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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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They're all terrible, terrible people. I think the only one with any shred of decency is Thorne and I can barely say that since he took up with the woman who killed the mother of his child. Perhaps Bridget or Felicia are the only safe bets.



Serious answer: she was a buttinski too, throwing herself unto Dante after he had began to date Bridget and using their kid to get him to marry her. And then there's the juvenile shit she and Thorne pulled to try and scare Donna off, including locking her in a sauna. That's fucking dangerous.

Bridget's record includes lying to Nick about having an abortion when she suspects him of sniffing behind a newly single Brooke and of course the ONS with Owen that produced her miracle child Logan. But then, Bridget could cheat on Nick with the whole L.A. Lakers team, and I wouldn't care.

  • Love 5

I can't argue with the fact that Aly and Ivy were all up in the Hope triangle to the point of it being weird. That was a problem for Wyatt, Hope, or Liam to address, not Rick. They deserved to be told to mind their own beeswax by the triangle triplets; they didn't deserve to be made to deliver post-coital ice cream by a snickering Rick.

One thing I can agree with wholeheartedly is that Taylor sucked. Perhaps I can fanwank that Rick's engagement to her caused him to experience a delayed psychosis.

Aly, you're not helping. Unless your intent is to chum the FC waters for predatory land shark Steffy. If so, good job.

  • Love 11

You would think that Eric needed to bring it to the board for Rick to be CEO but not in soap land. But, with B&B taking dramatic license, a meeting is needed for a hostile takeover.

Ally, that speech may work on Hope but it ain't going to fly with Steffy. If anything Ally, with that speech and Ivy's speech it might give Steffy more of an impudence to tell them to eat shit and die and do what she wants. Not that she won't do what she wants anyway. Ivy, just make sure that Liam is worth the hassle of dealing with his Hope and Steffy baggage and his waffling. I'm not sure Liam actually knows what love is or he is just enamored with the attention he is getting from the women in his life.

There may be a Rick 2.0 as a kinder and gentler person but is that what Maya really wants or is it the all and mighty CEO Rick that will punch out anyone that disrespects Maya. Has Maya drank from the well of absolute power and has become corrupted absolutely as Rick 1.0?

Regarding that last paragraph, I'd laugh my fucking head off if that happened. That's exactly what Rick deserves...a taste of his own medicine.

Steffy's excuse for going after Hope's BFs was because she had evil Logan blood and Taylor and Stephanie condoned that behavior because Brooke is teh evul so Hope would be, too. But Ivy is her own....okay, perhaps not, but they share the Forrester name and were raised as cousins. So what's the appeal of Liam's waffling lazy ass now?

My God, if Phoebe was still alive, she'd probably have fucked any boyfriend or husband she had by now, too.

  • Love 2

I had a hard time with the Aly and Steffy scene. I'm anti-Team Smug, but I'm also anti-Team Tell Other People What to Do When It's None Of Your Business.


I've heard a rumor that only Thorne's head is returning.


I hope when Thorne returns I don't hear the comments I used to about his Texas accent, If Ridge can be European then Thorne can be a Texan.


Actually I would like to see all the Forrester children come back with different accents.

  • Love 18

I do not want to see Wyatt and Steffy paired together. Why do these men have to keep fucking their relatives' exes. It is gross. Wyatt needs to find a chick Liam hasn't had sex with. That whole Hope thing didn't work out that well for him.



Wouldn't it be awesome if soaps actually showed character growth instead of the same thing over and over again?


On another note, should I just give up on seeing Deacon for the rest of the summer?  The one thing that really bothers me about soaps is characters disappearing for weeks at a time.  I just don't think there is any excuse for that on a daytime show.  If Game of Thrones can shove a hundred stories in 13 episodes - B&B can focus on more than a couple of characters a week or in this case - a month.

  • Love 10

I do not want to see Wyatt and Steffy paired together. Why do these men have to keep fucking their relatives' exes. It is gross. Wyatt needs to find a chick Liam hasn't had sex with. That whole Hope thing didn't work out that well for him.


Well, to be fair, there are no women in his age range who haven't slept with his brother in all of California, apparently.  


