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S27.E05: A House Divided / S27.E06: Dirty Little Secret

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Wow, I hate these kids so much. I wanted rookies to team up and take out the entitled vets like Bananas but not these rookie douchebags. I'm reminded that I didn't like  KellyAnne so much during her Real World season. Raphy and Dario are so kind to women, did she not see how they went off on all the women? They're just like all the other asshole men on this show. And Cory can say that he has no time for this bitches last week but Aneesa doesn't vote his way and he loses respect for her? HIM? He's disappointed? I don't understand why Aneesa has lost her mind over that little boy.


I'm so glad Raphy and Dario are gone. Idiots. That's what they get for celebrating too early.

  • Love 6

The women on this show disappoint me so much. The boys are always douche bags and treat them like crap and the girls get all caught up in their feelings, never seeing this for what it is, A GAME. Anessa has been around long enough to know better and she falls for that young as child?? Girl, this is not a good look.


Why are people all concerned about whether Abram knows about Cara Maria? Who gives a damn if she flirted with the guy? The guys are messy ass trolls. The girls are emotional wrecks. Why do I keep watching this? I think if it wasn't for the fact that CT was going to show up eventually, I would probably throw in the towel on this season.


Yeah, the real Kelly Anne showed up. Reminded me of why the Sydney season was a huge failure when it came to casting. Parisa has done wise to not show up on any more shows. She's still good in my eyes. Well, and Cohutta. Can't hate him.


Johnny is and will always be full of shit. He really could have said Jenna's name and it wouldn't have made not one difference and would have saved this so called alliance he had. But he wants to claim he did it because everyone else was doing it. Then he tells HER in "private" that his girlfriend would have been mad if he didn't say her name. What the hell? What about the other times you didn't say her name? What about the fact that Nany is on your side and there to help you win money? I'd think that Hannah would be okay with trying to save your own ass. I look forward to the day when Johnny no longer has control over everyone.

Edited by MitaJo
  • Love 6

I was all pissed at Raphy and Dario for making me root for Johnny. But then they kind of won me over when they told KA she was out of line and she would help her cause by just going to sleep. I think, "you would help your cause by just going to bed" is extremely good advice that is always relevant on a show like this.

Aneesa, I'm embarrassed for you. Quit trying to explain yourself to this stupid punk. He only approached you after he wanted something from you. Move on.

  • Love 4

On the Cara/Abram thing: yes it was wrong for Cara to flirt with Thomas, but I still love her. And these people, especially Nany have no room to judge, remember free agents and her shot with Cohutta and Johnny R. And, yet they gossip and act like they are above that shit.

Anessa: she is just embarrassing. That's really all I have to say. She's like in her mid thirties, still doing challenges and still acts sloppy. Just walk away with some semblance of self respect left.

I fucking love Abram's hatred for Bananas and how he just wants to call him John. And I love that he acknowledges that he is crazy. This challenge needs Abram.

Only rooting for Abram, Cara, Jamie, and honestly I am beginning to like Jenna/Brianna.

  • Love 12

You know how BMP did countdowns for Ex-Plosion and Skeletons? Why don't they do one for CT's arrival? I mean, there's nobody that's worth rooting for with full gusto.


It has to be said: meatheads from Are You The One? shouldn't be involved on this show, period. Good riddance to Dario, as well as Raphy. That said, if one of them held Johnny while the other worked him over, I wouldn't have had a problem with that. Oh, and it's nice to see that Johnny continues to watch out for his own ass. His girlfriend should dump him, pronto. Motherfucker makes me take Abram's side. For that alone, Johnny deserves a beatdown. Seriously, Abram would probably not refer to Jon Dalton as "Johnny Fairplay," either. That scares me.


So . . .  how long does the Cara Maria/Abram thing last? I have this bizarre feeling of wanting the big cover-up to last as long as humanly possible.


ETA: I agree with MitaJo about Kelly Anne. Sydney was a clusterfuck full of questionable women. Parisa was the only one worth rooting for, but she never returned to the BMP teat. Pity.

  • Love 3

Abram calling Bananas "John" cracks me up for some reason. His hatred for Bananas oozes out every time he says his name.


Bananas should have just thrown his vote away on Jenna. She wasn't going to get voted in anyway so why burn bridges with Nany? Good for Abram for driving that wedge between the two of them. Then it all comes down to Bananas not wanting to piss off his girlfriend at home? Weak.


