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Netflix Revival: Spoilers and Speculation

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That would really stink if they did that. Kind of surprises me if that is the case because of SP"s comments. Before the revival news he said the fans deserved a revival because they wanted a wedding. Now, post revival, he was asked if fans would be happy with it and if he's happy where Luke ended up his response was " Oh yeah!". 

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9 minutes ago, lulu1960 said:

I think this article (which does have spoilers) will kind of answer the Lorelai question.


I couldn't play LG's video at the end, did it say anything significant? 

Thanks for the link lulu, even with that info the show could still leave us hanging. 

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32 minutes ago, FictionLover said:

I couldn't play LG's video at the end, did it say anything significant? 

Thanks for the link lulu, even with that info the show could still leave us hanging. 

That was a video from when she announced the Emmy's. She talked about how she loved the material and it was nice to go back. Best think she's done. etc etc.

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18 hours ago, cuddlingcrowley said:

Oh, good! Glad I'm not alone. But there were plenty of bits on the original series I found unfunny or simply didn't get it so I'm also not worried.

On the other hand, Rory looks so weird to me...it'll take me more than a bit to get used to grown up Alexis Bledel.

Is it weird that I think Rory looks weird because her shirt is so loose?  Not that she wore tight clothes but it just seems so loose on her.  Definitely a more grown up look but weird to me.

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19 hours ago, cuddlingcrowley said:

On the other hand, Rory looks so weird to me...it'll take me more than a bit to get used to grown up Alexis Bledel.

It looks to me as if Alexis Bledel is letting herself age more naturally than other actresses her age. I think we're so used to actresses in their thirties having extensive plastic surgery to look younger that when an actress that age does not, it appears "off," when in fact that's how most women that age look. She looks great, of course.

As for the spoilers...I'm a bit surprised that Rory is living and working in London, since that guy in the casting call I thought was her boyfriend (Paul or whatever), who's only appearing in 1x01, was not specified to have a British accent. Nor were any of the casting calls for Brits; I think the only Brit we know of is Alex Kingston. I suppose Rory's boyfriend could be an American living in London like her, though, and that Rory's friends and coworkers (apart from Alex Kingston, who I'm assuming is her boss) could also be expats.

The interesting part for me is that the costume designer, Brenda Maben, when talking about dressing the three boys--whom she called "Option 1," "Option 2" and "Option 3," but clearly meant Dean, Jess and Logan respectively--said that "Option 3" was also living in London.

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I believe the Lorelai question is answered in this quote from the EW article.


That devastating aspect of the story is part of the crossroads that Lorelai, Rory, and Emily each find themselves on when the show picks back up. "What does the death of a husband mean to a woman who had a life very specific to her all these years. Where does she go from here?" Sherman-Palladino said of Emily, and then of Lorelai: "And a very single, but coupled, but independent woman who had these guards up her whole life to protect her daughter and protect herself and suddenly is looking at where am I now? Where's my comfort?"

"Very single but coupled."

I always considered a living together couple (no one has said that Luke and Lorelai are even living together) to be not single. 

Who knows, maybe ASP has them going steady. ;(

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17 minutes ago, junienmomo said:

I believe the Lorelai question is answered in this quote from the EW article.

"Very single but coupled."

I always considered a living together couple (no one has said that Luke and Lorelai are even living together) to be not single. 

Who knows, maybe ASP has them going steady. ;(

I guess to me it sounded like we would know how Rory ends up in her relationship but not Lorelai by the end of the 4 parts. 

Yeah, it's bummer they don'thave them married. Even if they are in a committed relationship technically she is still single. 

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It looks to me as if Alexis Bledel is letting herself age more naturally than other actresses her age. I think we're so used to actresses in their thirties having extensive plastic surgery to look younger that when an actress that age does not, it appears "off," when in fact that's how most women that age look. 

My thoughts went to the opposite direction, to be honest. It's a very short clip so I'm holding on the conclusions, but I believe it's partly how expresionless AB looked that seemed strange to me.

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28 minutes ago, lulu1960 said:

As I recall Lorelai put an apple on an 'appetizer' platter when Paris, Louise, and Madeline came to SH in Concert Interruptus.  


