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General Gabbery: DWTS

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How in the world did the hospital misdiagnosis Tamar? Even if additional tests were required to come up with the blot clot diagnosis, I'm surprised they released never mind cleared her for dance when they thought it was pneumonia.

I wish she had withdrawn this week giving Alexa one extra week to dance.

I'm from a medical family, & I've been in hospitals a lot since I was born (just spent 15 days in 1 for something, in fact), & I'm not excusing it, but doctors & hospitals--unfortunately--misdiagnose a lot (not necessarily more often than not though). Usually when it comes to multiple possible diagnoses which "present", as they say, with similar at least initial symptoms. And perhaps Tamar actually had multiple issues--like something that looked like a respiratory virus/bacteria thing, *plus* the PE's--going on at the same time. It's harder for doctors to diagnose correctly when you've got either similar symptoms with multiple diagnoses, or multiple symptoms with different diagnoses going on in the same body simultaneously.

They could have done an actual decent Pro dance or bring on a musical guest, remember how they used to have those too when they had a results show?


I wish they would have gone with a pro dance. A real pro dance, not a Mandy Moore choreographed club dance.


Or a musical guest. But that might be tough, sort notice. Would it be pimping Nick if the Backstreet Boys performed to fill the time? They're probably available, considering they've shown up to support Nick in the audience.

From the above article:

But, the producers are manipulating the editing and promos of the competition to make sure America has no choice but to vote for Bindi.


Oh please - this can also backfire.  I sure do have a choice. You can't force people to vote for someone. Not happening.  In fact the more they push Bindi the more I find myself throwing votes to everyone except her.

I feel the same way. I think Bindi is a very good dancer, and it would not be at all unfair IMO if she won. But I have not voted for her at all. From the first night, I knew that she had two things going for her: she was good, and Derek has a huge fan base. So I voted for others that I liked more. I absolutely had a choice, and I chose not to vote for her.

And I have to think there are lots more fans with the same mindset. So unless TPTB are wizards who are proficient in mind control, they can't force people to vote in a particular way. As I said, I think she's talented and a strong contender to win, but nobody forced me to vote for her.

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I was diagnosed and treated twice for pneumonia in a period lasting 2 months, when I actually had stage 4 lung cancer.  Interestingly, my doctor guessed that I had cancer on the second Xray, because the radiologist had gone on lunch without realizing that I was hanging around for a diagnosis so the doctor took a look at the xray  himself.  When the radiologist finally responded, my doctor allowed the radiologist to persuade him that it was pneumonia.  Jus' sayin' -- it's not like they have a magic computer that dials through the symptoms and produces a 100% accurate result. My doctor's a good guy, it's just that I was presenting as a really healthy strong person who was having some trouble going up flights of stairs.  If she has walking pneumonia which she probably does (I did), it's possible not to be able to see what else is going on -- even once they diagnosed me, the pneumonia obscured my tumour for another 4 or 5 months, IIRC.  Given how often they see structures they don't understand in the lungs, I'm surprised at the firmness of Tamar's diagnosis. 

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One of the dance magazines (dance spirit, i think?) seem to always have a picture of Derek/Bindi when they do the dwts review.  I know that's not the show but I think they have some input.  I don't think the show cares who wins AFTER they decide who should remain.  For instance, they didn't want Gary to last but if people warmed up to him, they would've changed their tone to keep the voters engaged.  Bindi is just getting the votes and she has Derek.  Someone said she's also getting support from Australia.  They want her for the finals because she'd bring her supporters which means the ratings would be better.  The question, for me, is would she had been so popular if she didn't have Derek and hadn't received the tongue-bath from day 1?  What if they had decided to focus on her immature dancing, one-note performance, missing steps, etc.?  I don't think she would be this popular.  So the show made a decision to give her the best possible light.  Thus, they pushed her down the viewers' throats.  Most of the board people are not influenced but the casual at home viewers are.  But in the end, they don't care if she wins.  They just care if she makes the finals. 