Camilla's gone. Nany's gone. If Bananas goes next week this is a whole new challenge.


CT in the preview got me so pumped.

  • Love 6

The whole Nany/bananas/Hannah: Johnny and Nany hooked up during I believe battle of the exes while Johnny was still with Hannah. She still has these lingering feelings for Bananas, you can tell. She even went on Twitter and said that it was just a game.

Can not wait for CT!!!! And it's interesting to see Zach, especially since him and Jenna are not together, since apparently he cheated on her.

  • Love 1

I'm glad that Ralpy and Dario are gone too. Good for Mitch. (and
good for us that we don't have to watch those 2 idiots anymore)


Zach? Just no.


Best part of the ep: Abe in his talking head saying that he just
wants to kill "John."


Tiffany, I don't get it either. Cory is cute, but not worth her
time or anything else.


And I did like Johnny saying when the idiot brothers left, "You
ARE NOT the one." That was pretty funny.


I highly doubt that Hannah gives a shit who Johnny voted for.


I thought Zach and Jenna were still together - didn't she say that
on one of the aftershows?


When they were showing clips of next wk (or the rest of the season,
who knows?) I heard someone, Aneesa, say, "Someone's going to get
hurt." Maybe that's why Zach shows up? I really don't want to meet
any of his family.

  • Love 2

Was Nany always this entitled?  The whole know your role crap annoyed me.


I mean yeah the A-Rod twins (Seriously those dudes look exactly like A-Rod.  So much so that I never bothered to learn their names, I just call them the A-Rod twins) were annoying as all hell but I would probably be starting crap with her as well if she told me to know my role.  That is the one thing I have always hated about this show is how much the veterans always seem to dominate.  I was hoping for the Rookie uprising to succeeded.



On the Cara/Abram thing: yes it was wrong for Cara to flirt with Thomas, but I still love her. And these people, especially Nany have no room to judge, remember free agents and her shot with Cohutta and Johnny R. And, yet they gossip and act like they are above that shit.

Anessa: she is just embarrassing. That's really all I have to say. She's like in her mid thirties, still doing challenges and still acts sloppy. Just walk away with some semblance of self respect left.

I fucking love Abram's hatred for Bananas and how he just wants to call him John. And I love that he acknowledges that he is crazy. This challenge needs Abram.

Only rooting for Abram, Cara, Jamie, and honestly I am beginning to like Jenna/Brianna.


I was thinking the exact same thing, I mean Aneesa has to be my age or a little younger and there comes a time in ones life where they just have to grow up.  She sort of reminds of this guy I used to work with when I was in my early-20's.  He was in his early forties and he was still hanging out with people that I worked with who were my age at the time.  He would go out to the bars with people who were twenty years younger than him and get drunk with them.  He would then brag about it.  He was also a father of three young kids and while most found this guy to be cool, I found him to be pretty pathetic. 


Abe's hate of Johnny is top notch.  Oddly enough I was a fan of Johnny's during his initial Real World season but I loathe him now and I very much agree and approve of Abe's hatred of him.


You know how BMP did countdowns for Ex-Plosion and Skeletons? Why don't they do one for CT's arrival? I mean, there's nobody that's worth rooting for with full gusto.


It has to be said: meatheads from Are You The One? shouldn't be involved on this show, period. Good riddance to Dario, as well as Raphy. That said, if one of them held Johnny while the other worked him over, I wouldn't have had a problem with that. Oh, and it's nice to see that Johnny continues to watch out for his own ass. His girlfriend should dump him, pronto. Motherfucker makes me take Abram's side. For that alone, Johnny deserves a beatdown. Seriously, Abram would probably not refer to Jon Dalton as "Johnny Fairplay," either. That scares me.


So . . .  how long does the Cara Maria/Abram thing last? I have this bizarre feeling of wanting the big cover-up to last as long as humanly possible.


ETA: I agree with MitaJo about Kelly Anne. Sydney was a clusterfuck full of questionable women. Parisa was the only one worth rooting for, but she never returned to the BMP teat. Pity.


Yeah Sydney was horrible for women.  I agree with everyone else the only one that was cool was Parisa.  I still remember when they tried to/did spit on here (I cannot remember if they actually did spit on here or not because I only saw that season when it first aired.).  That was so foul. 

  • Love 2

I can't remember most of what happened on RW seasons or even previous Challenges.  But I had a vague recollection that Aneesa used to hook up or date women.  


Am I imagining it?


