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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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SweePea59, I was so infuriated by the wedding and Liam's Elmer Fudding of lines he should have memorized six ways from Sunday.


Up until the bronzed Bratz doll blew back into town, Ivy and Liam were very much in love, having declared their love for each other months ago in Amsterdam - eight months ago, in fact, as they were in Amsterdam back in November of last year. They didn't consummate their relationship there, showing me it was more about real feelings and not just lust (which is what I think the Steffy/Liam is mostly made of). 


Fast forward to a few months ago when the takeover was first being discussed - what was Liam's driving force? To protect Ivy. Bill was all about taking down Rick as was Ridge but Liam was constantly inserting, "andplusalso Ivy." Steffy being part of the deal wasn't even in his thoughts and even when she did come back to town, Liam clearly wasn't interested. Not even when she paraded around in bikinis because she's just SO! FUN! and offered him the VP role and the side role of personal bedwarmer. He shut that down and I, who had liked him for a while once Dope left town, was cheering for him. 


I should have known better. A Waffle doesn't change its squares.

I was away for a week, and am wondering how it is that Liam was full on in love with Ivy, and five seconds after Steffy shows up, he decides he's not in love with her, and really wants Steffy.  I thought I missed something but apparently not.  I wish Ivy would kick his ass to the door, or go back to Australia.  There is something seriously wrong with him, and with Steffy.  She even looks desperate.


When Steffy was crying when looking at old wedding photos and other memories, I thought it was for the beautiful face she once had before she messed it up.


This is boring for the viewer, and makes the Raya story more interesting just cause it is different.  Even Caridge is better than this.


And Steffy and Liam have time to take off from work after they just overthrew Forresters?

  • Love 7
Is Australia really so bad?




LOL, St3ph! We know Australia is fab! That's why it's so ridiculous that Ivy's acting like she's being deported to some third-world country with no indoor plumbing.


Hey look, kids! FUN!STEFFY! now comes with cheap plastic toys! *grrrrrrrroan*  Can we crowd-fund some sort of emergency acting class for JMW? Because today's show was painful to watch, especially that last minute with her trying to act surprised about the Waffle getting hitched again. I think all the fillers are preventing her face from moving. But that waffling a-hole should've stopped her before she got out her craptastic bag full of memory lane souvenirs.

  • Love 10
But that waffling a-hole should've stopped her before she got out her craptastic bag full of memory lane souvenirs.



And deny himself the extreme pleasure he gets from having more than one woman fall all over him?  If he had firmly but gently informed her of his marriage first thing, he might have missed the chance to strengthen their bond a little bit more first, to assure himself that she'll still be pining for him while he's being all "noble" and staying married to Ivy. 

  • Love 5

What the hell did I just watch?  Was it two grown ass adults (well, chronologically, at least) playing with those cheap ass parachute toys and acting like this was the most fun they've ever had in their entire lives?

Please tell me these didn't used to be their foreplay/sex toys :(


We know Australia is fab!

But...but...it CAN'T be! Ivy said more than once that by preventing her from going back there, Liam literally saved her life!

  • Love 7
His girlfriend's about to get deported, and he's all "jiggawha?  But let me be clear, it's not a real marriage, it's just a business arrangement."


And then he said it AGAIN this morning at breakfast, just to make it perfectly clear to her that he has zero interest in actually being married to her. FUCK YOU, WAFFLE BOY!!!


I'm so repulsed with him, and I think the difference from when he was waffling between Steffy and Hopeless (when he was just vaguely annoying and clueless) was I couldn't stand either of his "choices." He had a redemption arc with Ivy (for whom he should be thanking his lucky stars for giving him the time of day) and he's blown it to smithereens. UGH. I need to FF his scenes from now on or I'm just going to wind up smashing up my TV.


And just to get this straight: Liam's telling Ivy that they're only dating now, nothing serious, so he can have Steffy as his sidepiece? Or is Ivy the official sidepiece? In either case: FUCK YOU, WAFFLE BOY!


Liam literally saved her life!



Yep, all of that misusage of the word "literally" was like nails scraping on a blackboard for me.