I'm trying to remember, it's been a while, but when Maya made that tape of Oliver admitting he originally went after Ally because she was part of the Forrester family and all that, did Ally ever find out about that?  Because that would be more than enough reason, in my book, for Ally to never trust Maya as far as she can throw her and to not want to play nice with her.  Maya went after Ally's relationship with Oliver all on her own, because she felt like it and was pissed off about getting shut out of the Forrester family when Rick chose Caroline.  


As for the spoiler about

Ivy's immigration status - what are the odds that Steffy turns her in to get her out of the way and get Liam back?  (Maybe with some help from $Bill?) And, as we all know, if Ivy is deported for more than 5 seconds, Liam will probably end up in Steffy's bed.  Because, Waffles! 

  • Love 10


I'm trying to remember, it's been a while, but when Maya made that tape of Oliver admitting he originally went after Ally because she was part of the Forrester family and all that, did Ally ever find out about that? 

Yes, Oliver confessed to Aly and she dumped him, but then some kind of something happened at Medieval Times (Oliver was in some joust or something) and he won her back.

  • Love 2
As said above, I am an old married, and as such cannot imagine being unfaithful! But I am also a realist, and understand that these things happen. People marry the wrong people and don't know until much later. People also fall in love with others; it is unfortunate and painful, but many times it just happens without forethought or any preconceived ideas. I don't think it makes you a terrible person. I don't think it makes you a bad person, and I would never fault someone for someone they cannot control. You can control your libido, but sometimes the heart beats to it's own drummer.



Being married to someone, then making out with their brother is one thing you should be able to control.  That's not something a "good person" does.  Her feelings aren't the issue... Caroline's actions and inability/unwillingness to be truthful were the problem and she deserved to be called out for it.  Instead 99% of the B&B characters did this endless "Poor Caroline" routine that made me sick.  Ivy was one of the leaders of that group, which is a part of my dislike for her.


This is probably unpopular, but I don't think what Rick and Maya did post-reveal constituted cheating because it seemed obvious to me (even more so now) that Rick wanted nothing to do with Caroline.  He wouldn't have bothered with the charade if not for Eric making the asinine stipulation of staying married.  In addition, Caroline still harbored feelings for Ridge even as she begged Rick to make the marriage work.  That's why I really had no time for her crocodile tears upon finding out about Rick's scheme.   Caroline cheated and was never completely truthful during this entire period, yet people like Ivy wanted to proclaim her a victim.

  • Love 5


Serious answer: she was a buttinski too, throwing herself unto Dante after he had began to date Bridget and using their kid to get him to marry her. And then there's the juvenile shit she and Thorne pulled to try and scare Donna off, including locking her in a sauna. That's fucking dangerous.


Ah, I dimly recall Leslie Kay's Felicia I was only here for the one who left Forrester to join Spectra because Forrester  thought her designs were too edgy. So I guess, there's no shade for anyone to throw at anyone on that show.



I do not want to see Wyatt and Steffy paired together. Why do these men have to keep fucking their relatives' exes. It is gross. Wyatt needs to find a chick Liam hasn't had sex with. That whole Hope thing didn't work out that well for him.


Nor do I but there don't seem to be a lot of other choices. I don't want to complain but at the same time I do,  I dig Scott Clifton as a person and the guy who plays Wyatt seems like a nice enough dude but I wish they were a bit more (conventionally) attractive because I just don't see, like HONESTLY don't understand how the storyline progresses because I can't fathom what's attractive about them, physically or intellectually. I guess I've never really found any men on B&B all that attractive save for Antonio Sabato Jr and Jacob Young (now not then), I've always found Thorne attractive but not necessarily because of WH, I just found him calming in a world of chaos. I definitely find LSV attractive but because I don't find him a strong actor I can't honestly ship him with anyone. I found AG's Thomas attractive but only within the context of his relationship with Dayzee so maybe I just have a vendetta against B&B men but I do wish there was more to look at and choose from.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 2

Technically, you could say Rick committed adultery. If a kiss is cheating, having sex with a woman not your wife certainly qualifies. Rick could have kept it in his pants long enough to fool Eric and fulfill his idiotic stipulation.

