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S04.E07: Spit Take

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Ariana is always so crabby. She actually smiled at one point tonight and I thought oh, she is pretty when she smiles. I think this is the first time I've seen her smile this season. She usually just looks pissed off. Plus she is totally worried Tom is going to screw around in Vegas. But she is playing it off as an annoying gender issue cause you know Ariana is the intellectual, the cool girl and all that. I see you Ariana and your not fooling me.

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I thought it was hilarious that Sandoval was all like "I'm the better speaker, let me take the lead." I thought Schwartz actually sounded better than Sandoval during the meeting.


That's exactly what I thought. FI Tom made no sense. TH, "You can't show all your cards at once, that's why I should have talked first." Flash to "business meeting" ---"We're willing to work pro bono." Hand to forehead.


Okay I love FI Tom as much as the next poster, but he has been looking ROUGH lately. And the scene between him and Ariana at the bar (which I have SO MUCH to say about) Ariana looked rough too (use a hair brush next time). What was up with that? Their looks, not Ariana's seething resentment. I guess they woke up and showed up from partying the night before, but FI Tom has always looked bad since getting with Ariana. (We know Ariana is not into hetero-normative things, so Kristen must have stolen the flat iron).


I do agree that Ariana is starting the seething resentment phase of being "Amy". Such a tough life that one. No, she doesn't want a a ring ya'll she's cool (when someone says something multiple times they are usually trying to convince themselves). It's not that she can't trust FI for a weekend... So much worse if their facetime fails BEFORE you get the ring. Any excuse you can live with Ariana!


Unpopular opinion alert!: Kristin? Needs to bathe? Don't see it. Last season? Yes. This season?  Not when I have Jax, FI Tom, DJ Crack, and Ariana on my screen. I'm blind to it I guess.


Anyone catch James saying, "I don't talk to women like that Kristen- only you." Um yeah, too bad we have you talking to LaLa the same way. She's pathetic for being with your dumb ass (sorry can't be said enough).


James is a nerd who puts on this bad boy act- DJ, drugs, "rough sex", the put-upon accent (if you catch my drift- and I think you do)... I HATE the fact that he got with LaLa. That says all that I need to know about LaLa. You were fooled by that crap and you're closer to thirty?

Edited by Granimal
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I was pretty dubious about the dinner at Sur for homeless kids.  It seemed even more sketchy once I saw Ariel and heard she wasn't with a real charity and was just someone that contacted Lisa on Facebook-- I swear she looked directly at the camera at one point, so I just assumed it was a ploy to get on TV.  The dinner actually seemed fairly nice and I think the way the cast was all there and introduced maybe the real reason for a dinner at SUR is all the kids wanted to meet the cast, but they couldn't just come out and say that on the show?


The fight between Jax and James was hilarious.  It seemed to me that Jax is actually pissed off that DJ Muppet's antics are taking over the show.  I think he almost broke the 4th wall and said as much with the "It just irks me, everything is revolving around him."  I did enjoy the muppet calling Jax steroid face.


Jax's crazy forehead wound looks super swollen.  I wonder what is going on.


DJ Muppet is kinda nuts and not in a delightful Kristin way.  Andy was for real totally super angry at him and Lala on WWHL.  I don't feel like that fight would last very long.  James doesn't strike me as a scrapper. 


On the after show Jax was acting like he was ready to rip off a chunky sweater and fight DJ Muppet.  


 I was feeling pretty bad about my cocker spaniels' haircuts (or lack thereof, they're holding out a week so they can look fresh and pretty for Xmas) until I saw Lisa's on the after show.  That dog needed its face shaved down so it could see.  She should probably just have a groomer on staff given how many dogs she has. Or I'm sure FI Tom was once an expert dog groomer to the stars when he wasn't busy making omelettes and scrambles.  Anyway, mine are miserable if their faces even get close to that long and I have clippers at home specifically to touch up their faces between trips to the groomer.