Anyways, I'm surprised by how the players really believe they have a chance at this money.  It's not bad money (but not life-changing) and the prizes are top-heavy so the odds are against you if you're a rookie or don't have alliances with the other players.  


Johnny skates on these Challenges so much, no matter what he does, that it wouldn't be surprising if he's able to smooth over just about anything with his gf back home.  

  • Love 2

I can't help it, I shamelessly love Abram. I've loved him ever since he went all demented spider monkey on that asshole Donell's ass way back on Road Rules.

That guy was such an asshole. From what I remember he was arrested for beating up a woman after their season, so I was even happier that Abe kicked his ass.

I don't know what it is but like some people love crazy CT, I love crazy Abe.

  • Love 9

Anessa loves to start fights with the other older females first Trishelle and now Kelly Anne. Plus didn't she act jealous over Rachel and Jen? So it's not the first time. I think she was jealous of Kellyanne.

I think it's funny how Jenna is the youngest and came across as the voice of the reason. I love how her getting far on one challenge puts her in the vet alliance while the two guys from her season one who she has done the same amount of challenges are considered rookies.

I remember during the last challenge Bananas girlfriend was bad mouthing Nany on twitter. So I actually think he was telling the truth even though it made him look like a giant hypocrite.

I use to have a crush on Abe during his road rules/inferno days. It's nice to see him back. I love that he calls Bananas John mostly because I found Bananas like able before the island.

I didn't mind the twins even though they were douchebags I would be fine seeing them again they made good tv.

  • Love 3

Anessa loves to start fights with the other older females first Trishelle and now Kelly Anne. Plus didn't she act jealous over Rachel and Jen? So it's not the first time. I think she was jealous of Kellyanne.


I have never liked Aneesa. You can add Emily (RR2) and Evelyn to that list- although in that case it was less of starting fights with them and more about intentionally sabotaging them during missions (when they were on her team!) because she didn't like them. Plus, she was a HUGE bitch to Shauvon during the challenge where someone is voted in (or picked last, maybe) and they could choose their own opponent. Shauvon chose Aneesa and Aneesa spent the whole episode being a complete dick to her, and was the most ungracious winner ever when she beat Shauvon. Every time I think Aneesa has grown up, she pulls shit like she did last week (making a bunch of threats to Corey) and then throwing her drink at KA. That's just bush league. I was mildly impressed though the next morning when Aneesa expressed some regret over the incident, rather than focus on KA and her 'black skin' comments, which would have been enough of a diversion. So maybe she is growing up a little.


I think Aneesa is older than Kelly Anne. She turned 19 on her episode of RW, and I remember because it was 9/11/01. So she's 33, maybe 32 when this was filmed.


I didn't get Johnny at all. So, he can be filmed laying in bed with Nany, cuddling with her, having her sit on his lap, but he can't be filmed voting in a way that protects her? As he's pointed out, Nany is his only ally. Since Aneesa had a few votes, couldn't he have tried to swing the vote her way? Granted it would still be breaking a promise, but these people should be able to do math and realize you can't promise multiple people the same thing as the numbers dwindle down. Or why not just vote for Jenna? Yeah, Nany would have been going in anyways, but at least he wouldn't look like such an untrustworthy dick to every remaining cast member. As someone who is generally above average in terms of strategy (relative to these idiots), his reasoning made no sense.


Abe is awesome. I also liked that most of his beef with Johnny was related to Johnny's treatment of Cara Marie.


What is the story between Johnny and Cara Marie? I missed that season.

  • Love 4

Things I'm grateful for this New Year's Eve 2016:


  • I'm grateful that arrogant assholes like Raphy/Dario can be shown up by underdogs like Mitch.
  • I'm grateful that entitled bitches like Nany can be easily beaten.
  • I'm grateful that a butterface like Corey has such amazing arms!
  • I'm grateful that Abram remembers his undying hatred of John.  (No -ny, no bananas.)
  • Love 3

I have never liked Aneesa. You can add Emily (RR2) and Evelyn to that list- although in that case it was less of starting fights with them and more about intentionally sabotaging them during missions (when they were on her team!) because she didn't like them. Plus, she was a HUGE bitch to Shauvon during the challenge where someone is voted in (or picked last, maybe) and they could choose their own opponent. Shauvon chose Aneesa and Aneesa spent the whole episode being a complete dick to her, and was the most ungracious winner ever when she beat Shauvon. Every time I think Aneesa has grown up, she pulls shit like she did last week (making a bunch of threats to Corey) and then throwing her drink at KA. That's just bush league. I was mildly impressed though the next morning when Aneesa expressed some regret over the incident, rather than focus on KA and her 'black skin' comments, which would have been enough of a diversion. So maybe she is growing up a little.

