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Erika Girardi/Erika Jayne: Let them eat cake

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In the previews it shows Erika w/YO.  It looks like Erika is trying to learn the ropes of being a friends to a woman.   She seems a little uncomfortable in the role, and I'm sure she knows she has to take on this role to be relevant.  What I'd love to see if Erika not backing her - for anything - and watch YO turn on her. 

  • Love 1

I don't think Tom chased Erika except to get some.  I also don't think he had to convince her to marry him.  It's all about ego with Tom and having the hot younger wife is part of that.  It's easier to have the hot younger wife who he can control than going after a smart successful woman where he could be put in a vulnerable position and actually challenged.  He may be confident about his professional success but I don't think he's as confident about his 'manliness'.   His need to display the video in which his 'hot' wife stars is a perfect example of this IMO.

  • Love 10

That article spells it out and apparently Erika owns it.  No big mystery about Erika, more like same old story, same old song and dance.  What you think you see is what you actually get!  If she does stay on the show though, the ho's are going to come for her.  They may pretend to be accepting and non judgmental on the surface but I'm sure they could all think of something to say in their THs.

  • Love 3

Did she ever say what restaurant she was working at when she met Tom? Why did she leave her 3 (or 5) year old child to move across the country to waitress (was she a waitress)? It sounds like the inspiration for singing/dancing came later in life (after being married for a few years) so it doesn't sound like she moved to LA for her song/dance routine. 


edit: I know not all women (men) want to mothers (fathers) and even with use of birth control, "accidents" do happen. Or even after having a child you may realize  it's not right for you and/or your child. As long as there is someone to love and raise the child....sounds like his father was there.

Edited by Vicky8675309
  • Love 4

It would not surprise me to learn that Erika Girardi has the highest IQ of anyone on the show.  She speaks intelligently, is super observant, quick on the comeback, and always, IMHO, makes sense.  That is not to say that I always agree with her because I don't, but she backs up her opinions with some pretty sound reasoning most of the time, I think.


I would LOVE to know more about Erika's life.  I get the feeling that it hasn't always been an easy one.  She seems to mask any conversation about her background, or else the writers haven't given her the opportunity.  Erika is a complete mystery to me, which makes me want to know even more about her.  It isn't every day that a woman her age marries a man Tom's age, and I suspect there's a good reason for it.  And what about her son?  All we know is his age and his occupation ... and now his picture.  So far, I like her husband, Tom, very much and think he's not the type to marry anyone who isn't interesting.  I think he would bore too easily married to someone without a good brain.


Does anyone know anything more about her or have any ideas about how to find something?  And what's your feeling about Erika?            

I agree with this.  I think there's a lot more to her than meets the eye, and a lot she doesn't say. 

Still wasn't bothered at Tom's behavior at the dinner party.  I think Erika is ultra-serious about these women because there's a lot brewing that we, as viewers, are not privy to.  This is reality TV after all, not reality.  The Tom shushing thing wasn't even bothersome - he tried to give input and kept getting cut off by all the other women.  I think if they would've listened to his input they may have even had great insight into all the BS they kept circling around.

Still, if these ladies can't get the difference between Erika letting Yolanda know what was said in a huge group with most present having an open discussion (and LVP was quoting Yo's ex-husband, btw so that's something that's even more personal) - and Kathryn running back to the group after a one-on-one and regurgitating a comment in a negative way, I got nothing.  They're two totally different things.  Was what Erika said about LVP nice?  No.  But I'm sure that if Kathryn had presented it differently it could've been a whole different convo.  Kathryn is super thirsty and it shows, IMO, she wants to secure a spot for the long haul and saw a target to create some drama she knew would play well on TV.

Edited by SilverPoet01
  • Love 3

I agree with this.  I think there's a lot more to her than meets the eye, and a lot she doesn't say. 

Still wasn't bothered at Tom's behavior at the dinner party.  I think Erika is ultra-serious about these women because there's a lot brewing that we, as viewers, are not privy to.  This is reality TV after all, not reality.  The Tom shushing thing wasn't even bothersome - he tried to give input and kept getting cut off by all the other women.  I think if they would've listened to his input they may have even had great insight into all the BS they kept circling around.

