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Bachelor Live


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I found it interesting that we saw Ben kiss Becca, while Lace skulked about in the other room.  Had we seen him kiss her before?  


Chris Harrison did the same plea to Ashley Salter last year, about going on BIP2 and she didn't answer.  I think it's already a done deal, or he wouldn't have brought it up. 


I see Chris & the other show producers like lawyers: They won't ask a contestant a question they don't already know the answer to.  I think the ink is barely dry on Lace's contract and she'll be there.  She didn't say yes in order to provoke the whole "Will she or won't she?" debate.  

Edited by leighdear
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Surely they can do better than this.  Where did they find those 2 guys and why did they think hiring them was a good idea?  


Just talk to celebrity fans and previous contestants; that is it.  Done.  No more "comedy."  Show some outtakes, too.  


I agree, Lace has been signed for BIP, absolutely.  She thinks she can redeem herself (even more) and maybe she can.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7

I throughly enjoyed the first 2 after shows, but this one was horrible. I wish they let only Jason, Molly and Paget speak.

No surprise about Lace.....maybe she will turn out like Ashley S, and end up being the most normal one on the show!


Other message boards have been commenting that Molly looked pregnant.

Edited by nutty1
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Why was Chris trying to change BIP to "Bachelor Paradise"?  He said it that way every time.  And I cringed every time he said "Alpha Fee."  I know it's an acceptable pronunciation but it was like nails on a chalkboard to me.  (Just to be sure I'm not the crazy one I Googled the pronunciation and both 'fee' and 'fy' are correct.)

Surely they can do better than this. Where did they find those 2 guys and why did they think hiring them was a good idea? 


Nick Kroll and John Mulaney are stand up comedians, and those two old guys are side characters they do for fun. They're doing a tour together as those characters right now, so their appearance on Bachelor Live was basically one giant promo for their live show. 


But I honestly would have preferred watching normal John Mulaney analyze the show without putting on the character, like Paul F. Tompkins did. If anyone has seen Mulaney's stand up, he's great at dissecting bad television, and I love Tompkins, so watching those two play off each other could have been hilarious.

Edited by Curio
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Nick Kroll and John Mulaney are stand up comedians, and those two old guys are side characters they do for fun. They're doing a tour together as those characters right now, so their appearance on Bachelor Live was basically one giant promo for their live show. 


But I honestly would have preferred watching normal John Mulaney analyze the show without putting on the character, like Paul F. Tompkins did. If anyone has seen Mulaney's stand up, he's great at dissecting bad television, and I love Tompkins, so watching those two play off each other could have been hilarious.



Now that would have been good!  They probably allowed them to choose what they did and it turned out to be a huge mistake.   

We watched Live because I wanted to see Lace and stayed for the whole episode. Lace did not disappoint--so impressed with her. She seems very young. She must have really really been a mess during her time on the show--I wonder if the show suggested nicely to her that she should leave and take care of herself. Whatever, she did, and she was open and a good sport. Also impressed that she deferred the poorly thought out invitation to BIP (yes to the above re the keg at the AA meeting), especially with her joke about first seeing how things worked out with the comedian "proposed" to her. We're pulling for you, Lace!

Paget Brewster should be on every week as she is very funny and likeable, and I liked the guy next to her (sorry, really funny guy, not good with names). The two comedians grew on me but would have been funnier without the haha aren't we funny old men costumes. Ick.

Jason and Molly were okay but I'm tired of recycling the old participants who really have nothing to contribute. They had their moment. Move on and get a couple of real lives now.

Paget Brewster's mere participation dropped her quite a few points in my book. Damn you Bachelor Nation, stick with the scrubs.


Of course Lace is going to be on Bachelor in Paradise. There is no doubt about that. I did find her attempts at introspection to be hilarious. Lace, just open your eyes and you will realize the only problem you have is that your head is stuck up your ass.


Was I the only one imagining Paul F. Tomkins as his Bojack Horseman character, Mister Peanutbutter? I found it made the show much more enjoyable.


You would think that with 20 seasons to choose from, they might dig a bit deeper for Bachelor alums. Jason and Molly yet again? 20 seasons of this show and, except for Trista and Ryan, they only go as far back as Jason Mesnick. By the way, Mesnick is aging into a middle aged dweeb rather nicely.

