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B&B: What's Up Today at Forrester Creations? - Daily Chat

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Name Thorne CEO, Bill. Do it, do it, do it. The looks of befuddlement upon the faces of Ridge and Rick will amuse me for days. Maybe Eric will lock himself in the steam room in protest.

Thorne turned down Eric's offer to be CEO, so it would be a real slap in the face if Bill offers and he accepts.  To which I say do it, do it, do it :)

Edited by ByTor
  • Love 11

Name Thorne CEO, Bill. Do it, do it, do it. The looks of befuddlement upon the faces of Ridge and Rick will amuse me for days. Maybe Eric will lock himself in the steam room in protest.

Dangling carrots, dangling carrots!!! Stop it! I'm starving!

I am thirding! This is a stroke of genius. Can't wait to see these two introduced.

I agree! Wow Babatunde! Woot woot! Love the article as well, it's so true.

  • Love 4

What's going on here, show?


You're bringing Thorne back and some awesome acting vets to play Maya's parents and not just for a VSE before they depart back to the midwest but a full-blown treatment and hopefully perma-stint.


How this show hasn't managed to oust Upchuck Pratt's The Old and The Ridiculous, I will never know.

  • Love 6

Ditto, DD is bringing a very distinct energy to the show, he is stealing every scene he's in. While others are phoning it in, DD is bringing it, every line, every scene.

I cannot stand this new ptv format with the ads on the side.

What's great about DD is the real life nice guy who enjoys the opportunity to play the heavy. They most often bring it.

As for those ads on the side on the ptv format, I use the mobile version. No ads yet.

  • Love 6

What's going on here, show?


You're bringing Thorne back and some awesome acting vets to play Maya's parents and not just for a VSE before they depart back to the midwest but a full-blown treatment and hopefully perma-stint.


How this show hasn't managed to oust Upchuck Pratt's The Old and The Ridiculous, I will never know.

Describes Victurd to a tee

  • Love 2

I cannot stand this new ptv format with the ads on the side.


I love this site and feel bad complaining, but I also can't stand the new format.  All the text is practically falling off the screen it's so far over. 



Sort of like the slap in the face Thorne's daughter received when Rick made her wash/massage his girlfriend's feet.


Having Thorne as CEO would be so, so wonderful.  I'd love to see Rick and Maya finally face some consequences for the shitty way they treated Ally, and for Ally to finally get her own shoe line.

  • Love 10

What's going on here, show?

You're bringing Thorne back and some awesome acting vets to play Maya's parents and not just for a VSE before they depart back to the midwest but a full-blown treatment and hopefully perma-stint.

How this show hasn't managed to oust Upchuck Pratt's The Old and The Ridiculous, I will never know.

Y&R just had that much of a lead in viewers. That being said,I've heard B&B has beaten them out in the 18 to 35 demo in the past year a few times...and that will make the difference when CBS is looking for which show to cut.

Do we know if Thorne isn't just coming back to escort Aly off-screen?  I don't think I've seen him since I've been watching and the show really needs a tie-breaker between Ridge/Rick but I hate getting my hopes up. 


But I do hope Maya's parents are sticking around.  B&B needs a non-Logan/Forrester/Spencer family.  I'm less enthused about Nicole, but I suppose she fits the summer soaps demo.  Although with dvrs and the network websites, is that even a thing anymore? I feel so old...

  • Love 2

It's time for trolls everywhere to retire. Bill Spencer has just pulled off the master troll.


Wyatt does have a point. He did the dirty work of getting the ammo for Bill to sink Rick's battleship, yet Liam is getting the credit for...something. I know Chickenhead did Nicole wrong, and I'm still sore that he participated in his dad's slimy journalism, but I can't quit that sadsack piece of poultry. Throw him some seed corn, Bill.

  • Love 13

Wyatt does have a point, but it really was Liam's idea to begin with. Those two are just younger Thorne & Ridge (literally, Liam is Waffles, Jr.!), but I like it better when they're on the same side.


I must say, I abhor Rick, while I adore TK's Ridge (& really adore Bill, for all of his many, many, many faults - I think it's just that DD's charm makes him so darn watchable and enjoyable!), but I was so on #TeamRick today when he punched $Bill and then didn't have a second of hesitation about his decision with Maya. Seeing the look on Ridge's face, I think he'll probably offer Rick a good position within the company. To me, his face said: "I wanted to win, but not that way".


