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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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I have to love how this show tries to create its own reality.  "Brooke always knows what to do in a crisis"?  Since when?  

And I have to say, while Red Suit Brooke was interesting, I really see that characterization as more of an aberration than Brooke's true character.  I've watched this show from the beginning and that part of her character only emerged because she was supremely pissed at both her former lovers, i.e., Ridge and Eric, for trying to trick her into signing away her rights to BeLieF, a potential goldmine.  That rage was what fueled her.  She wasn't that angry before and hasn't been since. None of the sexual violations (by Ridge and Stephanie-by-proxy), Ridge's dumping her repeatedly, etc., that she's endured have made her as angry.  That characterization only lasted about six months out of the twenty-nine years Brooke's been on the canvas.

And while I think we've seen enough of mopey, lonely, inexplicably alcoholic Brooke to last us quite awhile, I do like the idea of characters changing with age. Where Brooke could have snapped her fingers and had any man twenty years ago, she can't anymore.  She's still very attractive and alluring but she's older as are her usual prey, Eric and Ridge.  None of them are as controlled by lustful desires as they once were.  So, when she tries to seduce Ridge while looking hot in a bikini, and he's at an age where he can respond with "Looking good, Logan.  See ya!", that's got to have an effect on her.  That's interesting to me.  A woman who relied so much on her sexuality now sees its impact waning.  Does she care?  If so, how does she compensate?  

  • Love 5

I know this is late to the conversation but I still don't understand what is so scandalous about Caroline and Ridge not broadcasting that Thomas was the father of the baby.  It wasn't anyone else's business.  As adoptive parents, DH and I have never introduced our child as our "adopted son" but only as "our son."  He is treated the same as any other child of ours and will inherit as if he was born to us.  What's the scandal?  Family might think it was scandalous that Thomas didn't know at first that he was the father, but the general public is not entitled to know that fact.  As far as the public is concerned, Thomas agreed from the beginning to let Ridge and Caroline raise Douglas as their own.

  • Love 6

Ugh, I wish Liam would have just faked a case of explosive diahrrea or something equally revolting that I'd never have to hear about again, and skipped the trip. I predict the next week, or however long the Spencer Summit lasts, will be utterly painful...for us, the viewers. They haven't even taken off and he's already moping about Steffy & her husband taking pix. I know, "we was robbed by Quinn", got it, just like I got it when Liam & Hope "was robbed by Quinn". If I was Liam Spencer, I'd be sending Quinn flowers for saving me from those two bratty little girls (in reference to their fighting over Liam).

As much as I hate Liam being a dolt, what I hate more is that Scott Clifton can actually act when given the material, it's just a shame that they make him mopey, or captain save-a-ho 90% of the time. I wish they hadn't taken the Quinn Adam/Eve thing so far. That was at least something different for SC.

  • Love 7

The thing I don't understand is that good writing doesn't cost any more than crappy writing.  They already have a pretty good cast and competent writing/acting certainly costs less than location shoots or party scenes or whatever.  

Soap audiences are loyal but I think the show interprets that loyalty as stupidity.  

  • Love 8

IIRC,  most of the on location shoots are in countries sponsoring the show, like the Monaco one where Brill almost got married, when taping coincided with a marathon KKL was running. So it costs them less that it would Y&R for example.

Not that it matters when the writers will waste it on the same ol' maudlin, repetitive dialogue about being robbed or whatever that they have in LA. 

  • Love 2

Well I was wrong. Quinn actually hit warp 12 on booking and packing for her trip. 

Same shit different day and audience. I'm talking about Liam and Eric and Liam's diatribe about Quinn. Does Eric even give a shit about Liam and his woes?  What's Eric got to do with it anyway?  Liam, you ass hate, actually telling Eric that your waiting for his granddaughter's marriage to fall apart. That's like the fox waiting for the guard dog to fall asleep so he can raid the hen house. Also, what's with Eric?  IMO he gave Quinn a left handed invitation to join him in Monte Carlo. If it's just casual and it is what it is, than Eric had no need to tell Quinn that he was going away.  Is Eric that stupid to think Quinn, knowing her history, would not act impulsively?  

