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Season 9 Discussion

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Just can't agree with Reggie. The body was nice but the face, other than the smile not so much.

Though I think Kim BELIEVES she's a traditional woman and tries to talk the talk but she doesn't really want to be the little woman at home, barefoot and pregnant. But she does want to be on the arm of a rich powerful man. I don't see her as being intimidated by Kanye at all. I do think she doesn't know what he thinks about a lot of things, because, first, she doesn't understand half of what he's talking about(much like the rest of us) and second because they don't talk about anything other than their superficial self(ies). IMO she is slowly doing exactly what she wants to do, regardless of his wishes. Last night there were more glimpses of North and they will increase.

Kanye may have had a music following, but it pales in comparison to those who think the K's are a freak show. I think in the long run he's hurt himself more than he could even imagine.

Uh Kim as the face of an energy drink campaign? She's so languid in her demeanor she's practically sloth like. Not my idea of vital, nor does Audrey Hepburn conjure up visions of the athletic or energetic type . Must have been that OC energy drink nonsense I thought was defunct. That was totally faked for the show, right? It's like Sarah Jessica Parker modeling for Lane Bryant.



Do NOT insult sloths like that.


I remember when she was doing the photoshoot & pictures of her as Audrey on a bicycle came out. It looked like her ass ate the bicycle seat, it was just gone. Audrey Hepburn was a tiny little woman, who in their right mind would think that dressing Kim Kardashian up as her was a good idea? Kim's ass alone is bigger than Audrey Hepburn's entire body.

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I wonder what that relationship is really like behind closed doors. She was the same way on WWHL last week. Andy asked her a lot of questions about Kanye and she would pause as if she had to think about how to answer,  as if she was afraid to say anything about him.


I think Kim likes being told what to do.  It used to be Kris micromanaging her career, but now, it's Kanye.  It appears she prefers to not have to think.

Surprised Kanye is letting her do energy drinks advertising. Wouldn't he think that's beneath them? Not very Parisian high fashion.


That's probably why she's dressed as Audrey Hepburn

Oh please, Housewives god, let Tamra get chewed up and spit out at the reunion!!

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Black or white, neither Kim nor Khloe seem to have dated anyone really good looking. Kanye gives me the heebie jeebies, with those disgusting pleather pants, I find myself holding my breath just looking at pictures of him,  Reggie Bush had a nice smile.. Kris H looked a bit like Herman Munster, the baseball player and the bodyguard were the best looking and they got out of Dodge pretty quick. Lamar's absurdly small ears grossed me out, along with his weird baby talk. This new guy is out of shape  and creepy looking, never mind the constant presence of hangers on.   And while Scott isn't the most impressive physical specimen, I do think he is nice

looking in a pretty boy way. And it's always been clear that despite his wild ways he loves Kourtney and his kids.

I think it depends on one's vantage point.  When you listed the standards of beauty in the modeling industry, you listed all white models.  If one is attracted to black men or men of all races equally, Kim's men are considered attractive.  Scott is super-plain to me and "pretty" would be the last word I would use to describe him.  Ultimately, being attractive really is subjective and in the eye of the beholder.

  • Love 2

I think it depends on one's vantage point.  When you listed the standards of beauty in the modeling industry, you listed all white models.  If one is attracted to black men or men of all races equally, Kim's men are considered attractive.  Scott is super-plain to me and "pretty" would be the last word I would use to describe him.  Ultimately, being attractive really is subjective and in the eye of the beholder.

I think there are a lot of goodlooking black men out there. I just don't think the ones Kim has dated/married are. And of course beauty is in the eye of the beholder. A man doesn't have to be handsome/nor a woman beautiful in order for someone to find them attractive.

I think what has kept me watching this show all these years is that I am fascinated by the dynamics between people - particularly in large and blended families. I know people love to hate them, but I find myself feeling so sorry for this family - they've been through so much but the constant attention and money has warped the whole lot of them.


I don't know what they've been through that thousands of other people don't go through every day, so I have no sympathy for them.  And the constant attention would go away if they'd stop whoring themselves out.  Of course the money that has warped them would also go away, and the Kartrashian Klan can't have that!  So I'll save my sympathy for people who actually deserve it.