Kirsten and James I think do some substances together, party drugs at least. When Kristin tells him he is on a path downward, I think she is referring to his drug use. I think James is taking Molly-- it's relatively cheap, a social party drug, and keeps people slim-- frequent users are often just as thin if not thinner than James. I would say he's rolling, but I'm not a drug user, so it's just intuition based on the way he looks and acts. 


Molly is usually a happy drug though and he's a complete asshole.  I think he is probably taking some other kind of stimulant though.

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Seriously tho, what exactly were the Toms interviewing for?  Was it sales rep jobs to shill Lisa's pre-made sangria?  Oh my goodness, I'm still yukking it up over the thought of either of those 2 having a job with regular hours & actual responsibilities.  So is Sandoval as crappy a bartender as Jax?  Cuz Ariana was acting like he really sucks as a bartender.

Yeah, they didn't seem to get the hint from Lisa Vanderbucks about how to be prepared, either.


And OT, but I'm watching WWHL with Lala and James right now. They are never going to be asked back on because they've already had to have their words bleeped over eight times. Klassy! Andy seems really annoyed.

Well, that's one way to not have to appear on Andy's lame show...




I don't blame Ariana getting her dander up about the "boys' trip" to Vegas. Those never turn out well, do they?

Not sure that I quoted Ubiquitous correctly since I'm on my phone. (Sorry if I didn't!) anyway, I totally agree that I wouldn't blame Arianna either. But as I recall, for the past two Seasons, she's been the "cool" girlfriend. And sold herself as not the jealous, clingy type... Way too mature and above that type..(a la the anti- Kristen). So, it just seems hypocritical now for her, (the cool girlfriend) to suddenly be portrayed as jealous. And then whining about it being the day after her birthday! God, shut up and take a seat! (Side note: I'd never trust FI Tom in Vegas either; but I'd never date him in the first place ;-)

Correct me if I am wrong, but Arianna's been to Vegas on these group trips before, right? In fact, weren't she and Tom and Jax and Kristen together in their room on the bed laughing at Stassi's runner-up friends' selfies?


I was pretty dubious about the dinner at Sur for homeless kids.  It seemed even more sketchy once I saw Ariel and heard she wasn't with a real charity and was just someone that contacted Lisa on Facebook-- I swear she looked directly at the camera at one point, so I just assumed it was a ploy to get on TV.  The dinner actually seemed fairly nice and I think the way the cast was all there and introduced maybe the real reason for a dinner at SUR is all the kids wanted to meet the cast, but they couldn't just come out and say that on the show?

BINGO! I think you figured out the REAL reason for that dubious dinner at SUR.

Was the "Jax and DJ Muppet Baby Show" included as their dinner entertainment?


I did find it amusing at the last-minute staff meeting, successful businesswoman Lisa Vanderbucks told everyone there that she wasn't yelling at them for screwing up, for once.

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When Jax recounted how he and LaLa were wasted and he took her home but nothing happened, even tho he wanted to "destroy her" (ugh), did anyone get the impression nothing happened b/c he was unable to, ahem, awaken lil'Jax?

That is EXACTLY what I thought when he muttered "we couldn't." We know Jax by now. The only thing that would EVER stop him from having sex with any woman is if his penis failed to cooperate. Or maybe Lala told him aunt Flo was in town and wouldn't let him? Gotta be one of those though

Edited by bblancobrnx
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I thought Lisa, Pandora, And Jason were being real assholes to the Toms. "Brand ambassadors" are a real thing...maybe not something I would consider a real job or a solid career, but they are definitely a thing companies pay people with a lot of social media followers to do. If Smug Pandy doesn't know this then maybe she is not as awesome at her silver-platter job as she thinks she is.

Also, I thought Lisa's suggestion to FI Tom pre-meeting that he find out about the sales and financials of LVP was a little ridiculous. The company isn't public (is it?) so unless the Todds publish that shit online I don't know where the Toms would get it. The Toms absolutely could have done a better brand ambassador presentation (but presentations are for assholes so...) but the Lisa, Jason and Pandy could have been 100% less gross and less obvious that they were just letting the poor stupid peasants perform for their amusement with no intention of actually deigning to let the Toms work for them.

