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"The View": Week of 11/16/15


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I watched today for the first time in a while, and I made it though most of the show. 


I agree, Cosmocrush, Candace did have the worst hair, and that is saying something when Raven was also at the table!   But Candace's was too curly. Too beauty queen-ish.


And although it is definitely unique, I kinda liked Raven's hair today.  Not sure if it is a hairpiece or not.  If it is, it must be attached well, because she was running around a lot during the food segment, and it didn't fall off.   Also, maybe it was the fitted clothing, that someone noted above, but Raven looked good today.  Like a grownup even.


Also enjoyed the food fight.  It was nice seeing them all relaxed.  Even Whoopi seemed to have gotten off her high horse and appeared to be enjoying herself.


Who was the "referee" during the food fight?   Is she one of the extra panelists?

Sorry .... I missed your question.  It was Padma Lakshmi.

It's nit-picking, and personally it's the splitting hairs that turns many people, myself included,  away from religion, but whether or not Catholics are Christians depends on who is answering the question.



When non-Catholic Christians start these discussions with me I always ask them when their churches were founded...how they evolved.  Many of them don't even know that their religions broke off from the Catholic church--not the Baptist-based, but several others.  It never seems very "Christian" for one religion to be chastising another.


I should mention that the Bible has been rewritten many times--this ruler or that taking out things that made their lives difficult.  Additionally, all of those "interpretations" of what a particular writer meant in a language not always translated correctly just gives fuel to their fires.  It seems now that television evangelists are the final word on The Word.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 9

I've found the Hot Topics tolerable this week. Interesting, even. It was nice Monday with no Whoopi, and it was nice yesterday with a rational Whoopi. Too bad that person doesn't show up more often.


On the subject of Raven, I usually find her way too immature, but in a non-yelling panel, she was fine. I do very much like her hair the past two days. Weird, but interesting, and attractive.  One thing I've noticed this week is that her grammar isn't the best. Yesterday (maybe Monday?) she said someone had "Hided," then corrected herself with the also incorrect "He was hid," or something that wasn't quite right either. At least she knew it was wrong, but it tells me that she never had to learn proper English and when she's excited, she goes back to that way of speaking. Nothing wrong with that -- you can't help how you were raised -- and the fact that she's usually well-spoken says a lot in her favor.


I'm liking Paula (giggled at her blushing at admitting that she and her husband fooled around before marriage but never had sex).  I'm even tolerating CCB, who I was glad to see broke the RepubliChristian party line. It makes me livid to see how the right-wing has co-opted a religion whose central figure preached to the outsiders, made a point of including society's outcasts, rejected claims that wealth and power made people better than anyone else, and said the second greatest commandment was to love others as ourselves. Somehow now the RepubliChristians have twisted their version into a religion of status, prosperity, judgment, and exclusion. Brava to CCB for her moment of clarity.

Edited by ChicagoCita
  • Love 10

Regarding "intelligent design": Hey, CCB? Don't ask stupid questions and make asinine comments that you can't back up if you don't want to feel like you're being "put on the spot."

It is like they are in love with the ideology itself and have no concrete way to articulate their beliefs..It  is just repeating the party line..Did you guys notice how she tried to deflect the question by trying to come for Joy, by accusing her of rolling her eyes in a petulant manner.  Joy handled her marvelously, and did not take the bait.  She is not Rosie and is not easily rattled..The producers made Whoopie quickly go to commercial to save Candace from imploding...


When they came back from break, Candace was still unable to formulate a cogent answer to Joy's question..I actually like Whoopie's answer, that creationism and Evolution are not always mutually exclusive. Dare I say it, that Whoopie has been giving some good opinions lately...She is still a blowhard, narcissistic, pedantic, condescending  asshole..At least for today, she did not bug me..I am sure that it will change soon..lol 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 13

Joy is smart, and capable of abstract thought.  She has the ability to look at a situation from opposing points of view, and understand how someone else might think or feel.  Rosie had that too, but Joy's "so what, who cares'  attitude serves her well.  She is passionate about her views, but she doesn't let her emotions take over. 

Whoopi is better when Joy is around.  Joy challenges her to be a smarter version of Whoopi than what Whopi has been giving us for the past few years. 


Raven is useless.   I HATE when she pulls up some random opinion from facebook or twitter to add to a discussion.  A group of  women discussing an issue is just that.   Add to it, or learn from it.  But if you want a turn to talk,  add your own opinion, or a point of discussion.  Any idiot can open a twitter or facebook account and post something.   If I want to know what random people are posting, I can go online and see for myself.  I don't, because I don't care. 