Yes, I remember but why even post a photo like that and point out the apple? Plus the t-shirt Lorelei was wearing that said "I'm With Human"? Hah I'm probably just stretching but it's interesting to speculate. I wonder if we'll get real spoilers (i.e. leaks from someone whose seen footage)c 

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On 7/28/2016 at 0:53 PM, FictionLover said:

I guess to me it sounded like we would know how Rory ends up in her relationship but not Lorelai by the end of the 4 parts. 

Yeah, it's bummer they don'thave them married. Even if they are in a committed relationship technically she is still single. 

I agree and 7 years has passed on the show and it just strikes me at so odd that Lorelai and Luke are still not married. I mean if they do show up with: "Richard died, so that ruined that part of getting married, but oopps I'm pregnant at 43, let's get hitched now." I mean seriously? As many of us have said over the years and since bits and pieces emerged about the revival. AS-P has a strange sense of how relationships are suppose to work or why people should get married or have kids. 

No weirder than the "Juicy" pants, IMO. (So glad that trend is over.)

The designer also sells a dog-sized shirt with the same graphic, FWIW.

Regarding the apple, I think it's worth noting that in the episode all the articles are referencing, where Lorelai thinks she's pregnant because she wants an apple, she isn't pregnant. So I don't think is a sign of anything.

But then again, I don't want Lorelai to be pregnant, so maybe my judgement is off. I know a lot of people want to see a L/L baby, but I think that's stretching biology a bit far. 

17 hours ago, photo fox said:

No weirder than the "Juicy" pants, IMO. (So glad that trend is over.)

The designer also sells a dog-sized shirt with the same graphic, FWIW.

Regarding the apple, I think it's worth noting that in the episode all the articles are referencing, where Lorelai thinks she's pregnant because she wants an apple, she isn't pregnant. So I don't think is a sign of anything.

But then again, I don't want Lorelai to be pregnant, so maybe my judgement is off. I know a lot of people want to see a L/L baby, but I think that's stretching biology a bit far. 

Maybe my post was vague...it is weird because it is a meaningless statement unless you're pregnant. There's a phrase "she's with child" and a shirt that said "im with stupid" so the shirt on Lorelei if she's knocked up is really the only way it makes sense. I don't know what juicy has to do w but the reason that made sense is it was the brand name and guys like saying if a woman has a juicy (fat) ass so thots wore the sweats with it printed on it to be cheeky. 

Watching the trailer, its just so weird to me hearing the Girls talk about modern pop culture things, and using smart phones. Its the same feeling I got while I was watching Fuller House, its just weird to me. These characters live in a bubble of time, making their mid 00s references that hardly make sense anymore, with their old timey cell phones without internet. Its cool, but weird. 

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On May 9, 2016 at 3:35 PM, Smad said:


I have no idea why the quote box is embedded in my post! Here is a short interview from Milo where he asks the question, What if Jess is not team Rory?


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I think with Jess and Rory even as teenagers you saw pretty striking personality differences that didn't make them all that compatible. They fell in love and bonded over their literary interests and I think Jess will always appreciate her for being one of the few positive and supportive people during a miserable time in his life (same as with Luke). But there's something unbending and uncompromising about Jess, not always in good ways, that I don't see changing.

Even Luke, who understandably wasn't wild about Emily and Richard and their upper class world and their contempt for him, was willing to tolerate and put up with it for Lorelai's sake and participate to some degree. Jess? Rory likes the cushy life and she likes the perks of that wealthy lifestyle. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but I don't see Jess ever wanting to participate in that sphere. That's one area, for example. And in general I can see them developing in ways as people that would heighten their differences even more. I can see them being friends, though. Something that I can't imagine with Dean tbh.

Edited by katha
  • Love 8
12 minutes ago, katha said:

I think with Jess and Rory even as teenagers you saw pretty striking personality differences that didn't make them all that compatible. They fell in love and bonded over their literary interests and I think Jess will always appreciate her for being one of the few positive and supportive people during a miserable time in his life (same as with Luke). But there's something unbending and uncompromising about Jess, not always in good ways, that I don't see changing.

