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S08.E09: Shade For Days

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Wow, Phaedra really got the ugly edit this week, didn't she? I still want to believe that she and Kandi can mend fences but I don't know---some of barbs Phaedra threw at Todd were pretty nasty. But, in her defense, I think she's carrying around some pretty significant pain and humiliation from her Apollo mess and it really does seem like Todd (and by default, Kandi) want to ride with that asshole. If Kandi's so bothered by Porsha "taking sides" then she should get a clue for how Phaedra must feel to see her girl take her bum-ass husband's side. And would that have happened if Todd and Apollo weren't so cool? I think not. So I chalk Phaedra's behavior up to some level of resentment at how she's lost, not only her husband, but one of her best friends. And it's such a shame because wasn't she the one who encouraged that relationship?

Don Juan and Carmon? No words. Stay in your fucking lane with your thirsty asses. An d speaking of thirst:

RE: Kenya's dad and the water---

Nothing makes me angrier than asking for a glass of water and being brought one with a lemon wedge dropped in it. I don't blame bruh for not wanting water with shit floating in it. He can come sit by me.

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Joking aside, in the real business world, transactions that big would have been dealt with immediately and if the customer did not respond yes, friend or not, legal action is the next step.  Plus as some others have pointed out, after two years this is brought up out of the blue? and only after the falling out of K&P?  smells like a storyline to me.  Especially since they are together most of the holidays and been posting group pics of them both together via intagram and facebook.  So either all was forgiven, or this is a manufactured story line.


(the term is Morse code)

dudes will geek out over gadgets!


Are we really going to do spell checks on this forum? Because I can get behind that if that's how its going to be.


Actually, in the real business world, it would depend on the size and the nature of the business.  I had a friend who worked for HP, and they routinely would work with small businesses because they knew that they could take advantage.  A company would send HP an invoice and they would ignore all payment terms, pay when they wanted and basically pay what they wanted.  You could take them to court, but then you would lose about 90% of your business when HP decided to use another company.  I had an account that was responsible for over 70% of our revenue, and so would I press them for money they owed from a campaign while I'm in the middle of trying to sell them new business? No.


 The point being that: a) not all business works the exact same, and b) when you have something to hold over someone, like their livelihood, or your friendship people may be more generous.  


However, with a snake like Phaedra, you can't be nice, because your kindness will most certainly be mistaken for weakness.  And in the end, she will turn on you in an effort to be allowed to screw you over.

Edited by RCharter
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Lol. I have to side with Todd here. I recently switched back to a backpack for work instead of a large purse or messenger bag. It's much more convenient for carrying everything I need back and forth, and it's also more comfortable. The purses and messenger bags started to hurt my shoulders and hips the way they were positioned. So go ahead Todd and rock your business backpack!!



Reverting to Mama Joyce voice " Is you a short big headed man?"  "Short big headed people got no business with backpacks or each other...they just going to make short big headed babies that carry back packs into bidness meetings!"



Quoting this to lead to Zaldamo's post below:







Listen. Singing telegram. Carrier pigeon. Somehow find who might still be running a pony express.


If Todd had that invoice attached to a male stripper's penis and sent it to her, then Phaedra might have paid attention...girl has a giant freak in her, despite all her fake southern gentility.  Maybe he should have hired Ridickulous (sp?) as their go between?

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People are coming up with all these reasons as to why Phaedra doesn't need to and shouldn't have to pay Todd the $8400+ she owes him. 


At the end of the day™, Phaedra knows she owes Todd money and she needs to pay him that money. 


Todd could've gotten Magic Johnson to dress up in his "Remember the Time" outfit and announce the invoice to Phaedra on a scroll, he could've gotten Redickulous to swing the invoice around in Phaedra's drink with his... ahem... or asked President Obama to announce the invoice in the next State of the Union address.  It doesn't matter when Todd did it or how many times Todd did it, Phaedra has no intentions of paying Todd the money she knows she owes him.


Debt collectors can come after you 7 years after the fact to get the money you owe, why can't Todd? Try telling the debt collectors, Sallie Mae or the IRS "Well it's been 2 years, you ain't call so I don't owe."  Lemme know how that works out.  LOL

Edited by drivethroo
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So Cynthia wants Kim and Porsha to help produce an ad for her sunglasses line?  Have these people learned nothing?


I'm just lost -- shouldn't have skipped the last season because without knowing what went down, none of their behavior makes much sense.  The relationships are so twisted and intertwined.  So-and-so can't be friends with so-and-so because so-and-so will feel slighted.


But watching without knowing the background:


Kandi should have accepted Porsha's feeling that Phaedra needed her friendship. 


Kenya should have accepted that her dad was hurt that she left, and that men, in general, aren't that good at maintaining long distance relationships.  If something like that happened now, they might have kept in touch via social media, but in the 90's, phone and snail mail was all we had.  Also, we saw Nene reach out to absent family -- when it's done for the show, it never works.  Do it because you want to, not for screen time.  Why wait all these years?


Kandi and Todd have too much going on to even think about starting a new business, and why a restaurant?  To show Cynthia and Peter up?


Porsha should let her sister off the hook, especially if this is her first pregnancy. 


Phaedra needs to stop being smug and dishonest and defensive or she'll lose any sympathy viewers might have for her situation.  Eight grand isn't couch change.

