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S09.E27: Recap: Live Final Performances / S09.E28: Live Finale, Part 2

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Jordon won?!! I can't believe it!!  NOT.

Seriously, the guy is super talented and deserved it, hands down. I knew Adam had a winner there when he got lucky enough for Jordan to pick him


Geez Pharrell, can you get out of Jordan's spotlight for a few seconds there. I was yelling at my tv, get out the way Pharrell!


Oh well Gwen, too bad your looong shot dream of being the first female winner got crushed pretty quickly when  Jeffery's name got called first. I can't remember, had any other female judge made it to the finals?


So are Blake and Adam tied for wins now? Or is Blake one up?

Edited by Valny
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Yay Jordan! He definitely deserved it. 


I wasn't totally bored with this finale. I liked many of the group/duet performances. Jordan and Usher were awesome.  Really loved Emily Ann's performance with that I am sure famous country star, whose name I forgot. It was completely fantastic. That is the type of country I enjoy.  The type I don't enjoy: everything Barrett did. I tried to listen when he sang with Wynonna, but couldn't deal.  (Other country I don't like: the Sam guy who talk sings all his songs. I just thought it was that one song, but I guess it's all of them??) But, I really enjoyed several of the group songs with the rest of the contestants (well, Jordan, Jeffrey, and Emily Ann's were fun). Over all, good show.  And Jordan won.  So, yay!

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Congrats to Jordon...I'm not too sure where his talent will take his career, but, I think if he was strong enough to resist some of Adam's song "choices", and stay true to himself, he will have whatever measure of success he is capable of.


I thought Jeffrey would score higher than Baber, but, the country force is strong in this one....


I think Emily Ann might just be the breakthrough artist, at least in country.....she's blond, cute, adorable,way more personable that Danielle, has a decent voice that will only get better, and, if she gets the right material to sing (and that's the really hard part).


It must be tough on these kids to go back to "ordinary" life...

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No doubt Jordan has a beautiful voice, but I'm disappointed that we had a second season in a row where there was ZERO chance anyone could knock off the front-runner. I didn't get the blind adoration of Sawyer last year, and I'm not sure what type of career opportunities Jordan will have. Hopefully I'm wrong and The Voice will finally have a winner that is successful outside of the country genre.

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The fact that Adam gets credit for a coaching win makes my eyes roll so far into my head that I can read my shirt label. He gets credit for shameless begging in the blinds, and then hopping on Jordan's coat tails for the win. Did he pick any songs? Okay, MAYBE Somebody to Love, because that was the only song in Adam's wheelhouse or on his interest level. The rest came out of the American Idol, Season Two song book. Jordan deserved to win. But, he wasn't coached by anyone on Team Voice. He came onto the show already primed and polished.

Any doubts, just rewatch the duet last night. Jordan probably dialed it down a notch as to not totally overpower his coach.

Basically, Adam could sit back and enjoy the road to victory. Jordan didn't need much changing, voice wise. The most changes he went through was wardrobe, stylist and stage production.

Edited by ChicksDigScars
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Congrats to Jordon...I'm not too sure where his talent will take his career, but, I think if he was strong enough to resist some of Adam's song "choices", and stay true to himself, he will have whatever measure of success he is capable of.





Oh, for heaven's sake, this already?  Jordan and Adam, by all accounts, got along famously and experienced very little discord about song selection.  It appeared that Adam did quite a good job coaching Jordan. 


As for the inevitability = boring factor, it didn't bother me, because the winner's inevitability* was based on the winner having a game-changing, fantastic voice.  Sawyer Fredericks sang the same song with the same octave and a half of range show after show last season and was wildly lauded for it from his blind audition to the end.  It was baffling, made no sense, and created a horrible season.  (The stultifying Pharrell didn't help.) 


*As a final note, we'll never know, but I bet that Emily Ann finished pretty close to Jordan in the final tally.  I don't think he was inevitable as some. 

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Jordan deserved the win in my opinion. But I really wish my little ginger would have finish above Barrett.

I could not stomach Winona and Barret, ff button and also used it on that Sam guy that I thought was Bradley Cooper in a black ball cap.

Missy Elliott and pharrell were fun but holy lip sync batman!

