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S06.E01: Life's A Pitch

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Guys can you please use the First Looks topic for pre-show chatter? There are some people who don't watch them so technically this stuff is "spoilery" before the episode airs. Thanks! I'm moving posts to First Looks until the episode drops. We'd prefer to not have to lock and unlock this thread but if people can't keep pre-show talk in First Looks that's the next step. Thanks! 

  • Love 3

Yolanda and her "no brain function" yet she's alive.

Ok, Lisa V, 2 years ago and holding onto petty mess.

There is more too this.

Kim mentions and we're only 20 Mins in. Poor Kyle cant have a season to herself without her sister being brought up.

Like that Lisa R's daughter is working. Shes showing them to work for what they want and not to mention the kids came off as spoiled rotten last season.

"Hey thanks... Bitch."

Eileen has some classy shade.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 12

Kyle, please find someone to dress you so your back fat rolls don't show like they did when you were having lunch with Lisa. I don't care if your sunglasses cost $75,000 either.

Is this the season of watching Yolanda be sick all the time?

I hope Kyle doesn't make Kim her main storyline, I don't want to see this played out on TV. Especially with Kyle's increased vocal fry and self-pity.

  • Love 12

I hope this whole season with Yo is not going to be all about her illness and treatments. I'm surprised she's doing this show if she's so sick and she really does look sick.

I thought it was kind of funny that Lisa made her daughter get a job so she's not spoiled but they were shopping at an expensive boutique and they just got back from London, Paris and somewhere else.

They didn't show the new housewreck but from the previews I already don't like her. They should have brought back Adrienne.

I am not missing Brandi or Kim at all.

  • Love 16

Is this the season of watching Yolanda be sick all the time?

I hope Kyle doesn't make Kim her main storyline, I don't want to see this played out on TV. Especially with Kyle's increased vocal fry and self-pity.

I really couldn't care less about Kyle's relationship with her sister. Enough. I've watched it for 4(?) years. It's always going to be a roller coaster bc Kim's unstable even when she's not using. Kyle needs to accept that she's never going to have a normal, sisterly relationship with her. Accept the ups and downs or cut her off. It's really that simple.

I, too, have illness-exhaustion from watching the whole Brooks ordeal. But, someone close to me has chronic Lyme and they're displaying the same symptoms as Yolanda, and this person's family is also doubting their diagnosis because they're not getting better. So, for me personally, I'm interested to see how this plays out. But I can understand how other viewers are beyond tired of it.

Edited by Silo
  • Love 11

I really could care less about Kyle's relationship with her sister. Enough. I've watched it for 4(?) years. It's always going to be a roller coaster bc Kim's unstable even when she's not using. Kyle needs to accept that she's never going to have a normal, sisterly relationship with her. Accept the ups and downs or cut her off. It's really that simple.


Amen. I find Vyle to be one of THE most boring, lame, and unimaginative people on the face of the planet. She sure loves barking up about her sister, though. Let it go. You're boring enough without barking up about that idiocy with your sister. Sheesh. Zzzz.

  • Love 12

Like some of the new tagline -- Lisa V's and Eileen's in particular.


When Kyle was looking at $75,000 sunglasses, I expected them to show the clip from the second (?) season of that "friend" showing off HER sunglasses "Twenty-five thousand."


Yolanda looks ridiculous without makeup.  Show up at one of your daughters' fashion shows with minimal makeup, THEN I'll believe you.

Edited by AuntieDiane6
  • Love 19

I was thinking about Dana from Season 2 and the $25,000 sunglasses too! Really thought they would show that clip.

Not a fan of Yolanda and hope we don't have a whole season on her illness and whether she's really sick or not. Up to here with that storyline thanks to the OC.

I loved Eileen last season and still do. Loved her TH about Brandi! Already don't care for the new people from just the previews. Please no more Kim. Would rather Camille or Adrienne returned.

