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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Yep. ICAM about Steffy's selective "concern" for Ivy, or more specifically, Wyatt.


Steffy didn't even Ivy a chance to talk to Wyatt. The near boink in Chez Forrester was at night. The next day Wyatt came home and was reunited with Ivy. That same day, Thomas was skulking around Steffy, looking like the cat who swallowed the canary, just to taunt her into asking him what was up. Later that afternoon, Ivy went home to have dinner with Wyatt and to tell him what happened between Thomas and her. In the meantime, Steffy summoned Wyatt to her office on the pretext of a business reason and ended up goading him to the point where she "had" to spill her guts about Ivy.


I saw nothing wrong with Ivy seeking advice from Liam. The man's been married to Steffy twice and obviously sees (imagines) some traits in her that are invisible to practically everybody else. Not only that, Wyatt is Liam's brother and Liam also knows Ivy very well. It made sense to me for Ivy to seek hiim out as a sounding board. Who else is Ivy going to confide in? Aly's dead. Quinn? I don't think so. Look how that turned out the last time.


I can't wait to watch today and hope that Liam dumps her sorry ass!

  • Love 11
grisgris, on 09 Dec 2015 - 8:35 PM, said:grisgris, on 09 Dec 2015 - 8:35 PM, said:grisgris, on 09 Dec 2015 - 8:35 PM, said:

Did ... did ... DID Waffles just dump Steffy?  Say it ain't so!


So FUN! and excitement is now "chaos?" Ya think?


Go Waffles! Go!




Liam's kryptonite is crocodile tears, a whimpery voice appealing for loyalty and forgiveness,  and to seal the deal ...

Cha Cha Cha on the couch.



If a Waffle falls for a selfish, lame excuse in a multi-million dollar beach house, does it matter?



Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 8
CountryGirl, on 10 Dec 2015 - 12:44 PM, said:

So, how long before Steffy makes a beeline for Wyatt?


Because I'm sure that's her next move after Liam dumps her, which, I gotta give Waffles props, he finally grabbed his balls back.


I think Wyatt is going to make a beeline for Steffy for a "What The Fuck Were You Thinking?" conversation.


Only momentarily. Once he found out he would be sleeping alone because Steffy was going to give him some space and leave (some random noise about engagement/wedding propriety), Liam handed his balls back and Steffy stowed them securely back in her purse ... where his balls belong.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 9

Damn it, Liam. But I'll give Steffy this, she does know her waffle. As soon as she was about to get dumped she offered to leave the house and take easy access to nookie with her. End of all break up discussion.

OTOH, my biggest complaint about his past relationship with Hope and Steffy is how easily he'd give up on one to go after the other when the going got tough. So in a way, I guess this can be considered progress.
  • Love 5

Dang! Another jarring letdown. Waffles couldn't even make Steffy sweat just a little bit? At the very least, he should have stormed out of the house to go on an extended walk on the beach and left her crying on the sofa until the wee hours of the morning.


That's what I'm beginning to really hate about this show. NOTHING gets fleshed out. Why bother to stir up conflict between Liam and Steffy for no reason? This is going to turn out exactly the way it did with Aly. There might be enough raised eyebrows and carefully worded questions and speculations surrounding Steffy for a few days, then poof! In the meantime, we'll have to watch and listen to her endlessly whine about being "innocent," "I was defending myself," etc. Hell, Eric has already set the wheels in motion that Steffy deserves some type of savior metal for "saving Ivy's life." /eyeroll. Ridge is proud of her and he wasn't even around.


I wish that I had a clue what the end game is here. Is Bell aiming for Steffy and Wyatt? Ivy and Thomas? An Ivy/Liam/Wyatt triangle? Nothing is making any sense, but what else is new?

  • Love 7

Dang! Another jarring letdown. Waffles couldn't even make Steffy sweat just a little bit? At the very least, he should have stormed out of the house to go on an extended walk on the beach and left her crying on the sofa until the wee hours of the morning.