Still, if these ladies can't get the difference between Erika letting Yolanda know what was said in a huge group with most present having an open discussion (and LVP was quoting Yo's ex-husband, btw so that's something that's even more personal) - and Kathryn running back to the group after a one-on-one and regurgitating a comment in a negative way, I got nothing.  They're two totally different things.  Was what Erika said about LVP nice?  No.  But I'm sure that if Kathryn had presented it differently it could've been a whole different convo.  Kathryn is super thirsty and it shows, IMO, she wants to secure a spot for the long haul and saw a target to create some drama she knew would play well on TV.

Tom shut Erika down when they were at dinner with Lisa/Ken as well, not just during a confusing talk over each other, dinner conversation. Both times it was rude and both times she looked down and was, IMO, hurt/embarrassed.


My problem with Erika playing runtelldat is that she does not convey the entire story and/or leaves out pertinent information.  I also believe that what Kathryn told LisaV, the spider web analogy, was less incendiary than telling Lisa that Erika believes she is "a sniper, shooting from the side because she doesn't want to get her finger prints on anything". Erika even admitted to the fact that the analogies were basically the same in her TH and she kept to Kathryn's analogy to Lisa's face because she knew her words, sniper/ect, were/are much harsher. Also, why should Kathryn try to mitigate Erika's comment anymore than what she did, Kathryn owes Erika no loyalty and Erika showed Kathryn who/what she was with that comment especially after Kathryn answered her question about how she felt/saw Lisa....which was "Sweet" and she got the sniper analogy back.


I think both newbies are "thirsty" and are doing what they can to keep their HW job, not just Kathryn. Erika's intelligence is also a question because she really doesn't say much to anyone's face, it happens in more in her TH segments than anywhere else and they have has months to prep for those.

  • Love 8

THANK YOU for the links to the good story about Erika!  At last, we know something about her.  And yes, if she could move away from her baby to seek a "better life" in L.A., then go after Tom like a target, I guess we can throw the he-chased-her theory out the window!  It sounds like they both had their terms laid out from the very beginning.  I wish we knew more about what her relationship with her son is like now.  I'm glad his father was there for him.


Erika grew up in Atlanta.  Maybe that's why I see shades of Scarlett O'Hara in her -- that determination never to go hungry again! 

Edited by Lura
  • Love 3

Hmmm. . . have we ever had a RH who just picked up and moved across the country and left her child(ren)?  I guess no one (RH) can judge her but Mommie Dearest probably should not be weighing in on other people's children.  Of course it would be interesting to see if Rinna can come up with something in Harry's family that is similar to Erika's situation or Yolanda to top Erika story with her triplet sons she left behind in Holland to go to work for Eileen Ford and get out of the Red Light District.  Most likely Eileen has a sibling (dead or alive) who has done the same thing.


Erika just a scores low on the compassion scale.  Whenever I see her, I always think of her face as this palette waiting to be painted up.  There is something about her that rings empty.  She has the big house and she has developed a certain master/servant thing with her husband but she is just an empty soul. 

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 12

Tom shut Erika down when they were at dinner with Lisa/Ken as well, not just during a confusing talk over each other, dinner conversation. Both times it was rude and both times she looked down and was, IMO, hurt/embarrassed.


My problem with Erika playing runtelldat is that she does not convey the entire story and/or leaves out pertinent information.  I also believe that what Kathryn told LisaV, the spider web analogy, was less incendiary than telling Lisa that Erika believes she is "a sniper, shooting from the side because she doesn't want to get her finger prints on anything". Erika even admitted to the fact that the analogies were basically the same in her TH and she kept to Kathryn's analogy to Lisa's face because she knew her words, sniper/ect, were/are much harsher. Also, why should Kathryn try to mitigate Erika's comment anymore than what she did, Kathryn owes Erika no loyalty and Erika showed Kathryn who/what she was with that comment especially after Kathryn answered her question about how she felt/saw Lisa....which was "Sweet" and she got the sniper analogy back.


