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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Don't like the new Thomas. He's trying hard, but his Australian accent keeps creeping in. Why are these shows hiring so many actors from Australia? Not enough unemployed actors here in the US? I agree with others who find nu Thomas a little skeevy.

It's probably more that few buffing actors want to be stuck on a soap, in all likelihood. Apart from the fact that none of the get above five million viewers (including Y&R), it's a five day a week shooting schedule that can become a problem if you're like Billy Miller and you really want to branch our some more.
  • Love 1

After their next round of sex, Rick and Maya can have a memorial ice cream in Aly's honor, perhaps delivered to them post-coital by Oliver.

Do you suppose Carter sits in his office late at night wondering "Why Liam?" Maybe Carter doesn't have any game between the sheets, but it's been implied that Liam doesn't either and yet his bed is rarely empty. Carter works, looks good, dresses well, and appears to be a fine listener. Liam blinks, babbles, and has recently displayed a lack of empathy approaching serial killer territory. Women still fight over him. Carter has got to be confused, perplexed, and slightly offended.

I'm still surprised that TIIC didn't have Carter and Caroline hook up when they were scheming to keep Maya and Rick apart. I thought that's where they were heading, until Rick inexplicably took Caroline back. I never cared for them as a couple and even less so when Rick took a page from Ridge Liam's playbook and couldn't be assed to break up with her properly. Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 3

Do you suppose Carter sits in his office late at night wondering "Why Liam?" Maybe Carter doesn't have any game between the sheets, but it's been implied that Liam doesn't either and yet his bed is rarely empty. Carter works, looks good, dresses well, and appears to be a fine listener. Liam blinks, babbles, and has recently displayed a lack of empathy approaching serial killer territory. Women still fight over him. Carter has got to be confused, perplexed, and slightly offended.


Maybe because there are women who aren't into the body builder look?  I saw a clip of the actor from an old scene from another soap and he seemed much more attractive then.  It's probably just me but I get squicked when a guy has bigger boobs than I do.

  • Love 1

Oh I totally appreciate that women might not like Carter's body type. When just strictly comparing the kind of action he gets with the high volume Liam gets, it makes little sense to me. Carter's personality is fairly inoffensive if a bit dull, and he's single and successful. I might point to his hasty Maya marriage proposal as a flaw, but Liam gets married like it's an involuntary bodily function, so...

I kind of like that B&B doesn't have conventionally attractive leading men, because as you point out, not everyone likes the same thing.

  • Love 2

Haven't read all the last days posts yet...but didn't Liam already tell Ivy he wanted to be with Steffi before the funeral? If so...I gotta quit drinking while I watch this (in the evening of course).

I thought Ridge's speech about Aly was on point. Nobody in the family picked up on her downturn and they interacted with her on a daily basis. He wasn't harshing her..it was directed at the family IMO.

Oliver and Thorne made me cry....and I don't cry easily.

  • Love 9

I might point to his hasty Maya marriage proposal as a flaw, but Liam gets married like it's an involuntary bodily function, so...

Also note Carter didn't recycle the engagement ring...at least not yet :) But I guess Liam still has him beaten, he recycles rings that are still warm from the previous wearer's finger.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 3
I absolutely felt more than a little something when Wyatt kissed Ivy. She looked like she did too.



Even when they were just standing face to face talking, I could see something there.  Say what you will about Wyatt, but he has FAR more chemistry with the Spencer Brothers' Official Harem than his waffling brother does.  

  • Love 7

Thomas is the sleazy creepy stalker opportunistic type like Joe on Y&R. He is just there to stir the pot and rain on other people's parade.

Thorn, if your so sure that It couldn't of been an accident, than go to the police and demand more of an investigation. Hound the police if you have to or hire your own pathologist. I would!

  • Love 3

Thomas is the sleazy creepy stalker opportunistic type like Joe on Y&R. He is just there to stir the pot and rain on other people's parade.


As long as it's Ridge's parade, I don't mind.

