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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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You got to love Steffy (not). She tells Wyatt that blackmail is against the law and in the next breath she blackmails Wyatt with his job.

After seeing more pictures in Ally's desk draw, is Ivy more than ever realizing how disturb Ally was. I would think that Ivy would want to preserve Ally's memory from being dragged through the mud if Steffy was put on trial. A good lawyer would bring this up in Steffy's self defense claim. Also Ivy would have to testify to what alerted her to wanting to find Ally. I'm all for Steffy's downfall, but murder is not going to fly even in the world of B&B.

  • Love 6

Why, oh why, do soap characters NEVER back-up incriminating videos?  The first thing I would do is make about a zillion copies and put them in numerous locations to save it from getting deleted or lost.  Especially if I thought it was MURDER!  Come on!


Wyatt is so weak-willed that, IMHO, he makes Liam look like the most loyal steadfast friend around (and I didn't think that was possible).  If Wyatt (or anyone) erases the video, I will never like that character again.  If Wyatt does it, he will be dead to me, LOL!


I'm sorry they made Ivy turn to blackmail.  I wish they would have let her keep the high ground and when it turns out later that the video doesn't show everything and Steffy gets away with killing Ally, Ivy wouldn't look so bad.  They should have at least one nice person on the show.  They can have flaws but they don't all need to be blackmailing, sex starved, narcissists.  There's a lot of room to work with between being a goody-two-shoes and being a royal bitch.


I think the way they do Steffy's hair and makeup, it makes her look like what we called in my day "rode hard and put up wet."  Surely they could change something so she doesn't look so "hard." 


That's my rant for the day.

  • Love 15

What is it with Scary Face that every man goes hard in the pants for her? I just don't get it. She has a rocking body, but her face is so flipping plastic and those duck lips are just too much. I just can't put a name to it, but her face seems so disproportionate. Maybe the eyes are too small or too far apart, or whatever, but something is off in the face. Ivy is much more beautiful.

There was a great post on this a while back.

Thing is, before Liam none of Steffy's conquests ever wanted to be with her. Owen never gave her a second thought, Bill got caught and even with the bribe she offered Oliver said "no thanks." The only difference with Steffy and Brooke is their batting average.

  • Love 3

Well, it appalled me that Ivy was using blackmail, and I disliked her for it.  I still think it is somehow, someway based on Liam.  Either Ivy still wants Liam or perhaps she just wants to make him also pay for dumping her by showing him that Steffy is not all that.


However, with Steffy demanding that Wyatt delete the video, it puts the two young ladies back on an even playing field.  They both stink.


What is it with Scary Face that every man goes hard in the pants for her?  I just don't get it.  She has a rocking body, but her face is so flipping plastic and those duck lips are just too much.  I just can't put a name to it, but her face seems so disproportionate. Maybe the eyes are too small or too far apart, or whatever, but something is off in the face.  Ivy is much more beautiful.  



I grew up with duck lips, and know every name you can call anyone with them.  Believe me, Puffy, etc., are way too mild.  Like Steffy, there were also billions of girls much more beautiful than I, not just an Ivy, but I can't blame all of that on duck lips, fish lips, whatever.  As a very old woman, however, I have been somewhat vindicated.  While most of you who reach my advanced age with be practically lipless, I still have a great pair........of lips, that is.   The bad part is, also due to my advanced age, there are not zillions of girls prettier than I.   I keep emphasizing the good parts to the other members of my family who have inherited same.


By the way, my pair of legs aren't that bad either.  No vericose veins at least.

  • Love 5

I would be sorry too, if Ivy was blackmailing Caroline or $Bill, but since it's Steffy she's blackmailing, I not only approve of it, I applaud it.

I wish this show (and the others, too) could have more defined white hats and black hats. Or even more clear reasoning as to why anyone does anything beyond "because reasons."

I never thought I'd see the day where I of all people would defend any part of Nick Marone's character assasination, but there was some thin premise of progression that happened (Nick being a jilted lover and all). It was a bit extreme, but at least there was a purpose and a motivation. I just don't buy that this is all about defending Aly's honor.