On a positive note: Looks like we're all bonding over our collective allergic reaction to Waffles. And who ever said CarRidge and Raya fans couldn't coexist peacefully? ;)


If he had firmly but gently informed her of his marriage first thing


There is nothing firm about Waffles.


What the hell did I just watch?  Was it two grown ass adults (well, chronologically, at least) playing with those cheap ass parachute toys and acting like this was the most fun they've ever had in their entire lives?


And we just know that the cheap-ass parachute toys are going to make the cut for the next "romantic" musical montage. (Steffy to Ridge: "But Daddy, I gave him plastic parachute toys and we tossed them into the air, laughing so hard that our stomachs hurt!") Lamest Steffy scene ever--and there are many from which to choose.

Edited by Shira
  • Love 15

AB, as usual, looked absolutely beautiful. That blue dress fit her 5'9" frame to a tee. As a rule, gaudy jewelry is just gaudy but AB's neckline made it actually look really good.

Liam looked like he shit is pants when Steffy walked in the door and asked him about Ivy. But, of course Waffles waffled and he had to take a trip down memory lane, play remember when, and kiss Steffy before dropping the hammer on Steffy. TPTB, please take note that you don't do Steffy justice when you show Steffy in the past tense. It just reminds us of how much Steffy destroyed her looks. I bet Wyatt doesn't want Liam's sloppy seconds right up to the point where Steffy walks in on him, in the steam room, and drops her towel. Speaking of dropping a towel, Liam is now going to reject Ivy's advances now they are married? It's ok to kiss Steffy but not make love to your girlfriend slash business partner slash wife. I guess, since it's only an arranged marriage, Steffy will tell Liam that it's not really cheating if they do the deed.

I think Ridge was really giving Wyatt good advice in staying away from Steffy. Not because he was being mean but to ward him off from getting hurt. If anyone knows Steffy's track record, it's Ridge.

Edited by Waldo13
  • Love 11

So he went from being in love and committed to caring for and just dating?!? And then he has to keep mentioning it so she doesn't get the wrong idea? He's doing her a favor? WTF. Koala needs to tell Waffles to kick rocks right after she kicks him in the nuts. 


ETA: Where's a broom when you need one? (Empire)

Edited by tricknasty
  • Love 15

I think Ridge was really giving Wyatt good advice in staying away from Steffy. Not because he was being mean but to ward him off from getting hurt. If anyone knows Steffy's track record, it's Ridge.



Quinn should be telling Wyatt to stay away. The last thing she should want for her kid is to get involved with a woman eyeing another man.  Its moronic that they have Quinn doing this again.  Its also annoying that the one person who could talk some sense into her (Deacon) is conveniently MIA.

  • Love 5

Hey look, kids! FUN!STEFFY! now comes with plastic toys! *grrrrrrrroan*

Too easy. [/rimshot]

But that waffling a-hole should've stopped her before she got out her craptastic bag full of memory lane souvenirs.

This! 1000 times this! Liam basking in Steffy's tongue bath today before cracking her face with what's what was beyond self-indulgent, and downright cruel. Not that she didn't deserve it, because schadenfreude, but still.

I don't want her anywhere near Wyatt. Boy needs to run away from from that whole mess as fast as his chicken legs can carry him, but I know he won't. Le sigh. The only good thing that'll come out of this whole mess is we'll see more of Quinn.

Edited by bittersweet4149
  • Love 7

I think it would've been an interesting twist having Ivy planned this as a fake deportation just to get Liam to marry her, if they laid the ground work of her being manipulative (say during Paris and Amsterdam location shoots). It seems like Brad Bell will be writing Liam/Steffy as the "rooting couple" and Ivy as the third party, where as before it was Hope/Liam as the "rooting couple" and Steffy as the third party.

  • Love 3

When Steffy busted out the Aspen wedding rings, I was laughing my ass off.  Are we now pretending that wedding was the height of romance and not manipulation to keep him from reuniting with Hope?  Are we just going to pretend that the Hope side of their "love story" just never existed?  

That's exactly what these idiot writers expect.

For a romance as long and storied as Ridge and Brooke, it's a bit easier to blur lines and gloss over key things, such as Ridge paying attention to Brooke only after Caroline married Thorne.

