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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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It was KLRick. The only version of Rick I've ever enjoyed. Of course, he was still Rick. :P


Thank you very much!


To any of my fellow Raya shippers I am kvelling right now. So happy to see so much love in the afternoon and on such an historic day for the States no less! Way to celebrate! Woot!! Obviously I could have done without the Steam/Livy stuff but whatever I'll take it. Floating around on cloud 9 over here and the giggling and the pillow talk. Ahhhh!! So gonna watch this again with a glass of red red wine. :)


Oly check your PM I sent you something you may get a kick out of. ;)


ETA: It was hard going from the beauty of Raya to the perpetual look of stupidity on Liam's face especially since both Rick and Ridge were PROVING what a man in love should be like, loyal, steadfast and supportive. It only makes Liam look more pathetic but I guess that is the Spencer way...

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7


For a moment, when he was shocked she told him, I thought he was going to have an epiphany that here was a woman with the integrity to tell him, and he was a fool to want to go running to a woman he knows damn well would never tell him until she was completely cornered with no way out.  Apparently, though, his epiphany was that he loves the kind of woman who will lie, cheat, and steal to get to his waffle stick.


I really liked Ivy today. It was refreshing to see a character actually do the right thing. Shocking too!


Liam is a moron. I was beginning to like him throughout the romance with Ivy and then Fun!Steffy returns and boom that all blows up. I'm back to finding Liam irritating and ridiculous. Also? Whatever happened to the Liam who told Ivy he loved her?!?


The actress who plays Ivy is beautiful. Wowsa. I think Quinn needs to start pushing Wyatt in her direction! I think Ivy deserves better than Wyatt but somehow I doubt I'll get my way and see Ivy with someone other than Waffles or Chickenhead.


Ridge and Caroline are made of awesome. I cannot believe I actually like Ridge.


Rick and Maya are made of boring and neediness. Yuck.

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 13

Feelings about today's show:

Caroline/Ridge - Delightful. I love their chemistry, and I love them together. It's a performance, but it's hard to detect "acting". That's a good thing. I'm all in.

Maya/Rick - Nice to see some afternoon delight. I can pick up on them "acting", but only a tiny bit. It's obvious they enjoy working together, and I'm good with that.

Steffy/Liam - Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.

Free Ivy!!! Run girl, run. Stay gluten free and fab!

Edited by bittersweet4149
  • Love 9

Why is everyfuckingbody related on this show? I didn't know LA was small town USA. The re-cast Thomas would be perfect for Ivy since they're not blood related. Yet I'm guessing/dreading she's gonna be paired with asexual Chickenhead (who I'm guessing is gassy since he swallows air whenever he speaks). Carter's hot and available yet he has to pleasure himself it seems...

  • Love 5

I hope that we don't see a weepy, morose, pining-away Ivy. Waffles-Flop just isn't worth it. Carter certainly is easy on the eyes, but I find him boring as hell.


Perhaps Quinn will now take matters into her own hands and hatch a plot to pry Steffy away from Waffles. If it means further torture of Liam, I'm in. Steffy, even better.


Pairing Ridge and Caroline was a stroke of genius. It finally made me a fan of TK. Ronnnnnn Moss could never have pulled that coupling off.

  • Love 5

LOL slayer--I have that entire episode on an old VCR tape somewhere---I will return the favor when I figure out how---loved TK and Caroline today--that is the actor I know and love---someone shove Waffles and Steffy off a short pier---the peeps in charge here must be the same ones that think we want to see Dullard on Y&R with like anyone---I realize this show is only 19 minutes long but they need some new characters---sigh

  • Love 3

For a moment, when he was shocked she told him, I thought he was going to have an epiphany that here was a woman with the integrity to tell him, and he was a fool to want to go running to a woman he knows damn well would never tell him until she was completely cornered with no way out.  Apparently, though, his epiphany was that he loves the kind of woman who will lie, cheat, and steal to get to his waffle stick.


I never watched before. I was trying since I dumped Y&R. What is wrong with Steffi(?) s face. She looks like a "When Plastic Surgery Goes Wrong" subject.