That's what I'm beginning to really hate about this show. NOTHING gets fleshed out. Why bother to stir up conflict between Liam and Steffy for no reason? This is going to turn out exactly the way it did with Aly. There might be enough raised eyebrows and carefully worded questions and speculations surrounding Steffy for a few days, then poof! In the meantime, we'll have to watch and listen to her endlessly whine about being "innocent," "I was defending myself," etc. Hell, Eric has already set the wheels in motion that Steffy deserves some type of savior metal for "saving Ivy's life." /eyeroll. Ridge is proud of her and he wasn't even around.

I wish that I had a clue what the end game is here. Is Bell aiming for Steffy and Wyatt? Ivy and Thomas? An Ivy/Liam/Wyatt triangle? Nothing is making any sense, but what else is new?

Right! I feel like we're watching an extended version of Punked, but with lamer practical jokes.

  • Love 8

I think Wyatt is going to make a beeline for Steffy for a "What The Fuck Were You Thinking?" conversation.


Only momentarily. Once he found out he would be sleeping alone because Steffy was going to give him some space and leave (some random noise about engagement/wedding propriety), Liam handed his balls back and Steffy stowed them securely back in her purse ... where his balls belong.

I hope you are right about Wyatt and Steffy. Girl need someone to read her the riot act.


OMG - that was the most passive-aggressive displaying of whining and crying and faux-threats to move out that I've ever seen. And Liam ate it up like a waffle absorbs syrup. So fucking typical. 

  • Love 9

So by the Forrester logic, if you shoot someone in the face just to get them to stop arguing with you, then you call 911, and later your victim ultimately survives getting shot in the face by you, you're absolved of any guilt? Alrighty then. It's just like when Rick shot at gun and Caroline and Ridge. Nobody got hurt? No biggie then.

  • Love 15

Hey, it worked for Dick Cheney, although I'm not sure that's who Bell wants to model the Forrester family after.

I wonder if they make greeting cards for these situations?

"My Sympathies on the Loss of Your Daughter (and Apologies for Killing Her)."

"Get Well Soon! It's Shocking How Much We Miss You at the Office!"

"Congratulations on Your Third Wedding to the Same Person! Maybe it Will Work This Time."

"It's a Boy! Sorry About the Divorce! Who Gets Custody of the Terrible Idea to Let Your Virginal Sister Carry Your Husband's Child?"

"Happy Sexual Predator's, I Mean Father's Day! What a Blessing to Watch Your Father Raise His Own Grandchild!"

"Happy Birthday! Turns Out Your Grandpa is Your Dad after all!" (Imagine a cute cartoon sperm wearing a cape)

  • Love 20

Caroline cracked me up correcting Eric about Pam: You think  Pam reads too much into a situation but actually the woman is usually on point.


If Liam really wanted to end things with Steffy, he would've listed her jumping onto a motorcycle when 5 months pregnant to rush home to Liam as another example of her jumping to do something without considering the consequences. And that time it ended up in an accident that killed their child and blew up their marriage. Of course this is a low blow for any man to  deliver to any woman he ever loved and TPTB don't want Liam and Steffy to be done for good so he'd never go that far.


I feel like Ivy got more of a reaction from the family over her accident than Aly did with her sudden death. We got Eric talking about Ivy being a miracle and fretting about telling his brother and Pam being a shoulder to lean on. Aly was dead one episode and buried the next.

  • Love 10

Does the show think we're going to feel sorry for poor Steffy?  Not happening. 


Steffy going on all "what about wanting to be family?"  Umm, maybe her take on how close she'd like to be to you changed after you tried to bust up her relationship and followed it up with almost killing her?  


I kind of loved Ridge's not remotely veiled disgust with Thomas, especially "can you take no for an answer?" 

  • Love 13

Damn! I should have known that Liam's newly-grown balls wouldn't last if Steffy had anything to say about it & all it took was tears and booty. Liam could've made Steffy work for his forgiveness at least a little harder, what with Ivy almost dying and all.



Well, We've confirmed that having sex with Steffy destroys Liam's brain, considering how indignant he got about Ivy and Wyatt noting the exact same things he did about Steffy's cousin killing ways.


  Brain? What brain? The only brain that Ping-Pong has is that waffle-shaped thing in his pants 'cause when it comes to all things Steffy, he sure doesn't have one between his ears.