"it's not your fault" is the new "It was only a couple of kisses"


Every time Liam says it's not your fault I scream at my TV "How the fuck do you know?!  You weren't there asshole!"

  • Love 5

Ridge isn't going to allow Thorne to blame Steffy? Well la dee da! Who died and made him king of the world? I know Aly died, but I am certain she didn't appoint Ridge king of anything. He stole a picture from the memorial photo spread? What? Is Ridge going to withdraw from Caroline out of guilt and regret, thus allowing Creepy Thomas to swoop in? Not interested. By the way, Thomas, today told me that you're Ridge's ultimate tool, not Caroline.

Liam isn't going to let up on honing his douche skills, is he? He wants that gold medal in the Dickathalon. He's one of the four horse's asses of the Douchepocalypse. Sorry. I can stop whenever I want to. I mean, god, he was just being honest when he ditched Ivy like a used condom after Aly's service. Bill, who created Liam from a primordial soup of water and vinegar, was so proud of his little man! Real men don't fuck around with hippie-dippy shit like social niceties and other people's feelings.

After psychoanalyzing the grieving father in a bid to dispel the gloom and get his waffle buttered, Liam gazed upon Steffy and declared himself in awe. In. Awe. Of Steffy being in his life. Hey, Liam, you're supposed to leave your office when it's being fumigated. I was hoping that during the afterglow, Steffy would gently assure Liam that it happened to every guy and not to feel bad.

I was glad to hear Wyatt say he'd support Ivy going to the cops. I hope he actually means it. At any rate, it seems like Ivy will at least get to experience an orgasm this century.

  • Love 15

As little as want to see more family members boning other family's SOs, I cheer any time Ridge gets knocked down a peg...especially in light of him stepping on his brother for Caroline in the first place.

Liam sucks as a waffle and self entitled douchebag but Ridge practically invented waffling and entitlement.

  • Love 2

Ugh, IMO $Bill really needs to remove his hand from Liam's crotch. I wonder what kind of trash he'll talk about Ivy if Wyatt seriously takes up with her? "Son, you make sure your junk is double-wrapped. Don't bring home any Liz Taylor-looking, Ozzie-talking grandbabies, you hear me?"

Meanwhile, Ivy, you might want to take Wyatt for a full spin around the block. I have a feeling that between the two Spencer brothers, Wyatt is the more, um, gifted one--if you know what I mean. Sometimes wonderful surprises come in plain packaging.

  • Love 7

Liam isn't going to let up on honing his douche skills, is he? He wants that gold medal in the Dickathalon. He's one of the four horse's asses of the Douchepocalypse. Sorry. I can stop whenever I want to.

I'd rather you didn't stop :)  You know, I always rooted for anybody over Steffy to be with Liam because I don't like Steffy getting her way.  Now?  I hope Steffy stays with that jackass forever, they deserve each other.


Pet peeve here...I HATE when someone considers someone to be a "wuss" if they can't take hot food.  Personally I like jalapenos ON my jalapenos, but it's certainly not because I'm tough!

  • Love 10

Memo: Ivy 

Re: Guilt

In this country we have a saying  --  Tell the truth and shame the Devil.


It's time you go to the cops with your video of the PCH Incident. Maybe then you and Mouth Breather can join Ridge, Caroline, Thomas, Steffy and Liam on Sexual Healing Thursday.


Wow Aly's death sure made everyone horny.


And how quickly Ally's inconvenient death has become a Celebration of Life ... Their Life.


I don't want to know what Thorne is up to on this very special night.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 8

You know, I don't object to someone messing with Ridge or Ridge's and Caroline's relationship. I object to Thomas's, shall we say, style and tactics. Ha ha, my dad is so OLD, amirite? is some amateur hour bullshit delivered with a dollop of smarm. Oldsters can text! Amazing! I don't even know why Thomas's second-rate jabs offended me, as I'm not in Ridge's age bracket. Maybe lackluster insults just push my buttons. Next up: Thomas smirks while delivering sidesplitting zingers about Viagra and Metamucil.