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The only interest the show has is to create and produce storylines for ratings. They don't care who wins, Bindi, Nick, Carlos, Alek, they don't care as long as ratings hold up. They're not rigging any outcomes.

They are not rigging the votes but they are influencing the votes with manipulations/showing favoritism to keep contestants that can give them give higher ratings. I don't think they care too much who wins in the end but getting them to the finals is the goal. However the promotions/gimmicks could influence the outcome (condition voting habits) in the long term thus the show is somewhat "theoretically rigged".

Edited by Brownie
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What would ABC gain from rigging the show for Bindi? Or any one particular person in this year's cast? None of them were Disney kids, none work for ABC (or am I forgetting someone?). I would think their interests would lie in keeping in whichever dancers are drawing an audience.


It's possible one or more of them have a deal in the works with ABC or DWTS. I've heard rumors Nick is going on the dwts tour, and he's certainly getting the Alfonso treatment. I think he has it in the bag, but one of the others may have something going with ABC as well. As for Bindi, they don't so much care about her as they do Golden Boy. They always pimp his partners. It didn't work with surly Nastia, so they gave up on her, but Bindi is far more the audience's type.

Edited by boyznkatz

And regarding votes. I might be wrong but ideally it makes sense for producers to put performers who pull in votes last or close to last. They are the ones viewers/voters typically want to see and are willing to sit thru the show for (hello ratings). The law of average or observation could give hints.

Edited by Brownie
What if they had decided to focus on her immature dancing, one-note performance, missing steps, etc.?  I don't think she would be this popular.



Or some would think she was being unfairly nitpicked and root for her any way. For the record, I don't agree with that summation of Bindi's dancing but it's all subjective anyway, isn't it? But I'll give a recent example where the judges did make constructive criticisms that in my opinion were fair and many got up in arms and said she was being nitpicked and underscored and just adored her anyway - Sadie.


I personally thought a lot of what the judges said about Sadie was fair. Many thought she was being nitpicked and as everything comes back to Derek it seems, the argument was that while she was not perfect neither were others who weren't getting as nitpicked (re: Bethany who of course was paired with Derek) and people just thought she was uber adorable and cute and she was trying so hard and she made it all the way to second place. 


Unless one thinks Bindi's personality is completely fake and she wouldn't be this constant happy, everything is light and amazing and everyday is a blessing and I love everyone, there is no way that the majority of people who typically vote for this show, were not going to love and root for her. That first week, while her Jive may not have had the most content or danced to perfection (no one's was in my opinion and frankly I thought she did better than Nick with his Cha Cha who also got all 8's), she came out there like a ball of energy and just sold the hell out of it and from watching this show since the first season, I knew immediately, "voters are gonna love her" and the judges hadn't said one word yet. 


And speaking of Nick and that first week. Sure Bindi danced late in the show and the judges had great comments for her but who did they leave for last and hyped a lot too, Nick. Who again, also got all 8's and topped the leader board with Bindi and we had to hear all about how much of a crush Sharna and Julianne had on him growing up and his being part of a globally successful group. And for the record, I like Nick. I was one of those with the posters on the wall. 


My point is, as noted above, does the show create narratives with the packages and edits for the couples, absolutely. There is a reason reality television is always referred to as "reality" television. People have been crowing about edits for years when it comes to reality shows. And every competition show has had its conspiracies and many who could spin every season as one big rigged situation when there is an outcome they don't like. I remember Adam Lambert's (who came second on American Idol) brother in a documentary about Adam, when talking about Adam not winning when many thought he was the better singer, saying, "sure they were disappointed but at the end of the day the votes were what they were but people always want to see a conspiracy when the outcome isn't what they want."


And speaking of American Idol, there's a show where everyone thought that was rigged. TWOP had a whole thread on how every season one contestant was getting "bussed" by the judges, the order they were singing in, song clearance, etc. Some think Survivor is rigged. That tribal switch-ups happen to benefit one player or players, camera-men direct players to hidden immunity idols, the challenges are set up to favor one contestant's strengths, etc. Again, anyone can spin any conspiracy when they don't like a contestant or their favorite isn't the one getting the tongue bathing. 