  • Love 1

SaylaVee, it's one thing to have those lips naturally, but when it's done as a surgical enhancement, they look fake.  For years, Lisa Rinna claimed her lips were natural, but lately she's confessed to have had them surgically enhanced, to the point of them becoming unnatural and uneven.  She recently went through reduction. And I agree with you about the thin lip syndrome.  I'm going through that now, and it's not a good look either.  

  • Love 3

it's one thing to have those lips naturally, but when it's done as a surgical enhancement, they look fake. 

JMW had a picture on Twitter/Instagram (whatever, I'm old) of her when she was around 4-5 years old, and I was really surprised to see that she had that lip thing going on back then.  The problem is that she emphasizes it more with the work she had done.  Plastic surgery seems to me to have a snowball effect...they get one thing done and think it looks good, so they try to "improve" something else, and so on until they just look completely fake, and by then it's too late to go back to "normal."

  • Love 6

I think it will be revealed that Victor Newman hired an Aly double to try to run down Steffy.

Ah, but how will Sharon be blamed for this? ;)

I'd hope it was a doppelganger and that the dumbass stooges working at FC were too self-centered to notice. I mean, if someone could switch Taylor's body with a wax dummy and no one noticed, I can easily buy this.

  • Love 7

Maybe they should rename the show "Blackmail Begets Blackmail?" I was rolling my eyes so hard as I watched Steffy calling Ivy out for blackmailing her, then out of the other side of her mouth she is doing the same thing by telling Wyatt to erase the video or lose his job. I spent quite awhile trying to figure out what has me the most aggravated:


  1. The stupidity of killing off a legacy character, and the daughter of a core family member.
  2. Killing off said character to create angst for Liam and Steffy, two of the shows most unlikable characters.
  3. Ruining Ivy, who with Ally, was a breath of fresh Forrester air.
  4. Having Wyatt do the dirty work, and the dirty work costing him another relationship.


I remain fully convinced that killing Ally was shortsighted and not well parsed out, particularly when you consider that Ashlyn Pearce was happy in the role and was doing a great job. By contrast, JMW agreed to come back for a longer time, but clearly she won't be staying around indefinitely. And she is a piss poor actress, that is incredibly difficult to look at. Everything about her distracts me; her face is a mass of angles and planes that rival anything taught in a Geometry class. Oh yeah, and that Harper Valley hair(love this!)! Now we must sit by and watch the destruction of Ivy, a character that I have liked from her introduction. I know we must have some badness in our soap characters, but this is just awful. And the show doesn't seem to know how to present it. I cannot get any clear reasoning for what Ivy is doing. Is she mad at Liam? Is she mad at Steffy? If so, is it because Liam dumped her for Steffy, or is it because Ivy believes Steffy killed Ally? Why is Wyatt being drug into this? Stupid me! Of course his knickers are twisted because Liam got the girl again. Can someone remind me why anyone would choose Steffy over Ivy? Steffy is not only hard to look at, but has very few redeeming qualities. Maybe she is like Liam, and her "wonders" are hidden? Maybe Steffy has put her Ho Ha under the knife too, and is now sporting a surgically altered Bionic Bearded Oyster. And now Wyatt has been caught by Ivy as he attempted to delete the dratted video. So just like Nicole, who was not appropriate for Wyatt as a love interest, but now they cannot even be friends; Ivy will no doubt kick Wyatt to the curb. Maybe not today, but when she finds out that Wyatt is doing Steffy's bidding? Who does that leave for Ivy or Wyatt? Thomas, Carter and Pam? Yeah, what the fuck eva..........


The whole show was such a Debbie Downer! Giving us those happy, silly moments with Ridge and Caroline, only to have the two interns come in with a fucking Happy Baby!!!! card. The show must have been given a discount on their supply of summer anvils, cause those bitches have been raining down fast and furious. 


Lt. Baker is back in the building, I wonder how he will manage without Queen Stephanie there to tell him what to do? 

  • Love 21

I was rolling my eyes so hard as I watched Steffy calling Ivy out for blackmailing her, then out of the other side of her mouth she is doing the same thing by telling Wyatt to erase the video or lose his job.