I am a portrait artist and her features exist together on no human face.

  • Love 9

I never watched before. I was trying since I dumped Y&R. What is wrong with Steffi(?) s face. She looks like a "When Plastic Surgery Goes Wrong" subject.

I am a portrait artist and her features exist together on no human face.


I'm not too sure what happened with that. It's scary because Hunter Tylo (her tv mom) went down that road and never came back. I want whoever is telling JMW she's not beautiful enough to STFU. She was a gorgeous girl altogether before, she still has recourse but if she goes too far it could be a HT or Lil Kim disaster and I don't want that for her. I really like JMW she's seems like a down girl.


It really felt to me today that Raya and Carridge were on a different show than Steffy/Ivy and Liam. Once upon a time (my favourite band in the world) Oasis released a few albums, the albums were incredible IMO and were very singular in thought and sound in that only Noel Gallagher was writing them. By the fifth album he had allowed others in the band to write and it screwed things up IMO because all the evolution he had experienced as a songwriter just disappeared when the other songs on the album would start to play. Not to say they were particularly bad but it was simply in a different class. This is how I feel about Raya and Carridge compared to Steam. 


Raya have the history from 2013 to play with but they also have deep-rooted insular issues to deal with in the scenes that take nothing away from their love or devotion to one another. It is perhaps Man Vs. Nature? Rick is working to combat the fear (of Maya's) that he can't fully love Maya knowing she's transgender and with that come a number of issues that serve to move the story forward without making either of them look mercurial in love, weak, selfish, unloving or disloyal to each other.


Carridge are new but with what happened to LG and her basically playing parts of her life out on screen, Ridge and Caroline are rather Man vs. Nature (if that's what you call an accident pertaining to your body) as well. There is no doubt he is devoted to her and she him and he is helping her to believe in her self in order to get well and healthy. They are problems but they are internal within the couple that in no way degrade their feelings for one another. 


With Steam it's Man vs Man in that it's literally Liam vs Steffy. Smashed pots and disrespect and bad behaviour since Steffy walked out on a marriage after something terrible happened instead of staying and working it through with her husband. Terrible things are happening to Raya and Carridge right now and both couples have proven they are stronger working through the issues together and are more than happy to do that.


IMO the constant fighting, goading and mixed messages between Steam only serves to highlight the insecurity, immaturity and irrelevance in Liam and Steffy's relationship when you juxtapose it with Raya and Carridge particularly today since the supreme court ruled in favour of marriage for all and Maya is a transgender woman making love for the first time with her beloved after disclosing and because when Caroline is trying to walk LG is really HONESTLY trying to walk. To me it just makes the silliness with Steam and Livy seem all the more insipid and pointless. I'm sure they don't mean it that way and it's tricky shoehorning an old romance into the last act of an arc but it just seems like Raya and Carridge are at that peaceful, mature stage and it feels like the show is taking a step back dragging Liam and his nonsense back into things. 


ETA: Guys like Liam are why they wrote the book "He's Just Not That Into You"

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 11

I suddenly like Ivy again, thank you.


I still detest Liam, not a surprise.


I thought perhaps that Steffy and her styrofoam face might tell Liam to eff off.  But no, she was happy that he is now suddenly available.  She came back for him after all.  She never meant to dump him and encourage him to marry Hope.  She is relieved he is not married to Ivy.  


Steffy, you are not an independent woman.  Blech.

  • Love 8

eh I watched today because I said I would and I tried to avoid waffle and then 88 yr old mom was watching even though she complains constantly that they have the same convo every day but she is still watching GH so I point out her lack of taste too--lol----I liked the scenes with TK and Caroline but then I would like to see him read the phone book--avoided the Maya/Rick scenes and tried to shield mom as she hates sex scenes in general and she pretty much remembers JY from AMC---LOL LOL LOL---

  • Love 4
Guys like Liam are why they wrote the book "He's Just Not That Into You"

If Steffy and Hope didn't exist, I'd agree. However, Liam was into Ivy just fine as long as his two other options were momentarily out of the picture. I bet he'll likely be back into her again if things don't work out with Steffy. IMO, it's not so much who Liam's into as it is who's available and who he thinks he can sit on the back burner for a while. What I don't get is why these women put up with it.