I think Aneesa is older than Kelly Anne. She turned 19 on her episode of RW, and I remember because it was 9/11/01. So she's 33, maybe 32 when this was filmed.

I didn't get Johnny at all. So, he can be filmed laying in bed with Nany, cuddling with her, having her sit on his lap, but he can't be filmed voting in a way that protects her? As he's pointed out, Nany is his only ally. Since Aneesa had a few votes, couldn't he have tried to swing the vote her way? Granted it would still be breaking a promise, but these people should be able to do math and realize you can't promise multiple people the same thing as the numbers dwindle down. Or why not just vote for Jenna? Yeah, Nany would have been going in anyways, but at least he wouldn't look like such an untrustworthy dick to every remaining cast member. As someone who is generally above average in terms of strategy (relative to these idiots), his reasoning made no sense.

Abe is awesome. I also liked that most of his beef with Johnny was related to Johnny's treatment of Cara Marie.

What is the story between Johnny and Cara Marie? I missed that season.

Johnny has always picked on Cara and has just been an ass to her in general. I think he was part of the group on rivals who was making fun of her. I also really liked that Abe's problem with Johnny was how he treated Cara.

  • Love 4

Johnny and Nany being the ones going on about how Cara Maria's flirtation with Thomas has to come out is really rich.  If Johnny does really decide to set that reveal in motion, I hope that Abe and Cara Maria return the favor and put every single one of his "off camera" (i.e. he gets the production crew to agree to look the other way) hook ups out there.  Every single one.  And Nany, the girl who complains that she's being slut-shamed if anyone dares to talk about her hook ups?  But it's OK to use another girl's flirtation as the source of endless gossip and judgment?  Shut up, Nany.  


And Johnny was an idiot (although I did wonder if he figured that saying Nany's name would play well with his girlfriend, since Nany is obviously still hung up on him).  It would have been easy to say Jenna's name.  Everyone would recognize it for what it was - him refusing to say Nany's name and sticking to his promise to Aneesa not to say her name, while still not being a legit attempt to send Jenna in, since the numbers were already against that.  And then he has the nerve to complain that Nany's going to be pissed too long over it?  Um, are you, or are you not the guy who showed up for this one still bitching about Sarah sending you in on the last season?  But Nany gets, what, 2 minutes, to be pissed off and then she should just move on?  I certainly hope Nany was paying attention to this episode and heard him essentially say it was good that she went home because she would have just been mad at him for the rest of the season and that would be bad for his game.  Nany, you're a pawn to him.  If I had to hazard a guess, he has figured out some time frame as to how often he needs to throw her a little flirtation, maybe a few kisses, and then a random hook up less frequently, just to keep her happily on "Team Bananas."  I hope his girlfriend realizes that him voting for Nany to make things look good to her means that he'll have to indulge in that hook up with Nany sooner to make sure she's on his side the next time they're both on a challenge (which will likely be soon).  


Oh, and Nany, at least Cara Maria was flirting with some new guy to solidify her position on the show.  You're willing to continually take Johnny's marching orders, knowing that he will always come first, just to get whatever scraps of attention you can from him.  You can judge Cara Maria all you want, but you're just pathetic.  


I adore Abe's John hate.  It was the best part of the show.  


Aneesa confused me.  I'm sure it's partially because I missed the first half or so of the first of these two episodes, but why is she back to drooling over (and then getting pissed at) Cory?  Did we not already see her eavesdropping and finding out that Cory has a girl back home and he's only interested in Aneesa as a means to stay on the show?  So why was she acting like there was still some chance for a relationship with the two of them?  And you've managed to go all these seasons while essentially keeping any relationships off screen and now, as a grown ass woman in her 30's, you manage to go to pieces off this little boy who is clearly not worth it?  Please gather up your dignity and forget his name. 

  • Love 9


Aneesa confused me.  I'm sure it's partially because I missed the first half or so of the first of these two episodes, but why is she back to drooling over (and then getting pissed at) Cory?  Did we not already see her eavesdropping and finding out that Cory has a girl back home and he's only interested in Aneesa as a means to stay on the show?  So why was she acting like there was still some chance for a relationship with the two of them?  And you've managed to go all these seasons while essentially keeping any relationships off screen and now, as a grown ass woman in her 30's, you manage to go to pieces off this little boy who is clearly not worth it?  Please gather up your dignity and forget his name.