You know what I think would have been more interesting? If after Steffy gave her little speech, Wyatt said right back to her "Isn't blackmail illegal?" and walked away. I'm not a huge fan of dragging out stories for a long time, but for Wyatt to so quickly say "All right" was simply DUMB! I'm assuming it was a move to create friction between Wyatt & Ivy, but for storyline purposes it would be much more effective for the angst to be on Steffy & to have her squirming over the video. Edited by ByTor
  • Love 11

Here I sit, in my thirties and thin-lipped, unaware of the dark poutless future ahead of me. Until now. But I ask you fine people this: Are we, the lightly-lipped, not human? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you hand us a tub of lip gloss, do we not weep?

Does anyone know the number to Colonel Sanders so I can turn Wyatt in? Idiot. What he needs to do is show the video to Quinn and tell her about Steffy's threat and then enjoy the fireworks. Blackmail on Ivy is definitely not a good look, but it looks even worse on Steffy and in a court of law. Wyatt is the second person she's considered firing to cover up a crime she didn't even commit.

  • Love 17

Does anyone know the number to Colonel Sanders so I can turn Wyatt in? Idiot. What he needs to do is show the video to Quinn and tell her about Steffy's threat and then enjoy the fireworks. Blackmail on Ivy is definitely not a good look, but it looks even worse on Steffy and in a court of law. Wyatt is the second person she's considered firing to cover up a crime she didn't even commit.

Quinn needs her own stories away from the Idiocy Squad. Wyatt has the least to do with that rubbish and now that Hope is out the picture, there's no reason for Quinn to go after those two.

This is the biggest mess of a story we've had in a long time, and that includes Maya's gender retcon.

  • Love 6

I hope Ivy's motivations have nothing to do with Liam. I was getting the impression that both she and Wyatt were beginning to realize that they each dodged a bullet and were better off with each other. They certainly have more chemistry together than she had with Liam or he had with Steffy.

Aside from all of that, I agree that killing off Aly was such a huge mistake. I didn't see that coming at all, but it didn't even work on the level of shock value and pretty much nothing has made a lot of sense since that happened. I've just found myself completely disoriented watching the show lately.

  • Love 9

Why does 90% of everything that happens on this show seemingly involve Liam, Puffy or both?  I loathe both of them.  This show is becoming more and more unwatchable every day.


Ivy is, what, 25 years old at most?  Don't these "young people" know how technology works?  Firstly, why doesn't she have a password protect on her phone?  Secondly, you can click on a video and easily email it to yourself.  Then it's in both your inbox and sent mail.  Thirdly, create an alternate email account and send it there.   She's acting like this is the only copy of the video in the world, and I'm sure it is.  STOOOOPID.

  • Love 12

Dammit, Chickenhead, I was just starting to like you again. So Steffy grouses at him for a few minutes and he runs to the beachhouse like the proverbial chicken with his head cut off to do the Harper Valley handmaiden's bidding? She threw him over for leftover soggy Waffles and he's supposedly into Ivy now so what the actual fuck, Wyatt?


Speaking of, they are ruining Ivy, who was fast becoming my favorite character on the show. 

Edited by CountryGirl
  • Love 9

I liked the little interlude with Ivy in Aly's room but I was a little puzzled too. She just left the mutilated Steffy pictures in the drawer?


Normally I hate to comment on looks but the actor playing Thomas looks younger than his years and (sadly) JMW looks older than hers.  No way I buy him being the older brother.  If he didn't look so baby-faced, I might enjoy the sibling moments as a nice change of pace. (Not for the content of their discussions, of course.)

  • Love 6

Well there is a new wrinkle to an old cliché. Instead of a cop eating donuts we now have a hot dog eating Lt. Baker.

I don't give a crap about Steffy anymore and she can go to jail, go directly to jail, without passing GO, for bad hair and makeup or murder no matter; but once again I'm concerned about Ivy. I still think that Ivy's character is the sacrificial lamb to elevate Saint Maya. Blackmail and now using sex is bastardizing every decent bone in Ivy's body. At least Ivy was in love with Liam before they had sex, but with Wyatt it seems to be more as a weapon to keep him loyal.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 11

Is Bridget gone?  Was she really in town just for Rick's wedding?  The actress doesn't seem to be doing much, and I'd much rather have her come back to town.  Fire useless and extraneous actors like Carter, Nicole, Zende, Pam, and Charlie.  Have her interact with Deacon again.  I would much rather see Bridget and Quinn battle than the Constantly Amazing Adventures of FUN Puffy.  