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Try telling the debt collectors, Sallie Mae or the IRS "Well it's been 2 years, you ain't call so I don't owe."  Lemme know how that works out.  LOL

Ha! I was telling my sister something similar last night. Imagine getting cute with SallieMae like Phaedra did? "Until I use my college degree, that's when I'll say you can be paid back."

Edited by Sheenieb
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People are coming up with all these reasons as to why Phaedra doesn't need to and shouldn't have to pay Todd the $8400+ she owes him

.I for one feel she should pay and be done with it.  However, good business sense is not waiting nearly 3 years and then sending your wife to get the money while giving Phaedra the stank eye.  If there is an issue and I want my money.  Friendship be damned!  i will take you to court.

Edited by Aging Goth
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Joking aside, in the real business world, transactions that big would have been dealt with immediately and if the customer did not respond yes, friend or not, legal action is the next step.  Plus as some others have pointed out, after two years this is brought up out of the blue? and only after the falling out of K&P?  smells like a storyline to me.  Especially since they are together most of the holidays and been posting group pics of them both together via intagram and facebook.  So either all was forgiven, or this is a manufactured story line.


(the term is Morse code)

dudes will geek out over gadgets!

Thanks for the very necessary correction.. LOL


Funny how the Morris code error was "caught" and yet we have post upon post completely blowing the whole "out of the blue" theory out of the water but that doesn't seem to register. Maybe we should try some Morse "morris" code up in here ya'll.  What do you say, ya'll with me??? ;-)

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People are coming up with all these reasons as to why Phaedra doesn't need to and shouldn't have to pay Todd the $8400+ she owes him. 


At the end of the day™, Phaedra knows she owes Todd money and she needs to pay him that money. 


Todd could've gotten Magic Johnson to dress up in his "Remember the Time" outfit and announce the invoice to Phaedra on a scroll, he could've gotten Redickulous to swing the invoice around in Phaedra's drink with his... ahem... or asked President Obama to announce the invoice in the next State of the Union address.  It doesn't matter when Todd did it or how many times Todd did it, Phaedra has no intentions of paying Todd the money she knows she owes him.


Debt collectors can come after you 7 years after the fact to get the money you owe, why can't Todd? Try telling the debt collectors, Sallie Mae or the IRS "Well it's been 2 years, you ain't call so I don't owe."  Lemme know how that works out.  LOL

precisely.  A bill/invoice is a way of letting someone know that they owe you money.  She already knew she owed the money.  She wasn't going to pay it no matter what.  For her, it was better to simply insult everyone and see if she could deflect.    


LMAO @ that last line. 

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Debt collectors can come after you 7 years after the fact to get the money you owe, why can't Todd? Try telling the debt collectors, Sallie Mae or the IRS "Well it's been 2 years, you ain't call so I don't owe."  Lemme know how that works out.  LOL

I don't even think you need to be a "business man" to understand this. As a person who has and does owe money and pay bills ummmm I've never not once thought to play the whole "but I haven't paid in 2 years, you missed your window" defense.

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I'm gonna need ya'll to get caught up on the why didn't he just send a bill conversation.  drivethroo posted the website where we can see screenshots Kandi herself posted evidencing that he did in fact send an invoice, an email, a carrier pigeon and a partridge in a pear tree.  Click here please.  But that it was Todd's fault for not pursuing the money?  Nope. Ya'll gone find another reason to blame him, this ain't it.

IF this debt IS real, then Phaedra should have paid Todd long ago but something keeps me coming back to it being nothing more than a storyline this season. AND, Yes, I would NOT put it past Kandi, Todd AND Phaedra agreeing to a fake storyline as neither has much going on in their lives to keep the cameras on them for very long, just a pregnancy and a husband in prison, other wise nothing. LOL


That said, I went to Kandi's IG account and read what she posted and I have to ask why she is defending Todd on social media NOW? She didn't do this when either Joyce or DJ attacked/belittled him on a very personal level for 2 seasons/years but does so now? I find that odd which only makes me suspect the manufactured "storyline" even more. LOL  YMMV

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Porsha ain't got a damn thing going on with her storyline and neither does Kenya and I doubt twirling and twerking suffices as storylines so I'm not understanding why an agreed upon fake storyline needs to be in effect from 2 of the housewives that actually do have stuff going on in their lives. A pregnancy is something interesting to follow as well as her working with Demetria, her Kandi coated nights entourage and pop in appearances from Mama Joyce. Phaedra has her darling boys, a husband in jail and a serious adjustment to make to single mother. Also relevant enough to move forward without some fake storyline. Now if there are contracts to be made for fake storylines then they most likely would and should have been made with Porsha and her dumb, dull self, Kenya and her seasoned fake story line self, and Sheree who, so far, I have no clue what her story even is.

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I also hate that Kandi and Todd seem to support Apollo.  That lowlife is not worth this trouble.  Who would of thought that Todd would be so "ride or die" for Apollo?



That's an easy one: Birds of a feather flock together.


According to Mama Joyce (who I am sure is so reliable) Carmon used to enjoy going through all of Kandi's old weaves to pick out something for herself.  Maybe, she now enjoys sniffing around Kandi's drama?


