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S06.E05: Will Power

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Lisa and Ken and Hanky were hilarious.  I was laughing when they were struggling with that poor creature. 


Comparing a broken leg to Lyme disease and the possibility of faking either is a terrible analogy. 


"You have to be nice and ...look good."  Wow.  Cutting a sandwich into slices to make "dippers" -- revolutionary!  Yo clearly favors Gigi.  She doesn't even attempt to hide it.  What money is she willing to them?  I thought the word was that she's broke and living in a condo.  "This will take care of you for the rest of your lives"?  Okay.  She's so dramatic.

  • Love 18

Yes, This season so far has been all sweet and lighthearted. Boooooring! I am not missing all the stupid drama with Kim and Brandy though. I'd rather watch Hanky biting Ken and Lisa.

TMI Lisa R. Did we really need to see her getting her hoo ha waxed? No...hell...no.

Lisa V. Is so jealous of Erika. And why the look of horror on the ladies faces when Erika said her husband was 76? No big deal in that town where a lot of women are married to sugar daddy's, I mean older men.

Of course someone (Eileen drew the short straw) was going to mention the Munchhausen conversation to Yo. This will probably be the big drama/fight of the season.

I was afraid this season would focus on Yo's disease, unfortunately that's what's happening.

And what an awful thing to do to your kids and mother to talk about your will and dying on TV!

  • Love 9

Yes, This season so far has been all sweet and lighthearted. Boooooring! I am not missing all the stupid drama with Kim and Brandy though. I'd rather watch Hanky biting Ken and Lisa.

TMI Lisa R. Did we really need to see her getting her hoo ha waxed? No...hell...no.

Lisa V. Is so jealous of Erika. And why the look of horror on the ladies faces when Erika said her husband was 76? No big deal in that town where a lot of women are married to sugar daddy's, I mean older men.

Of course someone (Eileen drew the short straw) was going to mention the Munchhausen conversation to Yo. This will probably be the big drama/fight of the season.

I was afraid this season would focus on Yo's disease, unfortunately that's what's happening.

And what an awful thing to do to your kids and mother to talk about your will and dying on TV!

I agree with everything except that Lisa is jealous of Erika. I think Lisa was trying to be funny with her quips about age as Ken just turned 70 himself. I also think she is intrigued by Erika and who she is. LOL 


Is Anwar 18? I'll feel better about my inappropriate crush if he's legal.

Sorry, lol, Anwar is 16 or 17 now. Bella is 18.

  • Love 10

LOL. Damn. FWIW I thought he was in his early 20s. Look for me on my reality TV debut on To Catch A Predator.

LOL!! He does look older but IMO, kids today do look older than I di 40 years ago. LOL IMO, he looks like his father, Mohammed was a good looking guy back in the day from the few pictures I have seen of him. If he would just get rid of that rug on his head, he would still be a nice looking older man now. LOL

  • Love 5

I was never a fan but now I hate Yolanda. What a cruel, manipulative bitch. Weird her elderly mother who has had cancer twice could be with her before her surgery but she couldn't take the time from doing nothing to be with her mother when she was sick. Hey kids! No big deal, but, here's my will! Take care of my mommy. Cough, gasp...


I thought the same thing as well. Especially when Yolanda was going on in her TH about "needing her mommy"! Sick that she couldn't take the time to be there for her "mommy" when she was battling cancer but then expects her mommy to be there for her when she has silicone removed.

  • Love 22

Yes, This season so far has been all sweet and lighthearted. Boooooring! I am not missing all the stupid drama with Kim and Brandy though. I'd rather watch Hanky biting Ken and Lisa.

TMI Lisa R. Did we really need to see her getting her hoo ha waxed? No...hell...no.

Lisa V. Is so jealous of Erika. And why the look of horror on the ladies faces when Erika said her husband was 76? No big deal in that town where a lot of women are married to sugar daddy's, I mean older men.

Of course someone (Eileen drew the short straw) was going to mention the Munchhausen conversation to Yo. This will probably be the big drama/fight of the season.

I was afraid this season would focus on Yo's disease, unfortunately that's what's happening.

And what an awful thing to do to your kids and mother to talk about your will and dying on TV!


I don't know if it's jealousy (I don't think it is), but I was definitely reading something not-so-friendly from Lisa V. toward Erika. I always get the sense that Lisa sees this show like a game of Survivor or something, where she has to be Queen Bee, so anyone who looks like competition in that regard gets Lisa's questioning looks. The looks were ridiculous, too, considering that Ken is in his 70s as well, and he's 20 years Lisa's senior. I would think once you pass the first decade of age difference, you couldn't give side eyes over 20+ years or 30+ years in differences of age.


