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S06.E07: Pretty Mess

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Rinna has spread for at least one maternity appearance in Playboy, right? But she's "uncomfortable" with Erika's music video gyrations? Also: at least we now know that Taylor's questions didn't actually make her unsettled; wasn't the talking head paired with that exchange at Ken's birthday luncheon excerpted from this editorializing on Ms. Jayne's pump-and-thrusts?

  • Love 9

Rinna has spread for at least one maternity appearance in Playboy, right? But she's "uncomfortable" with Erika's music video gyrations? Also: at least we now know that Taylor's questions didn't actually make her unsettled; wasn't the talking head paired with that exchange at Ken's birthday luncheon excerpted from this editorializing on Ms. Jayne's pump-and-thrusts?


There is no way to know where that talking head came from since they film the majority of them after the season wraps and are direct responses to producer questions.

  • Love 3

FINALLY!  It is about time something finally happens this season. Erika was great not taking anyones shit and her talking heads were point. What she said about Lisa Vanderpump was on point. Even Eileen was on point about Vanderpump. Vanderpump acted all high and mighty when Eileen was confronting her about the whole cheating thing.

  • Love 17

Lisa V used two classic narcissistic moves on Eileen - remaining unaccountable and putting it all back on Eileen.

No, she apologized to Eileen, Eileen then said fine with an attitude and Lisa said all Eileen had to do was say she didn't want to talk about it. It started because Lisa had no idea that Eileen had been married 3 times and the discussion was divorce, a discussion between LisaR and LisaV which Eileen jumped into.


FINALLY!  It is about time something finally happens this season. Erika was great not taking anyones shit and her talking heads were point. What she said about Lisa Vanderpump was on point. Even Eileen was on point about Vanderpump. Vanderpump acted all high and mighty when Eileen was confronting her about the whole cheating thing.

So, getting to know someone by asking questions means they are making a power play? LOL Really? Then each and every HW has done that exact thing to Erika except Yolanda. LOL

  • Love 23

No, she apologized to Eileen, Eileen then said fine with an attitude and Lisa said all Eileen had to do was say she didn't want to talk about it. It started because Lisa had no idea that Eileen had been married 3 times and the discussion was divorce, a discussion between LisaR and LisaV which Eileen jumped into.


So, getting to know someone by asking questions means they are making a power play? LOL Really? Then each and every HW has done that exact thing to Erika except Yolanda. LOL

Vanderpump was around last year when Brandi brought up Eileens marriage, I have a hard time believing she didn't hear about what happened, it mighteve even been brought up during the reunion (can't remember) but to me, Vanderpump likes making people uncomfortable. There is asking genuine questions to get to know someone and then there is asking questions to "get to know someone" Just like when she brought up the rumors of Kyles husband cheating in S4 in front of her kids.

  • Love 23


Loved Eileen being more TeamErika than TeamBethenny.  Everyone, including the Pump herself, didn't want to test Bethenny.  Yeah this Andy's girl, can't come for her even though she's allowed to do so with others.

I think no one wanted to test Bethenny because they all knew (the ones that know her/of her in a good sense), especially Vanderpump, that she would tear them apart verbally. 

  • Love 8

Where do we begin with this episode...


Ok, I love Eileen, but when Lisa V was asking about her marriage she could had easily told her, "I don't want to talk about it again."   I get it's reality tv and she doesn't want to come off like she's hiding something but she explained herself last year.  Lisa wanting to know again does seem suspicious and definitely seem quite production driven.  Plus don't clam up when you come one on one with your highness.  If you got something to say and it's bothering you just say it.


Lisa R, for someone to have done Playboy twice and watches porn, I find it funny this broad has something against Erika's videos.  Yes her videos are sexual in nature but so is showing off your tits and ass to make a buck, Rinna.  Lisa R just sounded like a hypocrite tonight glad she wasn't featured a lot in this episode.


Kyle brings Bitchenny to join the fun.  I guess this plus-1 was needed since Yoda didn't get to join in for the fun because of her leaky titties.  Bitchenny just had to be judgmental of Erika straight out of the gate by saying, "She's 44 and that's a lot of work done."  Just because Bitchenny was road kill at 44 doesn't she has be so critical of Erika.  If Erika does have work done the chick looks great!  I see nothing snagging or wrinkled.  