Actually Raven, if you insist on reading aloud from internet opinions -   I suggest you go here: http://forums.previously.tv/topic/29061-stark-raven-mad/page-2#entry1674561

  • Love 13

I almost turned off the show when they discussed presidential candidate's responses about Isis. We have been bombing them for months and months and for uninformed people like Candace to act like the US hasn't been doing much of anything really steams me. President Obama and his military experts are much more knowledgable about how to combat Isis than a blowhard like Trump is. Just because he doesn't beat his chest and say stuff like we're going to bomb the s**t out of them doesn't mean the President is being as aggressive as possible without killing innocent civilians doesn't make him weak. I hate it that Joy had to cozy up to Trump at Adele's concert to get him to come on the show. Doesn't that mean she'll have to back off in criticizing him?

Edited by Kenz
  • Love 10

Remember Elisabeth's pop quiz?

Oh yes, CCB was channelling her inner Bitsy today.  She said twice that Joy was "silly" to criticize Carson re his beliefs, because he's a man of science, you know!  She accused Joy of rolling her eyes.  When Joy asked her to explain her beliefs, she stumbled and then basically used the pop quiz reply.  I was shocked that they came back to it after the break, but CCB still could not explain herself and that was when she call Joy silly again.  I wish Joy had said that she thinks it's silly to not believe in evolution.  Joy def took the high road, but you know she knew she won that round.

Edited by bannana
  • Love 15

Cameron's dress was sooooo short.  Actually, I can't even call it a dress ... it was more like a tunic.


When Miss Priss was sitting there trying to pinch her thighs together during that stupid pre-school engagement thing, all I could think of was how many people left the studio today knowing what color panties she had on.  

  • Love 7

I don't care if The Whoopster is talking sense or spewing nonsense, I have no respect for her & her opinions AT ALL.  She has appointed herself the final word on absolutely everything & it really grates on my nerves that she's always pounding away & totally dismissive of the other women.  (Most of whom, other than Joy & Paula, have nothing of value to add.)

  • Love 12
Really, Whoopi? When you say it accomplishes nothing to vilify ANYBODY, it's better to have a discussion - what about the Cosby victims you basically called liars? Huh?



And...what about Roman Polanski's 13-year-old  "conquest" who was not rape-raped?   (I dare not call her a victim because Whoopi Knows Best.)

Raven is useless.   I HATE when she pulls up some random opinion from facebook or twitter to add to a discussion.



Sadly, I don't think that's Raven's fault.  Isn't it the new "social media" part of The View?  Producers feed (requested) Tweets and posts they feel are appropriate for that moment to Raven and she's supposed to read they while they appear in the crawl below the screen.  Apparently this stuff is continued after the "live" broadcast.

  • Love 5

I don't care if The Whoopster is talking sense or spewing nonsense, I have no respect for her & her opinions AT ALL.  She has appointed herself the final word on absolutely everything & it really grates on my nerves that she's always pounding away & totally dismissive of the other women. 


What I want to know is when the other women decided that Whoopi is the expert who gets the final word on everything.  


She announces a topic or an issue, and they have their little go-round the table about it, interrupting each other and making stupid jokes.  Then it swings back to Whoopi and most of the time a hush falls over the other women as they sit quietly while she starts her know-it-all rant, laying down the law about what is really the issue, what we are all failing to understand, how we should all feel about the issue once we adjust our thinking accordingly, and admonishing the people of the world who disagree with her for being boneheads who just don't get it.  Always with the smug tone of someone who can't even contemplate that other people who feel differently might be right, and that (gasp!) she might just possibly be wrong.  She did it today with the evolution vs. creation discussion, and I wanted to PUKE.  Of all the topics to lecture people on ... and everyone just nodded appreciatively, they they had a little kumbaya- handshake moment when she was done.  Then Whoopi doubled down by lecturing the audience and viewers about how THIS was the way conversations should be conducted. I wanted to throw my remote through the TV screen. 


I guess she thinks that Joy making snide faces and Cameron whining and Michelle interrupting to make a stupid jokes and Paula basing her entire argument on personal anecdotal evidence is something we should all seek to emulate in our conversations.  


Sorry, but I don't think so.  

  • Love 18

I'm still way adrift to keep up with this show and it's daily insults to my intelligence, but...


I came across CCB's bullshit and Whoopi's defense of it on Facebook, and I cry FOUL!


And?  Off this show goes once again from DVR recordings.  I can't tolerate such utter nonsense and that includes Paula.


Denying evolution and trying to promote the fucking nonsense of the Creation Museum and getting away with it insults my intelligence, so I'm out.  Permanently.

  • Love 12

^^^^^Preach it sista!!^^^^^^^^


Oh, I got more if you wanna hear it! 


Did Michelle really hit up the google over the commercial break so she could come back with a statistic to throw in Cameron's face about how only 2% of scientist believe in intelligent design?  HAHAA!  That is so shitty, but I love it.  