But again, do they create narratives for the couples, absolutely. But in my opinion a lot of that is based on what they observe and get from the contestants and how they perceive the viewers see them. So for example Nastia was the athlete and Russian, so of course she was cold and didn't connect and that became her story for the season. No, it wasn't true but that's how most already perceived her coming into the season. Bindi was always going to be the daughter of Steve Irwin and this ball of sunshine and optimism because well it's who she is and the audience responded well to her from the first week.


Nick's story was always going to be about stepping away from the Boys and dancing on his own without them as a crutch. Alexa and Carlos were always going to be about the married couple thing and after a week or two, they noticed Alexa did get in her head so that became her narrative as well - her confidence issues. This isn't new and no I still don't think it means they're rigging for any one person. I think it means they want to create what is an interesting show in their minds that will get them the most viewers and keep them on air. 


eta: And frankly I've always thought the whole "the show is making me not like them and not vote for them" is a cop-out. Because to me that makes one sound as malleable as the people they claim are voting for whoever based on the show's edit. This isn't that deep in my opinion. You like someone's dancing, vote for them. You don't like their dancing, don't or if it's that you're just a fan in general and vote for that reason, then do that too.


I honestly have little patience for the "well I liked them just fine but the evil producers have turned me off so much I'll vote elsewhere to show them..." Of course I don't even vote ever anyway but I'm just saying I find that so juvenile and essentially still making said producers influence your feelings good or bad. Like who you like and vote for them or not. I just feel like some make this cheesy show so much more complicated and deeper than it needs to be, IMO.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 10
They are not rigging the votes but they are influencing the votes with manipulations/showing favoritism to keep contestants that can give them give higher ratings.



For the last few years at TWOP I spent the time to run the numbers and convert the Judges' raw scores to the "percentage of total points awarded" (which is the number that counts for elimination purposes).  When you make that conversion, the spread between the teams is much narrower than it is based on raw scores.  So I tend to not think that the Judges' scores have that much impact on eliminations.


(of course, assuming the Judges are privy to the audience vote, and if they know Team X consistently runs only 1.2 points higher than Team Y, they can score Team Y 1.3 points higher and thus "target" Team X; but that's a level of precision I don't think they're working at).


As far as the Judges' comments and criticisms, that all depends on how many voters are actually influenced by that sort of thing.  I tend to believe that the majority of voters are pre-existing fans of either the Star or the Pro (or the Star's or Pro's celebrity friends who solicit votes for them on social media).  In that sense, praise from the Judges is just as likely (if not more so) to create complacency and lower the votes for a Team than criticism.


And as far as voters who aren't fanboys/girls but rather vote on what they're seeing, I'd be willing to bet that a majority of them are influenced more by the Stars' attitude, perceived effort/dedication, and general personality than they are by the technical minutiae of the actual performance.


Ultimately, I've come to the conclusion that TPTB don't have a particular "Chosen One".  Rather, I think their main interest is in ensuring that the F4/F3 is made up of Teams that they'd be happy with winning.  


If they're concerned about "dance integrity", they may be worried that Alek is now F4.  But I think they'd be just fine with an Alek win because they could spin it as a "Cinderella Story", and I'm sure they'd love to waive the flag and play the Hero angle.

  • Love 3

Ways it has been OMG CLEARLY rigged for Nick:

- Baby announcement complete with balloons

- Backstreet boys in studio and featured heavily

- he's rumored to be on the tour

- he got immunity

- he's had the samba before in this upcoming dance off and Bindi has not

- he gets good scores and the judges say nice things about him

Ways it has been OMG CLEARLY rigged for Bindi:

- she's gotten a lot of press

- she gets good scores and the judges say nice things about her

- she has talked about losing her dad

- she's partnered with Derek

- something about a some sort of underhanded deal that's probably going on between ABC Disney and her mom (who is probably evil?) to save their zoo? (I got lost on that one)

I could list a few for Alek and Carlos, but at this point, the only thing you'll convince me it's CLEARLY rigged for is for it to be a circus.