This doesn't work here because not only is all of that recent history, but Liam and Hope had about 100000000000 flashbacks and the writing made it pretty obvious that Waffle was with Steffy only because Hope was not availible. Steffy barely had time to book the Forrester jet to Paris before he was cramming his tongue down Hope's throat.

God forbid Hope returns to the show before Steffy leaves.

  • Love 7

That's exactly what these idiot writers expect.

For a romance as long and storied as Ridge and Brooke, it's a bit easier to blur lines and gloss over key things, such as Ridge paying attention to Brooke only after Caroline married Thorne.

This doesn't work here because not only is all of that recent history, but Liam and Hope had about 100000000000 flashbacks and the writing made it pretty obvious that Waffle was with Steffy only because Hope was not availible. Steffy barely had time to book the Forrester jet to Paris before he was cramming his tongue down Hope's throat.

God forbid Hope returns to the show before Steffy leaves.

NOOOOOOO! Shut yo mouth. Do not put this out there in the universe.;)

  • Love 7

You guys, calling Liam "Waffles" is unfair...to waffles. Waffles are delicious, and have some depth and substance to them. Liam is more like a limp, wet rice noodle. No taste and gluten-free.

Fucking truffle fries? And Bob Hope movies? This is what they shared? Mmm-kay...

Gods know I love me some Quinn, but she really needs to listen to Wyatt when he says he doesn't want to relive his nightmare with Hope. Actually, Wyatt needs to listen to himself when he says that.

BTW, truffle fries sound gross.

Edited by Snaporaz
  • Love 7

You guys, calling Liam "Waffles" is unfair...to waffles. Waffles are delicious, and have some depth and substance to them. Liam is more like a limp, wet rice noodle. No taste and gluten-free.

Fucking truffle fries? And Bob Hope movies? This is what they shared? Mmm-kay...

Gods know I love me some Quinn, but she really needs to listen to Wyatt when he says he doesn't want to relive his nightmare with Hope. Actually, Wyatt needs to listen to himself when he says that.

BTW, truffle fries sound gross.

They're not my favorite thing in the world.

  • Love 2

I used to think Liam was just weak, stupid, and indecisive. Now I realize he's a malicious dick who is really good at pretending to be a noble waffle.


Ladies and gentlemen, the true face of Liam.


Bob Hope and truffle fries do not a romance make. They do add up to annoying shit we're supposed to find cute. No sale.

  • Love 7

What did I just watch? Steffy showed up with a FUN bag of tricks to try to lure Liam back... It reminded me of that old circus trick where the clown pulls the never-ending string of tied-together handkerchiefs out of his breast pocket. Seriously?


Poor Ivy. What has she done to deserve this? I'd kick that waffling tool to the curb and date Wyatt. Or the upcoming recast of Thomas. (Those two would NOT be blood relatives, right?) She looked absolutely stunning in that blue dress and necklace. So Liam gave her the cold shoulder on their wedding night. What a jackass.


WTH did Bob Hope ever do to have his good name and reputation sullied in such a manner?

  • Love 6

To this new viewer Steffy totally sucks but Liam???? Words fail me he is beyond AWFUL and I hope he pays and pays for his stupidity one way or another----please let ivy move on with someone who is worthy but no we will be treated to some uglee manipulation thanks to Quinn (who I like) and then in the end Ivy will be vilified instead of the two toads who should be---this was my refuge from the awfulness that Y&R has become and now???? I am out of options from the wretchedness that soap writers (who have no clue what they are doing) have become and yes I am old and have been watching most of my 60+ years---sob!---I would like reruns of Edge of Night at this point----

  • Love 11

To this new viewer Steffy totally sucks but Liam???? Words fail me he is beyond AWFUL and I hope he pays and pays for his stupidity one way or another----please let ivy move on with someone who is worthy but no we will be treated to some uglee manipulation thanks to Quinn (who I like) and then in the end Ivy will be vilified instead of the two toads who should be---this was my refuge from the awfulness that Y&R has become and now???? I am out of options from the wretchedness that soap writers (who have no clue what they are doing) have become and yes I am old and have been watching most of my 60+ years---sob!---I would like reruns of Edge of Night at this point----

To say it's become this implies that this hasn't been a consistent problem for a long time. For years, this show's had countless men thrown under the bus to prop Ridge and Brooke.