  • Love 8
tantrumette, on 11 Dec 2015 - 1:16 PM, said:tantrumette, on 11 Dec 2015 - 1:16 PM, said:tantrumette, on 11 Dec 2015 - 1:16 PM, said:tantrumette, on 11 Dec 2015 - 1:16 PM, said:

Yay, Invincible Ivy! Worked for me, I'm delighted she took the initiative to protect herself, and if she's stretching a point somewhat, it doesn't bother me. All I would have liked better would be for Steffy to totally lose it in front of Lt. Baker and raise some questions in his mind.


Ivy can stretch the point all the way to Ally, the salvageable Death Video and the 'missing' tireiron.

jenrising, on 11 Dec 2015 - 1:13 PM, said:jenrising, on 11 Dec 2015 - 1:13 PM, said:jenrising, on 11 Dec 2015 - 1:13 PM, said:jenrising, on 11 Dec 2015 - 1:13 PM, said:

Well, we've confirmed that having sex with Steffy destroys Liam's brain, considering how indignant he got about Ivy and Wyatt noting the same exact things he did about Steffy's cousin killing ways. 


Another purse-holder downed by blood deprivation to the brain due to an erection ... Happens all the time on Show.



It is entertaining the same questions Liam was asking Steffy the day before about Ally and Ivy's "accidents," are "insane" and outrageous accusations from Ivy, Wyatt or Lt.Baker ... What a difference a day and Cha Cha Cha makes ...

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 5

Well, we've confirmed that having sex with Steffy destroys Liam's brain, considering how indignant he got about Ivy and Wyatt noting the same exact things he did about Steffy's cousin killing ways. 


Okay, but see Liam's damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. If he doesn't defend his woman in public he looks like a faithless, unloyal dog. If he does defend her (which he's doing) then he looks like a stupid, loyal lapdog. I side with always defend your boo in public -even if you agree with the other side- and in private you can ream them out.


And honestly, what do Ivy and Wyatt expect Liam to do with their griping to him about Steffy's behavior? Watch her every move? Follow her around and protecting others from her? Dump her? They're wasting their breath talking to him about her. In the case of Quinn when she was off her rocker, Liam talking to Wyatt and trying to get him to see reason made sense because as her next of kin, he did have the power to make some moves  to wrangle her. Ivy getting the restraining order was the exact move she should make. But dang, unable to work at your own company? I'd be pissed if I was Steffy, LOL.

  • Love 2

Yeah, these writers are pushing it for me. Ivy should be the one who can't go to Forrester since her parents have absolutely fucking nothing to do with the company's creation or operation. That is such a reach, man. I am admittedly more of a Steffy fan, but I used to like Ivy and now I cannot stand to hear her speak, especially after the Thomas shit. Steffy should fire her cheating ass. In what world does the fucking jewelry designer trump the company's president? Ivy needs to be the one who works from home and I hate it that these people treat us like we don't have brains.

  • Love 2

Whoever goes to the court for a restraining order first wins.


Steffy can go to court and protest the restraining order, but that means she has to tell what happened to Ivy under oath (Steffy has only a passing acquaintance with truth-telling and could end up looking more guilty than she already is). Then Ivy get's to tell he side of the altercation, incidentally mention Ally's untimely death for her fear of Steffy. The whole mess blows wide open and Steffy looks like a potential MURD-Er-ah of two cousins.


In the mean time, Lt.Baker continues his investigation, locating the 'missing' tireiron and Ally Death Video.


Oh Dear! Things take an ugly turn! More crocodile tears are shed. Cha Cha Cha won't save you now.

  • Love 14

As much as this show fails at the law (and most other things), this one is spot on (I have to assume this is mere coincidence. Broken clock and whatnot). Like Cupid Stunt and Lt. Hot Dog said, the petitioner gets to stay. It doesn't matter whose job is more important. It isn't a corporate issue. 