I think both newbies are "thirsty" and are doing what they can to keep their HW job, not just Kathryn. Erika's intelligence is also a question because she really doesn't say much to anyone's face, it happens in more in her TH segments than anywhere else and they have has months to prep for those.

I didn't get a hurt or embarrassed vibe, personally.  I did get a 'put in her place' vibe, but again, I don't feel that I need to personally judge their relationship dynamic.  Was Erika talking over Tom many times during those dinners and we didn't see all of that?  I could see that happening.  Maybe it's his pet peeve?  The editing monkeys took those moments and are making something out it, I don't blame show for that, but that's really all it seems like to me.  Their power dynamic seems that he is the drivers seat then they are together etc. She says as much with the 'I was a lawyers wife for x years' in many of her interviews.  I think I said it upthread, she knows the score, she calls Tom 'Boss'.  Plus, we're missing a whole chunk of the conversations, AND she doesn't have to accept that treatment if she doesn't choose to.  The thing is, I think she chooses to because it's gotten her a lot in life.  I think every relationship has a power divide, but some more than others.

At the end of the day she has a very provocative alter ego that he seems incredibly supportive of.  That's what speaks moreso to me in how he regards her, the action of being proud of her project.  He also seems very protective.  


You could argue that neither Erika nor Kathryn gave the 'whole story' then, I suppose.  But none of that accounts for the 'she cried like 6 tears' comment, which was unnecessary and pretty rude, as I felt that was probably some of the first real Erika emotion we've seen on screen.  I judge Kathryn's character more on that comment than the running to tattle to be honest, but I digress.

I think it's savvy to wait until the TH's to give your opinion, actually.  More events will have played out in order for you to come up with those quips that make tv.  No doubt, they all know they're making TV.  The thing is, I'd be super suspicious of the alter ego dancer thing but she's been doing it on some level since '07...I think Erika has said as much for her motivations by saying that she's put Erika Jayne in living rooms.  What's Kathryn's motivation?  

  • Love 3

I didn't get a hurt or embarrassed vibe, personally.  I did get a 'put in her place' vibe, but again, I don't feel that I need to personally judge their relationship dynamic.  Was Erika talking over Tom many times during those dinners and we didn't see all of that?  I could see that happening.  Maybe it's his pet peeve?  The editing monkeys took those moments and are making something out it, I don't blame show for that, but that's really all it seems like to me.  Their power dynamic seems that he is the drivers seat then they are together etc. She says as much with the 'I was a lawyers wife for x years' in many of her interviews.  I think I said it upthread, she knows the score, she calls Tom 'Boss'.  Plus, we're missing a whole chunk of the conversations, AND she doesn't have to accept that treatment if she doesn't choose to.  The thing is, I think she chooses to because it's gotten her a lot in life.  I think every relationship has a power divide, but some more than others.

At the end of the day she has a very provocative alter ego that he seems incredibly supportive of.  That's what speaks moreso to me in how he regards her, the action of being proud of her project.  He also seems very protective.  


You could argue that neither Erika nor Kathryn gave the 'whole story' then, I suppose.  But none of that accounts for the 'she cried like 6 tears' comment, which was unnecessary and pretty rude, as I felt that was probably some of the first real Erika emotion we've seen on screen.  I judge Kathryn's character more on that comment than the running to tattle to be honest, but I digress.

I think it's savvy to wait until the TH's to give your opinion, actually.  More events will have played out in order for you to come up with those quips that make tv.  No doubt, they all know they're making TV.  The thing is, I'd be super suspicious of the alter ego dancer thing but she's been doing it on some level since '07...I think Erika has said as much for her motivations by saying that she's put Erika Jayne in living rooms.  What's Kathryn's motivation?  

Kathryn's comment about the tears was unnecessary but I admit, I also thought they were forced/fake as well and Erika plays that game as well IMO.