I was so incredibly embarrassed for that girl the first time Joyce said that she uses Kandi's old hair. But, see, she'd only know that if Kandi told her mother that. I couldn't imagine being friends with someone who I couldn't hang with using my own dough, you know? I'm not going to be your assistant, entourage, personal shopper, or etc. so you can talk about me. 'Cause face it - that's what some people do.


I don't have a problem with it at all because that is their relationship with Carmon and DonJuan. The ladies are not friends with them and I did not appreciate them trying to butt in when Porsha wanted to have a private conversation with her friend Khandi.


Exactly! Why am I going to talk to your employees when my beef is with you. It's NONE of their business. And, guess what? They are the help.


Toddler trying to shade Porsha was funny given his damn near salivating over her a couple of seasons ago. There's some tea floating around about how the tuckers get down and why kandi's so close to shamea...I wonder if Porsha was the first choice...



Edited by announcergirl
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I could've sworn there was a part of the episode when Kim told Kandi she had a "Kandi Koated" night. Did that air, or is that supposed to be for next week? Her church lady co-dependence gets on my nerves, but I'm all for anyone catching the sexual holy spasms.

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IF this debt IS real, then Phaedra should have paid Todd long ago but something keeps me coming back to it being nothing more than a storyline this season. AND, Yes, I would NOT put it past Kandi, Todd AND Phaedra agreeing to a fake storyline as neither has much going on in their lives to keep the cameras on them for very long, just a pregnancy and a husband in prison, other wise nothing. LOL


That said, I went to Kandi's IG account and read what she posted and I have to ask why she is defending Todd on social media NOW? She didn't do this when either Joyce or DJ attacked/belittled him on a very personal level for 2 seasons/years but does so now? I find that odd which only makes me suspect the manufactured "storyline" even more. LOL  YMMV

I think there are lots of manufactured storylines, I just don't see any of them going along with one of this nature.  It forces all parties to being put in a bad light-especially Phaedra.  Maybe now that she and Todd are having a child together she has decided not to allow anymore nasty comments.  Phaedra went beyond out of bounds with her comments about Todd.  What was she thinking?

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RE: Kenya's dad and the water---

Nothing makes me angrier than asking for a glass of water and being brought one with a lemon wedge dropped in it. I don't blame bruh for not wanting water with shit floating in it. He can come sit by me.

If you are going to put additives in the water you need to leave the slice of citrus or herb leaf in the glass or at least pour the water from the pitcher in front of the person. Otherwise the person will wonder why there are amoebas floating in their water.


I could've sworn there was a part of the episode when Kim told Kandi she had a "Kandi Koated" night. Did that air, or is that supposed to be for next week? Her church lady co-dependence gets on my nerves, but I'm all for anyone catching the sexual holy spasms.

It aired. It happened during Cynthia's shade party.

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Aging Goth

Today. 2:18 pm

I for one feel she should pay and be done with it.  However, good business sense is not waiting nearly 3 years and then sending your wife to get the money while giving Phaedra the stank eye.  If there is and issue and I want my money.  Friendship be damned!  i will take you to court.


As someone mentioned upthread, Sallie Mae and the IRS have done quite well coming at people for eternity.


Oh, and the term is "an issue".  Sorry, couldn't resist. lol

Edited by SpringTulips
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Reverting to Mama Joyce voice " Is you a short big headed man?"  "Short big headed people got no business with backpacks or each other...they just going to make short big headed babies that carry back packs into bidness meetings!"




If Todd had that invoice attached to a male stripper's penis and sent it to her, then Phaedra might have paid attention...girl has a giant freak in her, despite all her fake southern gentility.  Maybe he should have hired Ridickulous (sp?) as their go between?

I totally read that first part in Mama Joyce voice. I'm crying laughing!!

I'll give Kenya's Dad a pass on the water. I don't like "stuff" in my water thankyouverymuch. And if I get a lemon on my water or tea, that thing is put aside like garbage. I can't imagine the germs on those things.

I felt bad for Kenya, but felt bad for her Dad as well. I hope they can become closer.

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I think there are lots of manufactured storylines, I just don't see any of them going along with one of this nature.  It forces all parties to being put in a bad light-especially Phaedra.  Maybe now that she and Todd are having a child together she has decided not to allow anymore nasty comments.  Phaedra went beyond out of bounds with her comments about Todd.  What was she thinking?

I am not so sure at this point. I DO think Kandi would do a storyline like this to appease her mother. It made Todd look bad then and now the blame has shifted to Phaedra, so no foul. We get Joyce appearing next week trying to "mend fences" between Phaedra/Kandi acting like she cares about anyone other than herself for a change. SOoooo, I do think Kandi would/could talk Todd/Phaedra into doing this for her Mom. The timing is suspect, NO Joyce until she comes to Kandi's rescue? LOL

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I don't even think you need to be a "business man" to understand this. As a person who has and does owe money and pay bills ummmm I've never not once thought to play the whole "but I haven't paid in 2 years, you missed your window" defense.

For the record, I do believe Phaedra needs to pay Todd the full amount, plus interest.