Bradley has completely taken the teeth out of Quinn.  She was a psycho who almost killed Liam with a handmade dagger (darn you Wyatt for not getting stuck in traffic!).  Then she disappeared for a month, supposedly got "treatment", and now she's just another Betty Crocker.  Clapping with delight at watching Rick's proposal?  She's now boring.

  • Love 8

I don't get what the point was of Bridget or Thorne being brought on.  They already have a bunch of actors they are not using - why bring on more just to ignore? 


I would really like to know what Brad Bell says to the actors that he wants to bring back.  I also would like to know what his thinking was/is when he gets them and then proceeds to do nothing with them.


I actually have that question for TPTB at GH too.

  • Love 4

Ingrates! Why do you want to see characters with a rich history on this show when you can have Nicole and Zende in the background of every scene? That's just good TV.

Anna, I can't quote on this damn iPad, but I do agree that I want Quinn to have a story outside of her hatchling. Yet the bad part of me wants Quinn to have a field day with Steffy. It's like having a good story angel on one shoulder and a Steffy-loathing devil on the other.

  • Love 12
I would really like to know what Brad Bell says to the actors that he wants to bring back.  I also would like to know what his thinking was/is when he gets them and then proceeds to do nothing with them.


Well, in the case of Windsor Harmon, he doesn't have much of a career, probably because he's a craptacular actor.  He's been on this show off and on for 20 years.  Probably doesn't need the money.  So when Bradley calls him up, he probably gets up from laying next to the pool and says "three days of shooting?  Sure, no problem".  Then disappears again.


I don't get what's going on with Ashley Jones though.  She's youngish, beautiful, and talented.  She could easily land a job on one of the other soaps or try more for other TV roles.


Bradley is just a terrible producer and writer.  He's the essential definition of a silver spoon.  Handed a successful TV show by his parents, does a poor job with it, but the show has amassed such a worldwide following because of his parents that he will always succeed.

  • Love 6
Well, in the case of Windsor Harmon, he doesn't have much of a career, probably because he's a craptacular actor.  He's been on this show off and on for 20 years.  Probably doesn't need the money.  So when Bradley calls him up, he probably gets up from laying next to the pool and says "three days of shooting?  Sure, no problem".  Then disappears again.

Don't professional actors have to work some minimal amount of time over a certain period in order stay in good graces with their unions? I think that's the reason a lot of actors show up out of thin air to do cameo appearances or brief story arcs.

  • Love 1

The show needs some seismic jolt right now, there isn't any one storyline that's compelling enough for daily viewing.  I agree with blackwing, bringing Ashley Jones back for a Bridget/Quinn rivalry would be a step in the right direction.  If you have Rena Sofer, Sean Kanan and KKL on contract, use them, goddamit!  It's insane to have a special actress like Rena Sofer on the payroll and all you have her do is sit around, with glasses on, fucking around with a necklace.


$Bill needs a story, other than sitting around and talking to Katie in the office.  DD is too good for background work.  It's seems B&B has a lot to work with, it just chooses to showcase some questionable talent.

  • Love 8

Steffy's hair looked like a full on wig today!  And 2 minutes after Ivy catches Wyatt betraying her she throws her tongue down his throat and takes him to bed?!?  Yeah that makes sense!  


I thought that was odd, and then we got the post-coital conversation about how they need to give themselves completely to each other, which means he needs to be on her side in this thing and not go deleting the video.  So I guess we're supposed to think she screwed him to manipulate him into staying on her side? 


On a related note, I'll take this as one more woman who seems more satisfied after sex with Wyatt than she was by sex with WafflePong. 

  • Love 9

Poor Ivy Wyatt's noodle arms couldn't carry her all the way to the bed, she should have saved that move for Carter.


When it's time for a Thorne appearance, I imagine the conversation goes like this,

Brad Bell: Hey Winsor we're killing off Thorne"s daughter so we need you.

Winsor Harmon: OK cool for how long ?

BB: Well there are 7 stages of grief but we're just gonna do sadness, anger and basement.

WH: So 3 days then ?

BB: Yeah that sounds about right. So are you in ?

WH: Ten bucks is ten bucks.