I love love the way Bill rags on Katie's drinking when he constantly has a drink in his hand.  It seems that Bill's motto  is that it's 5 o'clock somewhere. Kudos to Brooke for standing up for Katie. I'm sure Bill thought that Brooke would take his side, not. With Ridge and Brooke looming, is he going back to Katie or is there going to be a new love interest for him?  Maybe he will bye a magic mirror, put in the "nap room" and he could make love to himself.  Magic mirror on the wall, who's the best lover of them all?  In the background  "Nobody Does it Better" is playing. 

  • Love 7

I think I hate Bill Spencer more than any other soap character ever. And I've watched Grampire on Y&R since $Bill was still Brad the pool boy. There was zero justification for keeping Katie from even visiting Will. I hate that bastard.

I am beyond tired of Quinn's shtick. RS needs to take a vacation. And not to Monaco. 

Liam, rooting for Steffy's marriage to fail, out loud, to her grandfather? Wow, that's tacky.

  • Love 11

Everyone is tacky on this show, but if Eric doesn't bother with shutting down the decades long pissing matching between Ridge and Thorne and now Rick, did anyone expect him to say boo to Waffles?

For the first time, I wonder how Stephanie would've handled Liam in this situation. I don't think he'd have dare said a word in front of her because she'd ice him out like she was coronated that day as Queen of Arendalle. But since no evil Logan suitors like Hope are involved, I assume Stephanie would support Steffy's choice of staying with the man that's been by a wide margin the most stable choice since Marcus. Hell, she'd have probably created some reason to bring Hope back just to make sure Liam stayed away (which would backfire, the way all her schemes again Brooke did, but I digress).

  • Love 5
On Friday, July 22, 2016 at 10:52 AM, Cool Breeze said:

I have to love how this show tries to create its own reality.  "Brooke always knows what to do in a crisis"?  Since when?  

And I have to say, while Red Suit Brooke was interesting, I really see that characterization as more of an aberration than Brooke's true character.  I've watched this show from the beginning and that part of her character only emerged because she was supremely pissed at both her former lovers, i.e., Ridge and Eric, for trying to trick her into signing away her rights to BeLieF, a potential goldmine.  That rage was what fueled her.  She wasn't that angry before and hasn't been since. None of the sexual violations (by Ridge and Stephanie-by-proxy), Ridge's dumping her repeatedly, etc., that she's endured have made her as angry.  That characterization only lasted about six months out of the twenty-nine years Brooke's been on the canvas.

And while I think we've seen enough of mopey, lonely, inexplicably alcoholic Brooke to last us quite awhile, I do like the idea of characters changing with age. Where Brooke could have snapped her fingers and had any man twenty years ago, she can't anymore.  She's still very attractive and alluring but she's older as are her usual prey, Eric and Ridge.  None of them are as controlled by lustful desires as they once were.  So, when she tries to seduce Ridge while looking hot in a bikini, and he's at an age where he can respond with "Looking good, Logan.  See ya!", that's got to have an effect on her.  That's interesting to me.  A woman who relied so much on her sexuality now sees its impact waning.  Does she care?  If so, how does she compensate?  

In ten years between TWoP and here, you have been the first person to actually point this out. I'd argue that Brooke wasn't nearly as thoughtless and stupid as she's been made out to be in recent years, but being actively lied to and nearly fucked outta money she was entitled to should have lit a fire under anyone's ass, history with the Forrester men or not.

But even for that, Brooke got to be a viable business woman despite her weakness for Ridge and genuinely had passion for the company, and that part about waning sexuality is why it drives me up the wall that they won't even consider returning to this. Lang has the talent, and Brooke also has a spoiled bitch baby of a son that's always whining about being under Ridge's shadow. Since Ivy and Wyatt cant have a rival house and Aly as the last active heir to Spectra is pushing daisies ( >:( ) , it makes sense for Brooke to help Rick out. She's done it before when Nick got control of FC and before that when Ridge cut off all their distributors and the Ambrosia line was marketed on the B&B equivalent to QVC..