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I am not so sure at this point. I DO think Kandi would do a storyline like this to appease her mother. It made Todd look bad then and now the blame has shifted to Phaedra, so no foul. We get Joyce appearing next week trying to "mend fences" between Phaedra/Kandi acting like she cares about anyone other than herself for a change. SOoooo, I do think Kandi would/could talk Todd/Phaedra into doing this for her Mom. The timing is suspect, NO Joyce until she comes to Kandi's rescue? LOL

This storyline doesn't make Todd look very bad at all since he is in the right.  There are much easier and direct storylines that could make Todd a villain and make MJ look right about him.  Going after money that is owed to his business for work he has done doesn't make him look like the gold digging layabout that MJ painted him to be.  Its far more likely that Kandi told the producers/MJ that she didn't want her on the show talking about Todd, or that MJ finally got the hint and refused to be taped talking more smack about him on TV because it made her look bad.


Occam's Razor.

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No one should have had to chase Phaedra around for money she owed.  That is ridiculous.  She isn't some country bumpkin, she is a well-educated lawyer, or so she likes to remind us.  Did she really think she could just skip the final payment and no one would say anything?  I'm sure she was hoping that since she and Kandi were friends, that it would just be "forgotten."  Shady, shady, shady and she looks worse and more foolish with every passing week.  Her attitude SUCKS.  What was the point of disparaging Todd like that, calling him little, saying that he must be searching for coins and that his show had been cancelled and that he was kept?  What a fucking bitch.  Pay him the money you owe him and shut up about it, trifling ho.


So glad the editors just EXPOSED her fakery and lying.  I seriously can't stand her.


Porsha did much better at the Emmys than Nene would have. 


I seriously thought I had landed in the Twilight Zone when the vote on WWHL was in favor of Phaedra was nearly 50%. Since, as you note, it was shown that Todd was correct, and she *agreed* with him, that she owed him the $8000+. That she did not pay him any $30,000. Further, it appears the reason the video was never finished was that she didn't supply him with the requested photo. Really, childbirth confounded her so much that she couldn't manage to send him what must be a collection of at least 200 pregnancy shots or stills from video footage? C'mon. And he's supposed to chase her around? And because he gave her some slack now it should be his loss because she is the poor single mom who apparently hasn't been able to conduct any business for approximately 2 years? Fie. Phaedra herself would be the first person to tell us that there is *nothing* that stops her from her self-appointed rounds.


Now she as much as said she is going to continue to delay. Smirk, smirk.

Edited by renatae
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Damn, I wanted to watch the show and live comment so I could remember my bitch and moan talking points, but my bestie demanded Long Island Medium.....



I agree with your entire post, but that up there was funnier and more entertaining than anything on last night's RHOA.

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Porsha ain't got a damn thing going on with her storyline and neither does Kenya and I doubt twirling and twerking suffices as storylines so I'm not understanding why an agreed upon fake storyline needs to be in effect from 2 of the housewives that actually do have stuff going on in their lives. A pregnancy is something interesting to follow as well as her working with Demetria, her Kandi coated nights entourage and pop in appearances from Mama Joyce. Phaedra has her darling boys, a husband in jail and a serious adjustment to make to single mother. Also relevant enough to move forward without some fake storyline. Now if there are contracts to be made for fake storylines then they most likely would and should have been made with Porsha and her dumb, dull self, Kenya and her seasoned fake story line self, and Sheree who, so far, I have no clue what her story even is.

That's my problem with this entire season and why I'm pretty much done with the Atlanta franchise. They're all dumb and dull. Nobody has anything going on, except Kandi being pregnant which is not really very exciting because Todd clearly doesn't care about it. Everybody else's storylines blow. And it seems the producers just threw Sheree in there for the heck of it. She's not really anybodys friend. They tried to stir shit with her story about her Ex and that crazy Tammy but nobody gives a shit. So Tammy is all of a sudden gone.  Kim Fields, another total fail.

Just how many parties is Cynthia going to have for her sunglass debut? Oh, and another party to thank everybody for coming to the first sunglass party?  In fact, I'm bored to tears with all of their parties in those rented out empty warehouse type venue's with the too bright lighting and no music or food...... just people standing around looking stupid. Porsha's party was the best, though. Have a party to introduce your boy toy baller to the group and what happens? Next episode he goes running for the hills. Pfft...gone with the wind. Just like that. How convenient. 

 Yea, we get it, Todd you want your check. Every. Single. Episode, we are reminded what a conniving bitch Phaedra is. But according to you and Peter, her convict husband is all ok. Please.

Poor Kenya, yes, we know you are totally fucked up and incapable of having a lasting relationship. We have seen that time and time again. You don't need to drag your dim dad on the show to prove to us why. Shame on you, girl. 


In fact, producers, why don't you just throw a whole bunch of shit against the wall to see if any of it sticks, cause so far you got nothin'!

Edited by bichonblitz
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Oh god it just hit me!!! Production is mad because Phaedra won't take the kids to the prison to see Apollo. They want that footage and she won't give it to them. That little big headed bitch Todd probably offered them the "she owes me money" plot. 


Phaedra write little Brown Hornet his check so he can go back to ignoring his pregnant wife. 


Churchlady Kim coming out of her shell to say she and Chris had a Kandi Koated night was cute and a little cringe worthy. Keep trying Kim.