  • Love 1

Why was Chris trying to change BIP to "Bachelor Paradise"?  He said it that way every time.  And I cringed every time he said "Alpha Fee."  I know it's an acceptable pronunciation but it was like nails on a chalkboard to me.  (Just to be sure I'm not the crazy one I Googled the pronunciation and both 'fee' and 'fy' are correct.)


Just to add to this, and also filed under "things I can't believe I know" ... "Alpha Fee" is the "official" pronunciation for the sorority name. I am not sure of the origin, but it is how they choose to be called. 


I liked Lace in this episode. We'll see how much her work on herself has stuck, but I'm rooting for her. Honestly, though, if I were her, and serious about self-improvement, I'd stay far away from anything in this franchise. But hey, to each her own, and I hope she gets what she wants. 

  • Love 1

found it interesting that we saw Ben kiss Becca, while Lace skulked about in the other room. Had we seen him kiss her before?

No, we haven't, and that was interesting that they chose not to show a kiss on the main show.

I also found something else odd about their interaction.

Did anyone else hear him tell Becca during this scene, "next time, I want to hear more about what's going on at the house"? It seemed to me that it was a friendly, not romantic, kiss, and that Becca is helping him sort things out with other girls. It was weird and made me think of that season when the bachelor had a spy in the house.

Edited by betha
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Did anyone else cringe when CH mentioned Allison's father? He's not exactly what young newscasters should aspire to.


I did think Allison and Michelle were great co-hosts though. I was surprised at how animated Allison was, since her acting on Girls is a bit wooden. But I worry about her weight. She's always been slender, but her arms and legs looked painfully thin tonight. I hope she's healthy.


Did CH say that next week will be the last live show?

  • Love 1

I never thought these words would be typed by me, but I would rather watch Kris Jenner than Allison Williams babble on and keep interrupting. I need her to go join Jenny on the "get off my tv forever" set.



I thought she was fine but Michelle annoyed me.  There needs to be some instruction for guests to stay focused on the topic and not just blather on probably looking for face time.  That is what Michelle was doing, she does it on The View, too.   Kris Jenner did a good job.  

  • Love 2


I did think Allison and Michelle were great co-hosts though. I was surprised at how animated Allison was, since her acting on Girls is a bit wooden. But I worry about her weight. She's always been slender, but her arms and legs looked painfully thin tonight. I hope she's healthy.


Did CH say that next week will be the last live show?

I enjoyed both of them too, particularly Allison. She seems like she'd be a lot of fun at a Bachelor viewing party. Michelle was trying just a bit too hard, but was funny overall. 


I could do without most of the Skype bits, though the Canadian guys with champagne were kinda funny. If we must check in with random people watching the show, I'd rather it be unexpected groups like that and not just a bunch of screaming teenage girls. 

  • Love 3

 If we must check in with random people watching the show, I'd rather it be unexpected groups like that and not just a bunch of screaming teenage girls. 

My mom (78) and 8-10 of her church friends get together every Monday night to watch.  You should hear some of the trash talk that comes out of their mouths after the martini's start flowing!  *LOL*

  • Love 5

Personally I'm thrilled this is ended after next week. My tween daughter forces me to watch "Live" (shhhh! Don't tell the Father-of-the-Year Selection Committee. I kept that out of my application).

I still feel about this show the way I felt about "After Paradise":

<q>I think originally Chris H. tended to hold himself above the contestants. He was on the show, but not of the show. And on the rare occasions when he actually poked fun at the contestants for thinking they're still the "cool kids", it was in the snarky way that we might do here.

But somewhere along the line, I think Chris H. started getting high on his own supply. I think that now he feels that he's one of the cool kids and when he's making fun of them now it's because he simply thinks he's the coolest one of all.</q>

Edited by Alapaki
  • Love 3

So Jubilee isn't F1 and probably won't be Bachelorette, but at least she got her own song? Ben still seems vaguely irritated about the interaction, probably because it made him seem like a "bad guy" on TV for eliminating her on the spot for killing his vibe. Or maybe I've overrating his self-awareness.