For what it's worth, I thought Nick had this in the bag preseason, but since her very first dance I've had the same feeling about Bindi that I had about Rumer last season.

  • Love 4

I think this season will be one of those that truly comes down to the freestyle because I think we can all safely assume this is coming down to Nick and Bindi. And I have a sneaking suspicion that Sharna is going to work in all the Backstreet Boys into their freestyle if it's possible and they have the time. And hey, I'm not going to be mad at that. Right now, at this point, I'd say it's probably Bindi's to lose but yeah I think the freestyle will be key. 

Edited by truthaboutluv

I don't think TPTB could choose someone who was universally hated, start promoting them, and suddenly everyone would magically start loving them. The popular contestants do not become popular because they are promoted; they are promoted because they are popular. This is one chicken-and-egg question that should be obvious. Do they create favorable and unfavorable storylines? Yes. Do the judges give tongue baths to some while nitpicking others? Yes. Are they making fetch happen? No. Fetch was already happening, and they jumped on board and rode it to ratings gold.

Edited by majormama
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I don't particularly feel Bindi is getting egregiously pimped, but I don't think tptb are sad to get international exposure (America and Disney in particular being relentlessly commerically imperial).  She comes complete with self-pimping narrative and they are going along with it because it's easy.


The one who is really mystifying to me is Nick. I wouldn't know a Backstreet Boys' song if I fell over one, so the guy is a total stranger to me.  I see a somewhat seedy and lumpy middle-aged guy with thin hair and a weird mouth who seems vaguely depressed and entirely stressed and whose dancing skills are alright, but very poppy.  To my eyes, he gets treated like royalty for no perceptible reason.  This doesn't piss me off or anything -- I'm just saying that with Bindi, I can see their reasoning -- knowing who Nick is and all that, I understand why they might pimp him, but I don't see it in his presence on DWTS.

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So people is reporting that there will be a dance-off between Nick and Bindi, and between Carlos and Alek to fill in for the time Tamar would have taken up. They still don't know if anyone will be eliminated. Nick and Bindi will dance a samba, while Carlos and Alek dance a cha cha cha.



In the US, which is the audience the producers mostly care about, Nick Carter was really the biggest name of this season's cast.  Add on that he's at least a decent dancer, he was going to be pretty popular unless his personality came off poorly, which I don't think it has.


Anyway it's a reality TV show with reality TV producers and editors.  The bottom line is the show's goal is to get good ratings. I don't understand when people want to uphold it to standards of "real ballroom competition". 


How in the world did the hospital misdiagnosis Tamar?  Even if additional tests were required to come up with the blot clot diagnosis, I'm surprised they released never mind cleared her for dance when they thought it was pneumonia.

(I  used to work at a diagnostic center) When a person is suspected of having pneumonia, they usually get a plain chest x-ray or at the most, a CT scan of the chest (which is basically very thin x-ray cuts  of the chest that make up a virtual scan of the lung tissue). Since she sounded like she had a cold or bronchitis, that's my guess what they thought she had (she might have had other physical findings like a temperature or abnormal sounds in her lungs). 

When a person is suspected of having blood clots in the lungs, they do a different kind of work-up - they do something called a VQ scan (or ventilation perfusion scan). It requires the patient to get a radioactive substance that traces the blood supply in the lungs - It's not as often done as a CT of the chest (and some patients can't take the radioactive substance because of a pre-existing condition or that it might harm the kidneys) 


My guess is that she had all the symptoms of pneumonia (shortness of breath, fever, congestion, etc) and that's what she was treated for initially- and since she didn't get better she went back and they checked her for a blood clot with a VQ scan and it showed up then. 