Edited by ThomasAAnderson
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There's a link above that does confirm that Kandi asked Todd to give her time which was his letting Kandi and Phaedra's friendship interfere with the timing. So?


So Todd's wrong for trying to be nice and not come for her back then? He would have been an insensitive prick back then and apparently he's an dumbass prick for coming for it now so either way Todd wouldn't have been able to come out of this unscathed regardless apparently. Alls I know is that in my book there's nothing wrong with trying to get paid money you are owed. It's not his job to gauge the rhythm of someone's ability or mental state of when it would be a good time to come a knocking like he's trying to pick the perfect moment of entry when jumping in a double dutch rope. Homeboy decided enough was enough and came for his money. When all is said and done, it's his money and he wants it. Ain't nothing wrong with that. Point. Blank. Period.


You have your opinion and I have mine.  Point. Blank. Period.  That doesn't mean yours is right and mine is wrong.  It's called "Mileage May Vary".  I still stick by my assessment. :-)


Maybe a pony express run by Mr. Ed, so he can tell her about the bill.  Because if she just actually received a bill, its not nearly enough, she will need to have the invoice read out loud to her or else it doesn't count.  And then she will need to have the invoice read out loud to her in Italian, or else it doesn't really count.  And then she will need to have the invoice sung falsetto or else it doesn't really count......



No, actually all Todd had to do was exactly what he did this episode...only two years ago.  And I'm not talking about sending an email, but actually setting up a meeting about the DVD.  After Mr. President was born and right after his naming ceremony, the Tuckers and Nidas were still good friends.  I doubt Phaedra would have declined a meeting back then since she didn't have a problem with Kandi or Todd at that time and she and Apollo were not yet broken up.  Like I said, waiting 2 years, even if it was at your wife's urging, was not a very good business decision.

Edited by swankie
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According to Kandi's comment on that instagram post, Phaedra still hasn't paid Todd. At the end of their meeting when she said something about it all being settled, I thought - unless he's walking out with a check, no it's not. If she agrees that she owed him the money, then why not cut him a check? Why make him wait any longer? And she has some nerve talking about other people's husbands being kept considering the only jobs Apollo had were funded by her to give him something to do. 

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I can forgive a backpack, but a grown man on a Hoverboard?  No thanks

 it's a short segue, actually. I have a FB friend who uses one for his Green Goblin cosplay.


I could've sworn there was a part of the episode when Kim told Kandi she had a "Kandi Koated" night. Did that air, or is that supposed to be for next week? Her church lady co-dependence gets on my nerves, but I'm all for anyone catching the sexual holy spasms.

It was at Cynthia's party.

Didn't Cynthia ask Kim and Kendra to produce a viedo for her sunglasses?

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I feel sorry for Kenya. She's obviously carrying the hurt from her childhood and rightfully so. Her dad is obviously trying to repair their relationship.

Hopefully that was the last of the whole DVD drama. I'm over it.

This episodes was meh overall.

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Not sure why Kandi, STILL after all this time, doesn't think she is in the wrong for holding on to Apollo's stuff.


Last I checked, they were friends longer and closer than Todd and Apollo. Have you no loyalty Kandi??

Edited by tumamita
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According to Kandi's comment on that instagram post, Phaedra still hasn't paid Todd. At the end of their meeting when she said something about it all being settled, I thought - unless he's walking out with a check, no it's not. If she agrees that she owed him the money, then why not cut him a check? Why make him wait any longer? And she has some nerve talking about other people's husbands being kept considering the only jobs Apollo had were funded by her to give him something to do. 


It's pretty obvious to me that Phaedra is just pissed off at the Tuckers and isn't going to cooperate at this point.  Is it wrong?  Hell yes!  Does Phaedra care?  I seriously doubt it.  I agree with Aging Goth (which I do almost always!) that Phaedra is still holding a grudge against Todd for siding with Apollo and agreeing to keep his property in their garage among other things.  I can tell that Kandi and Phaedra's friendship is just a distant thing of the past.  But, there is still hope.  After all, Cynthia and Nene are now friends again and they said way worse things to and about each other than Phaedra and Kandi have.


Funny how the Morris code error was "caught" and yet we have post upon post completely blowing the whole "out of the blue" theory out of the water but that doesn't seem to register. Maybe we should try some Morse "morris" code up in here ya'll.  What do you say, ya'll with me??? ;-)



Or maybe we should let everyone have their own opinions and be able to voice them.  I think that would work better.  ;-)

Edited by swankie
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It's pretty obvious to me that Phaedra is just pissed off at the Tuckers and isn't going to cooperate at this point.  Is it wrong?  Hell yes!  Does Phaedra care?  I seriously doubt it.  I agree with Aging Goth (which I do almost always!) that Phaedra is still holding a grudge against Todd for siding with Apollo and agreeing to keep his property in their garage among other things.  I can tell that Kandi and Phaedra's friendship is just a distant thing of the past.  But, there is still hope.  After all, Cynthia and Nene are now friends again and they said way worse things to and about each other than Phaedra and Kandi have.

So, if this is the case, there was no need to send more invoices since Phaedra was determined not to pay no matter what. 