  • Love 8

You can tell Thomas and Steffy are brother and sister because they always use the same excuses for their behavior. They also invoke family when it's only to defend themselves. They might have two brains between them but one is lost and the other is out to lunch. Why is Steffy so worried about being in her office? She hardly ever works anyway. I get a kick out of Bell's stereotype for Lt Baker as a hot dog eating detective. Donuts would be too much of a cliche. As an aside, police got the reputation for eating Donuts because, many years ago, Donut shops were the only thing that was open when they worked the graveyard shift (12am to 6am).

  • Love 7

Whoever goes to the court for a restraining order first wins.


Steffy can go to court and protest the restraining order, but that means she has to tell what happened to Ivy under oath (Steffy has only a passing acquaintance with truth-telling and could end up looking more guilty than she already is). Then Ivy get's to tell he side of the altercation, incidentally mention Ally's untimely death for her fear of Steffy. The whole mess blows wide open and Steffy looks like a potential MURD-Er-ah of two cousins.


In the mean time, Lt.Baker continues his investigation, locating the 'missing' tireiron and Ally Death Video.


Oh Dear! Things take an ugly turn! More crocodile tears are shed. Cha Cha Cha won't save you now.

Thanks for the info. I still don't understand why that can be applied to the workplace that is privately owned and in which Ivy has no stake except her paycheck? Ivy can stay at home and Steffy has to stay away from her there and in public places or whatever, but how does she get to bar Steffy from her family-owned business in which she's the president and has stock when Aly is not an owner or part of the management team? 

Basically it works like this. Some will vary by state, but generally if you receive an order of protection against someone that states they cannot have any contact with you, and be within however many feet of you, it doesn't matter where you go, the order is in effect. It doesn't matter if it's your home or your office. If you are allowed to be there, they're not. In theory Steffy could still go to work if it was big enough and she never got too close to Ivy, but of course that's really tough to control (especially when your giant corporation only has two offices on the same hallway for everyone to share). 


It has nothing to do with the corporate structure of the company, it's a criminal matter. So, the order can't force them to fire Steffy because that would be interfering with a private business, like you say, but it's up to the company to figure out how to manage this. Forrester Creations also opens itself up to a huge lawsuit if they fail to enforce the order and Ivy gets hurt again. 


Interestingly, CA has something I think called workplace protection orders (something like that) that covers violence that occurs within the workplace, which this did, so might actually apply (in the actual world, not the show), but that's a slightly different process. 


/end of hazy legal recollections

Edited by jenrising
  • Love 8

Would a police detective actually deliver a restraining order? Seems to me like that job would be under their pay grade and a regular patrol officer would do it.


Today I noticed how much makeup AB wears now that we're seeing her without it. She still looks great IMO but I shudder to think how Steffy would look if the situation were reversed. Yikes.


So what's to stop Ridge from firing Ivy? Other than the usual "we have to deal with this inside the family/company" crap, that is...

  • Love 4

Regarding restraining orders, someone can issue one for any reason. A friend of mine was abused by his BF and said BF placed one against him after they broke up. There was a hearing later, where his ex's case was thrown out when my friend showed phone records of him calling the police multiple time and the distinct lack of any calls whatsoever for six weeks before the order was issued.

I am glad Steffy is getting kicked out the office, though. The business is the only thing she cares about, and the only punishment she'll actually feel, so I'm down.

Today I noticed how much makeup AB wears now that we're seeing her without it. She still looks great IMO but I shudder to think how Steffy would look if the situation were reversed. Yikes.

Actually, I've seen JMW with considerably less makeup than she wears on the show in a few awards shows and she looks great. Even in the Hacylon Days of 2008, when she had normal makeup, she looked good.
  • Love 3

Can I just say how much I love Lt. Baker???? He will never not be awesome! By the way, what happened to his son Charlie?

While it was nice to see an inch or two of Steffy's makeup crack when she was told she won't be allowed back in her office, if I were Ivy I'd issue the restraining order and say that I'll be working remotely going forward. No, she shouldn't have to inconvenience herself for Steffy's bad behavior, but I wouldn't be thrilled with running into Steffy's lapdogs on a daily basis. Did she actually tell Ridge that Ivy was mad at her because Ivy kissed Thomas? Either she's downright delusional or a liar.