I think this season will be one of those that truly comes down to the freestyle because I think we can all safely assume this is coming down to Nick and Bindi. And I have a sneaking suspicion that Sharna is going to work in all the Backstreet Boys into their freestyle if it's possible and they have the time. And hey, I'm not going to be mad at that. Right now, at this point, I'd say it's probably Bindi's to lose but yeah I think the freestyle will be key. 


Sharna using the BSB is the same awful pandering from when Shawn used the Fierce Five in her All Star freestyle and that's with me loving Shawn and wanting her to have won.


She used the BSB thing already for their "Jazz" piece so using it more seems like overkill. 


Bindi continually polls high in those "who's your favorite" polls and yes it's not scientific but it does say who the general public are feeling. It's usually Bindi way in first and Nick in a solid second and Alek in a solid 3rd. and I honestly feel like the real results will reflect that. Alek-3rd, Nick- 2nd, Bindi- winner

Edited by PBGamer89
eta: And frankly I've always thought the whole "the show is making me not like them and not vote for them" is a cop-out. Because to me that makes one sound as malleable as the people they claim are voting for whoever based on the show's edit. This isn't that deep in my opinion. You like someone's dancing, vote for them. You don't like their dancing, don't or if it's that you're just a fan in general and vote for that reason, then do that too.


I honestly have little patience for the "well I liked them just fine but the evil producers have turned me off so much I'll vote elsewhere to show them..." Of course I don't even vote ever anyway but I'm just saying I find that so juvenile and essentially still making said producers influence your feelings good or bad. Like who you like and vote for them or not. I just feel like some make this cheesy show so much more complicated and deeper than it needs to be, IMO.


I have no problems with people voting to show their displeasure.  Ignoring and pretending that the shenanigans don't exist are worse imo. If people want to express their dissatisfaction through votes, then they should be allowed to. Changes don't happen by staying quiet.

  • Love 1

I do think Bindi is over hyped. Example is the week may have had a lot of drama, and yet Bindi and Derek's picture is what you see on the majority of news webpages.  Most weeks, other than this one it was Bindi and everyone else. That's why I thought Tamar was in trouble voting wise early on, there didn't seem to be any push for her, but there was a lot of repeating what was said in rehearsal to make sure there was little love for her.   I was frankly surprised that Tamar lasted through week 9 since her scores were dipping and she got no help from the show.  So if Tamar wasn't so ill I think she would have survived this week and it would have been an interesting finale.

Edited by Andie1

Sharna using the BSB is the same awful pandering from when Shawn used the Fierce Five in her All Star freestyle and that's with me loving Shawn and wanting her to have won.


She used the BSB thing already for their "Jazz" piece so using it more seems like overkill. 


Bindi continually polls high in those "who's your favorite" polls and yes it's not scientific but it does say who the general public are feeling. It's usually Bindi way in first and Nick in a solid second and Alek in a solid 3rd. and I honestly feel like the real results will reflect that. Alek-3rd, Nick- 2nd, Bindi- winner

Bindi is definitely not immune to pander. Bringing snakes on the set, having more than several references to her dead father and Crockadile Rock is more than a little pointed.

She used the BSB thing already for their "Jazz" piece so using it more seems like overkill.



They used the song and did a tribute dance but I was referring to the whole band actually being in the performance which the freestyle would be the place to get away with that. Obviously I'm not saying everyone will love it and it will guarantee a win for them but I know one of my friends who love and has been voting for Bindi since day one, also loves the BSB, grew up with them like me and says she doesn't know how she'll vote or feel if they all come out for some amazing freestyle. That she might actually be torn. 


Again, I'm not saying it will guarantee a win and I did say that as it stands, if I was a betting woman, I would pick Bindi. But much as some say Bindi has Derek as a point for her, I've seen many comments on social media where that's actually a point against her because the inevitable, "but he's won 5 times" comes up repeatedly. Some people flat out say they like Bindi but they just cannot vote to give Derek a 6th mirror ball when Sharna hasn't even won once. Again, not saying that means she won't win but why I think this could be one of those close seasons where the freestyle will really matter. Like I don't think the freestyles truly mattered for Meryl, Alfonso and even Amber but it sure did for Kelly vs. Zendaya. 