Loved Eileen being more TeamErika than TeamBethenny.  Everyone, including the Pump herself, didn't want to test Bethenny.  Yeah this Andy's girl, can't come for her even though she's allowed to do so with others.  I also found it funny Bethenny had a lot of "advice" to give Erika on her video.  Is this woman in the music industry now???  I feel like since Bethenny is rich bitch now she has to know everything but clearly she just loves hearing herself talk.  I did like that Erika shaded her in her talking heads, but wished she done it to her face.  Again maybe the wives were being careful because Bethenny probably would had cried a river and told Andy they were being mean to her.  And yes Erika, Bethenny is jealous, ask Kristen from RHONY she'll tell you all the tea about her.


Good episode!

LisaV was not at the dinner when Brandi confronted her about the "affair" and even though she would have seen as we did, there was no mention that this is her third marriage. Eileen interrupted a conversation the Lisas were having about friends getting divorced and that was when LisaV first heard she was married a total of 3 times. I do think Lisa was dense in not picking up that Eileen was uncomfortable talking but Eileen should have just said that from the get go.


Eileen wasn't team Erika to Bethenny's face, just in her THs from what I saw/heard.

  • Love 13

No, she apologized to Eileen, Eileen then said fine with an attitude and Lisa said all Eileen had to do was say she didn't want to talk about it. It started because Lisa had no idea that Eileen had been married 3 times and the discussion was divorce, a discussion between LisaR and LisaV which Eileen jumped into.


So, getting to know someone by asking questions means they are making a power play? LOL Really? Then each and every HW has done that exact thing to Erika except Yolanda. LOL

Judging by Eileen's blog-she is still peeved at LVP.

  • Love 3

Oh, wow, I've actually been finding LisaV quite tolerable this season, but it looks like the stealth bitch is back in full force.  I actually do agree that Eileen should have just cut it off if she didn't want to discuss it, but I think she felt that by not going into it, that it was like she was trying to hide something.  I'm not even sure what LisaV aim was, if she was just bored or truly shit-stirring.  Her "idle" quizzing of Erika in the limo makes me think it was the latter.


Erika handled Bethenney like a champ, and it was nice that all of the other women chimed in with nice things when Bethenney was doing her thing.  I, however, will stick to my rule to give a new housewife at least two seasons before forming a full opinion.  


I don't even know with LisaR anymore.  Look, I get that just because she posed for Playboy (twice) that it doesn't mean that she has to be comfortable with any and all forms of sexual expression, but that whole thing seemed like a real put-on.  And in the previews, OJ, wtf?

  • Love 7

LisaV was not at the dinner when Brandi confronted her about the "affair" and even though she would have seen as we did, there was no mention that this is her third marriage. Eileen interrupted a conversation the Lisas were having about friends getting divorced and that was when LisaV first heard she was married a total of 3 times. I do think Lisa was dense in not picking up that Eileen was uncomfortable talking but Eileen should have just said that from the get go.


Eileen wasn't team Erika to Bethenny's face, just in her THs from what I saw/heard.

Eileen  mentioned the production value was good.  On Twitter tonight Eileen tweeted it is performance art not branding.  I think Bethenny needs to lose the word "branding".

  • Love 15

Eileen is almost sixty. She's previously proclaimed her "grown-ass woman"hood and participated in exposition about the origins of her current marriage - per what was broadcast, she did not express substantive discomfort during the discussion (which took place at a restaurant in front of television cameras) last year until Brandi assaulted her. She has demonstrated that she's perfectly capable - and more so than most - of communicating her feelings articulately, economically, and accurately. Her gradual "Eureka" and glacial realization that she had a problem with the thread of discourse was nothing more than a play for a storyline. Whether or not she's operating of her own accord or at production's behest, I can't say but the entire conflict was even more ersatz and disingenuous that most of the arguments that erupt on this franchise. The scene in which she recounts her abuse at the party with Rinna was, to me, transparently scripted - and by that, I do mean scripted and not just loosely plotted. She clearly hits a preplanned line with her delivery of "I did!" This is not the first time that she's expressed herself theatrically; her "how dare you" to Kim last year, however, actually worked because the context was so dramatic. And the closing confrontation of the ep was ridiculous; Lisa apologized and Eileen agreed that she should have addressed the issue at the time rather than letting it percolate. But, nope, she's got to portray herself as a victim of Lisa in her talking heads. Now we know why she gets along so well with Yolanda. And as for her insistence to Rinna that Lisa "is my friend"? Both Eileen and Rinna are snakes.

  • Love 16

LisaV was not at the dinner when Brandi confronted her about the "affair" and even though she would have seen as we did, there was no mention that this is her third marriage. Eileen interrupted a conversation the Lisas were having about friends getting divorced and that was when LisaV first heard she was married a total of 3 times. I do think Lisa was dense in not picking up that Eileen was uncomfortable talking but Eileen should have just said that from the get go.