Edited by DriveInSaturday

If Olivia isn't F1 (and I'm guessing she won't be), she'll probably be disappointed that she won't get to be on B Live and make her pitch for redemption like Lace did. It must be a real shock when you see how you come across when it's like this--whether in part its the editing or not. I think Jubilee's better off without going on this show (or BiP) but I'd still be curious what she thought when she saw her edit. I'd guess she didn't realize how close she came to having a genuine relationsh9p with Ben. It probably seems a lot less clear when he's with 10 women, over several weeks.


I like Ben even more now that he reminded me that he liked Nick (on Kaitlyn's season), despite the hostility of the other men toward him. I always liked Nick, too.

Edited by Padma
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My mom (78) and 8-10 of her church friends get together every Monday night to watch.  You should hear some of the trash talk that comes out of their mouths after the martini's start flowing!  *LOL*



Age has nothing to do with anything.  It is all about where you were in the 60s.  Young at heart is what some call it.  I call it smart.  

  • Love 1

I'd like to personally thank Chris Harrison for going on with the double-entendre about how Chris Soules' "caucusing" was like blowing a load, and then being about to do it again . . . on the same night!  


Because it reminded me of HOW FUCKING MUCH I HATE THIS SHOW and thrilled I am that it's over.


(that, and having the fat broad drunk broad who squeezes herself into the pleather pants on again).

  • Love 1

Wow, that was really low of Ben to go to commercial rather then answer the question about if Olivia had bad breath--basically by doing that he said she had bad breath to the nation. Cruel imo.



Someone needs to be direct and honest with Olivia and let her know her breath is foul. I don't think she knows and she is expecting kisses. Ben having her chow down on mint did not get through to her whatsoever.

If Olivia isn't F1 (and I'm guessing she won't be), she'll probably be disappointed that she won't get to be on B Live and make her pitch for redemption like Lace did. It must be a real shock when you see how you come across when it's like this--whether in part its the editing or not. I think Jubilee's better off without going on this show (or BiP) but I'd still be curious what she thought when she saw her edit. I'd guess she didn't realize how close she came to having a genuine relationsh9p with Ben. It probably seems a lot less clear when he's with 10 women, over several weeks.


That is an interesting perspective, because I think that Jubilee's insecurities were rooted in a reasonable belief that she was not a frontrunner in Ben's mind. And if anything, I would think watching his interactions with JoJo and Lauren B. (that she wouldn't have been privy to while on the show) would make it even clearer to her that she never had a shot at a "genuine" relationship with Ben. It was always going to be either Lauren B. or JoJo standing there in the end. She was far from 'close' to being F1 -- she was in the Becca or Caila category of being good enough to last till F3 or F4, but based on his reactions to the others, it's fairly obvious that  Jubilee was never in the running to be F1.

Edited by lavenderpenguin
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Someone needs to be direct and honest with Olivia and let her know her breath is foul. I don't think she knows and she is expecting kisses. Ben having her chow down on mint did not get through to her whatsoever.

She mentioned something about her "Dragon Breath"--I think on the episode where he woke them up.  She knows about it.


Why she doesn't do something about it is the mystery.  Gum disease or a smoker, perhaps?  Takes garlic pills?

Edited by WhoAmIReally

JenE4 said <Ben, you don't HAVE to propose. This is pretty insane to think proposing to one while you're still in love with the other is a good idea. Every time you get into a stupid little tiff you're going to be questioning what if! I bet the other one wouldn't forget to pick up milk!>>


I've thought this all along.  If you're not absolutely sure about 'the one' you should say at the end you need more time. ' I want to date both women longer in real life and get surety' (is that even a word?).


It also occurred to me that whenever the engaged couple do have a rough spot, Ben will slap his head mentally and think 'I could have had JoJo!'


Also crossed my mind that Lauren could have slapped Ben up side the head and said 'I could have been the Bachelorette if you'd chosen JoJo!'


Seriously, I hope they're all happy, Ben and Lauren in their romance, JoJo in finding better love on 'The Bachelorette.'  She was my choice for Ben.  Lauren did seem 'too perfect' and JoJo was more earthy and real.  Plus people think her awesome boobs are implants?  They look real to me, but what do I know about the differences.  Have had the same ones for 70 or so years.


When Ben finally decided which love while viewing the rings, I was thinking 'Is that a Lauren ring?  Or a JoJo ring?'  I thought Lauren.

Edited by scarlettudor

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