Although we only saw limited interactions between the two, I am thinking Cory likely (perhaps not on camera) was groveling a bit to Aneesa and maybe led her to believe he did want a real relationship with her, in an effort to get her to vote his way. He seemed legit surprised that Aneesa sided with Johnny instead of him, which was weird because she was openly screaming at him on a previous day, and then he expects her to vote for someone just because he asked her to?


I don't think Aneesa is the proud woman she claims to be. She let a girlfriend on her original season treat her like shit (granted she was very young) and kept going back, and then wasn't there a thing with Rachel a few years ago where Rachel admitted she had screwed her over and Aneesa still came back? It really doesn't surprise me that Aneesa could be treated with complete disrespect, be offered a half hearted apology, and then be right back where she started.



You definitely saw John flat ironing his hair. I rewound to watch again and laugh.


No way, when?? I must go back and watch.



I hope his girlfriend realizes that him voting for Nany to make things look good to her means that he'll have to indulge in that hook up with Nany sooner to make sure she's on his side the next time


Oh no doubt. He's probably already got his speech prepared. Likely he will tell her he wanted her to go home because she was just tempting him too much.


It's very weird to me that these girls get raked over the coals for multiple hook up partners, but Johnny has been with at least three past hook ups (Camila, Kelly Anne, and Nany) this season, and no one said a thing.

  • Love 5

I honestly can see why Cara and Abram live in Montana and away from the others. And, not shocked that the only challengers she is friends  with are CT, Abram, Zach, Johnny R (the Boston gang), Diem (before she tragically died) and Brandon. He'll, CM and Laurel I believe had a following out recently. Though, I think they'll be friends again. They have that weird sister relationship.

  • Love 1

I'm not Abe's biggest fan but I did laugh when he said he refuses to call Johnny Bananas Johnny or Bananas, because his name is John. Which it is! That was his name on his RW season. No one called him Johnny then. I might just start calling him John now too, since this is his name. I'm sure in his real life, he never refers himself as Johnny and maybe that's how he separates himself from his challenge persona and his real life one?  Because Abe was making a hell of a lot of sense when talking about him and how Johnny tries to act like he is someone else outside of the show but Abe said something like, "if you are willing to lie here, you are willing to do that outside of this game and that's the truth" and I think that is true. I never thought about that too, until Abe said he refused to use the nickname and then I thought about it and realized I don't think anyone called him Johnny on his RW season, I believe it was only John and I'm sure that's what he tells himself to deal with the haters he gets from the show, "i'm johnny bananas for the camera, you guys!"



  • Love 6


I'm not Abe's biggest fan but I did laugh when he said he refuses to call Johnny Bananas Johnny or Bananas, because his name is John. Which it is! That was his name on his RW season. No one called him Johnny then. I might just start calling him John now too, since this is his name. I'm sure in his real life, he never refers himself as Johnny and maybe that's how he separates himself from his challenge persona and his real life one?  Because Abe was making a hell of a lot of sense when talking about him and how Johnny tries to act like he is someone else outside of the show but Abe said something like, "if you are willing to lie here, you are willing to do that outside of this game and that's the truth" and I think that is true. I never thought about that too, until Abe said he refused to use the nickname and then I thought about it and realized I don't think anyone called him Johnny on his RW season, I believe it was only John and I'm sure that's what he tells himself to deal with the haters he gets from the show, "i'm johnny bananas for the camera, you guys!"

I think he was also called John on his first challenge and Johnny on the inferno 3.

Great episodes! I'm so glad Dario and Raphy are out of this game, so there are no more AYTO kids. I hate to agree with the insufferable Johnny Bananas, but they were really lame. If that isn't the pot calling the kettle black, I don't know what is. Just don't call Aneesa black (okay, Kelly Anne!). Dario made the biggest Neanderthal move I've ever seen in this game with that premature celebratory bump that threw Raphy off just enough for Mitch to get the win. What a freaking idiot!


It was also great seeing Nany go home. I'm even a Nany fan, but when she started with that "know your role" shit I wanted her gone immediately. I really do think that Bananas and Nany did something last season when they were alone in the Battle of the Ex-ile house. That could be why Bananas was trying to save face with Hannah by voting for Nany. And the video footage alluded to that. Otherwise why not just throw away a vote with Jenna? Nany will never trust Bananas again, but, knowing Nany, I think she'll probably still have feelings for him. Bananas would've disowned Nany had she voted for him. Hopefully Nany does the same to Bananas because that was low for even Bananas. 