Maybe it was a fluke, but just like this fluke of Steffy being sane after her marriage to Wyatt or discovering penicillin from mold, but it worked, and it should be mined again.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 6
On ‎7‎/‎22‎/‎2016 at 6:44 PM, Waldo13 said:

Is Eric that stupid



Maybe he will bye a magic mirror, put in the "nap room" and he could make love to himself.  Magic mirror on the wall, who's the best lover of them all?  In the background  "Nobody Does it Better" is playing. 


  • Love 2

Aw, show, you're such a tease. Every time I think you're gonna give it to me good, you pull out and disappoint.

You had Deacon as the voice of reason (right!), and Quinn listening (double right), but then you go and have Eric Dear Jane her via text and unleash the cray. See, I'm all for those two embracing technology, but check this out: Eric hears Liam out today, but he sends Quinn a text that he wants to talk to her when he gets back. She misinterprets  the intent and sends him a string of sessy  selfies  over the course of a few days. His responses (Wow! Oh, my! etc) encourage her to keep it up. After a few days, Eric is giving his talk at the summit, his phone is blowing up backstage, Steffy picks it up, sees the sexting thread, and all hell breaks loose. Same result as they're going for now, but a hell of a lot  more interesting - and would show  Quik equally liable.

As  much as I want to watch Ridge set Caroline free (because those scenes are going to be golden), it might be time for another break.

Edited by bittersweet4149
  • Love 5
8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I'm so sick of Waffles' fixated idea that Steffy, laboring under the belief that he had dumped her, had absolutely no other alternative than to marry Wyatt as soon as possible.

Don't blame Waffles. Substitute Steffy with Hope. Same storyline. Same lazy ass writers/hacks.

  • Love 11

Watching yesterday's episode, did anyone else catch Ridge acknowledging the way he and Brooke steamrolled people in their pursuit of one another? It was almost a meta confession from the writers.

SC and JMc work so well together. Despite the many weddings between Steffy, Hope and Ivy, this is actually the first time they've ever interacted directly that I can recall. It's a shame that Liam is written to be so useless because I like Clifton's interactions with just about every other actor on the show EXCEPT for JMW and Kim Matula before that.

Was also glad Eric dumped her after talking to Liam.

  • Love 7

A few takeaways from the last couple of shows:

That was proof positive that Brooke can make sense.

I was surprised at how easily Bill caved; that was proof positive that he must have deeper feelings for Brooke than I thought.

For some strange reason I wanted Bill to grab Katie and hug her as he was telling her that he would let her see Will. More than that, I wanted him to tell her that he loved her.

Good work by DD; I could almost see his defenses melting away as he talked to Katie.

Bill said exacerbate.

I hate to sound like a broken record, or to keep beating a dead horse, but this stuff with Deacon is not something I want to watch.

How uncomfortable was it to watch Quinn model her “Eric Outfits” for Deacon?

Same with Liam and Eric discussing Quinn? I was positively squirming in my seat.

And of course Liam’s never ending litany about Steffy being “the love of my life.” Blah, blah, blah………..

Quinn folded enough clothes to fill a steamer trunk, yet when she added the long black dress there were barely any clothes in her suitcase.

Scott Clifton plays off JMcC just as well as he does DD, although in an entirely different way.

I am shocked that Eric is ignoring the urgings of his penis.

I don’t think those Eric/Liam bonding scenes were a fluke. Liam is going to be needing a new father figure once he hooks up with Katie and loses Bill.

Eric was looking unexpectedly sexy and handsome in that partially unbuttoned dress shirt. The trimmed up facial hair isn’t hurting either.

Ridge is kinda breaking my heart.

I have a feeling that we are going to get more out of this Ridge/Brooke redux than just a return of Bridge.

Caroline looks different. Eyebrows? Lips? Or just makeup?

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 7
12 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I'm so sick of Waffles' fixated idea that Steffy, laboring under the belief that he had dumped her, had absolutely no other alternative than to marry Wyatt as soon as possible.

I'm sick of Waffles acting like Steffy is being forced into this (stupid) social media campaign.  Wasn't Wyatt's whole inspiration the fact that Steffy already had a bunch of followers?  So presumably she was already really active on social media?  Why is Liam acting like the whole thing is beneath her?