It seems like a number of problems on this show stem from Eric's stupidity and bad decisions. I kinda wish he'd get back together with Donna, and she could keep him occupied. Maybe they could have a son that Eric could pit against Rick in a bid to keep tradition alive.

Steffy, just keep your ass out of the chicken coop. I'd rather see her finally land Bill than sully Wyatt.

  • Love 12

Ah, I see the previous vitriol for Caroline is now being heaped on Ivy. I'm not sure why Caroline is suddenly getting a pass when the hate was pretty heavy and ongoing. Maybe because she's been on IR and hasn't had her say yet with "Myrna." /eyeroll


Anyway, Ivy happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time when she saw Rick slinking away from Maya's fuckpad. She tried to head things off by talking to Rick first because Ivy believed (like everybody else) that Rick was attempting to reconcile with Caroline. Blackmailng Ivy with the threat of job loss in exchange for her silence was a pretty heinous order. Rick took that several steps further by making Ivy's work and home life (as well as Aly's -- for no discernible reason) miserable as hell.


I hope Rick and Maya (to a lesser extent) get it back in spades. Yes, and I'm one who was pretty surprised that Maya's jets didn't cool several thousand degrees when Rick told her he was no longer CEO. Personally, I think that would have been a welcome twist because everybody was waiting to see if Rick would reject Maya for being transgender. It would have been pretty awesome -- and the final blow for Rick -- if Maya had sent him packing. It would have made the character less sympathetic, but hey, why not? If not that, then what? Since the secret's out, is Maya just going to fade to the back burner as Rick's sidepiece? I'm sure Brad Bell is too timid to have a character be both transgender and a villain.


Nick's role seems to be the mouthpiece for GLAAD; the living version akin to Aly's floating head Darla.


Props for hair and wardrobe for dressing Aly in that perfectly fugly outfit and hair style that made her look like a psychotic 12-year-old shut-in to contrast against Steffy's shellacked hair and drag-queen makeup. She looked like a baby lizard going up against a komodo dragon. I was rolling my eyes as hard as I am sure Ivy wanted to do when Wyatt was extolling Steffy's "virtues." /cough. There is no competition. Waffles needs to tell Komodo in no uncertain terms to back off and mean it. Ha.  I actually kind of like the idea of Weffy (Styatt?) I think that Wyatt has a more dynamic personality and semblance of a spine and would be a better foil for Steffy. And she completely deserves Quinn!

  • Love 15

Technically, you could say Rick committed adultery. If a kiss is cheating, having sex with a woman not your wife certainly qualifies. Rick could have kept it in his pants long enough to fool Eric and fulfill his idiotic stipulation.

It seems like a number of problems on this show stem from Eric's stupidity and bad decisions. I kinda wish he'd get back together with Donna, and she could keep him occupied. Maybe they could have a son that Eric could pit against Rick in a bid to keep tradition alive.

Steffy, just keep your ass out of the chicken coop. I'd rather see her finally land Bill than sully Wyatt.


Oh noooo! I'd like to see Rick out of the frying pan for a while just living a life of love and leisure. I think we should let the girls fight it out for a bit. I agree that Eric's stupidity is the catalyst for many-a-catastrophes.



Ah, I see the previous vitriol for Caroline is now being heaped on Ivy. I'm not sure why Caroline is suddenly getting a pass when the hate was pretty heavy and ongoing. 



I hope that wasn't directed at me. I'd hate for anyone to think I would give Caroline a pass over anything.



Since the secret's out, is Maya just going to fade to the back burner as Rick's sidepiece?



A sidepiece is on the side. Seeing as the dude gave up his title and job for her she hardly qualifies for that, hasn't in months.



It would have made the character less sympathetic, but hey, why not?



Because considering the lack of sympathy Maya gets now I don't think the character needs to be painted any less sympathetic than she already is.



One thing I can agree with wholeheartedly is that Taylor sucked. Perhaps I can fanwank that Rick's engagement to her caused him to experience a delayed psychosis.