I'm not too familiar with Abram, but I appreciate his hatred for Bananas and he articulated my sentiments exactly about why Bananas is such a deplorable douche. Bananas was exposed for the scumbag he is by voting in Nany, and it appears he's screwed this season with his alliance dismantled except for Aneesa. Of course he'll find some way to slither out of this "precarious predicament" as we have seen in too many of these challenges. He actually thinks that telling Abram about Cara Maria "hooking up" with Thomas will help his game. I hope he's wrong and Abram doesn't get sidetracked with this nonsense. Getting Bananas out has to be the focus, and Abram's one of the few with the motivation to get Bananas out soon. Bananas hasn't screwed over any of the new kids yet.


I thought it was hilarious that Abram's brother, Mike, volunteered to go in and everybody was like "no, that's okay," but no one objected when Kelly Anne volunteered. Kelly Anne beasted that challenge considering she was under the weather and having trouble breathing. She's so flaky that you don't know what she's going to do in this game. She hooked up with Raphy, so her judgment is clearly off. She's got a nice body though.


Can't wait for the upcoming CT sighting! Hopefully he'll backpack Bananas out of the game again.

Edited by jmonkey
  • Love 5

Wow. Nicole looks like a completely different person without makeup. It took me a minute and a rewind to figure out who she was.


I fucking love Abram's hatred for Bananas and how he just wants to call him John. And I love that he acknowledges that he is crazy. This challenge needs Abram.


I don't know Abram from previous seasons or other shows so he's completely new to me but I'm loving him so far. The way he articulates his hatred for JB is so entertaining.

  • Love 3
I'm not Abe's biggest fan but I did laugh when he said he refuses to call Johnny Bananas Johnny or Bananas, because his name is John. Which it is! That was his name on his RW season. No one called him Johnny then. I might just start calling him John now too, since this is his name. I'm sure in his real life, he never refers himself as Johnny and maybe that's how he separates himself from his challenge persona and his real life one?  Because Abe was making a hell of a lot of sense when talking about him and how Johnny tries to act like he is someone else outside of the show but Abe said something like, "if you are willing to lie here, you are willing to do that outside of this game and that's the truth" and I think that is true. I never thought about that too, until Abe said he refused to use the nickname and then I thought about it and realized I don't think anyone called him Johnny on his RW season, I believe it was only John and I'm sure that's what he tells himself to deal with the haters he gets from the show, "i'm johnny bananas for the camera, you guys!"



I remember during one challenge, Rivals 1 I think? John was making this big deal about CT going by Chris when he's being serious. I honestly don't know if he plays the part of an asshole on purpose or if that's just what naturally comes to him. Abram nailed it, every single part. John is an asshole and he's treated CM like shit in the past. He's untrustworthy and is only looking out for himself. Just look at the way he treated Nany. On a related note, when will people realize that the rooms have built-in cameras. Just because there isn't a camera guy in your face doesn't mean you aren't being filmed. First Zach with his sexist "men are the superior species" comment and now John defending his vote to Nany. I'm sure his girlfriend is thrilled with the way this played out. I honestly don't know why she's still with him. I get that he may be a different person in real life, but if someone is willing to act like that on TV, it doesn't say much about their character.


I never heard or read why Zach and Jenna broke up, but she did confirm it on her Instagram. I pathetically saw it in the comments. I wouldn't be surprised if he cheated on her. He seems like a vile piece of shit. It's funny though, because he deleted pretty much every picture that her in it from his IG, but she still has most of hers up. 




I can't with Aneesa, Kelly Ann, and Nany. They are all too damn old for this drama. Big ups to the poster that mentioned Nany's cousin without makeup. Holy shit, she looks like a completely different person. I can't say one look is better than the other.


I'm here for CT, MTV. Hurry it up, please.

  • Love 5

I always sometimes think about CT and how his name is Chris and how they never really called him CT on the show-even though at times the show wrote that as his name sometimes it would be "CT/Chris" so I think it's a different story there. With Johnny it just suddenly changed. And Bananas came in later on as well. But I now think it's how he differentiates the persona or tries to anyway. Tries to say this is a character he plays for his job and income because as we all know, this is his job and that's not me hating on it it's just me stating a fact that he himself has said outright as well. 