I didn't post yesterday, but I watched the show on my lunch hour as I always do, and I was so thankful to be alone, because when CaRidge were on, I had this silly, little girl grin on my face because they were so darn cute! It's so odd how I hate some pairings for age-inappropriateness (calling Victor Newman and his young concubines), and this one has the added ew-factor of him marrying her aunt-she-was-named-after, but I just help but turn into goo for them.

  • Love 11

Well that couldn't have turned out better. (I read the excited Rayafan posts on twitter) I'm really happy Rick chose Maya without a second thought and I'm so happy that HE was happy about it and I'm even happier that $Bill got punched in the face. I hope Rick stays away from Forrester Creations for a while then when things start going toe up with the obvious Ivy/Steffy Wyatt/Liam rivalry and the return of Crazy Eyes then Ridge will have to own all of it. At least when Rick was CEO they were all in the same Rick-hating boat but now...dissent among the group will be the order of the day. *pops popcorn. This is gonna be gooooood.



I didn't post yesterday, but I watched the show on my lunch hour as I always do, and I was so thankful to be alone, because when CaRidge were on, I had this silly, little girl grin on my face because they were so darn cute! It's so odd how I hate some pairings for age-inappropriateness (calling Victor Newman and his young concubines), and this one has the added ew-factor of him marrying her aunt-she-was-named-after, but I just help but turn into goo for them.


Don't even worry about it, I'm the same way with Raya. If it does it for you it does it for you. The beauty of soaps my friend..long live love in the afternoon!

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 8

I would think if Rick quits $Bill would side with Eric for an anyone but Ridge solution.


When Chickenhead takes a paternity test, I'll listen to his unfair treatment argument.


I guess we're seeing the birth of Ivy 2.0. 


Yup and with Crazy Aly to ride shotgun Forrester Creations is going to be a hoot! One thing is for sure, they sure as hell aren't going back to the "golden age". (I did call the meddlesome, overbearing Ivy though)

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 1

$Bill, you are truly a Magnificent Bastard, and I salute you! Thanks so much for posting that clip, slayer! I love a happy Bill, and Bill is never happier then when he has a chance to screw over a Forrester. He's positively gleeful!

Ditto, DD is bringing a very distinct energy to the show, he is stealing every scene he's in. While others are phoning it in, DD is bringing it, every line, every scene.

DD is obviously enjoying the hell out of himself, and he deserves it after being shafted by Y&R! $Bill is one of my favorite characters..

Name Thorne CEO, Bill. Do it, do it, do it.


I cannot stand this new ptv format with the ads on the side.

*raises fist in solidarity* Word up, yo. I read this site on my iPad, so I'm getting about 60% screen width for ptv content, and I can't zoom in, and it's hard to read.

  • Love 6


Do we know if Thorne isn't just coming back to escort Aly off-screen?



I may be being overly optimistic (I tend to lean towards that) but I think it's for the long haul or at least a good while because when Steffy came back a few months ago and when Hope came back recently they made it clear that it was short term as did Schae Harrison I think. Let me go play detective on this one....


minirth, no problem! Glad you enjoyed them. :)


Adorable note that the Rome Flynn (the new Zende) left for SC after sharing a dressing room with him.  https://twitter.com/CliftonsNotes/status/606496998829617152

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 1

Chickenhead was never tested for Spencer DNA? I can't imagine Bill letting that formality slide. I know I shouldn't pity the poultry so, but Bill blatantly favors Liam and it makes me feel bad. Maybe I should talk to Stephanie's portrait about this.

Please tell me that Steffy's return hasn't prompted the writers to turn Ivy into Hope. That's just lazy. Liam, you dumbass waffle, how's about you tell Quirky Girl to keep her damn hands off you and stay out of your personal space? Unless you like it, which means you end things with Ivy. Ha ha. Listen to me acting like Liam will be decisive or set boundaries. That man has a noodle where his spine should be.

I respect the choice Rick made. I was worried that Bill was going to call Maya a freak, which would have required a punch plus a kick to the clavicle. I wonder what Rick will do now, career-wise.

  • Love 9

Steffy and her hideous helmet hair was an affront to my eyes...


Is she wearing a wig... why does her hairline area look so weird?