Whatever happened to the Liam who told Ivy he loved her?!?

He went through moulting season.


Ronnnnnn Moss could never have pulled that coupling off.

LOL. I'm still not a fan of the Caroline and Ridge romance but I'll agree that TK makes it work. (Zach&Kendall4Evah!) The thought of Ronn Moss' Ridge hugging and kissing young Caroline actually made me retch.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 11

Liam was into Ivy just fine as long as his two other options were momentarily out of the picture. I bet he'll likely be back into her again if things don't work out with Steffy.

Either that or if Ivy becomes interested in someone else.

LOL. I'm still not a fan of the Caroline and Ridge romance

I'm still not a fan either. I'm sorry, I think TK looks like he could be LG's father & it makes me uncomfortable to watch their scenes. It's not even that I'm opposed to May-December (I liked Eric and Donna), but these two are icky IMO.
  • Love 5

I'm still not a fan either. I'm sorry, I think TK looks like he could be LG's father & it makes me uncomfortable to watch their scenes. It's not even that I'm opposed to May-December (I liked Eric and Donna), but these two are icky IMO.


I like them together but not as a couple.  I think their relationship should have been as besties with them bonding while helping each other through difficult situations with his inability to design after the helicopter incident and her recovery from an accident.  The sex part is a NO for me.  


I didn't think Ivy was a big girl before but she has really leaned out!  And you can tell how proud she is with sheaths/pencil skirts showing off her great shape and her body language, walking around more, hands on hips etc!  The light touch of facial makeup and her natural hair was such a contrast to hard core Steffy whose makeup is heavy handed and her demeanor matches it....she makes me shudder.  Liam looks so much younger than she does!


Yes where is Brooke!!!??

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 5

CarRidge and Raya were absolutely amazing!!!

I enjoy the maturity and calm Ridge and Caroline have together. They support each other in their careers, adversity/flaws in private life, and are affectionate partners. It doesn't really come across as trite or corny even in love scenes or romantic gestures because the IIC have established they connect as professional contemporaries, friends, lovers. That LG has gone through some serious injuries and its incorporated in BUT she is acting kinda with or over it to preserve the story is remarkable and moving. It's truly method acting after the fact knowing it in RL is difficult or painful to walk towards TK/Ridge and she's smiling and excited because she is dealing with that but committed to her role and in the moment.

Raya was good on a different level. It's such a complex story. I have a hard time for reasons mentioned. He is a bully and insaaaane. And a bully. And she tacitly consigned it with her smiling encouragement O_o

Dude how many jobs did she threaten just for not for people not saying Rick was the greatest great who ever grated and I really though bitch please you may be lead model and in his bed but calm down. Then she gives all these sycophantic tongue baths to him daily privately and is always waiting with a martini, dinner, and anxious to get busy. Like on paper it's a very strange relationship and imbalanced.

That being said deep down despite Ricks user tendencies and codependency I think he does love Maya. And the actress KM is very convincing that she loves him. (And she looks almost exactly like Veronica from the Archie comics) The obvious connection is so strong between them.

Oh shut the fuck up Liam I have only liked with his father, Quinn, and - sometimes Ivy and sometimes Wyatt. So....he loves Steffi and always has. This means it overlapped with the Hope era of true love, and his love for Ivy. Technically he's been in love with 3 women at one time by his dialogue?

Brooke can stay away I don't miss her.

Edited by Petunia13
  • Love 9

I have never seen Brooke in a good story.  I feel like I should be missing her but the last time I thought she was needed onscreen, we just got an instant alcoholism plot and an OOC thing for Deacon.  And the less said about her part in propping Rick's reign as CEO the better. 


ETA:  I am not opposed to having Brooke back but she better come with a half way decent story of her own that doesn't include Ridge or Deacon.  Or Bill, at least for now, since I like the chemistry he has with Katie. 