Eileen wasn't team Erika to Bethenny's face, just in her THs from what I saw/heard.

I disagree. Lisa V STILL watched the episode last year when Brandi asked Eileen about her marriage. Why was Lisa V trying resurface it?? IMO, she was probably was asked by production to bring it up again to create drama. Eileen didn't see it coming and it was completely random.

As for Eileen being more team Erika or Bitchenny here is her tweets clearly shows she was down for Erika tonight:




  • Love 8

I realize that the OJ connection is why Kathryn was added to the cast but, for someone nominally concerned with insensitivity, how inappropriate is it for Rinna to bring up what I assume was one of the more salacious and tumultuous periods in Kathryn's life the moment they just happen to "run into each other"? Also: in addition to the Playboy turns, how does Erika's music video have anything on having one's vagina waxed on national television?

  • Love 18

Wow, BRAVO must be really worried to bring in Bethenny (solely to stir SOMETHING up.) 


Well, the cheating story certainly is getting more press now that LVP brought it up.  http://heavy.com/entertainment/2016/01/eileen-davidson-husband-vincent-van-patten-ex-cheating-cheated-jon-lindstrom-married-who-to-betsey-russell-wife/ (many more)


BRAVO also has that Erika video up, and yeah, it seemed pretty sleazy to me, and I'm not a prude.  Tired stripper moves for the most part, with smoldering come and get me looks.  Uh...It's nice to see regular thighs though.


Lisa is on WWHL tonight.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 3

There was NO mention of a third marriage in the discussion with Brandi last season which took LisaV by surprise tonight, Lisa was only privy to the same video/episode we all saw. AND, Eileen had NO problem talking about it last season with a stranger, she had JUST met Brandi for the first time that night, BUT now all of a sudden she has an issue talking about it with someone she calls a "friend"? LOL


Eileen did NOT champion Erika outside 1 generic comment about Erika's video to Erika's face, something ALL the other BH HWs did in the episode tonight at Bethenny's dinner. IMO, tweeting about it tonight does not count as being in Erika's corner DURING filming at Bethenny's.


Honestly, I'm content to let this play out, I might change my perspective depending on how the rest of the season plays out.  I'll happily discuss whether LisaV intended to be bitchy or not vs other topics that have dominated episodes every week, hee.  I'm really curious to see what brings on Eileen's tears, and that look (maybe/likely edited in with this show) on Lisa's face.  


I do remember Eileen disagreeing with Bethenny and saying that the production values were nice, and agreeing enthusiastically about how great the idea of living two lives was.  But for me, that scene was more about how Erika stood her ground and honestly didn't need back-up or help for anyone, and I loved that it ended with Bethenny splitting those ugly pants because she couldn't drop it like Erika could.  

There was NO mention of a third marriage in the discussion with Brandi last season which took LisaV by surprise tonight, Lisa was only privy to the same video/episode we all saw. AND, Eileen had NO problem talking about it last season with a stranger, she had JUST met Brandi for the first time that night, BUT now all of a sudden she has an issue talking about it with someone she calls a "friend"? LOL


Eileen did NOT champion Erika outside 1 generic comment about Erika's video to Erika's face, something ALL the other BH HWs did in the episode tonight at Bethenny's dinner. IMO, tweeting about it tonight does not count as being in Erika's corner DURING filming at Bethenny's.


Honestly, I'm content to let this play out, I might change my perspective depending on how the rest of the season plays out.  I'll happily discuss whether LisaV intended to be bitchy or not vs other topics that have dominated episodes every week, hee.  I'm really curious to see what brings on Eileen's tears, and that look (maybe/likely edited in with this show) on Lisa's face.  


I do remember Eileen disagreeing with Bethenny and saying that the production values were nice, and agreeing enthusiastically about how great the idea of living two lives was.  But for me, that scene was more about how Erika stood her ground and honestly didn't need back-up or help for anyone, and I loved that it ended with Bethenny splitting those ugly pants because she couldn't drop it like Erika could.  

Edited by Rina99
  • Love 6

Wow, BRAVO must be really worried to bring in Bethenny (solely to stir SOMETHING up.) 


Well, the cheating story certainly is getting more press now that LVP brought it up.  http://heavy.com/entertainment/2016/01/eileen-davidson-husband-vincent-van-patten-ex-cheating-cheated-jon-lindstrom-married-who-to-betsey-russell-wife/ (many more)


BRAVO also has that Erika video up, and yeah, it seemed pretty sleazy to me, and I'm not a prude.  Tired stripper moves for the most part, with smoldering come and get me looks.  Uh...It's nice to see regular thighs though.