Well that couldn't have turned out better. (I read the excited Rayafan posts on twitter) I'm really happy Rick chose Maya without a second thought and I'm so happy that HE was happy about it and I'm even happier that $Bill got punched in the face. I hope Rick stays away from Forrester Creations for a while then when things start going toe up with the obvious Ivy/Steffy Wyatt/Liam rivalry and the return of Crazy Eyes then Ridge will have to own all of it. At least when Rick was CEO they were all in the same Rick-hating boat but now...dissent among the group will be the order of the day. *pops popcorn. This is gonna be gooooood.


I too am very happy that he washed his hands of FC.  He genuinely seemed happier than Ridge, Steffy, etc.

  • Love 5

Yay, an Aly sighting!!!  I absolutely LOVED her desire to knock Maya down a few pegs.  Yes Rick was a bully, but Maya giddily went right along with it, and I loved that Aly called her out on it.


Also gotta love Rick punching Bill.  What, Rick has a bad temper?  He'll beat the hell out of you if you dare say he has a bad temper!

  • Love 10


Chickenhead was never tested for Spencer DNA? I can't imagine Bill letting that formality slide. I know I shouldn't pity the poultry so, but Bill blatantly favors Liam and it makes me feel bad. Maybe I should talk to Stephanie's portrait about this.



I believe she's available between the hours of 3 and 5pm. But you have to pay her $.05.




He genuinely seemed happier than Ridge, Steffy, etc.


He really did. Haven't heard the dialogue yet just saw that massive smile on his face and it seems to me that a weight has been lifted off his shoulders. The CEO position is like an albatross, I'm glad Rick was given the option whether or not to take it off his neck. Here it is in all its glory.  



Edited by slayer2
  • Love 5

First I have to give Rick props about choosing Maya over CEO. I thought the sniveling little tyrant was all about the power; but in Bill we trust to separate the wheat from the chaff. Once Rick professed his love for Maya yesterday, Bill knew he had Rick by the balls. Rick was set up for Bill's entertainment and either way Rick leaned, he knew he had a win win situation. I don't know what to make of Rick's face as he left the CEO office. Was is the sign of a mad man or just being relieved? By the way, was that picture, of Maya on the hallway wall, always there? I'm not worried about Rick at all. He still has his father's house and mommy and daddy to support him and Maya.

Ally's first appearance in a long time and was happy that she brought the shade to Rick and Maya. No sympathy at all because, in many ways, she suffered the most at their hands.

Of course Nick had to blame Bill for outing Maya but I'm happy that Maya took some onus for not confiding in Rick in the first place. I wonder how Nick would feel about Maya if he knew about how she supported Rick in his tyrannical behavior and being the other woman.

  • Love 8

Aly is about to show her crazy again. They "victimized" her for a plotpoint. She's a) never been that invested in FC definitely not more than she is in other people's lives and business and b) never been particularly poor at defending herself. I think Aly and Ivy's true colours are going to show very very quickly. FC will come to wonder if it's better have one tyrant or 4.

  • Love 4

Aly can miss me with her complaints now. She was more than willing to go along with it when she thought she'd get a shoe line in exchange for her dignity, I mean loyalty. I'm willing to bet that if she had indeed gotten that line up and running she would have been Team Rick during the takeover plan.

This whole takeover may have been Liam's idea, but Wyatt is the one who did all the dirty work. I feel for him, but I'm still mad at him right now.

Rick seemed downright jubilant when after he decked good ol' $Bill. That wasn't the reaction I expected him to have at all, though I was happy to see it. When he got to Maya's place to relay what happened, I noticed the flash of hurt when Rick admits to going to Bill, but she sucks it up saying she told him to do whatever it takes. By the time Rick got to giving up on the job, I gotta say I was grinning like a loon, you guys.

So... what the hell happened to Bill and Eric? Did they teleport out of the communal office?

Edited by Amberosia
  • Love 8



Aly can miss me with her complaints now. She was more than willing to go along with it when she thought she'd get a shoe line in exchange for her dignity, I mean loyalty. I'm willing to bet that if she had indeed gotten that line up and running she would have been Team Rick during the takeover plan.

This whole takeover may have been Liam's idea, but Wyatt is the one who did all the dirty work. I feel for him, but I'm still mad at him right now.


Yup on the Aly front. I can't feel bad for Wyatt either because when you lie down with dogs you wake up with fleas. This is a nice bit of karma on him. It's funny to think that they all thought ditching Rick would make Forrester the happiest place on earth and yet I can already see at least 3 major problems stemming from his ousting and from 3 separate areas. Myopic idiots! This will be fun!