Even Luke, who understandably wasn't wild about Emily and Richard and their upper class world and their contempt for him, was willing to tolerate and put up with it for Lorelai's sake and participate to some degree. Jess? Rory likes the cushy life and she likes the perks of that wealthy lifestyle. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but I don't see Jess ever wanting to participate in that sphere. That's one area, for example. And in general I can see them developing in ways as people that would heighten their differences even more. I can see them being friend, though. Something that I can't imagine with Dean tbh.

I agree.  Now granted, people do mellow out when they become adults; but still, Jess didn't seem to be at all inclined toward the trajectory Rory's life had taken.

Really, it is a little weird, when you think about it, to ship any of her former boyfriends from ages 15-22 with a woman who would now be 31.  Sure, it sometimes happens.  But, I don't know.  You are a different person from 15-20 than you are 20-25 and same again (though to a lesser extent) 25-30.  The odds of suiting a person you dated at 15 or even 17 when you are both in your 30s is low.  Granted, I felt she'd out grown Dean entirely by the time they slept together and that was more fear of change that sent her back to him, but geez.... 13 years later?

Logan has slightly better odds based both on the basis of temporal proximity and that he was more likely to suit the life she was building for herself, but even in that case, I doubt it. Rory was unsure of her self and compliant during that relationship. I would hope she would be more confident as an adult, but that could either make for a better relationship or incompatibility. 

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I was at a party Friday night and mentioned looking forward to the revival. A woman said it would be weird because one of the male main characters wasn't coming back. When I said Richard, Lorelai's father? She said yes. I said, you do know the actor died. She had no idea he had. I then realized I was not talking to a diehard GG fan.

7 hours ago, CheeseBurgh said:

The name Sam Pancake makes me smile every time I read it.  :P
Good stuff in there.  Cool story about LG's memory.  

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29 minutes ago, Smad said:


I just can't get over how weird Lauren's eyes look. If I were to actually watch the new episodes I would be totally distracted by those all the time.


You aren't going to watch?

Scott Pattersons nose looks like an old mans nose. I thought he looked good season one then rapidly lost his looks.

Edited by CheeseBurgh
9 hours ago, Smad said:

I just can't get over how weird Lauren's eyes look. If I were to actually watch the new episodes I would be totally distracted by those all the time.

LG does look different, it bothered me in Parenthood but I think it's even worse now


9 hours ago, CheeseBurgh said:

You aren't going to watch?

Scott Pattersons nose looks like an old mans nose. I thought he looked good season one then rapidly lost his looks.

SP's appeal can change for me in every episode. I'm not impressed with what I'v seen in his band posts. 

2 hours ago, lulu1960 said:

My 56 year old eyes agree with you. I will say he does stay fit though.


2 hours ago, lulu1960 said:

My 56 year old eyes agree with you. I will say he does stay fit though.

Glad I'm not the only "old" fan posting here :) I got you beat by a couple of years,  lulu.


On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 0:08 PM, HeySandyStrange said:

Well, to be fair, both LG and SP are either approaching 50 or are way past it, so them looking different then they did 17 years ago-- not a shock. LG is possibly trying to keep up with Hollywood standards and SP possibly doesn't care. 

I do think SP cares too as he now keeps his balding head covered in a bandana or a weird hat.


Glad I'm not the only "old" fan posting here :) I got you beat by a couple of years,  lulu.

Ladies, you are just youngsters.  Have you beat by a decade!

I love actors (men and women) of a certain age. I guess that's why I am addicted to Longmire with leads in their 50's.  There is no reason that sexy is reserved for those in their 20's and 30's.  In Longmire, both Robert Taylor (55) and Lou Diamond Phillips (54) make my  heart go pitty-pat.

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, Kohola3 said:

Ladies, you are just youngsters.  Have you beat by a decade!

I love actors (men and women) of a certain age. I guess that's why I am addicted to Longmire with leads in their 50's.  There is no reason that sexy is reserved for those in their 20's and 30's.  In Longmire, both Robert Taylor (55) and Lou Diamond Phillips (54) make my  heart go pitty-pat.

I like Lingmire too. Because of my age l was more interested in Lorelai and Luke's relationship than Rory's. I hope it will be as enjoyable in the revival.

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