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I agree, I don't have a problem with Jordan's "inevitability" the way I did with Sawyer's. Jordan had a beautiful voice and I'm fine with his winning, which is not at all how I felt about Sawyer. The inevitability of one singer winning just takes away some of the enjoyment for me personally, which I'm pretty sure is not a concern for The Voice producers!

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Hopefully I'm wrong and The Voice will finally have a winner that is successful outside of the country genre.


Well, Melanie Martinez has a T10 album, so she's the one non-Blake-country contestant who can be called successful in music.


Though I think Adam's helped her about 0%. Especially compared to Blake.

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The fact that Adam gets credit for a coaching win makes my eyes roll so far into my head that I can read my shirt label. He gets credit for shameless begging in the blinds, and then hopping on Jordan's coat tails for the win. Did he pick any songs? Okay, MAYBE Somebody to Love, because that was the only song in Adam's wheelhouse or on his interest level. The rest came out of the American Idol, Season Two song book. Jordan deserved to win. But, he wasn't coached by anyone on Team Voice. He came onto the show already primed and polished.

Any doubts, just rewatch the duet last night. Jordan probably dialed it down a notch as to not totally overpower his coach.

Basically, Adam could sit back and enjoy the road to victory. Jordan didn't need much changing, voice wise. The most changes he went through was wardrobe, stylist and stage production.


I agree with this entire post except for one thing. None of the songs Jordan sang were performed on American Idol Season 2 unless maybe in an audition or one of the early weeding out episodes. Definitely not from top 12 on. It's sort of pathetic that I knew that so quickly, and I really wish I had that part of my brain available for more useful purposes. 

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Yay Jordan! He definitely deserved it. 


I wasn't totally bored with this finale. I liked many of the group/duet performances. Jordan and Usher were awesome.  Really loved Emily Ann's performance with that I am sure famous country star, whose name I forgot. It was completely fantastic. That is the type of country I enjoy.  The type I don't enjoy: everything Barrett did. I tried to listen when he sang with Wynonna, but couldn't deal.  (Other country I don't like: the Sam guy who talk sings all his songs. I just thought it was that one song, but I guess it's all of them??)

Oh wow, so he talk-sings other songs too?  That drives me batty.  You'd think with half as many notes, he'd be able to hit some of them...cute guy, but yikes.

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I guess I feel the opposite compared to most here. I liked Sawyer much more than Jordan, and the only thing that I was disappointed about last season was Christina getting blocked again. I can't say I've liked anyone I've seen this year (a first) and the only winner I like less than Jordan is Craig.

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While Jordan definitely deserved the win, I get the feeling that production, sensing their chance to have an artist who is in some ways, the American version of Susan Boyle, decided to clear the path for him a bit by having the judges drop a bunch of the more interesting contestants this time around before we got to the voting rounds. 

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Tori Kelly FTW. If I had to bet actual money any new female having a Kelly Clarkson or Pink like career....it'd be her. She made me enjoy a Jeffery song (not just appreciate the technical ability), which was rare this season.


Sam Hunt's a riddle wrapped in an enigma....oh sorry. Seriously though, I've read counter-arguments stating that one of the "country" things in his favor is the spoken word stuff that he does (despite it blurring the Drake line) which historians of country music trace back to artists like Kris Kristofferson and Chris LeDoux.


Didn't know Emily Ann also had mandolin skills. She seemed on cloud 9 all night....getting to duet w/ Ricky Skaggs and have her female empowerment, Rascal Flatts party. I just hope they (whoever they ends up being) takes their time on a debut single and e.p. Better to err on the side of Miranda who took a significant amount of time after finishing 3rd on Nashville Star before coming out with her debut song "Me and Charlie Talking". It was nice to see Riley again too in her bring back group. If I had to bet on any one of the season's also-rans ever being heard from again, I might bet on her.


Oh yeah, Jordan won. Well if Tessanne>>>>Jordan and Tessanne got absolute crickets (minus one meaningless performance for the Obama's at the White House) post-Voice, then I won't really shed a tear if Jordan is never heard from again.