Edited by jkitty
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So I have a little theory now. I think Ken Todd is connected to the criminal underworld and was an ex enforcer. Did you see the way he grabbed FI on an early episode, and the way he threatened Jax when the Pump bartender was coming in...Now Lisa tells James if he raises his voice in her restaurant it will be the last thing he ever does...When Ken is in the restaurant with her... He even carries Jiggy around like the Don with his cat...very interesting indeed

Edited by bblancobrnx
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Okay, first of all, the most important question - is Jax dying his hair? Is it just me? Or did it look unnaturally black, especially around the hairline? Once I noticed it, I couldn't focus on anything else. 


And Brittany is an idiot. Seeing her on the after the show, just laughing off his chicanery and buying all of his excuses - she's either using him for something or she's an idiot who deserves everything she gets. Also, her eyebrows are way too heavy! And I know thicker/darker brows are in and they can look really good if done right. Hers just look overly done and sloppy to me. And apparently girl has only two levels for her clothing - barely underwear or floor skimming. Sorry, I just really do not like her. 


James is clearly not over Kristen. Clearly. If he really and truly did not care about her and was ready to move on, he would not get THAT angry. It's hilarious seeing Kristen so calm and smiling and James is just ready to erupt. The spitting was nasty and juvenile. But it's James. So I wasn't shocked or anything. And Jax can lose me with his knight-in-shining-armor attitude. He just looks for reasons to call out James. If Sandoval had spit on Kristen's door, he would not have cared at all. 


So the Toms are really setting the world on fire with their non-plans and pretty faces, huh? The bad side to hiring them is - they won't commit. You can't really count on them to shill your sangria until the day of. Because, you know, summer is just full of birthday parties and perms. But the upside is, they'll do it for free. So basically, keep doing what you're doing, Pandora and Jason, and if Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum show up at some club and tell everyone how awesome Lisa's drink is? All the better. 


Wow, that Ariana is one cold bitch when she doesn't get her way, no? First it was because Tom didn't consult on her about the drinks. But then...God forbid Peter have a birthday. And dare to celebrate it! With his friends! The nerve!!! Ariana can lose me with her whole "break gender stereotypes" BS. Because that wasn't what it was about. She's just pissed because she thinks she's one of those girls that is just SO cool that the guys want her around all the time. Also, she's probably jealous because she doesn't have enough female friends to organize a girls trip to Vegas. I hope Tom kisses some other girl behind the Golden Nugget. Sorrynotsorry. 



Nothing to say about Scheana this week, thank goodness. 

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Haven't those poor kids suffered enough already without being subjected to the "SUR experience"? *shudder*


I know. They've NEVER been in a restaurant before and THAT'S they're first experience? They'll probably never eat out again, even if able to. 


When Jax recounted how he and LaLa were wasted and he took her home but nothing happened, even tho he wanted to "destroy her" (ugh), did anyone get the impression nothing happened b/c he was unable to, ahem, awaken lil'Jax?


That's exactly what I thought. He said he really wanted to, but there was a huge amount of frustration in his voice.


OK, so we're supposed to believe Jax & Kristen are all of a sudden best buds?  Huh?  Who wrote this bullshit?  Satan Andy?  Lisa?  The other scuzzy producers?   Eh, it makes absolutely no sense, but I don't care.


It makes perfect sense to me. They have the same bond most of the people on this show have - mutual hatred of the same person. Kristen hates James, and now so does Jax - because James got to Lala first. So now they can dish about how much James sucks and pretend he's their punching bag. 

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Kudos to the poster who said that Jax is basically just mad that James is hogging all the airtime.  That's why he has his unholy alliance with Kristen, which I love.  Those two have always been the stars of this show for me.  Stassi, too, but only in her first two seasons.  More of them!  More of them together.  More of them separately.  More of them lying.  More of them cheating.  Just more. 