I did like Ridge calling Thomas a petulant little boy.

  • Love 10
Gudzilla, on 11 Dec 2015 - 3:48 PM, said:

What's an Aly ?


An incidental Plot Point to prop Steffy's obnoxious character.


Gudzilla, on 11 Dec 2015 - 3:48 PM, said:

If FC has a gym/cafeteria does that mean they shower in the kitchen ?


Yes, and there's a toilet next to the microwave ... a convenient distance from your breakfast burrito during your morning BM.


Gudzilla, on 11 Dec 2015 - 3:48 PM, said:

I miss Whip.


Keep a good thought.


It would be an unattached male to throw at Brooke and give her character someone to noodle around with.

  • Love 5
Joimiaroxeu, on 11 Dec 2015 - 5:53 PM, said:

Would a police detective actually deliver a restraining order? Seems to me like that job would be under their pay grade and a regular patrol officer would do it.


He might if he was assigned to investigate Ivy's 'accident.' I didn't get the impression that the investigation into Ally's death was a done deal either, so Lt.Baker may have been waiting for another incident involving Steffy (like a restraining order) to hand deliver the order and watch the feathers fly first hand -- and he got that in spades -- Steffy did not control herself at all.


Joimiaroxeu, on 11 Dec 2015 - 5:53 PM, said:

Today I noticed how much makeup AB wears now that we're seeing her without it. She still looks great IMO but I shudder to think how Steffy would look if the situation were reversed. Yikes.


The only way you're going to see Steffy without makeup is flat pancake with no contouring or highlighting. JMW wears the whole Kardashian-style masque of makeup in real life (I saw her at The Grove shopping mall in daylight -- and that was a YIPE! moment. Mr.Stunt thought she was a call girl, even when I told him she was an actress -- They can be interchangeable in Los Angeles.).  


Joimiaroxeu, on 11 Dec 2015 - 5:53 PM, said:

So what's to stop Ridge from firing Ivy? Other than the usual "we have to deal with this inside the family/company" crap, that is...


Employment contract, loads more bad press after the restraining order had been issued while FC is preparing for a fashion show, evidence of criminal behavior being covered up by the Forrester's being dredged up ... Ridge has his hands full being disgusted and keeping his distance from Thomas. When he's forced to crunch his forehead together and wrap his mind around Steffy being centrally involved with the injuries to another cousin, it might give him pause about the behavior of his adult children ... What am I talking about? That will never happen ... Forrester right, serfs cannon fodder.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 9

I did like Ridge calling Thomas a petulant little boy.

Takes one to know one!

It's really hard to root for Ridge. A year or relative decent writing and the first relationship where he wasn't wavering between two women doesn't nullify three DECADES of the same shit Thomas is pulling now. I'll give Thomas credit for having the balls to do lowlife shit on his own and not hide behind his mother's apron as Ridge was apt to do.

It's well and good that someone is reading that cretin for the filth he is, but even better if Ridge was allowed some personal reflection.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 7
Employment contract, loads more bad press after the restraining order had been issued while FC is preparing for a fashion show, evidence of criminal behavior being covered up by the Forrester's being dredged up ...

FC could hire themselves an Olivia Pope-type who could publicly destroy Ivy just like that <insert patented Brooke finger-snap here>. Unfortunately, right doesn't always win over might. Even though I generally like Ivy (and loathe Steffy), IMO she's not entirely blameless in the ways she's conducted herself since she's been at FC. I think it would be easy to paint her as an opportunist who's jealous of her Forrester cousins and has been using workplace romances and blackmail to try to get a bigger foothold in the Forrester "empire."

  • Love 4

Takes one to know one!


It's well and good that someone is reading that cretin for the filth he is, but even better if Ridge was allowed some personal reflection.

Oh, I don't disagree with this.  In fact, I was going to end my post with "takes one to know one," but I assumed that went without saying :)

  • Love 3

I know, right? I remember at my last job having a heated conversation with a supervisor on the sidewalk outside the office building. Yeah, he nudged me into the path of a bus, and sure, I almost died and had to spend weeks in the hospital, but I would never be so gauche as to inconvenience the poor guy with a restraining order. If anything, I should have been fired for causing a traffic obstruction outside company headquarters.