Liam has crossed the Nick Newman event horizon. His character has fallen into a dark, crushing hole from which no light can escape. I can barely stand the sight of his stupid face anymore. Why has he become so revolting?

  • Love 20

My theory on that is because Liam does nothing but let the world fight his problems and he sits back and reaps the rewards.

This is far different from even Ridge, who also had a job handed to him by birthright (so to speak) and still had to work to be respected. He had to go through a lot of shit to earn Caroline I's love again after the pics of him and that model came out on their first wedding day.

Or even more recently was after Stephanie manipulated him into marrying Taylor after a fake heart attack and Brooke leaves. There's a scene of him seeing the ghosts of Hope and RJ around the house...which being Ronn Moss I mostly laughed at. But it shows how torn up he is and that it wasn't an easy thing to do. And then, once Taylor's hypocrisy comes out, he spends the next six months fighting for Brooke for the first time ever.

Lord knows I've hated Ridge and his competitions for love between Brooke and Taylor, but that is far more thought than Liam has ever put into getting into or out of any relationship he's been in over the last four and a half years he's been on this show. And I hate Liam even more for making me use Ridge "Mama's Boy, Prince of Entitlment" Forrester as As a positive example of romance on this show.

  • Love 10

While I do think Ivy and Wyatt have more chemistry than she had with the waffle, I am not sure i'm trusting Wyatt after his douche treatment of Nicole. 

Thank you. All during yesterdays scenes with Chickenhead and Ivy, I felt like he was manipulating her. I'm not sure what his game plan is, but his end-game is getting Steffy. With Chickenhead it's always, I really am a nice guy - I just don't act like it. So yeah, right, Chickenhead.

  • Love 4


Wow Aly's death sure made everyone horny.


Someone's gotta get pregnant from all this romping. There hasn't been a new baby born on this show since Will, right? Brooke, Hope, and Steffy all had miscarriages.


Dang it, that's a story that could've been interesting with Aly. Her and Oliver dealing with an unexpected pregnancy and she actually birth the first Forrester great grandchild. If it was a girl she could've named it Sally Darlene Forrester-Jones. I'm making myself sad.


Anyhoo, I can't help but like Liam because I like the actor even when they have the character do a lot of stupid stuff. I just fanwank it that he has abandonment issues due to the death of his mother so he's greedy with his female figures in his life and it's why he can't choose a woman. It's also why he's prime for a torrid affair with an older woman be it Quinn or Katie. (I vote Katie).


Wyatt I can't get into because he's such a hypocrite about Liam being a wuss when his mommy would wipe his butt for him if he allowed it and for a man who is supposedly better than Liam he sure has no problem taking the man's sloppy seconds and setting himself up for rejection when the girl still pines for Liam. That's on him, not Liam.


Wyatt and Liam actually have a lot in common - both raised by single moms after Bill hit it and quit it and both obviously have mom issues because of it; Wyatt clings to his and Liam is forever in search of her replacement after losing her to cancer. Liam (when he first came on) seemed a heck of a lot more grounded and independent but I think he's been able to spiral since he's found such a solid foundation with Bill.  I think if something were to happen to Bill, Liam would actually settle down a bit and be focused on being an adult again.

  • Love 5


Dang it, that's a story that could've been interesting with Aly. Her and Oliver dealing with an unexpected pregnancy and she actually birth the first Forrester great grandchild. If it was a girl she could've named it Sally Darlene Forrester-Jones. I'm making myself sad.

My fan wank dream was for Aly to get an inheritance from Sally that would have allowed her to open her own fashion where Thorne and any other Forresters that felt underaprieciated that month (and perhaps some non-Forresters/Spencers) could be a rival for FC. She was the one and only bridge between the two houses.

Three was nothing like the Spectra rivalry. The conflicts and dust ups with Spencer publications don't even come close.

  • Love 11


Three was nothing like the Spectra rivalry. The conflicts and dust ups with Spencer publications don't even come close.