Edited by PhD-Purgatory15
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I enjoyed the performances last night, but the predictability made the whole season a bit of a snooze. I don't mind that Jordan won since he clearly has talent, but his singing leaves me cold emotionally. The only song which really moved me and that I ended up buying was "Burning House" even though I'm not a country music fan. I hope Emily Ann goes on to success because she's cute as a button, and has the personality to be a star. It's not like you have to have the strongest voice to be a star these days. Autotune is around for a reason. 


I was kind of hoping Adele would make an appearance on The Voice ( now there IS a VOICE) since her special was on NBC, but no such luck. 

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So happy that Jordan won, it was well deserved!  My only sadness is that the odious Barrett didn't come in 4th.  (And WTF, Wynonna?  I love and adore you, don't go ruining your *own* song the way Barrett ruins everything with the weird phrasing/timing!)


I have to say I felt every bit of my 37 years last night, because I had never heard of Tori Kelley or Sam Hunt, I couldn't stand Beiber (although I think that's universal, not an age thing) and I thought The Weekend (which I know is spelled differently, but I'm not sure how) was a band, so...

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It's a sad thing but I think I've been as happy as I've ever been watching a finale of this show when they called Barrett as third.  I relaxed and smiled at Mr. Kcat1971 and said o.k. good.  I am fine with a win from the other two but my head would have exploded if that guy won.


I really didn't have a favorite this season.  I was rooting for Shelby in an underdog sort of way.  I still think she has lots of potential-- but really didn't deserve to win yet.  Emily Ann did make the most improvement and definitely deserves runner up status and for this experience to help give her opportunities to continue to improve.  But I'm happy with a Jordan win and more importantly a Barrett not-win.

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From USA Today:http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/tv/2015/12/16/voice-winner-plans-next-music-challenge/77405494/


Levine gave Smith, who got a rare four-chair turnaround during blind auditions before the coaches, all the credit for giving Team Adam its third victory in nine Voice seasons.

The Team Adam winners “were all so good I couldn’t possibly have screwed it up. … I won because (Jordan is) on my team,” said Levine, saying Smith is a better singer than he is. “It’s fun to be this guy’s coach. Every single time he got on stage and sang, I never had to fake it and pretend to be proud.”

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Jordan is super talented but I don't know if his win will translate to success after the show. Pretty much the same thing can be said for every winner, every season. I think the only "successes" are Blake's country artists, but I'm in a phase where I don't follow too much of current music of any genre, so I'm probably not the best judge.


Yay! Christina's back and Gwen's vapidness is on hold for season 10!!! Who will tell the contestants their boots are sparkly when critiquing their singing?


I enjoyed Jordan's group sing the most. Everyone looked as if they were having so much fun. Zach totally outshone Baber on Forever and Ever Amen. Zach really does have a nice traditional country voice. And he's so cute. I hope we hear from him in the future.

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Smith, who got a rare four-chair turnaround


Not that rare.


"Every single time he got on stage and sang, I never had to fake it and pretend to be proud.”


So with whom do you have to fake it, Adam?

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And ... the winner is ... RICKY SKAGGS!


Holy cow, I couldn't believe how talented that guy is. He put everyone to shame with his guitar playing, making those people (*coughbarrettcough*) who hold one and "strum" it as they sing along, look like fools. He not only rocked the house with the guitar playing, he could sing, too. What a master. He's from a genre I would never watch or listen to, but by golly, I might have to check it out. Thanks, show, for putting him on.


Sam Hunt ... WHAaaaa? That guy has been winning awards all over the place and I thought he basically stunk. Shows what I know.


Was surprised Bieber was there and could actually play the piano. Who knew. And he sang without his autotune. Another who knew.


Anyway, congrats to Jordan. I hope he has a rewarding and long career. I like him and I like his singing, so I would listen to him.


And thank goodness the show is over so we can stop hearing about how Barrett has a wife and kids and how much they have sacrificed so he could "follow his dream." If that had been a drinking game, we would all be entering rehab today.

Edited by saber5055
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About an hour after Jordan was announced I realized the only contestant's full name I could remember was Manny Cabo (yeah, I was like wtf?), and that if this was preordained to be a season of big, bombastic, OTT performances with a side of cheese, I'd rather have had Manny around during the lives to take a shot at something like Shinedown's "Second Chance."


Not that he would have won or anything.  But I would have had more fun.


Here's to a better season next year!  In other words, please let's not kill off all the rock voices.