Edited by tessaray
  • Love 2

  Kudos to Ivy. She proved that while she may love Ping-Pong, she loves herself more. Ivy has way too much dignity and self-respect to settle for less than a man who loves her and her alone, with his whole heart. Ivy was mature enough to be honest with Ping-Pong, smart enough not to take Quinn's shitty advice and good enough to hold out for the right man who'll want her and only her. Too bad Steffy doesn't have Ivy's pride, common sense nor class. Given his track record, Ping will go back to ponging way sooner than later, which would serve Steffy right.


  Steffy had no problem with Liam's terminal flip-flopping when it worked to her advantage, but when it worked against her, that's another story. Steffy's putting Liam on blast for causing her pain might have mattered if she hadn't gone back for more; otoh, Ivy has proven herself to be a much stronger, much smarter and much better woman that Steffy ever was or ever will be.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 14

I like the line in the previews that Ivy has "No man is worth my dignity." You hold onto that muffin, I may not like you but I sure like your tenacity and I'll like it even more if you keep the courage of your convictions. Both Ivy and Steffy should pull a Monica/Brandy The Boy Is Mine....like at the END of the video.


ETA I don't want Brooke back either, she can keep her bigoted butt far away from Los Angeles and Forrester as far as I'm concerned. She hates Raya, she hates CaRidge, she hates Steffy, she isn't needed here.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7

WTF?!? Just like that the Ivy/Liam/Steffy immigration marriage story is over? I cant beleive B&B did this. Its like the last week meant nothing. Ivy shouldnt have fessed up as this was build up for months worth of story. WTF is this show doing? I dont get what conflict Liam and Steffy have now nor what will they do about Ivy? I guess make her pregnant but thats so predictable. Im disappointed to say the least

  • Love 1

WTF?!? Just like that the Ivy/Liam/Steffy immigration marriage story is over? I cant beleive B&B did this. Its like the last week meant nothing. Ivy shouldnt have fessed up as this was build up for months worth of story. WTF is this show doing? I dont get what conflict Liam and Steffy have now nor what will they do about Ivy? I guess make her pregnant but thats so predictable. Im disappointed to say the least


Nah, I think they have an endgame here. Imma keep watching to see where it's going to go.

  • Love 3


I never watched before. I was trying since I dumped Y&R. What is wrong with Steffi(?) s face. She looks like a "When Plastic Surgery Goes Wrong" subject.

I am a portrait artist and her features exist together on no human face.

True, her face looks bloated, and her nose looks really wide, and I hate her hair parted in the middle. She was much prettier last Liam go round. Plus, she walks like she is stomping  snake. She sure has altered her appearance,.......or someone has. Ivy looks fabulous dah ling. Liam looks like a little boy who is constantly blinking his eyes as he's trying to figure out if he wants a tootsie roll or a tootsie pop. Im glad Brooke is gone for how, she adds nothing to the drama other than a squinty one-eyed tear and whispering voice.

  • Love 5

WTF?!? Just like that the Ivy/Liam/Steffy immigration marriage story is over? I cant beleive B&B did this. Its like the last week meant nothing. Ivy shouldnt have fessed up as this was build up for months worth of story. WTF is this show doing? I dont get what conflict Liam and Steffy have now nor what will they do about Ivy? I guess make her pregnant but thats so predictable. Im disappointed to say the least

To me, it's like the last eight months have been undone. The whole reason the FC takeover was suggested was because Liam wanted to protect Ivy and when Steffy offered her cooter for her vote, he shut her down. Now, somehow, Steffy is the woman he's always loved despite their marriages only ever happening because Hope was unavalible.

Yeah, no. I'm glad to see a woman choose dignity over a man for what seems to be the first time in a long time on this show. Ivy's done what Brooke in three decades has never done to Ridge: walk away, and actually mean it.

  • Love 7

Ivy has broken the  female soap mold even more than Myra has, just by having dignity.

I agree/disagree because I love Ivy and her decision. The female soap mold didn't always include transgender and Maya has dignity up the wazoo for having endured all she had to become the woman that she is...I can't imagine going thru all she had to go thru being trans and coming out the other end with strength and dignity. I mean she has negative traits but don't we all...

  • Love 5

Ivy has broken the female soap mold even more than Myra has, just by having dignity.