You know what? With Rick in power now, CJ needs to come back and have it be between the two of them battling for LA with Aly torn between loyalty to her two 'Uncles'.


Why couldn't new Thomas have been new CJ?

  • Love 2

Thomas, there's this thing called "trying too hard." Also, you're about as humorous as a paper cut on the nipple.

Has Deacon gotten a job yet? Maybe they could hire him to disinfect the cafe after all the man sweat from the nearby gym lands on it.

I can't complain too much about today; a day without Liam and Steffy is magic.

  • Love 11

Ridge, there is such a thing as tough love and then there's being an asshole. Tearing up the sketch was way over the top and a super assholy move. Even crazy douchebag Thomas didn't deserve that. How long before Thomas goes postal, any bets?


I did love Deacon and Quinn. Although when Brooke was in the scene I was afraid that the three of them were the new Pam and Charlie comic relief. 


I can't complain too much about today; a day without Liam and Steffy is magic.


And without Ricky and Maya, (deep breath), it was like it was all A-list cast. Hahaha! (If I made my own A-list of the cast it sure wouldn't include Ridge and Thomas.)

  • Love 7

And without Ricky and Maya, (deep breath), it was like it was all A-list cast. Hahaha! (If I made my own A-list of the cast it sure wouldn't include Ridge and Thomas.)


We have to savor it while it last because somehow I don't think Rick and Maya will be getting a 3 month off screen honeymoon like Deacon/Quinn and Bill/Katie.

  • Love 4

Not feeling the nuThomas at all. (and I hate the short sleeved shirts with a tie look he is sporting)

I've heard of Casual Friday but Thomas wearing a shirt, not tucked in, is not a good look and a little disrespectful. If you wanted to wear you shirt out, wear a golf shirt. I found it funny that the model, who was flirting with Thomas, resembled Caroline. I loved Caroline throwing shade at Brooke after Brooke said that she didn't want Ridge by snapping her fingers. They wheel Brooke out of the closet just to antagonize Caroline and Quinn today. Now she will go back in the closet and we won't hear from her until "The Wedding of the Century".

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 6

Congratulations, Ridge, you are no better than Rick.  It looks like with all the references to Ridge being "old"...Quinn's jewelry (I thought the necklace looked great with that black dress), Thomas' comments...they are setting up Caroline & Ridge to be over.  That won't exactly disappoint me.

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 5

Congratulations, Ridge, you are no better than Rick. It looks like with all the references to Ridge being "old"...Quinn's jewelry (I thought the necklace looked great with that black dress), Thomas' comments...they are setting up Caroline & Ridge to be over. That won't exactly disappoint me.


Even better is that for the first time ever,I don't fear a Bridge reunion looming in the wings (although it would have been interesting had RM not left and Brooke and Ridge could have had their Stephanie-free life for a little while).

As for Thomas being so over the top lame...well,it's still more personality than the previous two incarnations ever mustered up. Plus, between his fling with Amber, his green card marriage to Gabby and many, many years later after that his thing for Brooke, it isn't like he has ever really developed the skillz his father was once notorious for. :p

  • Love 3

Not feeling the nu Thomas love here either. I hated his little blousy shirt with the princess seams in the back, and the molded sleeves. When he smiles, it looks as though he has a dip of tobacco in his lower lip and his facial hair is not looking good, plus he has squinty eyes. Perhaps if he had a better personality, all this wouldn't matter, but for now, itsa NO for me!!!

  • Love 5

I loathe nuThomas more every time he is on my screen---yes I know I will be on TK's side and I try to never think of Ronnn Moss--but that is not it---the brat is insufferable even for a soap---yes I am old and texting challenged but that snark was just shitty and he is squinty and smarmy and makes the other loser men and on this show look good by comparison---although nothing will redeem Waffles at this point---over the top for Ridge to rip up his "sketch" but even that did not bother me because he is just that annoying---

  • Love 11

Spoilers for next week. 