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<<I don't know what they've been through that thousands of other people don't go through every day, so I have no sympathy for them.  And the constant attention would go away if they'd stop whoring themselves out.  Of course the money that has warped them would also go away, and the Kartrashian Klan can't have that!  So I'll save my sympathy for people who actually deserve it.>>


They aren't ASKING for sympathy - they think that they are living large.  I am capable of having sympathy for people who don't deserve it and often do, even if thousands of other people go through the same thing everyday.  But really most people don't have the Kardashian's life.  They have SO much but are too self-absorbed, warped, and shallow to wrap their inflated heads around how blessed that they are and that those blessings have little to do with money or looks.  It's sad to me that Kris Jenner has 6 biological children but is only on good terms with one and opens her mouth to declare one favorite.  It's sad that she has 4 stepchildren who can't stand her.  It's sad that she has 3 grandchildren - small children - who seem to hate her as well.  It's sad that Kendall and Kylie with all the money in the world, two parents in the household and EIGHT older siblings seem to have not had anything resembling a chldhood and feel the need to go under the knife in their teens just to acquire the money and fame of their siblings.  It's sad that Bruce doesn't see what's wrong with the fact that he pretends to be an involved hands on father to his two youngest and off and on with his step children, but he turned his back on his 4 - count em, FOUR - older children.  It's sad that Kim, surrounded by an extended family of 9 siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, spouse, child of her own, opens her eyes and only sees herself.  Old age is going to be hell on this woman child.  Rob Kardashian - the true heir to the last name - is a suicidal fat, inked up, loveless mess.  Khloe has zero self esteem and zero self respect.  Kourtney is just shy of catatonic.  A sad sad lot.  And what have they been through?  Divorce, estrangement, murder, trial of the century, loss of a parent to illness.  That's enough to give most people perspective.  But the true tragedy of this family is that they have no perspective.  Yeah, I feel sorry for them. 

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They aren't ASKING for sympathy - they think that they are living large.  I am capable of having sympathy for people who don't deserve it and often do, even if thousands of other people go through the same thing everyday.  But really most people don't have the Kardashian's life.  They have SO much but are too self-absorbed, warped, and shallow to wrap their inflated heads around how blessed that they are and that those blessings have little to do with money or looks.  It's sad to me that Kris Jenner has 6 biological children but is only on good terms with one and opens her mouth to declare one favorite.  It's sad that she has 4 stepchildren who can't stand her.  It's sad that she has 3 grandchildren - small children - who seem to hate her as well.  It's sad that Kendall and Kylie with all the money in the world, two parents in the household and EIGHT older siblings seem to have not had anything resembling a chldhood and feel the need to go under the knife in their teens just to acquire the money and fame of their siblings.  It's sad that Bruce doesn't see what's wrong with the fact that he pretends to be an involved hands on father to his two youngest and off and on with his step children, but he turned his back on his 4 - count em, FOUR - older children.  It's sad that Kim, surrounded by an extended family of 9 siblings, nieces, nephews, cousins, spouse, child of her own, opens her eyes and only sees herself.  Old age is going to be hell on this woman child.  Rob Kardashian - the true heir to the last name - is a suicidal fat, inked up, loveless mess.  Khloe has zero self esteem and zero self respect.  Kourtney is just shy of catatonic.  A sad sad lot.  And what have they been through?  Divorce, estrangement, murder, trial of the century, loss of a parent to illness.  That's enough to give most people perspective.  But the true tragedy of this family is that they have no perspective.  Yeah, I feel sorry for them.


This is overly dramatic.  They get attention because there are obviously people who are obsessed with their every move.  And I ain't necessarily talking about fans.

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Timetoread - I understand what you are saying, though i don't completely agree. you put a lot of thought into it and I respect that.

Back on topic - the Lamar situation was totally staged. Not sure I think he was blindsided though. I could see kris manipulating him into agreeing to set up and then she dropped his ass. Again

Edited by ms.o

From the bits & pieces I have seen of this episode, once again, so unreality! Please quit calling this a 'reality' show. The only ones who I believe are 'real' are Mason and "Pee". 