I guess we all need to remember to pause our discussions for googling breaks so we can collect statistics to jam down the throats of people who disagree with us.  Because Whoopi says the way they have conversations on The View is how we should be doing it at home!   

  • Love 8

Joy taking CCB to task is summarized here -



Poor widdle Cameron and that mean bully Joy. Reminds me of Bitsy and RO. Slight typo that's kinda' amusing - referring to CCB as Bore.

So I had thought that CCB was kidding about the "creationist" museum, but nooo, there is such a place in Kentucky, and they even have a dinosaur exhibit!  I guess they just ignore dinosaurs that are more than 200 million years old.


I would love for Joy to go on a tour of this museum and report back to The View on it.  



  • Love 9

Did Michelle really hit up the google over the commercial break so she could come back with a statistic to throw in Cameron's face about how only 2% of scientist believe in intelligent design?  HAHAA!  That is so shitty, but I love it.  


Paula's as well with all her relatives that are scientists and still believe in creationism.  Now, I get it if you temper your belief about creation with the real amount of time that each "day" in Genesis may have taken, but otherwise?  STFU.  I'm done with you.

  • Love 1

Paula's as well with all her relatives that are scientists and still believe in creationism.  Now, I get it if you temper your belief about creation with the real amount of time that each "day" in Genesis may have taken, but otherwise?  STFU.  I'm done with you.

When Paula piped in with her comment that her scientist relatives don't believe in evolution I wish Joy had pointed out that they are not running for president, since the point of the discussion was that Carson is a denier.
  • Love 8

Joy turned away from CCB as they went to break. I don't think she appreciated being called "silly." Candace needs to learn how to state her opinions without making personal attacks. She's no match for Joy.

I agree. Reading the summary of their exchange, I think it's hilarious Candace and Raven don't get along since they really are two peas in a pod. Neither one can even formulate a sentence, much less explain why they think anything.

  • Love 9
I guess we all need to remember to pause our discussions for googling breaks so we can collect statistics to jam down the throats of people who disagree with us.


Welcome to any family gathering of the Cita clan. We seriously had to suspend playing Trivial Pursuit back in the day. Google would have been helpful!


So I had thought that CCB was kidding about the "creationist" museum, but nooo, there is such a place in Kentucky,


I've been there! I was driving through and saw the sign and didn't have to be home at any particular time, so I thought, why not?, and went. It was pricey, but it's very beautiful. Gardens, a rain forest, a petting zoo and ponds. Now, I have to admit, there were things I rolled my eyes at -- dioramas of little prehistoric kids frolicking with baby dinosaurs is one that comes to mind -- but while I went fully expecting to mock, I came away impressed by the earnestness of the people who ran it.


I am a firm believer in evolution, and see this whole creationist/evolution debate as a red herring with the purpose of further dividing us into The Right Way versus The Others.  Simply a ridiculous argument to be having. We're here, we're who we are, does it matter why we got to this point?


Also, I was just about the only car in the parking lot of the Creation Museum that didn't have either an NRA bumper sticker or a McCain/Palin sticker.

Edited by ChicagoCita
  • Love 14

So people are out because hearing a albeit ignorant Christian opinion is too much for the party of tolerance to deal with?


"The party of tolerance" is a preferred label given to lefties by the right, perpetuated as a generic comeback made up by people who are insecure or have no logical explanation for their own beliefs. There are just as many Christian liberals as there are conservatives. Some just know how to explain their beliefs more coherently than others. CCB is NOT one of them.

  • Love 17

I am a firm believer in evolution, and see this whole creationist/evolution debate as a red herring with the purpose of further dividing us into The Right Way versus The Others.  Simply a ridiculous argument to be having. We're here, we're who we are, does it matter why we got to this point?


How did they even get on the subject? There was a mention of Ben Carson, but was it pertaining to his creationist stance or did that come up as a side issue?  Next thing I knew Cameron was accusing Joy of rolling her eyes, lol ("that escalated quickly") and we were off the the races.




There are just as many Christian liberals as there are conservatives. Some just know how to explain their beliefs more coherently than others. CCB is NOT one of them.


I was surprised that Cameron couldn't articulate a single reason why she believes in intelligent design, aside from asserting some smart people believe in it, too.  When that is the first thing someone offers to support their opinion about anything, I'm pretty much done talking to them, personally.  


I would have expected at least a "the Bible says it, so it must be true" out of her.  Maybe she thought that was too feeble to say (but who could have argued with her about it, hmmm?).  She could have at least parroted the basic premise of intelligent design - humans are too miraculous to have appeared on earth by chance or accident.  I mean, that really is the basic argument in favor of intelligent design, isn't it? It's not a complicated concept.


I was left kind of wondering if she really understands the concept of intelligent design at all.