That said, the execution of the whole thing is relatively obnoxious - how many photos do they need? - but just like marrying Wyatt, nobody is making her do it.  She's a big girl who makes her own decisions, and a man who supposedly "loves" her should give her at least that much credit.  Ugh.


8 minutes ago, RuntheTable said:

Caroline looks different. Eyebrows? Lips? Or just makeup?

Her eyebrow pencil was incredibly thick yesterday, and FAR too dark for her.  I guess they were going for "glamorous evening look"?  But it was distracting, IMO.

  • Love 5

Actually, Liam's aversion to social media stuff isn't out of the blue. One of the big reasons for his first split up with Hope was her announcing all their personal business as a selling tool for HFTF. 

No doubt, this is entirely coincidental and no one remembers or cares since Hope's off the canvas.  But it begs the question of why date women in the fashion industry, let alone the biggest fashion house in LA. 

This is why I'm hoping he'll eventually be put in Nicole or Sasha's orbit for a change of pace (and not to see the two of them fight over him as Hope and Steffy did for years, because no). Since Nicole is such a holy, giving saint as Liam thinks of himself, they'd be a perfect match. Or even Sasha who has Steffy's edge and none of the sociopathic tendencies.

  • Love 7
21 minutes ago, Anna Yolei said:

Or even Sasha who has Steffy's edge and none of the sociopathic tendencies.

For laughs I really wish Sasha had tagged along on the Spencer Summit trip for some random Forrester reasons. Actually it would've been nice if Eric or Steffy had offered her the trip to give her exposure to the world as she begins to work more internationally. She's off seeing the sights alone, sad over Zende, wishing she had a man of her own...

Steffy and Liam have a big fight where she tells Liam in no uncertain terms she chooses, loves, picks Wyatt-end of story. Liam leaves in tears.

Liam takes a walk on the beach, drifts too close to the surf, has a brain injury relapse and collapses into the water.

Sasha sees a body in the water, calls for help but no one is around, she runs into the water and pulls the person out.

Next thing Liam knows he wakes up on the beach and looks up at this beautiful woman who obviously saved him and she smiles at him in relief as he opens his eyes and she asks 'Are you okay?'

And Liam instantly imprints on her and falls in love and says 'I am now...'

After she gets him checked out at the hospital, he insists on taking her out as a thank you and it goes on from there.

I can see Sasha in the Spencer orbit and having a blast. Papa Avant would be too curious by half that Sasha snagged herself a rich boy like Liam and you'd get some nice Bill and Julius interactions.

Edited by TobinAlbers
  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, Artsda said:

So Ridge and Caroline are going to break up and end their marriage just like that? So Caroline will go off with Thomas?

IKR? That was the weirdest break up I ever witnessed. So yesterday Deacon said Quinn couldn't afford a first class plane ticket yet she owns 2 or 3 homes and a business? Make up your mind writers...

  • Love 5

Ugh, that was the worst possible way to end the CaRidge marriage. Of course Caroline & Thomas have a quasi-sort of bond because they share a child, who's still adorable & not 10 handfuls yet, this from the mother of a baby roughly Douglas' age & a toddler. However, while I've seen puppy-dog looks from Thomas, I've never seen anything from Caroline that says "I want to leave my husband whom I adore and who adores me, to be with his son, whom I happen to share a child with." (I'm trying to avoid the discussion of Douglas' conception, as I know that's a no-no, having said that, my view may be skewed to not notice actual Caroline & Thomas bonding.) The closest I've seen of anything would be last week when Caroline looked sort of forelorn when Thomas was planning a date with model-girl. To me, that was more a look that she was sort of envious at how carefree he could be, while she physically had to be around her child every few hours, as he's exclusively breast-fed, according to what we're led to believe. No explanation as to how Thomas is handling that on an overnighter, FYI, unless I missed that part. I'm on the cusp of taking a break, because I'm a huge, "yuge" CaRidge fan. Of course, this does make it all the soapier when Douglas is discovered to actually be Ridge's biological child. Maybe I'll hold on for that. I gave up Y&R for the repulsive Philly storyline, I'll quit you, too, B&B, just keep pushing.

