enjoy your big Hamptons house and your interesting, fascinating 'guests': the real ho'wives of ______. I don't think you can expect a visit from any of the A-listers (or B, C, D, E, or F for that matter), who have estates in The Hamptons. Oh, and it was just SOOOO funny when you offered drinks called rim jobs. Hardy har har! You're so HI-larious and cutting-edge except you're coming off as a corny old desperate hag. Brand THAT.

  • Love 18

So if it's the case, as many of you suggest and I believe, that LVPs interrogations are production motivated shit stirring, why don't the other HWs see that? They know they are on a show, they know they need to have conflicts, why don't they play it up? I'm so confused. Shouldn't they see this is a "drama" opportunity and participate? Or is that what Eileen's pearl clutching was about?

  • Love 3

Perhaps Erica isn't hustling to make money because she hustled to marry it. And Bethenny doesn't need to worry about marrying a rich man because she's made herself a rich woman.  Of those two, my admiration goes to the girl who made it on her own.

If she could have, she would have.

I sometimes find Bethenny amusing, and she was hilarious season 1 of RHONY, but as time goes on it's clear she's a deeply unhappy person. It's getting harder to enjoy her even in her less manic moments.

I think Eileen was spot on about LisaV, and yet I still like her. She's on this show to stir the pot as she's smart enough to do it in a way that she doesn't get any on her. Usually.

  • Love 9

Love the LVP questions!  Too bad Eileen can't think on her feet, she needs a script apparently.


However, Lisa was 8 years old when Ken left his first wife, not much story there.  I think she got pregnant, he did the right thing and married her, supported his kid through the years, but there was nothing else there for them, so they divorced.  I'm fairly sure that one was covered on the show.


prettybird, they are well aware, and if they aren't?  They are too dumb to live.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 6

If she could have, she would have.

I sometimes find Bethenny amusing, and she was hilarious season 1 of RHONY, but as time goes on it's clear she's a deeply unhappy person. It's getting harder to enjoy her even in her less manic moments.

I think Eileen was spot on about LisaV, and yet I still like her. She's on this show to stir the pot as she's smart enough to do it in a way that she doesn't get any on her. Usually.


Damn straight. Bethany would have married money in a nano-second if some rich guy young or old looked her way. They probably didn't because she is way too hard with her ever forthcoming opinions and has some deep issues.


In the end after her exposing her innerself all that I thought was Geeze, Beth...jealous much?

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 10

I haven't read all the posts yet, but I suspect I'm in the minority.  I thought this episode was really boring.  Way too much Erika, and I just don't find her entertaining.  What she does as Erika Jayne doesn't seem all that special to me, and I'm very tired of being told that "every woman wishes" they could be Erika Jayne or someone like her or our own fantasy person or whatever.  Even Eileen - who I would have given more credit - hopped on that bandwagon.  I have zero desire to be Erika Jayne.  I am a multi-faceted person (and being sexy and desirable is one of the facets!), so I don't need nor desire an alter-ego to make me - or anyone in my life - happy!  ;-)   Erika married well and has a career going that she loves, and that's fine for her.  As it is for many, many other women.   I find her smugness off-putting, and I don't think she's as fascinating as she clearly thinks she is.  I will take her over Brandi in a hot minute, but would far prefer (much!) smaller doses.  

Okay---I'm feeling the same way, and I was hoping to like the new person, but the whole shtick is just so corny and lame to me. When she said her husband used to be her 'customer,' I thought, "He still is, Honey." Plus, "Erika Jayne" sounds like some 16-year-old tramp who humps high school boys under the bleachers for a soda pop, crystal meth, and a moon pie. I hope I find her to be more interesting as the season unfolds.

  • Love 18

Perhaps Erica isn't hustling to make money because she hustled to marry it. And Bethenny doesn't need to worry about marrying a rich man because she's made herself a rich woman.  Of those two, my admiration goes to the girl who made it on her own.


I would also admire the mother who was "making it on her own" working at a blue collar job and raising a son. A working mother who happened to meet a man whom she married and who has kept her marriage together for 15 years. It's beside the point that he is rich. If fortune hadn't smiled on her she would still be "making it on her own" working and paying bills.

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 14
I would also admire the mother who was "making it on her own" working at a blue collar job and raising a son. A working mother who happened to meet a man whom she married and who has kept her marriage together for 15 years. It's beside the point that he is rich. If fortune hadn't smiled on her she would still be "making it on her own" working and paying bills.

Certainly, but we're talking about what is, not what might have been. In the here and now, of the two of them, I admire Bethenny and her accomplishments far more than I admire Erica and anything she does or has done.

  • Love 5

I like Eileen, but this whole, "Poor me. Lisa was being mean bringing up my affair." Business is ridiculous. If she is so bothered, maybe she shouldn't have had an affair with a married man. I'm guessing Vince's former wife was a "tad bit" bothered by the affair too, as were their sons. This is not saying Vince wdoesnt hold culpability. Eileen get off your holier than thou pedestal. You mcreated the situation, own it.



  • Love 3

So if it's the case, as many of you suggest and I believe, that LVPs interrogations are production motivated shit stirring, why don't the other HWs see that? They know they are on a show, they know they need to have conflicts, why don't they play it up? I'm so confused. Shouldn't they see this is a "drama" opportunity and participate? Or is that what Eileen's pearl clutching was about?

IMO, they do know and are "playing" their "part". That whole conversation was THE setup for the seasons conflicts/teams. LOL Andy/production love to divide the HWs into teams to divide the viewers into 2 teams that defend their favorites just like we do here, it keeps us coming back each episode and keeps us talking which all adds up to more $$ for Bravo.

  • Love 4

IMO, they do know and are "playing" their "part". That whole conversation was THE setup for the seasons conflicts/teams. LOL Andy/production love to divide the HWs into teams to divide the viewers into 2 teams that defend their favorites just like we do here, it keeps us coming back each episode and keeps us talking which all adds up to more $$ for Bravo.


Shit! Bravo needs teams and Yoyo is too sick to open a can of almonds and draw hearts on paper napkins.


Damn that lemon loving, almond nibbling, divorce causing, doctor shopping, brain zapping, pill popping, iv binging, colonic loving, heavy metal, leaking silicone, menopausal, Munchausen, instagram loving lyme disease!

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 11

As far as Bethenny vs. Erika & who I "admire" more?  Well, to me it's a pointless discussion cuz nobody could admire Bethenny more than she admires herself.  And I'm pretty sure at this point she couldn't care less whether anyone in particular admires her -- that is, if it isn't related to Skinnygirl product sales or NYC show ratings.


A more interesting question (to me) is -- who would make a better friend & who seems like a nicer person?  Well, when it comes to Bethenny and just about anyone (certainly Erika), that ain't exactly a hard question to answer.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 14

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