The ending part that I saw had Kim & "BFF" Jonathon spying on Khloe in order to see who her new "crew" included.  Some party for one of Khloe's 500 rappers was being held at some club. Kim & Jonathon are sitting outside of the club around midnight & Kim, while in full faced make up and chomping on gum, declares that she needs a nap.  "Now that she is a Mother", she has to nap when the opportunity arises.  They show time going by with "BFF" Jonathon sitting at the wheel while Kim is sound asleep. Next thing we know, Jonathan is waking Kim up cuz he spied Khloe than Lamar!  Kim is now fully awake, her make up, including the glossy red lipstick she was wearing, is still picture perfect and she is still chewing gum!


That whole bit between Khloe & Kris made me a bit sad for Khloe.  From the way I understood it, Kris said Khloe is asking for some of these "assignments" for herself, so Kris tossed her a bone & got her an interview with some Australian show or something.  Then she got to guest host for Chelsea Handler & Kris does not even show up? When she does show up at Khloe's new mansion, she is so disinterested, it is disgusting.  Oh, but she would kill for the red chandelier & she does love the floors.


These people just disgust me to no end! I just do not understand their popularity. 

Edited by alegtostandon
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I like how the car Kim and her buddy were using for their "stakeout" had cinematic lighting of the interior.  So inconspicuous!


The best part though was how the cut of the episode made it seem like Kris wasn't there for Khloe because she was pouting over Kim not including her in planning Kim's third wedding.


Did anyone else think that Kourtney was hiding a substantial baby bump under that white t-shirt in that phoney-baloney phone ringing scene?

Edited by Starscream

In an episode filmed before the wedding,Kim didn't want Kris taking over and putting herself in charge of her wedding plans and purposely kept her unaware of them. When Kim says to the camera "I tossed her a bone by letting her give me a dinner" I actually cringed. Even though I don't like Kris and know that she's a controlling, dominating person, I almost felt sorry for her for a brief millisecond. I got over that feeling fast.The Idiom makes means to give someone a small reward to make them feel good even though they haven't contributed anything.


I get the distinct impression that this family is heading for a super meltdown, and it's not far from happening.

That will last until Kim gets tired of Kanye's controlling ways. Then she'll be happy to get back in with her mom. I don't think Kim was really pleased with this last wedding. She herself didn't get much input and from what was written, it was a bit of a mess. Same with the house. He can't decide what he wants or he decides and then reconsiders. Kim can only take that for so long. I bet he starts the same shit with this new place. I don't really feel sorry for Kris either. She doesn't want a party for Kim, she wants a party for Kris, mother of Kim. She is besties with that Sharon Sacks who helped plan the wedding and has done most of the Kardashian galas. She had her input through the backdoor, so to speak. Kanye said he butted heads with the wedding planner and Sacks was at the wedding so she must have been the one.


She is besties with that Sharon Sacks who helped plan the wedding and has done most of the Kardashian galas. She had her input through the backdoor, so to speak. Kanye said he butted heads with the wedding planner and Sacks was at the wedding so she must have been the one.


Surprised Kanye would even allow Sharon to be involved and he wouldn't get someone of his own choosing and "grander". She's not the only celebrity wedding planner.  She's not even one of the most popular to celebs, Mindy Weiss is far more popular.


I'm surprised the both of them didn't go for the planner who did the Royal wedding, the same planner did Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes wedding in Italy and that went off problem free. Justin Timberlakes was in Italy too.  Or there's the one that does J-Lo, Brad Pitt, Oprah, Trumps, George Clooney type events. 


Perhaps Kanye actually compromised and went with the family party planner and that's why he hated it all. They should have gotten a planner that did International celebrity weddings. 

Edited by Artsda

Surprised Kanye would even allow Sharon to be involved and he wouldn't get someone of his own choosing and "grander". She's not the only celebrity wedding planner.  She's not even one of the most popular to celebs, Mindy Weiss is far more popular.