Hey, Liam, look at all of those girls in Monte Carlo excited just by the Spencer arrival! Some, even prettier than Steffy and not even married to your brother. Grab one of them and have a wild night, I dare you!

  • Love 15

If those two are so in love, as they seem to be on today's episode, why the hell are they breaking up?  Most soap breakups are because the couple hate each other, but not when they still seem to be so much in love.  Just because Douglas isn't Ridge's kid isn't a reason to break up.   Millions of kids are part of blended families.  This story is just plain stupid.  

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, TobinAlbers said:

For laughs I really wish Sasha had tagged along on the Spencer Summit trip for some random Forrester reasons. Actually it would've been nice if Eric or Steffy had offered her the trip to give her exposure to the world as she begins to work more internationally. She's off seeing the sights alone, sad over Zende, wishing she had a man of her own...

Steffy and Liam have a big fight where she tells Liam in no uncertain terms she chooses, loves, picks Wyatt-end of story. Liam leaves in tears.

Liam takes a walk on the beach, drifts too close to the surf, has a brain injury relapse and collapses into the water.

Sasha sees a body in the water, calls for help but no one is around, she runs into the water and pulls the person out.

Next thing Liam knows he wakes up on the beach and looks up at this beautiful woman who obviously saved him and she smiles at him in relief as he opens his eyes and she asks 'Are you okay?'

And Liam instantly imprints on her and falls in love and says 'I am now...'

After she gets him checked out at the hospital, he insists on taking her out as a thank you and it goes on from there.

I can see Sasha in the Spencer orbit and having a blast. Papa Avant would be too curious by half that Sasha snagged herself a rich boy like Liam and you'd get some nice Bill and Julius interactions.

All of this! I want Sasha to become Bill's favorite daughter-in-law, only not for the squicky reason he likes Steffy. Ew!

...and I want a pony

  • Love 4

How uncomfortable was it to watch Quinn model her “Eric Outfits” for Deacon?

I was too busy thinking why Deacon was there at all.  Why would Deacon give a shit that Quinn is going to blow up a marriage she manipulated?  Why would he care if Quinn screws herself by going to MC? 

And the writers want to play it that Quinn sees Deacon as her friend now?  WTF?  She tried to kill him and before she could barely tolerate him but now he's her BFF who is making travel arrangements for her?  What kind of tom fuckery is this?  Its just so dumb. I thought General Hospital f'd over SK and his character on that show, but this show has gone beyond that.  At least his character got some kind of material that made a little bit of sense and fed off his character's history. Deacon just exists to be Quinn's girlfriend and its a complete waste of the actor, character and his history on the show.

  • Love 12

I don't know; I thought it was kind of a classy way to end a relationship. They can always come back around and restart whenever its convenient for plot. For now, though, I buy them as two adults looking at the situation responsibly and acknowledging that they've reached an irreconcilable difference; 'they lost that feeling', or whatever the script was. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Artsda said:

So Ridge and Caroline are going to break up and end their marriage just like that? So Caroline will go off with Thomas?

Wow that was fast but with Bell's cavalier attitude towards men taking advantage of women, Thomas being rewarded, with Caroline, is just more evidence of this. Completely ignored is the relationships of Rick/Maya, Zende/Nicole, and even the Avants because PC out trumps everything. 

Waffles was doing his best impression of a boy who just lost his dog.  Liam and Sasha, no way.  Dull is not her style.  IMO, Sasha only wanted Zende because he was available and Nicole's so called boyfriend.  

I have to say that Ridge's and Caroline's break up had more passion than Nicole's and Zende's love scene.  

  • Love 4

Definitely great acting in the CaRidge breakup scene but yeah, the 'realization' they had that what they had was great and is now over just seemed odd. We've been in Ridge's head about it with his talking to Brooke, but Caroline went from going 'ohhh caviar!' to 'yep, you're right, we're done'. I mean when Ridge says the 'next woman will have to do a lot to come close to getting into my heart'  a) I was like dang, son, you already looking to the next piece? b) Caroline should've been there is no next woman, only ME!