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That's my problem with this entire season and why I'm pretty much done with the Atlanta franchise. They're all dumb and dull. Nobody has anything going on, except Kandi being pregnant which is not really very exciting because Todd clearly doesn't care about it. Everybody else's storylines blow. And it seems the producers just threw Sheree in there for the heck of it. She's not really anybodys friend. They tried to stir shit with her story about her Ex and that crazy Tammy but nobody gives a shit. So Tammy is all of a sudden gone.  Kim Fields, another total fail.

Just how many parties is Cynthia going to have for her sunglass debut? Oh, and another party to thank everybody for coming to the first sunglass party?  In fact, I'm bored to tears with all of their parties in those rented out empty warehouse type venue's with the too bright lighting and no music or food...... just people standing around looking stupid. Porsha's party was the best, though. Have a party to introduce your boy toy baller to the group and what happens? Next episode he goes running for the hills. Pfft...gone with the wind. Just like that. How convenient.


Yes to all of this. This past episode had me thinking they need a major cast overhaul. Hard to believe Kenya and Porsha have already been around for four seasons. I still think of them as the new blood. Cynthia and Phaedra have been around for six seasons now. Kandi is the only who consistently has legit stories going on because she actually has an active life. The rest of them have pretty much no new story. I really feel like you could get rid of some combination of Cynthia, Porsha, Kenya and Phaedra at this point, swap them out for new blood and revitalize the show. Maybe Phaedra would become more interesting with some new cast members. At this point, there is nowhere for their relationships to go. Kenya is never going to be genuine friends with Phaedra or Porsha, Kandi and Phaedra are never going to be close again. It's all just deadlocked at this point.

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Last time I took a contracts class, being mad that your friend took your husband's side was not an acceptable "out" to end a contract. I suppose Phaedra took a different law curriculum than I did. She will do everything in her power not to pay that money. Very ethical of the wonderful Phaedra Parks. It's stupid for Phaedra to look down on "the help" when they have jobs that don't involve the crap that Apollo has done. She isn't above anybody especially with her non-ethical approach to business. I can't believe she refers to human beings as "the help" with such a condescending smug look on her face. Okay, her exact words were, "I don't fraternize with my friend's employees." Which is stupid as they are all characters on the same reality show. Anyone who says that about someone is clearly trying to put themselves in a position of superiority over "the employees/the help." I'm not buying it. Phaedra Parks has no ethical or moral ground over DJ or Carmon. I can't stand DJ or Carmon, but I can't stand pretensions fakes even more. And last I checked Phaedra was still married to Apollo, so its a little premature to say anyone picked a side. Maybe divorce his ass and there will be a side to take. Or are you too afraid of what he may say about you in court?


Since Porsha and Phaedra are such "great" friends, I'd like to see Porsha's reaction to Phaedra dismissing Lauren with an, "I don't talk to my friend's employees."


I have no patience for anyone who throws around their money/station as if they're superior to another human being. May be my issue, but it automatically makes me think less of that person. Look down on the person handing you your burger and fries? Look down on the person cleaning your house? Get over yourself. It doesn't matter, Phaedra won't lose any sleep over my opinion. There's always someone richer/ more accomplished that can walk through the door. How would Phaedra feel if one of the HWs sneered at her, "I don't talk to those that fraternize with convicted felons"? She needs to check her own life before she gets smug on anyone.


I liked her a lot before this episode, but that changed during her TH's over Todd, and the flashbacks disproving her blatant lies. Starting to feel like I'm repeating myself. I've made my point. See ya'll next episode (maybe).

Edited by Granimal
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Phaedra could have a storyline but she won't let Apollos crime become reality show fodder. The phone calls and visits to jail are bad enough without sharing them with Andy Cohen. Production probably thought they had a home run of a season then Phaedra wouldn't allow that part of her life on the show.

This season is terrible because I think the ladies narrowed the scope of production's access. Note Todd claims Phaedra isn't letting Apollo talk to the kids; something many will believe unless they see the calls.

Phaedra owes Todd money and should pay him PERIOD. However I'm giving a huge sideeye to how this all came out especially considering it involves Apollo's biggest cheerleader on the show.

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Last time I took a contracts class, being mad that your friend took your husband's side was not an acceptable "out" to end a contract. I suppose Phaedra took a different law curriculum than I did. She will do everything in her power not to pay that money. Very ethical of the wonderful Phaedra Parks. It's stupid for Phaedra to look down on "the help" when they have jobs that don't involve the crap that Apollo has done. She isn't above anybody especially with her non-ethical approach to business. I can't believe she refers to human beings as "the help" with such a condescending smug look on her face. Okay, her exact words were, "I don't fraternize with my friend's employees." Which is stupid as they are all characters on the same reality show. Anyone who says that about someone is clearly trying to put themselves in a position of superiority over "the employees/the help." I'm not buying it. Phaedra Parks has no ethical or moral ground over DJ or Carmon. I can't stand DJ or Carmon, but I can't stand pretensions fakes even more. And last I checked Phaedra was still married to Apollo, so its a little premature to say anyone picked a side. Maybe divorce his ass and there will be a side to take. Or are you too afraid of what he may say about you in court?


Since Porsha and Phaedra are such "great" friends, I'd like to see Porsha's reaction to Phaedra dismissing Lauren with an, "I don't talk to my friend's employees."