I'm surprised the both of them didn't go for the planner who did the Royal wedding, the same planner did Tom Cruise & Katie Holmes wedding in Italy and that went off problem free. Justin Timberlakes was in Italy too.  Or there's the one that does J-Lo, Brad Pitt, Oprah, Trumps, George Clooney type events. 


Perhaps Kanye actually compromised and went with the family party planner and that's why he hated it all. They should have gotten a planner that did International celebrity weddings. 

Kanye probably let Kim pick the planner because he realized that she has a great amount of experience planning weddings.

  • Love 2

Was it the wedding planner that declared Kris a "pathological liar" while talking with Kim while at her photo shoot?

I thought that was Kim's executive assistant/selfie taker/paid hanger-on... I noticed that no one objected to that characterization though.


Kim offered to have her "host a small dinner" which Kris suddenly turned into a shower.

I get that as a mother Kris wants to help or be involved, but instead of trying to do what SHE wants to do for Kim, why not ask Kim, what CAN I do to help you, and if the answer is "Thank you but we are handling things and just want you to enjoy yourself as a guest" do that. Maybe offer to pick up the  tab for the favors or the airfare or lodging of some or all of the guests. But Kim is 33 years old, on her third marriage, let her grow up. And devote your time to managing their careers.

I believe that Kim is the type of person that needs the control of someone else because she's so emotionally immature that she just doesn't have the skills needed to control situations. Of course Kris has controlled her career and life every step of the way and now she's with Kanye who has the same controlling personality. There will always be someone in control of Kim.

I agree, but Kim also loves her "career". I don't think Kanye loves that aspect of her life and IMO, a lot of the reason he stays away so much is the public part of her life. I believe Kim will eventually resent that he is basically AWOL from both her and North's lives. Kris, even though she is controlling, her goals are akin to Kim's, that is all about Kim. So I think Kim is willing to be controlled by Kris, since the end result is all centered on her. I don't see much enthusiasm for

Kanye's career or his social stance on racism or prejudice. Kim has never experienced and never will experience the things he rants about. She is too shallow to really empathize with those affected. All her talk after the Vienna thing, what did it lead to? One little blog. But in her mind, she did something. So she doesn't need to do anything else.

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That entire Khloe at the club, steak out scene was fake IMO. Totally agree about the lighting inside Jonathan's car and Kim "sleeping." Then, when they run over to Khloe and she's in the driver's seat, it looked to me like she was trying not to smile the whole time. Like bad acting. And that French Montana mess is just gross. I don't know a thing about him, but I was not at all impressed in any way. Lamar being there was totally staged, too. All fake!

That entire Khloe at the club, steak out scene was fake IMO. Totally agree about the lighting inside Jonathan's car and Kim "sleeping." Then, when they run over to Khloe and she's in the driver's seat, it looked to me like she was trying not to smile the whole time. Like bad acting. And that French Montana mess is just gross. I don't know a thing about him, but I was not at all impressed in any way. Lamar being there was totally staged, too. All fake!

 Kim is all dressed up in club attire to spy on Khloe.  Fake.

Kim's laughable. Doing research on French to see what kind of guy he is. I guess she missed the part about him having a wife and a kid. Khloe too, coming from a broken family with adultery on her mothers part and she dives in with a married man?



He was divorced from his first wife and his child's mother in 2012.  Is there another ex wife?


Those pics of Kim and Reggie Bush are HOT.  He is a beautiful man and she was once a beautiful woman.  Back in 2009.  Before she started doing god-knows-what to her face.

He was divorced from his first wife and his child's mother in 2012.  Is there another ex wife?


Those pics of Kim and Reggie Bush are HOT.  He is a beautiful man and she was once a beautiful woman.  Back in 2009.  Before she started doing god-knows-what to her face.

I'd read that he was still married.. and hadn't seen his child in quite some time. My bad if he is indeed divorced, but if he has abandoned his kid, that's on him. But hten it never bothered Khloe that Lammie didn't bother with his very much either. 