Best example: Nick Marone. A down to earth guy outside the Forrester bubble who fell for Brooke. He is Ridge's halfbrother via his bio dad Massimo, and always called "the dressmaker" out for his entitlement and shitty treatment of Brooke in particular.

To make that long story short, but the time he finally got with Brooke (after marrying and emotionally cheating on her daughter Bridget....ugh), he turned into his horrid,possessive monster who got the rightfully deserved moniker Nick N.Sane, trying to keep Brooke from working at FC when Ridge and Steph began to try and win her back.

Then it was all downhill from there from his follow on marriages to Bridget,to banging Katie when she was on her deathbed. A good character wo was damn near ruined.

So seeing this stuff with Ivy is nothing new. It just usually happened over a span of months and now mere days. But at its worst,this show is not as depressing and gross as Y&R has become, so there's that.

  • Love 4

I would love it if Monday's episode opened with Steffy saying, "MARRIED!? I spent my whole workday putting together a FUN! slideshow for you! And I spent 99 cents on toys!"


"Yes, Mawwied...Geez!" Throws hands up and shuts door in her face. If only Liam shared the reaction of Long Duck Dong.  Just as an aside, if Ivy was really serious about Liam all she'd have to do is take his brother to bed and Liam would be hers forever. Nothing makes a Waffle straighten up and fly right like a side order of Chicken. #justsayin

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 9

I totally agree Anna Yolei---that is part of why I avoided this show for years and years although I did see a fair amount of the Marone days until I couldn't take it anymore---but when Y&R turned into  the crapfest it is now I didn't want to go back to Days after a 25 yr break so here I am---and now where the hell can I go? Still will hang for TK for awhile and I still like the actress who plays Quinn from way back but really there is not much else here for me---and I am pretty sure that RRRick is mounting a return and just UGH and do not want to see Brooke either so that leaves me with not much---sigh 

  • Love 4

Seriously, is Liam really all that? I didn't think so. I can't take two more woman fighting over him again. Brad Bell really has a limited story base doesn't he? They should just rename this show triangles. Also, his blink and you missed it drinking storyline with KKL was a bust. So, what's next? Where is Heather Tom? Now, that her & Bill are married it's snooze-vile. Zzzzzzzzzzz! Wash, rinse and repeat. Wake me up when it's over.

  • Love 3

All I can say is I sure feel bad for Scott Clifton having to play the pathetic idiot tool aka Liam, King of Waffles. Holy sh*t this is some mighty pathetic writing/rewriting/ignoring what just went down on screen a few days/weeks ago.


Didn't Liam ask Ivy to move in with him when things at the Forrester mansion went south with Ric & Maya acting like evil overlords??? Now suddenly he acts like she's last nite's old stinky pizza box. Dude!!!!!!!!!


And really...how damn hard is it to just say the words "Hold on a minute Steffy. Let me tell you what happened last nite"...or even "I  have to tell you something"   Bet if he would've said "I'm married", that would've shut her down pretty fast.


It just seems like there are so many rewrites to accommodate returning actors there is no continuity or sense out of these stories. you get to root for your "couple" for about 2 seconds before they switch it all up again. Arghhh!!!


Oh...did I mention the CONSTANT lame flashbacks??  *sigh*

  • Love 13

The most upsetting thing about this Ivy/Liam/Steffy/Wyatt Summer of Suck is that it's broadcasting now that I'm home, and not 2-3 weeks ago while I was honeymooning and missing out on all the (apparently relatively more) exciting Forrester Creations Hostile Takeover episodes. I miss my Johnny ;(


Best wishes on your marriage, St3phForrester!


My father's advice as we were about to walk down the aisle: Whenever you are wrong admit it. Whenever you are right shut up.



Shira, on 16 Jun 2015 - 12:44 PM, said:


Is Australia really so bad?


St3phForrester quote



Australia is a wonderful place.


Ivy will be crushed by Liam's indifference and carelessness.

Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 6


But that waffling a-hole should've stopped her before she got out her craptastic bag full of memory lane souvenirs.


KerleyQ quote

And deny himself the extreme pleasure he gets from having more than one woman fall all over him?  If he had firmly but gently informed her of his marriage first thing, he might have missed the chance to strengthen their bond a little bit more first, to assure himself that she'll still be pining for him while he's being all "noble" and staying married to Ivy.


That's why I find Liam mostly a selfish, equivocating and unfeeling twerp. He let's these women wax romantic about their moonJunespoony twu wuv, when he knows he will have to tell them they're completely wrong and he is going in the opposite direction, 'but I will be widely available to you, so feel free to chase after me to make my new girlfriend/wife insecure and uncomfortable to the point of distraction.'


Liam cannot be honest with anyone before they humiliate themselves for the (inexplicable) luv of him..



Edited by Cupid Stunt
  • Love 6

I need to go to an ENT and get my ears cleaned, because I'm pretty sure I heard Steffy tell her dad something about her having self respect & that she won't beg Liam. Nothing says begging like Bob Hope, truffle fries, plastic parachute toys, snow globes (that's US in there!!! *gag*), and mood rings!


Oly, I'm very impressed with you, it didn't take you long to see what a mess this show is :)

  • Love 7
All I can say is I sure feel bad for Scott Clifton having to play the pathetic idiot tool aka Liam, King of Waffles.

Don't cry for him, Argentina. He's won two Daytime Emmys for playing that tool. I imagine some salary bumps followed those awards too.


'but I will be widely available to you, so feel free to chase after me to make my new girlfriend/wife insecure and uncomfortable to the point of distraction.'

That's it in a nutshell. Whoever's been developing/writing Liam's character understands that particular modus operandi very well because they've portrayed it perfectly. What I don't get is how someone fairly mediocre-looking like Liam can pull that b.s. off in a city like LA where there are literally thousands of hot men. It doesn't appear to be the money since Hope, Steffy, and Ivy are all heiresses to varying degrees. He's kind of a small guy too so I doubt he's swangin'...if you know what I mean. I really don't understand it.


AB, as usual, looked absolutely beautiful. That blue dress fit her 5'9" frame to a tee. As a rule, gaudy jewelry is just gaudy but AB's neckline made it actually look really good.

She really is stunning. I doubt she's going to be soap lifer and that a prime time show will grab her.


Here we go again. Except this time Ivy is more relaxed than Hope ever was. Ivy doesn't mind if Liam and Steffy share a couple of kisses from time to time. Heck she might agree to a threesome.

Say what now? Oh I don't think Ivy is that game of a romantic partner at all. IMO, she's more of an "out of sight, out of mind" girl versus a "go ahead, put it in my face" girl. Ugh, I hope we're not going to be treated to more scenes with her screaming at Steffy to stay away from her man. AFAIC, her real problem is Liam, not Steffy.


Has TK lost weight? He's been looking particularly tasty lately in both his suits and casual clothes. Wonder if we'll get to see him in a shirtless scene soon? (Apparently he hates doing those so I'll be surprised.)

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
  • Love 5

I have this awful, terrible feeling (like when you eat a bad batch of waffles) that we're supposed to root for the terrible, awful entity that is Steffy/Liam. Sure, Brad Bell, I'll pencil that into that my day planner between cheering for the combo of diarrhea & vomiting and pulling for the duo of bull & shit.

Nothing says love in the afternoon like a fickle fucktruck pining for a selfish pit stain who was willing to extort intimacy from him in exchange for stock. Yes, poor Liam, making such a noble sacrifice by marrying a woman he declared his love for when all he really wants is Steffy's box of FUN.

Welcome back, St3phForrester! Did you and Eric secretly elope?

  • Love 17

I know I'm not supposed to be putting this out into the Universe, but what would happen, hypothetically, if Hope did show up unexpectedly this afternoon and said she wanted another chance with Liam? Who would win the big prize in that scenario?

Whoever Liam didn't choose :) Edited by ByTor
  • Love 18

OMG,,,I wanted to throw things watching yesterday's episode - and not just parachutes and snow globes either, which, seriously, WTF??? 