I guess it's just that it's disappointing that when they hit their first major hurdle, Ridge just threw in the towel and Caroline just accepted it. This relationship seemed like it could/should have been one of those that's hardened and forged in the fires of surviving Thomas and Douglas' paternity and Ridge's issues for them to come out on the other side. Instead it feels like TK is getting ready to pull stakes from the show to go back to Paris and Ridge make periodic visits to the show.

Do Thomas and Caroline have that many fans for the show to go all in on them at least for the moment? Because without the pull of Ridge, it seems like it's pretty smooth sailing for Thomas and Caroline unless she puts the brakes on. And do we or even Caroline know that Thomas is what she wants? Or are we going to have to suffer through Caromas' courtship and then 'happy wedding' in a few months?

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, tricknasty said:

IKR? That was the weirdest break up I ever witnessed. So yesterday Deacon said Quinn couldn't afford a first class plane ticket yet she owns 2 or 3 homes and a business? Make up your mind writers...

My heart is filled with hate. I don't know if I can watch this show until they reunite CaRidge. Fucking show.

  • Love 8

IDK, this just seemed too easy for Ridge & Caroline. They seemed so in love and so happy with Douglas. Ridge was actually crying and Caroline was trying to cry. Has she forgotten how horrified she was when she woke up after the night with creepy Thomas?! Or is she so grateful to have a baby that she's rewritten history?  Or, as I suspect, this is just a contrivance to get Brooke & Ridge back together? This show is losing me for sure.

  • Love 12
6 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

If those two are so in love, as they seem to be on today's episode, why the hell are they breaking up?  Most soap breakups are because the couple hate each other, but not when they still seem to be so much in love.  Just because Douglas isn't Ridge's kid isn't a reason to break up.   Millions of kids are part of blended families.  This story is just plain stupid.  

I don't remotely get this shit.  Caroline wanted a baby AND Ridge, not a baby and the baby's father, no matter who it is.  I don't buy for a second that either she or Ridge thinks that a baby needs to be raised by his married parents, no matter what (let alone in these icky circumstances).  Caroline was raised by her two mothers.  Ridge was (as he found out later in life) raised by a man who was not his biological father.  I didn't watch back then, but I highly doubt any of you will tell me that Ridge pushed Brooke to be with Deacon because he was Hope's father.  So dumb, show.  So, so dumb. 

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, nkotb said:

Ugh, that was the worst possible way to end the CaRidge marriage. Of course Caroline & Thomas have a quasi-sort of bond because they share a child, who's still adorable & not 10 handfuls yet, this from the mother of a baby roughly Douglas' age & a toddler. However, while I've seen puppy-dog looks from Thomas, I've never seen anything from Caroline that says "I want to leave my husband whom I adore and who adores me, to be with his son, whom I happen to share a child with." (I'm trying to avoid the discussion of Douglas' conception, as I know that's a no-no, having said that, my view may be skewed to not notice actual Caroline & Thomas bonding.) The closest I've seen of anything would be last week when Caroline looked sort of forelorn when Thomas was planning a date with model-girl. To me, that was more a look that she was sort of envious at how carefree he could be, while she physically had to be around her child every few hours, as he's exclusively breast-fed, according to what we're led to believe. No explanation as to how Thomas is handling that on an overnighter, FYI, unless I missed that part. I'm on the cusp of taking a break, because I'm a huge, "yuge" CaRidge fan. Of course, this does make it all the soapier when Douglas is discovered to actually be Ridge's biological child. Maybe I'll hold on for that. I gave up Y&R for the repulsive Philly storyline, I'll quit you, too, B&B, just keep pushing.

Hey, Liam, look at all of those girls in Monte Carlo excited just by the Spencer arrival! Some, even prettier than Steffy and not even married to your brother. Grab one of them and have a wild night, I dare you!

He really needs to. In six years, this is the longest period that he's gone without being in a relationship. Mostly because there was so much backlash over Captive Cabin, or else I'm sure he'd still be trying to glomp onto Quinn for existing. 