Erika has stated that she doesn't hold back in giving her honest opinion to any of these women and that has not been the case at all, she says nothing to their face and acts with bravado only in her THs. Kathryn has said she is a  sees it, she says it person as well, like Erika has claimed but failed to do, but at least she is doing as she claims. LOL I do find it fascinating that Erika uses her "Erika Jayne" alter ego in her THs but tries to be the "lawyers wife" face to face. LOL

  • Love 9

Hmmm. . . have we ever had a RH who just picked up and moved across the country and left her child(ren)?  I guess no one (RH) can judge her but Mommie Dearest probably should not be weighing in on other people's children.  Of course it would be interesting to see if Rinna can come up with something in Harry's family that is similar to Erika's situation or Yolanda to top Erika story with her triplet sons she left behind in Holland to go to work for Eileen Ford and get out of the Red Light District.  Most likely Eileen has a sibling (dead or alive) who has done the same thing.


Erika just a scores low on the compassion scale.  Whenever I see her, I always think of her face as this palette waiting to be painted up.  There is something about her that rings empty.  She has the big house and she has developed a certain master/servant thing with her husband but she is just an empty soul. 


She is empty since she used up all 6 of her tears!

  • Love 8

I didn't get a hurt or embarrassed vibe, personally.  I did get a 'put in her place' vibe, but again, I don't feel that I need to personally judge their relationship dynamic.  Was Erika talking over Tom many times during those dinners and we didn't see all of that?  I could see that happening.  Maybe it's his pet peeve?  The editing monkeys took those moments and are making something out it, I don't blame show for that, but that's really all it seems like to me.  Their power dynamic seems that he is the drivers seat then they are together etc. She says as much with the 'I was a lawyers wife for x years' in many of her interviews.  I think I said it upthread, she knows the score, she calls Tom 'Boss'.  Plus, we're missing a whole chunk of the conversations, AND she doesn't have to accept that treatment if she doesn't choose to.  The thing is, I think she chooses to because it's gotten her a lot in life.  I think every relationship has a power divide, but some more than others.

At the end of the day she has a very provocative alter ego that he seems incredibly supportive of.  That's what speaks moreso to me in how he regards her, the action of being proud of her project.  He also seems very protective.  


You could argue that neither Erika nor Kathryn gave the 'whole story' then, I suppose.  But none of that accounts for the 'she cried like 6 tears' comment, which was unnecessary and pretty rude, as I felt that was probably some of the first real Erika emotion we've seen on screen.  I judge Kathryn's character more on that comment than the running to tattle to be honest, but I digress.

I think it's savvy to wait until the TH's to give your opinion, actually.  More events will have played out in order for you to come up with those quips that make tv.  No doubt, they all know they're making TV.  The thing is, I'd be super suspicious of the alter ego dancer thing but she's been doing it on some level since '07...I think Erika has said as much for her motivations by saying that she's put Erika Jayne in living rooms.  What's Kathryn's motivation?  

Excellent point about attorneys not wanting to be talked over.  Erika defeats the purpose of the all knowing Tom at her side if when asked his opinion she cuts him off.  I seriously doubt at 76 years of age and 23 attorneys in his office this guy is churning out briefs four nights a week and unable to dine with Erika. Sounds to me like he chooses other company for dinner.  Hopefully he leaves Erika's videos at home.  I think Erika had maybe has 6 gigs a year-maybe more now with Bravo exposure.  I can't imagine when he is in town why he isn't home with his bride.


I have another bone of contention with Erika, when she was relaying her motherhood experience to Kyle, she shed exactly ZERO tears over the fact she had oops, left her son at the tender age of three, in NYC, to pursue a career in LA as waitress.  There is nothing similar to Kyle and Erika's parenting experience other than they had their children under the age of 22.  Last time I checked NYC seems to have plenty of opportunities for waitresses, cocktail and otherwise, singers, dancers, actors and musicians.

  • Love 11

Erika has so many facets to her personality that it sometimes seems impossible to make general statements about her.  Plus, there is still so much that we don't know about her.  For instance, we have no idea what her reasons were for leaving her son behind, and the fact that her ex-husband was apparently willing and able to care for him plays into the story somehow, either pro or con.  All of that business, which remains unseen so far, would cast enormous light for us on Erika.