There was far more blogs/reports/articles last season when Brandi brought it up because Brandi used the "cheating" word, Lisa didn't go that far tonight. IMO, Lisa wanted to hear the "Love" story, how Vinny made Eileen feel, things of that nature but Eileen didn't hear that part.

  • Love 9

I loved that they intro'ed Bethenny as "Kyle's friend." I mean, I know they're friends in real life (and if I didn't, it would've been hammered home the ten million times Kyle mentioned it during the rest of the episode). And yet, it was almost as though they were setting us up to be like, "Oh, how nice, Kyle has a friend in the Hamptons. Her name is Bethenny. Wait, that couldn't be the same Bethenny as Bethenny from RHONY, could it? NO! WHAT A CRAZY COINCIDENCE!"

I also caught LisaV's comment re: Yolanda's "bloody breast implant." I'm surprised they didn't flash back to the literally bloody implant when she said that.

Did you see last week's episode?  BLOODY BOOB IMPLANT!!!

Haha! Jinx! ;)

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 6

Honestly, I'm content to let this play out, I might change my perspective depending on how the rest of the season plays out.  I'll happily discuss whether LisaV intended to be bitchy or not vs other topics that have dominated episodes every week, hee.  I'm really curious to see what brings on Eileen's tears, and that look (maybe/likely edited in with this show) on Lisa's face.  


I do remember Eileen disagreeing with Bethenny and saying that the production values were nice, and agreeing enthusiastically about how great the idea of living two lives was.  But for me, that scene was more about how Erika stood her ground and honestly didn't need back-up or help for anyone, and I loved that it ended with Bethenny splitting those ugly pants because she couldn't drop it like Erika could.  


Honestly, I'm content to let this play out, I might change my perspective depending on how the rest of the season plays out.  I'll happily discuss whether LisaV intended to be bitchy or not vs other topics that have dominated episodes every week, hee.  I'm really curious to see what brings on Eileen's tears, and that look (maybe/likely edited in with this show) on Lisa's face.  


I do remember Eileen disagreeing with Bethenny and saying that the production values were nice, and agreeing enthusiastically about how great the idea of living two lives was.  But for me, that scene was more about how Erika stood her ground and honestly didn't need back-up or help for anyone, and I loved that it ended with Bethenny splitting those ugly pants because she couldn't drop it like Erika could.  

IMO, this was production setting the teams this season. We now have the Lisa's on 1 side, Yolanda, Eileen and Erika on the other with Kyle floating as usual. Bravo LOVES, LOVES, LOVES dividing the cast into different teams and Eileen as a fan favorite needs to be with the weakest HW which is Yolanda IMO.


Nuts! I thought for sure we would get to see Yo's actual surgery. I thought she would insist on it being filmed!

They did film it and showed it last episode!

  • Love 4

BRAVO also has that Erika video up, and yeah, it seemed pretty sleazy to me, and I'm not a prude.  Tired stripper moves for the most part, with smoldering come and get me looks.  Uh...It's nice to see regular thighs though.


I like Erika, but yeah, I'm not a fan of her videos.  I don't know if I'd call them sleazy but she's about 3 years away from looking silly if she's still doing them.  I think she's gorgeous, has a beautiful body and is sexy as hell but there comes a time when it's best to only drop it like it's hot in the privacy of your own home.  Imo.

  • Love 15

Well well well Phyllis Nefler in your Troop Beverly Hills Bob Mackie capelet inspired Wilderness Girls uniform, you are NO Shelley Long, you cannot do The Freddie because clearly you would split your pants and you are not and NEVER will be the troop leader with these Beverly Hills ladies, Bethenny ! But nice try! Not !!!

Erica is so smart. Love her.

  • Love 16

No, she apologized to Eileen, Eileen then said fine with an attitude and Lisa said all Eileen had to do was say she didn't want to talk about it. It started because Lisa had no idea that Eileen had been married 3 times and the discussion was divorce, a discussion between LisaR and LisaV which Eileen jumped into.


So, getting to know someone by asking questions means they are making a power play? LOL Really? Then each and every HW has done that exact thing to Erika except Yolanda. LOL

I'm normally a big fan of Eileen's but geez she was over the top on taking offense with LisaV tonight. I didn't find their conversation out of the ordinary for a conversation between two girlfriends. I certainly didn't find it any different than any conversation that I have with my girlfriends when we're out having cocktails. If the conversation was so uncomfortable for her she should have said something she certainly has had no problems expressing herself in the past and now she acts like a wallflower? Nah, take a seat Eileen.

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