It really didn't used to be this way, though. Caroline I Wanted to wait till marriage and when it seemed as she and Ridge hit an impasse on the issue she wrote a Dear John letter and went on her way. She had packed her bags and left Bill Sr's house when she found out his role in ruining her wedding. She was so completely the opposite of all the kids on this show right now, needing their parents to fix their love lives.

  • Love 4

I agree/disagree because I love Ivy and her decision. The female soap mold didn't always include transgender and Maya has dignity up the wazoo for having endured all she had to become the woman that she is...I can't imagine going thru all she had to go thru being trans and coming out the other end with strength and dignity. I mean she has negative traits but don't we all...


  True, that it didn't include transgender but we didn't see any of that strength or dignity and really one of the last adjectives I would ever use for Myra would be "dignified". She's PRick's butt kisser now and that's not dignified. IMO

  • Love 9

I agree/disagree because I love Ivy and her decision. The female soap mold didn't always include transgender and Maya has dignity up the wazoo for having endured all she had to become the woman that she is...I can't imagine going thru all she had to go thru being trans and coming out the other end with strength and dignity. I mean she has negative traits but don't we all...

Agree times a million. The amount of dignity a transgender woman must have to put up with all the hate, death threats, constant threats of violence and malignment is absolutely extraordinary. Indeed we all have our faults but we certainly don't all have such strength and courage.

Agree times a million. The amount of dignity a transgender woman must have to put up with all the hate, death threats, constant threats of violence and malignment is absolutely extraordinary. Indeed we all have our faults but we certainly don't all have such strength and courage.


 I would imagine so, actually I have to imagine it because we didn't see it. 

  • Love 6

True, that it didn't include transgender but we didn't see any of that strength or dignity and really one of the last adjectives I would ever use for Myra would be "dignified". She's PRick's butt kisser now and that's not dignified. IMO

Thank you! Maya is not the least bit dignified. The whole transgender story is a joke anyway since it was an afterthought. I don't buy short KM as a fashion house model or s transgendered woman.

  • Love 9

True, that it didn't include transgender but we didn't see any of that strength or dignity and really one of the last adjectives I would ever use for Myra would be "dignified". She's PRick's butt kisser now and that's not dignified. IMO

Exactly. From a storytelling point of view, it's hard to be invested about any off screen back story regardless of whose it is. I felt the same way about Donna being giving a son she gave up as a teenager.

Character wise,Maya's done a lot of lowlife cretin stuff and that shouldn't get a pass because of her newly reconned history.

  • Love 7

Thank you! Maya is not the least bit dignified. The whole transgender story is a joke anyway since it was an afterthought. I don't buy short KM as a fashion house model or s transgendered woman.

Truth. Just like I don't buy Caroline's transformation into a nice girl after her fall off the balcony or Waffles and Steffy's epic love story (Hope never existed, etc.) The writers pull retcons out of their asses and we are supposed to play along. Yuck!

  • Love 7

Here's a link to the story: 



The model was described as the designer's muse.


I wish we'd get more fashion/runway/showdowns going on from the show. And I don't mean those hysterical fashion shoots like we most recently had with Nicole. I love when wacky high-jinks happen on the runway. I'd much rather see design competitions than CEO competitions.

  • Love 6
In real fashion news a designer, Rick Owens, punched a model backstage for pulling a runway stunt. Let's hope Maya minds her p's and q's because I don't think she'd survive a swipe from one of TKRidge's bear paws.

OMG. I'm laughing so hard I can barely type. B&B should film this as April Fool's joke. (Yeah, right. And then CBS would be shut down.)


ETA: Just to clarify, I'm not advocating violence against women by men, nor do I think it's funny. I do think the likelihood of something like this seriously happening on a soap, and being portraying by TK, is so remote as to exist as a possibility only in another dimension in another galaxy. I don't think B&B could or would even try to play it as slapstick comedy. The absurdity of it is what struck me as hilarious.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 2

Truth. Just like I don't buy Caroline's transformation into a nice girl after her fall off the balcony or Waffles and Steffy's epic love story (Hope never existed, etc.) The writers pull retcons out of their asses and we are supposed to play along. Yuck!