In addition, we can surmise that Erika went to NYC at the age of 18 in order to pursue an entertainment career, although we don't know.  If so, and those hopes weren't panning out, and if she were surprised by a pregnancy which might block her dreams even more, it might shed more light on her motivations at least a little better.  On a personal level, I can't imagine making her decision, but I'm not walking in Erika's shoes.  Furthermore, Erika wasn't Gigi with a mother hovering over her and guiding her every move.  It seems to me that it would take years of knowing Erika intimately before it would be fair to judge her based entirely on what we know (or don't know) at present.  She may have been through unspeakable soul-searching, or she may not have given a second thought to going off on her own, but again, we don't know.  Not yet.  Obviously, she didn't consider herself to be mother material just like she doesn't cook, and that part of her past casts a mean shadow over her, IMO.


Silver Poet mentioned something that ired me when it happened: Kathryn's "cried like six tears" comment.  That remark was so heartless, cruel and mean-spirited that it provided a huge window into a genuine lack of feeling on Kathryn's part.  It told me, among other things, that Kathryn is a dangerous "friend" to any of the women. She has no storyline, and her sole purpose for being on the show seems to be to launch herself and Donny onto a show of their own ("The Beefsteak and the Blonde"?).  I hope that she becomes another One Season Wonder.  I am already bored with her.

Edited by Lura
  • Love 2

Excellent point about attorneys not wanting to be talked over.  Erika defeats the purpose of the all knowing Tom at her side if when asked his opinion she cuts him off.  I seriously doubt at 76 years of age and 23 attorneys in his office this guy is churning out briefs four nights a week and unable to dine with Erika. Sounds to me like he chooses other company for dinner.  Hopefully he leaves Erika's videos at home.  I think Erika had maybe has 6 gigs a year-maybe more now with Bravo exposure.  I can't imagine when he is in town why he isn't home with his bride.


I have another bone of contention with Erika, when she was relaying her motherhood experience to Kyle, she shed exactly ZERO tears over the fact she had oops, left her son at the tender age of three, in NYC, to pursue a career in LA as waitress.  There is nothing similar to Kyle and Erika's parenting experience other than they had their children under the age of 22.  Last time I checked NYC seems to have plenty of opportunities for waitresses, cocktail and otherwise, singers, dancers, actors and musicians.

Really?  Where did you get that info from about leaving her little kid to go to LA???  I guess she was pursuing an acting or singing career.  Yiks.  Yep, there's plenty of opportunity in NY.  Nope.  Don't get any justification for that.


Another revelation tonight about Erika's marriage.  She's not allowed to buy jewelry for herself.  The woman is on a tight reign.  Has to send the photo to the secretary.  I guess she gets a budget for her traveling show but maybe that's because it's some kind of turn on for him.  I don't know.  It's just very weird.  


But if it makes them both happy....  However, I don't think they're all that happy.  They're more a 'settled' convenience.

  • Love 6

Really?  Where did you get that info from about leaving her little kid to go to LA???  I guess she was pursuing an acting or singing career.  Yiks.  Yep, there's plenty of opportunity in NY.  Nope.  Don't get any justification for that.


Another revelation tonight about Erika's marriage.  She's not allowed to buy jewelry for herself.  The woman is on a tight reign.  Has to send the photo to the secretary.  I guess she gets a budget for her traveling show but maybe that's because it's some kind of turn on for him.  I don't know.  It's just very weird.  


But if it makes them both happy....  However, I don't think they're all that happy.  They're more a 'settled' convenience.

Her, Erika, words, here is the link. http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/03/15/erika-girardi-abandons-3-year-old-to-seek-life-of-a-gold-digger-in-l-a/

  • Love 2

WOW!  I'm speechless.  Thanks for the link.  Says all I need to know about Erika Jane. 


I wonder when she and her child reunited, if at all before he became an adult....  Damn. 