This was my early Christmas present. Thank you very much! I'm running with this theory.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 3

Maya even had a genuine conversation with Ivy where she tried to befriend her and Ivy treated her like filth. What the hell did Ivy expect? A chariot of gold and some signet rings? Raya were no angels that's for damn sure but no worse than Ridge or Steffy have been in the past and honestly no worse than judgemental buttinskis Ivy and Aly.

I'm not sure if I remember this happening. I do remember conversation at the rooftop gym/break room when Maya told Ivy that since she had managed to get Rick to get rid of Caroline, she now felt secure and could afford to have "integrity" in her behavior and that Ivy would be wise to see here as a friend instead of an enemy since she had so much influence over Rick. Maya made this little speech while sporting one of her signature, overbleached, shit-eating grins. Ivy appeared disgusted and then left the rooftop. Maya has been FF material for me ever since.
  • Love 9

Nor do I but there don't seem to be a lot of other choices. I don't want to complain but at the same time I do,  I dig Scott Clifton as a person and the guy who plays Max seems like a nice enough dude but I wish they were a bit more (conventionally) attractive because I just don't see, like HONESTLY don't understand how the storyline progresses because I can't fathom what's attractive about them, physically or intellectually. I guess I've never really found any men on B&B all that attractive save for Antonio Sabato Jr and Jacob Young (now not then), I've always found Thorne attractive but not necessarily because of WH, I just found him calming in a world of chaos. I definitely find LSV attractive but because I don't find him a strong actor I can't honestly ship him with anyone. I found AG's Thomas attractive but only within the context of his relationship with Dayzee so maybe I just have a vendetta against B&B men but I do wish there was more to look at and choose from.

Who is Max?


I'm not sure if I remember this happening. I do remember conversation at the rooftop gym/break room when Maya told Ivy that since she had managed to get Rick to get rid of Caroline, she now felt secure and could afford to have "integrity" in her behavior and that Ivy would be wise to see here as a friend instead of an enemy since she had so much influence over Rick. Maya made this little speech while sporting one of her signature, overbleached, shit-eating grins. Ivy appeared disgusted and then left the rooftop. Maya has been FF material for me ever since.



Nothing Maya said on that rooftop conversation was any worse than what Ivy has said about Wyatt or to Wyatt regarding Liam or about Steffy or to Steffy regarding Liam and I do believe Maya was calling Ivy out on her and the Forresters and Spencers hypocritical behaviour which is why she said she could afford to have integrity too. I remember that scene as a powerful one. If we're talking in shit-eating grins I don't think anyone has perfected it like Caroline, particularly when she had stripped down (god knows which time) and confronted Maya about being Rick's bedpartner (however true or untrue it was at the time).



Who is Max?



Oh gosh!! Haha wrong soap opera. The guy who plays Wyatt used to play Max Brady on DOOL.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 2

All I could think when little cousin dog was snarling at big cousin dog was, "Aly, you are kissing your hope of a shoe line goodbye. Shut up!"


I'm telling you she's demented. Narcissism runs rampant in that family, the nerve of that little pollyana to think she can waltz into Steffy's off and start schooling her. Just who does she think she's fucking with? This isn't Hope, this is the girl that crashed Hope proverbial wedding and made off with the groom. Aly reminds me of a Christopher Pike story called Whisper of Death about a vengeful redhead who kept her potential parents in a loop/glass jar because she was mad they aborted her (don't ask). It's like she's still in that stage of childhood where she thinks the world exists to please her and yet all her pleasure is derived from Liam's love life. It quite nearly makes Oliver look like a pedophile for dating her. 



Well I hope slayer2 or someone posts extra scenes, because I am completely confused by what happened today and yesterday.  Definitely missed scenes there.



Hey bannana, didn't seem to be any extra ones today or yesterday but I'll keep my eyes peeled. In the meantime, some previews for you  :)


What a surprise, Aly and Ivy are chatting instead of working...



Looks like Steffy is getting her pick. Back up Ivy.



Edited by slayer2
  • Love 2

UO time: I'd much rather see Steffy and Chicken head together than another round of her and Liam. I do think that with their endless scheming, they would have something in common, Steffy can still rub it in Hope's face whenever she returns, and Bill would still have Steffy close enough in the family to oogle at. This leaves Liam to fuck up his relationship with Ivy or anyone else in the future entirely on his own.