What is this, junior high? The only thing missing from that travesty of trolling down memory lane was Steffy's notebook with Mrs, Liam Spencer doodled all over it.


It's enough to make me almost (I said almost) wish Hope would return just long enough to crack Steffy's face harder but Ivy deserves better than this.


So go be with your Bratz doll, Liam, and as a reminder, here's what you're getting Waffle Boy:





And here's what you're missing out on:



  • Love 18

I know I'm not supposed to be putting this out into the Universe, but what would happen, hypothetically, if Hope did show up unexpectedly this afternoon and said she wanted another chance with Liam? Who would win the big prize in that scenario?



This is why I have no time for this story.  A few months ago Hope was the love of his life and the one he couldn't let go of - now Steffy is.  Please.  If Hope came back the best thing the writers could do is spring for a special effects budget so they can have Liam's head explode.


I missed out on Steffy's previous run but from what I'm watching now I don't see the appeal of her.  Plus, I find the work she has had done very distracting.  I hate watching some older actresses because of their plastic surgery but at least I get it.  I don't get it when it comes to young women.


Since I'm being shallow what is up with the make-up department and the eyebrows on Steffy and Caroline?  Talk about distracting.

  • Love 5

So go be with your Bratz doll, Liam, and as a reminder, here's what you're getting Waffle Boy:




It's kinda scary how much Steffy resembles that Bratz doll. Almost like that weird woman/creature who has had tons of plastic surgery to turn herself into the living Barbie.


Has TK lost weight? He's been looking particularly tasty lately in both his suits and casual clothes.


Yes and yes. I think he's pretty damn near perfect, in my book anyway. I don't like the pumped-up Arnold Schwarzenegger look on guys. I had a boyfriend in college who emulated him and I was practically begging him to lay off the gym already--I don't like it when guys look like they're going to pop right out of their skin.



"Yes, Mawwied...Geez!" Throws hands up and shuts door in her face. If only Liam shared the reaction of Long Duck Dong.

LOVE the reference! Oh, how I miss the good ol' days of John Hughes teenager movies...*snifffle*


All I can say is I sure feel bad for Scott Clifton having to play the pathetic idiot tool aka Liam, King of Waffles.


I was almost tempted to go on Twitter and ask SC how he feels about this shitstorm, because I think he's hilarious in real life and I'm sure he'd have a witty remark or two. But then, I user Twitter for business so...nope, no chatting with soap dudes. But it's not just in these stomping grounds where he's being trounced--the fans are hating on Waffles pretty heavily across the board.


FYI, Darrin Brooks (Wyatt) has a lot more Twitter followers than SC. I'm not sure why that surprised me, but there you go.


ETA: In what universe can you put greasy fries into a tote bag, keep them in there for who knows how long, and then want to eat them? Gross.


What I don't get is how someone fairly mediocre-looking like Liam can pull that b.s. off in a city like LA where there are literally thousands of hot men.


And women are choosing Waffles over Oliver. Riiiiiiiiiiight.


Edited by Shira
  • Love 4

LOLx1000000 for the LDD/16 Candles reference. 


Steffy was NEVER the love of Liam's life, no matter how Steffy tries to spin it otherwise.


He had a number of chances to reunite with her - he could have followed her to Paris, he could have reunited with her when he learned that she could conceive after all but he chose to marry Hope, and, about a month ago, when she offered him FC and her cha-cha-cha on a silver platter, he turned her down flat because he was in love with (remember that, Lame?) Ivy (not cared for, not fond of, but in love with).


But Hope wasn't the love of his life either because the true love of Waffle's life is...Waffles.


Maybe they should re-run that DNA test because I think Waffles 1.0 (aka Ridge) is really Liam's father. 

  • Love 4

Karma wasn't driving a bus yesterday, it was driving a gondala...... BAM Stephie, how did THAT feel!  lol  I was yelling at my TV shouting with Glee that she finally got a bit of what she dished out to Hope (who is NOT a fav of mine).  I gotta get some enjoyment out of this horrid new tri/quadangle.


Yep!  I was thinking "if only we could have slapped you into a gondola for this conversation." 

  • Love 3

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