  • Love 3

I wonder what her relationship is like with her son.  He is a P.O. in LA now. So did he move out here at some point to reunite with her?  I am thinking about the Jason/Bethenny divorce and wonder if the dad wanted joint custody and was the $ maker at the time. Kid resides in NYC. Did she go back and forth to see him? Did she call? Did she have any relationship with him?  Was she not maternal at all? She openly answered the questions it appears on the podcast. I wonder what Erika's childhood was like. She was raised by a single mom according to Wiki but spoke lovingly about her grandmother. She is an enigma wrapped in cash.


I think the type of jewelry ($$$$) Erika is looking at would require a nod from any significant other. I think she was probably allowed to by the "Cunty" necklace with her own black Amex.

  • Love 1

With all the Tez about Erica it brings a new light to her first meeting with Kyle. Bonding over having children so young, Erika made it seem like she too struggled as a mother. I dont care too much for Kyle but she seems like a really good and involved mother. I do not believe you can move thousands of miles away from your 3 year old(by choice) and consider yourself a good mom.

The more I see of Erika the more thirsty gold digger I see.

  • Love 5

Now the whole thing about feeling judged by women makes perfect sense.  It was spun to make it seem like women judged her because she was so beautiful or married rich, but more than likely it's because you can only get so close to a person before questions about her son come into play.  I doubt she's found many women sympathetic to moving the length of a country away from their child to see what other opportunities (as a waitress) are out there.

  • Love 11

I liked Erika when she first came on the show. As we have seen more of her my opinion has gone down steadily. I read that she ditched her 1st husband and 3 year old little boy to find her sugar Daddy in California. She is a stone cold bitch that would do anything to finance her fancy lifestyle of choice. Her friendship with Yolanda seems to be based on the fact that Yolanda recommended her for the show. Give her a season- she will be rabidly going for Yolanda's jugular in no time.

  • Love 6

Well that is quite a bombshell.  Wait until Rinna gets a hold of that!  Erika is a shoo in for next season.  It will be interesting to see how Yolanda reacts to that on screen.  I assume she knows since she recommended her for the show.  AND that is if Yo will agree to a full schedule of filming.  She will.  Her miraculous recovery has begun with the promise of burning her robe!  Ta Da!!!!

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7

I've tried hard to play it down the middle with Erika and not to judge her by the fact that she left her son behind.  I've even tried to conjure up an image of a terrible situation she had to escape, but none of it seems to work.


My husband and I have lost a baby boy and a baby girl during our marriage, and I can say that nothing would have come between us and our children -- nothing but death, I should say.  Nothing on earth could have convinced us to drive away from either child.  Most of us are born with a natural instinct to care for our offspring.


My hope is that Erika went through some terrible tragedy that forced her decision and that her heart broke as a result.  Maybe I could somehow understand what she did.  Otherwise, in my wildest dreams,  I cannot fathom how she could have reached the decision she did.  I really hope the show explains this mystery eventually to our satisfaction.

Edited by Lura
  • Love 5

If there had been a tragic or horrific reason to leave her son, she would have talked about that in the podcast.  She offered no defense.  She may come up with something though!  I doubt she will be believed since the time to talk about that was on the podcast.  Her reason for leaving was wanting to see what CA offered. 

  • Love 5

Her son moved from NJ to LA in 2014. Here is some info about Erika's ex and her son. http://www.allaboutthetea.com/2016/03/16/rhobh-meet-erika-girardis-ex-husband-son-photos/



Wirewrap!  You are a wizard at finding good stuff!  I am at your feet in awe.  Sounds like Erika is probably helping him financially.  She may have been in her son's life all along in some capacity. 


note to self:  do not comment until you have more facts.  

  • Love 4

Maybe she couldn't get custody from Zizzo. I don't think she has the cleanest past. I get a Polly Anne Costello vibe from her.



Or she didn't try because they made an arrangement for her to make more money so she could help with expanding his business.  Could easily have been an amicable split with details in place.   They are on the same page when it comes to career ventures.  

  • Love 2

Wirewrap!  You are a wizard at finding good stuff!  I am at your feet in awe.  Sounds like Erika is probably helping him financially.  She may have been in her son's life all along in some capacity. 


note to self:  do not comment until you have more facts.  