Edited by parrotlover
  • Love 8

; I thought she looked exactly like a 50-something without makeup who hadn't engaged in aerobic exercise for a while would on an ordinary day. Hell, I'm two and a half decades younger than Yo, and I might appear as unkempt if I didn't put on some foundation or coverup before heading out the door.

I'm 45 pale, and that is what I look like without makeup. I NEVER leave the house without it.

I have  to say that was kind of a boring premiere. But No Brandi, so....Awesome

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 11

Yolanda looks ridiculous without makeup.  Show up at one of your daughters' fashion shows with minimal makeup, THEN I'll believe you.

Exactly. Yolanda has always loved being perceived as the one who is above it all and somehow different from the others. No, Honey--you don't get to do/be that. The ho'wives are a bunch of famewhoring, dimwitted circus animals. So THAT means--YOU'RE a famewhoring, dimwitted circus animal. The fact that you come to a ho'wife 'event' <eyeroll> sans makeup in no way takes away your circus animal status, Idiot. I agree with Lisa V--put on some concealer--you look like a mental patient.

  • Love 17

This episode was easy to watch with no screeching loon (BG) or non-sober bitch (KR).

Kyle, please wash your sisters name in any capacity out of your mouth.

Eileen, sorry for the loss of your father in law.

Happy birthday LisaR. You and Harry are really a cute couple. A good fit together.

I really don't want to watch the depressing Yolanda is sick story line.

  • Love 12

I hope this whole season with Yo is not going to be all about her illness and treatments. I'm surprised she's doing this show if she's so sick and she really does look sick.


That is her only story line. To me she just looks like she isn't putting on make up so we can see how "sick" she is.. Her look could be deceiving, she may have  dark circles under her eyse due to genetics, we just haven't see them because of the make up she slapped on to portray her model image. Also she could also be working on a jail house palor by staying out of the sun, using a pale makeup to accentuate the look she is going for. I'm not convinced she is that sick, maybe she was called out for looking and feeling great when she needed to be and then do the sickly shtick when she needed tea and sympathy. Who knows.

  • Love 24

Okay...I had a sneaking suspicion that there was trouble in Lemonville when Yolanda revealed that she was in a separate residence away from her "king." Now this makes a LOT more sense. I feel for anyone who is suffering from this disease, which sounds like it's just awful, and I hope Yolanda is being honest, but Yolanda seems more like an aging beauty who is suffering from depression as a result of the loss of her looks, her youth and her 'king' more than anything else. YMMV.

Edited by StevieRocks
  • Love 22

OK, I am just going to say it, Yolanda had a major hot flash at LisaR's party and nothing more IMO. Menopause is also effecting her and she, IMO, refuses to acceptthat fact. I wonder how many symptoms she is blaming on NLD (no longer just LD or even CLD now) when they are just menopause that most women go through at her age?


I went thru early menopause due to some medical complications and swear the were times when I was out and about that I felt I would burst into flames or dissolve into a puddle of sweat.

  • Love 11

Yolanda does look really rough. Not the no makeup thing...just in comparison to herself. If I saw her on the street I wouldn't look twice so it's not like she's some hideous beast or anything . But compared to that flashback where she yelled at Ken? The difference is startling.

Tonight's episode made me believe she believes she's ill. I don't think she'd miss out on all the events her daughters are in otherwise. Fashion shows and big events? I guess we will see if this changes at all now that she's single.

  • Love 11

I imagine because she was being honest.  I felt the exact same way.  Its not like the Flu, when theres an end in sight.  When your brain is swelling and your heart and nervous system are under attack, with no end in sight, you just want an end to the pain.  I really feel for her.  The head pain from Lyme Disease is crushing and relentless.  (Btw why is it egregiously irresponsible for "American Cable"?)

Looks like they filmed what was really happening. Until people live through chronic Lyme hell, or suffer along with a loved one, they just can't relate. I too spoke clearly and openly with my family about death, etc.
  • Love 17

I agree!