I have no patience for anyone who throws around their money/station as if they're superior to another human being. May be my issue, but it automatically makes me think less of that person. Look down on the person handing you your burger and fries? Look down on the person cleaning your house? Get over yourself. It doesn't matter, Phaedra won't lose any sleep over my opinion. There's always someone richer/ more accomplished that can walk through the door. How would Phaedra feel if one of the HWs sneered at her, "I don't talk to those that fraternize with convicted felons"? She needs to check her own life before she gets smug on anyone.


I liked her a lot before this episode, but that changed during her TH's over Todd, and the flashbacks disproving her blatant lies. Starting to feel like I'm repeating myself. I've made my point. See ya'll next episode (maybe).


Maybe if she had just accepted Apollo getting a legit job where he was "the help" instead of trying to make him out to be the next Billy Blanks things would have worked out a little differently.


And amen, because I am right there with you on the subject of contract law.  People seem to want to twist themselves into a pretzel to find a way for this not to be Phaedra's fault.  Todd should have sent her more invoices, its all a storyline to make MJ look good, Todd should have asked her for the money at the exact right time because otherwise its not Phaedra's fault for not paying the money she owes.  He should have chased behind her for money she knows that she owes for a project.  


At this point, he needs to drag Phaedra to court, and I do believe that Phaedra is the sort to stall and deflect until someone drags her into court to get their money from her.  She can give her song and dance to a judge and embarrass herself the way she has done every time we've seen her in court.  Do you know the sort of side eye she would get from a judge with her excuses?  But then again, what was her last case?  Derek J and the case of the mysterious missing weave?  


"Well, your honor, yes, I knew I owed him money and I admitted it on camera, but I'm afraid he didn't ask me when Mercury was in retrograde  so I'm pretty sure I don't owe it."


I would love to hear what Apollo has to say, even the little bit he was able to get out last year.....as poorly worded and unintelligible as it was, said a lot.

Phaedra could have a storyline but she won't let Apollos crime become reality show fodder. The phone calls and visits to jail are bad enough without sharing them with Andy Cohen. Production probably thought they had a home run of a season then Phaedra wouldn't allow that part of her life on the show.

This season is terrible because I think the ladies narrowed the scope of production's access. Note Todd claims Phaedra isn't letting Apollo talk to the kids; something many will believe unless they see the calls.

Phaedra owes Todd money and should pay him PERIOD. However I'm giving a huge sideeye to how this all came out especially considering it involves Apollo's biggest cheerleader on the show.

If Phaedra doesn't want to share details of her life, its time for her to get back on her broom and fly away to her other jobs.

Edited by RCharter
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So, um, what happened to Shereé? Lol. And the Miley Cyrus housewife? Are they all done for this season?


I agree with someone upthread that they were expecting Sheree and Tammy to blow up over Bob Whitfield but instead they fizzled out when Tammy said she was not physically attracted to him.  LOL!


This episode reminded me of the reason for RHOA losing 500,000 viewers each week.



I bet this makes Nene happy as hell!  I'm actually looking forward to her appearance this season to see if it makes a difference.

Edited by swankie
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Maybe if she had just accepted Apollo getting a legit job where he was "the help" instead of trying to make him out to be the next Billy Blanks things would have worked out a little differently.


And amen, because I am right there with you on the subject of contract law.  People seem to want to twist themselves into a pretzel to find a way for this not to be Phaedra's fault.  Todd should have sent her more invoices, its all a storyline to make MJ look good, Todd should have asked her for the money at the exact right time because otherwise its not Phaedra's fault for not paying the money she owes.  He should have chased behind her for money she knows that she owes for a project.  


At this point, he needs to drag Phaedra to court, and I do believe that Phaedra is the sort to stall and deflect until someone drags her into court to get their money from her.  She can give her song and dance to a judge and embarrass herself the way she has done every time we've seen her in court.  Do you know the sort of side eye she would get from a judge with her excuses?  But then again, what was her last case?  Derek J and the case of the mysterious missing weave?  


"Well, your honor, yes, I knew I owed him money and I admitted it on camera, but I'm afraid he didn't ask me when Mercury was in retrograde  so I'm pretty sure I don't owe it."


I would love to hear what Apollo has to say, even the little bit he was able to get out last year.....as poorly worded and unintelligible as it was, said a lot.

If Phaedra doesn't want to share details of her life, its time for her to get back on her broom and fly away to her other jobs.

Phaedra said something about the DVD NOT being done and final payment due UNTIL she gave Todd a photo of herself when she was pregnant. IF that was written into the contract, as long as she stalls giving him the photo, then the final payment can be stalled as well, right? That does not mean that Phaedra is "right" morally but she may be "right" legally though.


IMO, Phaedra should just cut him that final check, keep her comments about Todd checking the couch cushions for change to herself, for no other reason than it makes HER look bad/worse and appear very petty while Todd comes out smelling like a rose in the end.


As for anything Apollo said or has to say, he is an admitted, convicted THEIF/Liar and I would NOT trust anything he had to say about Phaedra or anyone else at this point. Even his friend, the one that came to visit Phaedra/boys, admitted you can't trust what Apollo says.

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Phaedra said something about the DVD NOT being done and final payment due UNTIL she gave Todd a photo of herself when she was pregnant. IF that was written into the contract, as long as she stalls giving him the photo, then the final payment can be stalled as well, right? That does not mean that Phaedra is "right" morally but she may be "right" legally though.