The above story may or may not be fictional in the same manner that Thomas may or may not be a creeper.

  • Love 18

I don't think that it would be a smart (or legal) idea for either Ridge or Steffy to fire Ivy for having a workers compensation accident.


Doesn't matter who may or may not have shoved her. Ivy sustained a life-threatening injury while on the job. On top of that, FC could get dinged by the L.A. building inspector for not having their electrical systems up to code. Didn't the electrician start to say something about wiring in an "older building" and Jake quickly hushed him?


From a logistical and logical POV, it would make more sense for Ivy to work from the comfort of her home to recuperate and still stay in the loop at the office. However, from my POV, sticking it to Steffy is priceless so let her pace around like a caged animal at the waffle house and try to run the company. She won't be able to stand it.


As far as familial jealousy, I see if from a 180. I think Steffy is jealous of Ivy. Ivy is prettier, smarter, has a genuine marketable talent, and Liam was in love with her. He even threw Steffy over for Ivy on Steffy's attempted seduction/FC takeover earlier this year. Also, Ivy is a blood Forrester, Steffy and Thomas and their equally f-ed up father are bastard Morones by birthright.

Edited by grisgris
  • Love 11
a workers compensation accident.

That's a good point, and CA I think is extra tough about that kind of stuff. Hmmm, maybe Ivy should tell Ridge, "Um, I'll be having Steffy's job now, thankyouverymuch, or I'll sue this company back into the middle ages. Cousins, schmousins."


But seriously, the whole restraining order thing is what's getting me. What's to stop any employee from taking out a restraining order on their boss, one that would force the boss to stay away from the office? Could anyone seriously expect to get away with that? If something so serious has happened that the employee feels like their life is in danger maybe the boss should be arrested, not sent home with pay.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 3

Cheers to Ivy for getting a restraining order on Steffy. That Lt. Baker was the one to give it to Steffy was the icing on the cake. Ivy's no saint by a long shot, but she didn't trip and fall into that grid. Ivy took out that restraining order for a reason-fearing for her life-and given Steffy's response/subsequent face-cracking, Ivy's fears and Lt. Baker's suspicions were more than justified.

  • Love 10
Joimiaroxeu, on 12 Dec 2015 - 10:23 AM, said:

FC could hire themselves an Olivia Pope-type who could publicly destroy Ivy just like that <insert patented Brooke finger-snap here>. Unfortunately, right doesn't always win over might. Even though I generally like Ivy (and loathe Steffy), IMO she's not entirely blameless in the ways she's conducted herself since she's been at FC. I think it would be easy to paint her as an opportunist who's jealous of her Forrester cousins and has been using workplace romances and blackmail to try to get a bigger foothold in the Forrester "empire."


 And leave Carter to his own devises, flexing and busing dishes on the gym/lunch patio? It sucks to be him.


However Ivy is painted, Steffy will receive the same scrutiny and treatment with same brush. Neither of them have clean hands, but only one of them is directly involved in the death of one cousin and the assault of another.

  • Love 3

That's a good point, and CA I think is extra tough about that kind of stuff. Hmmm, maybe Ivy should tell Ridge, "Um, I'll be having Steffy's job now, thankyouverymuch, or I'll sue this company back into the middle ages. Cousins, schmousins."


But seriously, the whole restraining order thing is what's getting me. What's to stop any employee from taking out a restraining order on their boss, one that would force the boss to stay away from the office? Could anyone seriously expect to get away with that? If something so serious has happened that the employee feels like their life is in danger maybe the boss should be arrested, not sent home with pay.


Well, you can't get a restraining order for nothing. The show skipped this part, but in general Ivy would have had to file a report stating why she needs the order and then a judge would approve it. The police can also request emergency orders which might be what they're going for with Lt. Baker's presence. But either way, a judge agrees that what you reported is serious enough to require the person to stay away from you. The point of this is to protect the petitioner while the police investigate or the matter is resolved, in this case while Ivy is recovering and the police are trying to figure out what happened and if there is enough evidence to arrest Steffy. 

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