By the time Rick got to giving up on the job, I gotta say I was grinning like a loon, you guys.


I was pretty happy about that too. So happy that he left of his own agency and so happy he chose love over power. If there's any lesson to be learned in all this it certainly is that. It also makes it easier for me as a Raya fan and Rick fan watching the show because I don't have to watch through the lens of "Rick the villain" anymore. He can just be the guy he was before this Caroline fiasco and Ridge will have to play the heavy against all these liars, schemers, backstabbers and busybodies. Now I can finally relax and enjoy the show.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 4

Well, I do think Aly had a legit gripe against Rick and Maya. Yes, she had the naive idea that Rick might give her a shoe line (because he said so), but I am personally uncomfortable with the idea that she signed up for her own degradation by not curb stomping Rick when he yanked her chain. The balance of power and authority was tilted heavily toward Rick. It's not easy to stand up to an alpha douche and he did seem to enjoy demeaning Aly. Maya, at least, looked visibly uncomfortable. Rick could at least throw an apology his niece's way. I'd just like to see some awareness from Rick that he acted like an ass, because I sense that a Rick not drunk on power could be rootworthy.

Slayer2, I've decided against confiding in Stephanie's portrait. Mostly because it fucking terrifies me.

  • Love 12


Slayer2, I've decided against confiding in Stephanie's portrait. Mostly because it fucking terrifies me.



Good call Ninja, good call. It's better to confide in Brooke's expensive vodka I should think. Let me know when you crack a bottle open. I also agree that Rick owes Aly an apology, I can't stand the little twit but he was an ass and it made it weird. I'll be happy to see him not drunk on power as well. I swear that CEO position is like the One Ring or the study group table in Community. Keep your eyes on Ridge and Steffy.


BTW I found it funny how Steffy, Ridge and Liam were all congratulatory with each other like "We did it, we did it." Bitches, no you didn't. Rick walked and you won by default.  This is like when a figure skater wins bronze because the competition fell. You made a lazy offer, Rick made a sexy counter-offer and then Bill put a stipulation that Rick wasn't down with, that alone proves that Rick is a better business man than Ridge by a landslide.


It also proves to me that Bill isn't as good at business as he thinks because in the really real world, you wouldn't make a business decision on the minority target unless you were trying to chase a new demographic and firing a transgender model in a shitstorm like this would only lose the key target audience in a hail of anger and disappointment. The fashion industry is the LAST industry to be outraged by a transgender model especially if the CEO is accepting of her and still wants to build a life with her. IMO really bad, super bad PR move. If there isn't backlash then I call shenanigans. 

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 8

So was $Bill pushing Rick's buttons so that it would ultimately Rick who "decided" which was the takeover would go?  Because no he gets to do what Team Ridge wanted him to do, but can still say to Eric...well I TRIED.  Because one thing I did NOT see him do was sign anything or actually SAY..."You've got my vote/shares".

Couldn't all of the plans now be nixed?  Because all everyone kept saying they wanted was Rick gone.  Now that Rick has punched his way out the door, there's no NEED for the takeover anymore.  Eric can finally name Loading Dock Guy (Or Thorne, or RJ...or hell, RIDGE for shits n giggles) as CEO and we can all go back to our regularly scheduled scheming and no stock has to change hands.


I'm just so happy this seems to be the end of this head spinningly stupid Hostile Takeover story.

  • Love 8

I love this site and feel bad complaining, but I also can't stand the new format.  All the text is practically falling off the screen it's so far over.


I agree, I hate to complain but what bugs me the most is that the Poster's name and the time they posted is now separate; before the change, the time of the post was directly under the poster's name.... I know, small and petty but a creature of habit I am and this drives me crazy !

  • Love 4

It felt to me like Bill knew Rick wouldn't agree to the stipulation, so he managed to get rid of Rick without appearing to sully himself by joining forces with Ridge. Of course, who the hell really knows, because when we returned to the CEO office, Eric and Bill had disappeared. It's like an important part of the scene went missing.

  • Love 9

It felt to me like Bill knew Rick wouldn't agree to the stipulation, so he managed to get rid of Rick without appearing to sully himself by joining forces with Ridge. Of course, who the hell really knows, because when we returned to the CEO office, Eric and Bill had disappeared. It's like an important part of the scene went missing.