Amazing Ariana finally cracked this episode.  I am dying at you guys saying that she's moved on to the next phase of Gone Girl.  I am actually surprised she showed any emotion?  She's been putting on a front for so long.  I kind of don't blame her for not wanting Tom to go to Vegas.  It is one of his prime cheating locales, afterall.  But I don't feel bad for her at all after the fake front of being so much cooler than Kristen and having the most perfect relationship.  Just have Tom Facetime you from Vegas (if it's working in That Room), take a quick vacay in his eyes and you'll be fine! 


James and Lala were terrible on WWHL.  They are both awful.  Every so often James gets me when he mocks Tom and Jax's age, because he knows it's a sore spot for them.  But most of the time he's awful.  

Edited by Dev
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So, speakimg of "sore spots," remember back in season 3 reunion that Stassi was so mad about something Jax did to her during their time together that she was still being affected by? The big secret that everyone seemed to know but no one would say...Could James' "Jax has herpes" revelation on WWHL ever ring any more true? Jax gave her money for medication perhaps? Probably why Jax said he gave her money on the spot when she called.

Edited by bblancobrnx
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I guess Flat Iron is tired of vacationing in Nugget's judgy, condescending and yet cool eyes.  I get that she doesn't trust him (clearly) but if he'll cheat in Vegas (and Miami), he'll cheat in LA too.   As has been said, Nugget, get your shit together.  Have a girls' spa weekend or something.  You sound pathetic whining over how exciting it will be to be home alone.  Oh boo hoo.  That's your choice.  I'm sure Scheana has a few dozen more wedding pics that could be hung up in her apartment or her 500th wedding scrapbook to create.


James is a total psycho douche.  Kristen shouldn't have let him back into her apartment.  Box his tank tops up and deposit them at Sur's front door.


I must be getting a fever because I actually kinda sorta enjoyed seeing Kristen and Jax doing the boxing thing.

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Lala was on this extremely annoying podcast that I don't recommend, but in addition to referring to the hosts as "daddy" she says that she is used to getting free bottles at the club and that it's a fair trade because they're fat and ugly but because they're buying her liquor they get to sit with her (this is around 9 or 10 minutes in). She also says she'd never put her man on TV if he had an addiction problem, and the host just flat out says "But your man DOES have an addiction problem" (they discuss James at 21:20). It's a very surreal continuation of this latest episode and WWHL. She claims to have had sex with James one time, but she was blacked out and only knows they did it because she said she saw a condom on the floor when she woke up. It's disturbing. She really comes across pretty vile. http://www.podcastone.com/nik-richie-podcast

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Kristin needs someone to film with, so the producers pick Jax. And a "friendship" is born. 


Very little Scheana and her valley girl voice this ep, thank god for that. 


Pandy looks and acts just like her daddy. How unfortunate for her. 


So the 2 Toms aren't the 9 - 5 types. No real jobs for them. So what's their backup plan? Where the hell are these aging part time models going to be in 8 yrs when they hit 40? It's scary to think about. Maybe Ariana is beginning to see the light. I can see her frustration. Actually, I don't ever think she was really that in to FI anyway. I think once Katie and Schwartzie get married, she will continue to be the major breadwinner and once she becomes pregnant and pops out the first kid Schwartzie will settle in to being the stay at home dad.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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I guess Flat Iron is tired of vacationing in Nugget's judgy, condescending and yet cool eyes.  I get that she doesn't trust him (clearly) but if he'll cheat in Vegas (and Miami), he'll cheat in LA too.


I have no pity for Arianna. She knew what Tom was like when they got together, since...you know...they "got together" while he was still with his ex. Oh, but that was because Kristen is awful and Arianna is just awesome and cool and totally gets him. Riiiiiight. It's so painfully obvious that she doesn't believe any of the shit she's been selling. 

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I thought Lisa, Pandora, And Jason were being real assholes to the Toms. "Brand ambassadors" are a real thing...maybe not something I would consider a real job or a solid career, but they are definitely a thing companies pay people with a lot of social media followers to do. If Smug Pandy doesn't know this then maybe she is not as awesome at her silver-platter job as she thinks she is.