Right - who thinks if Brody were to get married without much notice that Kimmy will make a big effort to change her plans and attend the wedding? IMHO that would not be a major priority to her.

Brandon got married in Hawaii and not one of 3 Kardashian sisters or Rob turned up .Brody had a big family dinner for his birthday last week and none of them showed up for that either including Kris who is still his step-mother (while his divorced from his mom for nearly a decade step- father managed to show),It's not the first time they have missed each others shit .

Edited by Humbugged

Brandon got married in Hawaii and not one of 3 Kardashian sisters or Rob turned up .Brody had a big family dinner for his birthday last week and none of them showed up for that either including Kris who is still his step-mother (while his divorced from his mom for nearly a decade step- father managed to show),It's not the first time they have missed each others shit .

I have a step brother, I met him once at my father's wedding to his mother. We were all adults over 21. Haven't seen or spoken to him since. Wouldn't know him if he passed me on the street.

The whole one big happy blended family they try to pretend they are is bullshit. If they were so close why does Kendall barely know her half brothers? Kylie isn't even linterested in them. There is obvious tension between Kim and Brody and Kris and Brody. A casual acquaintance/or not so close cousin relationship between Brandon and Brody and Khloe and Kourtney and Rob seems to be all it is. Brandon seems like he is more able to "fake" it with Kris and Kim , where Brody still has lots of issues. Right now he's claiming work kept him away and that Kim knew from the start he wasn't coming. Don't believe it. He felt slighted in some way and wasn't going to roll over and let her run her fat ass over him and just make nice.

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I did see an instagram post about Brody's birthday from Kris and wasn't the Kris/Kourt/Kim crew in San Diego during Brody's birthday? The pic looked like it would be awkward enough with all the ex's and distant children of Bruce in the room.


I believe Brody that he knew from the start he wasn't going and Kim did too. Not surprised they'd script up something for the show, that's what they do for everything. I don't see why this circumstance has to be different. 

Edited by Artsda

I did see an instagram post about Brody's birthday from Kris and wasn't the Kris/Kourt/Kim crew in San Diego during Brody's birthday? The pic looked like it would be awkward enough with all the ex's and distant children of Bruce in the room.


I believe Brody that he knew from the start he wasn't going and Kim did too. Not surprised they'd script up something for the show, that's what they do for everything. I don't see why this circumstance has to be different. 

I just don't get if they scripted a dramatic reason and some kind of falling out over it, why they would  then publicly state the opposite, that it was a work related issue? I mean do they want us to believe the scripted stuff or the stuff they spew publicly. The whole Lamar thing was the same, with Kris denying up and down that Khloe and Lamar were anything other than blissfully married, when in reality he was banging crack whores right and left and Khloe had no idea where he was half the time.   

Khloe's ass is as big as Kim's and so is Kris' with Kourtney following after. Those white pants didn't flatter it IMO. Did they all get butt injections recently?  I don't remember any of them (except Kim) them having big butts in the earlier seasons. What's with  Khloe wearing a Triumph (rock band) t- shirt? I noticed the images were blocked but I recognized the logo. She probably doesn't know who they even are.

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Sitting here at work, I sit with patients and I am watching this episode now as its being rerun, And  when Kim and Kris were coming into the door before Khloe and Kourtney popped out of the tent, they Kim and Kris looked like pod people of each other... Sad really but I've forgotten how funny this show is, like this family is so over the top you can't help but laugh at them. 

ETA Bruce go have several seats with that get that outta my house statement when Kris was telling him about the pot gummy bears, Like you ever was the man of the house and ran things.

Edited by carolinagirl81
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Ugh, this show. That pregnancy reveal was so fake and ridiculous - like anyone who was truly freaked out about their partner's potential response would inform said person in a bored monotone while seated in a closet. These people can't act at all. And did anyone maybe think it was a bad idea to make Scott play the angry/sad/reluctant parent part, given that this whole stupid mess is taped and said child will be watching this back someday? Idiots.


Equally idiotic was Kris showing up with cream cheese and lox for someone with a stomach virus. Too bad she didn't ralph smoked fish all over Kris.

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