The show is also shady. How many times did they need to show Yolanda talking about how Erika is a disco singer, or Lisa or Kyle wondering why they'd never heard of her? I mean, granted. I've never heard of this woman, either, but I also don't run in those circles, so... However, there's some hilarity in the fact that Erika is somehow an unknown disco singer who none of these women have heard even a peep about in their highfalutin, insulated worlds.

Edited by Mozelle
  • Love 9

Oh hey. I'm having surgery. Kids, here's my will. Just no.


That was absolutely horrible!!  


Yes, This season so far has been all sweet and lighthearted. Boooooring! I am not missing all the stupid drama with Kim and Brandy though. I'd rather watch Hanky biting Ken and Lisa.

TMI Lisa R. Did we really need to see her getting her hoo ha waxed? No...hell...no.

Lisa V. Is so jealous of Erika. And why the look of horror on the ladies faces when Erika said her husband was 76? No big deal in that town where a lot of women are married to sugar daddy's, I mean older men.

Of course someone (Eileen drew the short straw) was going to mention the Munchhausen conversation to Yo. This will probably be the big drama/fight of the season.

I was afraid this season would focus on Yo's disease, unfortunately that's what's happening.

And what an awful thing to do to your kids and mother to talk about your will and dying on TV!


Is it possible to hate and love an episode at the same time?  


I loved the scenes with Ken and Lisa with Hanky - I think that they both truly do love all their animals.  I loved most of the scene with the girls meeting Erica - it just sounded like a nice bunch of girls getting together and having a drink and girl talk.  I don't think that Lisa is jealous of Erica - I think she is intriqued by her - I think Lisa will judge her a little more once she sees Erica's alter ego and her act, though.


I, too, could do without the waxing scene - not necessary and stupid.


I absolutely HATED the scenes with Yolanda and her family.  My husband was watching with me and he said "How disgusting to film that for TV!"  And what is up with giving them a copy of her will?  What does it say - "I'm sorry - I don't have anything to give you, but your father will have it all covered when he kicks the bucket"???


Also, interesting that Yolanda is now claiming that Anwar and Bella both have Lyme disease.  Are they cured or do they still suffer from it?  I would have to assume, if they did have it at some point, they must be cured.  Anwar participates in school sports (soccer/football or something - we saw it last season), and Bella maintains a pretty full, hectic schedule with her modeling career.  


I also didn't appreciate Yolanda not giving Kyle the same respect she is looking for.  If Kyle does, indeed, have fibromyalgia, then her symptoms are very similar to Lyme disease.  My sister has fibromyalgia and it can be completely debilitating, much like Yolanda is experiencing.  (Although, I don't think that Kyle did have fibromyalgia, because it is a chronic disease that has no cure - it is managed with medication.)


I'm not sure how I feel about Erica yet.  I don't think she is really a good "fit" for this group.

  • Love 14

I was never a fan but now I hate Yolanda. What a cruel, manipulative bitch. Weird her elderly mother who has had cancer twice could be with her before her surgery but she couldn't take the time from doing nothing to be with her mother when she was sick. Hey kids! No big deal, but, here's my will! Take care of my mommy. Cough, gasp...


And, I may have missed this, but what exactly is the surgery that Yolanda is having?  


Is this where she learned that she had a leaky implant and is having them removed?

  • Love 2

Yo claims that both Bella and Anwar have chronic Lyme. Both Bella and her mom linked the DUI to the disease and The Guardian did a lengthy piece on how Bella's modeling and equestrian careers have been thwarted and/or limited. And the spin Yo tried to put on all three having Lyme, let alone initially asymptomatic chronic Lyme, was total mendacity - the odds would be one in at least the tens of millions, which is scientifically equivalent to zero.

  • Love 23

And, I may have missed this, but what exactly is the surgery that Yolanda is having?

Is this where she learned that she had a leaky implant and is having them removed?

Yes. But it's much worse than just that because Yo has Lyme Disease which can't be compared to anything else. And she has zero brain function which makes every thing a little dicey. Edited by Bronzedog
  • Love 17

I very much enjoyed Hanky (and I loved all the "honks" dubbed in as the last word in each of his scenes). I think he should get his own spinoff, "Hankypump Rules."

ETA And yes, My Loves! We had the Lyme AND the lemons tonight.