Also, I thought Lisa's suggestion to FI Tom pre-meeting that he find out about the sales and financials of LVP was a little ridiculous. The company isn't public (is it?) so unless the Todds publish that shit online I don't know where the Toms would get it. The Toms absolutely could have done a better brand ambassador presentation (but presentations are for assholes so...) but the Lisa, Jason and Pandy could have been 100% less gross and less obvious that they were just letting the poor stupid peasants perform for their amusement with no intention of actually deigning to let the Toms work for them.

I actually agree. It's not like the Toms would have access to the industry trade magazines that would go into more depth about trends and sales nor do the Toms have a legion of research associates like a consulting firm would have. Brand Ambassador is the best you could probably get from them given their lack of access to information. And though LVP sangria is sold in lots of places, I'm betting the 20 somethings that show up at the Toms club appearances have never heard of it and would never drink it. It would actually help the brand of the Toms showed up at every appearance with a case of LVP sangria and vodka and had a couple of specialty recipes for both to teach the bartenders at the club appearance.

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Constructed for the show or not, I really like the friendship between Jax and Kristen. Unlike the other cast members, Jax and Kristen have gotten called on their shit the most often, so I feel like there's a lack of pretense between them that is oddly refreshing. They've done their dirt together, so their relationship seems based on...dare I say it? Honesty? 

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LaLa and James are on WWHL right now and man Andy is getting really pissed about all of the cussing going on with the both of them!

James is just the most foul-mouthed disgusting guy besides Jax. He was on 'Watch What Happens Live' just now and they had to bleep out half of what he said, his mouth is so dirty. Andy Cohen got angry with him and threatened to wash his mouth out with soap. He even let it out the Jax has herpes! (as if we couldn't guess that).


Sandoval and Schwartz made complete fools of themselves on National television by not being even the least prepared to make a cohesive presentation to Lisa's daughter and her husband who are both consummate professional business people. The two looked like clowns and Lisa couldn't contain her amusement at the antics of these two bozos. I wouldn't hire them even 'pro bono' to walk my dog.

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James is just the most foul-mouthed disgusting guy besides Jax. He was on 'Watch What Happens Live' just now and they had to bleep out half of what he said, his mouth is so dirty. Andy Cohen got angry with him and threatened to wash his mouth out with soap. He even let it out the Jax has herpes! (as if we couldn't guess that).

Sandoval and Schwartz made complete fools of themselves on National television by not being even the least prepared to make a cohesive presentation to Lisa's daughter and her husband who are both consummate professional business people. The two looked like clowns and Lisa couldn't contain her amusement at the antics of these two bozos. I wouldn't hire them even 'pro bono' to walk my dog.

And I also LOVE the fact that these dummies do not even know what pro Bono means...unless they think shilling LVP Sangria is for the public good

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And I also LOVE the fact that these dummies do not even know what pro Bono means...unless they think shilling LVP Sangria is for the public good

Tom and Tom were entering a business meeting with millionaire money-making executives. Pandora, Jason and Lisa. They weren't dressed professionally, they weren't groomed professionally and they most certainly were as prepared as a couple of five year old kindergarten kids. Their business plan was to be 'brand ambassadors'.air-quotes.gif


Tom Sandoval didn't want to 'show all his cards' at this meeting (LOL!), but Toms deck was folded long before the meeting. Neither of them had anything at all. Schwartz "I just want to let you know that...I'm in". LOL!  In on what Tom? They had a full week to prepare for this meeting but they came totally unprepared with any vision, any plan, any goals and basically nothing at all.


Quotes to remember from the 'business meeting' between Sandoval and Schwartz, Lisa, Pandora and Jason.


Tom Schwartz: "I'm willing to commit to being non-committal, I'm good at being non-committal, it's like a march to death."

Tom Schwartz: "I just want you to know that... I'm in"

Lisa: "how can this plan be too vague, there is no plan to be vague".

Lisa: "If you start on Monday, what do you do?"

Sandoval: "that's the issue, this is not something where I can show up on Monday morning and commit, I'll have to see as my week goes on".

Tom Schwartz: "So in light of what we've presented, what do you think?"