  • Love 14

Just when we think we have one decent person to root for, they throw Ivy under the bus. She totally had sex with Wyatt to keep him quiet. And "Steph" ordering him to delete that video and he caves? If Thomas calls her "Steph" one more time, I'll bash his head in with a tire iron. This has gotten so ridiculous that it's laughable. I've watched this show for years and years (won't tell you how old I am) but it jumped the shark a LONG time ago. No wonder the Soaps are dying one by one, rapidly.

  • Love 10

I did have to laugh that Steffy's so busy running around trying to blackmail and extort everyone to cover up for her that she forgot one tiny little detail - be cool around the cop.  I was half expecting her to just start dripping buckets of sweat right there...or her face to just start melting under the stress. Apparently FUN!!! and "badass" don't include "able to keep your cool when speaking to a member of law enforcement." 

  • Love 6

Steffy's hair looked like a full on wig today!  And 2 minutes after Ivy catches Wyatt betraying her she throws her tongue down his throat and takes him to bed?!?  Yeah that makes sense!  


"...give myself to you..."? When was that line written, in the 1950s? I think Ivy seems to have forgotten that she and Wyatt are hardly virgins. Their boxes have already been unwrapped and the gifts are long gone. What a weird way to couch a regular seduction.


Amazing isn't it? Ally's death has had an overall sexual healing effect on so many people for the weirdest of reasons.


Ivy gave herself to the same man that was ready to betray her to protect his own ass with the new regime he helped install (with Ivy's help) at Forrester Creations, by betraying Nicole's confidence. 


Even in Soap World, the best policy is not to reward stupid/bad/treacherous behavior with sexxy times -- Particularly a Spencer male. Did you crack out of the egg yesterday, Ivy?



Just when we think we have one decent person to root for, they throw Ivy under the bus. She totally had sex with Wyatt to keep him quiet.


Could be. Ivy's character is shifting daily. She may turn out to be as mercenary and cutthroat as the rest of the Forrester's; you are either the hammer or the nail in that family. Wyatt had better check his resentment or she might turn on him when she doesn't need his support or dick any longer.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 2

If I was stupid enough to NOT back up the video immediately, after catching Wyatt trying to delete it, I would immediately upload it to the internet and turn it over to the police.

No joke. The writers are totally insulting our intelligence if they want us to believe an intelligent person would keep the only copy of a crucial video on a phone with no password protection. Geico should do a commercial with this tagline: If you are a soap writer, you insult your viewers' intelligence. It's what you do.

  • Love 12

What I really want to do is head to Bell LA and scoop up all of these scripts and set to work with my little red pen, re-writing and editing those pages into some type of cohesive story. I am not a professional writer, nor am I a genius, but for fucks sake, a ten year old could do better than this. I long for the days of Bell Sr, a writer who knew how to craft a story, setting it on simmer, and letting it stew to the ultimate boil over. He also had the ability to make each SL touch nearly every character on the canvas, and was also able to maintain more than one SL at a time. And the rivalries! A good rivalry must make sense, Bell Sr understood this, and laid good foundations, that were rich in history, and enabled viewers to stand staunchly behind their favorites. That can only happen through good and compelling storytelling. Compare that with what we have today. Characters don't change over time, they change overnight. Bradley is also fond of starting an arc, then just as suddenly dropping it with no explanation. Then there is the whole triangle thing. I am not against triangles, but I am against them if they rob the show of other interesting SLs. Bell Sr. had his triangles, but they were so damn involved, and so interesting, that you barely noticed. But of course there was also plenty going on around those triangles too, instead of them being the focus. 


Another thing Bradley doesn't get, is that actors need time to learn each other, to gel, and understand what plays well and what doesn't. No different than sports. Bell Sr. maintained a rich cast, that was generally pretty talented, and because they knew each other so well, it never felt fake or forced. This wham bam thank you ma'am crap we are being given today is for the birds. Let us remember how excited Bradley was about Brooke's return and her "big, and life changing SL" that he had wanted her to do for years? Did we see Brooke turn a corner? Did we see her become self aware? No. We saw her turn to the bottle when nobody was interested in the Golden Couter anymore, and she was forced to hang an "out of order" sign at the entrance. And even though there was a chance for this to effect the character in positive ways, what did it turn into? Nothing more than a way to create angst for Quinn and Deacon, and horrifically revisit one of the worst "relationships" in soap history. In my opinion Brooke is the center block on B&B. I know everyone has their own opinion on that, but for this viewer, it was Brooke that kept me coming back. Nearly every SL revolved around her in some way, and of course she was given what I still consider the best SL in the shows history with the introduction of Red Suit Brooke and the FC's takeover. So, this weak, ill thought out alcoholic SL was the best Bradley could do for her? 