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kitcloudkicker, your OMG CLEARLY lists made me laugh out loud. In my opinion, it OMG CLEARLY points out the truth about our opinions of the motives of the DWTS powers that be.

These "DWTS is rigged" discussions always make me think of the famous Benjamin Franklin quote,

"So convenient a thing it is to be a reasonable creature, since it enables one to find or make a reason for everything one has a mind to do." Or in our case, a mind to believe.

That's not to say good arguments aren't being made here. I always like reading them, especially the ones that agree with me. :))

Nick certainly didn't have to go out of his way to be a chivalrous guy towards Tamar. He was there for her when she needed him and when the team needed each other, so it was cool to witness. We've had douchey comments from Carlos about his wife, and temper tantrums from Alex, so when you contrast that with Nick, you see a maturity in a man that is not only the basis of great partnerships, it tells you something about the guy outside the "reality" show that's just more appealing that what the other younger ones can offer.  They still have a lot of growing up to do, while Nick can be that role model that just never goes out of style.

Edited by Andie1
  • Love 3

Nick certainly didn't have to go out of his way to be a chivalrous guy towards Tamar. He was there for her when she needed him and when the team needed each other, so it was cool to witness. We've had douchey comments from Carlos about his wife, and temper tantrums from Alex, so when you contrast that with Nick, you see a maturity in a man that is not only the basis of great partnerships, it tells you something about the guy outside the "reality" show that's just more appealing that what the other younger ones can offer. They still have a lot of growing up to do, while Nick can be that role model that just never goes out of style.

The crazy thing is, I absolutely wasn't expecting him to be so caring and mature, especially after watching BSB's documentary that came out this year. He was a right brat a couple years ago and I half expected that this season. (Was Aaron similar in his season? That kid has gone off the rails). I'm so surprised and so proud of Nicky.

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Aaron Carter was horrible, he was hitting on Karina, and just being douchey to all the other contestants, saying he could "take" Maks and just really a lot of inappropriateness, but of all the males he was the most outstanding as a dancer. Aaron didn't help himself, but Donny Osmond was so damn insufferable to get that mirrorball that I think the show played up the weaknesses of the males so he could be the last guy standing. So even if Aaron wasn't a douche-bag 24/7 the show wanted you to know he was a douche bag 24/7.  If anyone had a look back on the 200th anniversary show when the winners talked about their Freestyles,  Osmonds was so lame it was laughable.  In Hindsight,  Carter probably could have done something really good. .  

Edited by Andie1
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I still think they pimp Nick because he's probably going on the dwts tour. I don't see anyone else going on the tour, except maybe Bindi, but she's too young. I wouldn't be surprised if Nick wins and they make the announcement soon after like they did with Alfonso.

if Nick goes on tour that's cool and all, but the show hasn't always taken the winner on tour, even though that's been the case for the last two seasons, we've had season's where one of the top 3 is there.   

Edited by Andie1

 Osmonds was so lame it was laughable.  In Hindsight,  Carter probably could have done something really good. .  


D. Osmond and Amber Riley were definitely the worst dancers to ever win the show, but they weren't Bristol Palin bad. If Alek wins this season, then he takes the cake. I don't think the show would let that happen though. The little bit of credibility they have left would go out the window.

In my opinion...Bindi has won from day one, so if/when she hoists that trophy up it will be anticlimactic. I will be doing my darnedest to vote Nick for the win, however. I think his and Bindi's dance abilities are similar but he impressed the heck out of me by the way he stepped up for Tamar. That cemented it for me.