Pandora: "well, you want to come on board. I don't have to pay you and your going to help promote LVP? well, yeah.. I guess".


Overall, this 'business meeting' was just about the funniest and most embarrassing episode EVER for these two dumb-ass Toms. They are mental midgets. But at least I got a ton of laughs AT them and with Lisa who couldn't control herself from laughing in their faces.

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I know. The Toms were really comedy gold. I am enjoying the crap outta them this year.

Now I need Stassi to check in. I am curious to see what she will bring to the table. Don't quote me but it seems I read somewhere that she moves in with Kristin. Couch surfing. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Edited by FanOfTheFans
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I haven't read all the comments, but I thought James' mom was Kristen at first.


She actually looks younger & better than Kristen -- and she's 45.  Well, at least she says she's 45 anyway.  Thanks show, for giving me a valid reason to tell friends why I watch this thing.  It's for historical purposes, of course.  Because Jacqueline Kennedy is the mother of one of the peeps on here.  OK then.


Pandy looks and acts just like her daddy. How unfortunate for her. 


Hey, Mumsy's & Popsy's dough bought her that smokin' hot piece she's married to.  Don't ask me to feel sorry for her.


Did anyone catch Lala singing on WWHL?  No shit, that girl really can sing.  I mean it, she's really good!  No wonder Scheana hates her guts.

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I know. The Toms were really comedy gold. I am enjoying the crap outta them this year.

Now I need Stassi to check in. I am curious to see what she will bring to the table. Don't quote me but it seems I read somewhere that she moves in with Kristin. Couch surfing. Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Go on Stassi, I double-dare you to lick the back of Kristen's door.


I had visions of Sandoval and Schwartz in 30 years when they're breaking in their new comedy routine in a run-down casino (way) off the Vegas strip.  Keep trying guys.



Edited by HumblePi
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That's why I find it funny too. She and FI both talked about how "understanding" she was and so unlike his previous girlfriend, Kristen. They have such a healthy relationship. Ick. Blah. And then talking about how the trip is happening the day after her birthday? If the trip happened on her birthday and Tom was all, "yeah I'm in, let's go!" that's something, but it's.. not, so do the "adulting" thing you and your boyfriend talk about and just deal with it. Yeah I know it's FI Tom and stuff, but seriously? You sound like a child. Maybe she really is Amazing Amy you guys and now her psycho side is finally coming out. Hey, as Amy said we can only be the "cool girl" for so long.


My bold, because I agree with that part. Sometimes you are the relaxed GF and then, all of a sudden, because of it, you find yourself constantly last on the prioroty list because, hey, you won't mind...again. Not saying that's what's happening here, but that it does happen and I can tell you that it sucks.

That said, I have no problem with Ariana and her supposed smugness on this show, so make of that what you will. On the other hand, I can see why a woman who cheated with a guy would have reason to worry about that guy going on a trip without her. And that's her own doing.


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Did anyone catch Lala singing on WWHL?  No shit, that girl really can sing.  I mean it, she's really good!  No wonder Scheana hates her guts.

Yes and I couldn't believe my ears, it was damn good!  I wonder if she has gold hot pants and a gyrating dance routine to go along with it, should she ever perform on bar tables a la Scheana Shay. 

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My bold, because I agree with that part. Sometimes you are the relaxed GF and then, all of a sudden, because of it, you find yourself constantly last on the prioroty list because, hey, you won't mind...again. Not saying that's what's happening here, but that it does happen and I can tell you that it sucks.


I get that. But that's not even what I saw happening. Peter just mentioned his birthday. Tom didn't even officially say he was going. Just at the mere mention, Ariana throws her hands up and storms off. It seemed like a really over the top reaction. So she can have the big birthday bash that SHE wants, but Peter can't? I mean, she seemed pissed at Peter, to me! He can't help it that his birthday is right around the same time as hers, but it didn't sound like the two parties would conflict with each other. And, if they did, I seriously doubt Tom would choose Peter over her. But is not allowed to do anything with the guys without her?

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I'm fairly certain that the Idiot Tom's had no clue what pro bono meant.