Actually, the balcony fall turn Caroline FROM the nice girl to the elitist bitch. Before that, it was hard to tell her from Hope.

But I agree with these retconns coming outta nowhere get irritating.

  • Love 8

  As usual, I found Rick & Maya as cringe-worthy as ever, from their latest proclamations of "twu wuv" to them bullying their way back into Forrester Creations, another example of the show's so-called "writing" where their storyline was concerned. Instead of just caving in to Rick & Maya's demands, a real writer might have had Ridge & company stopping any of the negative publicity that Maya's getting fired caused by hiring more transgender models immediately after. As for Rick, while he may be technically back at FC, it shouldn't be as an executive. It should be strictly manual labor. Better yet, Rick should get a minimum-wage job working with some of the same people who suffered under his & Maya's reign of terror. Rick & Maya have been so busy playing victims that they haven't given a thought to their  real victims; otoh, since Rick & Maya never cared about them in the first place, that's a moot point. As for Rick & Maya's booty call, please. Rick & Maya have shown neither humility nor remorse to those whom they've hurt besides each other nor apologized to them for hurting them. All the fuck fests in the world aren't going to make me forget what they've done anytime soon, if ever.


  Recasting Maya as the Patron Saint of the Transgender movement is about as believable to me as, say, Essence magazine making Rachel Dolezal Woman Of the Year. At this point, Maya has done far too much damage and caused far too much pain for me to see her as anything other than the vicious, lying, scheming and gold-digging fraud she is.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 14


Character wise,Maya's done a lot of lowlife cretin stuff and that shouldn't get a pass because of her newly reconned history.


Still over here like: Maya hasn't done even a quarter of what Caroline has done. If Caroline is getting a pass then honestly so should Maya. The double standard is really troubling. Similar to Rick vs Ridge. Rick shot off a gun at work, Ridge has done worse than that in his sleep and it seems Rick is still looked at as some kind of monster while wife-stealing Ridge is a paragon of honour and virtue. The biggest transgression Maya has committed, while Rick was CEO was being complicit in Rick bullying Aly, well quite honestly IMO Aly is an asshole. It seems to me that very soon Aly will go back to bullying Steffy (her boss) so I hesitate to understand the pearl clutching with respect to a girl who can clearly take care of herself and quite frankly everyone else. Caroline Spencer has been an asshole since she fell off that balcony. If she can asshole and get away with it then so can Maya, there's no (fair) reason on earth why Maya should be held to a higher standard while the other girls on the show aren't.



this Maya vs Caroline nonsense will end when they come to an understand next week and hopefully Maya will get an apology for this Myrna crap and all the other elitist bullshit that Caroline has thrown her way this entire time. The Spencers have done enough damage to Maya time for her to get the respect she deserves and be treated like a HUMAN BEING and a woman

I don't want to spend anymore time wanting to throw Caroline off another balcony.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

This. He hauls ass to FC to try and win Steffy back, and when she shuts him down yet again, he runs back to Ivy. She gave him an out RIGHT FUCKING THERE, but he stays with her.

It reminds me of his first marriage to Steffy when she refused to give him an annulment and when she finally does,Liam inexplicably tears the papers up and don't tell Hope about it till the wedding.

I didn't think there could be a male character on this show that is worse than Ridge, but God do I hate Liam in a way I never did with the former. Maybe because Ridge could stick with a decision longer than two days and I believe he truly loved the woman he was with.

He tore up the papers because their marriage and connection were real and annulling the marriage denied that. Divorce is one thing but anullment sends a completely different message.


That's the biggest problem with this show right now...no clear white hats. I've pretty much just decided to judge what a character is doing this month and root/criticize them accordingly.

ETA: to slayer2, because started writing this response an hour ago and got busy.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 1

He tore up the papers because their marriage and connection were real and annulling the marriage denied that. Divorce is one thing but anullment sends a completely different message.

Fair enough. I just remember being surprised when he did so because he spent most of that joke of a marriage pining for Hope.