Who knows what the custody arrangement was, maybe her ex refused to let their son move out of state with Erika, it could be as simple as she couldn't support him on her own as she had no job/no money coming in and chose not to take him with her OR, she doesn't have much maternal instinct (not all women do).

  • Love 7

Well that is quite a bombshell.  Wait until Rinna gets a hold of that!  Erika is a shoo in for next season.  It will be interesting to see how Yolanda reacts to that on screen.  I assume she knows since she recommended her for the show.  AND that is if Yo will agree to a full schedule of filming.  She will.  Her miraculous recovery has begun with the promise of burning her robe!  Ta Da!!!!

How ironic would it be if the source of Yo' s illness was a ton of super bacteria that formed on that ratty ol' robe?

  • Love 4

Her ex husband is named Thomas, son Tommy, and current hubby is Tom.

(Blinks) OK

Her ex and son are cute.


That's like when Kim Kardashian married a Kris even though her mother's name is also Kris. Talk about an Oedipal complex. Or maybe it's a Freudian thing?


But seriously, the more I learn about Erika, the more fascinating she is. She comes across as if she's hiding some big secrets. I wonder if any more tea will spill before the season ends.

  • Love 1

Hm, so the son doesn't move to LA until 2014....and manages to get a job as an LAPD officer.  Wasn't it the chief of police of the LAPD who came over to the table when Tom and Erika were having dinner?  Connections???


Sorry but leaving your son in New York at the age of three to pursue a 'career' in the entertainment field in LA just doesn't sit well with me.  It's not like she lived in No Town, USA and wanted to seek a better life for her and her child....even if she didn't have primary custody.  Lot's of telling things here...  and it doesn't bode well for Erika as far as I'm concerned.

  • Love 11

Hm, so the son doesn't move to LA until 2014....and manages to get a job as an LAPD officer.  Wasn't it the chief of police of the LAPD who came over to the table when Tom and Erika were having dinner?  Connections???


Sorry but leaving your son in New York at the age of three to pursue a 'career' in the entertainment field in LA just doesn't sit well with me.  It's not like she lived in No Town, USA and wanted to seek a better life for her and her child....even if she didn't have primary custody.  Lot's of telling things here...  and it doesn't bode well for Erika as far as I'm concerned.

I took a look at the LAPD hiring requirements -sounds to me like he took the tests and got the job and moved out to go to the academy.  See process-http://www.joinlapd.com/selection.html Sadly the new higher pay probably does not cover one of mom's annual shoe expense.


After touring Erika's closet she somehow manages to be kind of sad and pathetic with all her stuff.  She claims she can dress a hundred people with all her stuff.

  • Love 7

Not all women are cut out to be mothers - look at Tamra or Lynne Curtin hahaha.  If the dad had moved to LA, would people be so critical? I know some terrible mothers whose kids would have been much better off if the father had custody. I would like to know more too.  I think if Erika were uneasy about her past relationship with her son, she wouldn't have brought it up on the first show with the police chief or in the interview. I wonder what her son thinks.  

  • Love 6

Not all women are cut out to be mothers - look at Tamra or Lynne Curtin hahaha.  If the dad had moved to LA, would people be so critical? I know some terrible mothers whose kids would have been much better off if the father had custody. I would like to know more too.  I think if Erika were uneasy about her past relationship with her son, she wouldn't have brought it up on the first show with the police chief or in the interview. I wonder what her son thinks.  

No not all people are cut out to be parents.  Erika and Erika Jayne have put the "don't give a f&ck," persona out there so anyone who comments comes off as judgmental. There are people who do things in life that are not uneasy about their behavior, it doesn't necessarily make their behavior acceptable to everybody.   People judge her every day when they decide if they are going to pay to download one of her raunchy videos.  I will say this about Erika she got in front of the left the toddler behind story, by not talking about it on air and then mentioning it after filming on the Heather Dubrow show.  I support divorced parents who have a genuine reason to move out of the area code-Erika's just doesn't fly.  Had Erika said she had gone on vacation and met the man of her dreams and was marrying, I could see a negotiated custody arrangement or if she had said, she had a slamming job offer but she didn't.  I guess on the upside she didn't claim she was a victim.