As much as I don't like how Yolanda is representing her illness (and I don't doubt that she's ill--it's the dramatics, and how she hangs it over others' heads: "Look at how HEALTHY you look! Look at YOUR beautiful hair! Take care of my mommy in the event that I DIE, but oh, don't worry!")... I have to say that if I were surrounded by a bunch of people doubting and gossiping about my illness and then *voicing it to me*, I'd be peeved too.

Edited by ivygirl
  • Love 14

Gotta echo the prevailing sentiment in here that Yolanda delivering her will to the kids during, what seemed like, a nice little lunch was entirely too much. Gigi looked horrified and Bella looked small and scared. I do not doubt the fact that Yolanda is sick, but sometimes I wonder how her mother feels about all of these treatments and Yolanda's behavior. 

  • Love 8
Lisa V. Is so jealous of Erika. And why the look of horror on the ladies faces when Erika said her husband was 76? No big deal in that town where a lot of women are married to sugar daddy's, I mean older men.



I think most of those looks of horror had nothing to do with what Erika said. They were so OTT!


And, I may have missed this, but what exactly is the surgery that Yolanda is having?



Just her breast implants removed etc.


Both Bella and her mom linked the DUI to the disease and The Guardian did a lengthy piece on how Bella's modeling and equestrian careers have been thwarted and/or limited.



Oh! She said riding career? I thought she was telling us that Bella had a heretofore unmentioned writing career that was also destroyed by the Lyme disease that presented as drunk driving.


Whoops Eileen. You mistakenly did Kyle's dirty work with that talk you had.



Wait,why would any of that be Kyle's dirty work?


i know there's truth to what Yolanda was saying, but given her patterns it's hard not to notice her response to Kyle saying "You look great now!" is to remind her that just because she looks fine doesn't mean she's not deathly ill. The set up with the will was pretty great, especially setting it on top of the mountain surrounded by the lemons. Also that Yolanda has been passing on all these treatments to her kids.

  • Love 9

YoFo looks legimately ill to me compared to flashbacks from several seasons ago but that doesn't mean that she isn't exaggerating her symptoms and playing up the ailments for attention or sympathy. Both Bella and Anwar have Lyme's and that's why Bella dropped out of uni? Bullshit. Bitch is whacked out of allegedly Lyme-addled mind if she thinks the audience is gullible enough to believe that.

Yo clearly favors Gigi. She doesn't even attempt to hide it.

I know, right? Blatant favoritism towards her golden child GGi who has garnered Yo the fame and attention she so desperately desires, albeit vicariously. I could not believe that basic bitch was back to her sophomoric shenanigans, drawing a heart for Gigi twice the size of the ones she drew for her younger spawn on that Manila envelope. Also, Gigi's name written in a larger, emboldened font.

I hope Lisa R's longtime waxer drops her as a client after the racist joke she made at Eiko's expense.

Edited by Rahul
  • Love 13



Oh! She said riding career? I thought she was telling us that Bella had a heretofore unmentioned writing career that was also destroyed by the Lyme disease that presented as drunk driving.




I thought Yolanda said "writing career" too.  Interesting that Yolanda's fuzzy brain is forgetting that we all saw Bella riding and spending a lot of time with her horse just a couple of seasons ago.  While she supposedly had chronic Lyme disease, and seemed perfectly healthy (well, except being forced to eat only almonds and lemons.)



Maybe because she and Ken have had such a long standing, close relationship with Mohammed and as she's said several times, with his kids as well.  Maybe it seems a bit odd to Lisa because she's never heard anything of the kind from Mohammed or the kids.  JMO, but maybe Lisa has more scoop about Yolanda's manipulative ways than she is willing to spill out of respect to Mohammed and the kids. 


I thought the same thing as you.  Lisa and Ken have been close friends with Mohammed for years, correct?  Were they friends with him when he was married to Yolanda?  Either way, I would think that Mohammed would have mentioned something like this to a good friend, no?

  • Love 6

Oh snap, Eileen!  You got yourself into some trouble tonight.  I am looking forward to the aftermath of that!  Kyle's reaction was hysterical.  She was horrified.  


Oh good god Lisa V is not jealous of Erika.  Where did that notion come from?!  What on earth does Erika have that would even cause a flicker of envy from anyone?   LOL!   Lisa V and Ken are 14 years apart in age, not 20.  


What 51 year old calls their mother mommy?  Another eye roller.  


I liked this episode because things are heating up and we see next week that Kim is mentioned.  Goody.  


Swans don't like to be handled, clearly.  Lisa telling him not to be naughty was annoying.  I know she was showing love but that was just downright silly.  