Edited by amaranta
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She doesn't, or at least if she does they were not on display.  She was just clutching the neck without fingering a chord and strumming along in time occasionally, her instrument wasn't in the mix.

So glad I'm not the only one who noticed that she wasn't playing any chords!  I was prepared to be impressed then I watched her carefully and was all "uhm, no, girl ain't playing". 

I watched last night's show in approximately 35 minutes.  Enjoyed "Forever and Ever, Amen" but only when Zach was singing.  Barrett's voice is too high to do anything by Randy Travis justice.  Skipped almost everything else except the Barrett/Wynona duet, and Emily Ann's blonde girl with one token brunette party song, and I FF through parts of those because I was bored.  Listened to snippets of Usher/Jordan and that might have been about it. 

I still don't really think Emily Ann is going to have much of a career in mainstream country music.  15 years ago, she might have had a chance, but that's when you could hear a lot more bluegrass-tinged music on country radio.



And ... the winner is ... RICKY SKAGGS!


Holy cow, I couldn't believe how talented that guy is. He put everyone to shame with his guitar playing, making those people (*coughbarrettcough*) who hold one and "strum" it as they sing along, look like fools. He not only rocked the house with the guitar playing, he could sing, too. What a master. He's from a genre I would never watch or listen to, but by golly, I might have to check it out. Thanks, show, for putting him on.

Yes, Ricky Skaggs is a legend and for good reason.  Oh, for the good 'ol days when country radio was so much more than it currently is.

Edited by HighQueenEB
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And ... the winner is ... RICKY SKAGGS!


Holy cow, I couldn't believe how talented that guy is. He put everyone to shame with his guitar playing, making those people (*coughbarrettcough*) who hold one and "strum" it as they sing along, look like fools. He not only rocked the house with the guitar playing, he could sing, too. What a master. He's from a genre I would never watch or listen to, but by golly, I might have to check it out. Thanks, show, for putting him on.


 [. . .]


Was surprised Bieber was there and could actually play the piano. Who knew. And he sang without his autotune. Another who knew.




Totally agree on Ricky.  He's been one of my favorite country artists for years upon years.  Unbelievably talented, as we saw. 


Bieber was lipsyncing the entire time and I have no doubt that Mirkovich was playing that piano part out of view, or it too was prerecorded, and not by Bieber. 


As far as Emily Ann and her mandolin not being in the mix, that just qualifies her to become the new - and better-looking - guitarist for Coldplay.  That's twice now that Martin and company have showed up on The Voice (that I'm aware of; there could be more instances if they appeared in S1, S2, or S3) and pretended to play a song.  Pointless. 

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I skipped the show because so much suspense....but I missed Ricky Skaggs!!!!  TANJ


From the recap about Emily Ann:  Most Likely To:Be commercially successful/star as Carrie Underwood in VOD release of American Idol: The Ryan Seacrest Story


I believe she actually has the role of Kelly Pickler all sewn up.

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I actually enjoyed Jordan's group sing.  I may have to take another shower to get myself clean.  He seemed to be having fun with it.  I also gained some respect for him by the number and mix of people he brought back.  Of course, this was the opposite of Barrett and his let-me-tell-you-how-special-I-am-for-bringing-back-Zach duet.  Barrett, dude, you're not that special.



And ... the winner is ... RICKY SKAGGS!


Holy cow, I couldn't believe how talented that guy is. He put everyone to shame with his guitar playing, making those people (*coughbarrettcough*) who hold one and "strum" it as they sing along, look like fools. He not only rocked the house with the guitar playing, he could sing, too. What a master. He's from a genre I would never watch or listen to, but by golly, I might have to check it out. Thanks, show, for putting him on.

That is how it's done.  Dayum!  I forgot how well he plays.


I still don't really think Emily Ann is going to have much of a career in mainstream country music.  15 years ago, she might have had a chance, but that's when you could hear a lot more bluegrass-tinged music on country radio.

Yes, Ricky Skaggs is a legend and for good reason.  Oh, for the good 'ol days when country radio was so much more than it currently is.

I think people forget that there really are some very talented country musicians because of what we hear on the radio now.  Of course the same can be said for other genres too.  I need to practice standing and holding an instrument to see if I can get on The Voice and be praised for it. 

