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S02.E24: The Pit And The Pendulum

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I kept falling in and out of sleep while watching this last night, but I didn't miss a thing, because every time I woke up, Brandon was braying about the Peach Pit. What. A. Jackass. I hate how he's always excused from being/encouraged to be such a glib, sarcastic, condescending prick.

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So I wasn't actually allowed to watch 90210 growing up and had to sneak the episodes at friend's houses or while babysitting. I finally got my mom to admit it wasn't actually the sex or anything. It was Brandon! Well 90% Brandon. 10% Brenda. 100% their horrible snotty way of talking to their parents that made my mom and dad want to reach through the TV and slap them. My mom said she just couldn't handle what rude, entitled jerks the kids were. I'm pretty sure this episode would have made her throw our one and only TV (ask your parents, kids) through a window. She was ahead of her time.

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It's a true sign I'm growing up that dialogue I thought was pithy back in the day comes off as smackworthy to me now.  However, I always hated how condescending Brandon was to ALL the adults on this show particularly as Nat lost IQ points every season until it was a wonder he could find his own ass with a spatula.


This is one of my top five (ten? one hundred?) episodes when it comes to hating Brandon along with how black people vs. Jews is all about him, delivering a baby in an elevator as his up-until-then competent girlfriend gazes on, his outrage that his girlfriend really should be over his cheating on her already and his witty repartee while testifying against a professor.  See you then...

Edited by Qoass
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Always love a good reference to The Tick. Great podcast as always guys.

Just because the building isn't getting torn down, does that mean Nat's money woes, that were so bad he was going to fire his employees, fixed? I feel like he could have still lost his business after Brandon was being such a dick.

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Would your mom like to be a guest on the podcast? hee.

Oh I think she would have much to contribute to an upcoming discussion about a 16 year old girl's request to leave the country unsupervised with her boyfriend and said boyfriend's emotional blackmail response to get his girlfriend to leave the country without her parents permission! LEAVE THE COUNTRY! My mom is still laughing about the time I asked if I could take the train to San Francisco and stay overnight with my friends when I was 15. Still laughing 24 years later. Because I had real parents that gave zero fucks about my happiness when present with ridiculous requests.

PS I'm pretty sure if my mom had ever watched The Pit and the Pendulum she would have grounded all four of her of kids just to satisfy the overwhelming need to punish someone for Brandon's behavior. She probably still would and we're all in our 30/40s.

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When I watched this one a couple weeks ago I was positively GIDDY with anticipation of all the Bray rage and y'all certainly did not disappoint! I'm not sure why it's so pleasurable to hear other people get really indignant about something sort of meaningless that made you feel really indignant about something sort of meaningless but IT'S THE BEST FEELING

Edited by itainttippithebird
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So I hated Brandon in this episode back in the day...and I hate him even more now. How about the fact that Nat is now left with a failing dinner and no money, Brando? What your plan for that? Way to screw your good friend out of a retirement and the possibility of relocating to a more profitable location. Jesus. Way #436789654 Brandon could die: Nat takes the money he got from selling his business and buys a boat. He talks Brandon into going to sea with him. Then he ties Brandon to the anchor and throws him overboard.

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This just makes me super giddy in anticipation of creative cursing out of Bray-don in all the upcoming "Brandon is Such a Fucking Shit to Grown Adults" goodness, particularly his "Superintendent EP-HARDT" snotting when Donny is being RIGHTFULLY PUNISHED for getting WASTED to the point of vomiting at a HIGH SCHOOL PROM.

To say nothing of his bitching out a homeless veteran for not taking a job interview at the stupid as beach club.

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Brandon really does Bray like no other, does he? Honestly, how did Jim let him get away with any of that in front of a client?


Way to screw your good friend out of a retirement and the possibility of relocating to a more profitable location.


Eventually Nat's business was rescued by, oh, let's say...Moe.

Edited by AndySmith
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Wall-to-wall Sarah-rant (Sarant?) and Tara-tyrade (Tarade...? I'll work on it). You guys make my commute with these podcasts. Hard to pick one moment, but I really appreciated Sarah's proper Brit pronunciation of "twat."

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Well played, 90120 and Sars and Tara.  Just when I thought an episode couldn't get any worse after the CardioFuck, it proves me wrong.


Bray-Brandon is beyond a jackass.  I have never wanted to smack someone so hard in my life.  Why Jim and Nat didn't, I will never know. 


Good news, though; The cook Willie actually shows up (or is referred to) in later years.  In fact, I think Willie's son is in the "squash it" episode.  So there's actually a teeny weeny bit of continuity.  So teeny, so weeny, but still.  MegaBurgers on the house!  Put it on Nat's tab!

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"I'm pretty sure if my mom had ever watched The Pit and the Pendulum she would have grounded all four of her of kids just to satisfy the overwhelming need to punish someone for Brandon's behavior. She probably still would and we're all in our 30/40s."

Ditto. Our moms should have their own podcast, Again With Again With This.

And I've seen "Suddenly Last Summer."

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Of course one of the worst episodes makes for one of the best podcasts. I was laughing so hard at the unbridled rage from both Sarah and Tara.