  • Love 9

I thought Yolanda said "writing career" too.  Interesting that Yolanda's fuzzy brain is forgetting that we all saw Bella riding and spending a lot of time with her horse just a couple of seasons ago.  While she supposedly had chronic Lyme disease, and seemed perfectly healthy (well, except being forced to eat only almonds and lemons.)




I thought the same thing as you.  Lisa and Ken have been close friends with Mohammed for years, correct?  Were they friends with him when he was married to Yolanda?  Either way, I would think that Mohammed would have mentioned something like this to a good friend, no?

I don't know exactly how long they've been friends, but I got the impression that Yolanda was not in the mix when they became friends.  If I remember correctly, the Hadids separated when Anwar was a baby.  JMO but I think Yolanda was probably a constant thorn in Mohammed's side from the time of their separation until they divorced.


Gotta echo the prevailing sentiment in here that Yolanda delivering her will to the kids during, what seemed like, a nice little lunch was entirely too much. Gigi looked horrified and Bella looked small and scared. I do not doubt the fact that Yolanda is sick, but sometimes I wonder how her mother feels about all of these treatments and Yolanda's behavior. 

So do I.   Then again, Yolanda left home at a young age to model and I believe supported her mother so maybe Yolanda is the alpha female in that family and her mother's opinion doesn't matter.

  • Love 4

Maybe because she and Ken have had such a long standing, close relationship with Mohammed and as she's said several times, with his kids as well.  Maybe it seems a bit odd to Lisa because she's never heard anything of the kind from Mohammed or the kids.  JMO, but maybe Lisa has more scoop about Yolanda's manipulative ways than she is willing to spill out of respect to Mohammed and the kids.

I understand this and she said as much. I think where I was going with it was I think she trying to process how she was going to go forward knowing what Yolanda was saying and whether she would ever dare to question Yolanda's claim out loud amongst the group.

  • Love 8

YoFo looks legimately ill to me compared to flashbacks from several seasons ago but that doesn't mean that she isn't exaggerating her symptoms and playing up the ailments for attention or sympathy. Both Bella and Anwar have Lyme's and that's why Bella dropped out of uni? Bullshit. Bitch is whacked out of allegedly Lyme-addled mind if she thinks the audience is gullible enough to believe that.

I know, right? Blatant favoritism towards her golden child GGi who has garnered Yo the fame and attention she so desperately desires, albeit vicariously. I could not believe that basic bitch was back to her sophomoric shenanigans, drawing a heart for Gigi twice the size of the ones she drew for her younger spawn on that Manila envelope. Also, Gigi's name written in a larger, emboldened font.

I hope Lisa R's longtime waxer drops her as a client after the racist joke she made at Eiko's expense.


I agree that Yolanda looks ill (she also looks "puffy"), but I do think that a lot of her looking ill compared to flashbacks is because she is not wearing any makeup.  I can look ill without makeup, as I would think, a lot of women would.  Not using concealer to hide dark circles, no foundation to even out or brighten skin tone, no mascara or eyeliner to emphasize your eyes, can make you look ill.

  • Love 18

"You can't compare Lyme to anything" . . . except when you dishonestly compare it to AIDS in order to bolster your martyr complex. I'm not sure if it was editing but the conversation between Yo and Kyle in the park was ludicrous. Not only do two of her children have chronic Lyme but they also suffered silicone poisoning from breast feeding? And what kind of parent subjects their teenage children to obvious emotional distress for any interest let alone camera time and narrative drama? Like most of her assertions, the ostensible premise for the clearly unexpected discussion to Yo sprung on GBA was pure bullshit. They need to have their mother psychologically abuse them on national television because of some nebulous logic pertaining to their financial welfare and the passing of Yo's own father, which occurred over four decades ago? Call me crazy but I'm pretty certain the Hadid kids will be okay with or without any inheritance from their mom.

Yolanda is THE biggest HW victim of ALL....EVER! LOL


That was absolutely horrible!!  



Is it possible to hate and love an episode at the same time?  


I loved the scenes with Ken and Lisa with Hanky - I think that they both truly do love all their animals.  I loved most of the scene with the girls meeting Erica - it just sounded like a nice bunch of girls getting together and having a drink and girl talk.  I don't think that Lisa is jealous of Erica - I think she is intriqued by her - I think Lisa will judge her a little more once she sees Erica's alter ego and her act, though.


I, too, could do without the waxing scene - not necessary and stupid.