Even still, I wouldn't give him a complete pass because his bitch ass still danced around telling Hope until the actual fucking wedding. Even then, I think it was actually Steffy who told her while Liam stared off in the distance like a military recruit getting chewed out by his drill instructor.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I think I'm with you on judging character actions, Anna. Although the show can be mistaken for a "who's the biggest douchebag" contest, one person's bad actions don't necessarily mitigate someone else's. I don't care if Ridge short sheeted Rick's bed for twenty years; that doesn't make firing a gun in an occupied building less dangerous. I also don't care if Rick shows up to work wearing a onesie and sucking a binky; Ridge dismissively calling him Ricky is dumb and should be beneath him. Theoretically, these characters are all adults and should own their nonsense.

Especially Liam. Of course, he never will. Steffy was calling him on his ish right up until he was available for mounting. Taking Liam back will surely teach him a valuable lesson about his terrible behavior.

  • Love 9

Instead of just caving in to Rick & Maya's demands, a real writer might have had Ridge & company stopping any of the negative publicity that Maya's getting fired caused by hiring more transgender models immediately after. As for Rick, while he may be technically back at FC, it shouldn't be as an executive.

Regarding hiring more transgender models is concerned, you're absolutely right.  How is letting Maya return as "lead model" going to help show she wasn't fired?  Because she is going to say so?  I'd think it would look more like "yes we fired you, but now we are getting bad publicity, so if you agree you may return as lead model & we'll give you a boatload of severance under the condition you say you weren't fired."  As far as Rick goes, he should have to report to Loading Dock Guy :)

  • Love 8

Yeah, I think I'm with you on judging character actions, Anna. Although the show can be mistaken for a "who's the biggest douchebag" contest, one person's bad actions don't necessarily mitigate someone else's. I don't care if Ridge short sheeted Rick's bed for twenty years; that doesn't make firing a gun in an occupied building less dangerous. I also don't care if Rick shows up to work wearing a onesie and sucking a binky; Ridge dismissively calling him Ricky is dumb and should be beneath him. Theoretically, these characters are all adults and should own their nonsense.

Especially Liam. Of course, he never will. Steffy was calling him on his ish right up until he was available for mounting. Taking Liam back will surely teach him a valuable lesson about his terrible behavior.

Then again, Steffy's father was the Waffle King of this show well before Liam was a glimmer in Bradley Bell's eyes. It's not like she got to see how a man should treat a woman well ever.

Reminds me of a guy my mom used to...date, for lack of a better term. Cheated on every woman he ever dated had sidepieces when he had a live in girlfriend, who accepted this shit because she saw herself as homely...then was surprised when his daughter kept going for losers that treated her like crap. Ugh.

  • Love 5


Then again, Steffy's father was the Waffle King of this show well before Liam was a glimmer in Bradley Bell's eyes.


But I would argue that while Ridge was certainly a waffle king - he was still with whatever particular woman he was with for more than 5 seconds. Ridge and Taylor were married for many years and so forth. The really bad flip flopping started happening in more recent years, but back in the day at least he wasn't getting married every other day!


Plus, Liam recycles engagement and wedding rings from one woman to the other! At least Ridge usually had the good sense to get different bling!

  • Love 9

Wow, they really let Ivy do the right thing. I just cannot believe that this show, that usually depicts women as little more than doormats, or their man's hand holder, actually let a woman stand on her principles, and choose her dignity over her man. And not just any man, Liam Spencer, the misunderstood chick magnet. I love it! But, please, I don't won't to spend my summer watching Liam and Wyatt fight over Steffy. And I don't want to spend it watching Ivy pine and cry over Liam. Get this girl a worthy man stat! I see they have recast Thomas; he looks pretty hot to me and he and Ivy are not blood related:




Liam is such an idiot. He just let the best thing that ever happened to him walk away. I am hanging with Slayer2, and will keep watching cause I think there is more to this story. 


It was such a strange show Friday, with each scenario seeming very insulated from the others. I like the focus on romance, (yes even Maya and Rick), with the juxtaposition of Ivy's heartbreak and sacrifice. 