I guess we'll find out in the coming days. I always have this feeling that Bill has more of an appreciation for Rick than he does his own sons. He was actually trying to convince Rick in his office that he'd done him a favour and the fact that he gave him the option to still be CEO whether it was a ploy not to pick a side or not still says something. Finally, he seems to be the only one to get away with punching Bill in the face with no repercussions. On some level he must have known he deserved it.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 2

Good call Ninja, good call. It's better to confide in Brooke's expensive vodka I should think. Let me know when you crack a bottle open. I also agree that Rick owes Aly an apology, I can't stand the little twit but he was an ass and it made it weird. I'll be happy to see him not drunk on power as well. I swear that CEO position is like the One Ring or the study group table in Community. Keep your eyes on Ridge and Steffy.


BTW I found it funny how Steffy, Ridge and Liam were all congratulatory with each other like "We did it, we did it." Bitches, no you didn't. Rick walked and you won by default.  This is like when a figure skater wins gold because the competition fell. You made a lazy offer, Rick made a sexy counter-offer and then Bill put a stipulation that Rick wasn't down with, that alone proves that Rick is a better business man than Ridge by a landslide.


It also proves to me that Bill isn't as good at business as he thinks because in the really real world, you wouldn't make a business decision on the minority target unless you were trying to chase a new demographic and firing a transgender model in a shitstorm like this would only lose the key target audience in a hail of anger and disappointment. The fashion industry is the LAST industry to be outraged by a transgender model especially if the CEO is accepting of her and still wants to build a life with her. IMO really bad, super bad PR move. If there isn't backlash then I call shenanigans. 

Yes, this is puzzling. Bill says he's going to rid of Maya because of the silent MINORITY.  Interesting marketing strategy.  They have hinted with scenes with Katie that Spencer is suffering a backlash.  If Forrester cans Maya, Forrester will suffer a backlash, not because Maya is this amazing model, but because it will be regarded as discriminatory.  That's what Rick should have said but I did like him punching Bill and walking out.  Even Ridge should have said this is not a good move at this time--they could phase her out slowly.  Or she could decide to not come back. So I think Bill has something else in mind.  This was intended to piss off Rick, but I have a feeling Bill cannot be that stupid re the negative PR.  Maya would just have to go public, or her friend could leak the story.  So what is Bill's plan?


Bill reminds me of Donald Trump which is why I cannot like him, even though I think DD is fantastic.

  • Love 4

You're right that the story must be building to something, why put the phonecalls in with Katie and the backlash and continuous mention of it if it wasn't going to affect Spencer Publications and Forrester somehow? Letting Maya resign is the WORST move Forrester could possibly make in terms of bad PR. Right now, a dumb restaurant (that I used to frequent) in Toronto is experiencing social media backlash for putting an offensive picture of Caitlyn Jenner up, attacking people who were offended by it and referred to her by her deadname. People have already called for a boycott. Especially with the Caitlyn Jenner story out (if this is supposed to take place in our timeline) there's no freaking way Maya being canned would fly, and at a FASHION HOUSE? Bitch, please.

  • Love 4

I saw that too, re the restaurant's Instagram in TO.  And look also at what happened when D&G (not a transgender comparison, but a comparison re backlash) spoke out against gay parents adopting or using IVF.  In the real world, Forrester would be under a microscope and Rick being ousted and Maya being missing, would be be all over social media.  Why would Ridge want to start out with that albatross hanging around his neck.  None of this makes sense.  But it is soapy goodness as far as all of them infighting and that infighting will likely destroy or harm the company.

  • Love 2

I don't get it, did they even do the vote? If felt like there was a scene missing in between Rick leaving and the scene of Ridge/Steffy/Liam along in the office.


Bill pushing Rick's buttons showed he's still the unprofessional hot head that shot off a gun in the office. I think Bill knew Rick wasn't going to go along with his stipulations. I wish we could have seen Eric slink out of there.


I'm glad Ally's getting what she wants, I wish all the things she said about Rick and Maya she would have said to Eric. Let him then praise Rick while his granddaughter tells him how she was treated. 


They should do more Steffy and Bill.

Edited by Artsda
  • Love 3

Do we know if Thorne isn't just coming back to escort Aly off-screen?  I don't think I've seen him since I've been watching and the show really needs a tie-breaker between Ridge/Rick but I hate getting my hopes up. 


Someone needs to walk Aly off in her sensible shoes. It was posted earlier (I was unable to locate the post)  that Thorn might return to negotiate a settlement between the bickering Forrester factions and nominate a neutral third party as CEO to avoid a schism.


