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Stark Raven Mad


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Well this is interesting. Somebody started a change.org petition to have Raven removed from The View. If I'm reading this right it looks like it got 46,000 supporters in one day so far.


That is interesting because any regular viewer of this show would know that ABC doesn't care what the viewers think, so while I applaud the effort and the sentiment I am guessing this originated from just seeing the clip or reading about  Raven's latest dumbass comment. Because that's not even close to the lamest thing to come from her mouth while on a national stage.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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oh my, how FUNNY!  


And you just know how much this must bother Raven.  She puts so much stock in social media/internet crap.  This just started today and look how many people have signed on.  OUCH indeed!!!!  


It couldn't have happened to a more annoying, ignorant, bigmouth jackass!  oh, wait, yes it could have ... it could have happened to Whoopi!   


Actually, why hasn't it?

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The sad thing is The View has Candace, Raven, and Whoopi all vying for places in the bottom 5 worst View co-hosts in its history all on the show at the same time. And Michelle isn't far behind either (since I think Sherri, Jenny, and Elisabeth belong in the bottom before her at least).


You know, with all the co-hosts this show's had, I'm surprised we don't have a thread to rank them all.

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Sorry, but this is just nuts. Yes, Raven isn't well educated or well-read but she is certainly not the worst panelist the View has ever had! Be careful what you wish for - who knows who the powers-that-be would hire instead of her.

I agree, and I don't think it will actually do anything substantive. But they will notice and it amuses me that it's already closing in on 79,000 signatures just since I last posted. The only real question is will they acknowledge it at all and if so how.

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I sincerely doubt it will be acknowledged (any of the 3 petitions) on the show or by ABC.

But it is a wake up call to Raven to grow up and be informed....especially at 30 and her salary. If she is mature enough to find sources of info with pictures and studies up on current events other than off the wall subculture thoughts....at her age.

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It looks like they are close to 100K signatures, lol.


I don't think ABC will really care enough to fire Raven or anything, but it might cause Raven herself to realize she needs to be better prepared and think before she speaks.   For as much as that is worth, that is.  Because I just don't think she is very bright or a deep thinker at all, and there is only so much she has to offer even if she works really hard.  I just don't hope she totally dismisses it as internet bullying from a bunch of anonymous people hiding behind their computers yada yada yada because it really is more legitimate than that.  When100K people (+) people have signed a petition saying you suck at your job, you should probably take it at least a little seriously.


Maybe ABC will start requiring her to do more homework and stick to the scripted comments they have approved for her. Because while having lots of people talking about the show is a good thing, I still don't think they would really be happy to have it just be a huge joke.  It's (supposedly) part of the news division now and I think it must be embarrassing to them.  It's kind of ridiculous they would have to hold Raven's hand every minute of every show - someone who needs that to get by really shouldn't be on the show at all.  But at this point there has been so much poor casting choices and turnover and drama, I think ABC is not going to make any changes in the lineup until they absolutely have to, and they may go the babysitting route just to save face.

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Sadly, this may already BE the case!


You may be right.  They probably tried and gave up already and that is why they are giving Raven a lot of "announcements" to make and having her read random tweets.  It's an attempt to give her something to say without her actually expressing her own hopelessly dumb thoughts.  



Oh please whooping has been far worse far longer. If anyone should have a petition dedicated to booting them it's WG. I'd sign that in a hot minute. This.? Nah


Whoops has been far worse, and for far longer.  I completely agree.  I don't know why there hasn't been a petition started about her.  She has been so widely criticized for so many foolish things she has said, but I don't recall a single organized effort to actually get her fired.  How can that be?  


Is it some kind of generational thing ?  I mean, young people are all up on this online petition stuff.  And they are fired up about a fellow young person being so awful, so they take the tactics they are familiar with and put them into action?  But Whoopi is hopelessly over the hill and laughed off by the youngins and they just don't bother with her?  And old people like me who find her so offensive don't bother starting stuff like online petitions?   Could that be it?  


Because I really think Whoopi deserves it more.  Raven says dumb things, but Whoopi is actually kind of dangerous with her defenses of rapists and dogfighting and (arguably) cheating, among other things. At least in my opinion.  YMMV. 

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They think she has all the qualities that make her a great addition to the panel - confident, genuine and opinionated. *insert rolling eyes emoticon*


Gee, how about being intelligent, well informed and mindful of the words that come out of your mouth.  Wouldn't THOSE be even better qualities to possess for starring on a show discussing pop culture, political news and national/world issues.


Thought provoking and given to creating buzz and discussion are not a bad thing.  But what Raven does is spew nonsensical ill informed views on a pretty consistent basis.  She's only a good addition to a panel when you hope to talk down to your audience and speak to the morons of the nation.  Of course when looking at the mix (for the most part) they've assembled, I guess that is exactly what they wanted and they hit the jackpot with Raven.

Edited by onthebrink03
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ABC heard and dismissed the petition to remove Raven from The View. In basically what amounts to a big F**k You to the viewers, they stand behind Raven 100%...at least this week.




Shocker.   This show has been giving the middle finger to the viewers for quite some time now in all kinds of ways.  

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They think she has all the qualities that make her a great addition to the panel - confident, genuine and opinionated. *insert rolling eyes emoticon*


I don't think the description of Raven is that far off ..... let's break it down ...


Confident = full of herself

Genuine = unsophisticated & simple minded

Opinionated = loudmouth know-it-all


They just found a nice way to say what people have been saying about her for months now.