Everyone wins! (Except the viewers, but God knows if they cared about us, we would've have had that horrid triangle go on as long as it did).

  • Love 12

UO time: I'd much rather see Steffy and Chicken head together than another round of her and Liam. I do think that with their endless scheming, they would have something in common, Steffy can still rub it in Hope's face whenever she returns, and Bill would still have Steffy close enough in the family to oogle at. This leaves Liam to fuck up his relationship with Ivy or anyone else in the future entirely on his own.

Everyone wins! (Except the viewers, but God knows if they cared about us, we would've have had that horrid triangle go on as long as it did).


I could warm to the idea if Steffy and Wyatt were allowed to stay salty and shady as fuck. I demand double dates with Rick and Maya where they throw shade at the world and get stupid drunk. Dear god can someone please get stupid drunk on this show?....not so fast Brooke.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 7

As a newer viewer I am all over the place---I still pretty much loathe Rick-the little prince and his stoopid parents---didn't really have much of an opinion about Maya other that lots of big eyes but when I read over here about her backstory and some of the crap she has done to prop up the little mister I am not liking her at all and being transgender does not give her a pass for snotty past behavior---I am on the record as a TK fan all the way back to Patrick Thornhart and while I hated Rigid with the best of them when Ron Moss and his scarves were here to me he is now a different character so the past is just that to me-----I had no idea that there was nastiness regarding Caroline---I like the actress and all I knew was that she was married to Rick for about 5 minutes and then she ended up with Ridge to Brooke's disgust---not a bad thing in my book---so sick of Brooke as the end all and be all------not sure when Rick became the boyMonster but I thought I read that the actor asked for Rick to be more like AJ Chandler because Rick was boring----never saw the Kyle Lowder version so I don't know----Steffy is already on my last nerve and I saw some of her run in the Triangle of hell--didn't like her then either---Liam I knew from long ago GH and I like Scott Clifton and I like him with Ivy (who I also like a lot) but damn he needs to step away from the Steffy---UGH---will not like him then--and if he can't then Ivy deserves better (really surprised at the Ivy hate I think she is a great new character but again I have not seen any of the past stuff) 

  • Love 10

Nothing Maya said on that rooftop conversation was any worse than what Ivy has said about Wyatt or to Wyatt regarding Liam or about Steffy or to Steffy regarding Liam and I do believe Maya was calling Ivy out on her and the Forresters and Spencers hypocritical behaviour which is why she said she could afford to have integrity too. I remember that scene as a powerful one. If we're talking in shit-eating grins I don't think anyone has perfected it like Caroline, particularly when she had stripped down (god knows which time) and confronted Maya about being Rick's bedpartner (however true or untrue it was at the time).





Sorry, but I have no idea what you are talking about.


Moving on.  Does anyone know whether ZC is still with the show?  We haven't seen Oliver in quite awhile. 

  • Love 2


Why did they bring that guy back? It's like he lives in some alternate reality where Maya and Rick didn't do all the shite they did for no real reason other than because they could. In his mind, Maya's being transgender is like a free pass to do whatever you want. I guess the character (and actor) is TPTB's way of trying to be extra PC about all this but the stuff that comes out of that guy's mouth doesn't do Maya's case any favors, IMO


I was well over this character the last time he popped up so seeing him again was not something I needed. Maya walked around like the queen bee of FC for months - bossed people around like she was the CEO and support Rick in all his horrible behavior (oh honey shooting up the office is no big) but it's all okay and rainbows fly out of her butt because she's transgendered. Shut up Nick.


If I'm supposed to believe Rick and Maya are such a great couple and so good for each other, the writers went about it all wrong. And suddenly changing the story to her being transgender and this being a love story about that ... doesn't work for me with all that came before.



Most of this is faulty or ignorant of two facts


It seems to me that storylines on a soap can hardly be considered facts since viewers all see things very differently than one another. Certainly there are plenty of viewers who believe Maya loves Rick but that doesn't mean lots of other viewers see her as a gold digger. And just because the characters are spouting lines of love now doesn't mean that can't change.