Both Nick and Val took care of Tamar during the duet.  Val told Nick to take care of Tamar and he did.  He had to change his movements to match hers.  What was really impressive was after the dance while they were sitting.  Nick kept holding onto her and she would lean on his shoulders because she really needed it.  She did not look well at all.  I'm glad that Nick was there to help hold her up.  He has earned my votes.

  • Love 2

D. Osmond and Amber Riley were definitely the worst dancers to ever win the show, but they weren't Bristol Palin bad. If Alek wins this season, then he takes the cake. I don't think the show would let that happen though. The little bit of credibility they have left would go out the window.

I would have to say the worst dancers to win include Brooke Burke, Jennifer Grey, and Melissa Rycroft.


I loved the Donny/Kym pairing.  And I also enjoyed Bristol/Mark.

Am I the only person who believes that DWTS needs to change the scoring rules so that sub-par dancers shouldn't make it to the finals? I don't believe that Alek is a good dancer, he should have been voted off of the show, but I believe that because that America sees him as a hero he has lasted much longer than he should have. Just like last year, the soldier with one arm , was courageous but should not have made it to the finals, The judges can't keep treating the better dancers like they are professionals, but because of the voting system, bad dancers get pushed ahead of better dancers because people feel vote for them when they really don't deserve it. I love this show but it's definitely time for a change.

Edited by Bigdawg

Am I the only person who believes that DWTS needs to change the scoring rules so that sub-par dancers shouldn't make it to the finals? I don't believe that Kyle is a good dancer, he should have been voted off of the show, but I believe that because that America sees him as a hero he has lasted much longer than he should have. Just like last year, the soldier with one arm , was courageous but should not have made it to the finals, The judges can't keep treating the better dancers like they are professionals, but because of the voting system, bad dancers get pushed ahead of better dancers because people feel vote for them when they really don't deserve it. I love this show but it's definitely time for a change.

I think the celebrity dancer you're talking about is Alek. There's no Kyle competing this year, either as a dance pro or a celebrity.

  • Love 1

Am I the only person who believes that DWTS needs to change the scoring rules so that sub-par dancers shouldn't make it to the finals? I don't believe that Kyle is a good dancer, he should have been voted off of the show, but I believe that because that America sees him as a hero he has lasted much longer than he should have. Just like last year, the soldier with one arm , was courageous but should not have made it to the finals, The judges can't keep treating the better dancers like they are professionals, but because of the voting system, bad dancers get pushed ahead of better dancers because people feel vote for them when they really don't deserve it. I love this show but it's definitely time for a change.


So what change in the voting rules would you suggest?

Drop the fan votes and let the Judges votes be all that matter

Thank you BW Manilowe.


That will never work. One of the appeals with the show for many is the ability to vote for the winner. Also, viewers will continue to divided and some will always think the judges are biased to one couple and that they're underscoring and nitpicking another. 

  • Love 1

So tired of the stupid games on this show and being baited by them. Are we really supposed to believe that these two are in jeopardy while Alex and Carlos cruise on to the finals? If that's true then there's something screwy with their method of scoring.

This season IMHO, the competition is essentially over. There's no one who can touch Bindi Irwins excellence.

I used to get annoyed with the fact that Derek stays on the show because his choreography and skill is so far superior to the other pros that it kind of unfair, but I so enjoy the creative routines he comes up with. Mark is great as well.

  • Love 1

That will never work. One of the appeals with the show for many is the ability to vote for the winner. Also, viewers will continue to divided and some will always think the judges are biased to one couple and that they're underscoring and nitpicking another. 

Having the viewers vote adds suspense too.  Sometimes, I don't like when a better dancer doesn't make the finals because a more popular/likeable celebrity does.  But that's what makes the show unpredictable.

  • Love 1

No way would I want some dumbo like Carrie Ann deciding who is going to the finals. Having the viewers vote is what makes the show what it is. I may not always agree with it, but it is what it is. I think no one would be interested if the viewers didn't get a say. That said, TPTB need to cut it out with the manipulation and the overinflated scores...people resent that type of crap.

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