Can't anyone besides Thomas just have fun? Sure, he was pining away for Caroline but he at least goes on dates and didn't off and marry the first intern he banged.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

I don't remotely get this shit.  Caroline wanted a baby AND Ridge, not a baby and the baby's father, no matter who it is.  I don't buy for a second that either she or Ridge thinks that a baby needs to be raised by his married parents, no matter what (let alone in these icky circumstances).  Caroline was raised by her two mothers.  Ridge was (as he found out later in life) raised by a man who was not his biological father.  I didn't watch back then, but I highly doubt any of you will tell me that Ridge pushed Brooke to be with Deacon because he was Hope's father.  So dumb, show.  So, so dumb. 

Hell, he's raised all of Brooke's children prior to RJ as his own. He even took the rap for Rick in the Grant Chambers shooting so as he wouldn't have to spend his formative years in psych wards (for all the good that did) and adopted Hope legally during that custody hornet's nest that Stephanie kicked up around the time of Brooke's rape and barely gave a second thought to raising RJ when he thought he was Nick's kid conceived is somewhat similar circumstances.

I'm glad having a new actor has allowed Ridge some new character development,  but he still is a character with three decades of history to jive with the three years TK has been in the role.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

If those two are so in love, as they seem to be on today's episode, why the hell are they breaking up?  Most soap breakups are because the couple hate each other, but not when they still seem to be so much in love.  Just because Douglas isn't Ridge's kid isn't a reason to break up.   Millions of kids are part of blended families.  This story is just plain stupid.  

Word. I missed a couple of epis toward the end of last week and am wondering why Ridge suddenly decided to basically give Caroline to Creeper and why she didn't fight it. FU Brad Bell.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

If those two are so in love, as they seem to be on today's episode, why the hell are they breaking up?  Most soap breakups are because the couple hate each other, but not when they still seem to be so much in love.  Just because Douglas isn't Ridge's kid isn't a reason to break up.   Millions of kids are part of blended families.  This story is just plain stupid.  

This is the same Bradley Bell that had Saint Taylor give up the baby she gave birth to because he cried too much, at Rick's suggestion no less. That same year, Marcus was introduced and everyone freaked out because he was Donna's son from a retconned teenage pregnancy and it was The Worst Scandal Ever that OH NOES, she dare give a baby for adoption in the 1980s! Because, reasons!

i absolutely believe he'd push Thomas and Caroline together over the baby. Bell can go fellate the business end of a cactus if I have to sit through not only this couple, but another round of Bridge when the last reunion three years ago went down as well as a Snickers in your gas tank. My god. Between this show and the drug inducted art experiment that Y&R has become (I use "art" loosely here) Willian Bell must be spinning in his grave.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Word. I missed a couple of epis toward the end of last week and am wondering why Ridge suddenly decided to basically give Caroline to Creeper and why she didn't fight it. FU Brad Bell.

There wasn't a whole lotta build up. As mentioned, most couples usually have a struggle before a split. It's a bit refreshing to see a couple calming realize they need to go separate ways, but it's infuriating because Ridge is once again making a decision for her. Caroline wanted a baby with Ridge, not any many that could knock her up. And they love each other, probably more than I've seen of any couple Ridge has ever been apart of. certainly she isn't the same jealous, petty harpy she was fighting for that little asshole  Rick would couldn't be assed to break up with her when he started seeing Maya the first time around.

So why this swerve? Ridge risked his life quite literally to be with her, ruined yet another one of his brothers' lives for his wang and...this is how it ends?

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, Artsda said:

So Ridge and Caroline are going to break up and end their marriage just like that? So Caroline will go off with Thomas?

To rescue and redeem Thomas from Misunderstanding Night ... And build a twee little family unit the Bell's are so fond of exploding for Plot Plot Plot.

Hello Ridge Forrester Super Sperm!


19 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

If those two are so in love, as they seem to be on today's episode, why the hell are they breaking up?  Most soap breakups are because the couple hate each other, but not when they still seem to be so much in love.  Just because Douglas isn't Ridge's kid isn't a reason to break up.   Millions of kids are part of blended families.  This story is just plain stupid.  

It was two weeks ago that Caroline refused Thomas proposal to create a family with him for Doug, because she was in love with Ridge. Now she's over Ridge because Ridge tells her it's over.