They don't. Flat Iron probably heard somewhere that lawyers work pro bono sometimes, so he thought that it meant they'd get paid a ton of money.

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I'm fairly certain that the Idiot Tom's had no clue what pro bono meant.


They don't. Flat Iron probably heard somewhere that lawyers work pro bono sometimes, so he thought that it meant they'd get paid a ton of money.

 Or maybe "on a job-by-job basis." 


That's about as generous as I'll be. ;) 


Caveat emptor. That means: "Don't throw Latin around when you don't know what it means." :) 

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Lala is all around kind of embarrassing, but I agree that she can sing.  So, ya know, at least she's got that going for her (as opposed to a respectable job, good taste in men, etc...)


ghoulina, on 15 Dec 2015 - 3:07 PM, said:

I get that. But that's not even what I saw happening. Peter just mentioned his birthday. Tom didn't even officially say he was going. Just at the mere mention, Ariana throws her hands up and storms off. It seemed like a really over the top reaction. So she can have the big birthday bash that SHE wants, but Peter can't? I mean, she seemed pissed at Peter, to me! He can't help it that his birthday is right around the same time as hers, but it didn't sound like the two parties would conflict with each other. And, if they did, I seriously doubt Tom would choose Peter over her. But is not allowed to do anything with the guys without her?


It was a strange reaction, and it lead me to believe 2 possible scenarios.  1) We, the audience, aren't privy to previous conversations that they've had on the subject or 2) This is totally made-up TV drama for ratings. 


I tend to lean towards #2 as the most plausible explanation, but we shall see!



I guess Flat Iron is tired of vacationing in Nugget's judgy, condescending and yet cool eyes.



LMAO - this is too good!  Yeah sounds like the vacation is over.

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Even if Arielle herself is somewhat... er... of unknown origin, job-wise, one of the dinner-party participants mentioned a real-deal charity: Covenant House. And there is one in Hollywood.


The kids might have been getting services from Covenant house, but I don't think Ariel and the SUR field trip were a part of that.  When Ken asked her what program she did her volunteer work through she just said she paid for it all on her own and didn't mention any program names.

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That's exactly what I thought. FI Tom made no sense. TH, "You can't show all your cards at once, that's why I should have talked first." Flash to "business meeting" ---"We're willing to work pro bono." Hand to forehead.


Okay I love FI Tom as much as the next poster, but he has been looking ROUGH lately. And the scene between him and Ariana at the bar (which I have SO MUCH to say about) Ariana looked rough too (use a hair brush next time). What was up with that? Their looks, not Ariana's seething resentment. I guess they woke up and showed up from partying the night before, but FI Tom has always looked bad since getting with Ariana. (We know Ariana is not into hetero-normative things, so Kristen must have stolen the flat iron).


I do agree that Ariana is starting the seething resentment phase of being "Amy". Such a tough life that one. No, she doesn't want a a ring ya'll she's cool (when someone says something multiple times they are usually trying to convince themselves). It's not that she can't trust FI for a weekend... So much worse if their facetime fails BEFORE you get the ring. Any excuse you can live with Ariana!


Unpopular opinion alert!: Kristin? Needs to bathe? Don't see it. Last season? Yes. This season?  Not when I have Jax, FI Tom, DJ Crack, and Ariana on my screen. I'm blind to it I guess.


Anyone catch James saying, "I don't talk to women like that Kristen- only you." Um yeah, too bad we have you talking to LaLa the same way. She's pathetic for being with your dumb ass (sorry can't be said enough).


James is a nerd who puts on this bad boy act- DJ, drugs, "rough sex", the put-upon accent (if you catch my drift- and I think you do)... I HATE the fact that he got with LaLa. That says all that I need to know about LaLa. You were fooled by that crap and you're closer to thirty?


FI Tom is really an idiot. Have you ever seen him on WWHL? He can't even complete a sentence without interrupting himself. He thinks he is deep and making a point when he actually just spits out nonsense. He held the Flat Iron too close to his head over the years and has fried his brain.


I love it!