I'm assume most of you are familiar with ATWT's Luke/Noah pairing, at least in passing, and the ridiculous lengths that show went to have their cake and eat it too. Two young men have to wait two years before having sex because reasons. Okay. :rolls eyes: the cut kiss under the mistletoe made TwoP's collective head explode


They had sex and got to kiss? That sounds like a much better deal than GL's Olivia and Natalia got! They never kissed. Oh but they did get to hold hands and stare lovingly at each other a lot (eye fucking). TwoP flipped out a lot over the lack of intimacy for that relationship too!



Technically, you could say Rick committed adultery. If a kiss is cheating, having sex with a woman not your wife certainly qualifies. Rick could have kept it in his pants long enough to fool Eric and fulfill his idiotic stipulation.


Completely agree. I don't think a kiss is as bad as having sex with someone but I know mileage varies on that kind of thing for other people. If Caroline cheated then Rick did too.

  • Love 13

There is a difference between being unpleasant and nosy and being a bully. Aly and Ivy were cold and unwelcoming to Maya when she first moved in, but they didn't short sheet her bed or demand a manicure from her lest she be kicked out. Rick, and by extension Maya, had power and leverage they could use to make Ivy and Aly dance to their tune. Rick had real authority over their livelihood.

I hate it when a character I love does something awful. I have such a soft spot for Wyatt, but he was a giant prick to Nicole. I could blame her for being naive or call her out for being mercenary when she first arrived in LA, but Wyatt's actions are still pretty bad, especially selling her sister out to Dollar Bill. I'm relieved that he seems to feel guilty about lying to Nicole and seems worried about what Maya's going through, but still, what a dick move.

Eric should slink out of FC, not for his and Rick's business maneuver, but for being a horrible, horrible father. He just does not get it. You don't have to disparage Ridge to prove your love for Rick and vice versa. When your son shoots a gun in an occupied building, you come down hard and get him help. Eric makes me want to bang my head against a wall.

Meh, I would rather bang Eric's head off the wall. Might knock some sense into him.

  • Love 1





Hmmmm  I felt I was clear enough but perhaps you are a new viewer in which case, Caroline got thrown off a balcony and came back as a scheming, elitist bitch. Maya hooked up with Carter and came back a scheming, social climber. They both have shit-eating grins but I think Maya learned hers from Caroline given the abuse that Caroline hurled on her upon her arrival in the city.



I have watched B&B on and off since it debuted in 1987 and I have been posting here since the board was established.  I do like Previously.TV quite a bit and especially appreciate the Manage Your Preferences feature.  I hope the people in charge don't make too many changes.

  • Love 3

I have watched B&B on and off since it debuted in 1987 and I have been posting here since the board was established.  I do like Previously.TV quite a bit and especially appreciate the Manage Your Preferences feature.  I hope the people in charge don't make too many changes.


Now I'm not too sure what you're referring to, I guess it is what it is.



They had sex and got to kiss? That sounds like a much better deal than GL's Olivia and Natalia got! They never kissed


Otalia get to do a lot more than kiss on Venice! CC is good at righting wrongs. Glad they rectified this concern today with the kiss, they seemed to just be waiting for a "Friday moment".

Edited by slayer2

I would say that I have watched soaps most of my adult life except I watched them in elementary school and maybe even before that---I have pretty much watched them all including a few episodes of Passions which was not my thing at all and I remember when they were black and white and 15 minutes long (Search for Tomorrow. Love of Life and Guiding Light and the best of all Edge of Night)---yes I am old ---I do not want to get into the Rick/Maya or Ridge/Caroline stuff since it seems to be an either/or but I can say that Rick and Maya do not do it for me at all--selfish and condescending just ain't anything that endears me to them---admittedly I did not see most of it but I did see the hated foot massage crap and just NO---whatever anyone else has done including $Bill is somehow in character or out of what they think someone else is going to do to them---I like a lot of the characters here and this show gets great actors from all the other shows I have watched---I consider it a refuge from what Upchuck has done to Y&R where almost no one is likable but still---I have only watched daily about 6 weeks and I want Rick and maybe Maya too to own their awfulness and then there is Eric---words fail me there.