And she hires people to do her makeup all the time, so why not for this party, which she knew very well was going to be televised? If she can sit in a car and if she can sit a table, then she can sit while someone does her makeup. It's not as though it would be a new experience for her or something she can't afford.

I agreed with Lisa - Take 10 seconds to dab some concealer under your eyes. It's not even about looking good. I understand letting all of that go when you feel like crap. But for me, it's about the bullshit factor. Is she sick? Probably. Is she milking it? Absolutely. And it's so transparent.

I so agree, they have hair and makeup people at their disposal. She wants to look as sick as possible it seems. I too am not saying she is not sick with lyme disease, but she seems to be doing some milking.

Love Lisa R and Eileen. Not digging the new additions just from the previews.... we saw ALL of one of the right away!

  • Love 8

It's good to see everyone back. I'm referring to the forums, not necessarily the show. I think they set up the season nicely. I don't know enough about Lyme disease and wish Yolanda well whatever she has. But I don't want to see someone sick and struggling on RHs. I like escapism in my reality shows.

It was making the whole dinner party uncomfortable, so you're not alone.

  • Love 12

It seems that I read somewhere that Yo is not wearing makeup because of the chemicals. I think she's also had teeth pulled etc...

I think she has had some old fillings replaced but I also thought she said that in addition to not wearing make up, she was going to stop coloring her hair.  Her hair is still white, right?  My guess that hair dye is worse for you than wearing some make up that you can wash off in a couple of hours.

  • Love 2

I don't believe that she wouldn't seek an endocrinologist and get on some sort of Hormone Replacement, if it was simply menopause.  I had the horrible sweats too with Lyme and Babesia.  I got pregnant easily and had a child two years later.  So my sweats were definitely not early onset menopause...   

Many of her "symptoms" are the same as menopause and she IS at that age. I am not saying that she doesn't have something else wrong with her BUT, IMO, just mine, she is blaming NLD for ALL her symptoms. Also, she has gone from claiming a diagnosis of LD to, last season saying it was CLD to this season claiming NLD and now claiming 2 of her kids ALSO have it and have had it as long as she has had it, pick a lane/diagnosis and stick to it. Don't embellish it to make yourself sound sicker and seek reputable medical treatment, not quackery all over the world.


I don't think Yolanda would take HR now because she has gone "all natural", no makeup, no hair dye, no anything NOT natural/homeopathic.

  • Love 14

I think she has had some old fillings replaced but I also thought she said that in addition to not wearing make up, she was going to stop coloring her hair.  Her hair is still white, right?  My guess that hair dye is worse for you than wearing some make up that you can wash off in a couple of hours.


In some of her recent pictures, her hair looks like a light brown. But I don't see why it's a big deal that she didn't want to put on makeup. Even if she wasn't sick, why should ANY woman be obligated to look perfect all the time?

  • Love 11

Only one episode in and I have already grown weary of Lisa Rinna's over-the-top persona, Yolanda Our Lady of Lemon's malingering/illnesss(?) and the rehashed Richards sibling drama. Sadly this does not bode well for gleaning any sort of amusement from this season.

I have to add: considering the Fosters' announcement, it seems awfully convenient that Yo just had to make use of a separate residence during the summer because she couldn't handle the architecture/interior decor of her Malibu estate and that David simultaneously had so many obligations keeping him away from set.

Not to mention the announcement of Yolanda's pending divorce from King David was carefully delayed and timed to coincide with the season premiere of her show. Whether she is legimately suffering from ailments untold or not, Yolanda sure is one calculating bitch.

  • Love 13

I think she has had some old fillings replaced but I also thought she said that in addition to not wearing make up, she was going to stop coloring her hair.  Her hair is still white, right?  My guess that hair dye is worse for you than wearing some make up that you can wash off in a couple of hours.


In some of her recent pictures, her hair looks like a light brown. But I don't see why it's a big deal that she didn't want to put on makeup. Even if she wasn't sick, why should ANY woman be obligated to look perfect all the time?