I don't think I will be able to root to strongly for Steffy and Liam; it just doesn't feel right. 

  • Love 6

But I would argue that while Ridge was certainly a waffle king - he was still with whatever particular woman he was with for more than 5 seconds. Ridge and Taylor were married for many years and so forth. The really bad flip flopping started happening in more recent years, but back in the day at least he wasn't getting married every other day!


Plus, Liam recycles engagement and wedding rings from one woman to the other! At least Ridge usually had the good sense to get different bling!

I beg to differ that Ridge wasn't always a waffle king.


Going all the way back to almost the beginning of the show when Ridge invited Brooke to live with him while still pining away for Caroline and her moving in was not long after he and Caroline shared a drunken night of passion while Caroline's then-husband Thorne was downstairs in the kitchen making the world's biggest sandwich. When Brooke miscarried their child, it seemed like mere days before he had moved on to Caroline and left Brooke in the dust. 


Exhibit B - Ridge is close with both Brooke and Taylor after Caroline's death. Brooke, who was pregnant with Rick (having moved on when Ridge married Caroline) left town - leaving the Original Waffle no choice but to pursue Taylor, the perennial default choice. Some time later, Ridge proposes, she turns him down and Ridge turns to Brooke and that's when the BeLieF boink in the lab happened. Ridge and Brooke still see each other while she's married to Eric who I believe went blind for a time after rescuing Rick from a falling bookcase and Brooke was staying with him out of obligation.


Taylor leaves town, passively aggressively stating she doesn't need Ridge (like mother, like daughter) and of course, he who loves the chase, follows her and he proposes to her in St. Thomas. She agrees and yet the night before their wedding, he's dancing with Brooke to "their" song (Unforgettable). 


Ridge went back and forth between Taylor and Brooke in the next few years, playing at husband to both and daddy to young Rick and Bridget (the latter whom he believed to be his daughter for a number of years). Then Taylor was presumed dead in a plane crash and Ridge went after Brooke again, who was engaged to James at the time. They wed, not knowing Taylor was still alive.


When Taylor returned from the dead, Ridge stayed with Brooke (surprisingly), even after Bridget's paternity was revealed. It was around this time that Brooke befriended Grant and after seeing him kiss Brooke, Ridge took the dress and the ring he was going to have Brooke wear for the fashion show for the showstopper bridal gown with intent to propose to Brooke at the end of the runway and GAVE it to Taylor instead. Brooke decided to marry Grant and who chased after her on his motorcycle? Ridge.


There were a few years where Taylor and Ridge were relatively stable - but notice that Brooke wasn't seriously involved with anyone at the time. She dated Connor for a while, but again, not serious because if it had been, you just know Ridge would have been right there, interfering, and then Morgan, Ridge's teenage love, entered the picture and he had sex with her after reading an email where his precious Doc said it was ok. Never questioning that Morgan forged it. Oh-kay....


Brooke grew close to Thorne so again, Mr. Supposedly Happily Married Ridge interfered once more, tricking Brooke into admitting she would always love Ridge (by all but mounting her) and ruining one of my favorite relationships, Throoke. 


Taylor was presumed dead (again - seriously, stay dead!) and Ridge got closer to Brooke again (who by this time had had an affair with Deacon and his child, Hope). But newfound daddy Massimo wanted someone else for Ridge - Bridget - and we got Sicket and Ridge making out with his former daughter/sister even as he was about to marry Brooke yet again. Until he saw Bridget sniffling and sobbing as awful as Y&R's Dummer and decided not to go through with it.


So once again, Brooke moves on to Nick but Ridge pursues her. They marry in the jungle, then Ridge is presumed dead. She sleeps with Nick and believes herself pregnant by him and this time, OMG, Ridge actually makes a choice to be there with her and stay with her even though it's not his child. To their joy and delight, it's Ridge's baby after all and Brooke/Ridge have about 5 minutes of happiness.


Taylor returns again and Ridge reunites with her after mama Stephanie fakes a heart attack. 


I could go on and on up through his recent waffling between Brooke/Katie and Katie/Caroline but I think you get the picture. ;-)

Edited by CountryGirl
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