  • Love 16

How did they even get on the subject? There was a mention of Ben Carson, but was it pertaining to his creationist stance or did that come up as a side issue?  Next thing I knew Cameron was accusing Joy of rolling her eyes, lol ("that escalated quickly") and we were off the the races.





I was surprised that Cameron couldn't articulate a single reason why she believes in intelligent design, aside from asserting some smart people believe in it, too.  When that is the first thing someone offers to support their opinion about anything, I'm pretty much done talking to them, personally.  


I would have expected at least a "the Bible says it, so it must be true" out of her.  Maybe she thought that was too feeble to say (but who could have argued with her about it, hmmm?).  She could have at least parroted the basic premise of intelligent design - humans are too miraculous to have appeared on earth by chance or accident.  I mean, that really is the basic argument in favor of intelligent design, isn't it? It's not a complicated concept.


I was left kind of wondering if she really understands the concept of intelligent design at all.

Nope, she doesn't!!!

  • Love 7



Sadly, I don't think that's Raven's fault.  Isn't it the new "social media" part of The View?  Producers feed (requested) Tweets and posts they feel are appropriate for that moment to Raven and she's supposed to read they while they appear in the crawl below the screen.  Apparently this stuff is continued after the "live" broadcast.


Yes, but even in regular conversation, she talks about Facebook & Twitter all the time.  She always did, even before they started the new social media stuff.  It's not uncommon for Joy to say something intelligent based on actual facts, followed by Raven interjecting with the earth-shattering news that she saw some random tweet the night before.  Facebook and Twitter seem to be her main sources of information, and she puts an awful lot of stock in what people are posting and tweeting.  Her entire world seems to revolve around Candy Crush and social media.  Even when she's not reading social media as part of the show, she's constantly talking about it.  From Day One, it's been a major topic of conversation for her.


I like FB and Twittter too, but seriously this girl needs to pick up a book once in awhile.  Or keep up with the news online.  Get Google alerts or just read headlines. Something!   Because she comes across as really ignorant, and uninformed.  

  • Love 7

Yes, but even in regular conversation, she talks about Facebook & Twitter all the time.  She always did, even before they started the new social media stuff.  It's not uncommon for Joy to say something intelligent based on actual facts, followed by Raven interjecting with the earth-shattering news that she saw some random tweet the night before.  Facebook and Twitter seem to be her main sources of information, and she puts an awful lot of stock in what people are posting and tweeting.  Her entire world seems to revolve around Candy Crush and social media.  Even when she's not reading social media as part of the show, she's constantly talking about it.  From Day One, it's been a major topic of conversation for her.


I like FB and Twittter too, but seriously this girl needs to pick up a book once in awhile.  Or keep up with the news online.  Get Google alerts or just read headlines. Something!   Because she comes across as really ignorant, and uninformed.

Yes, exactly! She has the mentality of a lot of 14 year old girls. The ones who say "my phone is my life" and mean it.
  • Love 4
So people are out because hearing a albeit ignorant Christian opinion is too much for the party of tolerance to deal with?



I'm only out if there are two born-again Christians on the panel, hopefully that won't happen too often.  I don't know what you mean by "party of tolerance", but I do happen to be fairly tolerant of many things, just not willful ignorance.

  • Love 10

Michelle has risen to the highest irritant in my book.  She is the worst at interrupting and struggles to find a joke everywhere and fails.  Her voice is too loud and her flapping hands annoying.  


I love you Joy! 


Her show "Late Night Joy" is good.  There is no thread for it here.  Put it on your DVR.  It is 30 mins taped in her kitchen with varying guests.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 7

It seems as if CCB is being fed talking points ala Elisabeth. As Whoopi correctly pointed out, our military is fatigued from multiple deployments. I have two young nephews who are suffering from ptsd and tbi. I had a husband and two sons in gulf war until it waa discovered that the young one was surviving son and was sent home. So until she gets some skin in the game she should stfu.

  • Love 19

Michelle has risen to the highest irritant in my book.  She is the worst at interrupting and struggles to find a joke everywhere and fails.  Her voice is too loud and her flapping hands annoying.  


I love you Joy! 


Her show "Late Night Joy" is good.  There is no thread for it here.  Put it on your DVR.  It is 30 mins taped in her kitchen with varying guests.  

Totally agree regarding Michelle!!


I watched last night & really enjoyed Don Lemon.

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No, no, no Candace. You cannot bring up Planned Parenthood and late term abortion in the middle of a discussion about terrorist watch list people being able to obtain guns easily. So glad the group shut her down. 

I was so happy about that..Did you guys notice the look that Michelle shot Whoopie, when Candace tried to bring in Abortion into the discussion...Candace is so stealth, she  is trying to provoke some type of row and the ladies are not taking her bait..She tried it with Joy yesterday..Nice Try Candace! people like her scare me with their ideology...

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