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They should've said, "She's stupid and doesn't mind being offensive to attract controversy, which makes her a good addition to the panel." Because that would be the truth.


It's hard to blame Raven exactly. I mean, yes, she's to blame for her own ignorance, but the only reason she has a platform to be heard is because ABC/The View gave one to her. And she won't be the first time a co-host is fired for being what ABC wanted when they hired them--like when they fired Jenny McCarthy because she was too boring (despite asking her not to be controversial while she was there) and Nicolle because she didn't bring enough tension/crazy. Raven'll be blamed for being too offensive, even though that's the reason they hired her in the first place.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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This petition will only make the network love Raven more. For this kind of show, any passion about the show is good passion. People will tune in to see what dumb/awful thing Raven will say next just so that they can be outraged about it. Offensive is good; boring is the kiss of death. Hence, Nicolle getting the boot. She was supposed to be the conservative one, but she didn't say outrageous stuff or cause any fireworks, so that was her demise. Raven is creating great job security.

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JEZEBEL article titled :  The View is Keeping Raven-Symoné Around Even Though She Keeps Making People Mad

Which, let's face it, is why she was hired.  


But moments like these seem to be Raven-Symoné’s schtick; say something dumb, get viewers to hate-watch the View while crying for her head and she cashes her co-host checks. Who cares if almost 130,000 petitioners can’t stand her act? ABC is into it.


Edited by Cosmocrush
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Which, let's face it, is why she was hired.  

And it seems many are jumping on the "let's make waves" bandwagon.  I wish producers/programmers etc. would stop going for controversial and get back to intelligent and thought provoking shows.  You know, something that might actually entertain or educate. Something that might make someone seek out more information about people, places and current events.  But more and more you see producers scrambling for whatever will net them press and an audience that will tune in out of curiosity as to what idiotic conversation or stunt they will pull out of their asses next.


When did intelligent discourse become out of fashion?  And when might the pendulum swing back.  I miss the days of Meredith, Lisa and Joy in her prime.  It can be fun to snark on the idiocy that abounds these days in shows such as The View but you lose brain cells every time you watch this type of drivel and once they're gone, they're gone for good!

Edited by onthebrink03
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Since the Elisabeth years, I've always thought The View was treated by ABC and the media like Real Housewives, where all the women are constantly at each others' throats.

I had just hoped things would be different under the new management.   But I guess not.

After what happened the year of Nicolle, the two Rosie's, and Bill Wolff, I doubt they'll make the effort to improve this show again. If they do at all, it'll be after Whoopi is out of the way. But, let's be honest, getting Whoopi out the door alone would improve this show astronomically.

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I watch this show for the lunacy.  I don't want a show with serious stuff and everyone getting along.  We have The Talk for that! So I say, Raven keep it up!   


In her defense and this is probably the only instance!   Raven got blasted for saying I am an American, not an African American.  The black people I know feel the exact same way.  They prefer saying black.  It makes sense.  We don't hear people say I am a German American, French American and so forth.  If you are a citizen here you are an American, period.  


Many Indians feel the same way when it comes to Native American.  Everyone born here is a native. They prefer to be called by their tribe name and if you don't know it, Indian.  They are just glad Columbus wasn't looking for Turkey!  That was said by a leader of some tribe (Navajo?).   Some feel that the new PC term is just to soothe white people into thinking they are doing something good for them.  

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I watch this show for the lunacy.  I don't want a show with serious stuff and everyone getting along.  We have The Talk for that! So I say, Raven keep it up!   


In her defense and this is probably the only instance!   Raven got blasted for saying I am an American, not an African American.  The black people I know feel the exact same way.  They prefer saying black.  It makes sense.  We don't hear people say I am a German American, French American and so forth.  If you are a citizen here you are an American, period.  


Many Indians feel the same way when it comes to Native American.  Everyone born here is a native. They prefer to be called by their tribe name and if you don't know it, Indian.  They are just glad Columbus wasn't looking for Turkey!  That was said by a leader of some tribe (Navajo?).   Some feel that the new PC term is just to soothe white people into thinking they are doing something good for them.  

However, Americans do not have a strong national identity like other countries around the world...America is still trying to find its footing when it comes to identity. 

Based on Twitter it looks like Raven has been in CA filming for her occasional role on Blackish.


Ah well, that explains her absence.  I think the art school she was attending and is returning to is in San Francisco too.   Hmmmmm.  


I think this show is just a part time second job for everyone but Joy and Whoopi, and Joy was basically retired so it makes sense she would like these part time hours.  Paula has another part time job, and everyone else has other projects, well everyone else except Whoopi, but I'm sure that's only because she hasn't figured out how to continue Sister Act for another 200 years.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Based on Twitter it looks like Raven has been in CA filming for her occasional role on Blackish.


The other week, when Candace left during the show & it turned out she had the flu, Whoopi said something about Raven being sick too. I don't know if she legitimately was (Whoopi made it sound like something was going around & had affected a bunch of people--either people connected to the show or who she knows; I think Michelle was off a bit around then too, but she may have had out of town comedy gigs) or if that was Whoopi "covering" for Raven's now fairly lengthy absence (for someone I, at least, thought was supposed to be a regular Co-Host). Or maybe Raven was legitimately sick & also had the time off coming to do Black-ish afterwards.

Edited by BW Manilowe
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