Why don't they use the really good talent they have on the payroll? Rena Sofer, Don Diamont, KKL, Heather Tom, Sean Kanan? These great actors hang in the background, or are used to prop boring couples like Liam and !!!FUN!!! Steffy, or Liam and anyone, or Rick and Maya, when they should be involved in their own front burner SLs. Why bring Thorne back to grieve his daughter, but then have him disappear without any closure? And Bridget? Who found her way home to see Rick get married, but couldn't make Stephanie's funeral or her cousin Ally's? Oh, wait, I forgot myself for a minute. Bradley's most recent PSA is transgerders and Maya, so of course Bridget had to find her way home for the wedding, because we all must be on the St. Maya bus. Why go find good talent like Ashlyn Pearce, and let her craft and create an adult Ally, only to be sacrificed at the Rick and Maya Altar of Worship? Now we are going to lose Ivy, another good addition to the cast. This character has been level headed, and very likable since her introduction. Now, she is acting like a wing nut, making stupid statements like "I need to keep the video until I find the best use for it" or something to that effect. My question is; why do you have the video at all? And sealing the deal with sex? Why do I see further heartbreak for Wyatt? You know, at this point, maybe Wyatt just needs to play it safe, and look for someone totally unexpected, although I have no idea who that should be. 


Lastly, and most importantly, Bell Sr. knew this is a show about fashion. That is what drew me to B&B in the first place. Well, that and John McCook, who I had a crush on from his days as Lance Prentiss on Y&R. All we ever saw was Ridge and Eric, busily designing their wares, and Thorne bustling around in his basement ordering the commodities that would make the dresses that would be shown on the runway during the fashion show. Then there was the Show Stopper, which was always a wedding gown; you never knew what to expect when it came out. I also miss the after celebrations, with Brooke and Eric and Ridge taking the stage in triumph. And we had a rival fashion house! Imagine that. Someone to compete with, and make the build up interesting. Stealing designs, invading company headquarters, sleeping with the enemy, were all part of Sally's game. God, how I miss Darlene Conley! She was just bigger than life. 


I am a realist, and I do understand that all things change, and move forward. But does that mean that the shows whole underlying concept must be altered? Maybe it is just me, but when you find something that works you don't change it, you build on and around it. 


End of rant.............

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 18

Ivy is being ruined scene-by-scene.  What I don't get is why hasn't an autopsy uncovered what happened. A blunt hit to the head with a crowbar is not the same as falling and hitting your head. The injury is different and should be obvious to an examiner. Plus, there would have to be two wounds. The way Steffy swung, she would have hit the left side of Aly's face.  The right side of Aly's face hit the rock.  They are being so intentionally vague about this whole thing.


I thought Alley Mills looked very nice.  They were doing the most with the hotdog business.


I hate it when soaps do that thing with the scene starting immediately post-coitis with the woman dismounting.  Soap sex: where no one sweats and men shoot little pink clouds of smoke.

  • Love 6

Why don't they use the really good talent they have on the payroll? Rena Sofer, Don Diamont, KKL, Heather Tom, Sean Kanan?



Apparently because its the summer of the youngins.  There was a summer promo yesterday (yes a summer promo with only 2 weeks left in August) that was completely about the younger characters (including Carter which amused me since they do shit with him buy you know he's hot so there you go).


I'm hanging by a thread with this show.  I'm waiting to see how this goes.  Will the older guys like RS, DD, SK, HT be put on recurring?  Actually get some type of story? Or will we start seeing the actors leave?  What's the point of keeping them and paying them if they are going to be barely used?  I'm waiting to see if there is any shift in focus come fall.  If not, I think I'm done because Rick, Maya, Liam and Steffy have zero appeal with me.


And a character that might have appeal (Ivy) is being thrown under the bus and watching a character be destroyed for plot pointy reasons is not entertaining to me.  Its also annoying that a potentially good couple in Ivy and Wyatt is being destroyed before it can really begin. 

  • Love 9

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