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The love for Ricky Skaggs makes me smile. My Dad LOVED him. He was really into Bluegrass (I am not... mainly due to Dad making us listen to it on the way to church every Sunday) and Skaggs is really something else. Watching him play is a pleasure. My sister and I were both delighted to see him.


I caught him quite by accident on TV one time... it was his band and The Chieftains at the Grand Ole Opry and it was awesome. I wonder if it's on You Tube?


Barret was absolutely the wrong voice to be singing Randy Travis but Zack did a wonderful job.


And Missy Elliot just brings it every time.


But this was Jordan's win and I'm so happy because he absolutely deserved it. 

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Okay show. What point are you trying to make putting all the people of color who got the boot (which is ALL of them) in the same "ex-contestant performance"?

And ... the winner is ... RICKY SKAGGS!


Holy cow, I couldn't believe how talented that guy is. He put everyone to shame with his guitar playing, making those people (*coughbarrettcough*) who hold one and "strum" it as they sing along, look like fools. He not only rocked the house with the guitar playing, he could sing, too. What a master. He's from a genre I would never watch or listen to, but by golly, I might have to check it out. Thanks, show, for putting him on.

I was saying the same thing with Dolly Parton the other week. I mean the difference in approach, the actual chops, is so different than the current mess that is Country Music.

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And ... the winner is ... RICKY SKAGGS!


Holy cow, I couldn't believe how talented that guy is. He put everyone to shame with his guitar playing, making those people (*coughbarrettcough*) who hold one and "strum" it as they sing along, look like fools. He not only rocked the house with the guitar playing, he could sing, too. What a master. He's from a genre I would never watch or listen to, but by golly, I might have to check it out. Thanks, show, for putting him on.


Sam Hunt ... WHAaaaa? That guy has been winning awards all over the place and I thought he basically stunk. Shows what I know.


Was surprised Bieber was there and could actually play the piano. Who knew. And he sang without his autotune. Another who knew.


Anyway, congrats to Jordan. I hope he has a rewarding and long career. I like him and I like his singing, so I would listen to him.


And thank goodness the show is over so we can stop hearing about how Barrett has a wife and kids and how much they have sacrificed so he could "follow his dream." If that had been a drinking game, we would all be entering rehab today.

Everything in your entire post is exactly how I felt about last night's show. Except I couldn't remember Ricky Skaggs' name. But he and his band were AMAZING. And I wish I had been playing that drinking game you came up with. Being drunk throughout Barrett's presence on the show would have been much better.

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And ... the winner is ... RICKY SKAGGS!


Holy cow, I couldn't believe how talented that guy is. He put everyone to shame with his guitar playing, making those people (*coughbarrettcough*) who hold one and "strum" it as they sing along, look like fools. He not only rocked the house with the guitar playing, he could sing, too. What a master. He's from a genre I would never watch or listen to, but by golly, I might have to check it out. Thanks, show, for putting him on.

Ricky was awesome.  If you enjoy him, check out Alison Krauss and Union Station sometime, another band full of ridiculously talented bluegrass musicians.

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Ricky Skaggs is the kind of country I enjoy. (He did a great duet album with Bruce Hornsby some years ago). But on that number with Emily Ann, she was just along for the ride. She looked very pretty, but that was the extent of her contribution. But that's okay. For me it was still the best number of the night by a mile.


I fast forwarded through all the group numbers. It was confirmation of what a bunch of really lackluster singers we had this year. Interesting theory someone raised about the coaches not picking the better singers so Jordan wouldn't have any competition. But I don't buy it. I just think the talent pool is getting thin. And with the increasing dominance of country music over the past few seasons, I imagine that many talented non-country singers are choosing to not even audition.


So we had the Year of Jordan after The Year of Sawyer. Two completely different singers, but both dominant, which is not a good thing for the show.


I think that the deck was stacked from the beginning, with all the "most important contestant ever" and "God chose you" nonsense. I don't begrudge him the win, he's certainly talented, but his voice was never my cup of tea. I guess if I liked his kind of singing I'd been listening to the Vienna Boys Choir.