  • Love 8

Ideally, I would like to see Steffy with loading dock guy. Chickenhead already had to play Hope's consolation prize in the Spencer spousal sweepstakes. Hasn't the man suffered enough?

I'd prefer the show to not be so incestuous in its pairings, sure. But since that's like wishing for a unicorn with a matching leprechaun jockey on this show, I can at least root for a couple that I can sorta see being together (or at least not actively loathe them when the inevitable hookup does happen).

  • Love 6

I'd prefer the show to not be so incestuous in its pairings, sure. But since that's like wishing for a unicorn with a matching leprechaun jockey on this show, I can at least root for a couple that I can sorta see being together (or at least not actively loathe them when the inevitable hookup does happen).


I am so opposed to sibling swapping and parent/child partner swapping - the idea of Steffy and Wyatt, after she was involved with both Liam and $Bill (did they sleep together?) is beyond gross. Which is too bad, because I think they could actually be good together.  


Ally was certainly bringing the crazy today. Definitely a different type of damaged psyche than we usually see on soaps.  At least it's not DID.  I hate DID, thanks to a certain ABC head writer.  

  • Love 4

Steffy never got to mount the Stallion (hehe), but not for a lack of trying. She almost did, but Katie walked in and Bill managed to hide her without Katie know. Then sometime down the road, Steffy slipped and bonked her head in a bathtub and woke up in love with Liam, who happened to save her (seriously, what is with this show and using head injuries to rewrite personalities?).

ETA: what is DID and should I expect to see that on Y&R now that certain ABC head writers are rapidly killing that show?

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 6

From what I recall, Maya's the one who was originally nasty to them, but then tried to make nice when things went her way (since it's easy to be nice when you're the victor). 

I do remember a time when Maya was nasty to Ivy, but I can't say that it was undeserved.


I definitely agree that this show is full of hypocrites. Because of that there's always something to talk about.


It always amused me how people on this show sit around during work hours and talk about other people's personal lives. How does any work get done?


For a long while, I had no idea that Liam didn't work at FC because he was always there.


Somebody working on this show must have some kind of obsession with Maya's portrayer's feet. Whenever she is barefoot there are close ups on them. Then there's the foot rub, and Rick's line about how he can't have glass on the floor because it will hurt Maya's delicate feet. So weird.

  • Love 4

Is there something about Loading Dock Guy I should know? Is he a sweet, charming gentleman who Steffy would chew up and spit out? The dude gets all the juicy gossip before many of the named characters. It wouldn't kill him to take one for the team.

DID is Dissociative Identity Disorder, also known as multiple/split personality disorder. It's supposed to be rare.

  • Love 4
Certainly true in many cases, however in this case Maya has gone on record to say she loves Rick and has shown it in her actions towards him and in discussions with other people



She is also on record, via many conversations with Oliver and Carter, as being pissed that she wasn't getting her golden ticket when Rick got back together with Caroline, so her gold digger aspirations are established. 


What a surprise, Aly and Ivy are chatting instead of working...



Doesn't everyone at FC chat instead of working?  Or have sex somewhere in the building instead of working?  Or shoot shit up instead of working?  Or whine about their big brother getting more attention than they did growing up instead of working?  It's shocking when we see someone actually, fully working (without using their work to further some other agenda).  

  • Love 15


There have been no soap tropes with lingering close-ups to lead the audience to believe anything other than that Maya loves Rick.


None of that matters to this viewer. I don't believe it's a fact that Maya and Rick are in love. I don't. What I see are two characters that are written to be desperate, clinging and dependent (in a bad way ... I don't mean one cannot depend on ones partner but being completely dependent on that person for your self esteem etc is gross). Rick needs Maya to constantly reassure him about what a wonder he is and how his decisions are the bestest thing ever - no matter what. Maya wants her rich CEO and Rick fills the bill.


I'm sorry but I don't see how Rick can possibly love Maya when he knows nothing about her. Everything he thought he knew was a lie. She had a baby she gave up? She may have been helping to raise a child but she didn't give birth to a baby she had to give up. She was born male but always believed she was female and had many operations to make that happen - Rick didn't know about any of it. How did Maya pay for said operations? Rick sure doesn't know. Did Rick know she had a sister? It didn't seem like it. And on and on. But he stands around saying she didn't lie to him because ... he is desperate to keep his cheerleader around.