I absolutely HATED the scenes with Yolanda and her family.  My husband was watching with me and he said "How disgusting to film that for TV!"  And what is up with giving them a copy of her will?  What does it say - "I'm sorry - I don't have anything to give you, but your father will have it all covered when he kicks the bucket"???


Also, interesting that Yolanda is now claiming that Anwar and Bella both have Lyme disease.  Are they cured or do they still suffer from it?  I would have to assume, if they did have it at some point, they must be cured.  Anwar participates in school sports (soccer/football or something - we saw it last season), and Bella maintains a pretty full, hectic schedule with her modeling career.  


I also didn't appreciate Yolanda not giving Kyle the same respect she is looking for.  If Kyle does, indeed, have fibromyalgia, then her symptoms are very similar to Lyme disease.  My sister has fibromyalgia and it can be completely debilitating, much like Yolanda is experiencing.  (Although, I don't think that Kyle did have fibromyalgia, because it is a chronic disease that has no cure - it is managed with medication.)


I'm not sure how I feel about Erica yet.  I don't think she is really a good "fit" for this group.

No, she claims they are STILL suffering LD, despite the fact that any school I know of would NEVER allow a sick student play football or soccer.


And, I may have missed this, but what exactly is the surgery that Yolanda is having?  


Is this where she learned that she had a leaky implant and is having them removed?

She had her leaky silicone implants removed and the leaked silicone cleaned up, also maybe a couple of affected lymph nodes that were affected by the silicone as well.




So, after she has this surgery, will she suddenly get her energy back and have the urge to put on some makeup?  I'm really getting tired of seeing Yolanda without makeup - I mean, she's pretty and all, but if I want to see someone with major dark circles under their eyes and no lipstick, I could just shut off my TV and look in a mirror for an hour!!  


To me, the no makeup look is really just Yolanda looking for sympathy.  

In a months time she was back with her trainer. She recovered very, very fast after all the silicone was removed. LOL

  • Love 5
The show is also shady. How many times did they need to show Yolanda talking about how Erika is a disco singer, or Lisa or Kyle wondering why they'd never heard of her? I mean, granted. I've never heard of this woman, either, but I also don't run in those circles, so... However, there's some hilarity in the fact that Erika is somehow an unknown disco singer who none of these women have heard even a peep about in their highfalutin, insulated worlds.


I would guess that Lisa might have a reason to be familiar with her.  Isn't PUMP a dance club? 

  • Love 2

Am I the only person that noticed the slight eyeroll from Erika on the park bench??  I rewound it twice to be sure, but she was not buying all of Yo's bs she was shoveling at Kyle.  She sighed, rolled her eyes, and looked off over her left shoulder.  It was awesomeness.  I hadn't been too impressed with her so far, but this bought her a bit of time. 


Yo needs to let it go already.  No one is buying her crock of shit.  True sign of a liar is one that talks too much about the thing they are trying to convince you of.  She needs to take a seat and get the fuck off my trashy television show.

  • Love 24
No way she breast fed those kids! Too selfish.



She seems like a slot machine of bad medical reasoning. Now she's casually tossing out the idea that having silicone breast implants naturally means you're secreting silicone in your milk and that gives your kids severely suppressed immune systems--which I don't believe you need to have in order to get Lyme, so maybe that's another separate thing they have. It doesn't seem like she ever before said her kids suffered from something like bad immune systems growing up.


It just struck me how she's putting this out there in that "it's only logical!" way as if it's simple science with no questioning of whether it actually works like that.

  • Love 13

I don't know exactly how long they've been friends, but I got the impression that Yolanda was not in the mix when they became friends.  If I remember correctly, the Hadids separated when Anwar was a baby.  JMO but I think Yolanda was probably a constant thorn in Mohammed's side from the time of their separation until they divorced.


So do I.   Then again, Yolanda left home at a young age to model and I believe supported her mother so maybe Yolanda is the alpha female in that family and her mother's opinion doesn't matter.


They were separated I believe and Yolanda had already moved out of Mohammed's house when Lisa/Ken met him. They have been friends since then but Lisa/Ken did not meet Yolanda until she, Y, joined the show.

Hi-def TV and Rinna's pubic stubble -- well, that's lovely. I noticed her red-thread bracelet in that scene, too. Maybe she and Harry met Kyle and Maurice at a Kabbalah for Kouples mixer.


Erika in full lashes, lip liner and something resembling pancake makeup for what was, in theory, a leisurely stroll was very Jackie Collins pot boiler.


Eileen -- IMO every comment she makes comes across as a line reading as if she's thinking now how shall I say this? What's my motivation?

  • Love 11

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