Goodbye Gwen. I will not miss the crying, the ego, the obsession with physical appearance, the shrieks of "OMG, you're 16." Never thought anyone could make me miss Christina. Actually, my favorite holder of the Blonde Female Coach chair is Shakira. She's funny and kind and her concern for her singers always seemed genuine, and not in the "look how wonderful I am for caring" way of Gwen and Christina.

Edited by bluepiano
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Tori Kelly FTW. If I had to bet actual money any new female having a Kelly Clarkson or Pink like career....it'd be her. She made me enjoy a Jeffery song (not just appreciate the technical ability), which was rare this season.

Tori Kelly only emphasized how Not Ready For Primetime Jeffrey is. It's a shame Meghan Trainor is almost definitely going to beat Tori for the Best New Artist Grammy, but I guess it could be far worse (if that Sam Whatshisname person wins).

Speaking of blowing Voice contestants out of the water, what idiot (Blake?) put Wynona next to that personality vacuum Barrett?

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I have to say I felt every bit of my 37 years last night, because ....I thought The Weekend (which I know is spelled differently, but I'm not sure how) was a band, so...


You're not alone! I also thought The Weeknd (had to look that up...he has something against too many Es I guess?) was a band, until I saw him perform on some awards show a few weeks ago. 


Meanwhile, as much as I love Jordan and his beautiful voice, pairing him with Usher was a huge mistake. It just showed how much his voice is not as well suited for pop music as it is for choir music. 


Count me as another viewer hoping that Gwen is not back as a coach. Maybe she would have been better in a different season when she wasn't going through such a public divorce and subsequent public romance with a fellow coach, but her attention almost never seemed focused on her team. 

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Agree with a lot of comments.


Love Ricky Skaggs!!  His guitar playing was awesome and I also like the band in this one.  Emily Ann looked pretty in the number but that's it.  It was all Ricky.  I don't listen to country radio.  I hope it didn't change to that Sam guy's style.  I fast forwarded through him.  It wasn't the rapping because I did enjoy Missy and Pharrell's number.


Barrett bringing up Zach only showed me that I really prefer Zach's voice.  He has a nice deep voice especially for somebody that is so young.  Sorry, Wynonna!!  I listened to you at the beginning and then had to ff when Barrett started singing.


Enjoyed Usher and Jordan.  His group number was also fun.  Tori showed up Jeffery.  I also enjoyed the Weeknd which I also thought was a group until an awards show.  I usually like Coldplay but not last night.

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I only just got to the Bleiber part of the show. Ugh.  I actually think he probably IS really playing the piano (rather than it being faked) but man is his voice inferior. Pitchy from front to back. At least that proved he was really singing live though. I'll give him minor props for actually doing that (when allegedly he's lipsyched--usually hidden under his baseball cap brim--many other times).

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By the way, I know Carson is in many ways a cut rate host, but what was the deal with him breaking into Jordan's moment with Adam just to hand him a meaningless trophy nobody's ever going to reference again? I really wonder if previous Voice winners have their V for Voice trophies cluttering up their display cases at home or not. Really the prize is the contract, the touring, the promo, the cash award, etc.  Nobody gives a shit about the trophy Carson, and you've been doing this long enough now you should know that.

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I feel so smart, knowing The Weeknd from seeing him on SNL some weeks ago, beating all you guys to the punch. However, it is here that I learned how to spell his moniker, so I guess we're even. (Real name: Abel Makkonen Tesfaye!)


Can't imagine why Bieber was on this show. What was up with that? It doesn't fit his "profile." Kromm, I thought he was a bit pitchy too, missing his autotune, and was surprised he was there without it, and without Skrillex and Diplo. Would have been a hoot to have him paired with one of the contestants.


Loved getting to see/hear the black woman singer with the odd name which I cannot remember. She was my favorite this season.

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Also a bit odd... was Usher walking up to Jordan mid-performance at the end there. 

Loved getting to see/hear the black woman singer with the odd name which I cannot remember. She was my favorite this season.

Nadjah Nicole.  Who has to go through life with everyone thinking it's "Nausea".

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Also a bit odd... was Usher walking up to Jordan mid-performance at the end there.

 Thanks for reminding me.  I like the part where Usher started walking around Jordan because he was timing how long he held a note.  He was checking out his watch and making an I'm impressed face.


Also thought that Bieber sounded flat.

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