Sorry BUT if your that sick, don't go and make everyone there uncomfortable, just send a nice gift. She only went because she had to go, it was filmed and she is required to attend so many events or risk being downgraded to FOH or outright fired. If she is THAT sick, why not sit a season out and get well before returning as a full cast member? She makes zero sense IMO, take the time to get well before you chase fame. JMO 

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 19

Yolanda was a judgmental bitch her first season, so I don't care if the other HWs are judgmental back this season.  Why would she go on this show if she is soooo sick she cannot sit through more than 1/2 hour birthday dinner?  And why did the producers think the show needed her?  I also see she still has her (leaking) implants, although forgoes makeup!  I wonder if she counseled her models/daughters that makeup, and hair color and nail polish is toxic and they should not use it?  I'd like to see that on the show.


Kyle's idea for a "show" is kinda like something my 1st year Communications class would come up with for our group project.  Way back when. 

  • Love 12

Isn't she (or one of the Housewives) good friends with Suzanne Somers?  Somers touts natural hormone replacement.  I don't think Yolanda would hesitate, if she thought her "hot flashes" were menopause to treat with natural hormones.  Wasn't it (that horrific) Brandi that outed Kyle as having gone through menopause., at the last Reunion?  And Kyle has never given any physical indication of menopause.  I think, along with the mid-fifties ladies, that they've been treated with natural hormones.  I understand that they relieve symptoms and keep skin from completely drying up and helps with libido too.. 

Natural hormone replacement does NOT do much at all to relieve hot flashes for many women, especially those experiencing bad hot flashes/mood swings/night sweats, and have you seen SS lately? She looks HORRIBLE and is a walking advertisement to stay away from her so called products. LOL

  • Love 8

I'm surprised at the mean comments about Yolanda after tonight's episode. She's never been a favorite of mine, but I just can't think of any possible reason as to why she would fake Lyme's disease. As far as her decision to stay on the show, maybe filming the show made her feel productive. In addition to her Lyme's disease, she also seemed to be suffering from depression. My heart broke for her when she said she would probably jump off a balcony if it wasn't for her children.


If she is in fact suffering from depression, that's all the more reason she should not be doing a reality show.  I worked in the mental health field for years, and I can't imagine any mental health professional thinking that was a good idea.  Yolanda is also certainly aware of the public criticism and judging that goes along with putting yourself out there, and it makes no sense that she would think she has the energy to deal with all of that along with LD and depression.  It's the last thing someone in precarious shape needs, most especially someone suffering from a depressive disorder.


I also don't think anyone said she's faking LD.  Just that she's embellishing.  

  • Love 16

Isn't she (or one of the Housewives) good friends with Suzanne Somers?  Somers touts natural hormone replacement.  I don't think Yolanda would hesitate, if she thought her "hot flashes" were menopause to treat with natural hormones.  Wasn't it (that horrific) Brandi that outed Kyle as having gone through menopause., at the last Reunion?  And Kyle has never given any physical indication of menopause.  I think, along with the mid-fifties ladies, that they've been treated with natural hormones.  I understand that they relieve symptoms and keep skin from completely drying up and helps with libido too.. 

Brandi claimed all the women were menopausal except her.  Most did not offer a comment back because she is such an ignorant bitch.


I feel for Yolanda but by the same token I just don't think the show needs to be the Yolanda health seminar.  Sorry just not interesting and even less interested in seeing how the others respond to her various maladies.  As far as her make-up maybe she should get the number from Shannon RHOC and her organic make up person.

  • Love 12

Haven't seen said $75 grand sunglasses yet, don't really care but why do I want t her to go out on a boat, look over the side only to hear a small splash. >;:-D

For $75k, they'd better come with a built-in floatation device.

The best news of the night? Eileen is redecorating! In the understatement of the week category, she said she has too much stuff. Looked like the outside hadn't been touched since last season. I am ridiculously fascinated by Casa Van Davidson.

RIP Dickie

  • Love 19

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