  • Love 1

I can't help it, I shamelessly love Abram. I've loved him ever since he went all demented spider monkey on that asshole Donell's ass way back on Road Rules.

That guy was such an asshole. From what I remember he was arrested for beating up a woman after their season, so I was even happier that Abe kicked his ass.

I don't know what it is but like some people love crazy CT, I love crazy Abe.


See that is why I will always be a fan of Abe because I hated Donell.  Donell might very well be the person I have hated the most during all of the various reality shows I have watched.  If he is not first then I would say he ranks second behind Mike Boogie from Big Brother.

  • Love 2

Oh my god, BK1978, they do look like A-Rod. I hadn't noticed before.
Poor A-Rod.


Yes, Nany has always been this entitled. The vets usually do act that


Choc, thanks for the twitter info on Hanna. I don't follow twitter or
Hanna so I had no idea that Johnny's reasoning actually may be valid.
How sad is that?


I don't know why Nany was so surprised. Johnny has a history of be-
traying his so-called friends.


I like that too that some of Abe's hatred of Johnny is the way he
treated Cara Maria. Actually, I've seen all the challenges Johnny's
been on & I don't remember his treatment of Cara being worse than

his treatment of any of the other women on the show. I do remember Wes's


The first ep was kind of boring. It took forever to get to the pit &
was mostly an hour worth of bitching and fighting.


Yeah, I'm embarrassed for Aneesa too.


Oh yeah, mojoween, would have loved to see Wes's face when Abe showed
up. I kind of miss Wes. He always makes me laugh. And it would have
been interesting to see him and KellyAnne on the same challenge.


I can't complain about the older challengers being on the show - I
wouldn't watch if we were only see the kids from the other shows. I
watch for the vets. And Teej. All these years and he's still just as
stiff & deadpan & awful as he was on day 1. Cracks me up.

  • Love 3

There was a good point made on the afterbuzz aftershow for this episode. By Johnny going first and saying Nany, he gets to look like everyone on his team are falling in line with his vote. He may very well have at home reasons for not throwing a vote but he also can't help looking like the big man that everyone follows.

That whole business with his girl is stupid anyway. He's already working with Nany. So, what the fuck does is it matter if he throws a vote or not? If his girl is really an issue, aligning himself with her in the first place is fucking stupid.

Edited by Racj82
  • Love 3

So how much of a hypocrite is John (I am with Abe on the name thing)?


He was SO appalled Sarah dared to vote such a great friend (I believe Sarah when she says they were nothing more than acquaintances) in to a duel/pit. He not only verbally assaulted her, he condoned (and my memory is hazy here, so I may be wrong) and participated in the outright BULLYING of her in that hotel room (I remember Nia did most of it, but lets be honest, John could have said stop and they would have). Not to mention him throwing things at her on the after show and all the bitching he did on social media.


But then he for all intents and purposes does the same thing to Nany, who I will go out on a limb and say is a MUCH better friend to him than Sarah was.


And he didn't even NEED to! No one would have batted an eye at him not voting his only ally in when they didn't even need his vote.


Seriously, if not voting in an ally will cause problems in your relationship John, that is a relationship destined to fail. There is no trust there....


I read the John thread on these forums and there are people that defend him and can't see why people hate him so much. THIS is why. We talk about entitled Challengers and John is the MOST entitled. And once again he proves what a hypocrite he is.


And before someone points out it is not the same as Sarah having made the sole decision to put him in...come on, semantics...


SO glad the A-Rod twins (great comparison) are gone and I can now root against John once more!


And ugh...Aneesa. Come on, Cory was playing you...you should know better. I think she genuinely caught feelings...


And by the way, if anyone is wondering who Donell is and why people hate the guy in relation to Abe, here you go (can fast forward to about the 14 minute mark if you just want to see Abe punch the crap out of him. Though understand, Donell taunted him the entire season, this wasn't a case of Abe just being "crazy"):


Edited by Jenkins
  • Love 6


Abe's hate of Johnny is top notch.  Oddly enough I was a fan of Johnny's during his initial Real World season but I loathe him now and I very much agree and approve of Abe's hatred of him.


Love Abe and his truth telling on "Bananas".   Contrast that to the pathetic Aneesa saying that she was looking to Banana's like a child looks to their Dad for approval when she was casting her vote.  Nany's "know your role" was also ridiculous.   It would be great if any of these three decided to finally grow up and retire from these shows.