She is also on record, via many conversations with Oliver and Carter, as being pissed that she wasn't getting her golden ticket when Rick got back together with Caroline, so her gold digger aspirations are established.



  • Love 15

Somebody upthread asked if Rick had kissed Maya since the big reveal and yes, he did on Friday.


As far as what Brad Bell and his actors say IRT storyline intent, he has a track record of changing characters personalities (and backstories) and direction of the stories at the change of the wind. Most of the time, I don't even think that he knows what the hell he's talking about. As far as the actors signing off, what else are they supposed to do? They can't really go against their boss.


I still think that he latched on to the buzz that was starting to swarm around Bruce Jenner when the Mya/Myron idea was hatched. YMMV.

  • Love 6

Guys this the last time I'm going to say this: calling out other posters is disrespectful and ALL opinions are valid. If you can't stop yourself from telling everyone they are wrong, take a step back for a few minutes and come back when you've had a break. I'm going to start issuing some time outs if we continue to have this problem.


  • Love 3

Oh, Aly... Aly, Aly, Aly... do you have any idea how foolish you looked stepping to Steffy like that? I mean, really, she looked 12. What happened, is she aging backwards? I thought she was mid/late college age, but the more she runs her mouth the younger she seems. And where does she get off passing such sweeping judgements about other people's lives? Who elected her Relationship Police?

From the second she walked in the office I started having involuntary flashbacks of her Lope Cheerleading days, and.... I just can't. But this is exactly what I'm talking about. For all she knows Steffy is just as much her boss as Rick was, and she no problem at all popping off at the mouth, telling folks what will and won't happen as though she had any say in the matter. So, no poor aly Rick was so mean to the poor nutter from this camp.

  • Love 3

I've heard a rumor that only Thorne's head is returning

*laughs hysterically*

Many of the problems on this show stem from Eric's stupidity and bad decisions. I kinda wish he'd get back together with Donna, and she could keep him occupied. Maybe they could have a son that Eric could pit against Rick in a bid to keep tradition alive.

Oh my god, that's brilliant! Eric can be such an idiot, it absolutely boggles the mind. But then either Katie or Brooke would have to sleep with Eric, because god forbid those two harpies let a female relative be happy!

Aren't Hope and Wyatt still married? Or did Hope going off to Italy magically grant them a divorce?

I *believe* I remember Wyatt getting divorce papers some time back, but I think they are still in the 6 month period when you can't marry anyone else.
  • Love 3

He should be worried. As I said a few posts back, Ridge wasn't happy with Oliver's work the last time he was CEO. Unless the writers forgot that

These writers forgetting what they wrote? NEVER! :)

Oh, Aly... Aly, Aly, Aly... do you have any idea how foolish you looked stepping to Steffy like that? I mean, really, she looked 12. What happened, is she aging backwards?

I'm ok with anyone trying to wipe the smug off Steffy's face, but is it Aly's place? No way. I think they had her dressed like a 12 year old (along with the hair) to show the stark contrast between her & Steffy...virginal idol of Hope vs !!!FUN!!! motorcycle riding bad girl Steffy. In a way Steffy vs Hope v2, love it (not)! Edited by ByTor
  • Love 2

I was rewatching the last two episodes and Wyatt really kills me. He always forgets that Liam actually works very hard at Spencer and it is that work that gets rewarded. Wyatt seems to view Bill as more sugar daddy than a father and it's unattractive. Now with Liam in at Forrestwr Wyatt is going to revert to his former entitled bratty self which became evident when he started winding up Ivy over Steffi.

I was rewatching the last two episodes and Wyatt really kills me. He always forgets that Liam actually works very hard at Spencer and it is that work that gets rewarded. Wyatt seems to view Bill as more sugar daddy than a father and it's unattractive. Now with Liam in at Forrestwr Wyatt is going to revert to his former entitled bratty self which became evident when he started winding up Ivy over Steffi.

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