I can't remember if a name was mentioned for the position, but Brooke wouldn't be a terrible choice. It would give her a purpose beyond needless meddling and the tendency toward self-pity, she ran the company well in the past, she has been supportive of Ridge and Caroline's designs, is concerned about Eric, and no longer holds stock in FC.


Nothing was signed in today's cage match, and no one at FC should be celebrating with $Bill still playing everyone against the middle for fun and profit. $Bill isn't done.

  • Love 2

I don't get it, did they even do the vote? If felt like there was a scene missing in between Rick leaving and the scene of Ridge/Steffy/Liam along in the office.

Bill pushing Rick's buttons showed he's still the unprofessional hot head that shot off a gun in the office. I think Bill knew Rick wasn't going to go along with his stipulations. I wish we could have seen Eric slink out of there.

I'm glad Ally's getting what she wants, I wish all the things she said about Rick and Maya she would have said to Eric. Let him then praise Rick while his granddaughter tells him how she was treated.

They should do more Steffy and Bill.

I think Rick more than proved that he could rise above hotheadedness when he counter-offered Bill. It was Ridge and his myopia, pissy attitude and ego refusing to play ball with Bill that would have landed Rick back on top again. Bill had that punch coming and frankly it's what any guy worth his salt would do when you're demeaning or disrespecting his girlfriend. Also Eric had no reason to slink, his side won and gave up the crown even Ridge knew that and the look on his face said everything.

Edited by slayer2
  • Love 3

So, I was wrong yesterday; Bill didn't only get one "Fuck A Forrester For Free" card, he got the whole deck. Pissing Rick off was clearly part of Bill's plan, and Rick fell for it as easily as a bear on honey. Now that Bill has effectively eliminated the problem, he can save face while working on the solution. Bill isn't going to sleep with Ridge so easily, and this turn of events allows Bill to say that Rick made his own choice, and if he hadn't, Bill would of told him to take a hike for punching him. Either way; he gets Rick out, so it doesn't really look like he is siding with Ridge and company, as much as them winning by default. 


When Rick walked out of the Forrester Communal Office, and bent backwards, I thought he was going to bust out with a special rendition of The Who's "I'm Free", but the maniacal laugh was just as good. 


Rick will be fine. I have no doubt that Mummy and Daddy will stop at nothing to right this terrible wrong that has befallen their Golden Child. And if Rick decides to give up FC's, something I seriously doubt, he will still be ok, because Eric will still allow him and Maya to live in the mansion, and will see that he never wants for anything. 


I bet that punch took every thing Rick had, and probably depleted his gonads to the size of raisins. 


If I hadn't been watching, I would have thought Bill morphed into Mr. Spock and Vulcanized Liam, given his slack jawed look of disbelief. 


It is a scary day when I find Steffy the voice of reason, and the only level headed one of the bunch, but I admit that yesterday that is how she came off. And I think she looks the best she has since her return. They seem to have toned down the bronzer and makeup, and that does a lot to deemphasize the work she has had done.


I wish Nick had shared whatever he was smokin before coming to see Maya; I always enjoy comedy so much better after getting a buzz up and grabbing my munchies. Seriously, did he actually say something like "you are the strongest person I know", and then something like "go back to being the great couple that you are"? Great by who's definition pal? Yeah, that is what I thought.


I feel bad for Wyatt. Sorry, can't help it. Wyatt is the poor sot that ended up married to Hope. And if that wasn't bad enough, after losing her and their child, he got berated by her brother for going to Milan to grieve and try to get his wife back. Rick just didn't see how taking care of your personal heartache was showing your loyalty to FC's and your job. No matter that Rick and Maya spent roughly 90% of their time canoodling in the bathtub, or on the CEO desk, or where ever. Then, after Wyatt tells Rick he won't be treated like that and quits, his father and brother gang up and convince him to grovel to Rick in order to get his job back. Wyatt is the one who overheard Maya and Nicole talking, not Liam or Bill. Then they tell him to get close to Nicole, start a relationship with her in order to get the information they need to bring Rick down. Another mission Wyatt successfully completed for the cause. And I am not saying Wyatt was/is a great guy for doing any of it. But he played the game just like Liam, so why shouldn't he get something out of the deal. I realize it was Liam's brainchild, but Liam didn't do anything expect flirt with Steffy. I really hope they are not trying to start a Ridge/Rick thing with Wyatt and Liam. Outside of the fact that the dynamics are entirely different; Eric has been a part of both son's life from the day they worn born, where Bill has only known his sons as adults (figuratively speaking of course), is the fact that I truly enjoy them interacting as brothers. Bill may show more interest in Liam simply because he has been around longer, but I also think part of it is Quinn, and Bill's dislike of her. 