There are dozens of posts damning LVP for not adopting the little lame horse, she just met.  Somehow Erika thinks she deserves a pass with her choices because she doesn't give a fuck.     

  • Love 13

Hm, so the son doesn't move to LA until 2014....and manages to get a job as an LAPD officer.  Wasn't it the chief of police of the LAPD who came over to the table when Tom and Erika were having dinner?  Connections???





Funny.  This supports my theory that her son is benefiting from her new life.  Tom could easily have pulled strings to get him that job.


I don't feel judgmental toward Erika on this topic, at all.   We don't know the details. 

  • Love 5

Funny.  This supports my theory that her son is benefiting from her new life.  Tom could easily have pulled strings to get him that job.


I don't feel judgmental toward Erika on this topic, at all.   We don't know the details. 

I am thinking there is pretty much a constant application process so I don't know why the guy needed anyone to pull strings.  Maybe he accomplished becoming an LAPD officer all on his own.  http://articles.latimes.com/2013/dec/03/local/la-me-lapd-recruits-20131204  They struggle to find candidates.

Erika set forth the details, she left her son at age 3 to move to California to follow her dream.  She realized her dream.   Apparently being the custodial parent of her child was not part of the dream.

  • Love 7

I am thinking there is pretty much a constant application process so I don't know why the guy needed anyone to pull strings. Maybe he accomplished becoming an LAPD officer all on his own. http://articles.latimes.com/2013/dec/03/local/la-me-lapd-recruits-20131204 They struggle to find candidates.

Erika set forth the details, she left her son at age 3 to move to California to follow her dream. She realized her dream. Apparently being the custodial parent of her child was not part of the dream.

yeah what a horrible slut. she could only be a bad person. now Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle, they are role model material. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 2

I am so confused. What do Kyle and LisaV have to do with Ericka and her son? The situations are not in the least bit comparable. Isn't the whole point of this thread for us to judge Ericka? I am not personally passing judgement on her about this (yet) because I don't know the details, but I do think that it is totally fine for people to look at her differently now that she has put this out there as part of her Reality Persona. 


I mean if we can snicker and make fun of the other wives in their respective threads based on what they put out to the public, shouldn't we be able to do the same with Ericka? I judge Ericka on the fact that she never comments in the moment and only saves it for her talking heads - I think it is a cowardly move. Doesn't mean that I don't judge the others for their behaviors either. 

  • Love 15

yeah what a horrible slut. she could only be a bad person. now Lisa Vanderpump and Kyle, they are role model material.

I never said slut or horrible.  I hope that is the message that was conveyed.  I simply think Erika and her dreams didn't allow for a small child.


Erika comes off as dispassionate unless it is about "things" and even then she remains somewhat aloof.  She is proud of the fact she hasn't many friends.  I am not counting her posse of primpers. 


If you are talking about parenting, I think LVP and Kyle also have very differing parental styles.  I would consider Kyle a pretty good example of a parent and more relatable than LVP, only because LVP has raised her children with fabulous wealth and on two different continents. 

  • Love 11

45 year old bravolebrity Erika Girardi Jayne is one thing, but 18 year old Erika from nowheresville who has a young child to a skeezy strip club owner or whatever. She had no child star sister to mooch of off, or a Persian millionaire baby daddy. She wasn't born in Beverly Hills.

We don't know what Erika's husband was doing while they were married.  I've watched Erika Jayne, somehow I don't think she would be all that appalled at her husband being in the entertainment business.  I believe her ex-husband owns a male strip club that caters to women. 


Kyle's ex husband is Indonesian, and Kyle worked when she was married to Farrah's father. 


Erika made the choices, Kyle, LVP and the others don't have to apologize for their lifestyle or be compared to Erika.  Yolanda said she would work as a prostitute to feed her children, LVP didn't agree wither statement.   Nor should they be condemned if they don't give Erika's choices a stamp of approval.  Much like her videos-I find them tawdry and raunchy and not the least bit empowering to women.  Eileen loves them.  According to Heather Dubrow, Shannon Beador is enthralled with Erika-go figure.

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