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I've always suspected that the thing that Jax had done that long term affected Stassi (which was brought up on a reunion I believe) was that he had given her the old "gift that keeps on giving".  I first wondered about the big H when FI found out Jax had banged his girlfriend and kept asking if they had used a condom while simultaneously squirming and flop sweating .  


So, Jax is a walking herp sore? SHOCKER.  



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LaLa and James are on WWHL right now and man Andy is getting really pissed about all of the cussing going on with the both of them!

Both of them were high...James was more obvious.

He had total diarrhea mouth and could NOT shut up (coke or meth?)


I wonder if Lisa V is concerned at all that James and Max are friends. Wouldn't she want Max who had his own issues to stay the eff away from that douche?

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I get that. But that's not even what I saw happening. Peter just mentioned his birthday. Tom didn't even officially say he was going. Just at the mere mention, Ariana throws her hands up and storms off. It seemed like a really over the top reaction. So she can have the big birthday bash that SHE wants, but Peter can't? I mean, she seemed pissed at Peter, to me! He can't help it that his birthday is right around the same time as hers, but it didn't sound like the two parties would conflict with each other. And, if they did, I seriously doubt Tom would choose Peter over her. But is not allowed to do anything with the guys without her?

Oh, I don't know...it looked all too familiar to me though (which is why I hesitate to assume that she's some constant controlling maniac...which she very well might be; again I have no real idea). It made me wonder if it was already a matter of contention even before that scene, hence the attitude to poor old put-upon Peter. 


Unfortunately, it's so easy for a woman to get the label of nagging harpy shrew when, often, she's just sticking up for herself or starting to become sick of being taken for granted for her previously easygoing nature. (I mean, not that I'm having some...issues...lately or anything. It's a friend! Yeah, a friend!)

Edited by TattleTeeny
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The kids might have been getting services from Covenant house, but I don't think Ariel and the SUR field trip were a part of that.  When Ken asked her what program she did her volunteer work through she just said she paid for it all on her own and didn't mention any program names.

Oh, no -- I realize that. Just noting that the kids seem legit, even if the coordinator wasn't. But the whole scenario was strange. 


I googled her (got my research degree from the Meghan Edmonds School of Information Science). This must be her charity: http://deapinlove.com/ 

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If that is her, she should have made the most of being on VPR by actually mentioning her organization.  She seems to be coming from a good place.  I really think the dinner was more of a get to meet the VPR cast event and they just couldn't break the 4th wall and say that.  The teens/young adults seemed to really enjoy it, so good on her for making it happen.  The typo on the landing page pop-up made me giggle though.

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If that is her, she should have made the most of being on VPR by actually mentioning her organization.  She seems to be coming from a good place.  I really think the dinner was more of a get to meet the VPR cast event and they just couldn't break the 4th wall and say that.  The teens/young adults seemed to really enjoy it, so good on her for making it happen.  The typo on the landing page pop-up made me giggle though.

Maybe the Toms can be her brand ambassadors. Put that logo on the step-and-repeat!

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So, speakimg of "sore spots," remember back in season 3 reunion that Stassi was so mad about something Jax did to her during their time together that she was still being affected by? The big secret that everyone seemed to know but no one would say...Could James' "Jax has herpes" revelation on WWHL ever ring any more true?


Completely agree with this ~ I remember during the reunion, many people on the forum here guessed that was the big secret. I always thought the sex tape story sounded not quite right.


I still think James is a total DB for saying it on the air though ... Very, very surprised it didn't get beeped out, since half of the other stuff he said did.

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OK, so outta curiosity, I just checked Stassi's Twitter.  Wanna see what she says about last nite's WWHL?




Wait, did we see that forgettable chick Kristina for a half a sec on this ep?  She seems to be the only one Stassi talks to of any of the chucklefucks.  I gather from her Twitter she does a podcast.  Um, OK.  And she barely mentions Patrick.  Last Instagram pic with him was from nearly 2 months ago.  Seems like she still hates everyone on VR & she makes a living from doing some podcast.  Um, can you make a living that way?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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