I wish Ally had spoke up sooner; crying over spilled milk now isn't helping. But, Rick did lead the poor girl on, telling her if she just did this one more thing he would give her a shoe line. Since the demands started with food preparation and post coital snacks, then to feet washing and rubbing; I suspect the next step would have been bathing and preparing Maya for bed. 


I honestly think Ridge felt a little bad for Rick; no doubt he wanted to win, but not like this. If only Eric had listened, and comprehended the scope of Rick's treachery, none of this would have been necessary. But I think Eric will blame Ridge to his dying day for the mess that has been created, and for the hurt his little boy is feeling. Any pain, or distress, or feelings of hurt and betrayal that Ridge is feeling after being disowned, are to be discussed with his mother's portrait, cause Eric simply can't be bothered. 


So, Maya thinks she owns some responsibility in what happened? Ya think? 


Bill has "Spency" senses; who knew! 

Edited by RuntheTable
  • Love 12

I was so proud of Rick for doing what he did and I think his smile when he walked out was relief and happiness that it was finally over - all the drama and stress (not that some of it wasn't self-inflicted) - but just to be able to say, you know what, this isn't worth it, and just walk away and focus on what really matters.


Plus, Rick knows at the end of the day that Ridge won by default and Ridge knows he won by default and now it's a case of Ridge being careful for what he wished for because I don't think it's going to be all roses and rainbows with him at the helm as CEO. You've got Liam as vice president and what exactly has he done at SP to prove himself worthy of this role - what does he even know about the fashion business other than canoodling with Steffy, Hope, and now Ivy in their respective offices at FC? Speaking of, how much work did Liam actually DO at SP with all his scurrying around? Also, $Bill was the real mastermind behind the coup, not Liam, Bill just let him think otherwise. We all know Waffles 2.0 couldn't come up with that entirely on his own. And he didn't because he needed Daddy's help and Wyatt's help, who by the way is pissed off at getting squat for his work in the shake-down of Nicole. Then there's Steffy who may play at being fine with just being president but we all know she has her eye on the prize (CEO) - make that two prizes because clearly she is going to go after Liam (again). 


Rick was certainly a jerk at times but he knew how to shut nonsense down and focus on the work. My sense is that Ridge is going to want to be the fun (read anti-Rick) boss and it's going to be disastrous as you've got an unqualified VP in Liam, a steaming mad Wyatt, a daily cat fight with Ivy/Steffy, and a who knows when she'll go off the rails again Aly, and we all know that Bill will be lurking in the background - good luck with that Ridge. You're gonna need it.


ETA: LOL at Bill's Spencie senses.

Edited by CountryGirl
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Speaking of Brooke, she hasn't been on all week. Apart from her recent break, I can't remember the last time this has happened.



Because the producers finally figured out something the viewers realized a long time ago.  Brooke isn't that relevant without her other half - Stephanie!  I would love to see a B storyline with Brooke regretting her parenting methodology, always putting her "destiny" and FC before her kids.

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Well, I do think Aly had a legit gripe against Rick and Maya. Yes, she had the naive idea that Rick might give her a shoe line (because he said so), but I am personally uncomfortable with the idea that she signed up for her own degradation by not curb stomping Rick when he yanked her chain.

Yes she did have a legit gripe.  That's how bullies work, they prey on those who won't stand up to them.

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Because the producers finally figured out something the viewers realized a long time ago. Brooke isn't that relevant without her other half - Stephanie! I would love to see a B storyline with Brooke regretting her parenting methodology, always putting her "destiny" and FC before her kids.

I think she's perfectly relevant I just don't think she's viable. The fastest way to kill character rootability is to send them after a sibling's spouse. People like to imagine that there's some honour among thieves and frankly the sister code/girl code is sacred (or at least it should be). I remember when Drop Dead Diva tried to feed me a line about there being no girl code. I stopped watching that shit like Super Mario on a dime.

CountryGirl you nailed it. Ridge just inherited a cuckoo's nest and he'll soon learn that after whinging and hurling his toys to get his "destiny" that it ain't always an American Idol win and a trip to Disneyland.

Edited by slayer2
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