Brooke and Eric wonder whether Julius' attitude toward Maya is sincere.
Bill does the unthinkable and offers an apology where it is due.
On what should be the happiest day of her life, Maya is in tears after overhearing her parents' candid conversation.
Midway down the aisle, Maya's confrontation with a guest threatens to ruin everything.
Steffy tells Thomas what really happened the night Aly died, and they agree to keep her secret between them.
Meanwhile, Ivy shows Wyatt the video and states that Steffy clearly murdered Aly.
Steffy later tells Liam that they should reconsider Ivy's employment at Forrester.
At the same time, Ivy announces her desire to take on a more prominent role in the company.
Bridget's loved ones try to get her to stay in town a little longer.
COMING: Steffy may have trouble getting out of this crisis.

  • Love 2

Spoilers for next week. 





Meanwhile, Ivy shows Wyatt the video and states that Steffy clearly murdered Aly.


On what planet is that a spoiler? She's been showing that video to Chicken head all last week.

This soap is the worst with the repetitive dialogue every fucking day. If the writers can't come up with fresh dialogue for an 18 minute soap, fire them all...

  • Love 4

Not feeling the nuThomas at all.  (and I hate the short sleeved shirts with a tie look he is sporting)


He was missing horn rim glasses and a pocket-protector.



Kicking Rick off the throne really made a difference in the atmosphere at FC now that Thomas and Ridge are wagging a pissing contest.

  • Love 3

Kicking Rick off the throne really made a difference in the atmosphere at FC now that Thomas and Ridge are wagging a pissing contest.

Brad Bell ran out of brothers for Ridge to piss off :p

I just hope Thomas doesn't try to get Ridge's car blown up like first SORASed Thomas did to Rick. 'Course, everyone will be laughing about his wacky hijinx over Thanksgiving dinner if he did, but...I still don't wanna see that. Again .

  • Love 2

Daily play by paly for this week.

Coming Up This Week on the ‪#‎BoldandBeautiful‬ Daily Recaps and SNS spoilers
Monday - Brooke warns Caroline that she should not jump to conclusions where Ridge and Thomas are concerned; meanwhile, the friction between Ridge and Thomas increases when Ridge does not support his son’s sketches.
Tuesday - Caroline considers her past and future choices when she reflects on her divorce; Thomas speaks with Zende about his tense relationship with Ridge.
Wednesday - Zende spies on Nicole before joining her on the catwalk as she pretends she is a supermodel; Ridge is stunned after Caroline makes an unexpected request.
Thursday - Brooke shares with Eric her concerns about what Julius is up to where Maya is concerned; Nicole confides in Zende about her and her parents’ relationship.
Friday - Bridget surprises her brother with a visit as she helps him celebrate his new love; Dollar Bill acts unpredictably when he makes a much-deserved apology.
SNS Spoilers -
Brooke advises Caroline not to get ahead of herself when it comes to Ridge and Thomas.
Thomas challenges his father on several levels.
Caroline receives word that her divorce from Rick is final and considers what she wants for her future.
Ridge reacts when Caroline tells him that she wishes to have a child.
Meanwhile, Brooke hints to Zende that maybe Ridge and Caroline aren't meant to be together.
With Maya's wedding only hours away, Vivienne warns Julius to keep his negative thoughts to himself.
After Bill apologizes to him, Rick accuses Katie of making Bill say he was sorry.
Bridget arrives for her brother's wedding.
Steffy continues to feel uneasy when Ivy won't stop hovering.
Maya's father could destroy her and Rick's wedding day.
COMING: Will Maya have the wedding of her dreams, or her nightmares?

  • Love 1

After Bill apologizes to him, Rick accuses Katie of making Bill say he was sorry.



Oh, screw that noise. Is Rick, the guy who I still haven't seen sincerely take responsibility for the shitty, shitty way he treated his niece, helping to contribute to her downward spiral and eventual death, really going to

get bitchy after Bill apologizes because he thinks Bill was forced to apologize and wasn't sincere

?  Fuck right off with that, Rick. 

  • Love 10

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