IMO, Phaedra should just cut him that final check, keep her comments about Todd checking the couch cushions for change to herself, for no other reason than it makes HER look bad/worse and appear very petty while Todd comes out smelling like a rose in the end.


As for anything Apollo said or has to say, he is an admitted, convicted THEIF/Liar and I would NOT trust anything he had to say about Phaedra or anyone else at this point. Even his friend, the one that came to visit Phaedra/boys, admitted you can't trust what Apollo says.

absolutely not.  There is an implied covenant of good faith that is read into every contract.  If you're stalling sending a picture than you're not acting in good faith and you've breached the contract and therefore you owe the other party under the contract.  She is legally incorrect, and where there are not specific timelines in a contract, courts will read them to mean that the time frame is "reasonable."  So, if you're taking 2 years to send a picture, in order not to pay what you owe, that is not reasonable.


And I would want to see that contract, Todd may dress like a 12 year old boy, but he came correct with ALL his paperwork which makes me think he is a much more savvy businessman than I would have thought.  I could see him, or his attorney either drafting the agreement or checking the agreement for things like this, so it wouldn't surprise me to learn that there are performance timelines written into the contract.  But even if there isn't, the timeframe the courts use is "reasonable."  And its not "reasonable" to take years to send a picture.


Apollo is all of those things, but liars and thieves can tell the truth.  And given what a sneaky snake Phaedra is, I don't think she is any more honest than he is.  So when their stories conflict, I look at whose version makes more sense.  And many times, his poorly worded version of the truth makes more sense than what she is saying.

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Not sure why Kandi, STILL after all this time, doesn't think she is in the wrong for holding on to Apollo's stuff.


Last I checked, they were friends longer and closer than Todd and Apollo. Have you no loyalty Kandi??

I guessing Kandi figured her man can have his opinion about who he will still be cool with and considering that Phaedra had no problem with his felon past why now does Kandi all of a sudden got to treat the man like he's someone she doesn't know? I'm also assuming that Kandi has decided she's not in high school and dogging out her friends husband isn't really necessary to prove loyalty. I mean they are all grown folk. I think its funny some grown folk expect other grown folk to choice sides in a divorce like all of a sudden the friendships created amongst them all just suddenly stop. Look, it's not Kandi or Todds place to judge the man if they don't feel the need to. He's been judged and sentenced and those in his life shouldn't be expected to act like he no longer exists. I mean people still care about friends/ family even if they are in jail. Just because Kandi was friends with Phaedra first doesn't mean she has to act all crazy about Apollo and it sure as hell doesn't mean Todds got to act that way either. Homie gonna like and be friends with who he wants to be friends with and to expect a women to invite the sort of messiness that comes with husbands and wives trying to impose ultimatums on each other is a bit much to ask of anybody if you ask me. I don't play that. I got enough going on in my world to start creating tension in my home on your behalf cause you're lovesick venture into white collar crime land didn't pan out. Girl bye.



Or maybe we should let everyone have their own opinions and be able to voice them.  I think that would work better.  ;-)

Always does work better that way, especially when its minus the unnecessary additions.

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I actually don't doubt Todd's business sense at all. He's come across as very no nonsense and direct. The only thing that I feel hinders him is Kandi. Whenever you have scenes with him doing business with Kandi you see that he makes really good observations and he has given her some pretty sensible constructive criticism. To me he sounds like he's got a good approach to things and it hasn't been lost on me. I do think that some of his missteps have come because of Kandi's inept way of handling certain situations BECAUSE of certain people involved in those situations. Kandi is smart. The girl didn't get her money from being stupid however it does depend on who she has working on certain things. I can totally believe that when she's on a project with her connects in the industry and her truly established contacts she can rock with the big dogs no problem. Her weaknesses are covered by someone else's strengths and her strengths I'm sure contribute to a banging product. I believe she's a smart collaborator. I think in a group effort she can shine and be savy cause it's a team effort but I don't think she's capable of being a stand alone success which is  why we see the shenanigans we do when we see her individual projects with HER team. I think Todd is also used to working with more structured individuals in a more grounded capacity and it does come across. Kandi is the  messy one when it comes to her mixing business with pleasure and that's where her business sense falters and now here we are with HER friend and Todd.

Edited by Yours Truly
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So Kenya still believing she's going to have a "family" in that new house. OK, then. She's pushing 50. She better start the adoption wheels in motion if she seriously plans on having any kids.



Kenya is 44.  Trust that I have plenty of friends and co-workers in their 40s still having babies.  With fertility treatments, IVF, and what-have-you almost anything is possible these days. Surrogacy is also an option. 


I can't stand Kenya but I also can't dog her for wanting to have kids, if she is being authentic about that (and I kinda think she is). 

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I actually do not think Kenya wants kids or a relationship.  These were things easily in her reach at one point, but she chose a different path.  I am actually glad she did not end up married to a Peter or an Apollo. 


If Kenya is authentic about her desire to become a mother, it is smart of her to try to repair and heal the damage her traumatic childhood caused her.  She does not want to bring these issues into motherhood, particularly the abandonment fears caused by her mother's refusal to acknowledge her.

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