I just still really, truly cannot believe how I did not even cotton to Brandon's self-righteousness as a teenager/young adult watching this show first time around. I can only assume that I was also a horrible, self-righteous, mouthy teenager so it all seemed normal to me. I'm better now, I promise.

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I work for an eminent domain attorney so this episode was particularly painful for me on a "that's not how shit works" level on top of Braydon's assholeary. He's the literal worst. Gah! 

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I am really glad I listened to this at home instead of at my desk, because I almost started crying from laughing at this episode. Brandon really is the worst, and I don't get why he gets away with being such a dick to Nat and Jim. He's such a squeef.

Edited by SimplyLo
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With the whole megaburger thing. Nat never said it was called that back in the day. He just asked, do you know who else liked their burger like this. He didn't give it a name. It could have been called anything at the time.

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When I was in college, I worked at a restaurant where the owner specifically chose the location so that some developer would come by and give him $$$ to buy the restaurant and level it to the ground.

It happened two years after I graduated, and no one saw the owner again (because he built himself a castle with a moat with the developer's money).

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When I was in college, I worked at a restaurant where the owner specifically chose the location so that some developer would come by and give him $$$ to buy the restaurant and level it to the ground.

It happened two years after I graduated, and no one saw the owner again (because he built himself a castle with a moat with the developer's money).


This happens more than people would think. I mean not the castle/moat part, but the purposely buying a thing that's going to be torn down/taken by the state for a road etc. The castle/moat part is just awesome extras! 


I'm still annoyed by Brandon here. He's just such an asshole, even when Nat is happy with the deal he's mad about it. That's the part that bugged me the most (I mean him talking to his dad the way he does can't bother me anymore because apparently Jim must like it since he never punishes Braydon for it) but if he's been fighting for everything to be fair for Nat this whole time and then Nat's like "This is awesome! And fair!" I don't see what the rest of the problem is at all. In fact I feel kinda bad for Nat at the end that now he has to keep running his shitty failing diner full of jerks instead of getting to buy a boat and retire. 

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This happens more than people would think. I mean not the castle/moat part, but the purposely buying a thing that's going to be torn down/taken by the state for a road etc. The castle/moat part is just awesome extras! 


I'm still annoyed by Brandon here. He's just such an asshole, even when Nat is happy with the deal he's mad about it. That's the part that bugged me the most (I mean him talking to his dad the way he does can't bother me anymore because apparently Jim must like it since he never punishes Braydon for it) but if he's been fighting for everything to be fair for Nat this whole time and then Nat's like "This is awesome! And fair!" I don't see what the rest of the problem is at all. In fact I feel kinda bad for Nat at the end that now he has to keep running his shitty failing diner full of jerks instead of getting to buy a boat and retire. 



I know! And how did the writer's, even as lazy as they clearly were, write their "hero" Brandon like that? At least make it a crap deal. Make Nat crying into his pie. At least then Brandon's assholery, while still annoying, would make some basic kind of sense.

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On 11/19/2015 at 4:21 PM, AndySmith said:

Brandon really does Bray like no other, does he? Honestly, how did Jim let him get away with any of that in front of a client?

Eventually Nat's business was rescued by, oh, let's say...Moe.

Brandon's behavior towards his dad & the developer's daughter is very disappointing. His dad almost got fired.

I find it absurd that in the previous episode , Brandon & Steve complained about Nat having Kareoke nights which brought in extra clients. They told Nat that they had to stop the Kareoke nights or else they would boycott the Peach Pit. Nat agreed , so in this episode we see that business has declined in the evenings.

In the previous episode, Brenda wanted her dad to pay the costs of the car accident she had. Jim was smart to try and go through the insurance company rather than settle out of court.

Both Brenda & Bradon have no respect for their dad.

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Brandon is absolutely full-bore UNBEARABLE In this episode. He's even worse than he was in the East Side Story episode--I'm pretty sure pound-for-pound this is his highwater braying mark so far. The worst is when he unloads on Nat. JFC, Brendan! The guy's in an untenable position, he takes what he thinks is a good a deal and takes care of his staff (which he didn't have to do) and you reward him by crapping all over him??? What the fuck is wrong with you? Nat is such a sweet guy and he doesn't remotely deserve your whiteboy wants to make a difference guilt trip. I LOVED that Jim finally, finally yelled back at him. "Control your son!" (And not for nothing, but James Eckhouse is a much better technical actor than Jason Priestley is in their bray-offs. Eckhouse modulates his voice--kind of goes up and down his register--makes it much easier to listen to him, thereby influencing us to think his is the morally superior position. It's not fault of Jason's, he was a young actor at the time, it takes time to learn these tricks.)

Not to mention the coup de grace dick move--his psyching of Nat in the last scene. FUCK YOU, BRANDON. The guy's mourning, tell him NOW. You're not funny, you're a prick.

Also--Kelly says that Marcie is the president of her sorority, which makes her at least a junior. Why the hell is she interested in Brandon? She's very cute, she's rich, she is obviously going to to a great career--she could have had any guy she wanted, why would she look at Brandon, the Braying High School Junior?

The guy who plays Dixon St. Clare is also the principal in Heathers--I wonder if he and Shannon reconnected?

Edited by CeeBeeGee
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