  • Love 4
And by the way, if anyone is wondering who Donell is and why people hate the guy in relation to Abe, here you go (can fast forward to about the 14 minute mark if you just want to see Abe punch the crap out of him. Though understand, Donell taunted him the entire season, this wasn't a case of Abe just being "crazy"):


Thanks for the clip. Donell is clearly an insecure bully. His constant insults in that situation (RV roommates 24/7; Abe versus the group) would cause a lot of people to explode emotionally (and maybe get physically violent like Abe). Abe's belief of race mixing being "unnatural" and his corn bread slur shows his sheltered upbringing. Has he become more open-minded after meeting all kinds and traveling the world on MTV's dime?

Edited by numbnut
  • Love 3

I definitely think Abe has grown a ton since his RR when he was like 20 and feels differently now. We've never seen or heard anything racist from him since this so I don't hold it against him. Donell was horrible and yes, Donell was arrested for domestic violence against a GF.

John made his GF Hannah look like an insecure jackass in this episode. I would be pissed if I were her. Ewww, the thought of dating John...

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 4

Abe's belief of race mixing being "unnatural" and his corn bread slur shows his sheltered upbringing. Has he become more open-minded after meeting all kinds and traveling the world on MTV's dime?


I'd say so.  He was in a relationship some time ago with Coral Smith and she had some pretty shiny things to say about his growth as a human being:



I wouldn't expect Abram to invest his time or pursue a woman like myself, that's so mouthy and such a feminist I believe that I'm a strong woman and I believe that a lot of my morals and how I live my life was completely opposite than his. I really feel like he has come into a reality about meeting new people with me and I'm happy to be in his life, and I'm happy to teach him and help him, but it's not hard. We're going through this weird racial thing. He doesn't bring it up and it's not an issue with us, which makes it even more wonderful. It's just right and it's something that happened naturally. He didn't have to fight against this racist thing. I give all the credit to Abram for his changes, and for who he is now. I believe that it was his ability to learn and be open to other people's words. We both get really angry and we both are really sensitive and we both put up this front and inside, I believe Abram is one of the kindest and most gentle people I've ever met. And I think it was his ability to get in touch with his own kind, gentle side that allowed him to like me anyway, despite my big giant mouth and how bitchy I can be. And I think that we found a common ground there, and because I was open to him, I feel like he was able to open up to me. And when Abram and I opened up to each other, it was a beautiful, beautiful friendship that I've never experienced before, ever. I've never met anyone like Abram. Never, and people underestimate him all the time."

  • Love 5

Wow, I completely forgot they were together for a while.


Definitely an odd couple (not because of race but because of personalities).


Abe was ignorant, definitely not racist...huge difference.


Regardless, I am not a violent person, but I wish Abe had got in a few more hits on Donell...watching that video reminded me how much of a dick that guy really was.


On a side note, I miss Coral as a competitor and personality on the show, she was awesome.

  • Love 1

Wow, I completely forgot they were together for a while.

Definitely an odd couple (not because of race but because of personalities).

Abe was ignorant, definitely not racist...huge difference.

Regardless, I am not a violent person, but I wish Abe had got in a few more hits on Donell...watching that video reminded me how much of a dick that guy really was.

On a side note, I miss Coral as a competitor and personality on the show, she was awesome.

I would just call him racist. But, I would also say that he grew and changed. Imo, nothing wrong with calling it like it is but also saying all the facts. Now, Miz being called a racist by Coral back in the day was something different. He was ignorant specifically because he was asking questions in order to learn because he was sheltered. Coral just labeled everything he asked as a blanket racist statement instead of a question.
  • Love 2

Jenkins, thanks for that vid. I never saw Abe's RR season. He looks so cute - and young.  I can't comment on this Donnell person or the violence/behavior of either of them cause the vid crapped out on me after the intro, but I'll try to watch the rest of it later.


Rebecca, good point about John & Hannah. Dating him doesn't really say much for her in the first place.

  • Love 1

I am sad to see The Twins go. I like the drama they brought to the episode. The fact they irritated the hell out of Nany and John (HA) made me like them even more. 

KellyAnne is a mess.

Aneesa is coming off as weak and desperate. 

Abe is freaking hilarious.

I don't want to see Zach's face again. Just no to him. 

I can't wait to see CT.


This season sucks so far. I hope they do something to spice things up. I need to see some drama in that house. 

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