I never thought that their marriage was anything but Plot Plot Plot-directed for Caroline to sate her baby rabies with the man she was enamored with and Ridge to continue feeding his ego, but I must have missed the progression of failure in their marriage. Once the stress and rage of Misunderstanding Night and Doug's undetermined paternity was waved off, was that all their marriage was actually built upon?  

It's ridiculous that a rich man, the recognized first scion of Eric and Stephanie Forrester (blah blah blah Massimo Marone), wouldn't have a child of questionable paternity DNA tested; there's a family business, money and property at stake for the other siblings and family members, as well as the dubious continuity of Forrester Creations. It's not exactly like Ridge is unfamiliar with having his spawn tested to end paternity questions. Wealthy people have their newborns tested when there's no question of paternity; to fulfill pre-nuptial agreement/marriage contracts.

The Take My Wife, Please! hand-off is going to be disgusting.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 9

Thank you for the laughs, TobinAlbers (And Liam instantly imprints on her) and Gam2 (Caroline was trying to cry). 

This show is such a rollercoaster of must-see to avoid-at-all-costs. 

Seeing the CaRidge farewell scenes, especially a teary-eyed TK (I'm a sucker for a man who cries, the burlier, the better) was the highlight, although sorry, LG, you can't hold a candle to TK in the acting department. It was like watching a charred match. And I agree with those upthread that she needs to have a chat with the makeup artist because the Sharpie eyebrows and heavy lipstick aren't doing her any favors. 

As for the rest of the folks/storyline....


But chin up, CaRidge fans...that baby is going to turn out to be Ridge (dun dun-nu nu!) Super Sperm Forrester's after all. 

  • Love 7

And so there you have it, the end to one of the most captivating romances this show as seen in ages. Of course it will all be a moot point six months down the road when it is discovered Ridge is actually Douglas’s bio dad. All in all I thought it was pretty well done, although I didn’t miss Caroline’s “You didn’t hide Douglas’s paternity to hurt Thomas.” I watched the show Caroline, and I know that even though the idea sprung from Ridge’s mind, you certainly were on board. You went along with Ridge’s desire to keep the truth from Thomas, so I think there should have been at least one “we” in that sentence. TK sure knows how to bring the emotion; I could never, ever, have seen RM sitting cross legged on the couch, and crying real tears, without his face being all screwed up like he smelled something really bad. My take on the whole thing isn’t that now Caroline is going to run into Thomas’s waiting arms, but more about Ridge’s statement “I always thought Thomas was the one in the middle. But it is not him; it is me.” Ridge feels like he is on the outside looking in at Thomas and his “little family.” Whether he believes Caroline and Thomas have feelings for each other isn’t coming into play here. Just Ridge trying to give his grown son and his family a chance by getting out of the way. I didn’t say I like it, but that is the way I see it.

Oh, come on now! Steffy’s crush of adoring fans was a bit of overkill no? I mean seriously, just gag me with a spoon, cause that was totally NOT tubular. More like barf inducing.

The Cannistra’s seem like those strange people you see in bad B movies who boil folks for dinner. I hope Quinn makes it to Monte Carlo alive with all her body parts in tow.

Wyatt’s swagger is starting to grate my nerves. The show is going for overkill to try and show the differences in the Spencer brothers, or should I say “Bros.”

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 10
21 hours ago, RuntheTable said:

Caroline looks different. Eyebrows? Lips? Or just makeup?

20 hours ago, photo fox said:

Her eyebrow pencil was incredibly thick yesterday, and FAR too dark for her.  I guess they were going for "glamorous evening look"?  But it was distracting, IMO.


Her makeup looked like she was compensating for the golden infused candlelight used for the scene, and they both ended up looking over-baked and slightly jaundiced.

  • Love 1

I got a kick out of Quinn's flight from hell.  Had similar one once....minus the barfing.  You know those folks are gonna run into her again at an inopportune moment and ask about her 'special guy'.

I'm tired of sad sack Liam moping around.  Sad 'cause I really like SC.  He's really good with decent material.

JMc is looking goooood.....

  • Love 7

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